Mega Collection of computer science and programming related books
File List
- Databases/Liu L., Ozsu M. (eds.) Encyclopedia of database systems (Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9780387355443)(O)(3818s)_CsDb_.pdf 59.6 MB
- Computer science/Tan J. (ed.) Medical informatics.. Concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications (IGI Global, 2009)(ISBN 1605660507)(2593s)_Cs_.pdf 36.0 MB
- Algorithms/Kelly M.V. (ed.) Proc. 12th annual ACM-SIAM symposium on discrete algorithms (SIAM 2001)(ISBN 0898714907)(600dpi)(T)(O)(952s)_CsAl_.djvu 31.2 MB
- Algorithms/Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM-SIAM symposium on discrete algorithms (SIAM 2001)(ISBN 0898714907)(600dpi)(T)(O)(952s).djvu 31.2 MB
- Algorithms/Smyth B. Computing patterns in strings (PEL, 2003)(T)(ISBN 0201398397)(429s)_CsAl_.djvu 26.4 MB
- Databases/Date C.J. Introduction to database systems (8ed., Pearson, 2004)(ISBN 0321189566)(300dpi)(K)(T)(1033s)_CsAl_.djvu 24.7 MB
- Programming languages/Sebesta R.W. Concepts of Programming Languages (7ed., AW, 2005)(ISBN 0321330250)(600dpi)(T)(738s).djvu 24.3 MB
- Programming languages/Java/Deitel P., Deitel H. Java, how to program (9ed., PH, 2012)(ISBN 9780132575669)(C)(O)(1535s)_CsPl_.pdf 24.1 MB
- Computer science/AI/Sammut C., Webb G. (eds.) Encyclopedia of machine learning (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 0387307680)(O)(1059s)_CsAi_.pdf 23.3 MB
- Computer science/Tucker A.B. (ed.) Computer science handbook (CRC, 2004)(ISBN 158488360X)(2624s)_Cs_.pdf 22.1 MB
- Algorithms/Proceedings of the 18th annual ACM-SIAM symposium on discrete algorithms (SIAM 2007)(ISBN 9780898716245)(600dpi)(T)(O)(1334s).djvu 22.0 MB
- Computer science/Khosrow-Pour M. (ed.) Encyclopedia of information science and technology (Idea Group, 2005)(3256s)_Cs_.pdf 21.8 MB
- Algorithms/Proceedings of the 17th annual ACM-SIAM symposium on discrete algorithms (SIAM, 2006)(ISBN 0898716055)(T)(O)(1261s)_CsAl_.djvu 21.3 MB
- Databases/C. J. Date SQL and Relational Theory 2012(446s).pdf 20.3 MB
- Programming languages/Fritzson P. Principles of Object-Oriented Modeling and Simulation with Modelica 2.1 (Wiley, 2004)(ISBN 0471471631)(600dpi)(T)(O)(917s)_CsPl_.djvu 20.2 MB
- Algorithms/Proceedings of the 15th annual ACM-SIAM symposium on discrete algorithms (SIAM, 2004)(ISBN 089871558X)(T)(O)(1149s)_CsAl_.djvu 19.9 MB
- Algorithms/Proceedings of the 19th annual ACM-SIAM symposium on discrete algorithms (SIAM, 2008)(ISBN 9780898716474)(600dpi)(T)(1295s)_CsAl_.djvu 19.7 MB
- Algorithms/Proceedings of the 16th annual ACM-SIAM symposium on discrete algorithms(SIAM, 2005)(ISBN 0898715857)(T)(O)(1204s)_CsAl_.djvu 19.6 MB
- Programming languages/C++/Deitel P.J., Deitel H.M. C++ How to Program (7ed., PH, 2009)(ISBN 9780136117261)(200dpi)(T)(C)(1090s)_CsPl_.djvu 19.6 MB
- Computer science/Bidgoli H. (ed.) Encyclopedia of information systems, Vol.4 (AP, 2002)(ISBN 0122272404)(652s)_Cs_.pdf 19.4 MB
