Covid Collection downloaded from (2021.08.23)
File List
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Security/Internet/Full Ethical Hacking Course - Network Penetration Testing for Beginners (2019).mp4 1.7 GB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/RING OF POWER 1 - EMPIRE OF THE CITY - The Story of America, It's incorporation, and the Federal Reserve.mp4 737.0 MB
- 10. Resources/Survival/The-Global-Reset-Survival-Guide-Chapter-3.mp3 632.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Psychology/The Minds of Men Official Documentary by Aaron Melissa Dykes2.mp4 552.3 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/The Virus of Freedom (2013) - How to defeat the NWO - What does a free world look like.mp4 367.1 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Focus on Fauci - Featuring Dr David Martin, Dr Judy Mikovits, Rocco Galati, Robert F Kennedy & Sacha Stone.mp4 348.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Globalism Through Regionalism by Michael Shaw.mp4 331.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Psychology/Human Resources Social Engineering In The 20th Century.mp4 318.9 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/World Renowned Microbiologist - Dr Sucharit Bhakdi - THE BIGGEST EXPERIMENT EVER DONE.mp4 311.8 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/non-covid/The Origin of HIV Aids The best documentary Channel 4.mp4 307.3 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Mark Passio-s Natural Law Seminar - Natural Law the REAL Law of Attraction 2 of 3 (afternoon).mp4 302.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Sustainable Development - The Constitution and What You Can Do.mp4 302.2 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Iron Mountain Report - A blueprint for Tyranny.mp4 297.2 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Journalist, Experts & Statisticans/CLAIRE EDWARDS INTERVIEW.mp4 296.6 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Lawyers & Law Enforcement/Lawsuit - International Investigation Covid-19 Coronavirus Class Action Lawsuit.mp4 293.9 MB
- Other (non-covid)/LAST-FLAG-STANDING - Russell-Jay- Gould.mp4 293.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Mark Passio-s Natural Law Seminar - Natural Law the REAL Law of Attraction 3 of 3 (evening).mp4 280.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Americas Choice_ Liberty or Sustainable Development (Part 1) - Michael Shaw.mp4 268.0 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Sustainable Development - Ending the American Experience.mp4 250.5 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Medical Research/PHARMAKEIA - THE SORCERER'S WAND - A documentary about the Medical Industry.mp4 249.3 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/The 5G Trojan Horse Documentary.mp4 247.0 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Agenda 21 - Sustainable Development - Henry Lamb and Steven Yates speak at the Ludwig von Mises Institute.mp4 246.6 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Journalist, Experts & Statisticans/Covid-19 Asymptomatic Illusion, Dangers Of Pathogenic Priming & MSM Push For Vaccine Passports.mp4 242.3 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Soviet Government within the US - Sustainable Development Euphemisms -Agenda 21 - Michael Shaw Guest on With Liberty and Justice for All.mp4 235.6 MB
- 10. Resources/Survival/The-Global-Reset-Survival-Guide-Chapter-1.mp3 233.2 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Americas Choice_ Liberty or Sustainable Development (Part 5) - Tom DeWeese.mp4 232.6 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Americas Choice_ Liberty or Sustainable Development (Part 4) - Beverly Eakman.mp4 231.2 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Medical and Ethical Emergency Deliberation- Heiko Schning.mp4 227.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/The Silver Bullet For Liberty.mp4 227.3 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Corporation Nation - The United States is a corporation.mp4 221.1 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/non-covid/Documentary - Trace Amounts.mp4 212.9 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Sustainable Destruction - Exposing Agenda 21 in Rural America.mp4 209.4 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Covid-19 Documentaries/Indoctornation - Covid-19 Documentary.mp4 207.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Understanding Sustainable Development.mp4 198.2 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Illuminati Occult ceremony at the Opening of Worlds longest tunnel near CERN in Gotthard massif. sod.mp4 191.2 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Mark Passio-s Natural Law Seminar - Natural Law the REAL Law of Attraction 1 of 3 (morning).mp4 190.6 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Documentary - The Monopoly On Violence.mp4 189.4 MB
- 10. Resources/Survival/The-Global-Reset-Survival-Guide-Chapter-2.mp3 187.9 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Americas Choice_ Liberty or Sustainable Development (Part 3) - Michael Chapman.mp4 187.9 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Americas Choice_ Liberty or Sustainable Development (Part 2) - Michael Coffman.mp4 187.5 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/DR. JAMES GIORDANO Military Presentation -THE BRAIN IS THE BATTLEFIELD OF THE FUTURE.mp4 181.7 MB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Documentary - Trust Who.mp4 178.4 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Journalist, Experts & Statisticans/COVID-19 Unmasked - Andrew Johnson.mp4 176.1 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Dr. Katherine Horton-Defeating 5G as a mass DEW Terraforming platform for AI Artificial Inte 173.1 MB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/The FULL Snowden Interview.mp4 171.8 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Doctors from all over the world weigh in on covid-19 coronavirus.mp4 170.4 MB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/COVID-1984 PSYOP 2020 Documentary.mp4 164.0 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Sustainable Medicine by Dr. Madeleine Cosman.mp4 160.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Limits- Satanic - Now in High Quality (Full Documentary).mp4 160.2 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Bill Gates - Meet Bill Gates.mp4 157.5 MB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Bill Gates - An open investigation - How To Become A Billionaire (and what to do with it).mp4 155.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Conspiracies & Collusion/911/911 Documentary - Loose Change 2nd Edition (HD) FULL MOVIE.mp4 152.6 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Conspiracies & Collusion/911/911 A Presentation by Dr. Judy Wood Part 2 of 2 - Where Did The Towers Go.mp4 143.9 MB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/COVID-19 Death Recording Manipulation Explained -2.mp4 143.2 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/Brain Science from Bench to Battlefield- The Realities and Risks of Neuroweapons - CGSR Military Seminar.mp4 141.3 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Whistleblowers & Witness Testomonies/Cathy O'Brien.mp4 140.5 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/David E. Martin, PhD - Full Interview - Planet Lockdown.mp4 140.0 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Tammy Clark & Kristen Megan (OSHA certified experts) talk about mask-wearing and covid-19 (banned from youtube&facebook).mp4 134.7 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/FORMER FEMA OPERATIVE CELESTE SOLUM ON COVID-19 Vaccinations.mp4 133.5 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Covid-19 Documentaries/Covid-19 Documentary - Plandemic PT1.mp4 132.9 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Conspiracies & Collusion/How Can A Global Conspiracy Work- - Questions For Corbett.mp4 129.7 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Medical and Ethical Emergency Deliberation- Natalia Prego Cancelo.mp4 128.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/War Castle Sergeant Robert Horton - Discusses World Agendas & Government Reformation (potentially controlled op).mp4 126.4 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Barrie Trower on 5G - The Genocidal Nature of Non-Ionising Radiation.mp4 125.2 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Medical and Ethical Emergency Deliberation- Karen Hamaker-Zondag.mp4 123.5 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Politics/NASA Powerpoint Presentation Explaining Future Strategic Issues Future Warfare Circa 2025.mp4 123.2 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/2018 Warning of Virus & 5G attack according to Dr Edward Group.mp4 119.4 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Dr Shiva The Elite Have Enslaved Us In Their Illusion, Its Time To Back The Country Dec 12 2020.mp4 116.5 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Agenda 21 - The Ultimate Threat by Michael Shaw.mp4 114.1 MB
- 10. Resources/Legal Resources/Dont Talk to the Police - ever.mp4 113.4 MB
- 09. Covid-19 Lawsuits/Lawsuit in Canada to take back the country.mp4 106.3 MB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)/Vitamin D and COVID 19- The Evidence for Prevention and Treatment of Coronavirus (SARS CoV 2).mp4 105.9 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Conspiracies & Collusion/911/911 A Presentation by Dr. Judy Wood Part 1 of 2.mp4 105.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Agenda 21 - Sustainable Development - Michael Shaw speaks at the Ludwig von Mises Institute.mp4 105.7 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Solar/Sun Woo - 2021-2-16.mp4 102.3 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/EMA Leaks - Is Publicly Available Pfizer- Biontech vaccine LOWER QUALITY Than Serum Tested In Trials-converted.mp4 102.1 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Unalienable Rights, Fiat Money and the Sustainable Development Action Plan by Mi.mp4 102.1 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Industrial Hygienists discuss mask-mandates & covid19 -2.mp4 101.3 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Illuminati Occult ceremony at the Opening of Worlds longest tunnel near CERN in Gotthard 2-2 .mp4 100.1 MB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Can anybody see the medical tyranny happening and democide coming.mp4 98.8 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Dr Sherri Tenpenny Discusses Covid-19.mp4 98.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Former FEMA Officer, Celeste Solum, COVID-19 Globalization & Depopulation Plans - IMPORTANT.mp4 98.0 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/ASK THE EXPERTS #2 -Feb20,2021 - COVILEAKS 2021 BBC PANORAMA RESPONSE.mp4 95.7 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Dr. Eric Nepute do they really think that we are this easily fooled.mp4 95.5 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/non-covid/Vaccines Are Biological Weapons - 480p H264 AAC.mp4 94.6 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Oxford Astra Zeneca - It's Eugenics In A Needle.mp4 93.9 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/SARS-CoV2 and the Rise of Medical Technocracy. Lee Merritt, M.D.mp4 92.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/We've All Been FOOLED 50 Year Old Recording Proves Everything (1967).mp4 86.6 MB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Allopathic (Conventional)/Ivermectin/Ivermectin Cure and Preventative Doctor pleads for review of data during COVID-19 Senate hearing.mp4 85.5 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/OSHA Expert Whistleblower Talks about Mask mandates, effectiveness, and dangers of wearing them.mp4 84.0 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/A wake-up call from The World Freedom Alliance - Covid-19 Deception and Concerns - Featuring various Doctors.mp4 82.6 MB
- 09. Covid-19 Lawsuits/Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Interview About the International Lawsuits Its Quite Clear That This Is Like World War III, and Probably Worse.mp4 80.3 MB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/Antibody Testing- COVID-19 Antibody Tests Discussion.mp3 80.2 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/The Anglo-Saxon Mission, explained by Bill Ryan - a Project Avalon video.mp4 80.0 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Thomas Cowan on COVID-19 and Germ Theory.mp3 79.8 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Henna Maria - The End of The Mask Debate.mp4 78.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/The Great Reset Analysis - No one likes you, Klaus - Amazing Polly.mp4 78.2 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Medical Research/The Crisis of Science.mp4 77.1 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Face Masks - Helpful or Hoax.mp4 76.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 75.9 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Medical Research/Dr. Jason Fung- Financial Conflicts of Interests and the End of Evidence-Based Medicine.mp4 75.6 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Medical and Ethical Emergency Deliberation- Gaston Cornu-Labat.mp4 75.4 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Dr Stephen Malthouse Interviewed about Covid-19 - January 3rd, 2021.mp4 75.4 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Medical and Ethical Emergency Deliberation- Michaela Schippers.mp4 74.7 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Dr Sucharit Bhakdi - Full Interview - Planet Lockdown.mp4 74.1 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Dr Larry Palevsky's Testimony in opposition of H B 5044 Vaccination Bill in CT - Worth Watching.mp4 73.6 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/1 Hour COMPLETE ROSARY - SPOKEN ONLY.mp4 73.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Event 201 Pandemic Exercise- Segment 4, Communications Discussion and Epilogue Video - october 2019.mp4 73.0 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Music & Art/Political/Never Sleep Again Part II - FULL ALBUM - 432 Hz Truth Music - Rap.mp4 72.7 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Covid-19 Conjecture - 5g, Masks, Vaccines, Corona - Kate Shemirani.mp4 72.5 MB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/EXPOSED - OPERATION WARP SPEED - The NWO Plan to Track & Trace You.mp4 71.9 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/That Virus test! Hildreth - Kate Shemirani.mp4 70.5 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Bill Gates - Eugenics - Population Control.mp4 70.1 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Experiences Following Covid-19 Vaccination by Julian Aster - COMBINED JAN 24 2021.pdf 69.8 MB
- 10. Resources/Survival/The-Global-Reset-Survival-Guide-Chapter-4.mp3 69.3 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/What is Herd Immunity- Bringing Clarity to the Debate - Part Two.mp4 69.2 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/148 US Deaths In VAERS HHS Vaccine Database Many Are Dying Shortly After Getting Vaccinated, Especially after 2nd Dose- Jan23,2021.mp4 68.7 MB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Dr Kory Math discusses treatment - features lots of other doctors too.mp4 67.0 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/TOXIC DISCOVERY IN CANCELLED COVID VACCINE - People test for HIV in the vaccine trials.mp4 66.9 MB
- 10. Resources/EMF/Reducing occupant exposure to EMF in residential construction Pt 1.mp4 66.8 MB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/Kevin McKernan on the review of the Corman-Drosten PCR methodology that he co-authored.mp4 65.9 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/The End Game is White Genocide.mp4 65.6 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/The Jones Plantation.mp4 64.8 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Journalist, Experts & Statisticans/Claire Edwards - COVID19(84) GENOCIDE OF 2020.mp4 64.3 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/RED ALERT WARNING - SO DIABOLICAL EVEN MERCK WANTS OUT - Moderna & Pfizer Vaccine Info.mp4 62.3 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/WHO Insider GAVI Whistleblower Exposes Bill Gate'ss Covid-19 Vaccine Legal Immunity.mp4 61.3 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/WiGig dangers-the coming psychotronic electronic voodoo doll systems.mp4 60.6 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Dr Thomas Cowen - Year End Review regarding Covid-19 & Thoughts on the Future.mp4 60.2 MB
- 10. Resources/Legal Resources/Your Rights to Decline Mandatory Covid Measures.mp4 60.1 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Economist/Sit down interview with Catherine about economic situation currently - economic reset attempt December 30, 2020.mp4 60.0 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Jacob the Evil Black Jack and Esau P1.avi.mp4 59.4 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Journalist, Experts & Statisticans/What is going on in Israel - An Interview with 'Truth Author' Shoshi Herscu.mp4 59.3 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Kary Mullis Deja-Vu Covid19 vs AIDS HIV.mp4 54.9 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Alternative Energy/A practical guide to free energy devices -2000+ pages.pdf 54.9 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/evidence-that-viruses-cause-disease-or-the-rooster-in-the-river-of-rats-impro 54.8 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Medical and Ethical Emergency Deliberation- group discussion 1.mp4 54.8 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Coronavirus - A second look - Crushing and Silencing Doctors of Conscience - Interview with two Doctors.mp3 54.1 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Industrial Hygienist explains the truth about wearing masks & Covid-19 - 'Light up the CDC'.mp4 53.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Human Action - Praxeology & Economics.pdf 53.1 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Former Pfizer Vice President, Mike Yeadon, Unlocked - Ramifications of lockdowns and harsh policies.mp4 52.6 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Covid-19 Documentaries/Covid-19 Documentary - Plandemic PT2.mp4.mp4 51.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Trump & Joe Biden's love for Israel - Two sides of the same corrupt coin.mp4 51.4 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Dr Stefan Lanka Explains that there is no actual proof that HIV causes AIDS.m 50.9 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Judy Mikovitz - Covid-19, Vaccines, Testing, Masks, Fauci, Censorship, Sabotage, Corruption - Important.mp4 50.7 MB
- 10. Resources/Software/Video/Free YouTube Download 50.5 MB
- 10. Resources/Survival/The-Global-Reset-Survival-Guide.pdf 50.5 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Trump - China & Russia in Bible Prophecy - Babylon Antichrist.mp4 50.5 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Journalist, Experts & Statisticans/Global Covid-19 Pandemic Report - 'There is no deadly pandemic' 73 pages.pdf 50.3 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Trump/President Donald Trump Delivers Remarks On U.S. 5G Deployment - NBC News.mp4 50.3 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/What is COVID-19- The Fear Campaign Has No Scientific Basis - Prof. Michel Chossudovsky.mp4 49.8 MB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Government Minions Refuse To Uphold Public Health Bylaws.mp4 49.7 MB
- 10. Resources/Software/Video/vlc- 49.6 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Journalist, Experts & Statisticans/We Are Being Lied To! Here Is How - Spiro Skouras - Activistpost.mp4 48.6 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Toy Models, Free Body Diagrams, and the Debunk of Climate Science - Skeptical Science.mp4 48.4 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Church Pastor claiming to be former Vodaphone insider Claims 5G is Related to Covid19 Accord 48.3 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Is Asymptomatic Transmission Fake News - Volume 1 - 10 Feb 2021 - World Doctors Alliance 47.7 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Journalist, Experts & Statisticans/Covid-19 is being used to increase and normalize tyranny.mp4 47.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Bible - New World Translation - Jehova's Witness Revised - 2013.pdf 47.3 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Bill Gates Deleted Documentary Why He Switched From Microsoft To Vaccines-.mp4 46.7 MB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/5. Stephen Bustin on Challenges with RT-PCR.mp3 45.9 MB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Security/Internet/How To Secure A Server.mp4 45.9 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Professor Dolores Cahill Challenges The Official Covid19 Narrative.mp3 45.8 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/500+ Reported Cases of Numbness, Paralysis, Bell's Palsy, etc After Covid Vaccination- VAERS Data Walkthrough.mp4 45.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Geoengineering, Weather, Environment, Climate Change/Geoengineering Watch Interview With Pastor Chuck Baldwin Interview 2020-7-30.mp3 45.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/The Trilateral Commission - Patrick Wood - Freedom 21 Conference - 2009.mp4 45.7 MB
- 10. Resources/Survival/The-Global-Reset-Survival-Guide-Special-Report-Ballistics-and-Perimeter-Defense.mp3 44.8 MB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Covid-19 Plandemic confirmed united nations WHO evidence.mp4 44.8 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Economist/Fact-free Covid-19 Dystopia.mp3 44.4 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Covid 19 fraud exposed in NY Hospital.mp4 44.1 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/Sentient World Simulation- Meet Your DoD Clone.mp4 43.9 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Dr Lee Merritt - Covid19 Pandemic & Biological warfare.mp4 43.9 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Medical and Ethical Emergency Deliberation- Dr. Janos Drabik.mp4 43.8 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Reports of Injury and Death from Covid-19 Vaccinations.pdf 43.4 MB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Coronavirus Illuminati Ritual 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony in Britain - Predictive Programming.mp4 43.3 MB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/The Truth About PCR Tests.mp4 42.7 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Dr Leland Stillman talks about covid-19 medical tyranny and censorship of any dissent whatsoever.mp4 42.4 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Registered Nurse - Kristi Simmonds - Covid-19 Vaccine Reaction Anecdotal Report.mp4 42.3 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Psychology/Conformity - Dangerous Conformity - The Smoke and Fire Test.mp4 42.0 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/150 US Public Health Service experiments from 1919 that prove disease is not 41.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/Siemens secret hoard of Human Microchips - USAF contractor William Pawelec.mp4 41.2 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/5G & Covid Vaccines - SGT SHOW-JANUARY-2021.pptx 40.9 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Elon Musk and The 5G IOT New World Order Simulated Reality.mp4 40.9 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/texas technology millionaire funds hacker group rigged election fraud lawsuit.mp4 40.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Alan Watts - The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions.mp4 40.6 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Ep. 1576 When All Else Fails- The Ethics of Resistance to State Injustice.mp4 40.4 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Bill Gates says that we dont have a choice & normalcy only resumes once weve vaccinated the global population.mp4 40.2 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Whistleblowers & Witness Testomonies/Whistleblower William Binney, Former NSA employee, says NSA goal is total population control .mp4 40.1 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Lesson 4 Agenda 21 Course.mp4 39.9 MB
- 10. Resources/Software/Video/vlc-3.0.11-win64.exe 39.9 MB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Fake Covid19 News (CBS) exposed.mp4 39.9 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/Suspected Controlled Opposition/mind control tech explanation bryan tew - wtf - mentions neuralink.mp4 39.5 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Lesson 5 Agenda 21 Course.mp4 39.5 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/ER nurse tests positive for COVID-19 eight days after receiving vaccine.mp4 39.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/The Story Of Your Enslavement.mp4 39.2 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Cult Personalities & People of Interest/Elon Musk/The Mysterious Lineage of ELON MUSK!.mp4 39.2 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Health Authorities in Australia Issue Medical Examination Direction for Mandatory COVID-19 Testing.mp4 38.9 MB
- 10. Resources/Software/Video/vlc-3.0.11-win32.exe 38.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Music & Art/Political/O.D.D TV - Never Sleep Again - Full Album - Lyrics - 432hz Truth Music .mp4 38.8 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Medical and Ethical Emergency Deliberation- group discussion 3.mp4 38.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Agenda 21 Beginnings - Part 1_6 - Technocracy and the New World Order.mp4 38.4 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Dr Simone Gold, Frontline Doctor, Attorney, Exposes lies about Covid-19 and the 'pandemic'.mp4 37.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/If you were king - a thought exercise.mp4 37.5 MB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/Positive Covid-19 Test Coco-Cola Performed Live Austrian Parliment.mp4 37.3 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/PHARMAKEIA - the occultism behind vaccines and their potential agenda exposed.mp4 37.2 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/MASKS - THE SCIENCE (DR. LEE MERRITT).mp4 37.1 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Priest From Rome Gives Warning About the False Pandemic and don't take the vaccine. It Will Kill you..mp4 37.0 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Masks do more harm than good - Patrick Wood.mp3 36.9 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Medical and Ethical Emergency Deliberation- closing statement.mp4 36.9 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Does Legality equal Morality - Representative Leslie Byrne Interviewed by Jan Helfeld.mp4 36.8 MB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Bill Gates & Ties to Coronavirus - who owns what and who is who- research shared by vaxxism.mp4 36.6 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Medical and Ethical Emergency Deliberation- Sven-Ake Hulleman.mp4 36.6 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Illuminati opening ceremony of Gotthard Base Tunnel.mp4 36.4 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/This is one of the most important video you could watch to understand what is really going on regarding covid-19.mp4 35.3 MB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/BOMBSHELL - US Covid 19 Plan Identified and EXPOSED, Beyond Tyrannical - Rockefellers Taking Back Control Plan Reviewed.mp4 35.2 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Dr Carrie Madej - Human 2.0 - A Wake-Up Call To The World by Dr Carrie Madej with her fear for Humanity.mp4 34.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Science/Dr. Peter Gariaev (1942 - 2020) The Wave Genome Nobel Prize candidate .mp4 34.6 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Geoengineering, Weather, Environment, Climate Change/Geoengineering Watch- Our First Ever High Altitude Atmospheric Testing.mp4 33.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Public vs Polity Depiction - The Tiny Little Dot - What the big picture looks like regarding Government - Larken Rose .mp4 33.0 MB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/External peer review of the RTPCR test to detect SARSCoV-2 reveals 10 major scientific flaws at the molecular CORMAN-DROSTEN REVIEW REPORT.pdf 32.8 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Journalist, Experts & Statisticans/Covideo Pt1.mp4 32.8 MB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/The PCR Deception.mp4 32.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Lesson 1 Agenda 21 Course.mp4 32.7 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/MASKS DON'T WORK! DR TED NOEL Demonstrates & Discusses.mp4 32.5 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Trump Video that got him banned social media.mp4 32.2 MB
- 10. Resources/Survival/The-Global-Reset-Survival-Guide-Special-Report-Living-Without-Electricity.mp3 31.6 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Lesson 2 Agenda 21 Course.mp4 31.2 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/Direct Neural Interface & DARPA - Dr Justin Sanchez.mp4 30.7 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Dr Yvette Lezano Coronavirus Covid-19 Facts & Stats.mp4 30.7 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Politicians & Government Agents/Ontario Parliment is asked about internment isolation camps for covid-19 - dodges question.mp4 30.3 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/DR HEIKO SCHONING AFTER BEING ARRESTED - IT IS NOT A MEDICAL PANDEMIC, IT'S A POLITICAL PANDEMIC.mp4 29.9 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/TERRIBLE COVID mRNA VACCINE REACTIONS FEB-9-2021.mp4 29.8 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Journalist, Experts & Statisticans/Coronavirus- Is the government really following the science- - BBC Newsnight.mp4 29.5 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/IMPORTANT - January 15th, 2021 - 3 Scenarios Going Forward.mp4 29.3 MB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Debbie Hicks who was arrested for filming an empty hospital speaks out.mp4 29.3 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Meahuasca.pdf 29.2 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Politicians & Government Agents/The numbers aren't adding up - this will shock you - Senator Scott Jensen.mp4 28.9 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Lawyers & Law Enforcement/Officer Michael Seney 01.mp4 28.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/This is clear-cut EVIDENCE of voter fraud and the Coffee County, GEORGIA.mp4 28.3 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Biblical warning to leave America and that destruction is coming.mp4 28.2 MB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Covid-19 predictive programming.mp4 28.2 MB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Prepare Yourself for What is Coming - Covid19 - Medical Tyranny.mp4 28.2 MB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/Problems with PCR testing for COVID -19.mp4 28.0 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Medical and Ethical Emergency Deliberation- Catherine van Ommeren.mp4 28.0 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/Suspected Controlled Opposition/Dr. Robert Duncan Brain Hacking, Synthetic Telepathy, and Mind Control of Targeted Individuals.mp4 27.9 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Joe Biden says we should consider mandating Coronavirus Covid-19 Vaccine.mp4 27.9 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Politicians & Government Agents/VIRAL SPEECH- Rand Pauls (R-KY) Senate floor speech against COVID-19 bill.mp4 27.9 MB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/04 Beyond Crucial Update on Viral Issue - and Lockdown Science!.mp4 27.5 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Journalist, Experts & Statisticans/Covid19 Assessment from 27.0 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/'Evidences that the official story is fake' - 640 Doctors think Covid-19 is a scam - banned and censored video.mp4 26.9 MB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Womens Father died of Alzheimers but death certificate was marked Covid19.mp4 26.5 MB
- 10. Resources/Legal Resources/How to travel without complying to corrupt Government policies-Prof. Dolores Cahill.mp4 26.3 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/What is Herd Immunity- Epidemiologists Make Their Case - Part One.mp4 26.3 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Trump/Trump Talk- All Our Best Mashups In One Video.mp4 26.2 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Operation Garden plot - military response to the American people dissenting resisting nwo.mp4 26.1 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/US Department of Justice DOJ - Mueller Report - The investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election.pdf 25.8 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/micro-botic-terrorism-with-ai-5g-mbt-cyrus-a-parsa-the-ai-organization.mp4 25.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Cardinal Burke- Forces of the -Great Reset- have used COVID to advance -evil agenda-.mp4 25.7 MB
- 10. Resources/Survival/The-Global-Reset-Survival-Guide-Special-Report-Prioritizing-Purchases.mp3 25.5 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Nancy Pelosi Interviewed by Jan Helsfeld about Minimum wage and morality.mp4 25.3 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/001 The Philosophy of Liberty.mp4 25.1 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Taking Liberty - The Wildlands Project - Pushing Rural Citizens into Cities - Off limit zones for humans - Limited Use zones - Primary use zones.mp4 24.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/mail ballots thrown in trash.gif 24.5 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/MUST WATCH! -Corona virus - David E. martin PHD - missing link -bioweapon.mp4 24.4 MB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/Covid-19- Behind the PCR Curtain - Dr Sam Bailey.mp4 24.4 MB
- 10. Resources/Survival/The-Global-Reset-Survival-Guide-Special-Report-Recovery-of-Society.mp3 24.3 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Ashtakavarga 1957 Ed. by C S Patel & Aiyar.pdf 24.3 MB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/2. 22 Scientists report on faulty RT-PCR testing fraud for Covid-19 Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 Tests are useless.pdf 24.1 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/CDC Caught Shaving Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths From The VAERS System - March2nd-2021.mp4 23.9 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/United States Military in Washington D.C. at the Capitol.mp4 23.6 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Journalist, Experts & Statisticans/Andrew Johnson's Assessment of the Covid-19 pandemic.mp4 23.6 MB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/NY SB416 QUARANTINE CAMPS & FORCED VACCINATIONS - January 2nd.mp4 23.6 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/Facebook Is Lifelog, DARPA Controlled By The CIA.mp4 23.5 MB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Effort underway to remove Androscoggin County commissioners over anti-mask controversy.mp4 23.4 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Health & Safety Executive UK Government Letter confirming there is no proof o 23.3 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Journalist, Experts & Statisticans/COVID 19 on Trial - September.mp4 23.0 MB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Rockefeller Foundations Operation Lockstep - Under The Guise Of A Pandemic, We Will Create A Prison.mp4 23.0 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Jesuits - Sons of Satan.mp4 22.9 MB
- 10. Resources/Survival/The-Global-Reset-Survival-Guide-Special-Report-Shotguns-vs-Rifles.mp3 22.3 MB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/DO NOT Get Tested - Worse Than You Can Possibly Imagine - DR. JAMES GIORDANO Ms Celeste Solum Valid.mp4 22.3 MB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Rave Party Shut Down by Police - Los Angeles.mp4 22.2 MB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Janet Shills Mills Maine Covid19 Vaccine.mp4 22.1 MB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Police raid private gathering at Canadian home after neighbors snitch.mp4 21.6 MB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/The Biggest Monster Is Spreading. And Its Not the Coronavirus. - The New York Times.pdf 21.6 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Bobi Wine interview- Ugandas pop star turned politician on his challenge for the presidency.mp4 21.5 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/EDOM Bible Trump Covid19 Statistics Rabbit holes.mp4 21.5 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Dr. Baker gives his thoughts regarding Covid-19 and the Moderna Vaccine.mp4 21.5 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/The 1599 Geneva Bible - The Patriot Edition.pdf 21.3 MB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/Italy investigates PCR Covid-19 Test fraud.mp4 20.9 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/12 year old Victoria Grant explains why the world is in debt.mp4 20.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Medical Research/The Failure of Peer Review (Especially in Medicine) with Brendan D. Murphy.mp4 20.8 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Lawyers & Law Enforcement/Greg Anderson- Officers doing the right thing-.mp4 20.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Biden & Harris/joe biden says will develop a disease and resign if disagrees with kamala on a moral principle1.mp4 20.6 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Predictive Programming/TRUMP rump TOWER DEATH RAY TINY TOON ADVEN.mp4 20.5 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Bill Gates - Crime family.mp4 20.5 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Professor Delores Cahill - WHY PEOPLE COULD START DYING A FEW MONTHS AFTER THE FIRST MRNA TRANSFECTION INJECTION.mp4 20.4 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Dr Mohammad Iqbal Adil weighs in on the covid-19 and gives his perspective.mp4 20.0 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Police Brutality/Police use unreasonable excessive force & kill a man the same way George Floyd was.mp4 19.9 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Psychology/Obedience - Milgrim Experiment.mp4 19.7 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Whistleblowing Virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan Claims Coronavirus Lab 'Cover-Up' Made Her Flee China.mp4 19.6 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Journalist, Experts & Statisticans/Pandemic Parallax View.pdf 19.6 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/The Ethics of Liberty Murray Rothbard.pdf 19.6 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Psychology/Social Engineering - Google Leak - The Selfish Ledger - Google plans to Socially Engineer the world.mp4 19.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Biden & Harris/Biden Harris Administration Want To Bypass Congress To Implement Their Mandatory Gun Buybacks (Confiscation).mp4 19.1 MB
- 10. Resources/Legal Resources/Duties & Rights of Business Owners on Masking under Covid.mp4 18.9 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Paranormal/UFO/Russian UFO Video Translated English - Invisible UFO Space Crafts.mp4 18.7 MB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/9 Minutes straight of scripted covid19 operation mocking bird news.mp4 18.7 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Virus Mania Ebook - Avian Flu HSN1 HPV CORONA VIRUS SARS BSE Hepatitis C Poli 18.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/Everybody Can Make Deepfakes Now!.mp4 18.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Cult Personalities & People of Interest/Alex Jones/Alex Jones Shilling for Israel Repeatedly - Says to leave them alone.mp4 18.4 MB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Contact Tracing - insider info.mp4 18.4 MB
- 10. Resources/Survival/Military - DSCA Handbook - Tactical Level Commander & Staff Toolkit - GTA90-01-020.pdf 18.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Trump and the Noahide Laws.mp4 18.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/The Five Important Moral Questions Regarding The Delegation of Rights & Government - Larken Rose.mp4 18.4 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Why Are Covid-19 Cases Soaring In NZ- PCR Test Update .mp4 18.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Trump & Joe Biden are two divisive sides of the same counterfeit coin - Vaccines - Sold out to deepstate and Pharma.mp4 18.1 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Lawyers & Law Enforcement/Canadian Officer Cadet Lesley Kenderesi calls to disobey COVID-19 orders.mp4 18.1 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Did Trump side with Bill Gates & Fauci instead of Robert Kennedy Jr on Vaccines.mp4 18.0 MB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/PCR - Positive Count Rising.mp4 17.7 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Nurse with Masters Degree Shares her perspective regarding Covid-19 and pertaining policies.mp4 17.6 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Thailand- US Openly Backs Anti-Government Mob.mp4 17.6 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/non-covid/The (man-made) Origins of HIV-Aids.mp4 17.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/Is Facebook controlled by the U.S Govt (DARPA) to record all of our data-.mp4 17.3 MB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Allopathic (Conventional)/Evidence for Effectiveness of Steroidal Treatment.mp4 17.3 MB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Security/Internet/Fail2ban Tutorial - How to Secure Your Server.mp4 17.2 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Psychology/Obedience - How Obedient Are We- - Social Experiment.mp4 17.1 MB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/Italian Scientist Show a KIWI testing positive for COVID-19 - lateral flow test.mp4 17.0 MB
