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Specials/Rupert's New Adventures (The Nutwood Press Carnival 1980s)/Rupert and The Chocolate Buttons Gang_Narrated by Penelope Keith-IluJdOtMFe8.mp4 30.9 MB
Specials/Rupert's New Adventures (The Nutwood Press Carnival 1980s)/Rupert and The Funny Joke Man_Narrated by Penelope Keith-La_34618DDQ.mp4 29.7 MB
Specials/Rupert (1980s BBC)/Rupert and Margot's House_Alfred Bestall MBE-YsaFU3Hbkl4.mp4 28.5 MB
Specials/Rupert's New Adventures (The Nutwood Press Carnival 1980s)/Rupert and The Bit of Magic_Narrated by Penelope Keith-YRQiMLlKzpM.mp4 27.6 MB
Specials/Rupert's New Adventures (The Nutwood Press Carnival 1980s)/Rupert and The Wobbly Witch_Narrated by Penelope Keith-jO8FA0Y8hjU.mp4 27.0 MB
Specials/Rupert (1980s BBC)/Rupert and The Butterflies_Alfred Bestall MBE-M-GiChqITZc.mp4 26.7 MB
Specials/Rupert (1980s BBC)/Rupert and The Spring Chicken_Alfred Bestall MBE-vZ5YWMWP2Is.mp4 26.3 MB
Specials/Rupert (1980s BBC)/Rupert and the Garden Gnomes_Alfred Bestall MBE-UTezUBVoGI8.mp4 25.6 MB
Specials/Rupert (1980s BBC)/Rupert and The Lost Fiddle_Alfred Bestall MBE-UdPnlqR0hYc.mp4 25.2 MB
Specials/Rupert (1980s BBC)/Rupert and The Fire Bird_Alfred Bestall MBE-rBrYXtMicio.mp4 25.2 MB
Specials/Rupert (1980s BBC)/Rupert and the Flying Cat_Alfred Bestall MBE-AUBdoBtDMsM.mp4 25.1 MB
Specials/Rupert (1980s BBC)/Rupert and The Ice Flowers_Alfred Bestall MBE-hITtl87ryIc.mp4 25.1 MB
Specials/Rupert (1980s BBC)/Rupert and The Shy Robins_Alfred Bestall MBE-L3zOMzyiFWM.mp4 25.1 MB
Specials/Rupert (1980s BBC)/Rupert and The Pirates_Alfred Bestall MBE-CwwRtcwrqHs.mp4 25.1 MB
Specials/Rupert (1980s BBC)/Rupert and Morwenna_Alfred Bestall MBE-rFGN4a8bb80.mp4 25.1 MB
Specials/Rupert (1980s BBC)/Rupert and The Crystal Ball_Alfred Bestall MBE--9j7PbKTMCQ.mp4 25.1 MB
Specials/Rupert (1980s BBC)/Rupert and The Tree Goblin_Alfred Bestall MBE-baywVmt4mRM.mp4 25.1 MB
Specials/Rupert (1980s BBC)/Rupert and The Water Lilly_Alfred Bestall MBE-1FIaTHp3AlQ.mp4 25.1 MB
Specials/Rupert (1980s BBC)/Rupert and The Dragon Sweets_Alfred Bestall MBE (Classic Rupert)-9aakhBE76bU.mp4 25.1 MB
Specials/Rupert (1980s BBC)/Rupert and The Bright Spark_Alfred Bestall MBE-a-5ETSRAGu0.mp4 25.1 MB
Specials/Rupert (1980s BBC)/Rupert and The Winter Woolly_Alfred Bestall MBE-M69Livo4V34.mp4 25.0 MB
Specials/Rupert (1980s BBC)/Rupert and the Scarecrow_Alfred Bestall MBE-SzgzjvXM9fM.mp4 25.0 MB
Specials/Rupert (1980s BBC)/Rupert and The Hazelnut_Alfred Bestall MBE-B5Br5LU-__Q.mp4 25.0 MB
Specials/Rupert (1980s BBC)/Rupert and Ozzie Kangaroo_Alfred Bestall MBE-mRvDxBU9Omw.mp4 24.8 MB
Specials/Rupert (1980s BBC)/Rupert and The Black Imp_Alfred Bestall MBE-dlxm5k_E-C0.mp4 24.8 MB
Specials/Rupert (1980s BBC)/Rupert and The Pepper Rose_Alfred Bestall MBE .-KvWpMzmstn8.mp4 24.8 MB
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Specials/Rupert (1980s BBC)/Rupert and The Sea Sprites_Alfred Bestall MBE-C-LNQWw2yv0.mp4 24.7 MB
Specials/Rupert (1980s BBC)/Rupert and The Runaway Dragon_Alfred Bestall MBE-asdAUO-516o.mp4 24.7 MB
Specials/Rupert (1980s BBC)/Rupert and The Magic Ball_Alfred Bestall MBE (Classic Rupert)-QwmDkcXyOjU.mp4 24.7 MB