- TeX/Haralambous Y. Fonts and encodings.. from Unicode to advanced typography (OReilly, 2007)(ISBN 0596102429)(600dpi)(T)(1039s)_ST_.djvu 17.5 MB
- Algorithms/Aho, Sethi, Ullman. Compilers.. principles, techniques, and tools (AW, 1986)(100dpi)(T)(811s)_S_.djvu 17.4 MB
- Computer science/AI/Burstein F., Holsapple C. (eds.) Handbook on decision support systems 1.. Basic Themes (Springer, 2008)(ISBN 3540487123)(908s)_CsAi_.pdf 17.2 MB
- Algorithms/Proceedings of the 14th annual ACM-SIAM symposium on discrete algorithms (SIAM 2003)(ISBN 0898715385)(T)(O)(891s).djvu 16.9 MB
- Programming languages/C++/Pothering G.J., Naps T.L. Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis With C++ (West Publishing Company, 1995)(ISBN 9780314045744)(600dpi)(T)(673s)_CsPl_.djvu 16.7 MB
- Algorithms/Erickson J. Algorithms (web draft, 2011)(O)(809s)_CsAl_.pdf 16.3 MB
- Algorithms/Cormen T.H., Leiserson C.E., Rivest R.L., Stein C. Introduction to algorithms (2ed., MIT, 2001)(K)(T)(ISBN 0070131511)(1202s)_CsAl_.djvu 16.3 MB
- Algorithms/Sayood K. Introduction to Data Compression (1ed., Morgan Kaufmann, 1996)(ISBN 1558603468)(600dpi)(T)(491s)_CsAl_.djvu 15.9 MB
- Programming languages/Hillegass A., Preble A. - Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X, Fourth Edition - 2012.pdf 15.9 MB
- TeX/Morison S. The Typographic Arts.. Two Lectures (Theodore Brun, 1949)(600dpi)(T)(137s)_ST_.djvu 15.9 MB
- Programming languages/Rempt B. GUI programming with Python.. Qt edition (source)_pyqtsrc.tar.gz 15.4 MB
- Algorithms/Witten I., Bainbridge D., Nichols D. How to build a digital library (2ed., Elsevier, 2010)(ISBN 0123748577)(O)(627s)_CsAl_.pdf 15.3 MB
- Game programming/Flynt J.P., Salem O. Software engineering for game developers (Course Technology PTR, 2005)(ISBN 1592001556)(O)(890s).pdf 15.2 MB
- Algorithms/McConnell S. Code Complete (T)(890s)_CsAl_.djvu 15.0 MB
- Computer science/AI/Burstein F., Holsapple C. (eds.) Handbook on decision support systems 2.. Variations (Springer, 2008)(ISBN 3540487158)(856s)_CsAi_.pdf 15.0 MB
- Programming languages/Fortran/Chapman S.J. Fortran 90-95 for scientists and engineers (1ed., MGH, 1998)(ISBN 0070119384)(600dpi)(T)(891s)_CsPl_.djvu 14.5 MB
- Computer science/AI/Shapiro S.C. Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, vol.1.. A-N (Wiley, 1987)(ISBN 9780471629740)(KA)(600dpi)(T)(O)(704s)_CsAi_.djvu 14.2 MB
- Computer science/Bidgoli H. (ed.) Encyclopedia of information systems, Vol.3 (AP, 2002)(ISBN 0122272404)(705s)_Cs_.pdf 14.2 MB
- Computer science/AI/Shapiro S.C. Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, vol.2.. O-Z and Index (Wiley, 1987)(ISBN 9780471629733)(KA)(600dpi)(T)(O)(543s)_CsAi_.djvu 14.1 MB
- Computer science/Bidgoli H. (ed.) The Internet encyclopedia, Vol.2 (Wiley, 2004)(ISBN 0471222011)(O)(875s)_Cs_.pdf 14.0 MB
- Programming languages/Reek K. Pointers on C (no front matter, no TOC, no index)(AW, 1997)(ISBN 0673999866)(600dpi)(T)(O)(609s)_CsPl_.djvu 13.4 MB
- Natural language/Jurafsky, Martin. Speech and Language Processing.. An Introduction to Natural Language Processing (no front matter, no back matter)(2ed., draft 2007)(O)(1044s)_LF_.pdf 13.2 MB