- 09. Covid-19 Lawsuits/Horowitz-v-Pfizer-Moderna-Complaint-12-2-20.pdf 16.9 MB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Recap on holistic doctors who died on my unintended series - Now we-re at over 50!.mp4 16.8 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/non-covid/Measles, Before The Marketing Of The Lethal Vaccine.mp4 16.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Predictive Programming/WWF Hulk Hogan, Macho Man, Twin Towers, predictive programming.mp4 16.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/-I survived gun attacks more than once,- says Uganda pop star turned politician Bobi Wine.mp4 16.6 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/THREE ARGUMENTS EVERY POLICE OFFICER MUST HEAR - Tread on nobody.mp4 16.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Stand up before it's too late! - Amazing message from a Texan Teacher.mp4 16.3 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Whistleblowers & Witness Testomonies/Chinese Communist Party Police Officer Witnesses Testimony for Forced organ harvesting, torture, dissidents falun gong in China.mp4 16.1 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/British NHS Radiation Expert – There Is NO Covid Just A Combination Of 5G Radiation And No 15.9 MB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Family Lockdown Song Lord of the flies.mp4 15.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Medical Research/Rockefeller Medicine Men - Book.pdf 15.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Global_Alliance_of_Religions_Joins_Push_for_UN_Agenda.mp3 15.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Psychology/Conformity - The Psychology of Conformity.mp4 15.7 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Lawyers & Law Enforcement/A Word to My Fellow Law Enforcement Officers.mp4 15.5 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Must watch- Covid vaccine a real vaccine or a dangerous pathogen.mp4 15.3 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/Singapore-s Remote-Controlled Cyborg Insects.mp4 15.0 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Politicians & Government Agents/Where is the evidence of causation - 44 responses regarding isolation, existence & causation - Jan-2 part-1.pdf 15.0 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Bernie Sanders is interviews by Jan Helfeld about Government & Rights - No straight answers given.mp4 14.9 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Taken down by Youtube & Vimeo! Kept Quiet Nano-technology in the Vaccines.mp4 14.9 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Lords of the Left-Hand Path- A history of Spirtual Dissent.pdf 14.9 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Biden & Harris/Biden tells cadets to create a -new world order-.mp4 14.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Biden & Harris/Tucker investigates Kamala Harris- record on the Second Amendment.mp4 14.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/Danger in Your Community.mp4 14.5 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/New Neural Dust sensor could be implanted in the body.mp4 14.5 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Agenda 21_ Worldwide to One Bay Area Lawsuit - Part 4_6 -.mp4 14.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Psychology/Obedience - the Milgram Study.mp4 14.4 MB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/1. Simplifying RT-PCR.mp3 14.2 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Covid19 Vaccine Reactions - Dr. Baker scrolls through VAER data.mp4 14.1 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/VAERS Adverse Events After Covid Vaccine - All Data - Feb27,2021.xlsx 14.1 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/Which one is real Obama, can you tell - deep fake technology.mp4 14.0 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Demonstration of elevated & unsafe Co2 levels while wearing a mask using an air gas meter - too high according to OSHA.mp4 13.7 MB
- 09. Covid-19 Lawsuits/Ontario Superior Court of Justice Vaccine Choice Canada - statement-of-claim-2020.pdf 13.6 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Journalist, Experts & Statisticans/Independent_data_analyst_Ethical_Skeptic_joins_the_show.mp3 13.6 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Mask Fraud - Lee Merrit, M.D.mp4 13.6 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Where is the evidence of causation - 44 responses regarding isolation, existe 13.5 MB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Dr David Martin If sars-cov-2 covid19 was created then it was biowarfar and illegal, if it was natural then the patents are illegal because you cant patent nature.mp4 13.5 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Religion - KABBALAH MAGIC AHD THE GREAT WORK Of SEL.pdf 13.4 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Testimony confirming what others are reporting about nursing home health issues following vaccination for covid19.mp4 13.1 MB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Woman stands up for herself and her business against order-following police trying to oppress her.mp4 13.1 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Covid-19 Vaccine Companies are Partnered with World Economic Forum.mp4 13.0 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Joe Biden says that we should consider making Covid-19 vaccines mandatory.mp4 12.9 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/Omega Ophthalmics First Public Implantation of Its Omega Gemini Refractive Capsule.mp4 12.8 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Fauci talks about how Joe Biden wants to vaccinate 100 million people in 100 days and says we can do it.mp4 12.7 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Experiences Following Covid-19 Vaccination by Julian Aster - Part08.pdf 12.6 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Dangerous Air Levels Inside Masks. Firefighter Exposes The Mask Lunacy. People Drive Nosebreathing With 2.mp4 12.5 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/A Protein Corona Adsorbed to a Bacterial Magnetosome Affects Its Cellular Uptake.pdf 12.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Predictive Programming/SONGBIRD Trailer (2021).mp4 12.4 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Vaccine Passports Required for Grocery Shopping being Considered in UK.mp4 12.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Gods-of-the-North-Myth-and-Man.pdf 12.3 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Mainstream Mockingbird Media & Blatant Propaganda/Operation Mockingbird - Mainstream media making calls to action and encouragng civil unrest and political divide.mp4 12.2 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/FAUCI WONT STOP TOUCHING HIS FACE AND MASK.gif 12.1 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Agenda 21 PowerPoint Presentation from Freedom Advocates.mp4 12.0 MB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/The dawning of COVID-21_ As pandemic gets under control, new mutations pose host of new concerns _ National Post.pdf 12.0 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Journalist, Experts & Statisticans/The Definitive Guide to Ethical Skeptics (TES_ES) Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (2019) Analysis.pdf 12.0 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Legal/Military - 2019 Manual for Courts-Martial MCM (Final) (20190108).pdf 11.8 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Journalist, Experts & Statisticans/Evidence over hysteria COVID-19.pdf 11.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Government - The Biggest Scam in History Exposed.pdf 11.8 MB
- 10. Resources/Legal Resources/The Trespass Act Does NOT Apply When Exercising Masking Exemption.mp4 11.6 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Whose Land Is It by Henry Lamb.mp4 11.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature Murray N Rothbard.mp3 11.4 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/4G & 5G Frequency Danger - Stop New Mobile Phone Masts Going Up Near You.mp4 11.3 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Effects of Pulsed 2.856 GHz Microwave Exposure on BM-MSCs Isolated from C57BL6 Mice.pdf 11.2 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Aryanity_ Forbidden History of the Aryan Race (FREE).pdf 11.2 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Why you shouldnt wear a face mask if youre healthy - Channel 9 News.mp4 11.2 MB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/UK- 2 Years Prison for Selling Food - No Vax, No Food (part 2).mp4 11.0 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/non-covid/CDC Chair Doctor Carol Baker talks about Vaccine Deniers and getting rid of all of the white Americans.mp4 11.0 MB
- 10. Resources/Legal Resources/The Redemention Manual - 4.5 edition.pdf 10.9 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 10.9 MB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Covid-19 - Government - Hollywood - Predictive Programming - Social Engineering - How to Present Info for Visual Learners.mp4 10.8 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Solar/Estimated Inactivation of Coronaviruses by Solar Radiation With Special Reference to COVID-19.pdf 10.7 MB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/BUSTED_ CDC Inflated COVID Numbers, Accused of Violating Federal Law.pdf 10.6 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Taxes are voluntary - Senator Harry Reid Interviewed by Jan Helsfeld.mp4 10.5 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/BIG WIRELESS CONCEDES- No studies showing safety of 5G - 7th Feb 2019.mp4 10.3 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Patents/Luciferase biosensor US 8,183,036 B2.pdf 10.2 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/FROM NYC ICU- DOES COVID-19 REALLY CAUSE ARDS--!!.mp4 10.1 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/Creepy Robot Dance - Do You Love Me-.mp4 10.0 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Build Back Better Compilation.mp4 9.9 MB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)/How Vitamin C helps with Immunity and Covid19.mp4 9.8 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/British NHS Radiation Expert There Is NO Covid Just A Combination Of 5G Radiation And Norm 9.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/Suspected Controlled Opposition/Dr Robert Duncan, CIA _ DARPA Stop 007.pdf 9.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Music & Art/Political/O.D.D TV - Right 2 Remain Ignorant (feat. Steve Grant).mp4 9.8 MB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Clandestine parties in Argentina are multiplying & being broken up due to Covid-19 policies.mp4 9.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ - Saint Issa, etc.pdf 9.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Psychology/Obedience - Obeying a Man in a Uniform.mp4 9.5 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/One_Green_World_Under_the_UN_CFR_Globalists_Push_UN.mp3 9.4 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Doctor shows why masks don't work Surgical Mask pores are 2 micrometers while the Covid virus is .12 micrometers. it's like throwing sand through a chain-link fence.mp4 9.4 MB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/RT-PCR - Meet the inventor of the RT-PCR technology predominately used for Covid-19 testing -Kary Mullis.mp4 9.4 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/VAERS Adverse Events After Covid Vaccine- Deaths - Feb15,2021.xlsx 9.3 MB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/The Scam Has Been Confirmed_ PCR Does Not Detect SARS-CoV-2.pdf 9.3 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/VAERS Adverse Events After Covid Vaccine - All Data - Feb15,2021.xlsx 9.3 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Economist/Lockdowns Haven't Brought down Covid Mortality but they have Killed Millions of Jobs.mp3 9.2 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Trump/Trump - I am the Law and Order Candidate.mp4 9.2 MB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)/How Vitamin C Won The Cold War.mp4 9.1 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Brazils Bolsonaro expresses concern about lack of liability for injuries due to side effects fromf Chinas COVID-19 vaccine.mp4 9.0 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Politics/George Soros Paid Protester Opens Up About How He Gets Paid To Protest and Organize Protest.mp4 9.0 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Compilation of Covid-19 Vaccination Experiences Side Effects Reactions by jee lee on Prezi Design.pdf 9.0 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Covid-19 biggest scam ever - Berlin Festival for Freedom & Peace - Covid-19 Government Measures Press Conference.mp4 9.0 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Lesson 3 Agenda21 Course.mp4 8.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Trump Supporters have Stormed the US Capitol, Breaking.mp4 8.7 MB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Key moments at Event 201 - As per CDC they knew to censor, inflate numbers & incite fear.mp4 8.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/A message from the past - Communist Subversion - reminder - G. Edward Griffin - 1969.mp4 8.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 -'Stimulus' (ripoff) BILLS-116HR133SA-RCP-116-68.pdf 8.6 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/French Virologist, Noboel Laureate, Luc Montagnier SARS-CoV-2 made in a lab, has HIV inserts 8.6 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 8.6 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/WHO doesnt have evidence vaccines prevent people transmitting virus to others.mp4 8.6 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Effect of Moderna Vaccine.mp4 8.5 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/VAERS Adverse Events After Covid Vaccine-Feb8,2021.xlsx 8.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Trump - Donald Is A 33 Degree Scottish Rite Freemason!.mp4 8.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 8.2 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Experiences Following Covid-19 Vaccination by Julian Aster - Part05.pdf 8.1 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Rudy Giuliani Dressed In Drag with Donald Trump.mp4 8.0 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Psychology/Conformity - Asch Conformity Experiment.mp4 8.0 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Tiffany Dover faints minutes after taking the new COVID-19 vaccine.mp4 7.8 MB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Fauci Predicted the outbreak in 2017 - there will be a surprise outbreak.mp4 7.8 MB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Circadian clock component REV-ERBa controls homeostatic regulation of pulmonary inflammation.pdf 7.8 MB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/THE PLAN TO CONTROL THE WORLD Warning By Scientists.pdf 7.7 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Dr Judy Mikovitz says do not vaccinate, especially if you are elderly or immune-compromised.mp4 7.7 MB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Dutch police detain 240 anti-lockdown protests - Jan 25, 2021.mp4 7.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/A message from Trump - his concession Jan7.mp4 7.7 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Journalist, Experts & Statisticans/Italian researchers claim Covid-19 is bacterial & potentially 5g related, cure found.mp4 7.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Mainstream Mockingbird Media & Blatant Propaganda/White rage wont just go away.pdf 7.6 MB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Person with satanic shirt part of crowd from 'rave' broken up in LA due to violating covid orders.gif 7.6 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/QLIPHOTH OPUS III - The cycles of primal chaos.pdf 7.6 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Alternative Energy/Salt Water into Fuel.mp4 7.6 MB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/RT-PCR - positives - what do they mean_.pdf 7.5 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Trans-Replicating RNA - BioNTech.pdf 7.5 MB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/RT-PCR - The COVID-19 Test How to Mislead All Humanity. Using a Test To Lock Down Society.pdf 7.4 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/The Connection Between 5G and the Corona Virus.pdf 7.4 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Earths magnetic field area appears to be splitting in half.mp4 7.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Babylonian-Talmud -Complete.pdf 7.4 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Lawyers & Law Enforcement/A message from a retired police officer in Canada to all active police officers.mp4 7.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 7.4 MB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Governor Cuomo (NY) Wants to enforce mask mandates and ticket people for not wearing them. - No questions.mp4 7.3 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Professor Jean Bernard Fourtillan - Truth about Sars Cov2 - Thrown in Psyche ward for questioning narrative!.mp4 7.2 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Expect Covid-19 vaccine to be seasonal like the flu shot- Former FDA chief.mp4 7.2 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/non-covid/Facts About Vaccines The Government Doesn't Want You To Know About.mp4 7.1 MB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Nearly a quarter of the people Colorado said died from coronavirus dont have COVID-19 on their death certificate.pdf 7.1 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Experiences Following Covid-19 Vaccination by Julian Aster - Part01.pdf 7.1 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/The Cancer Of The World The Jesuit Order.pdf 7.1 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Grafton pharmacist accused of spoiling vaccines will have license suspended, pending hearings.mp4 7.0 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/non-covid/HPV Cure using Photodynamics! Why Use Merck Gardasil Vaccination-.mp4 7.0 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Lawyers & Law Enforcement/Police Chief Drops Truth Bomb - How Can We Enforce Social Distancing With Punishment While Releasing Felons.mp4 7.0 MB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/List of people who should be in prison.mp4 6.9 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Questions over fake vaccine injection at UMC event.mp4 6.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Politics/Jews run the world and politics - All Trumps assistants, Jews.mp4 6.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Geoengineering, Weather, Environment, Climate Change/An unusual Ocean anomaly is being detected in the Gulf Stream, not seen in at least 150 years, bearing importance as we face the next weather seasons.pdf 6.8 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Antibiotic-induced release of small extracellular vesicles (exosomes) with su 6.8 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Experiences Following Covid-19 Vaccination by Julian Aster - Part11.pdf 6.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Predictive Programming/Trump Trackdown 1958 Predictive Programming! mirrored.mp4 6.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Trump - You need ID to buy groceries - Voter ID - Predictive Programming.mp4 6.7 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Economist/Covid-19 and the Escalation of Medical Tyranny.mp3 6.6 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Publication/SARS-CoV-2 Is an Unrestricted Bioweapon - A Truth Revealed through Uncovering a Large-Scale, Organized Scientific Fraud.pdf 6.6 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Publication/The-2nd-Yan-Report - SARS-COV-2 Is an Unrestricted Bioweapon - A truth Revealed through Uncovering a Large-Scale, Organized Scientific Fraud.pdf 6.6 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/The_Contagion_Myth_Why_Viruses_Including_Coronavirus_Are_Not_the_Cause_of_Dis 6.6 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Dr. Christiane Northrop - Covid19 mRNA Vaccine with change DNA.mp4 6.6 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 6.5 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Mask and asymptomatic transmissibility statements in court.mp4 6.5 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/5G Risk - The Scientific Perspective.pdf 6.5 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Biden & Harris/Biden- A hundred billion doses for 300 Americans.mp4 6.5 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Lawyers & Law Enforcement/Sheriff refusing to enforce lockdown- -This is not the country I grew up in-.mp4 6.5 MB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Ozone/Definitive_Ozone_Guide.pdf 6.5 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Trump/Donald Trump Believes His Genes Are The Secret To His Success, Says Children Will Benefit - TIME.mp4 6.4 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/The-Body-Electric-and-RF-EMR-2020-0424-.pdf 6.4 MB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Jan30,2021 - Canadian mom finds her son taken to isolation camp from airport covid19 travel restrictions, forced test to travel.mp4 6.3 MB
- 10. Resources/Legal Resources/The Founders Big Solution to Big Government - Article-VI-Booklet - JBS.pdf 6.2 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Hierarchical Organization of Clinical Research Evidence.mp4 6.1 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Welcome to the Great Reset - Klaus.mp4 6.1 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Experiences Following Covid-19 Vaccination by Julian Aster - Part06.pdf 6.1 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/5G final report - State of New Hampshire.pdf 6.1 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/E1b1b; The Y-DNA Haplogroup of Edom, not of Israel - Condir.pdf 6.0 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Cult Personalities & People of Interest/Jeffrey Epstein/Jeffrey Epstein Found in New Mexico!!!!.mp4 6.0 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Experiences Following Covid-19 Vaccination by Julian Aster - Part02.pdf 6.0 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Religion - E1b1b; The Y-DNA Haplogroup of Edom, not of Israel - ESAU.pdf 5.9 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Uganda presidential candidate Bobi Wine says his home was raided by military.mp4 5.9 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Message from President Trump - January 7th - 2021.mp4 5.9 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Georgetown University - Conspiracy Theory.pdf 5.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Rigged USA Elections Exposed.mp4 5.7 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Solar/Higher Solar Irradiance Is Associated With a Lower Incidence of Coronavirus Disease 2019.pdf 5.7 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Publication/The_Yan_Report - Unusual Features of the SARS-CoV-2 Genome Suggesting Sophisticated Laboratory Modification Rather Than Natural Evolution and Delineation 5.7 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Pfizer vaccine relies on new technology never before used in mass human vaccination.pdf 5.7 MB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Effects of non-pharmaceutical interventions on COVID-19 - A Tale of Three Models.pdf 5.7 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine - What the Covid Vaccine Hype Fails to Mention.mp3 5.6 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Newspeak is the future.pdf 5.6 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Politics/Bill Gates and the Lucifer Trust Is there a connection_.pdf 5.6 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 5.6 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Experiences Following Covid-19 Vaccination by Julian Aster - Part13.pdf 5.5 MB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Family's Third Lockdown Parody Song to 'Turn Around'.mp4 5.5 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Music & Art/Political/O.D.D TV - Twilight Zone (Song) O.D.D TV feat Optimiztiq.mp4 5.5 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Audio- Trump berates Ga. secretary of state, urges him to find votes.mp4 5.5 MB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Timmy Learns About Covid Vaccines & Vaccine Passports - Fictional - Rhetorical.mp4 5.4 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Anthony Fauci in March - Theres No Reason To Be Walking Around with a Mask.mp4 5.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Legal/Military - Army Field Manual - Civil Disturbance Operations FM 3-19.15.pdf 5.4 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Bill Gates finally speaks truth regarding the Covid-19 Pandemic and the vaccinations.mp4 5.4 MB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)/Vitamin CAn Adjunctive Therapy for Respiratory Infection, Sepsis and COVID-19.pdf 5.3 MB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Mocking Bird News Media Projecting -Is this the End of CBS, FOX, NBC, and ABC - It should be.mp4 5.3 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Demonstration - Different masks tested with aerosolized vape exhalation - DR TED NOEL.mp4 5.3 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/The Vulgate - The Holy Bible - Old Translation.pdf 5.3 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/The-English-Septuagint.pdf 5.3 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Religion - Blood Passover - The Jews of Europe and Ritual Murder.pdf 5.2 MB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Full lockdown policies in Western Europe countries have no evident impacts on the COVID-19 epidemic.pdf 5.2 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Rockefeller Foundation - Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development.pdf 5.1 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Man, Economy, and State, with Power and Market.pdf 5.1 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Mel Gibson explains how Hollywood works - Won't rise to the top without compromising morality.mp4 5.1 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Trump/The Donald_ the Serpent Seed from the Royal Bloodline_Tribe of Dan.pdf 5.1 MB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/PCR TEST - FAUCI REVEALS MERELY DEAD NUCLEOTIDES - Mullis 'can find almost anything in anybody' using PCR.mp4 5.1 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/The Germ Theory Deception Viruses, 5G , Vaccines, coronavirus, PCR test 5.1 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/PHD Virologist Immunologist Explains Covid-19 Fraud Hoax _ 1500 positive samples examined - No Proof of isolation and purification.mp4 5.0 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Joe Biden - 'I am a Zionist' - 'Israel is essential'.mp4 5.0 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Ritual of the Ancient Toltec Rite.pdf 5.0 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Publication/Third Sequence_ COVID-19_ AATGGTACTAAGAGG = HIV-1 isolate 19663-24H9 from Netherlands envelope glycoprotein (env) gene, sequence ID_ GU4555031.pdf 5.0 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Feb01-2021 - FedEx Shipping 100s of 1000s of Body-Bags -.mp4 5.0 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Politicians & Government Agents/Brazillian President Says Lockdowns are a communist plot & and that he wants every citizen armed.mp4 4.9 MB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Docking Characterization and in vitro Inhibitory Activity of Flavan-3-ols and Dimeric Proanthocyanidins Against the Main Protease Activity of SARS-CoV-2.pdf 4.9 MB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Police & National Guard Patrolling Neighborhood & Shooting Civillians on their own property.mp4 4.9 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Nashville Nurse Covid19 Vaccine Bell Palsy.mp4 4.7 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/These vaccines are unlikely to completely sterilize a population. Professor Sir John Bell, SAGE! Says will probably need seasonal vaccines.mp4 4.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Pet Care/How To Get Rid Of Mites In Dogs My Pinch Of Salt.pdf 4.7 MB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Operation Lockstep - Rockefeller Plan for Martial Law Written in 2010 - includes exploiting a pandemic virus (covid-19) to increase level of control.mp4 4.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Raw video- National Guard, Washington State Patrol troopers at state Capitol in Olympia.mp4 4.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/GeorgiaAgenda21-Explained.pdf 4.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/The-Early-Masonic-Catechisms-by-Harry-Carr.pdf 4.7 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Dr Roger Hodkinson - Phone call with Alberta Governor Stop all testing, biggest hoax in history.mp4 4.6 MB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Covid-19 Mortality - A Matter of Vulnerability Among Nations Facing Limited Margins of Adaptation.pdf 4.5 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Truth about interference in the 2016 elections is finally revealed.mp4 4.5 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/Nanotechnology - Transhumanism - New Frontiers for Selective Biosensing with Biomembrane-based Organic Transistors.pdf 4.5 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Phantom Virus_ In search of Sars-CoV-2 OffGuardian.pdf 4.5 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Combined.pdf 4.5 MB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/[Exclusive] Final Evidence Covid-19 Is A SimEx Planned Simulation Exercise by WHO and World Bank.pdf 4.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/[Exclusive] Final Evidence Covid-19 Is A SimEx Planned Simulation Exercise by WHO and World Bank 4.4 MB
- 09. Covid-19 Lawsuits/A doctor whistleblower has filed a COVID-19 vaccine lawsuit_.pdf 4.4 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/PROOF THAT EVEN BIRDS HATE 5G - WATCH THEM DESTROY A TOWER!.mp4 4.4 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Journalist, Experts & Statisticans/COVID19 and the Agendas to Come - Red-pilled - James-Perloff.pdf 4.4 MB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Heartbreaking video of a Virginia father exploding on the school board for not opening schools.mp4 4.4 MB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/CURES FOR COVID-19 - Confirmed by Medical Experts.pdf 4.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/footage of person who shot woman jan 6 2021 - election 2020 protest capitol.mp4 4.3 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Music & Art/Political/O.D.D TV - In America - Anti NWO Truth Music .mp4 4.3 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Legal/Military - Operation Garden Plot.pdf 4.3 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Publication/The New American -Coronavirus - Freedom is the cure - Special Report 3608.pdf 4.3 MB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Covid19 Gematria Fact 3.mp4 4.3 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Dr Theresa Tam - Director General Canadian Centre Emergency Preparedness & Response - Forced Vaccinations & Quarantines.mp4 4.3 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Informed consent disclosure to vaccine trial subjects of risk of COVID-19 vaccines.pdf 4.2 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Mainstream Mockingbird Media & Blatant Propaganda/Project Mockingbird Covid-19 Vaccine Edition -UN WHO CDC Politicians scripted robot parrots.mp4 4.2 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Chronology of 500 Year Jesuit Deception and Flat Earth TABU; Towards A Better Understanding.pdf 4.2 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Informed consent disclosure to vaccine trial subjects of risk of COVID-19 vaccines worsening clinical disease.pdf 4.2 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Music & Art/Political/O.D.D TV - This is Our World - Truth Music - Conscious Rap.mp4 4.2 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/The Secret Doctrine - By H.P. Blavatsky.pdf 4.1 MB
- 10. Resources/Survival/Norway 'Doomsday Vault Where Worlds Seeds Are Kept Safe.pdf 4.1 MB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Allopathic (Conventional)/Multidrug treatment with nelfinavir and cepharanthine against COVID-19.pdf 4.1 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Vatican Openly Declares Lucifer As God At Catholic Mass-.mp4 4.0 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Experiences Following Covid-19 Vaccination by Julian Aster - Part12.pdf 4.0 MB
- Other (non-covid)/History/Super Volcano - The Global Catastrophe of 535 AD - History's-Great-Secret.pdf 4.0 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 4.0 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Experiences Following Covid-19 Vaccination by Julian Aster - Part10.pdf 3.9 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/More National Guard Troops arrive in buses in Washington, DC (Jan 9, 2021).mp4 3.9 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Alternative Energy/Bedini Complete Intermediate HandBook.pdf 3.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Conspiracies & Collusion/911/Urgent_ Scientists Discover Nano-Thermite Explosives in 9_11 WTC Dust Used in Controlled Demolitions. investigate 911 Superthermite Nano-Thermite. Physics Journal Publishes Peer Reviewed Pa 3.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Joe Biden- Whites will be an ABSOLUTE minority in America - thats a source of our strength.mp4 3.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/The Haig-Kissinger Depopulation Policy 1981 - full.pdf 3.8 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Journalist, Experts & Statisticans/evidence that the pandemic was planned with a purpose.._.pdf 3.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Chinas Vision for a New World Order.pdf 3.7 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Publication/Airborne Transmission of COVID-19 - Aerosol Dispersion, Lung Deposition, and Virus-Receptor Interactions.pdf 3.6 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Experiences Following Covid-19 Vaccination by Julian Aster - Part03.pdf 3.6 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Biden & Harris/Hunter Biden, Burisma, & Corruption - The Impact of US Government Policy & Related Concerns - US Homeland Security.pdf 3.6 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/The Microwave Factor_ The Emperors New Virus_ COVID-5G -86 Pages.pdf 3.6 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Anthony Fauci- Asymptomatic Transmission NEVER Drives Outbreaks.mp4 3.6 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Legal/BILLS - Internment and Resettlement Operations - FM_3-39.40.pdf 3.6 MB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Exploring inter-country coronavirus mortality.pdf 3.5 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/The rise of the nanomaterial metabolite corona, and emergence of the complete corona.pdf 3.5 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Music & Art/Political/O.D.D TV - Don-t Worry About a Thing (Truth Music - Conscious Rap) .mp4 3.5 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Capitol police open doors for the protestors. They stand aside and invite them inside January 6th 2021.mp4 3.5 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/The Viral Protein Corona Directs Viral Pathogenesis and Amyloid Aggregation.pdf 3.5 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Legal/BILLS - HR-645 - FEMA CAMPS.pdf 3.5 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/non-covid/Mandatory Polio Vaccination Required for International Travelers.mp4 3.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Trump Tweets First Line Lots of Post Song 3.4 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/'No one has died from the coronavirus' - Bulgarian Association of Pathology.pdf 3.4 MB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Modeling social distancing strategies to prevent SARS-CoV2 spread in Israel- A Cost-effectiveness analysis.pdf 3.4 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Solar/Enhanced photochemical formation of secondary organic aerosols during the COVID-19 lockdown in Northern China.pdf 3.4 MB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Garlic/Investigation into SARS-CoV-2 Resistance of Compounds in Garlic Essential Oil _ ACS Omega.pdf 3.3 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/Professor Charles Morgan gives a lecture at West Point to US soldiers in the Visual Information Division on the latest technology in the field of Bio-Warfare, DNA reprogr 3.3 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Anti-PEG Immunity Against PEGylated Therapeutics.pdf 3.3 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Bill Gates admits on CNBC TV that he makes 200 billion on vaccines.mp4 3.3 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Brazils Bolsonaro says he won-t take vaccine.mp4 3.2 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Music & Art/Political/Smoke - Thought Criminals (feat. O.D.D TV).mp4 3.2 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Dr Kary Mullis Nobel Prize Chemistry 1993 Discusses how he cannot find any sc 3.2 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Publication/Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120.pdf 3.2 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Designing Electrostatic Interactions via Polyelectrolyte Monomer Sequence.pdf 3.2 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 3.2 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Illuminati - who are they - waybacktimemachine backup.pdf 3.2 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Future_Families_2030.pdf 3.2 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Police literally open up the gates for protesters & paid agitators at the White House - Capitol - Election 2020.mp4 3.2 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Trump - Past, Present & Upcoming Executions - December 11 -2020.pdf 3.1 MB
- 10. Resources/Legal Resources/CORONAVIRUS ACT UPDATED JAN 2021.pdf 3.1 MB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Surge of Student Suicides Pushes Las Vegas Schools to Reopen - The New York Times.pdf 3.1 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/The 5G Paradox_ How The 5G Control Grid Can Lead Us To Freedom Collective Evolution.pdf 3.1 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/What Vaccine Trials - They have barely begun, nevermind being completed.pdf 3.1 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Killings are ongoing- claims Uganda-s Bobi Wine.mp4 3.1 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Conspiracies & Collusion/Robert D Steele CIA Officer Wallstreet launders 100 trillion have them by the balls.mp4 3.1 MB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Scribbles_v1_0_RC1-User_Guide/Scribbles_v1_0_RC1-User_Guide.pdf 3.0 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/The Jesuit Vatican New World Order - The Jesuit Oath.pdf 3.0 MB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Canadian Government Erecting a Network of Covid Detainment Camps.pdf 3.0 MB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/Abbott Test Insert .pdf 3.0 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Open letter from medical doctors and health professionals to all Belgian authorities and all Belgian media about Covid19.pdf 3.0 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Legal/National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal year 2020 -NDAA - PLAW-116-92.pdf 2.9 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Brexit chaos- Dutch officials confiscate food in enforcement of new laws.mp4 2.9 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Trump/From Drumpf to Trump_ Christian Johannes Drumpf.pdf 2.9 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/Did The FCC Just Blow $9 Billion To Give Broadband To Already Served Rich People_ Apparently So_.pdf 2.9 MB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Microsoft, Big Tech Coalition Developing Rockefeller Funded COVID Passports.pdf 2.9 MB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Sampled traffic analysis by internet-exchange-level anversaries.pdf 2.9 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/California Health Official Recommends Investigating Moderna Vaccine Batch Jan19-2021.mp4 2.9 MB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/DarkSeaSkies_v1_0_TDR/DarkSeaSkies_v1_0_TDR.pdf 2.9 MB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Definitive proof that Coronavirus is a globalist bioweapon.pdf 2.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Outside Options, Coercion, & Wages - Removing the Sugar Coating.pdf 2.8 MB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/Kary Mullis - Covid PCR test inventor - Not Meant To Be Used For Infectious Diseases.mp4 2.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Israel's Independence Day_ Chabads complicated relationship with Zionism - The Jerusalem Post.pdf 2.8 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Transfection - Wikipedia - By definition the Moderna and Pfizer 'vaccines' are transfection injections with modified nucleotides and synthetic mRNA.pdf 2.8 MB
