[GigaCourse.Com] Udemy - The Python Mega Course Learn Python in 60 Days with 20 Apps
File List
- 34 - Day 30 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 2)/003 data.zip 608.0 MB
- 34 - Day 30 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 2)/003 ▶️ Pandas In-Depth Exploring 200-years of European Weather Data.mp4 256.9 MB
- 40 - Day 36 - App 9 Build a Webcam Monitoring Email Alert App with Python (Part 1)/004 ▶️ Program the Webcam to Detect Moving Objects.mp4 190.8 MB
- 67 - Day 58 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 1)/005 Popularity-Based Recommendation Model.mp4 183.1 MB
- 53 - Day 46 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 2)/005 ▶️ Inserting New Records.mp4 164.2 MB
- 52 - Day 45 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 1)/004 ▶️ Introduction to PyQt6.mp4 153.3 MB
- 19 - Day 18 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Various GUI Styles)/008 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Creating a Standalone Executable.mp4 141.3 MB
- 54 - Day 47 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 3)/004 ▶️ Create an Edit Dialog.mp4 135.0 MB
- 68 - Day 59 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 2)/002 Term Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency.mp4 128.8 MB
- 28 - Day 26 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 2)/003 ▶️ Add Table from Excel to PDF.mp4 124.2 MB
- 35 - Day 31 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 3)/004 ▶️ URL Endpoints for All Data and Annual Data.mp4 120.9 MB
- 19 - Day 18 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Various GUI Styles)/003 ▶️ Final Touches.mp4 116.0 MB
- 44 - Day 39 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 2)/002 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day SQL Databases.mp4 113.8 MB
- 37 - Day 33 - App 7 Build a Weather Forecast Dashboard with Python (Part 2)/003 ▶️ Filtering Forecast Data.mp4 113.0 MB
- 16 - Day 15 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Standard Modules and Git)/007 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Using Git #git #commit #checkout #reset.mp4 112.8 MB
- 58 - Day 50 - App 16 Build a Job Application Web App with Flask (Part 1)/005 ▶️ Bootstrap Style.mp4 112.1 MB
- 58 - Day 50 - App 16 Build a Job Application Web App with Flask (Part 1)/004 ▶️Building the Form.mp4 110.1 MB
- 19 - Day 18 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Various GUI Styles)/005 ⭐️ Bonus Example.mp4 109.9 MB
- 34 - Day 30 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 2)/004 ▶️ API that Returns Weather Temperature Data.mp4 109.5 MB
- 70 - Day 60 - App 20 Build and Publish a Python Package/005 Uploading the Package to PyPi.mp4 109.5 MB
- 02 - Day 1- App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Variables, Lists, and Print)/003 ▶️ Installing Python and PyCharm.mp4 107.5 MB
- 30 - Day 27 - App 5 Build a Daily News Digest with Python (Part 1)/002 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day API Explained.mp4 106.5 MB
- 24 - Day 22 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 2)/002 ▶️ Add Thumbnail Titles to the Webpage.mp4 106.2 MB
- 16 - Day 15 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Standard Modules and Git)/004 ⭐️ Bonus Example.mp4 104.3 MB
- 26 - Day 24 - App 3 Generate PDF Documents with Python/009 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day PEP 8 Style Guide.mp4 103.9 MB
- 37 - Day 33 - App 7 Build a Weather Forecast Dashboard with Python (Part 2)/004 ▶️ Add Sky Conditions.mp4 103.5 MB
- 18 - Day 17 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Build the App Desktop GUI)/002 ▶️ Implementing an Add Todo Button #gui-buttons.mp4 103.2 MB
- 50 - Day 44 - App 12 Learn Code Inspection using the Mario Game App/005 ▶️ Inspecting the Code.mp4 103.0 MB
- 64 - Day 56 - App 18 Build a Restaurant Web App with Django (Part 2)/002 Creating Class-Based Views.mp4 101.5 MB
- 38 - Day 34 - App 8 Natural Language Processing of Books with Python (Part 1)/003 ▶️ Get Number of Chapters.mp4 95.9 MB
- 53 - Day 46 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 2)/004 ▶️ Populate Table with Data.mp4 95.5 MB
- 05 - Day 4 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (List Indexing and Tuples)/006 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcep of the Day Text Editors, Code Editors, IDE, PyCharm.mp4 95.3 MB
- 16 - Day 15 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Standard Modules and Git)/002 ▶️ Add a Date Feature #standard-modules #time #constants #if-name-equal-main.mp4 92.2 MB
- 35 - Day 31 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 3)/002 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Data Analysis and Visualization Theory.mp4 91.9 MB
- 59 - Day 51 - App 16 Build a Job Application Web App with Flask (Part 2)/002 ▶️ Getting the User Data.mp4 89.9 MB
- 07 - Day 6 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Working with Text Files)/002 ▶️ Storing Items in Text Files #text-files #read #write #writelines #readlines.mp4 89.3 MB
- 68 - Day 59 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 2)/006 Training and Using the Model to Predict.mp4 88.0 MB
- 16 - Day 15 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Standard Modules and Git)/003 ⚛️ Code Experiments.mp4 87.9 MB
- 12 - Day 11 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Using Custom Functions)/002 ▶️ Avoiding Repetitive Code #custom-functions.mp4 87.0 MB
- 26 - Day 24 - App 3 Generate PDF Documents with Python/003 ▶️ From CSV to PDF #pandas.mp4 84.0 MB
- 37 - Day 33 - App 7 Build a Weather Forecast Dashboard with Python (Part 2)/002 ▶️ Getting Raw Forecast Data.mp4 83.5 MB
- 21 - Day 20 - Summary of Python Basics/007 ▶️ Errors, Comments, Modules, Libraries, Web and Desktop GUIs.mp4 82.4 MB
- 15 - Day 14 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Using Local Modules)/002 ▶️ Organising the Code in Modules #modules #import.mp4 80.9 MB
- 20 - Day 19 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Build a Web App Version)/005 ▶️ Deploying the Web App to the Cloud.mp4 79.9 MB
- 13 - Day 12 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Multiple Arguments)/007 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day The Learn-to-Program Curve.mp4 77.7 MB
- 18 - Day 17 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Build the App Desktop GUI)/003 ▶️ Implementing an Edit Button #gui-buttons.mp4 76.3 MB
- 50 - Day 44 - App 12 Learn Code Inspection using the Mario Game App/002 ⚙️ Programming Tool of the Day - Collaborating #github #fork #pull-request.mp4 75.5 MB
- 06 - Day 5 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Enumeration and f-strings)/009 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day How to Ask Good Programming Questions.mp4 74.8 MB
- 67 - Day 58 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 1)/003 The Movies Dataset.mp4 73.1 MB
- 25 - Day 23 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 3)/008 ⚙️Programming ToolConcept of the Day Secure Passwords in Environment Variables.mp4 73.1 MB
- 30 - Day 27 - App 5 Build a Daily News Digest with Python (Part 1)/003 ▶️ URL Requests with Python.mp4 72.6 MB
- 31 - Day 28 - App 5 Build a Daily News Digest with Python (Part 2)/002 ▶️ Five Program Refinements.mp4 72.5 MB
- 18 - Day 17 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Build the App Desktop GUI)/005 ⭐️ Bonus Example.mp4 72.5 MB
- 33 - Day 29 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 1)/004 ▶️ Build a REST API.mp4 72.3 MB
- 44 - Day 39 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 2)/004 ▶️ Storing the App Data in an SQL Database.mp4 71.8 MB
- 25 - Day 23 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 3)/004 ▶️ Send Email.mp4 70.9 MB
- 33 - Day 29 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 1)/002 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day HTML Tutorial.mp4 70.7 MB
- 65 - Day 57 - App 18 Build a Restaurant Web App with Django (Part 3)/003 Jinja For Loops.mp4 70.4 MB
- 28 - Day 26 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 2)/008 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Using the PyCharm Debugger.mp4 69.9 MB
- 61 - Day 53 - App 17 Build a Job Application Web App with Django (Part 2)/002 ▶️ Code the HTML of the Application Form.mp4 68.6 MB
- 34 - Day 30 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 2)/002 ⚙️ Programming Tool of the Day Jupyter Lab Tutorial.mp4 68.6 MB
- 15 - Day 14 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Using Local Modules)/007 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day What is Version Control and Git #git.mp4 68.0 MB
- 18 - Day 17 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Build the App Desktop GUI)/008 Programming ToolConcept of the Day Clone a Remote Github Repository #git-clone.mp4 67.9 MB
- 24 - Day 22 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 2)/003 ▶️ Add Descriptions, Images, and Links to the Webpage.mp4 67.8 MB
- 56 - Day 49 - App 15 Build an Intelligent ChatBot with ChatGPT and PyQt/004 ▶️ Connect the Chatbot to the GUI.mp4 67.7 MB
- 60 - Day 52 - App 17 Build a Job Application Web App with Django (Part 1)/003 ▶️ Setting up Database Models.mp4 67.7 MB
- 48 - Day 42 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 2)/002 ▶️ Credit Card feature #extending #new-feature.mp4 67.4 MB
- 38 - Day 34 - App 8 Natural Language Processing of Books with Python (Part 1)/005 ▶️ Most Common Words.mp4 67.1 MB
- 17 - Day 16 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Third-Party Modules and GitHub)/003 ▶️ Create a Desktop Graphical User Interface (GUI) #desktop-gui #pysimplegui.mp4 67.0 MB
- 54 - Day 47 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 3)/007 ⚙️ Programming Skill of the Day - Refactoring.mp4 67.0 MB
- 62 - Day 54 - App 17 Build a Job Application Web App with Django (Part 3)/004 ▶️ Creating a Base Template.mp4 66.4 MB
- 20 - Day 19 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Build a Web App Version)/006 ⚛️ Code Experiments.mp4 64.9 MB
- 63 - Day 55 - App 18 Build a Restaurant Web App with Django (Part 1)/004 Creating the Database Model.mp4 64.5 MB
- 23 - Day 21 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 1)/006 ▶️ The App Data Source.mp4 64.2 MB
- 65 - Day 57 - App 18 Build a Restaurant Web App with Django (Part 3)/004 Jinja If Conditionals.mp4 64.2 MB
- 20 - Day 19 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Build a Web App Version)/010 ⚙️Programming ToolConcept of the Day Web App Deployment - Deploy to Heroku.mp4 63.3 MB
- 50 - Day 44 - App 12 Learn Code Inspection using the Mario Game App/004 ▶️ Inspecting the Project Structure.mp4 60.5 MB
- 53 - Day 46 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 2)/007 ✐ Solution.mp4 60.4 MB
- 38 - Day 34 - App 8 Natural Language Processing of Books with Python (Part 1)/004 ▶️ Extract Certain Sentences.mp4 59.9 MB
- 39 - Day 35 - App 8 Natural Language Processing of Books with Python (Part 2)/003 ▶️ Most PositiveNegative Chapters.mp4 59.6 MB
- 43 - Day 38 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 1)/004 ▶️ Extracting Data from the Scraped Content.mp4 58.2 MB
- 33 - Day 29 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 1)/003 ▶️ Build a Website with Flask.mp4 57.0 MB
- 10 - Day 9, App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (If-Elif-Else and Dictionaries)/007 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day High vs. Low Level Programming Languages.mp4 56.4 MB
- 40 - Day 36 - App 9 Build a Webcam Monitoring Email Alert App with Python (Part 1)/003 ▶️ Capture Webcam Video.mp4 55.9 MB
- 54 - Day 47 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 3)/005 ▶️ Create a Delete Dialog.mp4 55.6 MB
- 59 - Day 51 - App 16 Build a Job Application Web App with Flask (Part 2)/003 ▶️ Creating a Database.mp4 54.7 MB
- 55 - Day 48 - App 14 Build a MySQL Student Management System with PyQt/007 ▶️ Implement MySQL in Python.mp4 53.9 MB
- 61 - Day 53 - App 17 Build a Job Application Web App with Django (Part 2)/005 ▶️ Send an Email with Django.mp4 53.3 MB
- 65 - Day 57 - App 18 Build a Restaurant Web App with Django (Part 3)/002 Creating an Admin Interface and Adding Data.mp4 53.1 MB
- 54 - Day 47 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 3)/002 ▶️ Add the Toolbar.mp4 52.9 MB
- 30 - Day 27 - App 5 Build a Daily News Digest with Python (Part 1)/004 ▶️ Getting Data from an API.mp4 52.8 MB
- 27 - Day 25 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 1)/007 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Zen of Python.mp4 51.9 MB
- 59 - Day 51 - App 16 Build a Job Application Web App with Flask (Part 2)/004 ▶️ Storing the User Data in the Database.mp4 51.8 MB
- 59 - Day 51 - App 16 Build a Job Application Web App with Flask (Part 2)/005 ▶️ Showing Submission Notification.mp4 51.3 MB
- 30 - Day 27 - App 5 Build a Daily News Digest with Python (Part 1)/006 ✐ Student Project Solution.mp4 51.1 MB
- 31 - Day 28 - App 5 Build a Daily News Digest with Python (Part 2)/006 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Using PythonAnywhere PaaS.mp4 50.6 MB
- 07 - Day 6 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Working with Text Files)/005 ⚛️ Code Experiments.mp4 50.5 MB
- 10 - Day 9, App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (If-Elif-Else and Dictionaries)/005 ⭐️ Bonus Example.mp4 50.5 MB
- 56 - Day 49 - App 15 Build an Intelligent ChatBot with ChatGPT and PyQt/003 ▶️ Create the GPT Chatbot.mp4 50.3 MB
- 01 - MODULE 1️⃣ PYTHON BASICS (Day 1 - 20) ↓/001 Welcome to Module 1.mp4 50.3 MB
- 35 - Day 31 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 3)/005 ✎ Student Project Analyze a Wine Tasting Dataset.mp4 49.8 MB
- 41 - Day 37 - App 9 Build a Webcam Monitoring Email Alert App with Python (Part 2)/003 ▶️ Send Email with Attachment.mp4 49.5 MB
- 17 - Day 16 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Third-Party Modules and GitHub)/008 ⚙️ Programming Tool of the Day Using Github #github.mp4 49.4 MB
- 21 - Day 20 - Summary of Python Basics/004 ▶️ Methods, Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries.mp4 48.8 MB
- 23 - Day 21 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 1)/003 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Prototyping with Figma.mp4 48.7 MB
- 27 - Day 25 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 1)/004 ▶️ Create a PDF for Each Excel File.mp4 48.2 MB
- 65 - Day 57 - App 18 Build a Restaurant Web App with Django (Part 3)/005 Adding Dynamic Links.mp4 48.1 MB
- 46 - Day 40 Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python/003 ▶️ Class init and self.mp4 47.8 MB
- 48 - Day 42 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 2)/003 ▶️ Secure Credit Card feature #inheritance #new-feature.mp4 47.7 MB
- 21 - Day 20 - Summary of Python Basics/008 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Using the Command Line.mp4 47.5 MB
- 26 - Day 24 - App 3 Generate PDF Documents with Python/005 ▶️ Add Footer.mp4 47.4 MB
- 25 - Day 23 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 3)/005 ▶️ Send Email Via the Web Form.mp4 47.0 MB
- 24 - Day 22 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 2)/005 ✐ Student Project Solution.mp4 46.7 MB
- 70 - Day 60 - App 20 Build and Publish a Python Package/003 Preparing the Code of the Package.mp4 46.6 MB
