Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04
File List
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/02 Getting started with our VPS/001 Using the command line to get around our VPS.mp4 103.3 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/06 Choosing and installing a web server/003 Adding a virtual host in Apache.mp4 100.8 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/07 Installing PHP/001 Installing PHP.mp4 84.7 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/06 Choosing and installing a web server/004 Enable LetsEncrypt on Apache.mp4 74.6 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/02 Getting started with our VPS/005 Copying files.mp4 59.4 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/06 Choosing and installing a web server/007 Adding a virtual host in NGINX.mp4 56.9 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/01 Introduction/001 Introduction.mp4 56.2 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/10 Regular Maintenance/003 Final thoughts and suggestions.mp4 54.1 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/06 Choosing and installing a web server/011 Adding a virtual host in Caddy.mp4 53.5 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/02 Getting started with our VPS/004 Editors_ vi and pico.mp4 51.4 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/02 Getting started with our VPS/002 Adding and deleting users and file ownership.mp4 47.7 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/08 Databases/001 Installing MariaDB, a drop in replacement for MySQL.mp4 47.5 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/05 Setting up the operating system/005 How and when should you resize your VPS_.mp4 45.0 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/06 Choosing and installing a web server/012 Caddy logs & starting and stopping Caddy.mp4 42.5 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/06 Choosing and installing a web server/005 Apache logs & starting and stopping the server.mp4 42.4 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/07 Installing PHP/003 Installing PHP for NGINX.mp4 40.0 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/01 Introduction/007 Updating the system.mp4 38.9 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/06 Choosing and installing a web server/008 Enable LetsEncrypt on NGINX.mp4 38.8 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/06 Choosing and installing a web server/010 Setting up Caddy.mp4 37.4 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/10 Regular Maintenance/001 Optional_ enable automatic updates.mp4 36.6 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/03 Locking Down SSH/007 Modifying the sshd_config to require keys, and prevent root login.mp4 35.0 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/02 Getting started with our VPS/003 File permissions.mp4 34.5 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/08 Databases/005 Connecting to postgres.mp4 33.2 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/01 Introduction/003 Choosing the right type of server and deploying our VPS.mp4 32.9 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/03 Locking Down SSH/001 Introduction.mp4 31.5 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/06 Choosing and installing a web server/001 NGINX, Apache, and Caddy -- which one_.mp4 31.0 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/04 Firewall/003 More complicated rules.mp4 29.9 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/06 Choosing and installing a web server/009 NGINX logs & starting and stopping the server.mp4 29.8 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/01 Introduction/002 Choosing a VPS provider.mp4 29.5 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/03 Locking Down SSH/002 Generating public & private keys for Mac & Linux.mp4 28.7 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/07 Installing PHP/002 Installing PHP for Apache.mp4 28.1 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/03 Locking Down SSH/004 Generating public_private keys for Windows.mp4 27.9 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/03 Locking Down SSH/009 Installing fail2ban.mp4 27.8 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/05 Setting up the operating system/002 Pointing DNS to our VPS.mp4 27.3 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/03 Locking Down SSH/005 Copying our public key to the server.mp4 27.0 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/05 Setting up the operating system/004 Installing some helpful tools.mp4 26.7 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/01 Introduction/005 Connecting to our server for the first time.mp4 26.5 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/09 Installing web applications/004 Proxying to the web application.mp4 25.0 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/09 Installing web applications/003 Managing the application status with supervisor.mp4 23.8 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/04 Firewall/006 What about cloud firewalls_.mp4 23.7 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/06 Choosing and installing a web server/002 Setting up Apache.mp4 23.4 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/03 Locking Down SSH/008 Additional SSH changes.mp4 22.5 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/04 Firewall/007 Cheat Sheet.mp4 22.2 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/01 Introduction/006 Setting up a non-root user.mp4 21.5 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/08 Databases/002 Configuring and connecting to MariaDB.mp4 20.2 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/04 Firewall/005 Enabling_disabling the firewall.mp4 19.9 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/10 Regular Maintenance/002 Backups.mp4 19.5 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/08 Databases/006 Connecting to Postgres remotely using a GUI client.mp4 19.4 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/08 Databases/007 Installing Redis.mp4 18.8 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/08 Databases/003 Connecting to MariaDB remotely using a GUI client.mp4 18.6 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/07 Installing PHP/005 Installing composer.mp4 17.1 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/06 Choosing and installing a web server/006 Setting up NGINX.mp4 16.7 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/07 Installing PHP/004 Installing PHP for Caddy.mp4 15.4 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/05 Setting up the operating system/001 Server name - hostname.mp4 14.9 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/03 Locking Down SSH/010 What about FTP_.mp4 14.2 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/04 Firewall/002 Setting up basic ufw rules.mp4 13.7 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/08 Databases/004 Installing Postgres.mp4 13.7 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/04 Firewall/004 Deleting rules.mp4 13.5 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/09 Installing web applications/001 What do I mean by a web app_.mp4 13.4 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/03 Locking Down SSH/006 Spinning up new servers with your ssh public key.mp4 12.9 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/05 Setting up the operating system/003 Setting the timezone.mp4 12.4 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/04 Firewall/001 More about ufw, the Uncomplicated Firewall.mp4 11.8 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/09 Installing web applications/002 Copying our application to the server.mp4 9.5 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/09 Installing web applications/060 4.1 MB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/01 Introduction/004 A note about Linux commands I'll be using.mp4 2.1 MB
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- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/04 Firewall/029 ufw-cheat-sheet.pdf 74.4 KB
- .pad/16 72.3 KB
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- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/02 Getting started with our VPS/001 Using the command line to get around our 22.4 KB
- .pad/28 20.7 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/02 Getting started with our VPS/004 Editors_ vi and 16.6 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/06 Choosing and installing a web server/003 Adding a virtual host in 13.6 KB