- 10. Resources/Survival/recovery_from_nuclear_attack - FEMA.pdf 2.8 MB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Doctors - Over 100 Holistic Doctors Dead - Mysterious Death Series.pdf 2.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Trump/Donald Trump speaks about the BIOMETRIC SYSTEM.mp4 2.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/The Martinist Order.pdf 2.8 MB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)/Electromagnetic Radiation and Quantum Decoherence_ Is Vitamin C the Ultimate Quantum Interface_.pdf 2.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 2.8 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/non-covid/Unvaccinated vs. Vaccinated Children.pdf 2.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Trump/Genetics, Religion, & Covid19 - OPERATION WARPSPEED.pdf 2.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Dr. Anthony Faucis priceless reaction to Trumps Deep State comment (3-20-20).mp4 2.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Trump/President Trump has COVID-19_ A timeline of his travels leading up to a positive coronavirus test.pdf 2.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Antrim County Forensics Report on Dominion Voting Systems.pdf 2.7 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Nashville RN Has Bell-s Palsy After Receiving Covid-19 Vaccination.mp4 2.7 MB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/COVID-19 Scam-demic_ So What The Hell Is Going On__.pdf 2.7 MB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Canada going tyrannical ISOLATION CAMPS for Refusers.pdf 2.6 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Mainstream Mockingbird Media & Blatant Propaganda/Mainstream (and some alternative) News Media Owned by Globalist Special Interest Who lie to you - Operation Mocking Bird.png 2.6 MB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Surveillance Valley - The secret Military history of the Internet - Yasha Levine.pdf 2.6 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Donald Trump - Zionists, Jesuits, Freemasons, KKK, Knights Templars, and the False Messiah.pdf 2.6 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Election - Dominion voting company can remotely control voting machines for customer support.mp4 2.5 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/The Big Reset - Book.pdf 2.5 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Experiences Following Covid-19 Vaccination by Julian Aster - Part04.pdf 2.5 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/the-most-dangerous-superstition-larken-rose-2011.pdf 2.5 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/President Trump says (regarding Big Tech) They have made a terrible mistake.mp4 2.5 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Biden & Harris/Joe Biden - Special Address - Liberal World Order.mp4 2.5 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Trump Clenched Communist Marxist Fist 01.pdf 2.5 MB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Security/Internet/Computer Security - How to Use PGP for Windows - Surveillance Self-Defense.pdf 2.5 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Trump Clenched Communist Marxist Fist 02.pdf 2.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Video Shot By Congressman Dan Kildee (D-Flint) As House Members Take Cover in House Gallery - 11.mp4 2.4 MB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Senator Heard protests mask-mandates and COVID-19 rules.mp4 2.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Donald Trump's father-in-law is a card-carrying Communist who looks just like him.pdf 2.4 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Immunization with SARS Coronavirus Vaccines Leads to Pulmonary Immunopathology on Challenge with the SARS Virus - Published warning about administering the vaccine to humans.pdf 2.4 MB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Frontline Science Rev-Erba links blue light with enhanced bacterial clearance and improved survival in murine Klebsiella pneumoniae pneumonia.pdf 2.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Donald 'Trump' Drumpf - Freemason aspiring dictator - NWO insider & treasonous actor.pdf 2.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/The-Torah-(The-Structured-Torah)-(JPS-1917).pdf 2.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Haplogroup E-M215 (E1b1b Y-DNA) - Wikipedia.pdf 2.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/The Jesuit Order Exposed - Stillness in the Storm.pdf 2.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Medical Research/Nanomedicines to Deliver mRNA - State of the Art & Future Perspective.pdf 2.4 MB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/ATOMIC BOMBSHELL_ Rothschilds patented Covid-19 biometric tests in 2015. And 2017. 2.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Health/Anatomy_of_an_Epidemic_Psychiatric_Drugs_Rise_of_Mental_Illness.pdf 2.3 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Declassified/Analysis & Assessment of Gateway Process.pdf 2.3 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Publication/COVID-19 Data Collection, Comorbidity & Federal Law - A Historical Retrospective.pdf 2.3 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Localizing Ashkenazic Jews to Primeval Villages in the AncientIranian Lands of Ashkenaz.pdf 2.3 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Trump foreshadows ID 2020 and says we will finally complete the biometric entry-exit visa tracking system that we need desperately.mp4 2.3 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/What Is Evidence-.mp4 2.3 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/non-covid/Mandatory vaccines & immunisation certificates predictive programming in The Devil Lady 1999.mp4 2.3 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/COVID-19 - The-Great Reset Klaus Schwab.pdf 2.3 MB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Engineering Contagion_ UPMC, Corona-thrax and _the Darkest Winter_.pdf 2.2 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/World Health Organization (WHO) Chief Scientist says there isn't proof that the vaccine will prevent catching and spreading covid.mp4 2.2 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Mainstream Mockingbird Media & Blatant Propaganda/TrumpsNewArmy - Propaganda Anti-Trump Anti-Conservative Video Inciting Civil War.mp4 2.2 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/The Blood and its Third Element - Antoine Bechamp - Book.pdf 2.2 MB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Adult-Respiratory-Distress-Syndrome-a-radical-perspective-1996.pdf 2.2 MB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Pharmacological activation of the circadian component REV-ERB inhibits HIV-1 replication.pdf 2.2 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Religion - The Need to Learn Kabbalah Qabalah if Jewish.pdf 2.2 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/24 Dead and 137 Infected at NY Nursing Home After Experimental COVID Injections + more.pdf 2.2 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Manual-of-Freemasonry-Richard-Carlile.pdf 2.2 MB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)/Intraveneous Vitamin C for reduction of cytokine storms in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.pdf 2.2 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Isolation & Purification - Does it exist/SARS-CoV-2 isolation from the first 2.2 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Publication/Inactivating SARS-CoV-2 by electrochemical oxidation.pdf 2.2 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 2.1 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Are More People Being Harmed by the Pfizer Experimental _Vaccine_ than from COVID_ Israeli Population Now the World's Lab Rats Sold Out to Pfizer.pdf 2.1 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/TrueOrigin Archive - Ashby Camps List Of 1529 Articles Supporting Biblical Creation or Challenging Darwinism.pdf 2.1 MB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/PRISM (surveillance program) - Wikipedia.pdf 2.1 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Luciferase mRNA Transfection of Antigen Presenting Cells Permits Sensitive Nonradioactive Measurement of Cellular and Humoral Cytotoxicity.pdf 2.1 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/GlaxoSmithKline Agrees to Pay $3 Billion in Fraud Settlement - The New York Times.pdf 2.1 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/We Found the Missing Link in #TheGreatReset Scheme 2.1 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Permanent gene correction by means of nucleotide-modified messenger RNA.pdf 2.1 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/remote controlled beetle by DARPA(1).mp4 2.1 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Corona_False_Alarm - By Dr. Karina Reiss and Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi - Facts and Figures.pdf 2.1 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Impacts of face coverings on communication an indirect impact of COVID 19.pdf 2.1 MB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/The circadian clock protein REVERBa inhibits pulmonary fibrosis development.pdf 2.0 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Isolation & Purification - Does it exist/Characterization of spike glycoprote 2.0 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 2.0 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Solar/Pineal Calcification, Melatonin Production, Aging,Associated Health Consequences and Rejuvination of the Pineal Gland.pdf 2.0 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Anti-PEG antibodies -Properties, formation, testing and role in adverse immune reactions to PEGylated nano-biopharmaceuticals.pdf 2.0 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/The Greatest Hoax in History - Dr Vernon Coleman.pdf 2.0 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Publication/Data that disporives Covid-19 pandemic - Primary Doctor Medical Journal PDMJ.pdf 2.0 MB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/The-scam-has-been-confirmed-Dsalud-November-20.pdf 2.0 MB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/RT-PCR - The PCR False Positive Pseudo-Epidemic.pdf 2.0 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/FEMA - REX 84 - Blueprint For Martial Law Plans Exposed In America 5 min read.pdf 2.0 MB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/RT-PCR ASSAY VISUAL DEMONSTRATION.gif 2.0 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 2.0 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/preparatory for, and instructional on, the actual and operative, Mystery School.pdf 1.9 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Brazils Bolsonaro wont take the vaccine as Covid deaths exceed 1,000 in 24 hours in Brazil - AFP.mp4 1.9 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Agenda 21 and You - Booklet - May 2012.pdf 1.9 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/FEMA Ordered 102,000 Boxcars With Shackles and Guillotines Why Are Modern Guillotines On Military Bases Throughout North America.pdf 1.9 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Is there an association between covid-19 cases_deaths and 5G in the United States_ Dr. Mag 1.9 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/non-covid/Vaxxed-vs-Unvaxxed-Slides - 06-25-19.pdf 1.9 MB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Coronavirus Covid-1984 Robot Police Dog Spot Singapore Patrolling and Encouraging Social Distancing.mp4 1.9 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Politicians & Government Agents/COVID-19 Fraud Lockdown Rules Rejected by Mayor of Middlesbrough UK.mp4 1.9 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Music & Art/War On We The People 528 432 Medicine and Musical Cult Control.pdf 1.9 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Publication/COVID-19 Intelligence Brief - June21,2021 - 47 pages.pdf 1.9 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Medical Research/Nanoparticles/Nanoparticle-induced neuronal toxicity across placental barriers is mediated by autophagy and dependent on astrocytes.pdf 1.9 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/The Hebrew Y-dna_ A New Understanding in 2020 _ The Eliyahu Project.pdf 1.9 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Politics/The Zionist Movement - By Israel Cohen.pdf 1.9 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Legal/Office of the Secretary of State - Executive Summary - The Elements of the China Challenge.pdf 1.9 MB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Government mandated lockdowns do not reduce Covid-19 deaths implications for evaluating the stringent New Zealand response.pdf 1.9 MB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Governor Janet Mills brings Maine National Guard into Capitol security plan - Portland Press Herald.pdf 1.9 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Experiences Following Covid-19 Vaccination by Julian Aster - Part07.pdf 1.9 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Geoengineering, Weather, Environment, Climate Change/Volcano Eruption Mount Etna in Sicily Febuary 2021.mp4 1.8 MB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/RT-PCR - Our Country is being held hostage by the PCR test.pdf 1.8 MB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/RT-PCR - Second wave - Our Country is being held hostage by the PCR test.pdf 1.8 MB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Glutathione & NAC/Endogenous Deficiency of Glutathione as the Most Likely Cause of Serious Manifestations & Death in Covid-19 Patients.pdf 1.8 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Genotoxicity of Different Nanocarriers -Possible Modifications for the Delivery of Nucleic Acids - PEGylation.pdf 1.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Police Brutality/Chinese Communist Party CCP/Chinese Communist Party's Police abduct, restrain & interrogate man in China for bad mouthing police on WeChat.mp4 1.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/FEMA - HOMELAND Blue, Red ,Yellow & Black List - Are You on FEMAS KILL List.pdf 1.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/The-book-of-Enoch.pdf 1.8 MB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/RT-PCR Tests are scientifically meaningless - everything we've been told about Covid19 is a hoax.pdf 1.8 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/5 questions to ask your friends who plan to get the Covid vaccine OffGuardian.pdf 1.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Biden & Harris/Joe Biden - Blatantly Calls for New World Order (NWO).mp4 1.8 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/COVID-19 vaccine won-t be mandatory, but those who don-t get it could face restrictions- Elliott.mp4 1.8 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Respiratory consequences of N95-type Mask usage in pregnant healthcare workersa controlled clinical study.pdf 1.8 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Assembly and Characterization of HBc Derived Virus-like Particles with Magnetic Core.pdf 1.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/The New World Order - Book - A. Ralph Epperson.pdf 1.8 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/10 FACTS You Must Know About The Jesuits!.pdf 1.8 MB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Covid-19 Aiport and Baby footage during 'the pandemic'.mp4 1.8 MB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Allopathic (Conventional)/The anti-HIV drug nelfinavir mesylate (Viracept) is a potent inhibitor.pdf 1.7 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Modeling Electrostatic effects in proteins.pdf 1.7 MB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/I have an idea run 48 samples rt pcr assay test at the same time batch compare positives negatives.png 1.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Occult hand signals right in the senate Jan 2021.mp4 1.7 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Experiences Following Covid-19 Vaccination by Julian Aster - Part09.pdf 1.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Religion - 4 Plain Proofs That America is Babylon + 6 Objections Answered.pdf 1.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 1.7 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Effect of 50 Hz Extremely Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields on the DNA Methylation and DN 1.7 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Publication/Great Barrington Declaration - Signatures.pdf 1.7 MB
- 09. Covid-19 Lawsuits/Great Barrington Declaration - Signatures-feb-12-2021.pdf 1.7 MB
- 10. Resources/Survival/List of Every Known FEMA Camp and Their Locations - Find Yours! - News Punch.pdf 1.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Hong Kong Has Arrested Almost Everyone in the Political Opposition.pdf 1.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 1.7 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Voluntaryist dot Com/site-master/voluntaryist.pdf 1.7 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Impact of the protein corona on nanomaterial immune response and targeting ability.pdf 1.6 MB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Police can listen on your cellphone calls - Why are stingrays and dirtboxes so controversial_.pdf 1.6 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Publication/Ca2+ ions promote fusion of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus with host cells and increase infectivity.pdf 1.6 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 1.6 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Severity of COVID-19 may depend on where you're located on the map _ AccuWeather.pdf 1.6 MB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Vitamin D/Severity of COVID-19 may depend on where you're located on the map.pdf 1.6 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Sinister Pathway Triangle Order Order of Nine Angles Philosophy - Lucifer, the LIght of your Deeper Self.pdf 1.6 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Retirees REMOVE their masks for good - If THEY can take their masks off, so can YOU.mp4 1.6 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/MINDSPACE - Influencing behaviour through public policy.pdf 1.6 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Medical Research/Microbiome/Host-microbiome protein-protein interactions reveal mechanisms in human disease.pdf 1.6 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Universal health coverage -pandemic boosts digital health - World Economic Forum.pdf 1.6 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Dr Stefan Lanka (Virologist) The Misconception Called Virus.pdf 1.6 MB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Political risks of pandemic, data favors further reopening.pdf 1.6 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Disturbance of the immune system by electromagnetic fieldsA potentially underlying cause fo 1.6 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Politics/50,000 Chinese Troops Were Bombed And Killed In Maine Fact Check Please - December 12 - 2020.pdf 1.6 MB
- 09. Covid-19 Lawsuits/Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Interview About the International Lawsuits_ Its Quite Clear That This Is Like World War III, and Probably Worse.pdf 1.5 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Dr Stefan Lanka Debunks Pictures of _Isolated Viruses_ _ Vaccination Informat 1.5 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/GOP Electors were not allowed to enter election voting building to do their job.mp4 1.5 MB
- 09. Covid-19 Lawsuits/Charles Lieberman Affadavit Charging Documents (1).pdf 1.5 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Influence of non ionizing radiation of base stations on the activity of redox proteins in bo 1.5 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Publication/Immunological characteristics govern the transition of COVID-19 to endemicity.pdf 1.5 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space - Signatures by Scientist - 11-5-2019 1.5 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Biden & Harris/Joe Biden - Special Address - Cyber.mp4 1.5 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Genetically engineered 'Magneto' protein remotely controls brain and behaviour _ Science _ T 1.5 MB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Why Lockdowns Spread Bugs Faster Than Liberty_ Coronavirus Update XLVI.pdf 1.5 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/The Pre-History of the House of Wettin (R1b-U106) - TheKingsCluster.pdf 1.5 MB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Another Prominent Emergency Physician Unjustly Fired in the Middle of COVID Crisis.pdf 1.5 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/FDA - Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine LOA.pdf 1.5 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/USA-v-Assange-judgment-040121.pdf 1.5 MB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Stanford Team Finds Evidence COVID-19 Mortality Rate Is As Low as point2%.pdf 1.5 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Reject Scriptrure - Shem related.pdf 1.5 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/5G - Dorothy's Research.pdf 1.4 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Dr Stefan Lanka - The causes of the corona crisis are clearly identified - Vi 1.4 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/An Assessment of Illness in U.S. Government Employees and Their Families at Overseas Embassi 1.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 1.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Health/The Solution - Overcoming Disease.pdf 1.4 MB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Questions for lockdown apologists _ by John Pospichal _ Medium.pdf 1.4 MB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/COVID-19 Rethinking the Lockdown Groupthink.pdf 1.4 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Solar/Global evidence for ultraviolet radiation decreasing COVID-19 growth rates.pdf 1.4 MB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Phototherapy/Far-UVC light (222 nm) efficiently and safely inactivates airborne human coronaviruses.pdf 1.4 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Journalist, Experts & Statisticans/Coronavirus Unproven Non-Existing Political scam - (Poor formatting & spelling etc 180k words).docx 1.4 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Role of Electrostatics in the Assembly Pathway of a Single-Stranded RNA Virus.pdf 1.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Legal/H.R.748 - 116th Congress (2019-2020)_ CARES Act _ _ Library of Congress.pdf 1.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/The Proprietary Theory of Justice in the Libertarian Tradition.pdf 1.4 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Analysis of Pre-existing IgG and IgM Antibodies against Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) in the General Population (Pfizer vaccines contains PEgylated PEG).pdf 1.4 MB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/FK506 suppresses hypoxia-induced inflammation and protects tight junction function via the CaN-NFATc1 signaling pathway in retinal microvascular epithelial cells.pdf 1.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/The Origins of Ashkenaz, Ashkenazic Jews, and Yiddish - Germanic - Is Trump one.pdf 1.4 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/ER nurse tests positive for COVID-19 eight days after receiving Pfizer vaccine.pdf 1.4 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Journalist, Experts & Statisticans/Covid Database From REXRESEARCH Jan152021 -- Preventions, Treatments, Resources, Narratives.pdf 1.4 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Mother - QuestionsAndAnswers 1954 Yoga-Book.pdf 1.3 MB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Vitamin D/SARS-CoV-2 positivity rates associated with circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels.pdf 1.3 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Donald Trump Double MASONIC Clenched Fist sign thrown Before 9_11 Memorial.jpg 1.3 MB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)/Decoherence-assisted transport in quantum networks Marais_2013_New_J._Phys._15_013038.pdf 1.3 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Cashless - Here Comes the Trump Digital Dollar.pdf 1.3 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Coahuila doctor suffered a serious allergic reaction to the Pfizer vaccine.pdf 1.3 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Miami Base Captain has told his soldiers that its 100 percent official that we are getting ready to going to war with China Jan 14 2021.mp4 1.3 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Publication/WUHAN COVID-19 Synthetic Origins and Evolution.pdf 1.3 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Journalist, Experts & Statisticans/Flaws in Coronavirus Pandemic Theory.pdf 1.3 MB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/ANGRY COVID-19 LOCKDOWN PROTESTORS IN NETHERLANDS BLOW UP BRIDGE - Jan25,2021.mp4 1.3 MB
- 10. Resources/Survival/Report on Near-Earth Object Impact Threat Emergency Protocols NEO-Impact-Threat-Protocols-Jan2021.pdf 1.3 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/illuminati-bruises 02.png 1.3 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Dr Stefan Lanka_interview_July-2020-English-Translation.pdf 1.3 MB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Latest News Lockdown Sceptics.pdf 1.3 MB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/Are you infectious if you have a positive PCR test result for COVID-19_.pdf 1.3 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Brazillian women tries to enter store without a mask and ends up using her underwear as a mask.mp4 1.3 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Impact of EMF limits on 5G network roll-out.pdf 1.3 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Charge Configurations in Viral Proteins.pdf 1.3 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Medical/Yes, they can vaccinate us with RT-PCR Tests.pdf 1.3 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Publication/Possible correlation between COVID-19 Contagion & Y-DNA Haplogroup R1b.pdf 1.3 MB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Bill Gates smiles like a psycho after he says that the second wave will get more attention this time.mp4 1.3 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Can I still infect people with covid if Ive been vaccinated_ _ MIT Technology Review.pdf 1.2 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Solar/Does solar ultraviolet radiation play a role in COVID-19 infection and deaths - An environmental ecological study in Italy.pdf 1.2 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Electromagnetic fields may act via calcineurin inhibition to suppress immunity.pdf 1.2 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Biden Team to Buy 200 Million More Doses, Speed Up Vaccinations - Bloomberg.pdf 1.2 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Publication/Genomic epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 reveals multiple lineages and early spread of SARS-CoV-2 infections in Lombardy, Italy.pdf 1.2 MB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Glutathione & NAC/Therapeutic blockade of inflammation in severe COVID-19 infection with intravenous N-acetylcysteine.pdf 1.2 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Geoengineering, Weather, Environment, Climate Change/Peer Reviewed Scientific Evidence Exposes Chemtrail as Crime Against Humanity _ Covert Geopolitics.pdf 1.2 MB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/The Pandemic Has Made US Billionaires $1.1 Trillion Richer - Jan26,2021.pdf 1.2 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Dr Wodarg, Dr Yeadon - EMA_Petition_Pfizer_Trial_FINAL_01DEC2020_signed_with_Exhibits_geschwrzt.pdf 1.2 MB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Light/Study reveals UV LED lights effectively kill a human coronavirus.pdf 1.2 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Cashless - Here Comes the Trump Digital Dollar - Hyperledger - Bitcoin Market Journal.pdf 1.2 MB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Allopathic (Conventional)/Hydroxychloroquine/New insights on the antiviral effects of chloroquine against coronavirus_ what to expect for COVID-19_ - ScienceDirect.pdf 1.2 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Harold Ford JR has Chinese CCP president Portrait on wall and art from satanic abuse survivor.png 1.2 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH TRUST; CONSUMERS FOR SAFE CELL - Oral Argument Legally Requested.pdf 1.2 MB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Operation Warp Speed anagram for Deep War Operation 16-19.png 1.2 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/13 Powerful Families In The World That Apparently Control Everything - Royal Family Blood Lines.pdf 1.2 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/The Kabbalah Unveiled.pdf 1.2 MB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/EXTENDING_User_Guide/EXTENDING_User_Guide.pdf 1.2 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/FBI Quietly Releases 284-page Report on Nancy Pelosi's Corrupt Father Exposing Her Brother as a Repeat Child Rapist WHILE THE MEDIA WAS BUSY COVERING THE US CAPITOL PROTEST Wednesday Night! (Nancy Pe 1.2 MB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Military - DSCA Handbook - Tactical Level Commander & Staff Toolkit - GTA90-01-020.pdf 1.1 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Isolation & Purification - Does it exist/First reported patient in Brazil Iso 1.1 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/The New American - Directing the disorder - CFR is the Deep State Powerhouse undoing and remaking our country and world 3615CFR-Reprint.pdf 1.1 MB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/AlphaGremlin_v01_0_Users_Guide/AlphaGremlin_v01_0_Users_Guide.pdf 1.1 MB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/CAUGHT ON HOT MIC- Doctors admit to reading script during COVID press release.mp4 1.1 MB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/This Is What They Do In China If You Break COVID-19 Lockdown Orders.mp4 1.1 MB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Bill Gates - Duper's Delight - Social Media + a Pandemic has never been 'tried' before.mp4 1.1 MB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Vitamin D/Vitamin D can help reduce coronavirus risk by 54%_ Boston University doctor.pdf 1.1 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/For a New Liberty The Libertarian Manifesto.pdf 1.1 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Lawyers & Law Enforcement/Message from Sheriff Bianco from Riverside County, California, Regarding Medical Tyranny Covid19 Restrictions.mp4 1.1 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Joe Biden- I am a Zionist.mp4 1.1 MB
- 09. Covid-19 Lawsuits/German Court in Weimar Declares Lockdown Unconstitutional - Alliance for Human Research Protection.pdf 1.1 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Masonic-and-Occult-Symbols.pdf 1.1 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Journalist, Experts & Statisticans/COVID-Fraud-Terrorism-and-Malpractice-links-done.pdf 1.1 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Isolation & Purification - Does it exist/Appearances can be deceiving - viral 1.1 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/The United States Navy has a fleet off the coast of California.mkv 1.1 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Merging Worlds of Nanomaterials and Biological Environment_ Factors Governing Protein Corona 1.1 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/The impact of nanoparticle protein corona on cytotoxicity, immunotoxicity and target drug de 1.1 MB
- 10. Resources/Legal Resources/01. criminal-trespass-warning-full-w-attachments.pdf 1.1 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Exosomes as delivery vehicles - proof penicillin can induce exosomal secretio 1.1 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 1.1 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Coronavirus-5g-EMF-FIORANELLI.pdf 1.1 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/The Table of Nations.pdf 1.1 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Mask_Risks_Part3.pdf 1.1 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Operation Warp Speed Logo - Notice the Antahkarana Symbol and Golden Cube of Saturn.png 1.1 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Post-lockdown SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid screening in nearly ten million residents of Wuhan, China.pdf 1.1 MB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Allopathic (Conventional)/Ivermectin/FLCCC-Ivermectin-in-the-prophylaxis-and-treatment-of-COVID-19.pdf 1.0 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Alternative Energy/Research and Development.pdf 1.0 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Newman and Fulani's All Stars Project is Bad for Kids.pdf 1.0 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Are there overlapping clinical features between thoracic radiotherapy side effects and covid 1.0 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Solar/Coronavirus could turn to global pandemic as freak solar minimum means outbreak imminent'.pdf 1.0 MB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Foresight for development - scenarios-for-resilient-leaders.pdf 1.0 MB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Publication/HLA-B44 and C01 Prevalence Correlates with Covid19 Spreading across Italy 1.0 MB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Vitamin D/Vitamin D supplementation to prevent acute respiratory tract infections_ systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data _ The BMJ.pdf 1.0 MB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/How Media Fear-Mongers Misrepresent COVID-19.pdf 1.0 MB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/The nuclear receptor and clock gene REV-ERBa regulates cigarette smoke-induced lung inflammation.pdf 1.0 MB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/illuminati-bruises 03.png 1.0 MB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Allopathic (Conventional)/Hydroxychloroquine/Hydroxychloroquine Efficacy.pdf 1.0 MB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Ozone/Recovery of Four COVID-19 Patients via Ozonated Autohemotherapy.pdf 1.0 MB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Where is the Evidence That SARS-CoV-2 'Covid-19' Exist.pdf 1021.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Jan 19 2021 - Huge Navey Presence on US Coast - Something seems to be happening.mp4 1009.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Politics/QANON - Exploring One Year of QAnon Posts.pdf 1008.2 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/non-covid/New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines - Micro and Nanocontamination.pdf 1007.4 KB
- 09. Covid-19 Lawsuits/2c36d854-bd1c-4d1d-b0de-1dbcacfb77e7.pdf 1004.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 1001.7 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Pfizer's lawsuit history, violated nuremberg code.mp4 999.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/illuminati-bruises 01.png 998.0 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/5G Is The Ultimate Directed Energy Weapon System, Says Particle Physi.pdf 991.3 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Dr. Zac Cox, PhD, at the World Doctors' Alliance Hearing #1 in Berlin, Germany, Oct 10, 2020.mp4 987.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Zionist Scholars Are Battling the Religious Left for the Hasidic Legacy - Tablet Magazine.pdf 980.6 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/non-covid/2009 H1N1 Vaccine Caused Brain Damage in Children. Dr. Anthony Fauci on _Vaccine Safety_ Issues - Global ResearchGlobal Research.pdf 975.1 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/OPERATION COVID-19_ Pandemic Blueprint Exposed, Stealth Weapon System Launched in Stages _ S 971.4 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Assassin-1_3_Training/Assassin-1_3_Training.pdf 969.5 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Solar/Correlation between climate indicators and COVID-19 pandemic in New York, USA.pdf 944.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Anglo-Saxon Mission Goat Angel Jake Angeli Wotanism Pagan Tattoos in the white house election 2020.png 935.9 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/A rapidly changing view of Covid-19.pdf 929.9 KB