- 68 - Day 59 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 2)/004 Extracting Most Similar Movies.mp4 46.5 MB
- 70 - Day 60 - App 20 Build and Publish a Python Package/004 Testing the Package.mp4 45.8 MB
- 62 - Day 54 - App 17 Build a Job Application Web App with Django (Part 3)/005 ▶️ Adding the Navigation Bar.mp4 45.5 MB
- 10 - Day 9, App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (If-Elif-Else and Dictionaries)/002 ▶️ Improving the Add Feature #if-conditionals #slicing.mp4 45.4 MB
- 39 - Day 35 - App 8 Natural Language Processing of Books with Python (Part 2)/002 ▶️ Most Used Non-Stop Words.mp4 43.5 MB
- 10 - Day 9, App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (If-Elif-Else and Dictionaries)/003 ▶️ Optimising the Program #elif #else.mp4 43.4 MB
- 55 - Day 48 - App 14 Build a MySQL Student Management System with PyQt/004 ▶️ Installing MySQL on Mac.mp4 43.4 MB
- 15 - Day 14 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Using Local Modules)/003 ▶️ Anatomy of Python.mp4 42.7 MB
- 67 - Day 58 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 1)/004 Project Setup on Deepnote.mp4 42.3 MB
- 47 - Day 41 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 1)/002 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Class vs Instance.mp4 41.6 MB
- 65 - Day 57 - App 18 Build a Restaurant Web App with Django (Part 3)/006 Adding Bootstrap.mp4 41.5 MB
- 60 - Day 52 - App 17 Build a Job Application Web App with Django (Part 1)/004 ▶️ Creating a View and a Template.mp4 41.4 MB
- 07 - Day 6 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Working with Text Files)/006 ⭐️ Bonus Example.mp4 41.4 MB
- 02 - Day 1- App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Variables, Lists, and Print)/001 ▶️ The Four Types of Computer Programs.mp4 41.4 MB
- 54 - Day 47 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 3)/003 ▶️ Add the Status Bar.mp4 41.1 MB
- 31 - Day 28 - App 5 Build a Daily News Digest with Python (Part 2)/003 ▶️ Download a File from the Web.mp4 40.9 MB
- 21 - Day 20 - Summary of Python Basics/003 ▶️ Objects, Variables, Functions.mp4 40.8 MB
- 47 - Day 41 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 1)/006 ▶️ Implement the Methods of the Hotel Class.mp4 39.9 MB
- 46 - Day 40 Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python/002 ▶️ Classes and Object Oriented Programming #classes #oop.mp4 39.7 MB
- 12 - Day 11 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Using Custom Functions)/006 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Python vs. Other Languages.mp4 38.9 MB
- 67 - Day 58 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 1)/002 Three Types of Recommendation Systems.mp4 38.6 MB
- 40 - Day 36 - App 9 Build a Webcam Monitoring Email Alert App with Python (Part 1)/005 ▶️ Trigger Action when the Webcam Detects an Object.mp4 38.4 MB
- 05 - Day 4 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (List Indexing and Tuples)/002 ▶️ Add an Edit Feature #type-conversion #list-indexing.mp4 37.9 MB
- 13 - Day 12 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Multiple Arguments)/003 ▶️ Optimising the Code Further #multiple-arguments.mp4 37.7 MB
- 41 - Day 37 - App 9 Build a Webcam Monitoring Email Alert App with Python (Part 2)/005 ▶️ Threading in Python.mp4 37.7 MB
- 11 - Day 10 App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Robust Code with Try-Except)/003 ▶️ Anticipating Program Errors #try-except #continue.mp4 37.7 MB
- 59 - Day 51 - App 16 Build a Job Application Web App with Flask (Part 2)/006 ▶️ Sending a Confirmation Email.mp4 37.5 MB
- 68 - Day 59 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 2)/003 Similarity matrix.cmproj.mp4 37.1 MB
- 44 - Day 39 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 2)/003 ▶️ Select, Add, and Delete SQL Data.mp4 36.4 MB
- 09 - Day 8 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (With-Context Manager)/003 ▶️ Editing and Completing Todo Items #with-context-manager.mp4 35.9 MB
- 61 - Day 53 - App 17 Build a Job Application Web App with Django (Part 2)/003 ▶️ Creating a Form Model.mp4 35.3 MB
- 07 - Day 6 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Working with Text Files)/011 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Online Python Communities.mp4 35.1 MB
- 24 - Day 22 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 2)/004 ✎ Student Project Create a Company Website.mp4 34.9 MB
- 14 - Day 13 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Utilizing Default Args)/002 ▶️ Optimising the Code #default-arguments.mp4 34.6 MB
- 62 - Day 54 - App 17 Build a Job Application Web App with Django (Part 3)/003 ▶️ Customizing the Admin Interface.mp4 34.4 MB
- 20 - Day 19 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Build a Web App Version)/003 ▶️ Adding New Todo Items on the Web App.mp4 34.2 MB
- 20 - Day 19 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Build a Web App Version)/002 ▶️ Create a Web App #streamlit #title #subheader #checkbox.mp4 33.9 MB
- 35 - Day 31 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 3)/003 ▶️ Show Data Table on the Webpage.mp4 33.8 MB
- 36 - Day 32 - App 7 Build a Weather Forecast Dashboard with Python (Part 1)/003 ▶️ Plotting Data Dynamically.mp4 33.7 MB
- 49 - Day 43 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 3)/006 ▶️ Magic Methods.mp4 33.4 MB
- 19 - Day 18 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Various GUI Styles)/004 ⚛️ Code Experiments.mp4 33.4 MB
- 38 - Day 34 - App 8 Natural Language Processing of Books with Python (Part 1)/007 ✐ Student Project Solution.mp4 33.2 MB
- 26 - Day 24 - App 3 Generate PDF Documents with Python/002 ▶️ Create a Multipage PDF.mp4 32.1 MB
- 55 - Day 48 - App 14 Build a MySQL Student Management System with PyQt/005 ▶️ Installing MySQL on Linux.mp4 32.1 MB
- 21 - Day 20 - Summary of Python Basics/006 ▶️ External Files, List Comprehensions.mp4 31.8 MB
- 43 - Day 38 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 1)/005 ▶️ Storing the Extracted Data in Text Files.mp4 31.5 MB
- 56 - Day 49 - App 15 Build an Intelligent ChatBot with ChatGPT and PyQt/002 ▶️ Creating the Chatbot GUI.mp4 30.8 MB
- 05 - Day 4 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (List Indexing and Tuples)/004 ⭐️ Bonus Example #tuples.mp4 30.8 MB
- 49 - Day 43 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 3)/002 ▶️ Instance Variables Vs. Class Variables.mp4 30.5 MB
- 55 - Day 48 - App 14 Build a MySQL Student Management System with PyQt/003 ▶️ Installing MySQL on Windows.mp4 29.8 MB
- 05 - Day 4 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (List Indexing and Tuples)/003 ⚛️ Coding Experiments.mp4 29.8 MB
- 06 - Day 5 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Enumeration and f-strings)/006 ⚛️ Code Experiments.mp4 28.8 MB
- 20 - Day 19 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Build a Web App Version)/004 ▶️ Completing Todo Items on the Web App.mp4 28.8 MB
- 20 - Day 19 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Build a Web App Version)/007 ⭐️ Bonus Example.mp4 28.3 MB
- 14 - Day 13 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Utilizing Default Args)/003 ▶️ Documenting the Code #doc-strings.mp4 27.6 MB
- 61 - Day 53 - App 17 Build a Job Application Web App with Django (Part 2)/004 ▶️ Store the Data in the Database.mp4 27.4 MB
- 25 - Day 23 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 3)/003 ▶️ Webforms.mp4 27.3 MB
- 19 - Day 18 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Various GUI Styles)/002 ▶️ Implement Complete and Exit Buttons #gui-buttons.mp4 27.2 MB
- 13 - Day 12 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Multiple Arguments)/005 ⭐️ Bonus Example.mp4 27.1 MB
- 53 - Day 46 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 2)/002 ▶️ Add a Menu Bar.mp4 26.5 MB
- 49 - Day 43 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 3)/007 ▶️ Abstract Classes and Abstract Methods.mp4 26.5 MB
- 15 - Day 14 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Using Local Modules)/004 ⚛️ Code Experiments.mp4 26.2 MB
- 08 - Day 7 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (List Comprehension and Comments)/002 ▶️ Improving the Program Output #list-comprehensions.mp4 25.8 MB
- 55 - Day 48 - App 14 Build a MySQL Student Management System with PyQt/006 ⚙️ Programming Skill of the Day - MySQL Command Line Tutorial.mp4 25.7 MB
- 28 - Day 26 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 2)/004 ▶️ Add Table Header and Total Price.mp4 25.7 MB
- 14 - Day 13 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Utilizing Default Args)/005 ⭐️ Bonus Example.mp4 25.5 MB
- 13 - Day 12 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Multiple Arguments)/004 ⚛️ Code Experiments.mp4 25.3 MB
- 53 - Day 46 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 2)/003 ▶️ Creating a Table Structure.mp4 24.9 MB
- 38 - Day 34 - App 8 Natural Language Processing of Books with Python (Part 1)/002 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Regular Expressions (Regex).mp4 24.5 MB
- 48 - Day 42 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 2)/006 ✐ Student Project Solution.mp4 24.5 MB
- 41 - Day 37 - App 9 Build a Webcam Monitoring Email Alert App with Python (Part 2)/004 ▶️ Send Email Attachment when Webcam Detects an Object.mp4 24.2 MB
- 24 - Day 22 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 2)/006 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Coding without an IDE.mp4 24.2 MB
- 58 - Day 50 - App 16 Build a Job Application Web App with Flask (Part 1)/003 ▶️ Connecting the Python Backend to the HTML Part.mp4 23.9 MB
- 13 - Day 12 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Multiple Arguments)/002 ▶️ Optimising the Code #function-arguments.mp4 23.9 MB
- 36 - Day 32 - App 7 Build a Weather Forecast Dashboard with Python (Part 1)/002 ▶️ Coding the User Interface.mp4 23.5 MB
- 11 - Day 10 App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Robust Code with Try-Except)/002 ▶️ Fixing Two Bugs in the Program #bugs.mp4 23.4 MB
- 14 - Day 13 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Utilizing Default Args)/007 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Python Versions Explained.mp4 23.3 MB
- 41 - Day 37 - App 9 Build a Webcam Monitoring Email Alert App with Python (Part 2)/002 ▶️ Extract Images from Webcam Video.mp4 23.2 MB
- 10 - Day 9, App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (If-Elif-Else and Dictionaries)/004 ⚛️ Code Experiments.mp4 22.6 MB
- 47 - Day 41 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 1)/005 ▶️ Create Instances.mp4 22.5 MB
- 38 - Day 34 - App 8 Natural Language Processing of Books with Python (Part 1)/006 ✎ Student Project Regular Expressions.mp4 22.2 MB
- 26 - Day 24 - App 3 Generate PDF Documents with Python/004 ▶️ Add More Pages to PDF.mp4 22.2 MB
- 06 - Day 5 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Enumeration and f-strings)/004 ▶️ Add a Complete Todo Feature.mp4 21.9 MB
- 15 - Day 14 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Using Local Modules)/005 ⭐️ Bonus Examples.mp4 21.9 MB
- 47 - Day 41 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 1)/007 ▶️ Implement the Methods of the Reservation Ticket Class.mp4 21.8 MB
- 49 - Day 43 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 3)/004 ▶️ Properties.mp4 21.8 MB
- 54 - Day 47 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 3)/006 ▶️ Create an About Dialog.mp4 21.6 MB
- 18 - Day 17 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Build the App Desktop GUI)/004 ⚛️ Code Experiments.mp4 21.6 MB
- 17 - Day 16 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Third-Party Modules and GitHub)/005 ⭐️ Bonus Example.mp4 21.5 MB
- 41 - Day 37 - App 9 Build a Webcam Monitoring Email Alert App with Python (Part 2)/006 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Applications of Image Processing.mp4 21.0 MB
- 23 - Day 21 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 1)/007 ▶️ Create a Multi-Column Webpage.mp4 21.0 MB
- 49 - Day 43 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 3)/003 ▶️ Instance Methods Vs. Class Methods.mp4 20.9 MB
- 02 - Day 1- App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Variables, Lists, and Print)/008 ⚛️ Coding Experiments.mp4 20.6 MB
- 12 - Day 11 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Using Custom Functions)/004 ⭐️ Bonus Example.mp4 20.5 MB
- 35 - Day 31 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 3)/006 ✐ Student Project Solution.mp4 20.1 MB
- 60 - Day 52 - App 17 Build a Job Application Web App with Django (Part 1)/002 ▶️ Setting up a Django Project and an App.mp4 19.8 MB
- 03 - Day 2 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Methods and While-Loop)/004 ▶️ Storing User Input Repeatedly #methods.mp4 19.4 MB
- 27 - Day 25 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 1)/006 ✐ Student Project Solution.mp4 19.4 MB
- 40 - Day 36 - App 9 Build a Webcam Monitoring Email Alert App with Python (Part 1)/002 ⚙Programming ToolConcept of the Day Images from a Computer Science Perspective.mp4 19.2 MB
- 03 - Day 2 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Methods and While-Loop)/010 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day How to Find the Code You Need.mp4 19.2 MB
- 50 - Day 44 - App 12 Learn Code Inspection using the Mario Game App/003 ▶️ Setting up the Project Locally.mp4 19.0 MB
- 36 - Day 32 - App 7 Build a Weather Forecast Dashboard with Python (Part 1)/001 ▶️ Today #streamlit #webapp.mp4 18.8 MB
- 64 - Day 56 - App 18 Build a Restaurant Web App with Django (Part 2)/003 Context in Django.mp4 18.6 MB
- 36 - Day 32 - App 7 Build a Weather Forecast Dashboard with Python (Part 1)/005 ✐ Student Project Solution.mp4 18.2 MB
- 02 - Day 1- App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Variables, Lists, and Print)/006 ▶️ Getting User Input #input #variables.mp4 18.0 MB
- 04 - Day 3 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Match-Case and For-Loops)/005 ⚛️ Code Experiments.mp4 17.8 MB
- 43 - Day 38 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 1)/003 ▶️ Scraping a Webpage.mp4 17.8 MB
- 09 - Day 8 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (With-Context Manager)/005 ⭐️ Bonus Example.mp4 17.6 MB
- 08 - Day 7 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (List Comprehension and Comments)/006 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Usages of Python in Real Life.mp4 17.2 MB
- 11 - Day 10 App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Robust Code with Try-Except)/004 ⚛️ Code Experiments.mp4 17.2 MB
- 02 - Day 1- App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Variables, Lists, and Print)/005 ▶️ Create and Run Your First Python Program #print #strings.mp4 16.9 MB
- 43 - Day 38 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 1)/006 ▶️ Send Email when New Event is Found on the Website.mp4 16.8 MB
- 39 - Day 35 - App 8 Natural Language Processing of Books with Python (Part 2)/006 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Applications of NLP.mp4 16.6 MB
- 09 - Day 8 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (With-Context Manager)/004 ⚛️ Code Experiments.mp4 16.5 MB
- 27 - Day 25 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 1)/003 ▶️ Load a Data from Excel to Python.mp4 16.4 MB
