20 Music Books Collection PDF Set 8
File List
- Books/Music since 1900 David Cline The Graph Music of Morton Feldman Cambridge University Press.pdf 16.7 MB
- Books/AMS studies in music Bhogal Gurminder Kaur Details of consequence ornament music and art in Paris.pdf 7.8 MB
- Books/Donald L Hamann Shelly Cooper Becoming a music teacher from student to practitioner.pdf 7.4 MB
- Books/Oxford Handbooks Cathy Benedict Patrick Schmidt Gary Spruce Paul Woodford eds The Oxford Handbook of Social Justice in Music Education.pdf 7.3 MB
- Books/Toru Mitsui Popular Music in Japan Transformation Inspired by the West Bloomsbury Academic.pdf 7.0 MB
- Books/Paulo C Chagas Unsayable Music Six Reflections on Musical Semiotics Electroacoustic and Digital Music Leuven University Press.pdf 5.9 MB
- Books/Peter Manning Electronic and computer music.pdf 5.6 MB
- Books/Dennis DeSantis Making Music 74 Creative Strategies for Electronic Music Producers Ableton AG.pdf 5.5 MB
- Books/Music in American Life Steve Cushing Pioneers of the Blues Revival University of Illinois Press.pdf 4.9 MB
- Books/Bloomsbury Handbooks Andrew Bourbon editor The Bloomsbury Handbook of Music Production Bloomsbury Academic.pdf 4.6 MB
- Books/Palgrave Studies in Audio Visual Culture Emilio Audissino auth Film Music Analysis A Film Studies Approach Palgrave Macmillan.pdf 3.4 MB
- Books/Palgrave Studies in Music and Literature Ryan R Weber Cosmopolitanism and Transatlantic Circles in Music and Literature Springer International Publishing Palgrave Macmillan.pdf 3.3 MB
- Books/Tim Shephard Anne Leonard The Companion to Music and Visual Culture.pdf 3.1 MB
- Books/Tristian Evans Shared Meanings in the Film Music of Philip Glass Music Multimedia and Postminimalism.pdf 3.1 MB
- Books/The MagPi Essentials Sam Aaron Code Music with Sonic Pi 4 Raspberry Pi.pdf 2.8 MB
- Books/Bloomsbury Classical Studies Monographs Sean Alexander Gurd The Origins of Music Theory in the Age of Plato Bloomsbury Academic.pdf 2.4 MB
- Books/Melvin Delgado Music Song Dance and Theater Broadway Meets Social Justice Youth Community Practice USA.pdf 2.4 MB
- Books/Burney Susanna Olleson Philip The journals and letters of Susan Burney music and society in late eighteenth century England.pdf 2.3 MB
- Books/Keates Timothy Semi Maria Music as a science of mankind in eighteenth century Britain.pdf 1.4 MB
- Books/Margie Borschke This is Not a Remix Piracy Authenticity and Popular Music Bloomsbury Academic.pdf 1.3 MB
- Covers/Paulo C Chagas Unsayable Music Six Reflections on Musical Semiotics Electroacoustic and Digital Music Leuven University Press.jpg 375.2 KB
- Covers/Oxford Handbooks Cathy Benedict Patrick Schmidt Gary Spruce Paul Woodford eds The Oxford Handbook of Social Justice in Music Education.jpg 335.7 KB
- Covers/Bloomsbury Handbooks Andrew Bourbon editor The Bloomsbury Handbook of Music Production Bloomsbury Academic.jpg 313.1 KB
- Covers/Music in American Life Steve Cushing Pioneers of the Blues Revival University of Illinois Press.jpg 226.8 KB
- Covers/Music since 1900 David Cline The Graph Music of Morton Feldman Cambridge University Press.jpg 183.1 KB
- Covers/Margie Borschke This is Not a Remix Piracy Authenticity and Popular Music Bloomsbury Academic.jpg 162.3 KB
- Covers/Toru Mitsui Popular Music in Japan Transformation Inspired by the West Bloomsbury Academic.jpg 161.5 KB
- Covers/Palgrave Studies in Music and Literature Ryan R Weber Cosmopolitanism and Transatlantic Circles in Music and Literature Springer International Publishing Palgrave Macmillan.jpg 150.7 KB
- Covers/Keates Timothy Semi Maria Music as a science of mankind in eighteenth century Britain.jpg 148.0 KB
- Covers/Burney Susanna Olleson Philip The journals and letters of Susan Burney music and society in late eighteenth century England.jpg 147.4 KB
- Covers/Palgrave Studies in Audio Visual Culture Emilio Audissino auth Film Music Analysis A Film Studies Approach Palgrave Macmillan.jpg 146.2 KB
- Covers/Tim Shephard Anne Leonard The Companion to Music and Visual Culture.jpg 141.8 KB
- Covers/Tristian Evans Shared Meanings in the Film Music of Philip Glass Music Multimedia and Postminimalism.jpg 126.4 KB
- Covers/The MagPi Essentials Sam Aaron Code Music with Sonic Pi 4 Raspberry Pi.jpg 96.5 KB
- Covers/Bloomsbury Classical Studies Monographs Sean Alexander Gurd The Origins of Music Theory in the Age of Plato Bloomsbury Academic.jpg 95.5 KB
- Covers/AMS studies in music Bhogal Gurminder Kaur Details of consequence ornament music and art in Paris.jpg 93.7 KB
- Covers/Donald L Hamann Shelly Cooper Becoming a music teacher from student to practitioner.jpg 58.8 KB
- Covers/Peter Manning Electronic and computer music.jpg 49.4 KB
- Covers/Melvin Delgado Music Song Dance and Theater Broadway Meets Social Justice Youth Community Practice USA.jpg 46.3 KB
- Covers/Dennis DeSantis Making Music 74 Creative Strategies for Electronic Music Producers Ableton AG.jpg 45.7 KB
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