- 10. Resources/Survival/Maine ITS Map-1.pdf 927.9 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Assassin_Training/Assassin_Training.pdf 923.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Biden & Harris/Kamala Harris Inaugerated with hand not placed directly on bible.png 922.9 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Melatonin/BREAKING! COVID-19 Supplements_ Melatonin Helps Lessen Severity Risk In COVID-19 Patients By Preventing Cytokine Storms.pdf 922.8 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare SettingsPersonal Protective and Environmental Measures - Mask didn't reduce Influenza.pdf 914.4 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Journalist, Experts & Statisticans/THE-COVID-19-Pandemic-Challenging-the-Narrative.pdf 908.7 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/SonicScrewdriver_1p0/SonicScrewdriver_1p0.pdf 905.9 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Publication/Taking Back Control - A Resetting of America's Response to Covid-19 - Rockefeller Foundation.pdf 902.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/THE KING'S SON (The Evidence) - Royal _House of WETTIN_ Haplogroup.pdf 895.1 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Melatonin/Melatonin A potential therapeuticagent against COVID-19.pdf 893.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Cops waving in protesters heading towards White House Capitol Election 2020 - Jan 6 2021.mp4 892.9 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/A Cluster randomised controlled trial of cloth masks compared with medical masks in healthcare workers.pdf 890.3 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/2012 London Olympics - Predicitve Programming for Coronavirus - Gosh = Distortion of God or Lord.png 880.3 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Live News on Television - Fauci, Bill Gates, & Epstein - Pedophiles - Stop listening to them.mp4 874.5 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Publication/Coronavirus, Population Genetics, and Humanities.pdf 867.1 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Vaccine passport could soon be required at movies, airports and concerts _ WCIV.pdf 865.4 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Solar/UV radiation from the sun increases 'by a factor of 10' by summer and could be key in slowing COVID-19.pdf 863.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Mainstream Mockingbird Media & Blatant Propaganda/Why we hoaxed journals with terrible papers -Dog rape and Mein Kampf as a feminist text_.pdf 855.7 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/COVID-19 problems.jpg 847.7 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Former Florida Department of Health data scientist house radied over self-published covid-19 data - guns pointed at children.mp4 843.3 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/COVID-19_A_Clinical_Syndrome_Manifesting_as_Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis.pdf 842.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Health/Heavy Metal Chelation Therapy/Chelation - Harnessing and Enhancing Heavy Metal Detoxification - Review.pdf 842.2 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/HIV & AIDS/HIV & AIDS - The Epidemiology and Transmission of AIDS_ A hypothes 836.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Just Genesis _ King Tut and the Dispersion of R1b.pdf 836.2 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/mask - effectiveness in cotton and surgical mask in blocking sars-cov-2-3.jpg 834.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Biden & Harris/Joe Biden says using executive orders is for dictators - then he gets in office and immediately signs executive orders.mp4 833.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Immunization Agenda 2030 A Global Strategy to Leave No One Behind.pdf 831.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Gematria/Gematria funny business.pdf 828.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Patents/Patent Application US20170229149 - Rothschild - System & Method for using biometric & displaying biometric data.pdf 828.0 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/The circadian clock protects against ionizing radiation-induced cardiotoxicity.pdf 824.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Global defense contractor IT expert testifies in Italian court he and others switched votes in the U.S. presidential race.pdf 820.7 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Cellular & Molecular Responses to Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields.pdf 820.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 816.1 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Did lockdowns really save 3 million COVID-19 deaths, as Flaxman et al. claim.pdf 813.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Politics/The Jesuit Spider Web Of World Control! - Darkness Is Falling.pdf 811.1 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/Understanding_Cycle_Threshold__Ct__in_SARS-CoV-2_RT-PCR_.pdf 806.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Operation Warp Speed Logo - Notice the Antahkarana Symbol which is also on Clan Macleod crest (Trump's Mother)-spun90degrees-notice-baphomet01.jpg 797.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Cathedral of light at Capitol White House - Wiki included.png 795.0 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Covid-19 Vaccine mandatory for free movement and access to places - Chief Medical Officer of Ontario, Dr. Williams.mp4 792.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/France Says Its Developing Bionic Supersoldiers Because Everyone Else Is Doing It.pdf 792.6 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Economist/The Covid Cult - Comments about Lockdown repercussions.mp3 791.9 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/2012 London Olympics - Captain Hook Peter Pagan Pan Book Hospital Children are reading.png 789.1 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Breaking_ UK Govts OWN NUMBERS Expose Their COVID19 Fraud!.pdf 788.3 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/This is what the Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine did to his Mom.mp4 782.2 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/SARS-CoV-2 Covid-19 Blood abnormalities overlap with symptoms expressed after exposure to mi 779.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 778.0 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Oxygen Therapies/Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Severe COVID-19 Pneumonia_.pdf 767.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Politics/Donald Drumpf - Illuminati -.pdf 766.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Operation Warp Speed Logo - Notice the Antahkarana Symbol and Golden Cube of Saturn.jpg 764.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Trump approves Disaster Declarations for multiple states.png 760.0 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/StolenGoods-2_1-UserGuide/StolenGoods-2_1-UserGuide.pdf 756.2 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/What Happens if Something Goes Wrong after You Receive a COVID Vaccine_.pdf 755.2 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Licorice/Potential Natural Compounds for Preventing 2019-nCoV Infection.pdf 750.3 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/China, 5G, And The Wuhan Coronavirus_ The Emperors New Virus - ElectricSense.pdf 750.2 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/International WHO Guidelines Cause of Death COVID-19.pdf 748.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Liber-Kaos - Peter J Carroll.pdf 748.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Masonic Secrets Revealed - An Expose of Free Masonry.pdf 746.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/regulation-fourth-industrial-strategy-white-pa.pdf 744.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Geoengineering, Weather, Environment, Climate Change/Chemtrail Geoengineering Evidence Look at the cloudline and streaks - thats not natural.mp4 743.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Biden & Harris/Biden Admin Introducing Orwellian Laws Far Beyond The Patriot Act The President Claims He Designed.pdf 740.2 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Grasshopper-v1_1-AdminGuide/Grasshopper-v1_1-AdminGuide.pdf 739.1 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Licorice/Natural product-derived phytochemicals as potential agents against coronaviruses_ a review.pdf 739.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Without Firing A Single Shot_ Voluntaryist Resistance and Societal Defense.pdf 734.9 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Ambitious Interpretation of Results of the Oxford Vaccine Groups Latest Paper Lockdown Sceptics.pdf 734.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/How CIA Invented the Term Conspiracy Theory to Discredit You.pdf 733.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/The Living Weapon - PBS - The American Experience - Biological Warfare.pdf 733.0 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Phototherapy/Light as a potential treatment for pandemic coronavirus infections - A perspective.pdf 732.1 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/FDA Votes on Pfizer Covid19 vaccine risk vs rewards - Authorizes Emergency Use.png 728.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Y-chromosomal Adam - Wikipedia.pdf 727.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Operation Warp Speed Logo - Notice the Antahkarana Symbol which is also on Clan Macleod crest (Trump's Mother)-spun-notice-baphomet.jpg 725.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Geoengineering, Weather, Environment, Climate Change/Peer-Reviewed, Court-Admissible, Scientific Research Paper Published Exposing Geoengineering - Fixed.pdf 724.6 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/CORONAVIRUS BIOWEAPON MYSTERY SOLVED_ Its all in the name! The Millennium Report.pdf 723.5 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/mask - effectiveness in cotton and surgical mask in blocking sars-cov-2-2.jpg 722.6 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/WHO-2019-nCoV-laboratory-2020. - Who admits to using non-specific sequences to detect sars-cov-2 - page 5.pdf 719.9 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Lawyers & Law Enforcement/NSW Police blow whistle on coronavirus deception.pdf 717.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Hillary Clintons Pied Piper Strategy Elected Trump in 2016.pdf 712.2 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/WHO-COVID-19-laboratory-2020.5-eng.pdf 710.8 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/CDC Report 3150 People Paralyzed After COVID-19 Vaccine Unable To Perform Normal Daily Activities.pdf 710.7 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Publication/SARS-CoV-2-RNA-can-be-reverse-transcribed.pdf 707.7 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Evaluation of the Effect of Zinc, Quercetin, Bromelain and Vitamin C on COVID-19 Patients.pdf 702.4 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/FDA Literature shows 94.5% had side effects in Moderna Trials -VRBPAC-12.17.20-Meeting-Briefing-Document-FDA_0.pdf 701.4 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Need for Caution in the Diagnosis of Radiation Pneumonitis During the Covid-19 Pandemic.pdf 700.7 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR - Full.pdf 699.8 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Evaluation of N95 Respirator Use with a Surgical Mask Cover - Effects on Breathing Resistance and Inhaled Carbon Dioxide.pdf 698.7 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Vaccination - Pfizer BioNtech Covid-19 Vaccine Analysis - Sadaf Gilani.pdf 697.8 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Archimedes-1_2-Addendum/Archimedes-1_2-Addendum.pdf 696.5 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Umbrella Labs, Resident Evil, Coronavirus Covid-19, SR9009, HIV.png 693.0 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Isolation and characterization of the virus (SARS-CoV-2) - Isolation Revised 691.8 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Archimedes-1_0-User_Guide/Archimedes-1_0-User_Guide.pdf 689.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/National Guard Mobilized White House January 10th 2021.mp4 688.5 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/5G Ultra Wideband Available in Boston!.pdf 685.8 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/mask - effectiveness in cotton and surgical mask in blocking sars-cov-2-1.jpg 683.6 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/CDC virus testing and isolation claims for SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 Non-scientific and pure illusion.pdf 678.3 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Glutathione & NAC/Glutathione Deficiency most likely cause of death from Covid-19 Polonikov_viewpoint.pdf 675.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/egyptian kilts.jpg 672.5 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Melatonin/Melatonin-Index Biomarker for Predicting Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Carriers - 666.9 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Archimedes-1_1-Addendum/Archimedes-1_1-Addendum.pdf 662.3 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/HIV & AIDS/HIV & AIDS - Five Myths About AIDS That Have Misdirected Research 660.5 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Grasshopper-v1_1-UserGuide/Grasshopper-v1_1-UserGuide.pdf 656.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Legal/Military - Declassified - Transportation Security Administration Office of Intelligence.pdf 653.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Health/Heavy Metal Chelation Therapy/Can You Safely Chelate Heavy Metals_ - SelfHacked.pdf 652.1 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Common Vaccine Ingredients - Vacina_Covid-19_Portugal.pdf 651.8 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Virus-linked hunger tied to 10,000 child deaths each month.pdf 651.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Supreme Court Will Decide Whether Police Can Enter A Home To Seize Guns Without A Warrant.pdf 650.7 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/non-covid/Did a Military Experimental Vaccine in 1918 Kill 50-100 Million People Blamed as _Spanish Flu__.pdf 650.3 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/hive-UsersGuide/hive-UsersGuide.pdf 649.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/American Concentration Camps.pdf 647.9 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Never truly isolated - COVID-19 The virus does not exist - it is confirmed - Saeed A Qureshi PhD.pdf 647.2 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/SonicScrewdriver_1p0/custom.css 647.0 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/DarkSeaSkies_v1_0_TDR/custom.css 646.9 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Pandemic-1_1-S-NF/Pandemic-1_1-S-NF.pdf 646.7 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/RC1-doc-Pandemic-1_1-S-NF/RC1-doc-Pandemic-1_1-S-NF.pdf 645.3 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Pandemic-1_0-S-NF/Pandemic-1_0-S-NF.pdf 643.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Which countries have a moon in their flag_ - Quora.pdf 643.0 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Solar/Solar storm WARNING_ Devastating space weather could hit Earth by 2020 - NASA warns.pdf 641.9 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/Nov 29 Portuguese Court Rules That The PCR Test Is Unable To Determine A COVID-19 Infection.pdf 641.7 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/StolenGoods-2_0-UserGuide/StolenGoods-2_0-UserGuide.pdf 636.0 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Economist/Your Facebook friends are wrong about the lockdowns - A non-hysteric's guide to Covid-19.pdf 634.0 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Calcineurin Promotes Hypoxia-inducible Factor 1a Expression by Dephosphorylating RACK1 & Blo 633.6 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Isolation & Purification - Does it exist/2. CHALLENGE TO PUBLIC HEALTH ENGL 631.0 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/A closer look at U.S. deaths due to COVID-19.pdf 629.3 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/A closer look at U.S. deaths due to COVID-19 John Hopkins.pdf 629.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Oppressive Technology - Mind Control & Targeted Individuals/Deeper Insights 6_ THE USE OF ELECTRONICS & ELECTRICITY.pdf 627.9 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Fauci tells Congress 'no guarantee' the coronavirus vaccine will be effective.pdf 625.8 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/75-year-old Israeli man dies 2 hours after getting Covid-19 vaccine.pdf 623.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Mainstream Mockingbird Media & Blatant Propaganda/The First Amendment Is No Excuse for Letting Social-Media Companies Do Whatever They Want - The Atlantic.pdf 622.8 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Special Warfare Center Mandates Covid Vaccine, Backs With Threats.pdf 622.8 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/VAERS Adverse Events After Covid Vaccine - Deaths -Feb15-2021.pdf 621.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Twitter Hasn't Suspended These Accounts That Openly Incite Violence.pdf 619.1 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/FDOS_1_0_FINAL_B57udiag/FDOS_1_0_FINAL_B57udiag.pdf 617.8 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/GH-Module-Bermuda-v1_0-UserGuide/GH-Module-Bermuda-v1_0-UserGuide.pdf 614.1 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/MATH-plus-Rationale-Journal-of-Intensive-Care-Medicine-Dec2020-Covid19.pdf 611.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/UNNWO _ United Nations New Economic Paradigm.pdf 609.7 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/2.45GHz microwave radiation impairs learning, memory, and hippocampal synaptic plasticity i 608.4 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Archimedes-1_3-Addendum/Archimedes-1_3-Addendum.pdf 606.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/The Education of the Modern Socialist.pdf 604.0 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Publication/Conflicts of interest among the UK Government's Covid-19 advisers.pdf 603.4 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/GH-Module-Buffalo-Bamboo-v1_0-UserGuide/GH-Module-Buffalo-Bamboo-v1_0-UserGuide.pdf 602.8 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Assassin_v1_4_Users_Guide/Assassin_v1_4_Users_Guide.pdf 602.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Finding Edom_ Who Are The Edomites Today_ Black History In The Bible.pdf 601.9 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/non-covid/The 'vaccinegate' of Italy.pdf 601.4 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/GH-Module-Scrub-v1_0-UserGuide/GH-Module-Scrub-v1_0-UserGuide.pdf 597.5 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/GH-Module-NetMan-v1_0-UserGuide/GH-Module-NetMan-v1_0-UserGuide.pdf 597.4 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/GH-Module-WUPS-v1_0-UserGuide/GH-Module-WUPS-v1_0-UserGuide.pdf 596.8 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/GH-Module-Crab-v1_0-UserGuide/GH-Module-Crab-v1_0-UserGuide.pdf 596.3 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/covid19 ct scan vs radiation pneumonitis chest scan 02.png 595.5 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/There's Still No Evidence that Either Lockdowns or Masks Are _Game Changers_.pdf 594.4 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/There's Still No Evidence that Either Lockdowns or Masks Are Game Changers_.pdf 594.4 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Operation Warp Speed Logo - Notice the Antahkarana Symbol which is also on Clan Macleod crest (Trump's Mother).jpg 593.4 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Anaphylaxis shock reactions after getting Pfizer vaccine.pdf 593.2 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/covid19 ct scan vs radiation pneumonitis chest scan.png 592.8 KB
- 09. Covid-19 Lawsuits/German lawyer to pursue Biggest Tort Case Ever against Corona Fraud Scandal PT 2.pdf 592.3 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/GH-Module-Null-v2_0-UserGuide/GH-Module-Null-v2_0-UserGuide.pdf 592.2 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/GH-Module-Wheat-v1_0-UserGuide/GH-Module-Wheat-v1_0-UserGuide.pdf 591.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 590.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/St John Divine Cathedral - Coronavirus, Bible, Predictive Programming, Trump.pdf 585.4 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Compulsory vaccination for everyone is the only way to defeat COVID-19.pdf 585.2 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Solar/NASA satellite captures solar flare on video with Jupiter in the background _ Science _ News _ 585.2 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/3. Genetic Amplification Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction and Its problems and uses.pdf 584.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/US Supreme court has established that police officers have no legal obligation to protect citizens.jpg 576.5 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/DEPOSITION OF CHARGED PARTICLES IN THE HUMAN AIRWAYS - Corona Ions.pdf 575.3 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/2. Second Thoughts about Viruses, Vaccines, and the HIV_ AIDS Hypothesis.pd 573.7 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Journalist, Experts & Statisticans/PsyOP.pdf 570.1 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Assassin_v1_3_Users_Guide/Assassin_v1_3_Users_Guide.pdf 569.7 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Man arrested after saying he has or had covid while on Facebook Live.jpg 569.5 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/Antibody Testing - Testing For COVID - Executive Summary.pdf 568.5 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Politicians & Government Agents/Claire Edwards Has Allegedly Revealed a French Army Document about Covid - Gumshoe News.pdf 566.4 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/Mans dog tested positive but asymptomatic.jpg 565.8 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Virucidal effect against coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 of a silver nanocluster-silica composite sputtered coating.pdf 564.7 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/Expert's reaction to preliminary report evaluating lateral flow viral antigen detection devices (LFDs) Science Media Centre.pdf 563.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Y-chromosomal Aaron - Wikipedia.pdf 562.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Revisit the Textbook of the American Revolution.pdf 562.1 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Test per day vs Cases per day - Linear relationship - 7-12% positive rate.png 561.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/The Private Production of Defense - Hans-Hermann Hoppe.pdf 561.1 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/ESR-FOI-reply-schedule-SARS-common-cold.pdf 560.0 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Assassin_v1_2_Users_Guide/Assassin_v1_2_Users_Guide.pdf 559.7 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Long-Term Mask Use May Contribute to Advanced Stage Lung Cancer, Science Suggests.pdf 558.8 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/International Alert Message about COVID-19. United Health Professionals - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization.pdf 557.7 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Trajectory of COVID-19 epidemic in Europe.pdf 557.7 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/CSIRO-Immunisation-Schedule-Response-Redacted.pdf 557.1 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Assassin_v1_1_Users_Guide/Assassin_v1_1_Users_Guide.pdf 557.1 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Publication/SARS-CoV-2 RNA can be reverse-transcribed to be part of chimeric viral-human genome.pdf 556.9 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/READ_ Internal Emails Show Fauci Deputy Tailored Agreements to Chinas Terms. - The National Pulse.pdf 552.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Medical Research/Trust the science doesnt always age very well.jpeg 550.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Bible bombshell_ Did Jesus have TWIN BROTHER_ Religious expert reveals theory.pdf 547.5 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/COVID-19 Fatalities 16.7 Times Too High Due to 'Illegal' Inflation - Feb-2021.pdf 543.9 KB
- 10. Resources/Legal Resources/Jurisdiction over gun control.pdf 542.6 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Athena-v1_0-UserGuide/Athena-v1_0-UserGuide.pdf 541.0 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/At-home food selling concerning, says Food Standards Agency - BBC News.pdf 532.8 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/SARS-CoV-2 Transmission among Marine Recruits during Quarantine.pdf 529.1 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Allopathic (Conventional)/Hydroxychloroquine/hydroxychloroquine-or-chloroquine-with-or-without-a-macrolide-for-treatment-of-covid-19-a-multinational-registry-analysis.pdf 528.0 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Marble/ 527.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Alternative Energy/Rotoverter.pdf 526.7 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Questions for Lockdown Apologists_ Why was the virus late to Mexico_ _ by John Pospichal _ Medium.pdf 526.1 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Effectiveness of Surgical and Cotton Masks in Blocking SARSCoV-2 A Controlled Comparison in 4 Patients Annals of Internal Medicine.pdf 525.3 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/non-covid/Vaccine Aluminum Travels Into The Brain - La Leva di Archimede (ENG).pdf 525.1 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Asymptomatic not contagious rosenau 1919 - Influenza Spanish Flu.pdf 524.2 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/WHO- Advice on the use of masks in the context of Covid-19 2019-nCov-IPC_Masks-2020.4-eng.pdf 523.4 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Did COVID-19 infections decline before UK lockdown.pdf 518.9 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/COVID-19_ Vaccine Not Possible for a Virus Not Yet Quantifiable.pdf 517.2 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/The role of Messenger RNA in Gene Expression.pdf 515.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Who is Allah - Infographic.png 514.9 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Yes, New Zealand is forcing citizens into quarantine facilities.pdf 513.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/AllBooksOf Enoch.pdf 513.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Pedogate/Alan Dershowitz was introduce to Epstein by Lady Rothschild.mp4 512.5 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Journalist, Experts & Statisticans/COVID-19_ Beating Fear with Science _ by George Michael _ Jan, 2021 _ Medium.pdf 512.0 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Clouds of Covid-19 18,000ft above the ground causing no-fly zones - wtf, seems wrong.png 512.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/The YHWH Deception.pdf 510.5 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Electrical Engineer Whistleblower Exposes 5G Health Hazards, Explains 5G Propagation Into Ev 510.4 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Grasshopper-v2_0_2-UserGuide/Grasshopper-v2_0_2-UserGuide.pdf 504.4 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Grasshopper-v2_0_1-UserGuide/Grasshopper-v2_0_1-UserGuide.pdf 504.4 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Grasshopper-v2_0-UserGuide/Grasshopper-v2_0-UserGuide.pdf 504.3 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Effects of long-duration wearing of N95 respirator and surgical facemask - a pilot study.pdf 503.7 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/non-covid/Synoptic Overview - Issues in Immunization Theory and Practice.pdf 503.5 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/'Nobody Is Safe Until Everybody Is Vaccinated'_ Klaus Schwab's - Global Reset.pdf 502.3 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/'Nobody Is Safe Until Everybody Is Vaccinated'_ Klaus Schwab's _Global Reset_ - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization.pdf 502.3 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Horowitz_ One chart exposes the lie behind universal lockdowns - TheBlaze.pdf 500.6 KB
- 09. Covid-19 Lawsuits/Dolan-v-SSHSC-judgment-011220-.pdf 499.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Red String Bracelet - Ivanka Trump.jpg 499.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Conspiracies & Collusion/Why Scientific Peer Review is a Sham - The Truth Seeker.pdf 499.4 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Oxygen Therapies/Hyperbaric_oxygen_therapy_in_the_treatment_ofCOVID-19_Severe_Cases.pdf 498.2 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Implanted _Vaccine Package_ ID_ Germany's Parliament Has Ratified GAVI's Digital _Agenda ID2020_ - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization.pdf 496.3 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/100% injury rate in subjects from gates backed covid-19 vaccine uk vax.pdf 492.8 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/The Coronavirus Vaccine_ The Real Danger is _Agenda ID2020_ - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization.pdf 492.2 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/The Coronavirus Vaccine_ The Real Danger is _Agenda ID2020.pdf 492.2 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/RT-PCR - Package Insert for SARS-CoV-2 RNA RT-PCR Test.png 491.9 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Woman Who Tested Positive for Coronavirus Jailed in New Zealand After Refusing Examination When Arriving From U.S_.pdf 490.2 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Acclaimed Harvard Scientist, Charles Lieber arrested accused of ties with china.jpg 489.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Memes/August 2020, Covidiocy intensifies.png 488.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Trump/Trump's Haplogroup Y-DNA haplogroups of US Presidents and Canadian PMs _ Playing the Race Card.pdf 486.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/Triangular Spacecraft Patent 2004.pdf 485.0 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Journalist, Experts & Statisticans/Karl Friston up to 80% not even susceptible to Covid-19 - Birger Sorensen.pdf 483.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Trump is spending the last days of his presidency on a literal killing spree.pdf 482.7 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/This is what the Moderna Covid-19 'vaccine' did to a Woman.mp4 481.0 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/List of largest drug company lawsuit settlements & top Covid vaccine companies.png 480.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/Petition_ 26,000 Scientists Oppose 5G Roll Out.pdf 480.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Oppressive Technology - Mind Control & Targeted Individuals/The Media's Psywar Manual_ 54 Tactics the Mainstream and Alternative Media Use to Undermine Conspiracy Thinking - Copy.pdf 477.5 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Vitamin D/Vitamin D and the Immune System.pdf 476.6 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/RT-PCR - COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless.pdf 476.2 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Harden Windows 10 for Security. How to secure Windows 10_.pdf 474.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Oppressive Technology - Mind Control & Targeted Individuals/FREE MIND CONTROL TUTORIAL, FREE ELECTRONIC ATTACK TUTORIAL.pdf 474.3 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Allopathic (Conventional)/Cyclosporine A/Cyclosporine A a valid candidate to treat COVID-19 patients with acute respiratory failure.pdf 473.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 473.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 472.1 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/California Department of Propaganda - Love Means getting Vaccinated when its Your Turn.jpg 471.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Scotland_ Traditions of Israelite Descent.pdf 470.8 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/At least 271 deaths, 9,845 adverse events after COVID vaccination so far_ CDC data _ News _ Lifesitenews.pdf 469.7 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Does Short-term Exposure to Cell Phone Radiation Affect the Blood_ - The Weston A. Price Fou 462.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Biden & Harris/Uh Oh. More Trouble For Kamala Harris As Wikileaks Emails Reveals Her Sister Attended This Disturbing Pizza Party _ Right Country.pdf 461.7 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Potential dangers & effects EMF cell phone radiation European Parliament.jpg 459.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Descendants of Abraham Part II_ Lot, Moab, Ammon and Esau (No. 212B).pdf 458.5 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/A country level analysis measuring the impact of government actions COVID.pdf 456.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 455.3 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/Antibody Testing - British Government Lying.pdf 454.2 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/The New mRNA COVID Vaccines Inject an Operating System into Your Body Not a Conspiracy Theory, Moderna Admits It.pdf 454.1 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/RT-PCR - CDC Covid19 test insert - 03.jpg 451.4 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Security/Internet/5 Eye Country List and Agencies.png 450.4 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Maine Medical Tyranny in Maine continues mask mandates no medical exemption - Top 5 states with least cases & deaths.png 446.8 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Masking lack of evidence with politics.pdf 445.5 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/Tens of thousands of coronavirus tests have been double-counted, officials admit.pdf 445.2 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Ozone/A Plausive Penny Costing Effective Treatment For Coronavirus - Ozone Therapy.pdf 444.1 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/87,000 Nurses Refuse Covid-19 Vaccine - Dr. Elke De Klerk, the founder of Doctors for Truth.mp4 440.9 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Publication/Wuhan Files - CNN - 117 page China leak - might be controlled op propaganda.pdf 440.4 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Fulcrum-User_Manual-v0_62/Fulcrum-User_Manual-v0_62.pdf 440.2 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Melatonin/Potential utility of melatonin in deadly infectious diseases.pdf 439.8 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Induction of Anti-PEG Immune Responses by PEGylation of Proteins.pdf 439.1 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Bill Gates says we're injecting genetically modified organisms right in the arms of children.mp4 436.6 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Health worker dead two days after COVID19 vaccine injection.pdf 432.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Medical Research/Do photosynthetic complexes use quantum coherence to increase their efficiency - Probably not.pdf 432.1 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Electrostatics_and_the_Assembly_of_an_RNA_Virus.pdf 427.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Biden & Harris/Joe Biden - Its important that we act to defend the liberal internation order.png 425.8 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Data do not back cloth masks to limit COVID-19, experts say _ CIDRAP.pdf 424.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Oppressive Technology - Mind Control & Targeted Individuals/In the Name of National Security_ Secret, Classified Human Subject Experimentation and Research in 2015_ Where is the Public Outrage_ _ The EveryDay 424.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Cashless - Digital Dollar And Digital Wallet Bill Surfaces In The U.S. Senate.pdf 421.6 KB
- 10. Resources/Legal Resources/Religion - US Congress_ Repeal All Noahide Laws And Proclamations In The USA.pdf 417.7 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Boiling the bioethical frog _ The Covid Physician.pdf 416.0 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/SARS.pdf 415.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Deaths/Mellinda Ann French Gates Died July 2013 According to Ancestry dotcom.png 415.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Idealogical Subversion - We are here.png 411.7 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Fulcrum-User_Manual-v0_61/Fulcrum-User_Manual-v0_61.pdf 411.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/If Anarchy means rule by no one, then opposing it means supporting somebody ruling over you - yellow text.png 410.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Trump/Historian finds German decree banishing Trump's grandfather _ Donald Trump _ The Guardian.pdf 410.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/The Genetic Origin of the Nations (No. 265).pdf 409.0 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Luciferase biosensor - Patent.pdf 408.1 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/The Thalidomide Tragedy_ Lessons for Drug Safety and Regulation.pdf 407.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/World Debt Clock - December 17 2020, 7 23pm.jpg 406.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Patents/Bill Gates - Patents -look at patent #060606 - mark of beast variant -WO2020060606A1.pdf 406.2 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Serious Concerns Over Masks and Carbon Dioxide Levels -.pdf 405.7 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Licorice/Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Patients Infected with 2019-New Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)_ A Review and Perspective.pdf 405.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/America has been turning into a Communist Country - Obama's Soviet Mistake.pdf 402.5 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Washington State Health Department - Isolation & Quaratine Guidelines forms - Forced involuntary 01.jpg 400.2 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Pfizer Vaccine Raises Allergy Concerns - PEG - Anaphylactic.jpg 399.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Arrest & Abuse of Power/Man Arrested for Legal 'Anti-Police Meme' as ACAB Declared Felony Gang Lingo.pdf 398.9 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Melatonin/Melatonin Suppressors -2018-08.pdf 395.2 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Effectiveness of adding a mask recommendation to other Public Health meausers to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection in Danish mask-wearers.pdf 392.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/'New Window of Hope'_ Chinese Communist Party Hopes Joe Biden Will 'Restore Normalcy'.pdf 391.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 391.1 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/For your safety and security - Emerges the Nano Mark, then Sudden Destruction - Former Fema Officer Conjecture.pdf 390.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Police Brutality/We Don't Have a Racism Problem, We Have a Deep State Problem_ The Hideous Police Killing of Duncan Lemp.pdf 390.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/National Rifle Association, at center of heated national gun debate, files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.pdf 390.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 389.9 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Lawyers & Law Enforcement/Open Letter Concerning the Police Enforcement of ongoing COVID-19 restrictions.pdf 387.8 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Publication/The Evidence which Suggests that this is No Naturally Evolved Virus - Birger Sorensen, Angus Dalgleish, Andres Susrud.pdf 387.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Politics/Lawsuit_ Donald Trump Is the Illuminati King.pdf 386.2 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Security/Internet/Internet Security - Protecting Yourself on Social Networks _ Surveillance Self-Defense.pdf 385.7 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Lawyers & Law Enforcement/Supreme Court Judge Condemns Covid Control Freaks Regulating Christmas.pdf 385.1 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Modification of atmospheric DC fields by space.pdf 384.5 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Travel - Green Lists And Red Lists -Making Sense Of Covid Travel Restrictions.pdf 384.4 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/A false pandemic of bribes.pdf 383.2 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Israel National News - 75-year-old Israeli man dies 2 hours after getting Covid-19 vaccine.pdf 383.1 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/5G-cell-tower-policy-EHT-2.pdf 382.9 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Doctor with bioweapons expertise calls COVID-19 vaccines weaponized medicine.pdf 381.9 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/C.D.C. Now Says People Without Covid-19 Symptoms Do Not Need Testing - The New York Times.pdf 381.9 KB