- 25 - Day 23 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 3)/002 ▶️ Multipage Web Apps.mp4 16.3 MB
- 02 - Day 1- App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Variables, Lists, and Print)/007 ▶️ Storing User Input #lists.mp4 16.3 MB
- 34 - Day 30 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 2)/003 data-small.zip 16.3 MB
- 35 - Day 31 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 3)/006 Solution.zip 16.2 MB
- 35 - Day 31 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 3)/005 wines.zip 16.1 MB
- 11 - Day 10 App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Robust Code with Try-Except)/005 ⭐️ Bonus Example.mp4 16.1 MB
- 11 - Day 10 App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Robust Code with Try-Except)/007 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Cloud IDEs.mp4 15.8 MB
- 23 - Day 21 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 1)/009 ✐ Student Project Solution.mp4 15.8 MB
- 23 - Day 21 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 1)/001 ▶️ Today.mp4 15.8 MB
- 04 - Day 3 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Match-Case and For-Loops)/002 ▶️ Todo List View and Program Exit #match-case.mp4 15.7 MB
- 21 - Day 20 - Summary of Python Basics/005 ▶️ Code Blocks, f-strings.mp4 15.5 MB
- 28 - Day 26 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 2)/002 ▶️ Add Date to PDF.mp4 15.2 MB
- 08 - Day 7 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (List Comprehension and Comments)/003 ⚛️ Code Experiments.mp4 15.1 MB
- 39 - Day 35 - App 8 Natural Language Processing of Books with Python (Part 2)/005 ✐ Student Project Solution.mp4 15.0 MB
- 04 - Day 3 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Match-Case and For-Loops)/003 ▶️ Improving the Program Output #for-loops.mp4 14.9 MB
- 27 - Day 25 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 1)/001 ▶️ Today.mp4 14.8 MB
- 12 - Day 11 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Using Custom Functions)/003 ⚛️ Code Experiments.mp4 14.7 MB
- 02 - Day 1- App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Variables, Lists, and Print)/012 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day The Python Console.mp4 14.6 MB
- 37 - Day 33 - App 7 Build a Weather Forecast Dashboard with Python (Part 2)/006 ✐ Student Project Solution.mp4 14.3 MB
- 26 - Day 24 - App 3 Generate PDF Documents with Python/008 ✐ Student Project Solution.mp4 14.2 MB
- 06 - Day 5 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Enumeration and f-strings)/007 ⭐️ Bonus Example.mp4 13.8 MB
- 62 - Day 54 - App 17 Build a Job Application Web App with Django (Part 3)/002 ▶️ Creating an Admin Interface.mp4 13.7 MB
- 58 - Day 50 - App 16 Build a Job Application Web App with Flask (Part 1)/002 ▶️ Creating the App Structure.mp4 13.6 MB
- 03 - Day 2 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Methods and While-Loop)/005 ⚛️ Coding Experiments.mp4 13.6 MB
- 25 - Day 23 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 3)/007 ✐ Student Project Solution.mp4 13.4 MB
- 44 - Day 39 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 2)/006 ✐ Student Project Solution.mp4 13.3 MB
- 03 - Day 2 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Methods and While-Loop)/006 ⭐️ Bonus Example.mp4 13.2 MB
- 63 - Day 55 - App 18 Build a Restaurant Web App with Django (Part 1)/003 Setup a Django Project and App.mp4 13.0 MB
- 17 - Day 16 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Third-Party Modules and GitHub)/004 ⚛️ Code Experiments.mp4 12.9 MB
- 09 - Day 8 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (With-Context Manager)/002 ▶️ Optimising the Code #with-context-manager.mp4 12.8 MB
- 31 - Day 28 - App 5 Build a Daily News Digest with Python (Part 2)/005 ✐ Student Project Solution.mp4 12.7 MB
- 40 - Day 36 - App 9 Build a Webcam Monitoring Email Alert App with Python (Part 1)/006 ✎ Student Project Add Live Timestamp to Webcam Video.mp4 12.7 MB
- 63 - Day 55 - App 18 Build a Restaurant Web App with Django (Part 1)/001 Today.mp4 12.6 MB
- 34 - Day 30 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 2)/006 ✐ Student Project Solution.mp4 12.2 MB
- 27 - Day 25 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 1)/005 ✎ Student Project From Text Files to PDF.mp4 12.1 MB
- 23 - Day 21 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 1)/005 ▶️ Setting up the PyCharm Project and Git.mp4 11.9 MB
- 03 - Day 2 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Methods and While-Loop)/002 ▶️ Getting User Input Repeatedly #while-loop.mp4 11.9 MB
- 47 - Day 41 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 1)/009 ✐ Student Project Solution.mp4 11.8 MB
- 06 - Day 5 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Enumeration and f-strings)/002 ▶️ Numbered Todos #enumerate.mp4 11.6 MB
- 23 - Day 21 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 1)/008 ✎ Student Project Add Content to the Website.mp4 11.6 MB
- 24 - Day 22 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 2)/001 ▶️ Today.mp4 11.6 MB
- 17 - Day 16 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Third-Party Modules and GitHub)/002 ▶️ Difference Between Frontend and Backend #frontend #backend.mp4 11.6 MB
- 52 - Day 45 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 1)/003 ▶️ Sketching a Prototype.mp4 10.9 MB
- 49 - Day 43 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 3)/005 ▶️ Static Methods.mp4 10.8 MB
- 14 - Day 13 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Utilizing Default Args)/004 ⚛️ Code Experiments.mp4 10.8 MB
- 52 - Day 45 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 1)/006 ✐ Solution.mp4 10.8 MB
- 48 - Day 42 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 2)/004 ▶️ Overwriting Parent Methods.mp4 10.7 MB
- 27 - Day 25 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 1)/002 ▶️ Setting up the Project.mp4 10.6 MB
- 07 - Day 6 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Working with Text Files)/003 ▶️ Getting Todo Items from Text Files #read-text-files.mp4 10.6 MB
- 43 - Day 38 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 1)/009 ✐ Student Project Solution.mp4 10.4 MB
- 25 - Day 23 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 3)/006 ✎ Student Project Contact Us Email Form.mp4 10.0 MB
- 67 - Day 58 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 1)/001 Today.mp4 9.6 MB
- 67 - Day 58 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 1)/003 data.zip 9.5 MB
- 38 - Day 34 - App 8 Natural Language Processing of Books with Python (Part 1)/001 ▶️ Today.mp4 9.5 MB
- 06 - Day 5 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Enumeration and f-strings)/003 ▶️ Improving the Program Output ▶️ #f-strings #formatting-strings.mp4 9.3 MB
- 33 - Day 29 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 1)/006 ✎ Student Project Build a Dictionary API (Part 1).mp4 9.1 MB
- 36 - Day 32 - App 7 Build a Weather Forecast Dashboard with Python (Part 1)/004 ✎ Student Project Build a Happiness Data App.mp4 9.0 MB
- 55 - Day 48 - App 14 Build a MySQL Student Management System with PyQt/002 ▶️ MySQL vs SQLite.mp4 9.0 MB
- 53 - Day 46 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 2)/006 ✎ Student Project - Implement the Search Functionality.mp4 8.9 MB
- 70 - Day 60 - App 20 Build and Publish a Python Package/002 Description of the Package.mp4 8.8 MB
- 40 - Day 36 - App 9 Build a Webcam Monitoring Email Alert App with Python (Part 1)/007 ✐ Student Project Solution.mp4 8.8 MB
- 33 - Day 29 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 1)/001 ▶️ Today.mp4 8.7 MB
- 44 - Day 39 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 2)/005 ✎ Student Project Store Temperature Data in SQL Database.mp4 8.6 MB
- 64 - Day 56 - App 18 Build a Restaurant Web App with Django (Part 2)/001 Today.mp4 8.6 MB
- 31 - Day 28 - App 5 Build a Daily News Digest with Python (Part 2)/004 ✎ Student Project Astronomy Image of the Day.mp4 8.3 MB
- 21 - Day 20 - Summary of Python Basics/002 ▶️ PyCharm Review.mp4 8.2 MB
- 07 - Day 6 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Working with Text Files)/004 ▶️ How Data Types are Created #types.mp4 8.0 MB
- 28 - Day 26 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 2)/007 ✐ Student Project Solution.mp4 8.0 MB
- 11 - Day 10 App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Robust Code with Try-Except)/001 ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday.mp4 7.9 MB
- 43 - Day 38 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 1)/007 ▶️ Running the Program Non-Stop.mp4 7.9 MB
- 33 - Day 29 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 1)/002 cat.png 7.7 MB
- 33 - Day 29 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 1)/003 cat.png 7.7 MB
- 46 - Day 40 Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python/001 ▶️ Today.mp4 7.7 MB
- 10 - Day 9, App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (If-Elif-Else and Dictionaries)/001 ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday.mp4 7.7 MB
- 04 - Day 3 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Match-Case and For-Loops)/006 ⭐️ Bonus Example.mp4 7.7 MB
- 02 - Day 1- App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Variables, Lists, and Print)/009 ⭐️ Bonus Example.mp4 7.4 MB
- 63 - Day 55 - App 18 Build a Restaurant Web App with Django (Part 1)/002 Creating the App QR Code.mp4 7.3 MB
- 08 - Day 7 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (List Comprehension and Comments)/001 ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday.mp4 7.1 MB
- 17 - Day 16 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Third-Party Modules and GitHub)/001 ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday.mp4 7.1 MB
- 43 - Day 38 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 1)/002 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Web Scraping.mp4 7.0 MB
- 68 - Day 59 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 2)/005 Collaborative Filtering with Machine Learning.mp4 6.9 MB
- 07 - Day 6 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Working with Text Files)/001 ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday.mp4 6.9 MB
- 47 - Day 41 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 1)/004 ▶️ Code the Classes.mp4 6.9 MB
- 34 - Day 30 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 2)/001 ▶️ Today.mp4 6.8 MB
- 48 - Day 42 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 2)/005 ✎ Student Project - Spa Hotel Class.mp4 6.8 MB
- 08 - Day 7 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (List Comprehension and Comments)/004 ⭐️ Bonus Example.mp4 6.4 MB
- 30 - Day 27 - App 5 Build a Daily News Digest with Python (Part 1)/005 ✎ Student Project Email the API Data.mp4 6.4 MB
- 56 - Day 49 - App 15 Build an Intelligent ChatBot with ChatGPT and PyQt/001 ▶️ Today #chatbot #chatgpt.mp4 6.0 MB
- 30 - Day 27 - App 5 Build a Daily News Digest with Python (Part 1)/001 ▶️ Today.mp4 6.0 MB
- 47 - Day 41 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 1)/008 ✎ Student Project.mp4 6.0 MB
- 48 - Day 42 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 2)/001 ▶️ Today.mp4 5.7 MB
- 39 - Day 35 - App 8 Natural Language Processing of Books with Python (Part 2)/001 ▶️ Today.mp4 5.7 MB
- 60 - Day 52 - App 17 Build a Job Application Web App with Django (Part 1)/001 ▶️ Today.mp4 5.7 MB
- 16 - Day 15 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Standard Modules and Git)/001 ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday.mp4 5.6 MB
- 09 - Day 8 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (With-Context Manager)/008 Programming ToolConcept of the Day Steps of Creating and Maintaining a Program.mp4 5.5 MB
- 26 - Day 24 - App 3 Generate PDF Documents with Python/001 ▶️ Today.mp4 5.4 MB
- 04 - Day 3 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Match-Case and For-Loops)/008 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day What Surprisingly is Python.mp4 5.3 MB
- 47 - Day 41 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 1)/003 ▶️ Planning the App in OOP Style.mp4 5.2 MB
- 50 - Day 44 - App 12 Learn Code Inspection using the Mario Game App/001 ▶️ Today.mp4 5.1 MB
- 52 - Day 45 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 1)/001 ▶️ Today.mp4 5.1 MB
- 43 - Day 38 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 1)/008 ✎ Student Project Scrape Temperature Data.mp4 5.0 MB
- 33 - Day 29 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 1)/005 ▶️ Running Multiple Apps.mp4 5.0 MB
- 40 - Day 36 - App 9 Build a Webcam Monitoring Email Alert App with Python (Part 1)/001 ▶️ Today.mp4 5.0 MB
- 20 - Day 19 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Build a Web App Version)/001 ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday.mp4 4.7 MB
- 54 - Day 47 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 3)/001 ▶️ Today.mp4 4.7 MB
- 09 - Day 8 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (With-Context Manager)/001 ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday.mp4 4.5 MB
- 33 - Day 29 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 1)/007 ✐ Student Project Solution.mp4 4.4 MB
- 34 - Day 30 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 2)/005 dictionary.csv 4.3 MB
- 06 - Day 5 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Enumeration and f-strings)/001 ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday.mp4 4.2 MB
- 39 - Day 35 - App 8 Natural Language Processing of Books with Python (Part 2)/004 ✎ Student Project Visualise Your Mood Across Days.mp4 4.2 MB
- 12 - Day 11 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Using Custom Functions)/001 ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday.mp4 4.0 MB
- 55 - Day 48 - App 14 Build a MySQL Student Management System with PyQt/001 ▶️ Today.mp4 3.7 MB
- 15 - Day 14 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Using Local Modules)/001 ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday.mp4 3.7 MB
- 23 - Day 21 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 1)/006 images.zip 3.6 MB
- 18 - Day 17 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Build the App Desktop GUI)/001 ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday.mp4 3.6 MB
- 47 - Day 41 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 1)/001 ▶️ Today.mp4 3.5 MB
- 58 - Day 50 - App 16 Build a Job Application Web App with Flask (Part 1)/001 ▶️ Today.mp4 3.5 MB
- 05 - Day 4 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (List Indexing and Tuples)/001 ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday.mp4 3.4 MB
- 14 - Day 13 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Utilizing Default Args)/001 ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday.mp4 3.4 MB
- 61 - Day 53 - App 17 Build a Job Application Web App with Django (Part 2)/001 ▶️ Today.mp4 3.4 MB
- 19 - Day 18 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Various GUI Styles)/001 ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday.mp4 3.2 MB
- 13 - Day 12 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Multiple Arguments)/001 ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday.mp4 3.1 MB
- 44 - Day 39 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 2)/001 ▶️ Today.mp4 3.0 MB
- 43 - Day 38 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 1)/001 ▶️ Today.mp4 3.0 MB