- Game programming/Finney K.C. 3D game programming all in one (2ed., Course Technology PTR, 2007)(ISBN 1598632663)(1117s).pdf 13.2 MB
- Algorithms/Melin P., et al. (eds.) Soft computing for recognition based on biometrics (Springer, 2010)(ISBN 3642151108)(O)(444s)_CsAl_.pdf 12.9 MB
- Game programming/Barron T. Multiplayer game programming (PrimaTech, 2001)(ISBN 0761532986)(817s).pdf 12.8 MB
- Programming languages/Schach S.R. Object-oriented and Classical Software Engineering (7ed., MGH, 2006)(ISBN 0071258493)(400dpi)(T)(642s)_CsPl_.djvu 12.7 MB
- Computer science/AI/Spitzer M. Lernen (Spektrum, 2002)(KA)(de)(600dpi)(T)(528s)_CsAi_.djvu 12.6 MB
- Databases/Garcia-Molina H., Ullman J.D., Widom J.D. Database System Implementation (PH, 1999)(ISBN 0130402648)(600dpi)(T)(671s)_CsDb_.djvu 12.6 MB
- Computer science/AI/Russell S.J., Norvig P. Artificial intelligence.. A modern approach (2ed., PH, 2003)(ISBN 0130303052)(T)(K)(1109s)_CsAi_.djvu 12.3 MB
- Formal methods/van Leeuwen J.(ed.) Handbook of theoretical computer science. Vol.A. Algorithms and complexity (Elsevier, 1990)(600dpi)(T)(ISBN 0444880712)(1010s).djvu 12.2 MB
- Computer science/Bidgoli H. (ed.) Handbook of information security, Vol.3 (Wiley, 2006)(ISBN 0471648329)(O)(1154s)_Cs_.pdf 12.2 MB
- Computer science/Bidgoli H. (ed.) Handbook of information security, Vol.1 (Wiley, 2006)(ISBN 0471648302)(O)(1122s)_Cs_.pdf 12.2 MB
- Computer science/Bidgoli H. (ed.) Encyclopedia of information systems, Vol.1 (AP, 2002)(ISBN 0122272404)(676s)_Cs_.pdf 12.0 MB
- Computer science/AI/Luger G., Stubblefield W. Artificial Intelligence.. Structures And Strategies For Complex Problem Solving(3ed., AW, 1998)(ISBN 9780805311969)(K)(600dpi)(T)(851s)_CsAi_.djvu 11.8 MB
- Programming languages/Sebesta R.W. Concepts of Programming Languages (no TOC)(9ed., AW, 2009)(ISBN 9780136073475)(600dpi)(T)(773s)_CsPl_.djvu 11.7 MB
- Computer science/Bidgoli H. (ed.) The Internet encyclopedia, Vol.1 (Wiley, 2004)(ISBN 0471222011)(O)(881s)_Cs_.pdf 11.6 MB
- Game programming/Finney K.C. 3D game programming all in one (1ed., Course Technology PTR, 2004)(ISBN 159200136X)(O)(849s).pdf 11.6 MB
- Algorithms/Preve N. (ed.) Computational and data grids. Principles, applications and design (IGI Global, 2012)(ISBN 9781613501139)(O)(401s)_CsAl_.pdf 11.5 MB
- Algorithms/Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein. Introduction to algorithms (2ed, MIT, 2001)(ISBN 0070131511)(984s)_CsAl_.pdf 11.4 MB
- Computer science/AI/Russell, Norvig. Artificial intelligence - a modern approach (PH, 1995)(T)(ISBN 0131038052)(947s).djvu 11.3 MB
- Computer science/AI/Luger G.F. Artificial Intelligence.. Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving (5ed., AW, 2004)(ISBN 9780321263186)(K)(400dpi)(T)(912s)_CsAi_.djvu 11.3 MB
- Computer science/Bidgoli H. (ed.) Handbook of information security, Vol.2 (Wiley, 2006)(ISBN 0471648310)(O)(1008s)_Cs_.pdf 11.2 MB