Specials/Rupert (1980s BBC)/Rupert and The Secret Boat_Alfred Bestall MBE-sa02DfGWhBs.mp4 24.7 MB
Specials/Rupert (1980s BBC)/Rupert and The Flying Buttons_Alfred Bestall MBE-w8LKA5oWZJQ.mp4 24.6 MB
Specials/Rupert's New Adventures (The Nutwood Press Carnival 1980s)/Rupert and The Nutwood Well_Narrated by Judy Bennett-W7q5hzdG06w.mp4 24.5 MB
Specials/Rupert's New Adventures (The Nutwood Press Carnival 1980s)/Rupert and The Trouble With Big Ben_Narrated by Judy Bennett-Nh156TimCRw.mp4 23.8 MB
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Specials/Rupert Music Videos/Rupert - The Angry Young Enchanter-Y9ERY8IQ2eU.mp4 21.9 MB
Specials/Rupert's New Adventures (The Nutwood Press Carnival 1980s)/Rupert and The Nutwood Stage-B_FFAlQ5mBk.mp4 21.8 MB
Specials/Rupert Story Videos/Rupert in the Floods_(Comic strip version)-dKZb200.mp4 21.8 MB
Specials/Rupert's New Adventures (The Nutwood Press Carnival 1980s)/Rupert and The Yellow Elephant_Narrated by Penelope Keith-XxSLFw4QwJc.mp4 21.4 MB
Specials/Rupert Music Videos/Rupert - Bear's Thriller!-vo3W6TKMLYs.mp4 21.1 MB
Specials/Rupert Music Videos/Crossover - Bridge Over Troubled Water-SaXWOTYtXxk.mp4 20.4 MB
Specials/Rupert Music Videos/Rupert - Evil Dogwoman-4m8Yw46v6hs.mp4 19.9 MB
Specials/Rupert Story Videos/Rupert and The Daffodils_Alfred Bestall MBE (Comic strip version)-GuISIpbJm9c.mp4 19.5 MB
Specials/Rupert Music Videos/Rupert - Private Eyes Are Watching Yum-BzaG03Jsw1Q.mp4 17.8 MB
Specials/Rupert Story Videos/Chris Williams Rupert Bear-0O8iLpkwpys.mp4 17.7 MB
Specials/Rupert Music Videos/STORMCLOUDS - To Sleep, Perchance to Dream.-GOq2J2acHTA.mp4 17.2 MB
Specials/Rupert Music Videos/Rupert - Cold Hearted Billy-lRFoVZdbw6g.mp4 16.4 MB
Specials/Rupert Music Videos/Rupert - The Tears Of An April Fool-rNbnNDB9VF8.mp4 16.3 MB
Specials/Rupert Music Videos/Rupert - Magic Carpet Strife-o0Zo22UEdGM.mp4 15.5 MB
Specials/Rupert Music Videos/Rupert - Checkers And Peppermints-hP4ehB1BTLg.mp4 15.5 MB
Specials/Rupert Music Videos/Rupert - Days of Nutwood Passed-BpN9AJGr2EQ.mp4 14.7 MB
Specials/Rupert Music Videos/Rupert - The Doggone Lassie's Mine-BVs5FWMUiFM.mp4 14.5 MB
Specials/Rupert Music Videos/Rupert - Come On Down To Sandy Cove-bQd38bQMYC4.mp4 14.5 MB
Specials/Rupert Music Videos/Rupert - Reflections Aren't Right-SuALYEZefn8.mp4 13.1 MB
Specials/Rupert Music Videos/Mysterious Mysteryland - Brave New World-xknqNLOb9Ns.mp4 12.1 MB
Specials/Rupert Music Videos/Tigerlily's Song - The Bears-eFLEcnN8cV8.mp4 12.1 MB
Specials/Rupert Music Videos/Rupert - The Lion and the Unicorn-SNpMDnfbkEg.mp4 10.3 MB
Specials/Rupert Music Videos/Rupert - A Reason To Ride A Talking Horse-aMS2Q9LGgfk.mp4 9.7 MB
Specials/Rupert Music Videos/Rupert - Shy Nessie-oz78Su83sbk.mp4 7.8 MB
Specials/The Adventures of Rupert Bear (1970s)/Rupert the Bear and the Old Hat Prt 2-6tb3oTsgTFQ.mp4 6.4 MB
Specials/Rupert Music Videos/Rupert - Mephisto's Lullaby (Creepypasta-inspired)-QwOgMw6cS2Q.mp4 3.8 MB
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Specials/Rupert Story Videos/Thumbs.db 148.0 KB
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