- 23 - Day 21 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 1)/004 ▶️ Designing the App.mp4 2.9 MB
- 02 - Day 1- App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Variables, Lists, and Print)/002 ▶️ Today's Goals #print #variables #functions #lists.mp4 2.8 MB
- 49 - Day 43 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 3)/001 ▶️ Today.mp4 2.8 MB
- 68 - Day 59 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 2)/001 Today.mp4 2.7 MB
- 37 - Day 33 - App 7 Build a Weather Forecast Dashboard with Python (Part 2)/005 ✎ Student Project Fix the Weather Forecast App.mp4 2.5 MB
- 03 - Day 2 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Methods and While-Loop)/001 ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday.mp4 2.5 MB
- 52 - Day 45 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 1)/002 ▶️ Project Requirements.mp4 2.5 MB
- 70 - Day 60 - App 20 Build and Publish a Python Package/001 Today.mp4 2.5 MB
- 68 - Day 59 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 2)/005 ratings.csv 2.3 MB
- 53 - Day 46 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 2)/001 ▶️ Today.mp4 2.2 MB
- 31 - Day 28 - App 5 Build a Daily News Digest with Python (Part 2)/001 ▶️ Today.mp4 2.2 MB
- 21 - Day 20 - Summary of Python Basics/001 ▶️ Today.mp4 2.1 MB
- 52 - Day 45 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 1)/005 ✎ Student Project - Speed Calculator GUI.mp4 2.1 MB
- 23 - Day 21 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 1)/008 images.zip 1.9 MB
- 26 - Day 24 - App 3 Generate PDF Documents with Python/007 ✎ Student Project Lined PDF.mp4 1.9 MB
- 34 - Day 30 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 2)/005 ✎ Student Project Build a Thesaurus API (Part 2).mp4 1.9 MB
- 37 - Day 33 - App 7 Build a Weather Forecast Dashboard with Python (Part 2)/001 ▶️ Today.mp4 1.8 MB
- 41 - Day 37 - App 9 Build a Webcam Monitoring Email Alert App with Python (Part 2)/001 ▶️ Today.mp4 1.8 MB
- 25 - Day 23 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 3)/001 ▶️ Today.mp4 1.7 MB
- 04 - Day 3 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Match-Case and For-Loops)/001 ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday.mp4 1.7 MB
- 28 - Day 26 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 2)/006 ✎ Student Project Adding Multiline Text to PDF.mp4 1.4 MB
- 34 - Day 30 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 2)/006 Solution.zip 1.4 MB
- 35 - Day 31 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 3)/001 ▶️ Today.mp4 1.1 MB
- 62 - Day 54 - App 17 Build a Job Application Web App with Django (Part 3)/001 ▶️ Today.mp4 1.1 MB
- 59 - Day 51 - App 16 Build a Job Application Web App with Flask (Part 2)/001 ▶️ Today.mp4 1.1 MB
- 65 - Day 57 - App 18 Build a Restaurant Web App with Django (Part 3)/001 Today.mp4 839.0 KB
- 24 - Day 22 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 2)/005 Solution.zip 772.7 KB
- 25 - Day 23 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 3)/006 Current-State-of-the-Program.zip 772.7 KB
- 25 - Day 23 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 3)/007 Solution.zip 772.7 KB
- 24 - Day 22 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 2)/004 images.zip 770.0 KB
- 28 - Day 26 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 2)/001 ▶️ Today.mp4 620.1 KB
- 38 - Day 34 - App 8 Natural Language Processing of Books with Python (Part 1)/001 miracle-in-the-andes.txt 459.5 KB
- 38 - Day 34 - App 8 Natural Language Processing of Books with Python (Part 1)/003 miracle-in-the-andes.txt 459.5 KB
- 38 - Day 34 - App 8 Natural Language Processing of Books with Python (Part 1)/006 miracle-in-the-andes.txt 459.5 KB
- 39 - Day 35 - App 8 Natural Language Processing of Books with Python (Part 2)/002 miracle-in-the-andes.txt 459.5 KB
- 31 - Day 28 - App 5 Build a Daily News Digest with Python (Part 2)/005 Solution.zip 452.8 KB
- 37 - Day 33 - App 7 Build a Weather Forecast Dashboard with Python (Part 2)/005 Current-Source-Code.zip 400.2 KB
- 37 - Day 33 - App 7 Build a Weather Forecast Dashboard with Python (Part 2)/004 images.zip 398.9 KB
- 36 - Day 32 - App 7 Build a Weather Forecast Dashboard with Python (Part 1)/002 App-Design.png 221.6 KB
- 68 - Day 59 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 2)/005 ML-Process.png 203.9 KB
- 21 - Day 20 - Summary of Python Basics/001 Revision-Presentation.pdf 180.4 KB
- 38 - Day 34 - App 8 Natural Language Processing of Books with Python (Part 1)/007 Solution.zip 170.9 KB
- 21 - Day 20 - Summary of Python Basics/001 Revision-Presentation.ipynb 49.9 KB
- 70 - Day 60 - App 20 Build and Publish a Python Package/003 data.zip 47.1 KB
- 70 - Day 60 - App 20 Build and Publish a Python Package/004 data.zip 47.1 KB
- 34 - Day 30 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 2)/003 ▶️ Pandas In-Depth Exploring 200-years of European Weather Data_en.srt 41.8 KB
- 55 - Day 48 - App 14 Build a MySQL Student Management System with PyQt/007 Code.zip 36.7 KB
- 16 - Day 15 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Standard Modules and Git)/004 ⭐️ Bonus Example_en.srt 35.4 KB
- 17 - Day 16 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Third-Party Modules and GitHub)/003 ▶️ Create a Desktop Graphical User Interface (GUI) #desktop-gui #pysimplegui_en.srt 35.4 KB
- 52 - Day 45 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 1)/004 ▶️ Introduction to PyQt6_en.srt 34.9 KB
- 54 - Day 47 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 3)/002 icons.zip 34.1 KB
- 10 - Day 9, App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (If-Elif-Else and Dictionaries)/005 ⭐️ Bonus Example_en.srt 30.8 KB
- 28 - Day 26 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 2)/004 pythonhow.png 30.2 KB
- 28 - Day 26 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 2)/008 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Using the PyCharm Debugger_en.srt 29.7 KB
- 40 - Day 36 - App 9 Build a Webcam Monitoring Email Alert App with Python (Part 1)/004 ▶️ Program the Webcam to Detect Moving Objects_en.srt 29.7 KB
- 19 - Day 18 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Various GUI Styles)/008 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Creating a Standalone Executable_en.srt 28.2 KB
- 18 - Day 17 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Build the App Desktop GUI)/005 ⭐️ Bonus Example_en.srt 27.8 KB
- 23 - Day 21 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 1)/003 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Prototyping with Figma_en.srt 25.9 KB
- 64 - Day 56 - App 18 Build a Restaurant Web App with Django (Part 2)/002 Creating Class-Based Views_en.srt 25.5 KB
- 16 - Day 15 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Standard Modules and Git)/007 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Using Git #git #commit #checkout #reset_en.srt 25.5 KB
- 26 - Day 24 - App 3 Generate PDF Documents with Python/008 Solution.zip 25.1 KB
- 18 - Day 17 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Build the App Desktop GUI)/003 ▶️ Implementing an Edit Button #gui-buttons_en.srt 23.9 KB
- 54 - Day 47 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 3)/004 ▶️ Create an Edit Dialog_en.srt 23.3 KB
- 19 - Day 18 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Various GUI Styles)/005 ⭐️ Bonus Example_en.srt 22.4 KB
- 68 - Day 59 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 2)/004 Extracting Most Similar Movies_en.srt 22.2 KB
- 16 - Day 15 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Standard Modules and Git)/003 ⚛️ Code Experiments_en.srt 21.3 KB
- 63 - Day 55 - App 18 Build a Restaurant Web App with Django (Part 1)/004 Creating the Database Model_en.srt 21.2 KB
- 53 - Day 46 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 2)/005 ▶️ Inserting New Records_en.srt 21.1 KB
- 18 - Day 17 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Build the App Desktop GUI)/002 ▶️ Implementing an Add Todo Button #gui-buttons_en.srt 21.1 KB
- 07 - Day 6 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Working with Text Files)/002 ▶️ Storing Items in Text Files #text-files #read #write #writelines #readlines_en.srt 21.1 KB
- 67 - Day 58 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 1)/005 Popularity-Based Recommendation Model_en.srt 20.2 KB
- 20 - Day 19 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Build a Web App Version)/010 ⚙️Programming ToolConcept of the Day Web App Deployment - Deploy to Heroku_en.srt 20.0 KB
- 48 - Day 42 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 2)/002 ▶️ Credit Card feature #extending #new-feature_en.srt 19.9 KB
- 58 - Day 50 - App 16 Build a Job Application Web App with Flask (Part 1)/004 ▶️Building the Form_en.srt 19.4 KB
- 44 - Day 39 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 2)/004 ▶️ Storing the App Data in an SQL Database_en.srt 19.4 KB
- 44 - Day 39 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 2)/002 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day SQL Databases_en.srt 19.3 KB
- 21 - Day 20 - Summary of Python Basics/004 ▶️ Methods, Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries_en.srt 19.2 KB
- 26 - Day 24 - App 3 Generate PDF Documents with Python/009 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day PEP 8 Style Guide_en.srt 19.0 KB
- 12 - Day 11 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Using Custom Functions)/002 ▶️ Avoiding Repetitive Code #custom-functions_en.srt 18.8 KB
- 28 - Day 26 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 2)/003 ▶️ Add Table from Excel to PDF_en.srt 18.4 KB
- 38 - Day 34 - App 8 Natural Language Processing of Books with Python (Part 1)/003 ▶️ Get Number of Chapters_en.srt 18.2 KB
- 37 - Day 33 - App 7 Build a Weather Forecast Dashboard with Python (Part 2)/004 ▶️ Add Sky Conditions_en.srt 18.1 KB
- 26 - Day 24 - App 3 Generate PDF Documents with Python/002 ▶️ Create a Multipage PDF_en.srt 18.0 KB
- 21 - Day 20 - Summary of Python Basics/008 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Using the Command Line_en.srt 18.0 KB
- 68 - Day 59 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 2)/002 Term Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency_en.srt 17.9 KB
- 19 - Day 18 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Various GUI Styles)/003 ▶️ Final Touches_en.srt 17.8 KB
- 02 - Day 1- App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Variables, Lists, and Print)/003 ▶️ Installing Python and PyCharm_en.srt 17.7 KB
- 56 - Day 49 - App 15 Build an Intelligent ChatBot with ChatGPT and PyQt/004 ▶️ Connect the Chatbot to the GUI_en.srt 17.5 KB
- 05 - Day 4 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (List Indexing and Tuples)/006 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcep of the Day Text Editors, Code Editors, IDE, PyCharm_en.srt 17.4 KB
- 50 - Day 44 - App 12 Learn Code Inspection using the Mario Game App/005 ▶️ Inspecting the Code_en.srt 17.3 KB
- 46 - Day 40 Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python/002 ▶️ Classes and Object Oriented Programming #classes #oop_en.srt 17.2 KB
- 34 - Day 30 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 2)/004 ▶️ API that Returns Weather Temperature Data_en.srt 17.1 KB
- 26 - Day 24 - App 3 Generate PDF Documents with Python/003 ▶️ From CSV to PDF #pandas_en.srt 17.0 KB
- 25 - Day 23 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 3)/004 ▶️ Send Email_en.srt 17.0 KB
- 16 - Day 15 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Standard Modules and Git)/002 ▶️ Add a Date Feature #standard-modules #time #constants #if-name-equal-main_en.srt 17.0 KB
- 21 - Day 20 - Summary of Python Basics/007 ▶️ Errors, Comments, Modules, Libraries, Web and Desktop GUIs_en.srt 16.8 KB
- 33 - Day 29 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 1)/004 ▶️ Build a REST API_en.srt 16.2 KB
- 70 - Day 60 - App 20 Build and Publish a Python Package/005 Uploading the Package to PyPi_en.srt 16.2 KB
- 20 - Day 19 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Build a Web App Version)/002 ▶️ Create a Web App #streamlit #title #subheader #checkbox_en.srt 16.1 KB
- 05 - Day 4 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (List Indexing and Tuples)/002 ▶️ Add an Edit Feature #type-conversion #list-indexing_en.srt 16.1 KB
- 59 - Day 51 - App 16 Build a Job Application Web App with Flask (Part 2)/002 ▶️ Getting the User Data_en.srt 16.1 KB
- 33 - Day 29 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 1)/002 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day HTML Tutorial_en.srt 16.1 KB
- 15 - Day 14 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Using Local Modules)/003 ▶️ Anatomy of Python_en.srt 15.6 KB
- 46 - Day 40 Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python/003 ▶️ Class init and self_en.srt 15.6 KB
- 68 - Day 59 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 2)/006 Training and Using the Model to Predict_en.srt 15.4 KB
- 55 - Day 48 - App 14 Build a MySQL Student Management System with PyQt/006 ⚙️ Programming Skill of the Day - MySQL Command Line Tutorial_en.srt 15.3 KB
- 40 - Day 36 - App 9 Build a Webcam Monitoring Email Alert App with Python (Part 1)/003 ▶️ Capture Webcam Video_en.srt 15.3 KB
- 41 - Day 37 - App 9 Build a Webcam Monitoring Email Alert App with Python (Part 2)/003 ▶️ Send Email with Attachment_en.srt 15.2 KB
- 34 - Day 30 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 2)/002 ⚙️ Programming Tool of the Day Jupyter Lab Tutorial_en.srt 15.1 KB
- 18 - Day 17 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Build the App Desktop GUI)/008 Programming ToolConcept of the Day Clone a Remote Github Repository #git-clone_en.srt 15.0 KB
- 60 - Day 52 - App 17 Build a Job Application Web App with Django (Part 1)/003 ▶️ Setting up Database Models_en.srt 15.0 KB
- 37 - Day 33 - App 7 Build a Weather Forecast Dashboard with Python (Part 2)/003 ▶️ Filtering Forecast Data_en.srt 15.0 KB
- 48 - Day 42 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 2)/003 ▶️ Secure Credit Card feature #inheritance #new-feature_en.srt 15.0 KB
- 05 - Day 4 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (List Indexing and Tuples)/004 ⭐️ Bonus Example #tuples_en.srt 14.9 KB
- 37 - Day 33 - App 7 Build a Weather Forecast Dashboard with Python (Part 2)/002 ▶️ Getting Raw Forecast Data_en.srt 14.9 KB
- 13 - Day 12 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Multiple Arguments)/003 ▶️ Optimising the Code Further #multiple-arguments_en.srt 14.9 KB
- 33 - Day 29 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 1)/003 ▶️ Build a Website with Flask_en.srt 14.8 KB
- 35 - Day 31 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 3)/004 ▶️ URL Endpoints for All Data and Annual Data_en.srt 14.8 KB
- 54 - Day 47 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 3)/005 ▶️ Create a Delete Dialog_en.srt 14.7 KB
- 24 - Day 22 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 2)/002 ▶️ Add Thumbnail Titles to the Webpage_en.srt 14.7 KB
- 10 - Day 9, App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (If-Elif-Else and Dictionaries)/002 ▶️ Improving the Add Feature #if-conditionals #slicing_en.srt 14.6 KB
- 36 - Day 32 - App 7 Build a Weather Forecast Dashboard with Python (Part 1)/003 ▶️ Plotting Data Dynamically_en.srt 14.6 KB