- Algorithms/Kao M.-Y. (ed.) Encyclopedia of algorithms (Springer, 2008)(ISBN 0387307702)(1199s)_CsAl_.pdf 11.1 MB
- Algorithms/Atallah M.J. (ed.) Algorithms and theory of computation handbook (CRC, 1999)(T)(ISBN 0849326494)(1265s).djvu 11.1 MB
- Algorithms/Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein. Introduction to algorithms (2ed, MIT, 2001)(600dpi)(T)(ISBN 0070131511)(984s)_CsAl_.djvu 11.0 MB
- Algorithms/Tanenbaum A.S. Modern operating systems (2ed., PH)(100dpi)(KA)(T)(970s)_CsAl_.djvu 10.9 MB
- Computer science/AI/Wang C., Hill D. Deterministic learning theory for identification, recognition, and control (CRC, 2010)(ISBN 0849375533)(O)(218s)_CsAi_.pdf 10.9 MB
- Computer science/AI/Friedman J., Hastie T., Tibshirani R. The elements of statistical learning.. Data mining, inference, and prediction (2ed., Springer, 2008)(ISBN 0387848576)(809s)_CsAi_.pdf 10.9 MB
- Algorithms/Kao M.-Y. (ed.) Encyclopedia of algorithms (Springer, 2008)(ISBN 0387301623)(1219s)_CsAl_.pdf 10.9 MB
- Computer science/Bidgoli H. (ed.) Encyclopedia of information systems, Vol.2 (AP, 2002)(ISBN 0122272404)(713s)_Cs_.pdf 10.9 MB
- Algorithms/Witten, Moffat, Bell. Managing gigabytes.. compressing and indexing documents and images (2ed., AP, 1999)(ISBN 1558605703)(400dpi)(T)(544s)_CsAl_.djvu 10.9 MB
- Computer science/AI/Jain L.C., Lim C.P. (eds.) Handbook on decision making. Vol 1. Techniques and applications (Springer, 2010)(ISBN 3642136389)(O)(548s)_CsAi_.pdf 10.9 MB
- Algorithms/Mehta D., Sahni S. (eds.) Handbook of data structures and applications (ISBN 1584884355)(CRC, 2005)(1321s)_CsAl_.pdf 10.8 MB
- Computer science/AI/Barber D. Bayesian reasoning and machine learning (CUP, 2011, draft 2010)(ISBN 0521518148)(O)(646s)_CsAi_.pdf 10.8 MB
- Algorithms/Buchberger B., et al. Hagenberg research (Springer, 2009)(ISBN 3642021263)(490s)_CsAl_.pdf 10.7 MB
- Algorithms/Fleischer R., Trippen G. (eds.) Proc. ISAAC 2004, Algorithms and Computation (Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540241310)(600dpi)(T)(C)(O)(957s)_CsAl_.djvu 10.7 MB
- Computer science/Bidgoli H. (ed.) The Internet encyclopedia, Vol.3 (Wiley, 2004)(ISBN 0471222011)(O)(979s)_Cs_.pdf 10.7 MB
- Computer science/Computability/Straubing H. Finite automata, formal logic, and circuit complexity (Birkhauser, 1994)(600dpi)(T)(ISBN 0817637192)(237s).djvu 10.6 MB
- TeX/Mittelbach, Goossens. The LaTeX companion (2ed., AW, 2004)(KA)(ISBN 0201362996)(T)(C)(O)(1119s)_ST_.djvu 10.6 MB
- Programming languages/Python/Lessa. Python developer's handbook (Sams, 2000)(ISBN 0672319942)(1481s).pdf 10.5 MB
- Computer science/AI/Bratko I. Prolog programming for artificial intelligence (3ed., AW, 2001)(ISBN 9780201403756)(600dpi)(K)(T)(702s)_CsAi_.djvu 10.5 MB
- Algorithms/Stevens R. Unix network programming vol.1 (PH, 1998)(T)(C)(1011s).djvu 10.4 MB
- Computer science/AI/MacKay D.J.C. Information Theory, Inference and Learning Algorithms (CUP, 2003)(ISBN 0521642981)(600dpi)(T)(640s)_CsAi_.djvu 10.4 MB