- 10. Resources/Legal Resources/The Constitution of the United States_ A Transcription _ National Archives.pdf 380.3 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Wound care nurse witnesses bad experiences from co-workers after second doses of Modern 'Vaccine'.png 379.2 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Bill Gates - talks about his profit from vaccines - Two years apart, fake winter interview- same jacket.jpg 377.7 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Confirmed_ Britain Will Issue Vaccine Passports (Not Long After Lying They Have No Such Plans).pdf 375.7 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/lockdown vs no lockdown - stayathome vs no stayathome may18th.jpg 374.0 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/RT-PCR - kits and vaccines unlicensed by the MHRA - A nasty shot in the arm.pdf 373.3 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/A nasty shot in the arm RT-PCR kits and vaccines unlicensed by the MHRA.pdf 373.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 372.3 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/CDC Exposed_ Inflated Covid Deaths By 1600% Throughout The Election, _Violated Multiple Federal Laws_ Peer-Reviewed Study Finds State, Local Governments Must Act.pdf 370.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 369.0 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Negative electric fields in mist and fog.pdf 368.4 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Self-assembly of virus particles - The role of genome.pdf 368.2 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/RT-PCR - Limit of detection - No virus isolates existed so they did voodoo.jpg 368.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Medical Research/Chimerism/Male Microchimerism in Women without sons.jpg 367.3 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Heterologous Vaccine Effects - Unintended Side Effects.pdf 366.6 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/AthenaDesign/AthenaDesign.pdf 364.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 364.6 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Proof That Face Masks Do More Harm Than Good - Dr Vernon Coleman.pdf 363.7 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Licorice/Glycyrrhizin, an active component of liquorice roots, and replication of.pdf 363.5 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Carbon dioxide poisoning - a literature review of an often forgotten cause of intoxication in the emergency department.pdf 362.8 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Allopathic (Conventional)/Ivermectin/FLCCC-PressRelease-NIH-Ivermectin-in-C19-Recommendation-Change-Jan15.2021-final.pdf 361.3 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/mRNA-1273 Vaccine Patent Landscape (For NIH-Moderna Vaccine) - Public Citizen.pdf 361.2 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Melatonin/Efficacy of melatonin in non-intensivecare unit patients with COVID-19 pneumonia and sleep dysregulation.pdf 361.1 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/hive-Infrastructure-Configuration_Guide/hive-Infrastructure-Configuration_Guide.pdf 358.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Biden & Harris/The Many Occasions Joe Biden Took Credit For Writing The Patriot Act.pdf 358.2 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/the most important scientific challenge to the vaccine and testing regimes established Stop Pfizer.pdf 356.5 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Email-No-viruses.pdf 353.7 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Universal Masking in Hospitals during the Covid-19 Era.pdf 352.9 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Melatonin/Role of Melatonin on Virus-Induced Neuropathogenesis-A Concomitant Therapeutic Strategy to Understand SARS-CoV-2 Infection.pdf 352.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Books In Satan's Honour.pdf 351.1 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Top Lab Test Expert_ COVID-19 Virus Does NOT Exist.pdf 350.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Chairman Wests Monday Message for 12.21.20.pdf 350.0 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/non-covid/Adventitious agents in viral vaccines - Lessons learned from 4 case studies - Vaccine Contamination Cases.pdf 349.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Trump/Trump family tree.png 349.2 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Publication/Covid-19 Navigating the Uncharted - Anthony Fauci.pdf 349.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Rameses III & Isis.jpg 348.8 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Casedemic & Testdemic Daily confirmed deaths versus daily confirmed cases.png 347.2 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/HIV & AIDS/HIV & AIDS - A CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF THE EVIDENCE FOR THE EXISTENCE 347.1 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/COVID Anal Swabs for Beijing Residents More Accurate, Says Chinese Expert.pdf 347.0 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/CDC - Coronavirus doesn't spead surface to surface very well - not primary way wont drive pandemic.jpg 345.8 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Nanoneurotherapeutics approach intended for nose to brain drug delivery blood barrier nasal.png 344.8 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Economist/A Libertarian Analysis of the COVID-19 Pandemic.pdf 344.2 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/Tanzanias president is blaming the sharp rise of coronavirus cases on faulty testing kits.pdf 343.5 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/48% Of Small Businesses Risk Closing in Q4, New Poll Says - Alignable Survey.pdf 343.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Covid-19 Opportunity to 'Build Back Backer' according to United Nations.jpg 343.3 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Review of Scientific Reports of Harms Caused by Face Masks up to February 2021.pdf 342.2 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/Viral cultures for COVID-19 infectivity assessment. Systematic review.pdf 341.5 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/RT-PCR - CDC Covid19 test insert - 01.jpg 340.5 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Publication/Structural similarity between HIV-1 gp41 and SARS-CoV S2 proteins suggests an analogous membrane fusion mechanism.pdf 339.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 339.1 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/GH-ServiceDLL-v1_3-UserGuide/GH-ServiceDLL-v1_3-UserGuide.pdf 337.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Army PSYOP officer resigned commission prior to leading group to DC protests.pdf 337.2 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Covid-19 Test kits exported in 2018.png 336.8 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/HIV & AIDS/HIV & AIDS - Is HIV the Cause of AIDS_ An interview with Eleni Pap 336.5 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Barrage Of New Countries And Airlines To Adopt Vaccine Passports Summit News.pdf 336.3 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/hive-UsersGuide/custom.css 336.3 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/GH-ServiceDLL-v1_2-UserGuide/GH-ServiceDLL-v1_2-UserGuide.pdf 335.0 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Differences between Germ Theory, Terrain Theory, and Germ-Terrain Duality The 334.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/CCP Spy sattelite fell Navajo land.png 334.5 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/GH-ServiceDLL-v1_1-UserGuide/GH-ServiceDLL-v1_1-UserGuide.pdf 333.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Trump's sister recorded saying brother trump has no principles and cant be trusted.png 332.9 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Public Health England has changed its definition of deaths_ heres what it means - The Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine.pdf 331.7 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Association between living with children and outcomes from COVID-19 cohort study 12 million adults in England.pdf 331.6 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/GH-ServiceProxy-v1_1-UserGuide/GH-ServiceProxy-v1_1-UserGuide.pdf 330.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/The Term Conspiracy Theory an Invention of the CIA Project Unspeakable.pdf 330.8 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Pfizer Admitted its Vaccine Does NOT Prevent Covid Infection - Alliance for Human Research Protection.pdf 330.6 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Operation Warp Speed's Logo - Symbolism and Associations Explained.png 330.4 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/GH-ServiceProxy-v1_0-UserGuide/GH-ServiceProxy-v1_0-UserGuide.pdf 329.8 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Could tracking devices stop people breaching coronavirus quarantine rules_.pdf 329.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/CPAC 2021 Stage was in the shape of Erbhof Odal Rune.png 328.4 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Man from Texas arrested for claiming false positive on social media.jpg 328.2 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/GH-ScheduledTask-v1_1-UserGuide/GH-ScheduledTask-v1_1-UserGuide.pdf 326.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/Defense Officials Push Proposal to Separate NSA, Cyber Command - WSJ.pdf 326.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Future Warfare Bushnell NASA.pdf 326.2 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/GH-ServiceDLL-v1_0-UserGuide/GH-ServiceDLL-v1_0-UserGuide.pdf 326.0 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/FDA saftey warnings covid19 vaccines posside side effects adverse reactions.png 325.1 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Allopathic (Conventional)/COVID-19 Related Products.pdf 323.9 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/GH-ScheduledTask-v1_0-UserGuide/GH-ScheduledTask-v1_0-UserGuide.pdf 319.7 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Clever Forensic Investigation Offers Compelling Evidence Covid-19 is a Scamdemic - James Fetzer.pdf 318.7 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Allopathic (Conventional)/Ivermectin/FLCCC-Alliance-Response-to-Merck-statements-on-ivermectin-in-Covid19-Feb7-2021.pdf 317.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/World Economic Forum - Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better.pdf 317.3 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/HIV & AIDS/HIV & AIDS - Is HIV Cause of AIDS_.pdf 316.5 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Police chief calls for power of entry into homes of suspected lockdown breakers _ World news.pdf 316.4 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Triton_v1_3_DOC/Triton_v1_3_DOC.pdf 315.6 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Assessing mandatory stay-at-home and business closure effects on the spread of COVID-19.pdf 315.2 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Tough on Crime - Pfizer and the CIHR - Habitual offenders of corrupt marekting and practices.pdf 314.7 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Allopathic (Conventional)/Hydroxychloroquine/Countries that ban HCQ are killing people.png 313.9 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/FLCCC-Alliance-Response-to-Dr.-Korys-Senate-Testimony-Removed-by-YouTube.pdf 312.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Facebook -Paying people to deactive accounts during election - 6 week deactivation to participate.jpg 312.9 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/GH-Run-v1_0-UserGuide/GH-Run-v1_0-UserGuide.pdf 311.9 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/GH-Run-v1_1-UserGuide/GH-Run-v1_1-UserGuide.pdf 311.4 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Sound/Corona Frequencies Put the cutting edge technology of Sound Wave Resonance to Work for you_.pdf 310.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Health/Heavy Metal Chelation Therapy/Heavy Metal Toxicity _ Digital Naturopath.pdf 310.2 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/R1B Average prevalence vs Death rate geographic visual map for statistical analysis.png 309.7 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/GH-Drop-v1_0-UserGuide/GH-Drop-v1_0-UserGuide.pdf 309.7 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/Door to door blood samples for Covid-19 test in atlanta georgia.jpg 308.8 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Washington State Health Department - Isolation & Quaratine Guidelines forms - Forced involuntary 02.jpg 308.4 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Mask Study for Adolescents and Children.pdf 306.3 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/A Study on Infectivity of Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Carriers - PubMed.pdf 304.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/bush obama trump bombs dropped comparison.png 304.7 KB
- 10. Resources/Legal Resources/Vaccine Informed Consent Form v2.pdf 304.1 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/WHO Changes Definition of 'Herd Immunity', Literally Re-writing Hundreds of Years of Scientific Understanding, Just to Push Vaccines.pdf 303.5 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Mask Harms in Kids_ 68% of Parents Report Alarming Problems In.pdf 303.4 KB
- 10. Resources/Legal Resources/COVID-19 VACCINATION CONSENT FORM.pdf 303.3 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR - PubMed Abstract, Highlighted.pdf 303.2 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Do naturally occurring magnetic nanoparticles in the human body mediate increased risk of ch 303.0 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/An Order to Stay Safer at Home (2).pdf 303.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Patents/Patent - Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors.jpg 302.9 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Portuguese woman dies two days after getting Pfizer covid vaccine _ Daily Mail Online.pdf 302.7 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Sarasota County Sees Highest Number Of Daily Deaths From COVID-19 _ WUSF Public Media.pdf 302.0 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Publication/covid19-rna-based-vaccines-and-the-risk-of-prion-disease-1503.pdf 301.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Counter Strategies for Agenda 21 - Freedom 21.pdf 300.5 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/hive-DevelopersGuide/hive-DevelopersGuide.pdf 300.4 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Assassin_v1_3_Quick_Start/Assassin_v1_3_Quick_Start.pdf 300.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Biden & Harris/Joe Biden says if there was no Israel then USA would have to create it - No shame to fund them.mp4 298.2 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Covid-19_ Fired Florida statistician says police raid aimed to identify her government contacts _ The BMJ.pdf 298.0 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Pentagon Will Deploy Active Duty Troops To Support COVID-19 Vaccination Sites _ NPR.pdf 297.9 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/HIV & AIDS/HIV & AIDS - HIV and AIDS; Correlation but not causation.pdf 297.4 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Assassin_v1_2_Quick_Start/Assassin_v1_2_Quick_Start.pdf 297.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Climate Change Causation And The Scientific Method.pdf 297.2 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Safety Standards and Checklist_ Theaters and Performance Venues _ 297.0 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/ZhuangFalsePositives.pdf 296.9 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/hive-Infrastructure-Switchblade/hive-Infrastructure-Switchblade.pdf 295.4 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Licorice/Pharmacological perspective_ glycyrrhizin may be an efficacious therapeutic agent for COVID-19.pdf 295.2 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/Potential False-positive rate among the asymptomatic infected individuals - Translation Chinese Journal of Epidemiology.pdf 293.2 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Global Corporate Rollout Of Digital Passports With Vaccine History Tied To Personal IDs.pdf 292.9 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/New folder/Nutrients and COVID-19 - Consult Dr. Anderson.pdf 292.6 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Was Germanys Corona Lockdown Necessary.pdf 291.6 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Glutathione & NAC/Rationale for the use of N-acetylcysteine in both prevention and adjuvant therapy of COVID-19.pdf 290.9 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Assassin_v1_4_Users_Guide/custom.css 289.8 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Politicians & Government Agents/Former MI6 director says coronavirus is an accident from a Chinese lab.pdf 288.0 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Athena-v1_0-UserGuide/custom.css 286.4 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Cuomo goes for broke, threatens $100,000 fines on NY hospitals that dont use all their vaccines in seven days 286.3 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Mother was tested three time at nursing home - Tested negative, then positive, then negative - all PCR - Copy.jpg 286.1 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Mother was tested three time at nursing home - Tested negative, then positive, then negative - all PCR.jpg 286.1 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Maine Sunday River Brewery Restaurant Opened Despite Lockdown Orders for 'non-essential businesses' huge line basically a protest.png 286.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Things that matter.jpg 285.1 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/covid19 prevalence vs r1b haplotype visual map.png 284.1 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Fulcrum-SRS-v0_6/Fulcrum-SRS-v0_6.pdf 283.8 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Did Lockdown Work - An Economists Cross-Country Comparison.pdf 283.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/The Mysterious Illuminati & Technocratic Lineage Of Elon Musk -.pdf 283.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Chapter-33-The-British-Royal-Family-Pedophilia-and-the-End-of-a-1200-Year-Parasitic-Monarchy.docx 282.7 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/The Truth Behind Mask Mouth - Decisions in Dentistry.pdf 282.4 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/NHS Vaccine Passports foreshadowed on BBC News.png 282.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Gematria/AstraZeneca Covid19 Hive Mind Meditative State Weapon Anagram Meme.png 279.5 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Melatonin/Possible Prophylactic Approach for SARS-CoV-2 Infection by Combination of Melatonin, Vitamin C and Zinc in Animals.pdf 278.7 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/NightSkies_v1_2_User_Guide/NightSkies_v1_2_User_Guide.pdf 278.4 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/Test - Insert - covid test isn't accurate - flawed corona test - 6.jpg 276.8 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/53 Dead in Gibraltar in 10 Days After Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Injections Started.pdf 275.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Psychology/What if we've all been primed (psychologically).pdf 275.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 273.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Oppressive Technology - Mind Control & Targeted Individuals/Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, MD, Former Chief Medical Officer of Finland_ Microchip Implants, Mind Control, and Cybernetics _ The EveryDay Concern 273.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Geneology of Nations.png 272.7 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/FDOS_1_0_FINAL_B57udiag/custom.css 271.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Trump/Trump - Pied Pipe Lead you off the cliff.png 270.9 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Masks - Why Wont Anyone Publish the Danish Mask Study_.pdf 270.2 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Assassin_v1_2_Users_Guide/custom.css 269.4 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Norway Scientist Claims Report Proves Coronavirus Was Lab-Made.pdf 268.0 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Vitamin D/Short term, high-dose vitamin D supplementation for Covid-19 disease; a randomised, placebo-controlled, study (SHADE study).pdf 267.8 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Red blood cells injuries and hypersegmented neutrophils in COVID-19 peripheral blood film.pd 267.8 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Assassin_v1_1_Users_Guide/custom.css 267.5 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Assassin_v1_3_Users_Guide/custom.css 267.3 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Zeta Potential A complete Course in 5 minutes.pdf 266.3 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Effects of low-level inhalation exposure to carbon dioxide in indoor environments - A short review on human health and psychomotor performance.pdf 265.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Patents/Charles M. Lieber Inventions, Patents and Patent Applications - Justia Patents Search_files/core.css 265.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Conspiracy Truthers_ 20 Theories Now Widely Accepted as Fact _ Winter Watch.pdf 265.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Pure seed was Noah's race...Incest.pdf 264.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Texas power outage - main reason was Government Ercot environmental policies for pollution.png 264.5 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Businesses that have shut down due to Covid-19 policies.jpg 264.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/2020 Eletion - Scoop_ Pentagon halts Biden transition briefings.pdf 264.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Slavery in America - US more unique for abolishing than they are for implementing it.png 264.0 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Missing Virus Award HIV & AIDS .pdf 263.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Legal/Canada Quarantine Program Solicitation.PDF 262.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/The Table of the Nations - Geneology of the Bible.jpg 261.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Trump-Georgia-Call Transcript.pdf 259.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Patents/Charles M. Lieber Inventions, Patents and Patent Applications - Justia Patents Search_files/ 259.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Israel Flag, Star of David, Saturn's Cube, Antahkarana, Operation Warp Speed, Macleod Clan.png 258.5 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/EMF PATHOGENS INFECTIONS VIRUS BACTERIA MAGNETOBIOLOGY AONM-EMF-Article.pdf 257.7 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/AfterMidnight_v1_0_Users_Guide/AfterMidnight_v1_0_Users_Guide.pdf 257.3 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/'No One Has Died from the Coronavirus' - Global ResearchGlobal Research.pdf 256.8 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Im a Clinical Lab Scientist, COVID-19 Is Fake, Wake Up America!.pdf 255.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Nancy Pelosi - Allowing people to keep money they earn is theft.jpg 255.0 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/DarkSeaSkies_1_0_User_Manual/DarkSeaSkies_1_0_User_Manual.pdf 254.8 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Journalist, Experts & Statisticans/Three Eminent Epidemiologists Explain Why They Strongly Oppose Lockdowns For Covid-19 Collective Evolution.pdf 253.8 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/4. Coronavirus RT-PCR Test Primer Sequence is Found in All Human DNA WHO.pdf 253.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Gematria/AstraZeneca Covid19 SENTA ZECA RA Anagram Meme.png 253.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/The Lies And Fallacies Of The Encyclopedia Britanica.pdf 251.7 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/A nobel prize and its fatal consequences - Dangerous anti-scientific path vir 251.5 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/illusory effects of non-pharmaceutical interventions on COVID-19 in Europe.pdf 251.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 250.9 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/HIV & AIDS/HIV & AIDS - AIDS Dissidents_ Interview with Peter Duesberg.pdf 250.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Lesson 7_ Regional Governments Will Destroy Our Local Representative Govt _ Agenda 21 Course.pdf 250.5 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/HIV & AIDS/HIV & AIDS - The Role of Drugs in the Origin of AIDS.pdf 248.7 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Integrative Considerations during the COVID 3.18.20.pdf 248.3 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Covid-19 Case Fatality Rates by Age.png 247.2 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/non-covid/Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given - Is there a biochemical or synergistic toxicity.pdf 246.6 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Influenza Studies 1919 Couldnt infect people, even with injections into the b 244.6 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/NightSkies_v1_2_User_Guide/custom.css 244.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Satanist Jews (Illuminati) are Edomites - 243.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Statism, the religion.jpg 243.5 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/Test - Insert - covid test isn't accurate - flawed corona test - 3.jpg 242.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Global Alliance of Religions Joins Push for UN Agenda 2030.pdf 242.3 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/The apparent evidence for the existence of viruses.jpg 242.1 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/non-covid/MMR Vaccine Caused Viral Mumps Outbreak on U.S Navy Warship - Alliance for Human Research Protection.pdf 241.9 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Georgia college student gets 4 months in prison for breaking Cayman Islands' COVID-19 protocol.pdf 241.5 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/China Locks Down 22 Million, More Than Double Last Year _ 241.5 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Journalist, Experts & Statisticans/Mercola Whistleblowers Claim Pandemic Is The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetuated On The Human Race.pdf 241.1 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Dr Stefan Lanka - Dismantling the Virus Theory.pdf 237.7 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)/Ascorbic Acid - Bloosd-ascorbate Vitamin C study low levels worse outcome Covid-19 severity.jpg 237.4 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Can Electron Microscopy Resolve The HIV Battle_ An Exclusive Interview with E 237.0 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Removal of Form 5 Cremation Certificate for Covid-19.png 236.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 236.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/A Bloodline member discloses upcoming events and why 2012 is so important to them _ Cherada.pdf 236.1 KB
- 09. Covid-19 Lawsuits/Dolan-v-SSHSC-summary-011220-.pdf 236.0 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Corona ions from powerlines and increased exposure to pollutant aerosols.pdf 234.7 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Letter to Trump regarding Covid-19 from 500 Doctors.pdf 233.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Red Bracelet - Kabbalaha Red Bracelet Club Ashton kutcher.jpg 233.6 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/BC-PHSA-no-isolation-records-and-delaying-other-requests-F20-0844-redacted.pd 233.5 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Virus engineering - functionalization and stabilization.pdf 233.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/Omega Ophthalmics is an eye implant platform with the power of continuous AR _ TechCrunch.pdf 233.2 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Florida doctor could be first to die from COVID vaccine - Chicago Tribune.pdf 233.0 KB
- 09. Covid-19 Lawsuits/Harvards Charles Lieber arrested for treason with communist China _ The Planet Today News From The World_.pdf 232.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Convicted Terrorist Susan Rosenberg Raising Funds for Marxist Black Lives Matter.pdf 232.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 231.6 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/CDC - Allergic Reactions Including Anaphylaxis After Receipt of the First Dose of Mederna Covid-19 'Vaccine' - December 21,2021.pdf 231.3 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Maine - CDC Top causes of death compared to Covid-19 deaths in Maine 12-06-2020.png 230.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Statist or Anarchist Question Meme.jpg 229.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/Sentient World Simulation (SWS) A Continuously Running Model of the Real World.pdf 228.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Peter Navarro releases 36-page report alleging election fraud 'more than sufficient' to swing victory to Trump.pdf 227.9 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Masks will become a new norm after coronavirus pandemic ends, public officials predict.pdf 227.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/World Economic Forum - WeForum - Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies part of the plan.png 227.7 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Double standards for police officers - They don't follow the mask-mandates that they immorally enforce 08.jpg 223.9 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Interview Stefan Lanka Challenging BOTH Mainstream and Alternative HIV & AIDS 223.2 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/COVID-19_ 36 people develop rare blood disorder after vaccination.pdf 222.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Mainstream Mockingbird Media & Blatant Propaganda/Feminist Journal Accepts Hoax Intersectional Rewrite Of Hitlers Mein Kampf.pdf 222.6 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/DerStarke_v1_4_DOC/DerStarke_v1_4_DOC.pdf 222.4 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Dr Rob Oswald, PhD in Virology, 1500 samples, No Covid, Just influenza , Suing CDC for fraud.pdf 221.0 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Portugal Court decides that forced quaratines in a state of emergency are still illegal.png 219.7 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Journalist, Experts & Statisticans/Problems with current UK government lockdown policy.pdf 219.6 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/If I get vaccinated - Questions.pdf 219.5 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Immunologis - Pfizer, Moderna Vaccines Could Cause Long-Term Chronic Illness.pdf 219.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Legal/Military - Conplan - Operation Concept Plan - Replaces Operation Garden Plot.pdf 218.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/Future with AI - BT Technology Timeline.pdf 218.0 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Fulcrum-User_Manual-v0_61/custom.css 217.6 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Global life expectancy versus average age of death with covid.jpg 216.9 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/EMF/Isotopes of Interest - Properties, Treatments, & Face Sheets.pdf 216.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Dean Grace Guide to Masonic Handshakes in the Movies -194-films - 2001.pdf 216.5 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Dentists - 'Mask Mouth' Can Lead To Strokes, Heart Attacks.pdf 216.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/What is a useful idiot - an explanation.jpg 216.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Ethics of Voting - Part II.pdf 215.9 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Claro to expand 5G DSS in Brazil.pdf 215.6 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Statement of Virus Isolation - Dr. Andrew Kaufman, M.D_.pdf 215.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 215.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Memes/Its Covid Season, No Riot Season - Bugs & Daffy.gif 215.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Lesson 8_ Education and Sustainable Development _ Agenda 21 Course.pdf 214.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Oppressive Technology - Mind Control & Targeted Individuals/Further Information on RFID Chips, Nanochips, Neurochips, Chipped Vaccines_Excerpt from Research by Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler _ The EveryDa 214.6 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/DarkSeaSkies_1_0_URD/DarkSeaSkies_1_0_URD.pdf 214.0 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/48% Of U.S. Small Businesses Fear that They May be Forced to Shut Down Permanently Soon .pdf 213.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Alternative Energy/A Potato Battery Can Light Up a Room For Over a Month _ Innovation _ Smithsonian Magazine.pdf 212.9 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Double standards for police officers - They don't follow the mask-mandates that they immorally enforce 07.jpg 211.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/Open Letter to Governments.pdf 211.7 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Winham Maine Police Issue criminal trespass after couple leaves Walmart peacefully instead of going in with a mask on.png 211.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Trump - White House Memorandum - M-20-34 - Cease & Desist Tax Proceeds Funding Anti-American Education.jpg 211.2 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/DarkSeaSkies_1_0_CONOP/DarkSeaSkies_1_0_CONOP.pdf 209.5 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Conclusion Regarding Masks They Do Not Work.pdf 208.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Hugh de Courcy vs. LaRouche_ The British Israelites.pdf 208.3 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Scribbles_v1_0_RC1-User_Guide/custom.css 208.2 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Pivot 5G helps Verizon deliver mmWave to Ultra Wideband subscribers - Holographic Beam Formi 208.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 207.7 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/HIV & AIDS/HIV & AIDS - Is The AIDS Virus a Science Fiction_.pdf 207.5 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Covid19 Vaccines - Morally Produced vs Not.jpg 205.5 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/HIV & AIDS/HIV & AIDS - 15 Years of AIDS.pdf 205.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Politics/War with invisible enemy - Fauci - Symbolism Jesuit Zionist Masons.jpg 205.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Geoengineering, Weather, Environment, Climate Change/Document_Chemtrails - Proof and Purpose - Wikispooks.pdf 204.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Adrenochrome/Adrenochrome - follow the white rabbit molecule sign.jpg 204.0 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/HIV & AIDS/HIV & AIDS - AIDS Epidemiology; Inconsistencies with HIV and with 203.6 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/HIV & AIDS/HIV & AIDS - The HIV Gap in National AIDS Statistics.pdf 203.2 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Roadblock Checkpoint - Encountered first checkpoint - streets lights are turned off for curfew.jpg 203.0 KB
- 10. Resources/Legal Resources/PRECEDENT - Notice of Liability - FACE MASKS O.pdf 201.1 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Gyms, shopping malls_ The future in Israel belongs to the vaccinated with a 'green pass' _ National Post.pdf 200.3 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/DC Bill B23-0171 Allowing Children 11 Years and Older to Be Vaccinated Without Parental Knowledge or Consent Advances - The Vaccine Reaction.pdf 200.3 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/New (May 24th) estimate by the CDC brings down the COVID- 19 death rate to just 0.26% as against WHOs 3.4.pdf 200.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/The Visualizing Capacity of Magical Realism - Objects and Expression in the work of Jorge Luis Borges.pdf 200.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Ethics of Voting Part III.pdf 199.2 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/DarkSeaSkies_1_0_User_Manual/custom.css 199.0 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Awake prone positioning in Covid-19.pdf 199.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Flags Crescent Moons Hammer Sickle Communism Islam Pagan.png 199.0 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Triton_v1_3_DOC/custom.css 198.6 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Surprising New Study Finds That People Who Wear Masks Are More Likely to Become Infected With COVID-19 Than Those Who Dont.pdf 198.4 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/SeaPea_2_0_UserGuide/SeaPea_2_0_UserGuide.pdf 198.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/friendly dictators.pdf 197.9 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Bill Gates -Funding & Financial ties - Pfizer included.jpg 197.4 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Sweden vs Illinois - No Lockdown vs Lockdown - Deaths per 1 Million Population By Day.jpg 196.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 196.2 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/DarkSeaSkies_v1_0_Test_Plan_Procedures/DarkSeaSkies_v1_0_Test_Plan_Procedures.pdf 195.9 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Publication/COVID-19 and radiation induced pneumonitis - Overlapping clinical features of different diseases.pdf 194.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Joe Biden - broken ankle foot brace ankle bracelet tracker all weight on foot.jpg 192.7 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Schools going back to remote learning because a large percentage of school staff being vaccinated are having side effects.jpg 191.3 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/'No Jab, No Job' As UK Firms Make Vaccines Mandatory.pdf 191.2 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Protein and DNA reactions stimulated by electromagnetic fields.pdf 190.6 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Vaccinations - Head of Pfizer Research - Ex-Vice President of Pfizer - Vaccine Female Sterilization Infertility Warning.jpg 190.3 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/COVID Thoughts, Concerns - John Hardie.pdf 189.5 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/NUCLEIC ACID CHANGES INDUCED BY MICROWAVE AND RADIOFREQUENCY EXPOSURE OF ANIMAL TISSUES.pdf 189.1 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Skipping second dose of Pfizer COVID vaccine could lead to virus spreading, mutating, experts say.pdf 189.1 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses - Before - July 2011 PubMed.pdf 189.0 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Fulcrum-User_Manual-v0_62/custom.css 188.4 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Journalist, Experts & Statisticans/A few reasons to be a sceptic.pdf 188.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/STRATCOM Commander - 'Real Possibility' of Nuclear War With China or Russia.pdf 188.0 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/CNN Unusual Swelling Caused by Covid-19 Vaccines Picked up on mammograms.png 187.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/Synthetic Environment for Analysis and Simulations - Homeland Security.pdf 187.4 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/55 Americans Have Died Following COVID Vaccination, Norway Deaths Rise To 29 _ ZeroHedge.pdf 186.1 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Pfizer Vaccine & Risk of Prion Disease.png 185.7 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Modernas Software of life infographic.png 185.3 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Port of Seattle places cop on leave over viral video discouraging enforcement of states anti-coronavirus measures _ The Seattle Times.pdf 185.0 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/Covid PCR test reliability doubtful Portugal judges - The Portugal News.pdf 184.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Black Lives Matter/Black Lives Matter symbol and Communist Fist are basically the same 02.jpg 184.5 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/A few basic questions about the Covid-19 Vaccines , the mainstream media, and Government.png 183.7 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/non-covid/This Is A Bio-Attack Alert-By Dr. Robert B Strecker & Attorney Theodore A. Strecker. Signed by Attorney Theodore A Strecker.pdf 183.2 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Catherine Austin Fitts, The Injection Fraud Its Not a Vaccine.pdf 183.2 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Assassin_v1_3_Quick_Start/custom.css 183.0 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Solar/Scientists detect genomic DNA changes even in sun-protected skin.pdf 182.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 182.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Biden Selects Over a Dozen Big Tech Executives to Serve in Administration or Advise Transition _ Dan Bongino.pdf 182.1 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Censorship - Facebook - 7 Days no commenting for saying its selfish to only care about covid deaths.jpg 182.1 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Assassin_v1_2_Quick_Start/custom.css 181.6 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Adverse Events Reported VAERS - Covid-19 Vaccination.jpg 181.5 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/EXTENDING_User_Guide/custom.css 181.2 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Great Barrington Declaration.pdf 180.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Tax is Theft Infographic.jpg 179.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Antifa/antifascist then versus antifascist now.jpg 179.1 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/CDC VAERS Reporting for Pfizer & Moderna 'vaccine' - Jan, 2021 - Comparable hospitalization and survival rate for the virus itself.jpg 178.9 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/YouTube CEO_ Well delete anything that contradicts World Health Organization on COVID-19 _ News _ Lifesitenews.pdf 178.2 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Covid-19 Lower Fatality rate than with SARS & MERS2.png 178.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Conspiracies & Collusion/Depopulation - WHO chief Tedros Ghebreyseus is accused of aiding genocide in Ethiopia by nobel peace prize nominee _ Daily Mail Online.pdf 177.5 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/AfterMidnight_v1_0_Users_Guide/custom.css 177.3 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/German study finds no evidence coronavirus spreads in schools.pdf 177.2 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/France - Accomplished pharma prof thrown in psych hospital after questioning official COVID narrative _ News _ Lifesitenews.pdf 177.0 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/hive-Infrastructure-Configuration_Guide/custom.css 176.9 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/non-covid/Dirty Vaccines - New Study Reveals Prevalence of Contaminants.pdf 176.9 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Covid Vaccine Push - Harsh Penalties Considered for Anyone who refuses - News - Scott Morrison, Proponent of violating human rights.png 176.7 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Asymptomatic transmission of COVID-19 didnt occur at all, study of 10 million finds _ News _ Lifesitenews.pdf 176.7 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/UW Health research study results show significant and alarming mental health impacts on school closures and sport cancellations.pdf 176.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Ethics of Voting, Part I.pdf 175.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 175.4 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Allopathic (Conventional)/Front Line Covid19 Critical Care Alliance -I-MASK+ Prophylaxis & Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol for COVID-19-v7-2020-12-27-ENGLISH.pdf 174.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/The Population of USA in 2025 predicted to be 100 million on Deagel dot com.png 172.9 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Allopathic (Conventional)/Uses of Coagulopathy UMiami Study_.pdf 172.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Voluntary Government as a Marketable Service_ Reminiscences on the History of an Idea.pdf 172.8 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/Scientists show COVID tests are useless, are based on flawed science'.pdf 172.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/The United Nations and the Origins of _The Great Reset_.pdf 172.0 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Peter Doshi_ Pfizer and Modernas 95% effective vaccineslets be cautious and first see the full data - The BMJ.pdf 171.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Health/The Human Body Uses Active Ingredient in Chlorine Bleach to Fight Bacteria Naturally.pdf 171.4 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Solar/Bill Gates is trying to dim the sun.pdf 171.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Agenda 21 - Dematerialize Trade Euphemism For Cashless Society .jpg 171.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Trump/Donald-Trump-Pied-Piper-MAGA-MAGUS.png 170.9 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/China Is Using Anal Swabs to Detect COVID-19 Infections.pdf 170.6 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said the World Bank Bribed him to impose extreme lockdowns, force mask-mandates, curfews, crash economy.jpg 170.5 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Journalist, Experts & Statisticans/Incredible & Scary Truth about Covid-19 Test -FDA Test Summary.pdf 170.