- 49 - Day 43 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 3)/006 ▶️ Magic Methods_en.srt 14.5 KB
- 21 - Day 20 - Summary of Python Basics/003 ▶️ Objects, Variables, Functions_en.srt 14.5 KB
- 58 - Day 50 - App 16 Build a Job Application Web App with Flask (Part 1)/005 ▶️ Bootstrap Style_en.srt 14.4 KB
- 25 - Day 23 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 3)/005 ▶️ Send Email Via the Web Form_en.srt 14.3 KB
- 56 - Day 49 - App 15 Build an Intelligent ChatBot with ChatGPT and PyQt/002 ▶️ Creating the Chatbot GUI_en.srt 14.2 KB
- 20 - Day 19 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Build a Web App Version)/006 ⚛️ Code Experiments_en.srt 14.0 KB
- 70 - Day 60 - App 20 Build and Publish a Python Package/004 Testing the Package_en.srt 13.8 KB
- 53 - Day 46 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 2)/004 ▶️ Populate Table with Data_en.srt 13.8 KB
- 27 - Day 25 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 1)/007 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Zen of Python_en.srt 13.7 KB
- 15 - Day 14 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Using Local Modules)/002 ▶️ Organising the Code in Modules #modules #import_en.srt 13.6 KB
- 55 - Day 48 - App 14 Build a MySQL Student Management System with PyQt/007 ▶️ Implement MySQL in Python_en.srt 13.5 KB
- 43 - Day 38 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 1)/005 ▶️ Storing the Extracted Data in Text Files_en.srt 13.5 KB
- 44 - Day 39 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 2)/003 ▶️ Select, Add, and Delete SQL Data_en.srt 13.3 KB
- 65 - Day 57 - App 18 Build a Restaurant Web App with Django (Part 3)/003 Jinja For Loops_en.srt 13.3 KB
- 50 - Day 44 - App 12 Learn Code Inspection using the Mario Game App/002 ⚙️ Programming Tool of the Day - Collaborating #github #fork #pull-request_en.srt 13.3 KB
- 38 - Day 34 - App 8 Natural Language Processing of Books with Python (Part 1)/005 ▶️ Most Common Words_en.srt 13.3 KB
- 20 - Day 19 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Build a Web App Version)/005 ▶️ Deploying the Web App to the Cloud_en.srt 13.2 KB
- 20 - Day 19 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Build a Web App Version)/003 ▶️ Adding New Todo Items on the Web App_en.srt 13.2 KB
- 20 - Day 19 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Build a Web App Version)/007 ⭐️ Bonus Example_en.srt 13.2 KB
- 07 - Day 6 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Working with Text Files)/006 ⭐️ Bonus Example_en.srt 13.2 KB
- 14 - Day 13 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Utilizing Default Args)/005 ⭐️ Bonus Example_en.srt 13.2 KB
- 61 - Day 53 - App 17 Build a Job Application Web App with Django (Part 2)/003 ▶️ Creating a Form Model_en.srt 13.1 KB
- 47 - Day 41 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 1)/006 ▶️ Implement the Methods of the Hotel Class_en.srt 13.1 KB
- 05 - Day 4 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (List Indexing and Tuples)/003 ⚛️ Coding Experiments_en.srt 13.1 KB
- 14 - Day 13 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Utilizing Default Args)/002 ▶️ Optimising the Code #default-arguments_en.srt 13.1 KB
- 65 - Day 57 - App 18 Build a Restaurant Web App with Django (Part 3)/006 Adding Bootstrap_en.srt 13.0 KB
- 38 - Day 34 - App 8 Natural Language Processing of Books with Python (Part 1)/004 ▶️ Extract Certain Sentences_en.srt 13.0 KB
- 24 - Day 22 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 2)/006 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Coding without an IDE_en.srt 12.9 KB
- 36 - Day 32 - App 7 Build a Weather Forecast Dashboard with Python (Part 1)/002 ▶️ Coding the User Interface_en.srt 12.9 KB
- 54 - Day 47 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 3)/003 ▶️ Add the Status Bar_en.srt 12.7 KB
- 70 - Day 60 - App 20 Build and Publish a Python Package/003 Preparing the Code of the Package_en.srt 12.7 KB
- 59 - Day 51 - App 16 Build a Job Application Web App with Flask (Part 2)/003 ▶️ Creating a Database_en.srt 12.5 KB
- 40 - Day 36 - App 9 Build a Webcam Monitoring Email Alert App with Python (Part 1)/002 ⚙Programming ToolConcept of the Day Images from a Computer Science Perspective_en.srt 12.3 KB
- 13 - Day 12 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Multiple Arguments)/005 ⭐️ Bonus Example_en.srt 12.3 KB
- 60 - Day 52 - App 17 Build a Job Application Web App with Django (Part 1)/004 ▶️ Creating a View and a Template_en.srt 12.1 KB
- 41 - Day 37 - App 9 Build a Webcam Monitoring Email Alert App with Python (Part 2)/005 ▶️ Threading in Python_en.srt 12.0 KB
- 08 - Day 7 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (List Comprehension and Comments)/006 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Usages of Python in Real Life_en.srt 12.0 KB
- 53 - Day 46 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 2)/004 database.db 12.0 KB
- 31 - Day 28 - App 5 Build a Daily News Digest with Python (Part 2)/006 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Using PythonAnywhere PaaS_en.srt 11.9 KB
- 54 - Day 47 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 3)/007 ⚙️ Programming Skill of the Day - Refactoring_en.srt 11.9 KB
- 62 - Day 54 - App 17 Build a Job Application Web App with Django (Part 3)/004 ▶️ Creating a Base Template_en.srt 11.8 KB
- 40 - Day 36 - App 9 Build a Webcam Monitoring Email Alert App with Python (Part 1)/005 ▶️ Trigger Action when the Webcam Detects an Object_en.srt 11.8 KB
- 10 - Day 9, App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (If-Elif-Else and Dictionaries)/003 ▶️ Optimising the Program #elif #else_en.srt 11.8 KB
- 27 - Day 25 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 1)/004 ▶️ Create a PDF for Each Excel File_en.srt 11.6 KB
- 43 - Day 38 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 1)/004 ▶️ Extracting Data from the Scraped Content_en.srt 11.5 KB
- 09 - Day 8 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (With-Context Manager)/003 ▶️ Editing and Completing Todo Items #with-context-manager_en.srt 11.5 KB
- 60 - Day 52 - App 17 Build a Job Application Web App with Django (Part 1)/002 ▶️ Setting up a Django Project and an App_en.srt 11.4 KB
- 65 - Day 57 - App 18 Build a Restaurant Web App with Django (Part 3)/005 Adding Dynamic Links_en.srt 11.4 KB
- 06 - Day 5 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Enumeration and f-strings)/009 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day How to Ask Good Programming Questions_en.srt 11.4 KB
- 31 - Day 28 - App 5 Build a Daily News Digest with Python (Part 2)/002 ▶️ Five Program Refinements_en.srt 11.4 KB
- 02 - Day 1- App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Variables, Lists, and Print)/006 ▶️ Getting User Input #input #variables_en.srt 11.3 KB
- 55 - Day 48 - App 14 Build a MySQL Student Management System with PyQt/004 ▶️ Installing MySQL on Mac_en.srt 11.3 KB
- 15 - Day 14 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Using Local Modules)/007 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day What is Version Control and Git #git_en.srt 11.2 KB
- 12 - Day 11 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Using Custom Functions)/004 ⭐️ Bonus Example_en.srt 11.1 KB
- 26 - Day 24 - App 3 Generate PDF Documents with Python/004 ▶️ Add More Pages to PDF_en.srt 11.0 KB
- 39 - Day 35 - App 8 Natural Language Processing of Books with Python (Part 2)/003 ▶️ Most PositiveNegative Chapters_en.srt 11.0 KB
- 30 - Day 27 - App 5 Build a Daily News Digest with Python (Part 1)/004 ▶️ Getting Data from an API_en.srt 11.0 KB
- 24 - Day 22 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 2)/003 ▶️ Add Descriptions, Images, and Links to the Webpage_en.srt 11.0 KB
- 47 - Day 41 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 1)/005 ▶️ Create Instances_en.srt 11.0 KB
- 59 - Day 51 - App 16 Build a Job Application Web App with Flask (Part 2)/006 ▶️ Sending a Confirmation Email_en.srt 10.9 KB
- 11 - Day 10 App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Robust Code with Try-Except)/007 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Cloud IDEs_en.srt 10.9 KB
- 06 - Day 5 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Enumeration and f-strings)/006 ⚛️ Code Experiments_en.srt 10.9 KB
- 65 - Day 57 - App 18 Build a Restaurant Web App with Django (Part 3)/002 Creating an Admin Interface and Adding Data_en.srt 10.8 KB
- 03 - Day 2 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Methods and While-Loop)/004 ▶️ Storing User Input Repeatedly #methods_en.srt 10.8 KB
- 08 - Day 7 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (List Comprehension and Comments)/002 ▶️ Improving the Program Output #list-comprehensions_en.srt 10.8 KB
- 25 - Day 23 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 3)/003 ▶️ Webforms_en.srt 10.6 KB
- 50 - Day 44 - App 12 Learn Code Inspection using the Mario Game App/004 ▶️ Inspecting the Project Structure_en.srt 10.6 KB
- 56 - Day 49 - App 15 Build an Intelligent ChatBot with ChatGPT and PyQt/003 ▶️ Create the GPT Chatbot_en.srt 10.5 KB
- 43 - Day 38 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 1)/003 ▶️ Scraping a Webpage_en.srt 10.4 KB
- 30 - Day 27 - App 5 Build a Daily News Digest with Python (Part 1)/003 ▶️ URL Requests with Python_en.srt 10.3 KB
- 13 - Day 12 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Multiple Arguments)/002 ▶️ Optimising the Code #function-arguments_en.srt 10.3 KB
- 47 - Day 41 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 1)/007 ▶️ Implement the Methods of the Reservation Ticket Class_en.srt 10.3 KB
- 17 - Day 16 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Third-Party Modules and GitHub)/008 ⚙️ Programming Tool of the Day Using Github #github_en.srt 10.3 KB
- 53 - Day 46 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 2)/007 ✐ Solution_en.srt 10.2 KB
- 11 - Day 10 App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Robust Code with Try-Except)/003 ▶️ Anticipating Program Errors #try-except #continue_en.srt 10.2 KB
- 15 - Day 14 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Using Local Modules)/004 ⚛️ Code Experiments_en.srt 10.1 KB
- 25 - Day 23 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 3)/008 ⚙️Programming ToolConcept of the Day Secure Passwords in Environment Variables_en.srt 10.1 KB
- 61 - Day 53 - App 17 Build a Job Application Web App with Django (Part 2)/002 ▶️ Code the HTML of the Application Form_en.srt 10.1 KB
- 61 - Day 53 - App 17 Build a Job Application Web App with Django (Part 2)/005 ▶️ Send an Email with Django_en.srt 10.0 KB
- 55 - Day 48 - App 14 Build a MySQL Student Management System with PyQt/003 ▶️ Installing MySQL on Windows_en.srt 9.9 KB
- 65 - Day 57 - App 18 Build a Restaurant Web App with Django (Part 3)/004 Jinja If Conditionals_en.srt 9.9 KB
- 20 - Day 19 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Build a Web App Version)/004 ▶️ Completing Todo Items on the Web App_en.srt 9.8 KB
- 19 - Day 18 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Various GUI Styles)/002 ▶️ Implement Complete and Exit Buttons #gui-buttons_en.srt 9.8 KB
- 06 - Day 5 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Enumeration and f-strings)/004 ▶️ Add a Complete Todo Feature_en.srt 9.8 KB
- 17 - Day 16 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Third-Party Modules and GitHub)/005 ⭐️ Bonus Example_en.srt 9.6 KB
- 07 - Day 6 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Working with Text Files)/005 ⚛️ Code Experiments_en.srt 9.6 KB
- 53 - Day 46 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 2)/002 ▶️ Add a Menu Bar_en.srt 9.3 KB
- 03 - Day 2 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Methods and While-Loop)/010 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day How to Find the Code You Need_en.srt 9.3 KB
- 12 - Day 11 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Using Custom Functions)/003 ⚛️ Code Experiments_en.srt 9.3 KB
- 26 - Day 24 - App 3 Generate PDF Documents with Python/005 ▶️ Add Footer_en.srt 9.2 KB
- 54 - Day 47 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 3)/002 ▶️ Add the Toolbar_en.srt 9.2 KB
- 10 - Day 9, App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (If-Elif-Else and Dictionaries)/004 ⚛️ Code Experiments_en.srt 9.1 KB
- 30 - Day 27 - App 5 Build a Daily News Digest with Python (Part 1)/006 ✐ Student Project Solution_en.srt 9.0 KB
- 67 - Day 58 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 1)/004 Project Setup on Deepnote_en.srt 9.0 KB
- 23 - Day 21 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 1)/006 ▶️ The App Data Source_en.srt 9.0 KB
- 02 - Day 1- App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Variables, Lists, and Print)/008 ⚛️ Coding Experiments_en.srt 8.9 KB
- 02 - Day 1- App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Variables, Lists, and Print)/005 ▶️ Create and Run Your First Python Program #print #strings_en.srt 8.9 KB
- 68 - Day 59 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 2)/003 Similarity matrix.cmproj_en.srt 8.9 KB
- 03 - Day 2 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Methods and While-Loop)/006 ⭐️ Bonus Example_en.srt 8.8 KB
- 23 - Day 21 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 1)/007 ▶️ Create a Multi-Column Webpage_en.srt 8.8 KB
- 15 - Day 14 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Using Local Modules)/005 ⭐️ Bonus Examples_en.srt 8.8 KB
- 28 - Day 26 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 2)/004 ▶️ Add Table Header and Total Price_en.srt 8.8 KB
- 41 - Day 37 - App 9 Build a Webcam Monitoring Email Alert App with Python (Part 2)/002 ▶️ Extract Images from Webcam Video_en.srt 8.8 KB
- 11 - Day 10 App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Robust Code with Try-Except)/002 ▶️ Fixing Two Bugs in the Program #bugs_en.srt 8.8 KB
- 09 - Day 8 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (With-Context Manager)/004 ⚛️ Code Experiments_en.srt 8.6 KB
- 68 - Day 59 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 2)/002 movies-small.csv 8.6 KB
- 14 - Day 13 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Utilizing Default Args)/007 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Python Versions Explained_en.srt 8.6 KB
- 35 - Day 31 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 3)/003 ▶️ Show Data Table on the Webpage_en.srt 8.6 KB
- 23 - Day 21 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 1)/005 ▶️ Setting up the PyCharm Project and Git_en.srt 8.5 KB
- 59 - Day 51 - App 16 Build a Job Application Web App with Flask (Part 2)/004 ▶️ Storing the User Data in the Database_en.srt 8.4 KB
- 09 - Day 8 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (With-Context Manager)/005 ⭐️ Bonus Example_en.srt 8.3 KB
- 39 - Day 35 - App 8 Natural Language Processing of Books with Python (Part 2)/002 ▶️ Most Used Non-Stop Words_en.srt 8.3 KB
- 02 - Day 1- App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Variables, Lists, and Print)/007 ▶️ Storing User Input #lists_en.srt 8.2 KB
- 21 - Day 20 - Summary of Python Basics/006 ▶️ External Files, List Comprehensions_en.srt 8.2 KB
- 59 - Day 51 - App 16 Build a Job Application Web App with Flask (Part 2)/005 ▶️ Showing Submission Notification_en.srt 8.2 KB