- Natural language/Huang, Acero, Hon. Spoken language processing.. guide to algorithms and system development (PH, 2001)(965s)_Cs_.pdf 10.4 MB
- Formal methods/Bergstra J., Ponse A., Smolka S. Handbook of Process Algebra (Elsevier, 2001)(ISBN 9780444828309)(T)(1357s)_CsAl_.djvu 10.3 MB
- Computer science/Computability/Cowan G., Pines D., Meltzer D. (eds.) Complexity (Perseus Books, 1999)(ISBN 0738202320)(40dpi)(T)(O)(S)(750s)_CsNp_.djvu 10.2 MB
- Algorithms/Nikoletseas S.E. (ed.) Experimental and efficient algorithms (LNCS3503, Springer, 2005)(636s).pdf 9.9 MB
- Databases/C.J. Date, Hugh Darwen, Nikos Lorentzos Temporal Data & the Relational Model The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems 2002 (2)(448s).pdf 9.8 MB
- Computer science/Computability/Blum L., Cucker F., Shub M., Smale S. Complexity and Real Computation (Springer, 1997)(ISBN 9780387982816)(600dpi)(T)(474s)_CsNp_.djvu 9.8 MB
- Computer science/AI/Figueiredo M., Zerubia J., Jain A.K. (eds.) Energy minimization methods in computer vision and pattern recognition (LNCS2134, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540425233)(O)(593s)_CsAi_.pdf 9.8 MB
- Algorithms/Smyth B. Computing patterns in strings (PEL, 2003)(ISBN 0201398397)(600dpi)(K)(T)(C)(O)(436s)_CsAl_.djvu 9.8 MB
- Algorithms/Kordic V. Petri Net. Theory and applications (I-Tech, 2008)(ISBN 9783902613127)(542s)_CsAl_.pdf 9.7 MB
- Algorithms/Sommerville I. Software Engineering (8ed., AW, 2006)(ISBN 0321313798)(865s)_CsAl_.pdf 9.6 MB
- Programming languages/Butenhof. Programming with POSIX threads (AW, 1997)(T)(ISBN 0201633922)(398s).djvu 9.6 MB
- Programming languages/Python/Hetland M.L. Beginning Python.. From novice to professional (APress, 2005)(ISBN 159059519X)(O)(641s)_CsPl_.pdf 9.6 MB
- Algorithms/Salomon D. Coding for data and computer communications (Springer, 2005)(ISBN 0387212450)(600dpi)(T)(549s)_CsAl_.djvu 9.5 MB
- Computer science/AI/Gabbay D.M., Hogger C.J., Robinson J.A. (eds.) Logic Programming, Vol.5. Handbook of logic in AI and logic programming (OUP, 1998)(ISBN 0198537921)(815s)_CsAi_.pdf 9.5 MB
- Databases/Ullman J.D., Widom J.D. A First Course in Database Systems (2ed., PH, 2001)(ISBN 9780130353009)(600dpi)(T)(O)(529s)_CsDb_.djvu 9.5 MB
- Programming languages/C++/Weiss M.A. Data structures and problem solving using C++ (2ed., Pearson, 2003)(ISBN 0321205006)(600dpi)(T)(976s)_CsPl_.djvu 9.5 MB
- Algorithms/Furht B., Escalante A. (eds.) Handbook of cloud computing (Springer, 2010)(ISBN 1441965238)(O)(655s)_CsAl_.pdf 9.4 MB
- Databases/Ullman J.D., Widom J.D. A first course in database systems (PH, 1997)(ISBN 0138613370)(400dpi)(T)(O)(482s)_CsDb_.djvu 9.4 MB
- Programming languages/Proceedings of the third ACM SIGPLAN conference on History of programming languages (ACM, 2007)(484s)_CsPl_.pdf 9.4 MB
- Formal methods/van Leeuwen J. (ed.) Handbook of theoretical computer science. Vol.B. Formal models and semantics (Elsevier, 1990)(ISBN 0262220393)(T)(1264s)_Cs_.djvu 9.3 MB
- TeX/Knuth D.E. The Computer Modern family of typefaces (Stanford Tech.Rep.STAN-CS-80-780, 1980)(600dpi)(T)(409s)_ST_.djvu 9.3 MB