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Elijah Schaffer Tweets that Trump Supporters 'patriots' are storming and breaching the Capitol Building.jpg 170.0 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/New York Bill Projected to Pass Jan 6th 2021 permits forced isolations.jpg 169.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Biden discourages denies 25th amendment to remove Trump.jpg 169.1 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Mask - fart and pee memes combined.jpg 168.3 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Solar/3 Solar Cycles for 2020 overlap with Pandemic.jpg 168.3 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/The pandemic may cause 40 million Americans to lose their homes.pdf 167.7 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/non-covid/Did a Military Experimental Vaccine in 1918 Kill 50-100 Million People Blamed as _Spanish Flu__ Part 2.pdf 167.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 167.1 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Archimedes-1_2-Addendum/custom.css 166.0 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Censorship - Doris Loh - The Ascorbic Acid Lady Treatment Melatonin Information.jpg 165.8 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/non-covid/Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given - Is there a biochemical or synergistic toxicity.jpg 165.6 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Maine -Governor Janet Mills - Businesses must deny service no medical exemption based on her spoken word.jpg 165.4 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Employers can't require Covid-19 vaccination under an EUA - STAT.pdf 165.2 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Censored - 640 Doctors 'Covid-19 is a global scam' video censored on facebook.png 165.2 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Six dead from Pfizer trials shares down Pfizer CEO makes a killing.pdf 164.9 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Light/Effect of Visible Range Electromagnetic Radiations (Colours) on Platelets in Thrombocytopenia in Dengue Fever.pdf 164.8 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Economist/The Absurdity of Lockdown 2.0.pdf 164.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Science/The Crisis of Science _ The Corbett Report.pdf 164.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 164.0 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Isolation & Purification - Does it exist/Public Health England Requeste for P 163.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Oppressive Technology - Mind Control & Targeted Individuals/Tim Rifat_ Deadly Microwave Weapons Being Used Covertly as Dissident_Mass Behavior Control Weapons in UK and US _ The EveryDay Concerned Citizen.pdf 163.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 163.2 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Allopathic (Conventional)/Hydroxychloroquine/HCQ Hydroxychloroquine discredited because vaccines cant be approved for emergency authorization when there are alternative treatments available.jpg 163.0 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Mask - Science Citation Infographic.jpg 162.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/NATO - Opinion_ _NATO 20_2020_ 20 bold ideas to reimagine the Alliance after the 2020 US election_ - Remarks by NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana at an Atlantic Council event, 11-Dec.-2020 162.8 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/There is no pandemic, nobody has died from Covid-19 - Bulgarian Association of Pathology - Full Interview of Dr. Stoian Alexov.pdf 162.5 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Los Angeles Students Will Be Required to Get COVID-19 Vaccine After FDA Approval for Use in Children - The Vaccine Reaction.pdf 162.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Dulles Toll Road to Permanently Go Cashless in 2021.pdf 161.9 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Pima County could see 37k infections in Jan., Arizona tops world in COVID rate (3 months aft 161.7 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Compulsory vaccination for Covid-19 and human (1).pdf 161.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Texas Power Outage Could last for months - Ercot Annoucement.jpg 161.0 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Melatonin/Melatonin LD-50 toxicity safety.jpg 160.7 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/DarkSeaSkies_1_0_URD/custom.css 160.7 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/2012 olympics foreshadow virus pandemic possibly.jpg 160.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Censorship/Censorship - YouTube - Controversial Query Blacklist - (thousands of blacklisted queries for youtube - real leak!).pdf 160.0 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/The Hallmarks of Exosomes.jpg 159.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Xi Jinping Signs Order No. 1 'To Focus On War Preparedness' And Refers To The U.S. As 'Enemy' _ MEMRI.pdf 159.6 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/German-Federal-Ministry-of-Health-ignored-FOI-request-reda.pdf 158.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 158.2 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/NHS Winter Narrative has been consistent - Every year bed shortages and overwhelmed hospitals.jpg 157.6 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)/Ascorbic Acid - Vitamin C Oral Recommended Dose Covid-19.jpg 157.6 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Modified RNA has a direct effect on DNA.pdf 157.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Lesson Nine _ Agenda 21 Course.pdf 156.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Trump/House of Wettin Haplogroup R1b-u106 - one of Trumps suspected Haplogroups.jpg 156.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 155.7 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Censorship - Facebook - Banned for posting testimonial diagnosed by dr infected with strep from wearing mask.jpg 155.5 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/BILL - H.R.6666 - COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act Library of Congress.pdf 155.5 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/DarkSeaSkies_1_0_CONOP/custom.css 155.4 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Melatonin/Melatonin01.jpg 155.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Iron Mountain Report.pdf 154.5 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/HIV & AIDS/HIV & AIDS - AIDS Dissidents; Talk by Peter Duesberg.pdf 154.2 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Open letter to the UK Government, Governments of the World and the Citizens of the World - The World Doctors Alliance.pdf 154.1 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Verizon extends Nationwide 5G to cover 230 million people Dec 27 2021.pdf 153.1 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/More Evidence Israelis Are Using Placebo COVID Vaccines -- And Have Changed PCR Test To Prove Vaccines Are Working .pdf 153.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 152.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Legal/BILLS - 111 HR 645 IH.pdf 152.8 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Cellosaurus cell line Vero C1008 (CVCL_0574).pdf 152.4 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/non-covid/VRM_ Vaccine Ingredients Vaccine Resistance Movement.pdf 152.0 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/AstraZeneca Covid19 Satan Czar 55 Anagram Meme.png 151.8 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/PHAC-follow-up-A2020000110-20210202-redacted.pdf 151.5 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/The Covid Physicians true coronavirus timeline _ The Covid Physician _ The Critic Magazine.pdf 151.5 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/The Chart of Communiste Coercion for compliance vs Covid-19 - Communist Cult Branwashing techniques.jpg 151.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/No Privacy, No Property_ The World In 2030 According To The WEF.pdf 149.9 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/The COVID World Order Is Coming (or at least theyre trying).pdf 149.9 KB
- 10. Resources/Legal Resources/Mask-Order Complaint Word-Document.docx 149.5 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/HIV & AIDS/HIV & AIDS - AIDS; The Heretic.pdf 149.1 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Case of B.1.1.7 Covid-19 Variant Confirmed in Maine February 10 2021.pdf 149.1 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Blaylock - Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To The Healthy.pdf 148.9 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/Viral cultures for COVID-19 infectivity assessment. Systematic review _ medRxiv.pdf 148.6 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Farmers reporting that governments are stoping their producting while destorying food and livestock.jpg 148.6 KB
- 10. Resources/Legal Resources/Face masks discrimination template letter-1.pdf 148.0 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/HIV & AIDS/HIV & AIDS - PNAS Publication of AIDS Article Spurs Debate Over Pe 148.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Proposed House Rules Eliminate Gendered Terms Like Father And Daughter _ The Daily Caller.pdf 148.0 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Arizona Counties - Mask vs No Mask mandates.jpg 147.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/An Open Letter to The President of The United States of America, Donald Trump - Fate of whole world - Great Reset Conspiracy 02.jpg 146.8 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Suspicions grow that nanoparticles in Pfizers COVID-19 vaccine trigger rare allergic reactions _ Science _ AAAS.pdf 146.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/How Governments Rigged the Game against Workers.pdf 146.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 146.2 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Vaccine lawsuits before National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act that absolves pharama from being acountable for injuries.jpg 146.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Millitary - U.S. Military Civil Disturbance Planning -The War at Home.pdf 145.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/The Dystopian _Fourth Industrial Revolution_ Will Be Very Different from the First One.pdf 145.6 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Coronavirus_ WHO fails to find animal source of COVID-19 _ News _ DW _ 09.02 145.1 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/non-covid/A mass sterilization exercise_ Kenyan doctors find anti-fertility agent in UN tetanus vaccine _ News _ Lifesitenews.pdf 144.6 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Allopathic (Conventional)/Remdesivir/Remdesivir - Gilead George Soros + Gates + Trump + Wuhan + Clinton Ties.jpg 144.2 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/German policeman suspended after speech decrying coronavirus rules _ News _ DW _ 11.08.2020.pdf 144.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Biden & Harris/Biden will remove Trump supporters from Military.jpg 144.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Magic Pharaonic Egypt.pdf 143.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Satanism -Law of resversal.jpg 143.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/What is Agenda 21_2030_ _ Dan Happel.pdf 143.5 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/RT-PCR - WHO Information Notice for IVD Users - WHO ADMITS TO ELEVATED RISK FOR FALSE POSITIVES.pdf 143.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Romania criminalises creating fake social media accounts.pdf 143.0 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Study Shows Certain Face Coverings Are Worse than Going Maskless.pdf 142.5 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Biological Effects and Safety of EMR - Ca2 and EMF.pdf 142.3 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Covid-19 Lower Fatality rate than with SARS & MERS.png 142.3 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/The distal polybasic cleavage sites of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein enhance spike protein-ACE2 b 142.1 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/WHO Chief Scientist - 'I dont believe we have the evidence on any of the vaccines to be confident that theyre going to prevent people from getting and passing infection.mp4 142.0 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Solar/SARSCOV2 Can Enter our DNA - We produce the RNA endongenously in response to environmental conditions.jpg 141.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Baphomet - Moloch - Baal - Androgynous.png 141.8 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/France - Accomplished Professor Thrown in Psych Hospital After Questioning Official COVID Narrative.pdf 141.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Lesson 6_ Grants are Used as a Major Tool to Implement Agenda 21 _ Agenda 21 Course.pdf 141.1 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Melatonin/Melatonin Inhibits Viral Replication.jpg 141.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Whistleblowers & Witness Testomonies/Whistleblower - Qualified expert, Judy Wood 911 Whistleblower.jpg 140.8 KB
- 09. Covid-19 Lawsuits/Cease and desist papers served on Prof. Dr. Christian Drosten by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich CORMAN-DROSTEN REVIEW REPORT.pdf 140.7 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/19 out of 20 of the cities with most covid cases had mask mandates.jpg 140.2 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Vaccination cards will be issued to everyone getting Covid-19 vaccine, health officials say.pdf 140.0 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Archimedes-1_0-User_Guide/custom.css 139.9 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Journalist, Experts & Statisticans/RAQ - Rarely Asked Questions on Coronavirus.pdf 139.4 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/Covid-19 Test Kits Exported in 2017 - World Integrated Trade Solution - Plandemic.jpg 139.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Fundamentals of Voluntaryism.pdf 138.7 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/VAERS Adverse Reaction Reports Covid-19 Pfrizer BioNtech 'vaccine' - miscarriage.jpg 138.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Two Kinds of Protection by Robert Lefevre.pdf 138.5 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Grasshopper-v2_0_1-UserGuide/custom.css 138.5 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Grasshopper-v2_0_2-UserGuide/custom.css 138.5 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Grasshopper-v2_0-UserGuide/custom.css 138.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Oppressive Technology - Mind Control & Targeted Individuals/FOIA Request Report_ CIA Unable to Confirm Informed Consent in Any Open Human Subject Programs and Research Using Directed-Energy Neuroweapons in the 138.1 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Licorice/Current Status of Anti-SARS units.pdf 138.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Censorship/Censorship - YouTube -Screen Shot 2021-01-05 at 1.42.16 PM.png 137.6 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Economist/Lockdowns Destroy What Makes Us Human.pdf 137.1 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/RT-PCR - False-positive PCR results linked to administration of seasonal influenza vaccine.pdf 136.7 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/DerStarke_v1_4_DOC/custom.css 136.5 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/The physiological impact of wearing an N95 mask during hemodialysis as a precaution against SARS in patients with end-stage renal disease.pdf 136.3 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/How Many People Are The Vaccines Killing_ Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA [ How much more evidence do you need_ Ed. _ Mask Covid Info.pdf 135.8 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Pilots Wont Be Able To Take Covid-19 Vaccines until full FDA Approval - Emergency Authorizations Do Not Count as Approval.pdf 135.7 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Texas Health & Human Services - More Seasonal Influenza deaths than all Covid deaths 1-20 to 7-20 2020.jpg 135.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Legal/Military - Breach of Medical Quarantine _ Crisp and Associates _ Free Consultation.pdf 135.1 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Economist/The Seen and the Unseen of Covid-19.pdf 134.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Pedogate/Creepy Child Abuse Pedophilic Statues Norway - Bondage.jpg 134.4 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/pulsed radiofrequency energy is the 'most plausible' cause of Havana disease - Scientists su 134.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Americas Missing Money _ Government Cant Account for $21 Trillion.pdf 134.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Protest & Riots/Protesters against UK rail link evicted from London park - ABC News.pdf 134.0 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/5 AND 4G is linked to cell and tissue damage, damaging proteins, and DNA and suppressing imm 133.9 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/COVID-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines.pdf 133.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/MELCHIZEDEK LEGEND OF 2 (SLAVONIC) ENOCH.pdf 132.8 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Total U.S. death rate is below average, CDC says - May 24th.pdf 132.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/An Open Letter to The President of The United States of America, Donald Trump - Fate of whole world - Great Reset Conspiracy 03.jpg 132.6 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Maine - CDC - top 10 causes of death.jpg 132.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Mainstream Mockingbird Media & Blatant Propaganda/Trump 5g Q nonsense propaganda.jpg 132.5 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Fulcrum-Mission_Manager_Brief-v0_6/Fulcrum-Mission_Manager_Brief-v0_6.pdf 132.3 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Mother of virologist Dr Li-Meng Yan who alleged Covid-19 was made in Chinese lab arrested by Beijing authorities _ MEAWW.pdf 132.2 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/RIP Larry King - Diagnosed with Covid19, Said to full discharge, to be given vaccine despite having it, didnt survive hospital.jpg 132.2 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Archimedes-1_1-Addendum/custom.css 132.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Oh, Ye Are For Anarchy! Consent Theory in the Radical Libertarian Tradition - Part 1 -.pdf 131.9 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Herd Immunity as explained by the World Health Organization June 2020 vs November 2020.jpg 131.7 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/RT-PCR - CDC Covid19 test insert - 02.jpg 131.4 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/hive-DevelopersGuide/custom.css 131.4 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Isolation & Purification - Does it exist/Reply from National Virus Reference 131.0 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Havana Syndrome most likely caused by pulsed RF frequencies.png 130.9 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/Operation Moonshot - UK Test & Tracing Plan leaked - What do the leaked documents say_.pdf 130.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Esser 2008 Spin Doctor (ICA_Ency).pdf 130.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 130.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Antifa posing as MAGA at January 6th 2021 Capitol Hill Protest.jpg 129.6 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/HIV & AIDS/HIV & AIDS - Remarks on methods for retroviral isolation.pdf 129.5 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Isolation & Purification - Does it exist/Remarks on methods for retroviral is 129.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 129.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Oil Fracking vs Lithium Extraction for batteries.jpg 129.1 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Vaccine refusers will be kept to supermarkets, pharmacies when Israel opens up.pdf 129.0 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/How many Covid diagnoses are false positives_.pdf 128.8 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Electromagnetic-vaccination.pdf 128.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Patents/Fauci - Lieber - NIH FUNDED NANOBOT PATENTS.jpg 128.1 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/Is the Uk Complying with WHO Guidance on PCR Testing 127.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/World Economic Forum Founder Claims World Will Never Return to Normal.pdf 127.7 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Plandemic - Covid-19 Project is planned until 2025 - Plandemic.jpg 127.6 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Testdemic - 2020 - week 47 - Influenza tests vs Covid tests - RTPCR not for monitoring treatment of rona cdc fda.png 127.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Trump/CLAN MACLEOD CREST ART.jpg 127.3 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Psychosocial, biological, and immunological risks for children and pupils make long-term wearing of mouth masks difficult to maintain _ The BMJ.pdf 127.3 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/World-Renowned Microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi Has Urgent Warning of COVID-19 Vaccine Risks.pdf 127.3 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/HIV & AIDS/HIV & AIDS - What Causes AIDS_.pdf 127.2 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/HIV & AIDS/HIV & AIDS - A Critique of the Evidence for the Isolation of HIV.p 127.1 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Pfizer Criminal History Google Search.jpg 127.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Trump & Clinton Agree on Freedom of Speech on the Internet.jpg 126.9 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Quaratine - Forced Isolation forms Washington State Department of Health.pdf 126.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Cathedral of light at Capitol White House.jpg 126.4 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Politicians & Government Agents/Former MI6 Intelligence Chief claims that the coronavirus was created in a Chinese lab.pdf 125.5 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Fastest 5G Network in the World Just Launched in Tucson NYSE_VZ.pdf 125.3 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/China's Xi Jinping is pushing for a global Covid QR code. He may struggle to convince the world.pdf 124.8 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/FDA Document Exposes 95% of Participants had Side Effects from Moderna Vaccination in Trials.png 124.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Politics/Hitler (Controlled Op) was a Rothschild - (and a Zionist) Family still has influence over America in 2020.jpg 124.6 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/South Dakota LRC - 2020 House Bill 1235 - Introduced.pdf 124.5 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/City Council approves temporary 5G ban in Keene _ Local News _ 124.1 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/Antibody Testing - Can't discern between Covid-19 and common cold strains.jpg 124.0 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/AthenaDesign/custom.css 123.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Memes/Joe Biden Help is on the way - Reagan 9 worst words to hear I'm from government and i'm here to help.jpg 123.8 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Federal Court Overturns FCC Order Which Bypassed Environmental Review For 5G & Small Cell Wi 123.7 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Scientific Information on Masks Against COVID-19.pdf 123.7 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Black Death is created, allegedly, by a triple conjunction of Saturn, Jupiter 123.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Donald Trump - Went to court spent milliong to be able to use an emblem that displays scottish freemasonry symbolism.pdf 123.5 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Lawyers & Law Enforcement/Open Letter Concerning the use of Police in the discriminatory targeting of certain groups during the current 'pandemic'.pdf 123.4 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Bill Gates Covid-19 Biowar Population Control War Quote.jpg 123.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Trump/House of Bourbon Germanic Y-DNA R1B-u106 Haplogroup.jpg 123.2 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses - Updated - November 2020 PubMed.pdf 123.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Trump announces Barr retiring, or did he fire him, who knows.jpg 123.0 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Fulcrum-SRS-v0_6/custom.css 123.0 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Grasshopper-v1_1-AdminGuide/custom.css 123.0 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Wuhan leads the way in 5G rollout in Central China - Turned on in October for Military Games 122.9 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Physician Awareness of Immune Responses to Polyethylene Glycol-Drug Conjugates.pdf 122.4 KB
- 10. Resources/Legal Resources/By what authority - the county sheriff.pdf 122.2 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/Covid-19 symptom comparison vs Influenza, Common Colds, etc.jpg 122.1 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/StolenGoods-2_1-UserGuide/custom.css 122.0 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Robert F Kennedy Jr - Big Pharma has 80 Covid-19 vaccines being made but.jpg 122.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Politics/QANON - Gematria.jpg 121.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Free market prices VERSUS prices for things that have been monopolized and or socialised - Failure of central planning and restricted markets.jpg 121.7 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/The Secret Way Your Dirty Mask Could Be Making You Sick.pdf 121.4 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Woman explains on social media vaccine using electroporation - dna altering cellectra.jpg 121.4 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Engineered bat virus stirs debate over risky research _ Nature.pdf 121.3 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/hive-DevelopersGuide-figures/hive-DevelopersGuide-figures.pdf 120.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Trump/Trump - More communist fist gestures from Drumpf.png 120.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 120.5 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Surgeon who said covid-19 was a hoax has been suspended pending gmc investigation.pdf 120.3 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/HIV & AIDS/HIV & AIDS - Preface for _Infectious AIDS; Have we been misled__.p 119.7 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Fulcrum-Mission_Manager_Brief-v0_6/custom.css 119.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Trump - Its a big club and you aint in it - mason group handshake.jpg 119.3 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/The COVID-19 shutdown will cost Americans millions of years of life _ TheHill.pdf 119.1 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Quarantine - Procedures for isolation or quarantine - Washington Department of Heath -WAC 246-100-040_.pdf 118.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/What Voluntaryism Means to Me - The Voluntaryist.pdf 118.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Trump/Trump opens Office of the Former President in Florida.pdf 118.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Legal/INSURRECTION ACT - [USC02] 10 USC Ch. 13_ INSURRECTION.pdf 118.4 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Moderna CEO says the world will have to live with Covid 'forever'.pdf 118.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Trump/Donald Drumpf Trump The Pied Piper leading your to your own NWO Enslavement.jpg 117.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 117.7 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Fastest 5G Network in the World Just Launched in Sarasota NYSE_VZ.pdf 117.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Joe Biden - Kissing Granddaughter.jpg 117.6 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/If you die within 28 days of testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 Covid-19 youll be counted as covid death regardless - If die within 24hrs of vaccination then its unrelated to the vaccine.jpg 117.6 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Micro & Nano Contamination in Vaccinations - Published Study.png 117.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 116.9 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Journalist, Experts & Statisticans/The future of the coronavirus_ An annoying childhood infection _ The Seattle Times.pdf 116.8 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/HIV & AIDS/HIV & AIDS - AIDS Dissidents_ Interview with Alfred Hssig.pdf 116.7 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Publication/The Yan Report Why It Is important.pdf 116.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/The Disgusting Reason That Millions of Texans Spent The Night Without Power.pdf 116.6 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/hive-Operating_Environment/hive-Operating_Environment.pdf 116.6 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/5G towers destroyed in South Africa as Covid-19 links spread - TechMetro .pdf 116.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Election 2020 - Dominion voting fraud Coomer intelligence.jpg 116.5 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/CDC -Large percentage of deaths was from influenza and pneumonia- updated april 30th.jpg 116.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Pedogate/Repitllian Sewer Statue Abducting Child - Creepy.jpg 115.9 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/hive-Operating_Environment/custom.css 115.0 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/World Lockdown Plan Leaked Henry Makow.pdf 114.6 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Pfizer vaccine - Page 132 says no unprotected sex up to 28 days after 2nd dose of vaccine due to reproductive safety risk.jpg 114.6 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Journalist, Experts & Statisticans/Study_ Long-term exposure to PM 2.5 may raise COVID-19 death risk by 20 times _ India News,The Indian Express.pdf 114.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Geoengineering, Weather, Environment, Climate Change/A Partial list of the over 6,000 products made from one barrel of oil (after creating 19 gallons of gasoline).pdf 114.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Georgia Brad Raffensperger election members-elect vote fraud request review ballots absentee.jpg 113.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Lesson 10_ Stopping Agenda 21 _ Agenda 21 Course.pdf 113.6 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Vaccination - Measles - Measles Vaccine Development Timeline - Vaccine was made available after the pandemic was finished.jpg 112.8 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Operation Warp Speed chief adviser resigns, Biden's transition official says.pdf 112.5 KB
- 09. Covid-19 Lawsuits/Justice Centre takes Alberta to court to end lockdowns _ Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms.pdf 112.4 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/iPhone Update - Facial recognition works with face masks to unlock phone after phone update.jpg 112.0 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/5G Wireless Coronavirus Connection Exposed - Knowing The Truth - What Is Your Truth_.pdf 112.0 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Immunoprotein impairs SARS-CoV-2_ An endogenous protein prevents the virus from fusing with host cells -- ScienceDaily.pdf 111.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Peaceful Parening - Spanking - if you think that it is good then ask yourself these questions.jpg 111.6 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Researchers discover new strain of COVID-19 in Ohio patient.pdf 111.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Transvestigations/Bill & Melinda Gates - Face gender swapped.jpg 111.0 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Highest court in Germany established in-vitro damage to cells no proof of dis 110.9 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Dean Koontz Wuhan-400 Eyez of Darkness.jpg 110.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 110.8 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Teacher union leader says 'white supremacy' fuels reopening efforts, concerns over lockdown suicides are 'white privilege'.pdf 110.8 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/39-year-old nurse aide dies within 48 hours of receiving mandated COVID-19 shot _ News _ LifeSite.pdf 110.8 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/non-covid/USA_Vaccine_Excipient_Summary_-_February_2020.pdf 110.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Conspiracy Theory Reconsidered - Responding to Mass Suspicions of Political Criminality in High Office.pdf 110.7 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/WHO Opposes COVID-19 Vaccine Passports Idea.pdf 110.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/EPA Set To Regulate Water On Your Private Property - Truth And Action.pdf 110.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Conspiracies & Collusion/10 real conspiracies to research.jpg 110.0 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/wireless EMF exposure limits in different countries 5g 4g cell radiation.png 110.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Trump/Golan Heights - Trump Heights - Israel.jpg 109.9 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Covid-19 Case Fatalities Morality Rate .26 Percent - Deaths peaked may15 - All cause mortality follows covid death curve.jpg 109.6 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Allopathic (Conventional)/Hydroxychloroquine/Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin plus zinc vs hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin alone.pdf 108.9 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Mask - New England Journal Of Health - Wearing a mask isn't effective but it is symbolic.jpg 108.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Bye, bye Jarvanka_ Photo appears to show moving truck outside Ivanka, Jareds D.C. home.pdf 108.7 KB
- 10. Resources/Legal Resources/Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals - Volume II - Consent Absolutely Essential for Medical Experimentation.jpg 108.5 KB
- 10. Resources/Legal Resources/Declaration of Independence_ A Transcription _ National Archives.pdf 108.2 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Marble-Filelist/Marble-Filelist.pdf 108.1 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/HIV & AIDS/HIV & AIDS - Dissenting on AIDS - The case against the HIV-causes- 107.7 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Pandemic-1_1-S-NF/custom.css 107.6 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Covid-19 Vaccine Insert says that it could caulse infertility.jpg 107.5 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/StolenGoods-2_0-UserGuide/custom.css 107.5 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Lawyers & Law Enforcement/Maine - Clinton - police are not the mask police.jpg 107.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/God and the _Sons of God_ - Yahweh Elohim.pdf 107.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Patents/Charles M. Lieber Inventions, Patents and Patent Applications - Justia Patents Search_files/f.txt 107.3 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Vitamin D/Vitamin D - Correlation Death rate with Amount of Vitamin D in blood.jpg 107.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Facial recognition firm claims antifa infiltrated Trump protesters who stormed Capitol.pdf 107.2 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/CARBON DIOXIDE EXPOSURE EFFECTS FACT SHEET - Handout-CO2-Adverse-Health-Effects-Fact-Sheet.pdf 107.1 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Death Fraud - Presumed Covid death nursing home in newspaper.jpg 106.9 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/RC1-doc-Pandemic-1_1-S-NF/custom.css 106.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/5g Boil the Frogs.jpg 106.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Historical Errors of the Qur'an.pdf 106.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Chapman University Survey - Top 10 Fears for Americans in 2018.jpg 105.9 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/HIV & AIDS/HIV & AIDS - Cast Out for an AIDS Heresy.pdf 105.9 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/HIV & AIDS/HIV & AIDS - A Paradigm Under Pressure.pdf 105.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Adrenochrome/Prison Inmate Blood Quality Scoring Adrenochrome Quality - Creepy.jpg 105.6 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/highlighter/mootools-core-and-more.js 105.4 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Pandemic-1_0-S-NF/custom.css 105.4 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Contact Tracing - Kent County Contact Tracers Wanter Flyer.jpg 105.3 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Deaths per week attributed to Covid - Curve was flattened June 1st but mandates continued.jpg 105.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Individual Rights vs Community Rights - UN or US Constitution, you decide.png 105.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/The Five Important Moral Questions Regarding The Delegation of Rights & Government.png 104.8 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Melatonin/Melatonin produced in the lungs prevents infection by novel coronavirus.pdf 104.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/NATO False Flag 2020 Election Staged Event planned to reimagine alliance union - strengthen government.jpg 104.6 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Antoine_Bechamp - Summary.pdf 104.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/The Beasts of Golden Dawn - Illuminati.pdf 104.0 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/The Weirdest, Most Distorted Economy Ever.pdf 103.9 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/hive-Infrastructure-Switchblade/custom.css 103.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Brian Ande BrianMAGALaw - Thinks that Trump will use sattelites and beam technology to override emergency broadcast and broadcast executive orders and speech etc.jpg 103.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/First Apple Computer Sold for $666.66 _ Steve Wozniak relate _ Flickr_files.jpg 103.5 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/RT-PCR - Issues with the RT-PCR Coronavirus Test.pdf 103.5 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Fine particulate matter and COVID-19 mortality in the United States.pdf 103.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Politics/boston bombing resignations - falseflag.jpg 103.3 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/mask icu worker no covid patients pulmonary staff infections from filthy mask.jpg 103.2 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/non-covid/Measles Outbreak Traced to Fully Vaccinated Patient for First Time _ Science _ AAAS.pdf 102.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Patents/Charles M. Lieber Inventions, Patents and Patent Applications - Justia Patents Search_files/ 102.8 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/RT-PCR - CDC Covid19 test insert - 04.jpg 102.8 KB
- 10. Resources/Legal Resources/The Bill of Rights_ A Transcription _ National Archives.pdf 102.6 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Plagues correlate with celestial events ,planetary conjunctions - list of pla 102.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/wtf is going on - huge military presence at capitol & country - rumors china will strike and trying to take over.jpg 102.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Memes/should have listened to me bitcoin 2016 and shoud listen to me now.jpg 102.3 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Melatonin/Structured Nanosystems for Dermal Delivery of Therapeutics - Options, Opportunities and Clinical Implications.pdf 102.2 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Friends Aunt died at home from long list & history of health problems - cause of death was marked covid - Copy.jpg 101.9 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/CDC - Deleware Health Department - Mask are not for the healthy asymptomatic.jpg 101.8 KB