- 62 - Day 54 - App 17 Build a Job Application Web App with Django (Part 3)/005 ▶️ Adding the Navigation Bar_en.srt 8.1 KB
- 14 - Day 13 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Utilizing Default Args)/003 ▶️ Documenting the Code #doc-strings_en.srt 8.1 KB
- 27 - Day 25 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 1)/003 ▶️ Load a Data from Excel to Python_en.srt 8.1 KB
- 11 - Day 10 App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Robust Code with Try-Except)/004 ⚛️ Code Experiments_en.srt 8.1 KB
- 44 - Day 39 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 2)/003 data.db 8.0 KB
- 46 - Day 40 Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python/002 data.db 8.0 KB
- 27 - Day 25 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 1)/002 ▶️ Setting up the Project_en.srt 8.0 KB
- 18 - Day 17 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Build the App Desktop GUI)/004 ⚛️ Code Experiments_en.srt 8.0 KB
- 49 - Day 43 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 3)/002 ▶️ Instance Variables Vs. Class Variables_en.srt 7.9 KB
- 49 - Day 43 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 3)/007 ▶️ Abstract Classes and Abstract Methods_en.srt 7.9 KB
- 11 - Day 10 App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Robust Code with Try-Except)/005 ⭐️ Bonus Example_en.srt 7.9 KB
- 38 - Day 34 - App 8 Natural Language Processing of Books with Python (Part 1)/007 ✐ Student Project Solution_en.srt 7.9 KB
- 03 - Day 2 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Methods and While-Loop)/002 ▶️ Getting User Input Repeatedly #while-loop_en.srt 7.7 KB
- 21 - Day 20 - Summary of Python Basics/005 ▶️ Code Blocks, f-strings_en.srt 7.7 KB
- 62 - Day 54 - App 17 Build a Job Application Web App with Django (Part 3)/002 ▶️ Creating an Admin Interface_en.srt 7.6 KB
- 24 - Day 22 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 2)/005 ✐ Student Project Solution_en.srt 7.6 KB
- 04 - Day 3 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Match-Case and For-Loops)/005 ⚛️ Code Experiments_en.srt 7.6 KB
- 04 - Day 3 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Match-Case and For-Loops)/002 ▶️ Todo List View and Program Exit #match-case_en.srt 7.5 KB
- 58 - Day 50 - App 16 Build a Job Application Web App with Flask (Part 1)/002 ▶️ Creating the App Structure_en.srt 7.5 KB
- 55 - Day 48 - App 14 Build a MySQL Student Management System with PyQt/002 ▶️ MySQL vs SQLite_en.srt 7.5 KB
- 02 - Day 1- App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Variables, Lists, and Print)/012 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day The Python Console_en.srt 7.1 KB
- 62 - Day 54 - App 17 Build a Job Application Web App with Django (Part 3)/003 ▶️ Customizing the Admin Interface_en.srt 7.1 KB
- 49 - Day 43 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 3)/004 ▶️ Properties_en.srt 7.0 KB
- 35 - Day 31 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 3)/005 ✎ Student Project Analyze a Wine Tasting Dataset_en.srt 7.0 KB
- 49 - Day 43 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 3)/003 ▶️ Instance Methods Vs. Class Methods_en.srt 6.9 KB
- 03 - Day 2 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Methods and While-Loop)/005 ⚛️ Coding Experiments_en.srt 6.9 KB
- 13 - Day 12 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Multiple Arguments)/004 ⚛️ Code Experiments_en.srt 6.8 KB
- 67 - Day 58 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 1)/003 The Movies Dataset_en.srt 6.8 KB
- 06 - Day 5 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Enumeration and f-strings)/007 ⭐️ Bonus Example_en.srt 6.8 KB
- 30 - Day 27 - App 5 Build a Daily News Digest with Python (Part 1)/002 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day API Explained_en.srt 6.8 KB
- 35 - Day 31 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 3)/002 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Data Analysis and Visualization Theory_en.srt 6.8 KB
- 28 - Day 26 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 2)/002 ▶️ Add Date to PDF_en.srt 6.7 KB
- 01 - MODULE 1️⃣ PYTHON BASICS (Day 1 - 20) ↓/001 Welcome to Module 1_en.srt 6.7 KB
- 52 - Day 45 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 1)/003 ▶️ Sketching a Prototype_en.srt 6.6 KB
- 64 - Day 56 - App 18 Build a Restaurant Web App with Django (Part 2)/003 Context in Django_en.srt 6.6 KB
- 31 - Day 28 - App 5 Build a Daily News Digest with Python (Part 2)/003 ▶️ Download a File from the Web_en.srt 6.6 KB
- 04 - Day 3 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Match-Case and For-Loops)/003 ▶️ Improving the Program Output #for-loops_en.srt 6.6 KB
- 24 - Day 22 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 2)/004 ✎ Student Project Create a Company Website_en.srt 6.5 KB
- 19 - Day 18 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Various GUI Styles)/004 ⚛️ Code Experiments_en.srt 6.5 KB
- 28 - Day 26 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 2)/007 Solution.zip 6.4 KB
- 40 - Day 36 - App 9 Build a Webcam Monitoring Email Alert App with Python (Part 1)/006 ✎ Student Project Add Live Timestamp to Webcam Video_en.srt 6.3 KB
- 61 - Day 53 - App 17 Build a Job Application Web App with Django (Part 2)/004 ▶️ Store the Data in the Database_en.srt 6.1 KB
- 58 - Day 50 - App 16 Build a Job Application Web App with Flask (Part 1)/003 ▶️ Connecting the Python Backend to the HTML Part_en.srt 6.1 KB
- 08 - Day 7 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (List Comprehension and Comments)/003 ⚛️ Code Experiments_en.srt 6.0 KB
- 50 - Day 44 - App 12 Learn Code Inspection using the Mario Game App/003 ▶️ Setting up the Project Locally_en.srt 6.0 KB
- 27 - Day 25 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 1)/002 10003-2023.1.18.xlsx 6.0 KB
- 27 - Day 25 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 1)/002 10001-2023.1.18.xlsx 5.9 KB
- 44 - Day 39 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 2)/006 ✐ Student Project Solution_en.srt 5.9 KB
- 27 - Day 25 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 1)/002 10002-2023.1.18.xlsx 5.8 KB
- 39 - Day 35 - App 8 Natural Language Processing of Books with Python (Part 2)/006 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Applications of NLP_en.srt 5.8 KB
- 43 - Day 38 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 1)/006 ▶️ Send Email when New Event is Found on the Website_en.srt 5.7 KB
- 41 - Day 37 - App 9 Build a Webcam Monitoring Email Alert App with Python (Part 2)/004 ▶️ Send Email Attachment when Webcam Detects an Object_en.srt 5.7 KB
- 36 - Day 32 - App 7 Build a Weather Forecast Dashboard with Python (Part 1)/004 happy.csv 5.7 KB
- 36 - Day 32 - App 7 Build a Weather Forecast Dashboard with Python (Part 1)/005 ✐ Student Project Solution_en.srt 5.7 KB
- 07 - Day 6 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Working with Text Files)/011 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Online Python Communities_en.srt 5.7 KB
- 17 - Day 16 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Third-Party Modules and GitHub)/004 ⚛️ Code Experiments_en.srt 5.6 KB
- 06 - Day 5 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Enumeration and f-strings)/002 ▶️ Numbered Todos #enumerate_en.srt 5.5 KB
- 54 - Day 47 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 3)/006 ▶️ Create an About Dialog_en.srt 5.5 KB
- 25 - Day 23 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 3)/002 ▶️ Multipage Web Apps_en.srt 5.4 KB
- 10 - Day 9, App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (If-Elif-Else and Dictionaries)/007 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day High vs. Low Level Programming Languages_en.srt 5.4 KB
- 43 - Day 38 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 1)/009 ✐ Student Project Solution_en.srt 5.3 KB
- 21 - Day 20 - Summary of Python Basics/002 ▶️ PyCharm Review_en.srt 5.3 KB
- 35 - Day 31 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 3)/006 ✐ Student Project Solution_en.srt 5.3 KB
- 09 - Day 8 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (With-Context Manager)/002 ▶️ Optimising the Code #with-context-manager_en.srt 5.2 KB
- 47 - Day 41 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 1)/002 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Class vs Instance_en.srt 5.2 KB
- 02 - Day 1- App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Variables, Lists, and Print)/009 ⭐️ Bonus Example_en.srt 5.1 KB
- 47 - Day 41 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 1)/009 ✐ Student Project Solution_en.srt 5.0 KB
- 68 - Day 59 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 2)/005 Collaborative Filtering with Machine Learning_en.srt 4.9 KB
- 67 - Day 58 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 1)/002 Three Types of Recommendation Systems_en.srt 4.9 KB
- 48 - Day 42 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 2)/005 ✎ Student Project - Spa Hotel Class_en.srt 4.8 KB
- 53 - Day 46 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 2)/003 ▶️ Creating a Table Structure_en.srt 4.8 KB
- 36 - Day 32 - App 7 Build a Weather Forecast Dashboard with Python (Part 1)/004 ✎ Student Project Build a Happiness Data App_en.srt 4.8 KB
- 39 - Day 35 - App 8 Natural Language Processing of Books with Python (Part 2)/005 Solution.zip 4.8 KB
- 17 - Day 16 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Third-Party Modules and GitHub)/002 ▶️ Difference Between Frontend and Backend #frontend #backend_en.srt 4.8 KB
- 27 - Day 25 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 1)/006 ✐ Student Project Solution_en.srt 4.7 KB
- 26 - Day 24 - App 3 Generate PDF Documents with Python/001 ▶️ Today_en.srt 4.7 KB
- 43 - Day 38 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 1)/002 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Web Scraping_en.srt 4.6 KB
- 23 - Day 21 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 1)/008 ✎ Student Project Add Content to the Website_en.srt 4.6 KB
- 47 - Day 41 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 1)/004 ▶️ Code the Classes_en.srt 4.6 KB
- 48 - Day 42 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 2)/004 ▶️ Overwriting Parent Methods_en.srt 4.6 KB
- 25 - Day 23 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 3)/006 ✎ Student Project Contact Us Email Form_en.srt 4.6 KB
- 26 - Day 24 - App 3 Generate PDF Documents with Python/008 ✐ Student Project Solution_en.srt 4.5 KB
- 04 - Day 3 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Match-Case and For-Loops)/008 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day What Surprisingly is Python_en.srt 4.5 KB
- 07 - Day 6 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Working with Text Files)/003 ▶️ Getting Todo Items from Text Files #read-text-files_en.srt 4.5 KB
- 47 - Day 41 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 1)/003 ▶️ Planning the App in OOP Style_en.srt 4.4 KB
- 55 - Day 48 - App 14 Build a MySQL Student Management System with PyQt/005 ▶️ Installing MySQL on Linux_en.srt 4.4 KB
- 34 - Day 30 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 2)/006 ✐ Student Project Solution_en.srt 4.4 KB
- 63 - Day 55 - App 18 Build a Restaurant Web App with Django (Part 1)/002 Creating the App QR Code_en.srt 4.4 KB
- 06 - Day 5 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Enumeration and f-strings)/003 ▶️ Improving the Program Output ▶️ #f-strings #formatting-strings_en.srt 4.4 KB
- 39 - Day 35 - App 8 Natural Language Processing of Books with Python (Part 2)/005 ✐ Student Project Solution_en.srt 4.4 KB
- 63 - Day 55 - App 18 Build a Restaurant Web App with Django (Part 1)/001 Today_en.srt 4.4 KB
- 09 - Day 8 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (With-Context Manager)/008 Programming ToolConcept of the Day Steps of Creating and Maintaining a Program_en.srt 4.3 KB
- 02 - Day 1- App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Variables, Lists, and Print)/001 ▶️ The Four Types of Computer Programs_en.srt 4.3 KB
- 63 - Day 55 - App 18 Build a Restaurant Web App with Django (Part 1)/003 Setup a Django Project and App_en.srt 4.3 KB
- 25 - Day 23 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 3)/007 ✐ Student Project Solution_en.srt 4.2 KB
- 27 - Day 25 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 1)/001 ▶️ Today_en.srt 4.1 KB
- 38 - Day 34 - App 8 Natural Language Processing of Books with Python (Part 1)/002 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Regular Expressions (Regex)_en.srt 4.1 KB
- 23 - Day 21 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 1)/009 ✐ Student Project Solution_en.srt 4.1 KB
- 04 - Day 3 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Match-Case and For-Loops)/006 ⭐️ Bonus Example_en.srt 4.1 KB
- 39 - Day 35 - App 8 Natural Language Processing of Books with Python (Part 2)/004 diary.zip 4.1 KB
- 12 - Day 11 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Using Custom Functions)/006 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Python vs. Other Languages_en.srt 4.1 KB
- 38 - Day 34 - App 8 Natural Language Processing of Books with Python (Part 1)/006 ✎ Student Project Regular Expressions_en.srt 4.0 KB
- 33 - Day 29 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 1)/006 ✎ Student Project Build a Dictionary API (Part 1)_en.srt 4.0 KB
- 14 - Day 13 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Utilizing Default Args)/004 ⚛️ Code Experiments_en.srt 3.9 KB
- 36 - Day 32 - App 7 Build a Weather Forecast Dashboard with Python (Part 1)/001 ▶️ Today #streamlit #webapp_en.srt 3.9 KB
- 13 - Day 12 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Multiple Arguments)/007 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day The Learn-to-Program Curve_en.srt 3.9 KB
- 31 - Day 28 - App 5 Build a Daily News Digest with Python (Part 2)/005 ✐ Student Project Solution_en.srt 3.9 KB
- 27 - Day 25 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 1)/006 Solution.zip 3.8 KB
- 28 - Day 26 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 2)/006 Current-Source-Code.zip 3.8 KB
- 23 - Day 21 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 1)/001 ▶️ Today_en.srt 3.8 KB
- 36 - Day 32 - App 7 Build a Weather Forecast Dashboard with Python (Part 1)/005 Solution.zip 3.8 KB
- 47 - Day 41 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 1)/008 ✎ Student Project_en.srt 3.6 KB
- 41 - Day 37 - App 9 Build a Webcam Monitoring Email Alert App with Python (Part 2)/006 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Applications of Image Processing_en.srt 3.6 KB
- 08 - Day 7 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (List Comprehension and Comments)/004 ⭐️ Bonus Example_en.srt 3.5 KB
- 48 - Day 42 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 2)/006 ✐ Student Project Solution_en.srt 3.4 KB
- 52 - Day 45 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 1)/006 ✐ Solution_en.srt 3.4 KB
- 58 - Day 50 - App 16 Build a Job Application Web App with Flask (Part 1)/001 ▶️ Today_en.srt 3.4 KB
- 52 - Day 45 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 1)/001 ▶️ Today_en.srt 3.4 KB
- 46 - Day 40 Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python/001 ▶️ Today_en.srt 3.3 KB
- 33 - Day 29 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 1)/001 ▶️ Today_en.srt 3.3 KB
