Colonists and Missionaries - Hand in Glove - Collection 3
File List
- Makdisi - Artillery of Heaven. American Missionaries and the Failed Conversion of the Middle East (2008).pdf 19.0 MB
- Noorlander - Heaven’s Wrath. The Protestant Reformation and the Dutch West India Company in the Atlantic World (2019).pdf 17.1 MB
- Blackburn - Harvest of Souls. The Jesuit Missions and Colonialism in North America, 1632-1650 (2000).pdf 13.5 MB
- May - Welsh Missionaries and British Imperialism. The Empire of Clouds in North-East India (2012).pdf 13.1 MB
- Chophy - Christianity and Politics in Tribal India. Baptist Missionaries and Naga Nationalism (2021).pdf 11.1 MB
- Enyegue - Competing Catholicisms. The Jesuits, the Vatican and the Making of Postcolonial French Africa (2022).pdf 8.5 MB
- Nag & Kumar (Eds.) - Encounter and Interventions. Christian Missionaries in Colonial North-East India (2024).pdf 7.8 MB
- Williams - A Narrative of Missionary Enterprises in the South Sea Islands (1837, 2009).pdf 7.7 MB
- Smith - Religion and Governance in England’s Emerging Colonial Empire, 1601–1698 (2022).pdf 7.1 MB
- Blanco - Frontier Constitutions. Christianity and Colonial Empire in the Nineteenth-Century Philippines (2009).pdf 6.3 MB
- Delegado - Laywomen and the Making of Colonial Catholicism in New Spain, 1630–1790 (2018).pdf 6.1 MB
- Terreblanche - Western Empires Christianity and the Inequalities Between the West and the Rest, 1500-2010 (2014).pdf 5.6 MB
- Jensz - Missionaries and Modernity. Education in the British Empire, 1830–1910 (2022).pdf 5.1 MB
- Carson - The East India Company and Religion, 1698-1858 (2012).pdf 4.6 MB
- Cooper - Evangelical Christians in the Muslim Sahel (2006).pdf 3.9 MB
- Neill - A History of Christianity in India, 1707-1858 (1985).djvu 3.7 MB
- Tracy - Colonization and Mission. A Historical Examination of the State of Society in Western Africa (1845).pdf 3.7 MB
- Cox - Imperial Fault Lines. Christianity and Colonial Power in India, 1818–1940 (2002).pdf 3.6 MB
- Conroy-Krutz - Christian Imperialism; Converting the World in the Early American Republic (2015).pdf 3.5 MB
- Ottman - Imperialism and Christ (1912).pdf 3.2 MB
- Xavier - Religion and Empire in Portuguese India. Conversion, Resistance, and the Making of Goa (2022).pdf 3.1 MB
- Melvin - Building Colonial Cities of God. Mendicant Orders and Urban Culture in New Spain (2012).pdf 3.0 MB
- Dubois - Casting Faiths. Imperialism and the Transformation of Religion in East and Southeast Asia (2009).pdf 2.9 MB
- Ballantyne - Entanglements of Empire. Missionaries, Maori, and the Question of the Body (2014).pdf 2.8 MB
- Tjelle - Missionary Masculinity, 1870–1930. The Norwegian Missionaries in South-East Africa (2013).pdf 2.7 MB
- Heyrman - American Apostles. When Evangelicals Entered the World of Islam (2015).epub 2.6 MB
- Khalaf - Protestant Missionaries in the Levant. Ungodly Puritans, 1820–60 (2012).pdf 2.4 MB
- Lindsley - African Colonization and Christian Missions (1873).pdf 2.3 MB
- Harrison - The Missionary's Curse and Other Tales from a Chinese Catholic Village (2013).pdf 2.2 MB
- Bellenoit - Missionary Education and Empire in Late Colonial India, 1860–1920 (2007).pdf 2.1 MB
- Ross - Mission, Race and Colonialism in Malawi. Alexander Hetherwick of Blantyre (2023).pdf 2.0 MB
- Hardwick - An Anglican British World. The Church of England and the Expansion of the Settler Empire, c. 1790–1860 (2014).pdf 1.7 MB
- Widder - Battle for the Soul. Metis Children Encounter Evangelical Protestants at Mackinaw Mission, 1823-37 (1999).epub 1.6 MB
- Ganter - The Contest for Aboriginal Souls (2018).pdf 1.5 MB
- Barter - Explaining the Genetic Footprints of Catholic and Protestant Colonizers (2016).epub 903.2 KB
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