- 10. Resources/Legal Resources/Articles_of_Confederation.pdf 101.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Origin of Edom, Babylon, and Rome, or Christianity.pdf 101.3 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Licorice/In vitro susceptibility of 10 clinical isolates of SARS coronavirus to.pdf 101.3 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Grasshopper-v1_1-UserGuide/custom.css 101.3 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/HIV & AIDS/HIV & AIDS - AIDS Dissidents_ Interview with Charles Thomas jr_.pd 101.3 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Hypocrisy of police and state employees - Double standards - they can sit and eat near eachother in a restaurant, we cant.jpg 101.1 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Vaccination - Health Care Worker Had Serious Allergic Reaction After Pfizer's Covid Vaccine - The New York Times.pdf 101.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Legal/H.J.Res.104 - Noahide Laws in America - 102nd Congress (1991-1992)_ To designate March 26, 1991, as _Education Day, U.S.A._. _ _ Library of Congress.pdf 100.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Text - H.J.Res.104 - Noahide Laws in America - 102nd Congress (1991-1992)_ To designate March 26, 1991, as _Education Day, U.S.A._. _ _ Library of Con 100.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Patents/Charles M. Lieber Inventions, Patents and Patent Applications - Justia Patents Search.html 100.9 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Mask N95 Basics - Virus Particle Size.png 100.7 KB
- 09. Covid-19 Lawsuits/Harvard University Professor Indicted on False Statement Charges _ OPA _ Department of Justice.pdf 100.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Memes/Covid19 Conversation Translation Guide for talking with Covidiots.jpg 99.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Adrenochrome/Google - Symbolism Wordplay Symbology.jpg 99.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Why Central Bank Digital Currencies Are a Bad Idea.pdf 99.2 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Dr. Arthur Firstenbergs Research on Medical Face Masks Real Food Houston.pdf 99.2 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/All-deaths-per-year-plus-covid-compared-previous-years.jpg 99.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Hunter Biden - turned himself in rumor.jpg 99.1 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/GH-Module-Bermuda-v1_0-UserGuide/custom.css 99.0 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Fauci - Do as I say, not as i do - Hypocrite Hypocrisy at sporting event.jpg 98.5 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Paying hospitals for every death marked as covid - asking eldery to sign do not recessitate forms - Copy.jpg 98.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 98.4 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/California lockdown order date and ICU status before & after.jpg 98.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/An Open Letter to The President of The United States of America, Donald Trump - Fate of whole world - Great Reset Conspiracy.jpg 98.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Peaceful Parenting - Authority and obedience vs self-ownership and rights.jpg 98.3 KB
- 09. Covid-19 Lawsuits/Justice Centre files legal action against Manitoba lockdowns _ Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms.pdf 98.1 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Maine - Maine Department of Public Safety says to tattle on your neighbors for not being cowardly order-followers.jpg 97.9 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Knows four people who were previously terminally ill who tested postive for Covid - died & cause of death marked covid - Copy.jpg 97.7 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Petition to investigate Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.png 97.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/A Plan to Stop Agenda 21 - American Policy Center.pdf 97.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Conspiracies & Collusion/HR-5736 -Moderizination Act of 2012 - Smith-Mundt Act - Allows the use of Propaganda to be used against US public.png 96.9 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Nanotechnology - Nose to brain peptide drug delivery.jpg 96.8 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Maine Number 1 most vulnerable to economic fall out from diaster.jpg 96.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Stop Confusing Money with Wealth.pdf 96.4 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Solar/SARSCoV2 started before December 2019 and the origin is unknown - only theory left with legs is solar theory.jpg 96.4 KB
- 10. Resources/Flyers/Flyer - There is no pandemic QR Codes with Links.jpg 96.3 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/electromagnetichealth.orgArgument for a 5G COVID-19 Epidemic Causation Mechanism by Martin 96.1 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Pied Piper Corona Perspective.jpg 96.0 KB
- 10. Resources/Legal Resources/JG_Jurors_Handbook.pdf 95.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Albert Pike Quote Explains the Purpose and Strategies for Three World Wars.jpg 95.4 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Contact Tracting TRACE Act (HR 6666) Chip Roys Texas Response.jpg 95.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/LInwood says get the firing squad ready, pence goes first.jpg 94.7 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/AthenaKickOff_ATHENA/custom.css 94.6 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/D.C. Council votes to allow vaccines for minors without parents approval - The Washington Post.pdf 94.6 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Transcript with ICU Nurse in Tuscon.pdf 94.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Politics/Hillary Clintons Snuff Film Leaked Picture Wikileaks - Spirit Cooking Canibalism .jpg 94.0 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Melatonin/Pathways SARS-CoV-2 & Melatonin.jpg 93.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Censorship/Facebook 'de-prioritizes' removing slurs and hate speech against white people, men, and americans - focus on blacks gays etc.jpg 93.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Theory - One World Government Theorized Potential Plans of Execution - Project Blue Beam.jpg 93.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Alternative Energy/Formula for Harmonic Series Expansion.jpg 93.5 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Bacterial Pneumonia Caused Most Deaths in 1918 Influenza Pandemic, August 19, 2008 News Release - National Institutes of Health (NIH).pdf 93.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Roman Coins minted with Star & Crescent Moon.jpg 93.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/double headed phoenix eagle luciferian doctrine.gif 92.9 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/AstraZeneca has same address as an Adrenochrome manufacturer.jpg 92.7 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Bill Gates - no qualifications but not censored when groups of qualified doctors are.jpg 92.6 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/AthenaTechnologyOverview/AthenaTechnologyOverview.pdf 92.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Conspiracies & Collusion/Ruling Class- Their Agenda - Their Formula - Covid19 Population Control.jpg 92.4 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Economist/New Lockdowns and More Regulations Are Disastrous for US Jobs.pdf 92.3 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Different restrictions lockdown or not all seven 7 states peaked coronavirus covid same time mask social distancing.jpg 92.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Trump - Statement from Donald Trump about election 2020 vote fraud.jpg 92.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Tavistock Institute of Human Relations - Shaping the Moral, Spirtual, Cultural, Political, and Economic Decline of the Unite States of America.jpg 92.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Tribe of Zarah-Judahs Red Rampant Lion which is Featured on Trumps Mothers Crest.png 91.0 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/HIV & AIDS/HIV & AIDS - Introduction for Peter Duesberg.pdf 90.7 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Publication/Status of Covid-19 - England Public Health - As of March Covid-19 is not a High conseqeunce infectious disease (HCID).png 90.7 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Trump Administration Announces Framework and Leadership for 'Operation Warp Speed' _ 90.6 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Double standards for police officers - They don't follow the mask-mandates that they immorally enforce 02.jpg 90.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 90.4 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/Secret File on Christian Drosten the German Virologist Who Is Responsible for the PCR Protocol Truth Comes to Light.pdf 90.3 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - ICU Nurse - Hospital hasnt seen many deaths - first covid death was someone who collapsed and died day later from heart attacked - Copy.jpg 90.1 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/There was no difference between viral antigen detection between symptomatic and asymptomatic.png 90.1 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/If you want the most COVID protection, one doctor says wearing 4 face masks is best - yes, things have gotten ridiculous.pdf 89.9 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Mother in law went to Hospital with fever & shortness of breath, tested positive for covid so they induced a coma, intubated, put on ventilator and died 89.7 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Isolation & Purification - Does it exist/Isolation versus Purification.pdf 89.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Mexico to introduce digital ID identification cards.jpg 89.3 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/HIV & AIDS/HIV & AIDS - Letter to Peter Duesberg.pdf 88.9 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/The-corona-phantom-and-what-if-the-viruses-dont-exist.pdf 88.8 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/AthenaKickOff_ATHENA/AthenaKickOff_ATHENA.pdf 88.6 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Horowitz_ Lockdown is killing more patients than the coronavirus - TheBlaze.pdf 88.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Drawing of Baby being offered as sacrifice to Moloch.jpg 88.5 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Influenza & Coronavirus cases.png 88.2 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/5G cell work in Columbus_ 575 area permit applications received.pdf 88.0 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/hive-DevelopersGuide-figures/custom.css 87.9 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Justin Trudeau - Medical Tyranny in Canada for Travel - Mandatory Quaratines in Goverment Facilities if you test positive.png 87.8 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Why Face Masks Dont Work_ A Revealing Review - Oral Health Group.pdf 87.4 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine ingredients.jpg 87.3 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/DerStarke_v1_4_RC1_IVVRR_Checklist/DerStarke_v1_4_RC1_IVVRR_Checklist.pdf 87.1 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/DarkSeaSkies_v1_0_Test_Plan_Procedures/custom.css 86.9 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Arthur Firstenberg The Evidence Mounts 5G Exposed (Ultra Wideband 17-30 GHZ - Cruise Shi 86.8 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Dentist warns harmful 'mask mouth' is impacting 50% of patients due to prolonged use of masks.pdf 86.7 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/SeaPea_2_0_UserGuide/custom.css 86.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Facebook -Paying people to deactive accounts during election - 6 week deactivation to participate01.jpg 86.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Trump - George Soros possible connections - Jesuit Zionist.jpg 86.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/statism if you think things will be better after elect next president then you dont understand the problem yet.jpg 86.5 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Infant dies of SIDS or premature birth (22 weeks!) & doctor marked cause of death from Covid - Copy.jpg 86.4 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Double standards for police officers - They don't follow the mask-mandates that they immorally enforce 05.jpg 86.3 KB
- 10. Resources/Legal Resources/Mask Exemption ADA Compliant Statement 02.jpg 86.0 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/GH-Module-Buffalo-Bamboo-v1_0-UserGuide/custom.css 86.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Conspiracies & Collusion/Over 20 US Governors with direct ties to the CCP.jpg 85.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Voluntaryist dot Com/site-master/avpg/intro.html 85.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Joe Biden - Which Joe Biden Is your Favorite, Crime Bill, Counterteroorism Act, Voted Against gay marriage, repealed glass steagall, voted for patriots act.jpg 85.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Introduction to Obadiah; The Identity of Edom (Obadiah) February 2.pdf 84.8 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/CDC - Shielding approach information - Covid-19 - 07.jpg 84.7 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Archimedes-1_3-Addendum/custom.css 84.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/750 GMO mosquitos approved for release in Florida.jpg 84.4 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/England Public Health - As of March Covid-19 is not a High conseqeunce infectious disease (HCID).png 84.4 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - No patients in ER (During peak) - Hospital furloughed 1300 employees - empty hallways - Being sent home early - losing hours - Copy.jpg 84.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Kamala Harris - accused biden of rape or said she believed accusers.jpg 84.2 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/NHS Commercial Terrifies Kids By Showing Santa Stricken With COVID.pdf 84.1 KB
- 10. Resources/Legal Resources/Dear State Agent - 1983 - Notice of No Consent.pdf 84.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Black Lives Matter/Black Lives Matter - Whites ares genetic defects & subhuman.jpg 83.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 83.6 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Old folks home - died of giving up on life and old age - marked covid - Copy.jpg 83.2 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/BILL - H.R.6666 - COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act.jpg 83.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Initial Membership List of the Knights of Malta.pdf 83.0 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/H1N1 Swine Flu 60 million Cases in 2009 - No mask mandates or lockdowns etc.png 82.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Trumpers still think Trump will be President and that he has Nancy Pelosi's laptop.jpg 82.7 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Coronavirus 5G Connection Coverup_ DNA Vaccines & Transhumanism.pdf 82.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Oppressive Technology - Mind Control & Targeted Individuals/Siemens Implicated in Tracking Forced Labor & Slaves in Space Exopolitics.pdf 82.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Joe Biden - ran for president 3 times, outcome racist cheating and racist lol.jpg 81.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/mafia-vs-statism.jpg 81.5 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Headaches and the N95 face-mask amongst healthcare providers.pdf 81.4 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/CDC - Can you give Covid-19 to anyone after having the vaccine - they dont know.jpg 81.2 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Publication/Engineered bat virus stirs debate over risky gain of function research - Nature - News.pdf 81.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Geoengineering, Weather, Environment, Climate Change/Chemtrails Declassified 09 - Patent.jpg 80.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Trump/Trump administration considers new biometric database for prospective immigrants_ Report.pdf 80.8 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/GH-Module-Scrub-v1_0-UserGuide/custom.css 80.7 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/CDC - Shielding approach information - Covid-19 - 05.jpg 80.6 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/GH-Module-NetMan-v1_0-UserGuide/custom.css 80.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/CIA Director Resigned - Jan 19 2021.jpg 80.3 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/New Jersey - Temporary gaurdianship children when parents are Covid positive.jpg 80.3 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/GH-ServiceDLL-v1_3-UserGuide/custom.css 80.2 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/GH-Module-WUPS-v1_0-UserGuide/custom.css 80.0 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/1 The tests were designed without having a isolated and purified sample to base them off of.jpg 79.9 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Scribbles_v1_0_RC1-Readiness_Review_Worksheet/Scribbles_v1_0_RC1-Readiness_Review_Worksheet.pdf 79.9 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Melatonin/Melatonin produced in the lungs prevents infection by novel coronavirus _ EurekAlert! Science News.pdf 79.7 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Case & Death Codes - Testimony from Medical Coder - Money for Positive Cases - Financial incentive for positive Covid Cases.jpg 79.6 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/GH-Module-Crab-v1_0-UserGuide/custom.css 79.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Pedogate/Red Shoe Club- Bill Maher Pedo CBAL.jpg 79.0 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Real Pandemics don't require fraud but psychological operations do.jpg 79.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Geoengineering, Weather, Environment, Climate Change/Chemtrails Declassified 09 - Patent2.jpg 78.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Facebook -Paying people to deactive accounts during election - 6 week deactivation to participate02.jpg 78.7 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/AstraZeneca Vaccination Instructions & Warning - Contains GMOS - Disinfect area if spilled.jpg 78.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/The Serpent Bloodline_ Edomite_Khazar Jews and Sons of Cain _ Truth Control.pdf 78.5 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Melatonin/New proposal involving nanoformulated melatonin targeted to the mitochondria as a potential COVID-19 treatment. - Abstract - Europe PMC.pdf 78.5 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Predictive Model - Imperial College Model (Bill Gates Funded) prediction for Sweden under Do nothing and Moderate Scenarios VS Reality.png 78.4 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/GH-ServiceDLL-v1_2-UserGuide/custom.css 78.3 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Mother taken to hospital with poor lungs from smoking - told she had hours to live - tested for covid returned a negative, died unexpectedly and was mark 78.2 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Protein corona formation and its constitutional changes on magnetic nanoparticles in serum f 78.2 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Physiological Impact of the N95 Filtering Facepiece Respirator on Health Care Workers.pdf 78.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Biden & Harris/Military kicked out of capitol and put in parking garage with one power outlet and one bathroom for 5000 troops - were finally let back in after legislators made uproad.jpg 77.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Kamala Harris -Ancestor slave owner.jpg 77.6 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Melatonin/Antioxidant Nanoplatforms for Dermal Delivery_ Melatonin - PubMed.pdf 77.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Trump/The Trump administration wants to expand face-scanning at airports ASAP BGR.pdf 77.4 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/GH-ServiceDLL-v1_1-UserGuide/custom.css 77.0 KB
- 09. Covid-19 Lawsuits/Fuellmich's Newsletter Jan 6 2021 - Worldwide lawsuit update.pdf 76.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 76.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Voluntaryist dot Com/site-master/nbnb/veat.html 76.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Covid19 Relief Bill 2.3 Trillion - Irresponsible spending 02 .jpg 76.3 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/New York City waitress fired after not getting the Covid-19 vaccine.pdf 76.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/10 Stages & Signs of Genocide or Democide.jpg 75.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/HR 127 gun bill penalties explained.jpg 75.9 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Allopathic (Conventional)/Hydroxychloroquine/HCQ Trojan Horse Theory - Doublethink - Rule out of Chaos & Confusion - including for sake of not ommitting a perspective or opinion.jpg 75.8 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/Test - Insert - covid test isn't accurate - flawed corona test - 1.jpg 75.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Statism - What are you willing to use violence for - Socialism vs Voluntaryism.jpg 75.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Kamala Harris -remember that time that trump did oh wait.jpg 75.6 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Diagnosed with 'suspected' Covid at Knee Surgery appointment - never even tested - Copy.jpg 75.6 KB
- 09. Covid-19 Lawsuits/Please Show This To Your CEO . 7000 Compensation. This Could Get Very Expensive For Morrisons. (UK) _ Mask Covid Info.pdf 75.5 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Report on evaluated adverse reaction reports by corona vaccines - translated.pdf 75.5 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/President of Tanzania, John Mangufuli, had samples taken from a goat and a pawpaw; tested positive.jpg 75.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Antifa/antifa fire firghters or starters.jpg 75.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Legal/Military - DODD 3025.15 - Military Assistance to Civil Authorities.pdf 75.4 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Mask - surgeon explains.jpg 75.2 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Oregon - DHS door to door blood draws take children substitute care if parent or caregiver is Covid positive.jpg 75.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Geoengineering, Weather, Environment, Climate Change/Chemtrails Declassified 11.jpg 75.1 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/Dr Roger Hodkinson - All testing should stop - biggest hoax ever - Covid19.jpg 75.0 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Women with COPD told tested positive but was never even tested - trying to isolate her - Copy.jpg 75.0 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Politicians & Government Agents/Very Urgent - international alert message about COVID-19 - South African President.docx 74.8 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/GH-Module-Null-v2_0-UserGuide/custom.css 74.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Al Jilwah Yezidi Scriptures.pdf 74.7 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/mask mandate timeline series of events covid19 virus case count.jpg 74.6 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Double standards for police officers - They don't follow the mask-mandates that they immorally enforce 03.jpg 74.6 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Assassin_v1_3_Quicker_Start/custom.css 74.5 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Nanoparticles may cause DNA damage to brain cells across a cellular barrier_ Discovery has implications for the development of potential drug targets in treatment of neurodegenerative conditions 74.4 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Censorship - Keep it real politics group removed a link of compiled Covid-19 Vaccine Reactions - Acted like it was false info.png 74.2 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/GH-Module-Wheat-v1_0-UserGuide/custom.css 74.2 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Medical-oxygen-providers-Covid-vs-previous-years.jpg 74.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Trump - Pedo Friends and or Associates.jpg 73.8 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/CDC - Shielding approach information - Covid-19 - 06.jpg 73.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Election 2020 - Hard drive electronic shredding truck Georgia - Election fraud.jpg 73.2 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/GH-ServiceProxy-v1_1-UserGuide/custom.css 73.2 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Freind's dad died from long history of health problems, no symptoms of covid but cause of death marked covid - Copy.jpg 73.2 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Nurse who was vaccinated reported a facebook covid-19 vaccination group.png 73.1 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Phosphorus/Correlation between hypophosphatemia and the severity of Coronavirus Disease 2019 patients.pdf 73.1 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/The Really Ugly Moderna Vaccine Story_ Part I.pdf 73.1 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Assassin_v1_2_Quicker_Start/custom.css 73.0 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Case & Death Codes - Testimony from Medical Coder - Money for Positive Cases - Financial incentive for positive Covid Cases 02.jpg 72.8 KB
- 10. Resources/Legal Resources/Mandatory Vaccinations are a violation of the Nuremberg Code - Arictle 6, Section 1 -Article 6, Section 3.jpg 72.7 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/World Health A4M - People who get flu shots will be first to die in an actual global pandemic because made vulnerable to infections.jpg 72.7 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Lawyers & Law Enforcement/Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich - Corona Fraud Scandal -PCR, Masks, Lockdowns.pdf 72.5 KB
- 10. Resources/Legal Resources/Non-Essential Business Shutdown Refusal Charges Dropped - Anthony Sabatini.jpg 72.4 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/GH-ServiceProxy-v1_0-UserGuide/custom.css 72.3 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Medical professionals pressured to diagnose and mark cause of death as covid - Copy.jpg 72.3 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Medical professionals pressured to diagnose and mark cause of death as covid.jpg 72.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Trump - Pastor is Scottish Freemason.jpg 72.2 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Astrazeneca 'vaccine' insert - Ingredients.jpg 72.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/January 6th 2021 Antifa blended in with MAGA crew to cause chaos.jpg 71.9 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/forced mandatory vaccination injection restriction restraint product.jpg 71.8 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/FDA - News Release - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update_ FDA Authorizes Antigen Test as First Over-the-Counter Fully At-Home Diagnostic Test for COVID-19 _ FDA.pdf 71.8 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Isolation & Purification - Does it exist/COVID-19 Umbrella Term Fake Pandemic 71.5 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/The Really Ugly Moderna Vaccine Story_ Part II.pdf 71.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Election 2020 - Dominion voting chinese communist party.jpg 71.4 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Bill Gates - A man of great influence - Financial Ties.jpg 71.2 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/11,000 Pages of Evidence Filed in Landmark 5G Case Against the FCC, Hearing on Jan. 25 _ Sta 71.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/11,000 Pages of Evidence Filed in Landmark 5G Case Against the FCC, Hearing on Jan. 25 _ State _ 71.1 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Censorship - Covid19 - Video search engines refusing certain search queries about professors being locked in jail over covid.png 71.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Time magazine admits there is a deep state and that there was election fraud.jpg 71.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 - Vatican joins global 'Great Reset' alliance Council for Inclusive Capitalism.jpg 71.0 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/CDC - Shielding approach information - Covid-19 - 04.jpg 70.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Protest & Riots/List of Cities Rioting and their Governor - Primarily Democrat.jpg 70.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Agenda 21, A Plan to Take Your Land and Give It to Tortoises and Pagosa Skyrockets - 70.7 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Not wearing a mask puts my family at risk - obeying orders from pedo elite puts my family at risk.jpg 70.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Oh, Ye Are For Anarchy! Consent Theory in the Radical Libertarian Tradition - Part II -.pdf 70.5 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/REV-ERBa a novel anti-inflammatory target, modifies the circadian oscillation of pulmonary inflammation.pdf 70.3 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Trump - 'I want 5G & even want 6G! Fast.jpg 70.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 70.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Cashless - No cash accepted at machiness.jpg 70.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Trump - Hypocrisy - Government buying direct from farmer resdistibuting it like communist.jpg 69.9 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Moderna Covid-19 'Vaccine' Consent form explictly states that the 'vaccine' is experimental and not FDA approved, only authorized for emergency use.jpg 69.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/New World Order - Agenda 21 & 2030 List of Mission Goals.jpg 69.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/There might have been antifa posing as MAGA 'patriots' at the capitol Jan 6 2021.jpg 69.3 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/GH-ScheduledTask-v1_1-UserGuide/custom.css 69.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/One of the first to breach the capitol might be antifa - had hammer & sickle communist tatoo.png 69.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/1983 Susan Rosenbern planted bomb US Senate chamber - now she's a board member of Black LIves Matter.jpg 68.9 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Antibiotics like Penicillin can induce immune responses and thus exosomal act 68.8 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/GH-ServiceDLL-v1_0-UserGuide/custom.css 68.8 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Dr Stefan Lanka Bardens Trial Evidence Measles doesnt Exist.pdf 68.8 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Mother in law goes to hospital chest infection - perfectly fine - 7 days of being in hospital later - gave her morphine - died- cause of death covid - Co 68.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Memorandum for the Joint Force - Biden will be inaugerated January 20. 2021.jpg 68.4 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Dad died vascular dementia - cant see at funeral because told he died of covid but was never tested for covid - Copy.jpg 68.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/CongressWoman Cori Bush says republican congressmen broke their oath and says will work towards their expulsion.jpg 68.1 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Australia - Stage Four Restrictions - Not allowed to leave house longer than hour - Food shortages.jpg 68.0 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/dr amy beard what to do to be vulnerable to a virus.jpg 68.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/There is no pandemic, this is Agenda 21 being played out.jpg 67.8 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Retired Police Officer - My papa didnt die of covid.jpg 67.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Hierarchy-of-evidence-pyramid-The-pyramidal-shape-qualitatively-integrates-the-amount-of (1).png 67.8 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Preliminary data showed 66% of new admissions were from people who were adhering to guidelines and staying at home.jpg 67.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Geoengineering, Weather, Environment, Climate Change/Chemtrails Declassified 05.jpg 67.7 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Digital Identity - ID2020 - Vaccination ID - Digital certificates equal nazi branding - Mark of beast.jpg 67.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Red String Bracelet - Celebrities Britney Spears, Ashton Kutcher etc.jpg 67.4 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Linux IP Command Cheatsheet.pdf 67.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Memes/Covid-19 Obedience Training Initiative - Slave Code - Cult techniques.jpg 67.2 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/CDC - Survey for those who test positive with symptoms - do they wear mask beforehand or not.jpg 67.2 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Cambodian Testimony - No restrictions or compliance in Cambodia - everybody is fine - Copy.jpg 67.1 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Businesses cannot try to make you prove your medical status in order to enter the store maskless.jpg 66.9 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Allopathic (Conventional)/Hydroxychloroquine/HCQ - Dr Zev Zelenko Hydroxychloroquine Protocol.jpg 66.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/National Guard & Homeland Security preparing dispatch to enforce a two week nation-wide quarantine.jpg 66.8 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Publication/The-2nd-Yan-Report - Summary and Conclusion from.pdf 66.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Clintons Strategy on GOP 2016ers.pdf 66.5 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - No patients in 7 weeks - Sitting and doing nothing at work - Copy.jpg 66.4 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Chances of surviving Covid-19 based on age and sex.jpg 66.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Department of Treasury - 13 stars.jpg 66.3 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Kicked in the head by a horse, cause of death marked as covid - Copy.jpg 66.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Pedogate/Pedo - Pizzagate - Self-proclaimed Pedophile, Patton Oswalt, Tweets from Comet Ping Pong.jpg 65.9 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Censorship - Covid-19 -Doctors are censored.jpg 65.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/luciferian-march-for-one-world-government.jpg 65.9 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/CNN - oopsies - Wrote deaths instead of cases - probably accidental and not predictive programming.jpg 65.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/where was the outrage when the left antifa blm was doing this in june to the capitol.jpg 65.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Jake Angeli Gematria 666.png 65.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/General Lynwood Tweets that a bunch of government officials will be exposed within the next two weeks.jpg 65.5 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Kidney care nurse testifies that death certificates are being falsified - Copy.jpg 65.5 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Baby that was marked as dying from covid was really suffocated by the caregiver - Copy.jpg 65.4 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/flight attendants asked to wear diapers for covid19 china.jpg 65.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Trump/CLAN MACLEOD CREST.jpg 65.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Joe - Biden - The Irony voting for biden.jpg 65.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Every Easter the Vatican Invokes Satan.png 65.0 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/AlphaGremlin_v01_0_Users_Guide/custom.css 64.9 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Real pandemic versus Staged pandemic.jpg 64.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Whistleblowers & Witness Testomonies/Whistleblower - Google - Zach Vorhies - Manipulates mankind by hiding information & blacklisting thousands of websites.jpg 64.6 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Can 5G Exposure Alter the Structure and Function of Hemoglobin, Causing Coronavirus Patients 64.6 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Assassin_v1_3_Quicker_Start/Assassin_v1_3_Quicker_Start.pdf 64.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Memes/Mockingbird meadia mind control 2+2=3 conpiracy theorist.jpg 64.4 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Double standards for police officers - They don't follow the mask-mandates that they immorally enforce 06.jpg 64.3 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/A closer look at US deaths due to Covid-19 censored John Hopkins for exposing death counts not affected.jpg 64.1 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) proliferation, apoptosis, cell cycle, and differen 64.1 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Mask -Petri dish of bacteria on your face + Co2.jpg 64.0 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Maine -Governor Janet Mills - Businesses must deny service if not wearing mask no medical exemption based on her spoken word 02.jpg 64.0 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Total Deaths from All Causes Yearly Comparison - No excess deaths - December 11 2020.png 63.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/Micro-RFID tracking chips size compared to hypodermic needle tip.jpg 63.7 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Obama - Mask - if-obama-can-wear-this-for-rituals-you-can-wear-a-mask-for-shopping.jpg 63.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/New World Order - Book - Disclosing NWO Plans Ralph Epperson 01.jpg 63.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Dominion Voting Russian Hack Hoax - Russia scapegoat for Lord Mark Malloch-Brown and Soros.jpg 63.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Pedogate/Epstein Top Flyers flight log.jpg 63.2 KB
- 10. Resources/Legal Resources/Mask Exemption ADA Compliant Statement 03.jpg 62.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Trump/Trump - Pied Piper.jpg 62.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 62.4 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Consent form given with the Covid-19 Moderna 'vaccine'.jpg 62.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Geoengineering, Weather, Environment, Climate Change/Chemtrails Declassified 08.jpg 62.4 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - 2 people - 1 pulmonary embolism - one old age- both marked as dying from covid - Copy.jpg 62.4 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Glutathione & NAC/Glutathione - Clear Link Morality rate & severity.jpg 62.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Brazil says 'no' to great reset_ 'Totalitarian social control is not the remedy for any crisis'.pdf 62.3 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Assassin_v1_2_Quicker_Start/Assassin_v1_2_Quicker_Start.pdf 62.2 KB
- 10. Resources/Legal Resources/Letter to refuse Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine (1).pdf 61.5 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/GH-ScheduledTask-v1_0-UserGuide/custom.css 61.5 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Hypercapnia Infographic.jpg 61.5 KB