- 43 - Day 38 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 1)/008 ✎ Student Project Scrape Temperature Data_en.srt 3.3 KB
- 07 - Day 6 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Working with Text Files)/004 ▶️ How Data Types are Created #types_en.srt 3.3 KB
- 10 - Day 9, App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (If-Elif-Else and Dictionaries)/001 ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday_en.srt 3.3 KB
- 44 - Day 39 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 2)/005 ✎ Student Project Store Temperature Data in SQL Database_en.srt 3.3 KB
- 49 - Day 43 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 3)/005 ▶️ Static Methods_en.srt 3.2 KB
- 20 - Day 19 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Build a Web App Version)/011 ❓FAQ.html 3.2 KB
- 11 - Day 10 App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Robust Code with Try-Except)/001 ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday_en.srt 3.2 KB
- 37 - Day 33 - App 7 Build a Weather Forecast Dashboard with Python (Part 2)/006 ✐ Student Project Solution_en.srt 3.1 KB
- 61 - Day 53 - App 17 Build a Job Application Web App with Django (Part 2)/002 index.html 3.1 KB
- 48 - Day 42 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 2)/006 Solution.zip 3.0 KB
- 40 - Day 36 - App 9 Build a Webcam Monitoring Email Alert App with Python (Part 1)/007 ✐ Student Project Solution_en.srt 3.0 KB
- 08 - Day 7 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (List Comprehension and Comments)/001 ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday_en.srt 3.0 KB
- 39 - Day 35 - App 8 Natural Language Processing of Books with Python (Part 2)/004 ✎ Student Project Visualise Your Mood Across Days_en.srt 2.8 KB
- 43 - Day 38 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 1)/007 ▶️ Running the Program Non-Stop_en.srt 2.8 KB
- 07 - Day 6 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Working with Text Files)/001 ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday_en.srt 2.7 KB
- 23 - Day 21 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 1)/006 data.csv 2.7 KB
- 17 - Day 16 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Third-Party Modules and GitHub)/001 ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday_en.srt 2.7 KB
- 47 - Day 41 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 1)/009 Solution.zip 2.7 KB
- 70 - Day 60 - App 20 Build and Publish a Python Package/002 Description of the Package_en.srt 2.6 KB
- 43 - Day 38 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 1)/001 ▶️ Today_en.srt 2.5 KB
- 34 - Day 30 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 2)/001 ▶️ Today_en.srt 2.5 KB
- 28 - Day 26 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 2)/007 ✐ Student Project Solution_en.srt 2.5 KB
- 27 - Day 25 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 1)/005 ✎ Student Project From Text Files to PDF_en.srt 2.5 KB
- 48 - Day 42 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 2)/005 main.py 2.5 KB
- 71 - Congratulations/001 Bonus Lecture.html 2.4 KB
- 52 - Day 45 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 1)/002 ▶️ Project Requirements_en.srt 2.4 KB
- 27 - Day 25 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 1)/005 Text-Files.zip 2.3 KB
- 40 - Day 36 - App 9 Build a Webcam Monitoring Email Alert App with Python (Part 1)/001 ▶️ Today_en.srt 2.3 KB
- 46 - Day 40 Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python/004 ✎ Student Project.html 2.3 KB
- 23 - Day 21 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 1)/004 ▶️ Designing the App_en.srt 2.2 KB
- 30 - Day 27 - App 5 Build a Daily News Digest with Python (Part 1)/005 ✎ Student Project Email the API Data_en.srt 2.2 KB
- 30 - Day 27 - App 5 Build a Daily News Digest with Python (Part 1)/006 Solution.zip 2.2 KB
- 09 - Day 8 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (With-Context Manager)/001 ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday_en.srt 2.2 KB
- 16 - Day 15 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Standard Modules and Git)/001 ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday_en.srt 2.2 KB
- 53 - Day 46 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 2)/007 Solution.zip 2.2 KB
- 33 - Day 29 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 1)/007 ✐ Student Project Solution_en.srt 2.2 KB
- 03 - Day 2 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Methods and While-Loop)/001 ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday_en.srt 2.2 KB
- 18 - Day 17 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Build the App Desktop GUI)/001 ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday_en.srt 2.2 KB
- 50 - Day 44 - App 12 Learn Code Inspection using the Mario Game App/001 ▶️ Today_en.srt 2.1 KB
- 19 - Day 18 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Various GUI Styles)/009 ❓ FAQ.html 2.1 KB
- 31 - Day 28 - App 5 Build a Daily News Digest with Python (Part 2)/004 ✎ Student Project Astronomy Image of the Day_en.srt 2.0 KB
- 06 - Day 5 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Enumeration and f-strings)/001 ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday_en.srt 2.0 KB
- 67 - Day 58 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 1)/001 Today_en.srt 2.0 KB
- 46 - Day 40 Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python/002 main.py 2.0 KB
- 16 - Day 15 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Standard Modules and Git)/005 ✏️ Coding Exercise 1.html 2.0 KB
- 21 - Day 20 - Summary of Python Basics/001 ▶️ Today_en.srt 2.0 KB
- 05 - Day 4 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (List Indexing and Tuples)/001 ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday_en.srt 2.0 KB
- 53 - Day 46 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 2)/006 ✎ Student Project - Implement the Search Functionality_en.srt 2.0 KB
- 20 - Day 19 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Build a Web App Version)/001 ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday_en.srt 2.0 KB
- 33 - Day 29 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 1)/005 ▶️ Running Multiple Apps_en.srt 1.9 KB
- 52 - Day 45 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 1)/005 ✎ Student Project - Speed Calculator GUI_en.srt 1.9 KB
- 37 - Day 33 - App 7 Build a Weather Forecast Dashboard with Python (Part 2)/005 ✎ Student Project Fix the Weather Forecast App_en.srt 1.9 KB
- 44 - Day 39 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 2)/006 Solution.zip 1.9 KB
- 48 - Day 42 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 2)/001 ▶️ Today_en.srt 1.9 KB
- 60 - Day 52 - App 17 Build a Job Application Web App with Django (Part 1)/001 ▶️ Today_en.srt 1.9 KB
- 07 - Day 6 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Working with Text Files)/012 ❓ FAQ.html 1.9 KB
- 52 - Day 45 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 1)/006 main.py 1.8 KB
- 65 - Day 57 - App 18 Build a Restaurant Web App with Django (Part 3)/006 base.html 1.8 KB
- 38 - Day 34 - App 8 Natural Language Processing of Books with Python (Part 1)/001 ▶️ Today_en.srt 1.8 KB
- 15 - Day 14 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Using Local Modules)/001 ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday_en.srt 1.8 KB
- 20 - Day 19 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Build a Web App Version)/009 ✔️ Bug-Fixing Exercises.html 1.8 KB
- 23 - Day 21 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 1)/002 ▶️ Learning Approach from Now On.html 1.8 KB
- 02 - Day 1- App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Variables, Lists, and Print)/013 ❓ FAQ.html 1.8 KB
- 10 - Day 9, App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (If-Elif-Else and Dictionaries)/006 ✔️ Bug-Fixing Exercises.html 1.8 KB
- 02 - Day 1- App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Variables, Lists, and Print)/011 ✔️ Bug-Fixing Exercises.html 1.8 KB
- 15 - Day 14 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Using Local Modules)/006 ✔️ Bug-Fixing Exercises.html 1.7 KB
- 47 - Day 41 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 1)/001 ▶️ Today_en.srt 1.7 KB
- 55 - Day 48 - App 14 Build a MySQL Student Management System with PyQt/001 ▶️ Today_en.srt 1.7 KB
- 19 - Day 18 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Various GUI Styles)/007 ✔️ Bug-Fixing Exercise.html 1.7 KB
- 14 - Day 13 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Utilizing Default Args)/001 ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday_en.srt 1.7 KB
- 56 - Day 49 - App 15 Build an Intelligent ChatBot with ChatGPT and PyQt/001 ▶️ Today #chatbot #chatgpt_en.srt 1.7 KB
- 12 - Day 11 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Using Custom Functions)/001 ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday_en.srt 1.7 KB
- 58 - Day 50 - App 16 Build a Job Application Web App with Flask (Part 1)/004 index.html 1.7 KB
- 64 - Day 56 - App 18 Build a Restaurant Web App with Django (Part 2)/001 Today_en.srt 1.7 KB
- 06 - Day 5 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Enumeration and f-strings)/008 ✔️ Bug-Fixing Exercises.html 1.6 KB
- 25 - Day 23 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 3)/001 ▶️ Today_en.srt 1.6 KB
- 03 - Day 2 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Methods and While-Loop)/009 ✔️ Bug-Fixing Exercises.html 1.5 KB
- 19 - Day 18 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Various GUI Styles)/001 ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday_en.srt 1.5 KB
- 70 - Day 60 - App 20 Build and Publish a Python Package/001 Today_en.srt 1.5 KB
- 04 - Day 3 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Match-Case and For-Loops)/009 ❓FAQ.html 1.5 KB
- 02 - Day 1- App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Variables, Lists, and Print)/002 ▶️ Today's Goals #print #variables #functions #lists_en.srt 1.5 KB
- 24 - Day 22 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 2)/001 ▶️ Today_en.srt 1.5 KB
- 44 - Day 39 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 2)/001 ▶️ Today_en.srt 1.5 KB
- 65 - Day 57 - App 18 Build a Restaurant Web App with Django (Part 3)/006 index.html 1.5 KB
- 70 - Day 60 - App 20 Build and Publish a Python Package/005 setup.py 1.5 KB
- 13 - Day 12 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Multiple Arguments)/001 ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday_en.srt 1.5 KB
- 61 - Day 53 - App 17 Build a Job Application Web App with Django (Part 2)/001 ▶️ Today_en.srt 1.5 KB
- 15 - Day 14 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Using Local Modules)/008 ❓ FAQ.html 1.5 KB
- 04 - Day 3 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Match-Case and For-Loops)/007 ✔️ Bug-Fixing Exercises.html 1.4 KB
- 34 - Day 30 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 2)/005 ✎ Student Project Build a Thesaurus API (Part 2)_en.srt 1.4 KB
- 18 - Day 17 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Build the App Desktop GUI)/007 ✔️ Bug-Fixing Exercises.html 1.4 KB
- 26 - Day 24 - App 3 Generate PDF Documents with Python/007 ✎ Student Project Lined PDF_en.srt 1.4 KB
- 19 - Day 18 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Various GUI Styles)/004 complete.png 1.4 KB
- 05 - Day 4 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (List Indexing and Tuples)/007 ❓ FAQ.html 1.4 KB
- 43 - Day 38 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 1)/009 Solution.zip 1.4 KB
- 44 - Day 39 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 2)/005 Current-State-of-the-Program.zip 1.4 KB
- 37 - Day 33 - App 7 Build a Weather Forecast Dashboard with Python (Part 2)/001 ▶️ Today_en.srt 1.4 KB
- 12 - Day 11 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Using Custom Functions)/007 ❓ FAQ.html 1.3 KB
- 04 - Day 3 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Match-Case and For-Loops)/001 ⬅️ Recap of Yesterday_en.srt 1.3 KB
- 16 - Day 15 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Standard Modules and Git)/006 ✔️ Bug-Fixing Exercises.html 1.3 KB
- 10 - Day 9, App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (If-Elif-Else and Dictionaries)/008 ❓ FAQ.html 1.3 KB
- 20 - Day 19 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Build a Web App Version)/008 ✏️ Coding Exercise 1.html 1.3 KB
- 49 - Day 43 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 3)/001 ▶️ Today_en.srt 1.3 KB
- 54 - Day 47 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 3)/001 ▶️ Today_en.srt 1.2 KB
- 39 - Day 35 - App 8 Natural Language Processing of Books with Python (Part 2)/001 ▶️ Today_en.srt 1.2 KB
- 06 - Day 5 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Enumeration and f-strings)/010 ❓ FAQ.html 1.2 KB
- 67 - Day 58 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 1)/external-links.txt 1.2 KB
- 68 - Day 59 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 2)/external-links.txt 1.2 KB
- 09 - Day 8 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (With-Context Manager)/006 ✏️ Coding Exercise.html 1.2 KB
- 19 - Day 18 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Various GUI Styles)/004 add.png 1.2 KB
- 68 - Day 59 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 2)/001 Today_en.srt 1.2 KB
- 11 - Day 10 App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Robust Code with Try-Except)/006 ✔️ Bug-Fixing Exercises.html 1.2 KB
- 18 - Day 17 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Build the App Desktop GUI)/009 ❓ FAQ.html 1.2 KB
- 13 - Day 12 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Multiple Arguments)/006 ✔️ Bug-Fixing Exercises.html 1.1 KB
- 17 - Day 16 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Third-Party Modules and GitHub)/007 ✔️ Bug-Fixing Exercises.html 1.1 KB
- 31 - Day 28 - App 5 Build a Daily News Digest with Python (Part 2)/001 ▶️ Today_en.srt 1.1 KB
- 26 - Day 24 - App 3 Generate PDF Documents with Python/006 Tip Ranges.html 1.0 KB
- 14 - Day 13 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Utilizing Default Args)/006 ✔️ Bug-Fixing Exercises.html 1.0 KB
- 49 - Day 43 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 3)/002 main2.py 1.0 KB
- 02 - Day 1- App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Variables, Lists, and Print)/010 ❗️Good to Know #fixing-bugs.html 1.0 KB
- 59 - Day 51 - App 16 Build a Job Application Web App with Flask (Part 2)/001 ▶️ Today_en.srt 998 bytes
- 07 - Day 6 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Working with Text Files)/010 ✔️ Bug-Fixing Exercises.html 976 bytes
- 12 - Day 11 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Using Custom Functions)/005 ✔️ Bug-Fixing Exercises.html 966 bytes
- 05 - Day 4 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (List Indexing and Tuples)/005 ✔️ Bug-Fixing Exercises.html 965 bytes
- 02 - Day 1- App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Variables, Lists, and Print)/004 PyCharm Professional Edition.html 946 bytes
- 28 - Day 26 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 2)/005 ▶️ Multicells.html 910 bytes
- 16 - Day 15 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Standard Modules and Git)/008 ❓ FAQ.html 900 bytes
- 07 - Day 6 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Working with Text Files)/007 Coding Exercise 5.html 892 bytes
