Shaft Trilogy - Big Score, In Africa - soundtracks, extras, 1971, 1972, 1973, divx ws
File List
- Films, trailers/1972 - Shaft's Big Score.avi 702.8 MB
- Films, trailers/1971 - Shaft.avi 699.8 MB
- Films, trailers/1973 - Shaft In Africa.avi 690.8 MB
- Soundtrack Music/Wattstax/Isaac Hayes at Wattstax, 1973 - dig that shirt!.mpeg 37.4 MB
- Soundtrack Music/1. Shaft soundtrack - Isaac Hayes [Covers]/14 Isaac Hayes - Do Your Thing [Vocal Version].mp3 26.8 MB
- subtitles, torrents, misc/Shaft.197x.-.Shaft.-.Shaft's.BigScore! 26.4 MB
- Soundtrack Music/2. Shaft's Big Score - Gordon Parks/08 Symphony for Shafted Soules (The Big Chase).wma 12.0 MB
- Soundtrack Music/1. Shaft soundtrack - Isaac Hayes [Covers]/11 Isaac Hayes - No Name Bar.mp3 8.5 MB
- Soundtrack Music/1. Shaft soundtrack - Isaac Hayes [Covers]/06 Isaac Hayes - Cafe Reggio's.mp3 8.2 MB
- Soundtrack Music/1. Shaft soundtrack - Isaac Hayes [Covers]/01 Isaac Hayes - Theme From Shaft [Vocal Version].mp3 6.4 MB
- Soundtrack Music/1. Shaft soundtrack - Isaac Hayes [Covers]/08 Isaac Hayes - Be Yourself.mp3 6.2 MB
- Soundtrack Music/1. Shaft soundtrack - Isaac Hayes [Covers]/12 Isaac Hayes - Bumpy's Blues.mp3 5.6 MB
- Soundtrack Music/1. Shaft soundtrack - Isaac Hayes [Covers]/07 Isaac Hayes - Early Sunday Morning.mp3 5.3 MB
- Soundtrack Music/1. Shaft soundtrack - Isaac Hayes [Covers]/10 Isaac Hayes - Soulsville [Vocal Version].mp3 5.2 MB
- Films, trailers/Shaft's Big Score (1972) - trailer.asf 4.9 MB
- Films, trailers/Shaft in Africa (1973) - trailer.asf 4.7 MB
- Soundtrack Music/1. Shaft soundtrack - Isaac Hayes [Covers]/09 Isaac Hayes - A Friend's Place.mp3 4.6 MB
- Soundtrack Music/3. Shaft in Africa soundtrack - The Four Tops, Johnny Pate/07 Are You Man Enough.mp3 4.6 MB
- Soundtrack Music/1. Shaft soundtrack - Isaac Hayes [Covers]/04 Isaac Hayes - Ellie's Love Theme.mp3 4.5 MB
- Soundtrack Music/1. Shaft soundtrack - Isaac Hayes [Covers]/13 Isaac Hayes - Shaft Strikes Again.mp3 4.2 MB
- Soundtrack Music/3. Shaft in Africa soundtrack - The Four Tops, Johnny Pate/04 Shaft in Africa (Addis).mp3 4.2 MB
- Soundtrack Music/3. Shaft in Africa soundtrack - The Four Tops, Johnny Pate/06 El Jardia.mp3 4.2 MB
- Soundtrack Music/3. Shaft in Africa soundtrack - The Four Tops, Johnny Pate/01 You Can't Even Walk in the Park (Opening Theme).mp3 3.5 MB
- Soundtrack Music/1. Shaft soundtrack - Isaac Hayes [Covers]/03 Isaac Hayes - Walk from Regio's.mp3 3.3 MB
- Soundtrack Music/2. Shaft's Big Score - Gordon Parks/01 Blowin' Your Mind - vocal.wma 3.3 MB
- Soundtrack Music/3. Shaft in Africa soundtrack - The Four Tops, Johnny Pate/10 Aleme's Theme.mp3 3.2 MB
- Soundtrack Music/3. Shaft in Africa soundtrack - The Four Tops, Johnny Pate/09 Truck Stop.mp3 3.1 MB
- Soundtrack Music/3. Shaft in Africa soundtrack - The Four Tops, Johnny Pate/05 Headman.mp3 3.1 MB
- Soundtrack Music/3. Shaft in Africa soundtrack - The Four Tops, Johnny Pate/02 Are You Man Enough (Main Title).mp3 3.0 MB