- 10. Resources/Legal Resources/Flyer - LawDoc1 No Victim, No Crime 5202020.pdf 61.4 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Discussing Germ Terrain Theory with Germophobes - Burden of Proof is on.jpg 61.3 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Plandemic - CARES Act - Introduced June 13th 2019 - Appropriates funds for Covid-19 Coronavirus Response 02.jpg 61.2 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Father was taken to hospital by ambulance (caretaker called after he fell) - not allowed to visit or take him home - Copy.jpg 61.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Geoengineering, Weather, Environment, Climate Change/Chemtrails Declassified 16.jpg 60.9 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Publication/The Yan Report, Summary and Conclusions.pdf 60.8 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/[email protected] 60.5 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Can You Get a Sore Throat From Wearing a Dirty Mask_ Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic.pdf 60.2 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/One hour after Biden is inaugerated and takes office the WHO admits the PCR test use too many cycles that causes too many false positives.jpg 59.9 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Students at BYU have to be randomly tested for Covid-19 & if they don't show up for a test they will be presumed positive and need quarantine.jpg 59.9 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/WHO - Mask should only be worn by sick people and healthcare workers.jpg 59.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Science/Nuclear Weapon Con Artist Ashkenazi Jewish Theory.jpg 59.8 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Covid-19_ important potential side effects of wearing face masks that we should bear in mind _ The BMJ.pdf 59.8 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/CDC - Shielding approach information - Covid-19 - 03.jpg 59.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Pedogate/Netflix - Can't comment regarding whether or not they support pedophilia and they respect ALL cultures.jpg 59.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Jake Angeli Actor Agitator Broke into Capitol - Possible Controlled Op - Wotanist Tatoo.jpg 59.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Geoengineering, Weather, Environment, Climate Change/Chemtrails Declassified 03.jpg 59.2 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Alabama isses an order that urges individuals to bump fist rather than shaking hands.png 59.0 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Visual representation of how many vaccines a child gets by a certain age.jpg 58.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/CBSN - New York - Reimagine Education Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will work with State of New York to develop blueprint for School's New Normal.jpg 58.8 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Dr Michael Yeadon explains that there is no need for vaccines to extinguish a pandemic or vaccination millions of healthy people.jpg 58.6 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/ATHENA-DEMO/custom.css 58.4 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Nurse who works on Covid floor says numbers made up - pressured to mark causes of death as covid even if didnt die of it - Copy.jpg 58.3 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Security/Internet/9 and 14 Eye Country List.png 58.1 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Medical report estimates pandemic will lead to 300,000 fewer births in 2021.pdf 57.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Haplogroup r1b map.jpg 57.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Conspiracies & Collusion/List of reasons someone might not trust US - Simpsons Memejpg.jpg 57.6 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - ICU floor nurse says patients are dying due to ventilators - coworkers don't know what theyre doing - Copy.jpg 57.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Trump/Chinese person says everyone likes Trump in China - I wonder why.png 57.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/As time goes by we become less and less free - Cumulative Rules Timeline.png 57.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Censorship/Censored - Censored for pointing out that Htiler was Time Magazine's person of the year before.jpg 57.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/haplogroup r1a map.jpg 57.2 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Trump to Name Former GlaxoSmithKline Executive to Head Warp Speed Coronavirus Vaccine Effort_ Reports.pdf 57.1 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Number of COVID-19 tests performed daily in the U.S. from March 1 to November 26, 2020.png 57.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Memes/this is what happens when you cancel burning man.jpg 56.9 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Death Fraud - Grandma Alzheimers not Covid.jpg 56.8 KB
- 10. Resources/Legal Resources/Mask Exemption ADA Compliant Statement.jpg 56.7 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Comorbidities 96.4% have one or more comorbidities .jpg 56.7 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Contact Tracing - There will be 1500 contact tracers by may 11- 700 of which national guard, isolate people in their homes or alternative setting.jpg 56.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/In 1873 the American Government Killed 1.5 Million Buffalo to starve the Native Americans.jpg 56.5 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/CDC - Shielding approach information - Covid-19 - 02.jpg 56.4 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/PCR positives without Testing.pdf 55.8 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/airlines tricking people to sign vaccine consent form1.jpg 55.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Trump - Epstein Quote from 2002 - Terrific Guy, Fun to be with, Loves beautiful women on the younger side.jpg 55.6 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Grandfather died at 95 years old in care home of old age - Death certificate described him as women and had cause of death covid - Copy.jpg 55.6 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Grandfather died at 95 years old in care home of old age - Death certificate described him as women and had cause of death covid.jpg 55.6 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/We've had Influenza vaccines for over 70 years and yet we still have Influenza - are you awake yet.jpg 55.3 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Ex-police officer marked cause of death Covid - died of other health issues - Copy.jpg 55.3 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Test - 3,500 Test were administered in Florida between 32 different labs and 100% of the samples returned a positive - Statistically impossible -Florida.jpg 55.3 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Australia Police tweet that you cant leave your house to walk your dog or exercise - team lockdown medical tyranny.jpg 55.2 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/airlines tricking people to sign vaccine consent form3.jpg 55.1 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/DerStarke_v1_4_RC1_IVVRR_Checklist/custom.css 55.0 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Person claims doctor gave family of neighbor's brother in law 1,000 dollars to sign covid positive death certificate - Copy.jpg 54.9 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Canada - Excess deaths, Deaths by year from all causes compared - no excessive deaths.jpg 54.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Melinda Gates -Wearing inverted cross.jpg 54.6 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/airlines tricking people to sign vaccine consent form2.jpg 54.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Geoengineering, Weather, Environment, Climate Change/Chemtrails Declassified 04.jpg 54.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Clones & Body Doubles/Bill and Melinda Gates then vs now - are they the same people.jpg 02.jpg 54.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Geoengineering, Weather, Environment, Climate Change/Chemtrails Declassified 14.jpg 54.3 KB
- 10. Resources/Legal Resources/Looking to hire a lawyer -Corpus Juris Secundum -read this before you hire a lawyer for court case.jpg 54.2 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Covid-19 fatalities using guidelines made march 24th versus fatalities using guidelines for previous 17 years.jpg 54.1 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Nurses -Choreographed Dancing without social distancing during alleged peak of pandemic - Copy.jpg 53.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Geoengineering, Weather, Environment, Climate Change/Chemtrails Declassified 06.jpg 53.6 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) introduced JANURARY 24th 2019!!!.jpg.jpg 53.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Trump/Trump the Piped Piper and Grand Architect of Covid1984.jpg 53.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Clones & Body Doubles/Bill and Melinda Gates then vs now - are they the same people.jpg 03.jpg 53.3 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/NOT a Vaccine_ mRNA COVID Vax Chemical Pathogen Production Device.pdf 53.2 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Allopathic (Conventional)/Hydroxychloroquine/Dr Doug Deibele DMD Outpatient treatment regiment.jpg 53.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Dec22-2020 - The 'American' 'Stimulus' Bill.jpg 52.8 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Vaccine Saftey Clause.pdf 52.7 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Coronavirus Covid-1984 Robot Police Dog Spot Singapore Patrolling and Encouraging Social Distancing.jpg 52.6 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Percentage of Co2 found in the air on average.png 52.4 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Forced Isolation - compulsory detatinment - quarantine.jpg 52.3 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/GH-Run-v1_0-UserGuide/custom.css 52.1 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/AthenaTechnologyOverview/custom.css 52.1 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/airlines tricking people to sign vaccine consent form4.jpg 52.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Person on social media says Navy is being trained for riot combat & crowd control - said they will shoot if certain line is crossed.jpg 51.7 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Walmart has 1.5 million employees and yet somehow they don't have an excess of employees testing positive despite them remaining open for business.jpg 51.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Co2 no correlation with climate temperature.jpg 51.6 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Oxygen Therapies/Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for COVID-19 patients with respiratory distress_ treated cases versus propensity-matched controls - PubMed.pdf 51.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 51.5 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/GH-Run-v1_1-UserGuide/custom.css 51.4 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Scribbles/ 51.3 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Aunt died from cancer and cause of death was listed as from coronavirus - just following guidelines as excuse - Copy.jpg 51.3 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Cult Isolation tactics-fear as a tool for control.jpg 51.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Covid19 Relief Bill 2.3 Trillion - Irresponsible spending .jpg 51.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Donald Trump says he will remain president indefinitely until all domestic enemies are arrested.jpg 50.9 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Mask - exception sample template.jpg 50.9 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Mask - Wont protect you from smoke but will protect others from covid.jpg 50.8 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Maine FBI - MIAC - Investigating mask mandate resistance hannafords freedom information act.png 50.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Joe Biden - Past and recent Racist comments.jpg 50.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Medical Research/hierarchy of evidence infographice.jpg 50.1 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/Dr. David Samadi MD - WHO has released guidance to laboratories to lower the cycle count for PCR assays to avoid as many false positives.jpg 50.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 50.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/German and Yiddish origins and or influences.png 50.1 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Brother died at home - doctors marked death as covid to make things simpler for them even though tested negative - Copy.jpg 50.0 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Brother died at home - doctors marked death as covid to make things simpler for them even though tested negative.jpg 50.0 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Covid19 Cured Influenza!.jpg 50.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Legal/NDAA - obama signed president can detain anyone for basically anything, anywhere.jpg 49.6 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Censored - ability to comment on revoked for merely posting a link to a compilation of covid vaccine injuries.png 49.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Politics/Guy who broke the Target or Autozone Window was Paid Agitator COP.jpg 49.4 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/FDOS_1_0_FINAL_freedos_setup_odin_fips/FDOS_1_0_FINAL_freedos_setup_odin_fips.pdf 49.3 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Same lady identified as two different people, both had their mothers die from Covid - Copy.jpg 49.1 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/GH-Drop-v1_0-UserGuide/custom.css 49.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Trump Derrangement - Even if Biden molested me Id still vote for him.jpg 48.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Huffingtonpost Election Poll Propaganda Trump vs Hillary vs Biden.jpg 48.2 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - 78 year-old in retirment home with inoperable aortic stenosis has stroke - cause of death marked corona - Copy.jpg 48.1 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - 78 year-old in retirment home with inoperable aortic stenosis has stroke - cause of death marked corona.jpg 48.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Star of Rephan - Star of david saturn masons.jpg 48.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/Your DNA will be your data HSBC public advirtisement.jpg 47.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Joe Biden - byrd kkk white supremacy funeral eulogy.jpg 47.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Trump/CLAN MACLEOD COAT OF ARMS - BULL & SUN - PAGAN - TRUMPS MOTHERS SIDE.gif 47.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Antifa/antifa manual old 04.jpg 47.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Black Lives Matter/Black people killed by cops per capita versus white people.jpg 47.5 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Marble-Filelist/custom.css 47.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Joe Biden - Racist can only stay home at pandemic because black woman stocked shelves.jpg 47.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/united states seal.jpg 47.3 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/CDC - Shielding approach information - Covid-19 - 01.jpg 47.2 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Journalist, Experts & Statisticans/Health Scare at 10th May 2020 - Covid19.pdf 47.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Antifa/antifa manual old 05.jpg 46.9 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/31 reasons that I will not take a covid vaccine - Chananya 46.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Antifa/antifa manual old 07.jpg 46.7 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Medical Doctors & PhD/No need for lockdowns - Professor Delores Cahill, Vice Chair European Union Innovative Medicines Initiative Scientific Committee.jpg 46.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Antifa/Groupd of Antifa members arrested in a group - Look how many are teachers.jpg 46.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/China has a base in the Bahamas less than 200 miles from the US coast.jpg 46.4 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/ATHENA-DEMO/ATHENA-DEMO.pdf 46.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/United States Forecast for 2025 - Population & Economy - 46.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Forecast 2025.pdf 46.2 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Predictive Model - Predictions Vs Reality regarding Covid-19 Hospital Bed Occupancy.jpg 46.1 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/The top 4 states with confirmed Covid-19 cases make up almost EXACTLY 50% of the United States confirmed cases.jpg 46.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Religion - Christians say dont practice witchcraft or astrology but celebrate the ressurrection sunday affter first full moon of equinox mock canibalism.jpg 45.8 KB
- 01. Covid-19 Expert Opinions, Narratives, Concerns & Publications/Journalist, Experts & Statisticans/Forecast for 2025 - 45.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/clan macleod sun crest (trumps mothers family crest - pagans).gif 45.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Clones & Body Doubles/Bill and Melinda Gates then vs now - are they the same people.jpg 45.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Pedogate/Pedo - Kyle Dennis Tweets having sex with children isn't an actual crime.jpg 45.3 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/By definition the Moderna and Pfizer 'vaccines' are transfection injections with modified nucleotides and synthetic mRNA.png 44.6 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Friend's Grandmother died, cause of death marked covid despite not being related at all - Copy.jpg 44.6 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Mask - Even the packaging says they are not to prevent infection.jpg 44.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Geoengineering, Weather, Environment, Climate Change/Chemtrails Declassified 01.jpg 44.4 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Scribbles_v1_0_RC1-IVVRR_Checklist/Scribbles_v1_0_RC1-IVVRR_Checklist.pdf 44.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Nancy Pelosi's Daughter's Husband, Michael Voss, pictured with Jake Angeli Goat Angel Election 2020 Jan 6th 2021.jpg 44.0 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Medical Tyranny - California Department of Social Services - Mandatory Covid-19 Test for Welfare.jpg 44.0 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Governor Mike Dewine Wont be back to normal without vaccine.jpg 43.7 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Death Coding - Report all deaths as covid if you ASSUME it to be contributing factor or cause - Copy.jpg 43.6 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/CDC - Shielding approach information - Covid-19 - 08.jpg 43.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Kamala Harris - Soros Approved -Picked by Soros and WEC.jpg 43.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Patents/US Patent numbers for viruses.jpg 42.8 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/US Billionaires gained 1 Trillion since the pandemic started - small businesses suffering.jpg 42.8 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Circadian regulation of macrophage phagocytosis is mediated by a REV-ERBa independent Bmal1-RhoA pathway.pdf 42.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Antifa/antifa manual old 03.jpg 42.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Memes/Coronvirus & Battered Citizen Syndrome Meme.jpg 42.4 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Death Morality Fatality Rate by Age for Covid-19.jpg 42.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/How people think government - Lightswitch - vs reality - reostat.jpg 42.3 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Experts say falling ill and or dying after being vaccinated can actually be a good thing.jpg 42.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/President Donald J. Trump Approves District of Columbia Emergency Declaration _ The White House - Jan 11 2021.pdf 42.0 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Reported side effects after corona vaccine per. January 14 - translated.pdf 41.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Kamala Harris - Shaun King says friend was set up by Kamala and does 180 years later saying proud she's Vice President.jpg 41.7 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Assassin-1_3_Training/custom.css 41.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Literally telling us the beast has home - ESAU - Abraham accord Beast Covenant Israel Saudi.jpg 41.4 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/surgeon Dr. Payman Simoni died of cv19 complications weeks after second dose of a covid19 vaccination.jpg 40.8 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Measles - Vaccine introducetion vs Deaths per 100k per year.jpg 40.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Freemasonry - Jewry - Zionist - Non-jews will never understand End goal Final Objective of Masonry.jpg 40.5 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Assassin_Training/custom.css 40.4 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Plandemic - CARES Act - Introduced June 13th 2019 - Appropriates funds for Covid-19 Coronavirus Response.jpg 40.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Covid-19 - Agenda 21- Operation Lockstep from The Rockefeller Playbook.jpg 40.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 40.2 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Death Coding, Certificates & Statistics Fraud.jpg 40.0 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Fearmongering Tweet claims nurses died at particular hospital, Nurse from that hospital responds saying that its untrue - Copy.jpg 39.7 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/Covid-19 Predictive values of Diagnostic Tests - False Positives Inevitable - Positive not indicator of disease.pdf 39.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Antifa/antifa manual old 06.jpg 39.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/I'm a conspiracy theorist - I believe rich influential people conspire & idiot if you dont believe it.jpg 39.3 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Toby Rogers PhD MPP - The keep moving the goalpost -14 days flatten the curve.jpg 39.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Cashless - Pizzahut has gone cashless.jpg 39.1 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/5G Technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells - PubMed.pdf 39.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/U.S NAVY - Forging 21st-Century Strategic Deterrence.pdf 39.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 39.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States - The Faculty of Law.pdf 38.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Biden & Harris/Biden says 'We didn't have the vaccine when we came to office' despite the fact he was vaccinated before being put in office.jpg 38.7 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Moderna Vaccine Trials showing cases of covid despite them being vaccinated.png 38.5 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - People come in with mild shortness of breath, no fever, CT positive diagnoses so induced coma & intubation & put on vents - Copy.jpg 38.3 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Allopathic (Conventional)/Hydroxychloroquine/HCQ - Hydroxychloroquine worked the whole time - Dr. David Samadi Tweet.jpg 38.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Voluntaryist dot Com/site-master/nbnb/party_dialogue.html 38.2 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - NY Army Nurse - Three deaths due to bronchitis and pneumonia marked cause of death as covid- - Copy.jpg 38.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Saturns cube on Star of David Rephan Israel Flag.png 38.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Geoengineering, Weather, Environment, Climate Change/Chemtrails Declassified 15.jpg 38.0 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/EMF/Abstract #69 of the 2012 International Congress of the European Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologists, 25 May1 June 2012, London, UK.pdf 37.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Science/Science Atom 1st from dust 666 Occult Everywhere.jpg 37.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/37% of all USD ever printed was printed in 2020.jpg 37.4 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Nurse took Covid-19 Vaccine and died - December 15 - 2020.jpg 37.4 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Cult Isolation Tactics - Compare to Covid-19 Related Policies & Mandates.jpg 37.0 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Isolation & Purification - Does it exist/Medical Insider Exposed Covid-19 as 37.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Trump/Trump Golf Crest Double headed phoenix Scottish Freemasonry Coat of Arms.gif 36.7 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Athena_Progress_20151110/custom.css 36.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 36.4 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/Germ Theory & Terrain Theory - Challenging Modern Virology/Isolation & Purification - Does it exist/Medical Insider Exposes Method of Hy 36.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/forced redisribution - if we liquidated all assets and took 100 percent of all billionaires money it would run the us government for 8 months.jpg 36.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Cashless - Banking For All Act - Digital Dollar & Wallet (Crypto).pdf 35.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Geoengineering, Weather, Environment, Climate Change/Chemtrails Declassified 12.jpg 35.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Nation of Islams Flag - Crescent moon.png 35.5 KB
- 09. Covid-19 Lawsuits/Press Release - Legal Challenge to COVID-19 Measures Filed In Ontario Superior Court - Vaccine Choice Canada.pdf 35.2 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Woman was arrested for posting a video of an empty hospital online.jpg 35.1 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Transcript with ICU Nurse in Tuscon.docx 34.8 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/FDOS_1_0_FINAL_freedos_setup_odin_fips/custom.css 34.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Lewiston Maine Lit Eso Won Logo - Illuminated Souls Won.jpg 34.7 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Fauci - Colleen Huber, NMD, Fauci paper claims evidence for Spanish Flu deaths primarily being from bacterial pneumonia.jpg 34.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/NWO 2020-2021 Alleged Plan - Includes Covid.jpg 34.5 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/Exposure to a 50 Hz electromagnetic field induces activation of the Epstein-Barr virus genom 34.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Antifa/antifa manual old 08.jpg 34.2 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/IVVRR-Checklist-StolenGoods-2_0/custom.css 34.2 KB
- 02. Covid-19 Testing Information/RT-PCR - limit of detection rt pcr assay tests are not reliable or approved for covid diagnosis.jpg 34.0 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Bill Gates - Quick list of his investments - great guy hero or evil villain.jpg 33.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Red String Bracelet - Kabbalah-Harry-Styles-Red-String-Bracelet-WO.jpg 33.5 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/IVVRR_Checklist_Pandemic_1_0/custom.css 33.4 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/RC1-doc-IVVRR_Checklist_Pandemic1_1/custom.css 33.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Voluntaryist dot Com/site-master/contact.html 32.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/Romania criminalises creating fake social media accounts _ Euronews.pdf 32.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Geoengineering, Weather, Environment, Climate Change/Chemtrails Declassified 13.jpg 32.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/Chemtrails Declassified 13.jpg 32.3 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Antifa/antifa manual old 02.jpg 32.1 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/lockdown vs not locked down mortality stats.jpg 32.0 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Vitamin D/Covid-19 - Treatment - Vitamin D - Severity of outcomes Vitamin D Status.jpg 31.7 KB
- 10. Resources/Legal Resources/If you're arested for not wearing a mask - Free representation -Rep Anthony Sabatini.jpg 31.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 31.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Thought Exercise - Victimless Crime - Seatbelt.jpg 31.0 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Vaccinated KIGGS vs Not Vaccinated - allergies and health condition comparison.jpg 30.8 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/IVVRR-Checklist-StolenGoods-2_0/IVVRR-Checklist-StolenGoods-2_0.pdf 30.8 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Masks/Masks - 'Its just a mask' - Rashes on faces from wearing mask for prolonged periods - it can happen.jpg 30.6 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Covid-19 Vaccine Ingredients listing HIV as ingredient.jpg 30.2 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/IVVRR_Checklist_Pandemic_1_0/IVVRR_Checklist_Pandemic_1_0.pdf 30.0 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/RC1-doc-IVVRR_Checklist_Pandemic1_1/RC1-doc-IVVRR_Checklist_Pandemic1_1.pdf 29.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/co2 global temperatures chart.gif 29.7 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Less or same deaths per year despite Covid-19 being the blame for causing an economic depression.jpg 29.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Red String Bracelet - Victoria.jpg 29.7 KB
- 04. Covid-19 Transmissibility & Mask information/Covid-19 Transmissibility/Alternative Theories/5G - EMF - EMR - Radiation - Magnetobiology/5G advertisement and coronavirus CGI picture.jpg 29.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Saturn.jpg 29.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Joe Biden - grabbing babies crotch for picture.jpg 29.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 29.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 29.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Geoengineering, Weather, Environment, Climate Change/Chemtrails Declassified 17.jpg 29.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/Chemtrails Declassified 17.jpg 29.0 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Frank Shallenberger, MD, Vaccination Facts, Thoughts, Concerns.docx 29.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Memes/Covid-19 Slippery Slope with Policies such as mask-mandates and covid-19 vaccination 'passes' or 'certificates'.jpg 28.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Flag of Turkey.jpg 28.5 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Melatonin/President Trump taking Vitamin D, Zinc, Melatonin.jpg 28.3 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Vitamin D/President Trump taking Vitamin D, Zinc, Melatonin.jpg 28.3 KB
- 05. Covid-19 Treatment Information/Holistic (Alternative)/Zinc/President Trump taking Vitamin D, Zinc, Melatonin.jpg 28.3 KB
- 08. Covid-19 Medical Tyranny & It's Repercussions/Double standards for police officers - They don't follow the mask-mandates that they immorally enforce 01.jpg 27.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Voluntaryist dot Com/site-master/avpg/1.html 27.8 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Athena_Progress_20151110/Athena_Progress_20151110.pdf 27.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Voluntaryist dot Com/site-master/nbnb/vlt.html 27.6 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Athena_Progress_20151014/custom.css 27.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 27.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Kamala Harris - 2016 First indian-american senator - 2020 First black vice president, wait what.jpg 27.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Double Headed Phoenix Order out of Chaos.jpg 26.7 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/so lets get this straight - rundown.docx 25.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Voluntaryist dot Com/site-master/forthcoming/homeschooling.html 25.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Geoengineering, Weather, Environment, Climate Change/Chemtrails Declassified 07.jpg 25.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/Chemtrails Declassified 07.jpg 25.4 KB
- 10. Resources/Links.docx 25.2 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Fulcrum-PSP_Testing_Results/custom.css 24.6 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Microbiologist warns about Covid-19 mRNA vaccines.docx 24.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/Trump - The 'Mesiah' - 10 Questions.docx 24.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Red String Bracelet - Kabbalah-Michael-Jackson-Red-String-Bracelet-WO.jpg 24.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/STAR OF DAVID, REPHAN, BLAZING STAR, SATURNS CUBE.png 24.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Gematria/NATIONAL SANCTITY OF HUMAN LIFE DAY Gematria.docx 24.1 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Athena_Progress_20151208/custom.css 23.9 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/aftermidnight_diagrams/aftermidnight_diagrams.pdf 23.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Biden & Harris/Kamala Harris's mask malfunction.jpg 23.8 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Athena/custom.css 23.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/The Five Important Moral Questions Regarding Government & Delegation of Rights.docx 23.4 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Athena_Progress_20151117/custom.css 23.3 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Athena_Progress_20151103/custom.css 23.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Red String Bracelet - Kabbalah-Charlize-Theron-Red-String-Bracelet-WO.jpg 23.0 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Athena_Progress_20151014/Athena_Progress_20151014.pdf 23.0 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Athena_Progress-20160112/Athena_Progress-20160112.pdf 22.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 22.6 KB
- 10. Resources/Legal Resources/Dear Sheriff.doc 22.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Voluntaryist dot Com/site-master/avpg/4.html 22.4 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/NPR reports on jan19 that death rates are accelerating and then on jan 21 that the surge has peaked - was this political.jpg 22.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/China CCP Flag.png 22.1 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Athena_Progress_20151215/Athena_Progress_20151215.pdf 21.9 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Athena_Progress_20151208/Athena_Progress_20151208.pdf 21.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Theories/Deaths/Melinda Gates Died July 2013 at the age of 48.jpg 21.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Politician affiliations & relationships - who is related to who and married to who.pdf 21.5 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Died of lung cancer and listed as covid despite never being tested - Copy.jpg 21.4 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Died of lung cancer and listed as covid despite never being tested.jpg 21.4 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Athena_Progress_20151201/custom.css 21.3 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Athena/Athena.pdf 21.2 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Geoengineering, Weather, Environment, Climate Change/Chemtrails Declassified 02.jpg 20.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/Chemtrails Declassified 02.jpg 20.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Elections/2016 election how it looked - percentage of people who didnt vote.jpg 20.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Red String Bracelet - Kabbalah-Miley-Cyrus-Red-String-Bracelet-WO.jpg 20.7 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Fulcrum-PSP_Testing_Results/Fulcrum-PSP_Testing_Results.pdf 20.6 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Athena_Progress_20151020/custom.css 20.2 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Aunt was tested three times in hospital for corona before being released - died week later and cause of death marked as covid - Copy.jpg 20.2 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Aunt was tested three times in hospital for corona before being released - died week later and cause of death marked as covid.jpg 20.2 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Athena_Progress_20151027/custom.css 20.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Voluntaryist dot Com/site-master/avpg/5.html 19.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Voluntaryist dot Com/site-master/avpg/6.html 19.8 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Athena_Progress_20151222/custom.css 19.8 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Athena_Progress_20150922/custom.css 19.8 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Died with end-stage cancer - death certificate says cause was covid - Copy.jpg 19.7 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Died with end-stage cancer - death certificate says cause was covid.jpg 19.7 KB
- 03. Covid-19 Statistics/Total deaths from all-causes in Scotland Year by year comparison.png 19.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Pedogate/Pedo - Symbols Recognized as Representing forms of Pedophilia.jpg 19.5 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Athena_Progress_20151124/custom.css 19.5 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Black Lives Matter/Black Lives Matter symbol and Communist Fist are basically the same.jpg 19.5 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Mother died of Parkinson's and death certificate says Covid - Copy.jpg 19.4 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Mother died of Parkinson's and death certificate says Covid.jpg 19.4 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Athena_Progress_20160226/custom.css 19.3 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/aftermidnight_diagrams/custom.css 19.0 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Athena_Progress_20150929/custom.css 18.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Health/Anatomy-Of-An-Epidemic-Summary-Of-Findings-Whitaker.pdf 18.9 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Athena_Progress_20151117/Athena_Progress_20151117.pdf 18.9 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Athena_Progress_20160216/custom.css 18.8 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Athena_Progress_20151103/Athena_Progress_20151103.pdf 18.6 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Local's mother died from heart attack and it was marked as caused by covid - Copy.jpg 18.6 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Local's mother died from heart attack and it was marked as caused by covid.jpg 18.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Geoengineering, Weather, Environment, Climate Change/Chemtrails Declassified 10.jpg 18.4 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Technology - Including Bioweaponry & BIowarfare/Chemtrails Declassified 10.jpg 18.4 KB
- 10. Resources/Legal Resources/Government has no jurisdiction under the constitution.docx 18.4 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Athena_Progress_20151215/custom.css 18.4 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Athena_Progress_20151201/Athena_Progress_20151201.pdf 18.3 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Athena_Progress_20151005/custom.css 18.1 KB
- 10. Resources/Legal Resources/Nullify papers served.docx 18.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Khazar - Moses Coin Muhammad Messenger of God Phrase Changed c800.jpg 18.0 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Athena_Progress-20160119/Athena_Progress-20160119.pdf 17.9 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/VERO E6 Cell Line.png 17.8 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Athena_Progress_20160112/custom.css 17.8 KB
- 06. Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Fauci holds his arm to show he has some soreness but grabbed the opposite (wrong) arm.jpg 17.8 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Voluntaryist dot Com/site-master/avpg/3.html 17.5 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Athena_Progress_20160210/custom.css 17.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Politics/Memes/Believe in something - even if it's wrong and makes you look stupid - just obey.jpg 17.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Antifa/antifa manual old 01.jpg 16.9 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Athena_Progress_20150914/custom.css 16.7 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Red String Bracelet - Kabbalah-Ariana-Grande-Red-String-Bracelet-WO.jpg 16.6 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Morality, Ethics, Principles, Philosophy etc/Voluntaryist dot Com/site-master/avpg/2.html 16.6 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/GATES NWO.docx 16.2 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/GATES Plandemic.docx 16.2 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Athena_Progress_20150901/custom.css 16.2 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Friend of family died of cancer and death certificate says cancer - Copy.jpg 16.2 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Friend of family died of cancer and death certificate says cancer.jpg 16.2 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Mother in law massive heart attack and stroke - marked covid death certificate - Copy.jpg 16.1 KB
- 07. Covid-19 Fraud, Censorship & Plandemic Evidence/Medical Fraud - Covid-19 - Mother in law massive heart attack and stroke - marked covid death certificate.jpg 16.1 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Athena_Progress_20151124/Athena_Progress_20151124.pdf 16.1 KB
- Other (non-covid)/Religion, Occult, Mysticism, Secret Societies & Orders/Red String Bracelet - Madonna-Red-String-Bracelet-WO.jpg 16.0 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Athena_Progress_20160119/custom.css 16.0 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 15.9 KB
- 10. Resources/Internet & Computer Security/Internet & Computer Security Leaks - Wikileaks/document/Athena_Progress_20151020/Athena_Progress_20151020.pdf 15.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 15.9 KB
- Other (non-covid)/The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21/Freedom Advocates - Agenda 2030 Research Center Files/ 15.8 KB
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