- 41 - Day 37 - App 9 Build a Webcam Monitoring Email Alert App with Python (Part 2)/001 ▶️ Today_en.srt 886 bytes
- 35 - Day 31 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 3)/001 ▶️ Today_en.srt 883 bytes
- 26 - Day 24 - App 3 Generate PDF Documents with Python/003 topics.csv 882 bytes
- 28 - Day 26 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 2)/006 ✎ Student Project Adding Multiline Text to PDF_en.srt 877 bytes
- 03 - Day 2 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Methods and While-Loop)/011 ❓ FAQ.html 874 bytes
- 33 - Day 29 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 1)/007 Solution.zip 867 bytes
- 34 - Day 30 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 2)/005 Current-State-of-the-Program.zip 867 bytes
- 08 - Day 7 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (List Comprehension and Comments)/005 ✔️ Bug-Fixing Exercises.html 862 bytes
- 03 - Day 2 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Methods and While-Loop)/003 ❗️ Good to Know #pycharm-theme.html 851 bytes
- 62 - Day 54 - App 17 Build a Job Application Web App with Django (Part 3)/005 navbar.txt 850 bytes
- 30 - Day 27 - App 5 Build a Daily News Digest with Python (Part 1)/001 ▶️ Today_en.srt 845 bytes
- 30 - Day 27 - App 5 Build a Daily News Digest with Python (Part 1)/005 Current-Source-Code.zip 815 bytes
- 17 - Day 16 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Third-Party Modules and GitHub)/009 ❓ FAQ.html 814 bytes
- 62 - Day 54 - App 17 Build a Job Application Web App with Django (Part 3)/001 ▶️ Today_en.srt 807 bytes
- 09 - Day 8 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (With-Context Manager)/007 ✔️ Bug-Fixing Exercises.html 805 bytes
- 65 - Day 57 - App 18 Build a Restaurant Web App with Django (Part 3)/001 Today_en.srt 804 bytes
- 09 - Day 8 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (With-Context Manager)/009 ❓ FAQ.html 772 bytes
- 53 - Day 46 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 2)/001 ▶️ Today_en.srt 754 bytes
- 23 - Day 21 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 1)/008 main.py 742 bytes
- 03 - Day 2 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Methods and While-Loop)/008 Coding Exercise 4.html 737 bytes
- 45 - MODULE 6️⃣ OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING (Day 40 - 44) ↓/001 Welcome to Module 6.html 736 bytes
- 03 - Day 2 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Methods and While-Loop)/007 Coding Exercise 3.html 693 bytes
- 02 - Day 1- App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Variables, Lists, and Print)/014 ◼️ Cheat Sheet.html 674 bytes
- 66 - MODULE 9️⃣ DATA SCIENCE AND MACHINE LEARNING (Day 58 - 59) ↓/001 Welcome to Module 9.html 670 bytes
- 13 - Day 12 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Multiple Arguments)/008 ❓ FAQ.html 651 bytes
- 11 - Day 10 App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Robust Code with Try-Except)/008 ❓ FAQ.html 641 bytes
- 07 - Day 6 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Working with Text Files)/009 Coding Exercise 7.html 613 bytes
- 40 - Day 36 - App 9 Build a Webcam Monitoring Email Alert App with Python (Part 1)/007 Solution.zip 600 bytes
- 15 - Day 14 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Using Local Modules)/005 yesterdays-bonus13.py 547 bytes
- 29 - MODULE 3️⃣ API UTILIZATION AND DEVELOPMENT (Day 27 - 28) ↓/001 Welcome to Module 3.html 528 bytes
- 14 - Day 13 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Utilizing Default Args)/008 ❓ FAQ.html 527 bytes
- 28 - Day 26 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 2)/001 ▶️ Today_en.srt 524 bytes
- 24 - Day 22 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 2)/004 data.csv 506 bytes
- 57 - MODULE 8️⃣ WEB DEVELOPMENT WITH FLASK AND DJANGO (Day 50 - 57) ↓/001 Welcome to Module 8.html 504 bytes
- 42 - MODULE 5️⃣ WEB SCRAPING (Day 38 - 39) ↓/001 Welcome to Module 5.html 483 bytes
- 04 - Day 3 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Match-Case and For-Loops)/004 ❗️Good to Know #discord.html 479 bytes
- 33 - Day 29 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 1)/003 tutorial.html 476 bytes
- 08 - Day 7 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (List Comprehension and Comments)/007 ❓ FAQ.html 473 bytes
- 07 - Day 6 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Working with Text Files)/008 Coding Exercise 6.html 466 bytes
- 06 - Day 5 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Enumeration and f-strings)/005 ❗️Good to Know #Q&A.html 438 bytes
- 43 - Day 38 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 1)/006 send-email.py 427 bytes
- 51 - MODULE 7️⃣ SQL DATABASES AND GUIS (Day 45 - 49) ↓/001 Welcome to Module 7.html 426 bytes
- 19 - Day 18 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Various GUI Styles)/006 ✏️ Coding Exercise 1.html 421 bytes
- 47 - Day 41 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 1)/008 pdf-code.py 414 bytes
- 18 - Day 17 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Build the App Desktop GUI)/006 ✏️ Coding Exercise 1.html 388 bytes
- 46 - Day 40 Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python/005 task5.py 359 bytes
- 22 - MODULE 2️⃣ PYTHON INTERMEDIATE (Day 21 - 26) ↓/001 Welcome to Module 2.html 346 bytes
- 59 - Day 51 - App 16 Build a Job Application Web App with Flask (Part 2)/006 app-config-lines.txt 338 bytes
- 69 - MODULE 1️⃣0️⃣ BUILDING PYTHON PACKAGES (Day 60) ↓/001 Welcome to Module 10.html 333 bytes
- 32 - MODULE 4️⃣ DATA ANALYSIS AND VISUALIZATION (Day 29 - 37) ↓/001 Welcome to Module 4.html 330 bytes
- 46 - Day 40 Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python/005 task4.py 315 bytes
- 17 - Day 16 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Third-Party Modules and GitHub)/006 ✏️ Coding Exercise 1.html 296 bytes
- 19 - Day 18 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Various GUI Styles)/005 compressed.zip 280 bytes
- 46 - Day 40 Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python/005 task3.py 272 bytes
- 58 - Day 50 - App 16 Build a Job Application Web App with Flask (Part 1)/003 index.html 240 bytes
- 30 - Day 27 - App 5 Build a Daily News Digest with Python (Part 1)/003 API-URL-Example.txt 237 bytes
- 67 - Day 58 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 1)/001 Link-to-the-Jupyter-Notebooks.url 231 bytes
- 67 - Day 58 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 1)/002 Link-to-the-Jupyter-Notebooks.url 231 bytes
- 67 - Day 58 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 1)/003 Link-to-the-Jupyter-Notebooks.url 231 bytes
- 67 - Day 58 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 1)/004 Link-to-the-Jupyter-Notebooks.url 231 bytes
- 67 - Day 58 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 1)/005 Link-to-the-Jupyter-Notebooks.url 231 bytes
- 68 - Day 59 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 2)/001 Link-to-the-Jupyter-Notebooks.url 231 bytes
- 68 - Day 59 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 2)/003 Link-to-the-Jupyter-Notebooks.url 231 bytes
- 68 - Day 59 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 2)/004 Link-to-the-Jupyter-Notebooks.url 231 bytes
- 68 - Day 59 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 2)/005 Link-to-the-Jupyter-Notebooks.url 231 bytes
- 68 - Day 59 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 2)/006 Link-to-the-Jupyter-Notebooks.url 231 bytes
- 65 - Day 57 - App 18 Build a Restaurant Web App with Django (Part 3)/006 menu-item-detail.html 223 bytes
- 40 - Day 36 - App 9 Build a Webcam Monitoring Email Alert App with Python (Part 1)/002 array.txt 222 bytes
- 46 - Day 40 Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python/005 task2.py 215 bytes
- 20 - Day 19 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Build a Web App Version)/010 setup.sh 211 bytes
- 21 - Day 20 - Summary of Python Basics/006 book.txt 187 bytes
- 52 - Day 45 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 1)/005 hint.py 174 bytes
- 58 - Day 50 - App 16 Build a Job Application Web App with Flask (Part 1)/005 boostrap-javascript-link.txt 162 bytes
- 43 - Day 38 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 1)/003 headers.txt 153 bytes
- 03 - Day 2 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Methods and While-Loop)/012 ◼️ Cheat Sheet.html 142 bytes
- 04 - Day 3 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Match-Case and For-Loops)/010 ◼️ Cheat Sheet.html 142 bytes
- 05 - Day 4 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (List Indexing and Tuples)/008 ◼️ Cheat Sheet.html 142 bytes
- 07 - Day 6 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Working with Text Files)/013 ◼️ Cheat Sheet.html 142 bytes
- 08 - Day 7 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (List Comprehension and Comments)/008 ◼️ Cheat Sheet.html 142 bytes
- 09 - Day 8 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (With-Context Manager)/010 ◼️ Cheat Sheet.html 142 bytes
- 10 - Day 9, App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (If-Elif-Else and Dictionaries)/009 Cheat Sheet.html 142 bytes
- 11 - Day 10 App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Robust Code with Try-Except)/009 ◼️ Cheat Sheet.html 142 bytes
- 12 - Day 11 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Using Custom Functions)/008 ◼️ Cheat Sheet.html 142 bytes
- 13 - Day 12 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Multiple Arguments)/009 ◼️ Cheat Sheet.html 142 bytes
- 14 - Day 13 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Utilizing Default Args)/009 ◼️ Cheat Sheet.html 142 bytes
- 15 - Day 14 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Using Local Modules)/009 ◼️ Cheat Sheet.html 142 bytes
- 16 - Day 15 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Standard Modules and Git)/009 ◼️ Cheat Sheet.html 142 bytes
- 17 - Day 16 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Third-Party Modules and GitHub)/010 ◼️ Cheat Sheet.html 142 bytes
- 18 - Day 17 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Build the App Desktop GUI)/010 ◼️ Cheat Sheet.html 142 bytes
- 19 - Day 18 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Various GUI Styles)/010 ◼️ Cheat Sheet.html 142 bytes
- 47 - Day 41 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 1)/005 hotels.csv 142 bytes
- 48 - Day 42 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 2)/005 hotels.csv 142 bytes
- 06 - Day 5 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Enumeration and f-strings)/011 ◼️ Cheat Sheet.html 141 bytes
- 20 - Day 19 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Build a Web App Version)/012 ◼️ Cheat Sheet.html 141 bytes
- 46 - Day 40 Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python/005 ✐ Student Project Solution.html 127 bytes
- 0. Websites you may like/[CourseClub.Me].url 122 bytes
- 03 - Day 2 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Methods and While-Loop)/[CourseClub.Me].url 122 bytes
- 19 - Day 18 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Various GUI Styles)/[CourseClub.Me].url 122 bytes
- 39 - Day 35 - App 8 Natural Language Processing of Books with Python (Part 2)/[CourseClub.Me].url 122 bytes
- 52 - Day 45 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 1)/[CourseClub.Me].url 122 bytes
- 66 - MODULE 9️⃣ DATA SCIENCE AND MACHINE LEARNING (Day 58 - 59) ↓/[CourseClub.Me].url 122 bytes
- [CourseClub.Me].url 122 bytes
- 02 - Day 1- App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Variables, Lists, and Print)/015 ❗️Congratulations!.html 114 bytes
- 08 - Day 7 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (List Comprehension and Comments)/external-links.txt 113 bytes
- 48 - Day 42 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 2)/005 cards.csv 108 bytes
- 59 - Day 51 - App 16 Build a Job Application Web App with Flask (Part 2)/004 app-config-lines.txt 105 bytes
- 58 - Day 50 - App 16 Build a Job Application Web App with Flask (Part 1)/005 boostrap-css-link.txt 103 bytes
- 46 - Day 40 Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python/005 task1.py 99 bytes
- 40 - Day 36 - App 9 Build a Webcam Monitoring Email Alert App with Python (Part 1)/002 image.png 97 bytes
- 48 - Day 42 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 2)/002 cards.csv 96 bytes
- 08 - Day 7 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (List Comprehension and Comments)/006 Automate-Everything-with-Python-Course-Link.url 84 bytes
- 07 - Day 6 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Working with Text Files)/external-links.txt 80 bytes
- 17 - Day 16 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Third-Party Modules and GitHub)/external-links.txt 77 bytes
- 47 - Day 41 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 1)/008 articles.csv 76 bytes
- 07 - Day 6 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Working with Text Files)/011 Discord-Invitation-Link.url 71 bytes
- 16 - Day 15 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Standard Modules and Git)/external-links.txt 71 bytes
- 17 - Day 16 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Third-Party Modules and GitHub)/003 PySimpleGUI-Cookbook.url 71 bytes
- 16 - Day 15 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Standard Modules and Git)/002 Python-Module-Index.url 66 bytes
- 16 - Day 15 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Standard Modules and Git)/003 weather.csv 59 bytes
- 0. Websites you may like/[GigaCourse.Com].url 49 bytes
- 03 - Day 2 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Methods and While-Loop)/[GigaCourse.Com].url 49 bytes
- 19 - Day 18 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Various GUI Styles)/[GigaCourse.Com].url 49 bytes
- 39 - Day 35 - App 8 Natural Language Processing of Books with Python (Part 2)/[GigaCourse.Com].url 49 bytes
- 52 - Day 45 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 1)/[GigaCourse.Com].url 49 bytes
- 66 - MODULE 9️⃣ DATA SCIENCE AND MACHINE LEARNING (Day 58 - 59) ↓/[GigaCourse.Com].url 49 bytes
- [GigaCourse.Com].url 49 bytes
- 43 - Day 38 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 1)/003 url.txt 46 bytes
- 24 - Day 22 - App 2 Build a Project Showcase Website with Python (Part 2)/004 topics.csv 44 bytes
- 20 - Day 19 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Build a Web App Version)/010 Procfile 40 bytes
- 48 - Day 42 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 2)/003 card-security.csv 39 bytes
- 48 - Day 42 - App 11 Build a Hotel Booking App with Python in OOP Style (Part 2)/005 card-security.csv 39 bytes
- 07 - Day 6 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Working with Text Files)/007 members.txt 34 bytes
- 46 - Day 40 Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python/002 extract.yaml 29 bytes
- 21 - Day 20 - Summary of Python Basics/006 weather.txt 20 bytes
- 07 - Day 6 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Working with Text Files)/009 a.txt 7 bytes
- 07 - Day 6 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Working with Text Files)/009 b.txt 7 bytes
- 07 - Day 6 -App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Working with Text Files)/009 c.txt 7 bytes
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