The Tokens - Pack of 6 CDs
File List
- The Tokens - Re-Doo-Wopp (1988)/01 - Re-Doo-Wop.flac 43.5 MB
- The Tokens - Re-Doo-Wopp (1988)/05 - Choice Ladies.flac 40.7 MB
- The Tokens - Re-Doo-Wopp (1988)/09 - Doo You Doo Wop.flac 36.5 MB
- The Tokens - Re-Doo-Wopp (1988)/08 - Doo Wopp, Doo Wah.flac 28.5 MB
- The Tokens - Oldies Are Now (1993)/11 - Slow Dance.flac 24.2 MB
- The Tokens - Oldies Are Now (1993)/05 - I'll Remember (In The Still Of The Night).flac 22.0 MB
- The Tokens - Oldies Are Now (1993)/07 - Rock And Roll Lullaby.flac 21.8 MB
- The Tokens - Oldies Are Now (1993)/16 - 30 Years of Rock and Roll.flac 21.4 MB
- The Tokens - Re-Doo-Wopp (1988)/04 - I'll Remember (In the Still of the Night).flac 21.2 MB
- The Tokens - Intercourse (1971) [1995]/04 - Animal.flac 20.6 MB
- The Tokens - Re-Doo-Wopp (1988)/07 - Slow Dance.flac 20.6 MB
- The Tokens - Oldies Are Now (1993)/12 - Merry Merry.flac 20.2 MB
- The Tokens - Oldies Are Now (1993)/02 - Oldies Are Now.flac 20.1 MB
- The Tokens - Re-Doo-Wopp (1988)/02 - Three Bass Hits.flac 19.3 MB
- The Tokens - Re-Doo-Wopp (1988)/06 - I'm So Happy.flac 19.3 MB
- The Tokens - Silver Anniversary; Greatest Hits, Collectors Edition (1994)/09 - Don't Worry Baby.flac 19.0 MB
- The Tokens - Oldies Are Now (1993)/04 - I'm So Happy.flac 19.0 MB
- The Tokens - Silver Anniversary; Greatest Hits, Collectors Edition (1994)/08 - She Lets Her Hair Down.flac 18.9 MB
- The Tokens - Oldies Are Now (1993)/09 - I Hear Trumpets Blow.flac 18.6 MB
- The Tokens - Oldies Are Now (1993)/15 - Just A Thought.flac 18.4 MB
- The Tokens - Intercourse (1971) [1995]/09 - Waiting For Something.flac 18.2 MB
- The Tokens - Silver Anniversary; Greatest Hits, Collectors Edition (1994)/01 - The Lion Sleeps Tonight.flac 17.8 MB
- The Tokens - Oldies Are Now (1993)/01 - The Lion Sleeps Tonight.flac 17.5 MB
- The Tokens - Wimoweh!!! The Best Of The Tokens (1994)/01 - The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Wimoweh).flac 16.9 MB
- The Tokens - Oldies Are Now (1993)/06 - Come Go With Me.flac 16.9 MB
- The Tokens - Silver Anniversary; Greatest Hits, Collectors Edition (1994)/05 - I Hear Trumpets Blow.flac 16.7 MB
- The Tokens - The Lion Sleeps Tonight (1961) [1994]/01 - The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Wimoweh).flac 16.7 MB
- The Tokens - Re-Doo-Wopp (1988)/03 - I'm Through With You.flac 16.5 MB
- The Tokens - Silver Anniversary; Greatest Hits, Collectors Edition (1994)/06 - He's In Town.flac 16.3 MB
- The Tokens - The Lion Sleeps Tonight (1961) [1994]/05 - La Bamba.flac 15.9 MB
- The Tokens - Intercourse (1971) [1995]/15 - You Loser-You Fool.flac 15.9 MB
- The Tokens - The Lion Sleeps Tonight (1961) [1994]/06 - Water Prayer.flac 15.8 MB
- The Tokens - The Lion Sleeps Tonight (1961) [1994]/07 - Monkey Vendor.flac 15.8 MB
- The Tokens - Wimoweh!!! The Best Of The Tokens (1994)/03 - La Bamba.flac 15.7 MB
- The Tokens - The Lion Sleeps Tonight (1961) [1994]/03 - Little Hot Rod Suzie.flac 15.7 MB
- The Tokens - Wimoweh!!! The Best Of The Tokens (1994)/08 - When I Go To Sleep At Night.flac 15.2 MB
- The Tokens - Silver Anniversary; Greatest Hits, Collectors Edition (1994)/07 - Portrait Of My Love.flac 15.1 MB
- The Tokens - Intercourse (1971) [1995]/12 - I Want To Make Love To You.flac 15.0 MB
- The Tokens - Silver Anniversary; Greatest Hits, Collectors Edition (1994)/03 - La Bamba.flac 15.0 MB