- .pad/43 13.1 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/02 Getting started with our VPS/002 Adding and deleting users and file 12.2 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/06 Choosing and installing a web server/007 Adding a virtual host in 12.0 KB
- .pad/20 11.1 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/06 Choosing and installing a web server/004 Enable LetsEncrypt on 11.1 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/06 Choosing and installing a web server/011 Adding a virtual host in 10.8 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/02 Getting started with our VPS/003 File 10.6 KB
- .pad/46 9.9 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/01 Introduction/003 Choosing the right type of server and deploying our 9.9 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/01 Introduction/007 Updating the 9.5 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/07 Installing PHP/001 Installing 8.7 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/02 Getting started with our VPS/005 Copying 8.2 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/01 Introduction/005 Connecting to our server for the first 8.2 KB
- .pad/36 7.1 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/01 Introduction/006 Setting up a non-root 7.0 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/05 Setting up the operating system/005 How and when should you resize your 7.0 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/06 Choosing and installing a web server/012 Caddy logs & starting and stopping 6.8 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/08 Databases/005 Connecting to 6.8 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/04 Firewall/003 More complicated 6.8 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/10 Regular Maintenance/003 Final thoughts and 6.5 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/03 Locking Down SSH/002 Generating public & private keys for Mac & 6.5 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/10 Regular Maintenance/001 Optional_ enable automatic 6.2 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/06 Choosing and installing a web server/005 Apache logs & starting and stopping the 6.0 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/05 Setting up the operating system/004 Installing some helpful 6.0 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/03 Locking Down SSH/009 Installing 5.7 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/07 Installing PHP/003 Installing PHP for 5.6 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/01 Introduction/002 Choosing a VPS 5.6 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/09 Installing web applications/004 Proxying to the web 5.4 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/03 Locking Down SSH/007 Modifying the sshd_config to require keys, and prevent root 5.3 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/08 Databases/001 Installing MariaDB, a drop in replacement for 5.1 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/05 Setting up the operating system/002 Pointing DNS to our 5.1 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/01 Introduction/001 5.0 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/09 Installing web applications/003 Managing the application status with 4.7 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/06 Choosing and installing a web server/001 NGINX, Apache, and Caddy -- which 4.6 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/09 Installing web applications/001 What do I mean by a web 4.5 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/06 Choosing and installing a web server/008 Enable LetsEncrypt on 4.5 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/03 Locking Down SSH/004 Generating public_private keys for 4.4 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/08 Databases/003 Connecting to MariaDB remotely using a GUI 4.4 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/03 Locking Down SSH/008 Additional SSH 4.3 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/04 Firewall/006 What about cloud 4.3 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/08 Databases/006 Connecting to Postgres remotely using a GUI 4.2 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/07 Installing PHP/002 Installing PHP for 3.7 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/09 Installing web applications/002 Copying our application to the 3.6 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/10 Regular Maintenance/002 3.6 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/05 Setting up the operating system/001 Server name - 3.6 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/06 Choosing and installing a web server/010 Setting up 3.6 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/08 Databases/002 Configuring and connecting to 3.6 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/04 Firewall/007 Cheat 3.5 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/04 Firewall/005 Enabling_disabling the 3.5 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/07 Installing PHP/004 Installing PHP for 3.5 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/04 Firewall/002 Setting up basic ufw 3.2 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/03 Locking Down SSH/005 Copying our public key to the 3.2 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/06 Choosing and installing a web server/009 NGINX logs & starting and stopping the 3.0 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/06 Choosing and installing a web server/006 Setting up 2.9 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/03 Locking Down SSH/010 What about 2.8 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/04 Firewall/004 Deleting 2.7 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/03 Locking Down SSH/001 2.7 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/05 Setting up the operating system/003 Setting the 2.6 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/07 Installing PHP/005 Installing 2.6 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/08 Databases/007 Installing 2.3 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/06 Choosing and installing a web server/002 Setting up 2.2 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/03 Locking Down SSH/006 Spinning up new servers with your ssh public 2.1 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/08 Databases/004 Installing 2.1 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/03 Locking Down SSH/017 copy-key-manually.txt 1.6 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/03 Locking Down SSH/003 A note for Windows Users.html 1.5 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/04 Firewall/001 More about ufw, the Uncomplicated 1.2 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/01 Introduction/004 A note about Linux commands I'll be 1.1 KB
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/06 Choosing and installing a web server/045 Caddyfile 624 bytes
- [TGx]Downloaded from .txt 585 bytes
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/09 Installing web applications/062 nginx.conf 363 bytes
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- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/02 Getting started with our VPS/external-assets-links.txt 278 bytes
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/07 Installing PHP/047 install-php-8.0.txt 275 bytes
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/01 Introduction/external-assets-links.txt 179 bytes
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/03 Locking Down SSH/external-assets-links.txt 135 bytes
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/09 Installing web applications/external-assets-links.txt 126 bytes
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/06 Choosing and installing a web server/external-assets-links.txt 116 bytes
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/07 Installing PHP/external-assets-links.txt 73 bytes
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/04 Firewall/external-assets-links.txt 69 bytes
- 63 bytes
- [] - Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu 20.04/08 Databases/external-assets-links.txt 37 bytes
- .pad/0 29 bytes
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