20 Music Books Collection PDF Set 16
File List
- Books/Roger Kamien Anita Kamien Music An Appreciation McGraw Hill Education.pdf 134.2 MB
- Books/Cambridge companions to music Kroll Mark ed The Cambridge companion to the harpsichord Cambridge University Press.pdf 29.6 MB
- Books/Guitarist John McGrath Samuel Beckett repetition and modern music.pdf 20.2 MB
- Books/Patteson Thomas Instruments for new music sound technology and modernism University of California Press.pdf 12.8 MB
- Books/African Expressive Cultures Daniel B Reed Abidjan USA Music Dance and Mobility in the Lives of Four Ivorian Immigrants Indiana University Press.pdf 12.2 MB
- Books/Bruno Nettl Timothy Rommen Excursions in World Music.pdf 11.1 MB
- Books/Exeter Performance Studies Clegg Roger Skeaping Lucie Singing Simpkin and Other Bawdy Jigs Musical Comedy on the Shakespearean.pdf 7.3 MB
- Books/Hammel Alice Hourigan Ryan M Teaching music to students with special needs a label free approach.pdf 6.4 MB
- Books/Purves Dale Music as biology the tones we like and why Harvard University Press.pdf 5.8 MB
- Books/Yvetta Kajanová On the History of Rock Music Peter Lang GmbH.pdf 4.7 MB
- Books/Currents in Latin American and Iberian Music Alejandro L Madrid Robin D Moore Danzón Circum Caribbean Dialogues in Music and Dance.pdf 4.1 MB
- Books/Toivonen Ida Csúri Piroska Zee Emile van der Structures in the mind essays on language music and cognition in honor of Ray Jackendoff The MIT Press.pdf 4.1 MB
- Books/Music since 1900 Adorno Theodor W Wlodarski Amy Musical witness and Holocaust representation Cambridge University Press.pdf 3.5 MB
- Books/Routledge Studies in Human Geography 58 Brian J Hracs Michael Seman Tarek E Virani The Production and Consumption of Music.pdf 3.5 MB
- Books/Alan R Harvey Music evolution and the harmony of souls.pdf 3.5 MB
- Books/Richard D P Jones The Creative Development of Johann Sebastian Bach Volume II 1717 1750 Music to Delight the Spirit.pdf 3.4 MB
- Books/Ashgate Popular and Folk Music Series Sherril Dodds Susan C Cook Bodies of Sound Studies Across Popular Music and Dance Ashgate Pub Co.pdf 3.0 MB
- Books/Routledge Studies in Music Education Clint Randles Music Education Navigating the Future.pdf 1.6 MB
- Books/Ashgate Popular and Folk Music Series Catherine Strong Barbara Lebrun eds Death and the Rock Star Ashgate.pdf 1.4 MB
- Books/Bennett Rebecca Jane Jones Angela Cresswell The Digital Evolution of Live Music Chandos Publishing an imprint of Elsevier.pdf 1.4 MB
- Covers/Exeter Performance Studies Clegg Roger Skeaping Lucie Singing Simpkin and Other Bawdy Jigs Musical Comedy on the Shakespearean.jpg 393.5 KB
- Covers/Purves Dale Music as biology the tones we like and why Harvard University Press.jpg 289.6 KB
- Covers/Ashgate Popular and Folk Music Series Sherril Dodds Susan C Cook Bodies of Sound Studies Across Popular Music and Dance Ashgate Pub Co.jpg 267.1 KB
- Covers/Bruno Nettl Timothy Rommen Excursions in World Music.jpg 265.6 KB
- Covers/Roger Kamien Anita Kamien Music An Appreciation McGraw Hill Education.jpg 259.4 KB
- Covers/Ashgate Popular and Folk Music Series Catherine Strong Barbara Lebrun eds Death and the Rock Star Ashgate.jpg 258.5 KB
- Covers/Patteson Thomas Instruments for new music sound technology and modernism University of California Press.jpg 255.2 KB
- Covers/Hammel Alice Hourigan Ryan M Teaching music to students with special needs a label free approach.jpg 217.9 KB
- Covers/Cambridge companions to music Kroll Mark ed The Cambridge companion to the harpsichord Cambridge University Press.jpg 217.3 KB
- Covers/African Expressive Cultures Daniel B Reed Abidjan USA Music Dance and Mobility in the Lives of Four Ivorian Immigrants Indiana University Press.jpg 183.3 KB
- Covers/Richard D P Jones The Creative Development of Johann Sebastian Bach Volume II 1717 1750 Music to Delight the Spirit.jpg 164.5 KB
- Covers/Toivonen Ida Csúri Piroska Zee Emile van der Structures in the mind essays on language music and cognition in honor of Ray Jackendoff The MIT Press.jpg 152.4 KB
- Covers/Routledge Studies in Human Geography 58 Brian J Hracs Michael Seman Tarek E Virani The Production and Consumption of Music.jpg 139.3 KB
- Covers/Routledge Studies in Music Education Clint Randles Music Education Navigating the Future.jpg 120.7 KB
- Covers/Alan R Harvey Music evolution and the harmony of souls.jpg 92.4 KB
- Covers/Music since 1900 Adorno Theodor W Wlodarski Amy Musical witness and Holocaust representation Cambridge University Press.jpg 90.4 KB
- Covers/Currents in Latin American and Iberian Music Alejandro L Madrid Robin D Moore Danzón Circum Caribbean Dialogues in Music and Dance.jpg 76.4 KB
- Covers/Yvetta Kajanová On the History of Rock Music Peter Lang GmbH.jpg 56.2 KB
- Covers/Guitarist John McGrath Samuel Beckett repetition and modern music.jpg 50.1 KB
- Covers/Bennett Rebecca Jane Jones Angela Cresswell The Digital Evolution of Live Music Chandos Publishing an imprint of Elsevier.jpg 10.9 KB
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