Eric Rieger & J J Penna - Poet's Journey Song Cycles of Benjamin Britten (2018) [24-192]
File List
- 07. 7 Sonnets of Michelangelo, Op. 22 No. 7, Sonnet 24, Spirto ben nato, in cui si specchia e vede.flac 151.3 MB
- 09. Winter Words, Op. 52 No. 2, Midnight on the Great Western.flac 149.5 MB
- 03. 7 Sonnets of Michelangelo, Op. 22 No. 3, Sonnet 30, Veggio co' bei vostri occhi un dolce lume.flac 139.6 MB
- 12. Winter Words, Op. 52 No. 5, The Choirmaster's Burial.flac 137.7 MB
- 24. The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op. 35 No. 9, Sonnet 10, Death, Be Not Proud.flac 131.9 MB
- 21. The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op. 35 No. 6, Sonnet 17, Since She Whom I Lov'd.flac 124.1 MB
- 18. The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op. 35 No. 3, Sonnet 3, O Might Those Sighes and Teares.flac 115.5 MB
- 16. The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op. 35 No. 1, Sonnet 6, Oh My Blacke Soule!.flac 113.6 MB
- 15. Winter Words, Op. 52 No. 8, Before Life and After.flac 102.4 MB
- 14. Winter Words, Op. 52 No. 7, At the Railway Station, Upway.flac 102.0 MB
- 20. The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op. 35 No. 5, Sonnet 13, What If This Present.flac 96.9 MB
- 22. The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op. 35 No. 7, Sonnet 7, At the Round Earth's Imagin'd Corners.flac 95.7 MB
- 01. 7 Sonnets of Michelangelo, Op. 22 No. 1, Sonnet 16, Si come nella penna e nell'inchiostro.flac 76.3 MB
- 04. 7 Sonnets of Michelangelo, Op. 22 No. 4, Sonnet 55, Tu sa' ch'io so, signior mie, che tu sai.flac 65.9 MB
- 05. 7 Sonnets of Michelangelo, Op. 22 No. 5, Sonnet 38, Rendete a gli occhi miei, o fonte o fiume.flac 65.8 MB
- 10. Winter Words, Op. 52 No. 3, Wagtail and Baby.flac 65.5 MB
- 08. Winter Words, Op. 52 No. 1, At Day-Close in November.flac 62.3 MB
- 02. 7 Sonnets of Michelangelo, Op. 22 No. 2, Sonnet 31, A che più debb'io mai l'intensa voglia.flac 56.3 MB
- 11. Winter Words, Op. 52 No. 4, The Little Old Table.flac 47.1 MB
- 06. 7 Sonnets of Michelangelo, Op. 22 No. 6, Sonnet 32, S'un casto amor, s'una pietà superna.flac 46.6 MB
- 23. The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op. 35 No. 8, Sonnet 1, Thou Hast Made Me.flac 45.5 MB
- 17. The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op. 35 No. 2, Sonnet 14, Batter My Heart.flac 42.4 MB
- 13. Winter Words, Op. 52 No. 6, Proud Songsters.flac 37.6 MB
- 19. The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op. 35 No. 4, Sonnet 19, Oh, to Vex Me.flac 35.7 MB
- booklet.pdf 6.5 MB
- Cover.jpg 49.7 KB
- foo_dr.txt 3.6 KB
- TOP - IsraBox.url 68 bytes
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