- The Tokens - Silver Anniversary; Greatest Hits, Collectors Edition (1994)/04 - Please Write.flac 14.9 MB
- The Tokens - Wimoweh!!! The Best Of The Tokens (1994)/19 - My Friend's Car.flac 14.9 MB
- The Tokens - Wimoweh!!! The Best Of The Tokens (1994)/20 - When Summer Is Through.flac 14.7 MB
- The Tokens - Wimoweh!!! The Best Of The Tokens (1994)/12 - Somewhere There's a Girl.flac 14.7 MB
- The Tokens - Oldies Are Now (1993)/13 - Play Ball.flac 14.6 MB
- The Tokens - Wimoweh!!! The Best Of The Tokens (1994)/14 - A-B-C, 1-2-3.flac 14.5 MB
- The Tokens - Intercourse (1971) [1995]/06 - Wonder Things.flac 14.4 MB
- The Tokens - Oldies Are Now (1993)/10 - Doo Rapp.flac 14.3 MB
- The Tokens - Wimoweh!!! The Best Of The Tokens (1994)/15 - Tonight, Tonight.flac 14.2 MB
- The Tokens - The Lion Sleeps Tonight (1961) [1994]/09 - A Bird Flies Out of Sight (Felicidad).flac 14.1 MB
- The Tokens - Intercourse (1971) [1995]/10 - I Could Be.flac 13.8 MB
- The Tokens - Wimoweh!!! The Best Of The Tokens (1994)/16 - Dry Your Eyes.flac 13.8 MB
- The Tokens - The Lion Sleeps Tonight (1961) [1994]/04 - B'wanina (Pretty Girl).flac 13.7 MB
- The Tokens - Wimoweh!!! The Best Of The Tokens (1994)/02 - B'Wanina (Pretty Girl).flac 13.6 MB
- The Tokens - Wimoweh!!! The Best Of The Tokens (1994)/07 - Sincerely.flac 13.4 MB
- The Tokens - The Lion Sleeps Tonight (1961) [1994]/08 - Sincerely.flac 13.4 MB
- The Tokens - Wimoweh!!! The Best Of The Tokens (1994)/10 - Please Write.flac 13.3 MB
- The Tokens - Wimoweh!!! The Best Of The Tokens (1994)/13 - I'll Do My Crying Tomorrow.flac 13.1 MB
- The Tokens - The Lion Sleeps Tonight (1961) [1994]/02 - A Tale of Two Lovers.flac 13.1 MB
- The Tokens - Wimoweh!!! The Best Of The Tokens (1994)/17 - Sweet Laurie, Fair Laurie.flac 13.1 MB
- The Tokens - Silver Anniversary; Greatest Hits, Collectors Edition (1994)/10 - I'll Always Love You.flac 13.1 MB
- The Tokens - The Lion Sleeps Tonight (1961) [1994]/10 - Little Snow White Coupe.flac 13.0 MB
- The Tokens - Intercourse (1971) [1995]/02 - Droplet of Water.flac 12.9 MB
- The Tokens - Wimoweh!!! The Best Of The Tokens (1994)/18 - My Candy Apple Vette.flac 12.6 MB
- The Tokens - Wimoweh!!! The Best Of The Tokens (1994)/09 - A Thousand Miles Away.flac 12.5 MB
- The Tokens - Wimoweh!!! The Best Of The Tokens (1994)/05 - You're Nothing But A Girl.flac 12.4 MB
- The Tokens - Oldies Are Now (1993)/03 - Tonight I Fell In Love.flac 12.2 MB
- The Tokens - Wimoweh!!! The Best Of The Tokens (1994)/06 - Tonight I Met A Angel.flac 12.0 MB
- The Tokens - Intercourse (1971) [1995]/03 - Bathroom Wall.flac 12.0 MB
- The Tokens - Wimoweh!!! The Best Of The Tokens (1994)/04 - Hear The Bells (Ringing Bells).flac 11.7 MB
- The Tokens - Wimoweh!!! The Best Of The Tokens (1994)/11 - Dream Angel Good Night.flac 11.4 MB
- The Tokens - Silver Anniversary; Greatest Hits, Collectors Edition (1994)/02 - Tonight I Fell In Love.flac 11.1 MB
- The Tokens - Intercourse (1971) [1995]/17 - Bonus Track.flac 10.5 MB
- The Tokens - Intercourse (1971) [1995]/07 - Commercial.flac 7.3 MB
- The Tokens - Oldies Are Now (1993)/17 - Wimoweh Reprise.flac 7.1 MB
- The Tokens - Intercourse (1971) [1995]/08 - Gray Is Gray.flac 4.9 MB
- The Tokens - Oldies Are Now (1993)/08 - Oldies Reprise.flac 4.1 MB
- The Tokens - Intercourse (1971) [1995]/16 - Some People Sleep.flac 3.7 MB