- Soundtrack Music/2. Shaft's Big Score - Gordon Parks/07 Move On In - vocal.wma 2.9 MB
- subtitles, torrents, misc/30 Shaft - Shaft Shoot text SHAFTS BIG SCORE.mpg 2.7 MB
- Soundtrack Music/1. Shaft soundtrack - Isaac Hayes [Covers]/15 Isaac Hayes - The End Theme.mp3 2.7 MB
- Soundtrack Music/1. Shaft soundtrack - Isaac Hayes [Covers]/02 Isaac Hayes - Bumpy's Lament.mp3 2.6 MB
- Soundtrack Music/3. Shaft in Africa soundtrack - The Four Tops, Johnny Pate/11 El Jardia (Reprise).mp3 2.4 MB
- Soundtrack Music/3. Shaft in Africa soundtrack - The Four Tops, Johnny Pate/08 Jazar's Theme.mp3 2.2 MB
- Soundtrack Music/3. Shaft in Africa soundtrack - The Four Tops, Johnny Pate/03 Aleme Finds Shaft.mp3 2.1 MB
- Soundtrack Music/2. Shaft's Big Score - Gordon Parks/03 Smart Money.wma 2.1 MB
- Soundtrack Music/2. Shaft's Big Score - Gordon Parks/04 First Meeting.wma 1.9 MB
- Soundtrack Music/2. Shaft's Big Score - Gordon Parks/02 The Other Side.wma 1.7 MB
- Soundtrack Music/2. Shaft's Big Score - Gordon Parks/06 Don't Misunderstand - vocal.wma 1.7 MB
- Soundtrack Music/2. Shaft's Big Score - Gordon Parks/05 Asby Kelley Man.wma 1.7 MB
- Soundtrack Music/1. Shaft soundtrack - Isaac Hayes [Covers]/05 Isaac Hayes - Shaft's Cab Ride.mp3 1.6 MB
- Films, trailers/Shaft (1971) - trailer.asf 1.5 MB
- Soundtrack Music/3. Shaft in Africa soundtrack - The Four Tops, Johnny Pate/12 Are You Man Enough (End Title).mp3 1.0 MB
- Soundtrack Music/1. Shaft soundtrack - Isaac Hayes [Covers]/Isaac Hayes-Shaft (1971)-Front.jpg 118.0 KB
- Soundtrack Music/1. Shaft soundtrack - Isaac Hayes [Covers]/Isaac Hayes-Shaft (1971)-Back.jpg 108.9 KB
- subtitles, torrents, misc/torrents/Superfly [1972] + Curtis Mayfield soundtrack.torrent 59.6 KB
- Soundtrack Music/3. Shaft in Africa soundtrack - The Four Tops, Johnny Pate/shaftinafrica.jpg 54.9 KB
- subtitles, torrents, misc/2000052708673.jpg 48.9 KB
- subtitles, torrents, misc/2001040904051.jpg 46.7 KB
- subtitles, torrents, misc/Shaft CDs.jpg 45.2 KB
- subtitles, torrents, misc/2001101302383.jpg 39.6 KB
- subtitles, torrents, misc/2005112940221.jpg 37.6 KB
- Soundtrack Music/1. Shaft soundtrack - Isaac Hayes [Covers]/Isaac Hayes-Shaft (1971)-CD.jpg 37.6 KB
- subtitles, torrents, misc/2000071800991.jpg 36.1 KB
- Soundtrack Music/Wattstax/Lyin' Jesse/Lyin' Jesse.txt 32.9 KB
- subtitles, torrents, misc/2000071301007.jpg 30.7 KB
- subtitles, torrents, misc/shaftsbigposter.jpg 22.9 KB
- subtitles, torrents, misc/Gordon_Parks-shafts_big_score.jpg 10.5 KB
- subtitles, torrents, misc/torrents/___How to Make a Torrent Live Forever.txt 3.9 KB
- Soundtrack Music/1. Shaft soundtrack - Isaac Hayes [Covers]/Track Info.txt 2.0 KB
- Soundtrack Music/Wattstax/Lyin' Jesse/FRANK ZAPPA lyrics - Rhymin' Man.txt 1.9 KB
- Soundtrack Music/Wattstax/Lyin' Jesse/_WTF this is.....txt 229 bytes
- subtitles, torrents, misc/torrents/Torrent downloaded from 47 bytes
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