20 Music Books Collection PDF Set 19
File List
- Books/EDITOR IN CHIEF Art Tipaldi Blues Music Magazine 6 6 MojoWax Media Inc.pdf 85.9 MB
- Books/Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10198 João Correia Vic Ciesielski Antonios Liapis eds Computational Intelligence in Music Sound.pdf 57.0 MB
- Books/Remi Chiu Plague and Music in the Renaissance Cambridge University Press.pdf 29.7 MB
- Books/Eastman studies in music 150 Huebner Steven Médicis François de Debussys Resonance University of Rochester Press.pdf 26.5 MB
- Books/Eduardo Reck Miranda Handbook of Artificial Intelligence for Music Foundations Advanced Approaches and Developments for Creativity Springer.pdf 26.5 MB
- Books/American made music series Davis Miles Svorinich Victor Listen to this Miles Davis and Bitches brew.pdf 14.6 MB
- Books/Routledge Music and Screen Media Jayson Beaster Jones editor Natalie Sarrazin editor Music in Contemporary Indian Film Memory Voice Identity.pdf 12.3 MB
- Books/Music in Britain 1600 2000 K Dawn Grapes With Mornefull Musique Funeral Elegies in Early Modern England Boydell Press.pdf 11.6 MB
- Books/Music Theory for Neginners James Braxton Peterson John Jennings illustrations Prison Industrial Complex for Beginners For Beginners.pdf 11.0 MB
- Books/Music Interview John Collins Banning Eyre Fela Kalakuta Notes Wesleyan.pdf 8.8 MB
- Books/SUNY series Philosophy and Race Mark Christian Thompson Anti Music Jazz and Racial Blackness in German Thought between the Wars SUNY Press.pdf 8.8 MB
- Books/Hesmondhalgh David Why music matters John Wiley Sons Ltd.pdf 5.1 MB
- Books/Gordon E Slethaug Music and the Road Essays on the Interplay of Music and the Popular Culture of the American Road Bloomsbury Academic.pdf 4.7 MB
- Books/Bard Music Festival series Puccini Giacomo Schwartz Arman Senici Emanuele Giacomo Puccini and his world Princeton University Press.pdf 3.6 MB
- Books/Cognitive Linguistic Studies in Cultural Contexts Adrian Tien The Semantics of Chinese Music Analysing selected Chinese musical concepts.pdf 3.2 MB
- Books/Routledge Studies in Popular Music Hawkins Stan Queerness in Pop Music Taylor and Francis.pdf 2.7 MB
- Books/Russian music studies Sylvester Richard D Rachmaninoff Sergei Rachmaninoffs complete songs a companion with texts and translations.pdf 2.0 MB
- Books/Abdyssagin Rakhat Bi Tolegenuly Mathematics and contemporary music.pdf 1.5 MB
- Books/New Black Studies John Lowney Jazz Internationalism Literary Afro Modernism and the Cultural Politics of Black Music University of Illinois Press.pdf 1.3 MB
- Books/Inside Technology Andrew J Nelson The Sound of Innovation Stanford and the Computer Music Revolution The MIT Press.pdf 1.1 MB
- Covers/Remi Chiu Plague and Music in the Renaissance Cambridge University Press.jpg 899.3 KB
- Covers/Gordon E Slethaug Music and the Road Essays on the Interplay of Music and the Popular Culture of the American Road Bloomsbury Academic.jpg 451.9 KB
- Covers/Hesmondhalgh David Why music matters John Wiley Sons Ltd.jpg 399.8 KB
- Covers/Music Theory for Neginners James Braxton Peterson John Jennings illustrations Prison Industrial Complex for Beginners For Beginners.jpg 365.3 KB
- Covers/Music in Britain 1600 2000 K Dawn Grapes With Mornefull Musique Funeral Elegies in Early Modern England Boydell Press.jpg 337.1 KB
- Covers/EDITOR IN CHIEF Art Tipaldi Blues Music Magazine 6 6 MojoWax Media Inc.jpg 258.1 KB
- Covers/American made music series Davis Miles Svorinich Victor Listen to this Miles Davis and Bitches brew.jpg 245.4 KB
- Covers/New Black Studies John Lowney Jazz Internationalism Literary Afro Modernism and the Cultural Politics of Black Music University of Illinois Press.jpg 241.2 KB
- Covers/Music Interview John Collins Banning Eyre Fela Kalakuta Notes Wesleyan.jpg 202.8 KB
- Covers/Eastman studies in music 150 Huebner Steven Médicis François de Debussys Resonance University of Rochester Press.jpg 201.6 KB
- Covers/Routledge Music and Screen Media Jayson Beaster Jones editor Natalie Sarrazin editor Music in Contemporary Indian Film Memory Voice Identity.jpg 166.5 KB
- Covers/Bard Music Festival series Puccini Giacomo Schwartz Arman Senici Emanuele Giacomo Puccini and his world Princeton University Press.jpg 155.1 KB
- Covers/SUNY series Philosophy and Race Mark Christian Thompson Anti Music Jazz and Racial Blackness in German Thought between the Wars SUNY Press.jpg 154.4 KB
- Covers/Russian music studies Sylvester Richard D Rachmaninoff Sergei Rachmaninoffs complete songs a companion with texts and translations.jpg 146.4 KB
- Covers/Eduardo Reck Miranda Handbook of Artificial Intelligence for Music Foundations Advanced Approaches and Developments for Creativity Springer.jpg 133.0 KB
- Covers/Cognitive Linguistic Studies in Cultural Contexts Adrian Tien The Semantics of Chinese Music Analysing selected Chinese musical concepts.jpg 129.8 KB
- Covers/Routledge Studies in Popular Music Hawkins Stan Queerness in Pop Music Taylor and Francis.jpg 115.1 KB
- Covers/Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10198 João Correia Vic Ciesielski Antonios Liapis eds Computational Intelligence in Music Sound.jpg 98.7 KB
- Covers/Inside Technology Andrew J Nelson The Sound of Innovation Stanford and the Computer Music Revolution The MIT Press.jpg 93.5 KB
- Covers/Abdyssagin Rakhat Bi Tolegenuly Mathematics and contemporary music.jpg 45.5 KB
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