- The Tokens - Intercourse (1971) [1995]/01 - It's Amazing To Be Alive.flac 3.6 MB
- The Tokens - Intercourse (1971) [1995]/13 - In & Out.flac 2.7 MB
- The Tokens - Oldies Are Now (1993)/14 - After The Beep.flac 2.6 MB
- The Tokens - Intercourse (1971) [1995]/05 - Greenfields.flac 2.5 MB
- The Tokens - Intercourse (1971) [1995]/14 - Stereo.flac 2.3 MB
- The Tokens - Intercourse (1971) [1995]/11 - G54321 Lou.flac 1.3 MB
- The Tokens - Wimoweh!!! The Best Of The Tokens (1994)/Back.jpg 880.1 KB
- The Tokens - The Lion Sleeps Tonight (1961) [1994]/Back.jpg 596.9 KB
- The Tokens - Re-Doo-Wopp (1988)/Artwork/Cover.jpg 543.6 KB
- The Tokens - Re-Doo-Wopp (1988)/Artwork/Back.jpg 374.2 KB
- The Tokens - Intercourse (1971) [1995]/Back.jpg 370.2 KB
- The Tokens - Re-Doo-Wopp (1988)/Artwork/Booklet Back.jpg 350.4 KB
- The Tokens - Re-Doo-Wopp (1988)/Artwork/CD.jpg 292.1 KB
- The Tokens - Oldies Are Now (1993)/Back.jpg 286.2 KB
- The Tokens - Silver Anniversary; Greatest Hits, Collectors Edition (1994)/Bacl.jpg 270.9 KB
- The Tokens - Silver Anniversary; Greatest Hits, Collectors Edition (1994)/CD.jpg 259.8 KB
- The Tokens - The Lion Sleeps Tonight (1961) [1994]/CD.jpg 254.0 KB
- The Tokens - Oldies Are Now (1993)/CD.jpg 243.9 KB
- The Tokens - Intercourse (1971) [1995]/CD.jpg 176.8 KB
- The Tokens - Wimoweh!!! The Best Of The Tokens (1994)/CD.jpg 171.4 KB
- The Tokens - Re-Doo-Wopp (1988)/Artwork/Thumb.jpg 15.7 KB
- The Tokens - The Lion Sleeps Tonight (1961) [1994]/Thumb.jpg 13.2 KB
- The Tokens - Oldies Are Now (1993)/Thumb.jpg 11.7 KB
- The Tokens - Wimoweh!!! The Best Of The Tokens (1994)/Thumb.jpg 8.7 KB
- The Tokens - Wimoweh!!! The Best Of The Tokens (1994)/Notes.txt 3.5 KB
- The Tokens - The Lion Sleeps Tonight (1961) [1994]/Notes.txt 3.2 KB
- The Tokens - Intercourse (1971) [1995]/Notes.txt 3.1 KB
- The Tokens - Oldies Are Now (1993)/Notes.txt 2.4 KB
- The Tokens - Silver Anniversary; Greatest Hits, Collectors Edition (1994)/Notes.txt 2.0 KB
- Notes.txt 1.8 KB
- The Tokens - Re-Doo-Wopp (1988)/Notes.txt 1.7 KB
- The Tokens - The Lion Sleeps Tonight (1961) [1994]/AMG Review.txt 1.5 KB
- The Tokens - Wimoweh!!! The Best Of The Tokens (1994)/AMG Review.txt 1.4 KB
- The Tokens - Intercourse (1971) [1995]/AMG Review.txt 1.2 KB
- The Tokens - Intercourse (1971) [1995]/AMG Bio.txt 877 bytes
- The Tokens - Oldies Are Now (1993)/AMG Bio.txt 877 bytes
- The Tokens - Re-Doo-Wopp (1988)/AMG Bio.txt 877 bytes
- The Tokens - Silver Anniversary; Greatest Hits, Collectors Edition (1994)/AMG Bio.txt 877 bytes
- The Tokens - The Lion Sleeps Tonight (1961) [1994]/AMG Bio.txt 877 bytes
- The Tokens - Wimoweh!!! The Best Of The Tokens (1994)/AMG Bio.txt 877 bytes
- The Tokens - Oldies Are Now (1993)/AMG Review.txt 505 bytes
- The Tokens - Silver Anniversary; Greatest Hits, Collectors Edition (1994)/AMG Review.txt 261 bytes
- The Tokens - Intercourse (1971) [1995]/Torrent downloaded from 47 bytes
- The Tokens - Oldies Are Now (1993)/Torrent downloaded from 47 bytes
- The Tokens - Re-Doo-Wopp (1988)/Torrent downloaded from 47 bytes
- The Tokens - Silver Anniversary; Greatest Hits, Collectors Edition (1994)/Torrent downloaded from 47 bytes
- The Tokens - The Lion Sleeps Tonight (1961) [1994]/Torrent downloaded from 47 bytes
- The Tokens - Wimoweh!!! The Best Of The Tokens (1994)/Torrent downloaded from 47 bytes
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