- Algorithms/Sedgewick R., Wayne K. Algorithms (4ed., AW, 2011)(ISBN 032157351X)(O)(969s)_CsAl_.pdf 9.3 MB
- Programming languages/C++/Savitch W. Problem Solving with C++ (7ed., AW, 2008)(ISBN 9780321531346)(600dpi)(T)(1061s)_CsPl_.djvu 9.3 MB
- Programming languages/Schach S. Object-Oriented Software Engineering (7ed., MGH, 2007)(ISBN 007352333X)(O)(578s)_CsPl_.pdf 9.3 MB
- Computer science/AI/Melo-Pinto P., Teodorescu H.-N., Fukuda T. (eds.) Systematic organisation of information in fuzzy systems (IOS Press, 2003)(400dpi)(T)(409s).djvu 9.3 MB
- Algorithms/Smith. Reflective procedural programming (phd thesis)(T)(762s).djvu 9.2 MB
- Algorithms/Mastorakis N., et al. (eds.) Proceedings of the european computing conference. Vol.2 (Springer, 2009)(ISBN 0387848185)(814s)_CsAl_.pdf 9.2 MB
- Algorithms/Tanenbaum A.S. Modern Operating Systems.. International Version (3ed., Pearson, 2008)(ISBN 0138134596)(KA)(200dpi)(T)(1102s)_CsAl_.djvu 9.1 MB
- Computer science/AI/Negnevitsky M. Artificial Intelligence.. A Guide to Intelligent Systems (2ed., AW, 2004)(ISBN 9780321204660)(435s)_CsAi_.pdf 9.1 MB
- Algorithms/Crochemore M., Rytter W. Text Algorithms (OUP, 1994)(ISBN 9780195086096)(600dpi)(T)(427s)_CsAl_.djvu 9.0 MB
- Programming languages/Smart J.F. Jenkins.. The Definitive Guide (O'Reilly, 2011)(ISBN 9781449305352)(600dpi)(T)(C)(O)(406s).djvu 9.0 MB
- Programming languages/Wexelblat R.L. (ed.) History of programming languages, vol.1 (ACMM, AP, 1981)(ISBN 0127450408)(T)(O)(822s)_CsPl_.djvu 8.9 MB
- Natural language/Lobanov B.M., Cirul'nik L.I. Komp'yuternyj sintez i klonirovanie rechi (Minsk, 2008)(ru)(316s)_CsAi_.pdf 8.8 MB
- Algorithms/Zhou Q. (ed.) Theoretical and mathematical foundations of computer science - ICTMF 2011 (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 3642249981)(O)(632s)_CsAl_.pdf 8.8 MB
- Computer science/AI/Ruan D., D'hondt P., et al. (eds.) Applied artificial intelligence. Proc. 7th FLINS conf. (WS, 2006)(ISBN 9812566902)(T)(O)(1019s)_CsAi_.djvu 8.8 MB
- Formal methods/Hopcroft, Motwani, Ullman. Introduction to automata theory, languages and computation (2ed. AW 2001)(T)(ISBN 0201441241)(537s).djvu 8.8 MB
- Algorithms/Holub A. Compiler Design in C (PH, 1990)(ISBN 9780131550452)(600dpi)(T)(984s)_CsAl_.djvu 8.8 MB
- Algorithms/Knuth D. The art of computer programming, vol. 2 (2ed., AW, 1981)(T)(ISBN 0201038226)(704s).djvu 8.7 MB
- Algorithms/Hochbaum D. (ed.) Approximation algorithms for NP-hard problems (PWS, 1997)(ISBN 0534949681)(600dpi)(K)(T)(618s)_CsAl_.djvu 8.7 MB
- Formal methods/Linz P. An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata (3ed., JaB, 2001)(ISBN 0763714224)(600dpi)(K)(T)(425s)_CsAl_.djvu 8.7 MB
- TeX/Bechtolsheim S. TEX in practice. Vol.3. Tokens, macros (Springer, 1993)(ISBN 0387975977)(600dpi)(T)(O)(655s)_ST_.djvu 8.6 MB
- Mobile devices/Neuburg M. Programming iOS 4.. Fundamentals of iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Development (O'Reilly, 2011)(ISBN 9781449388430)(O)(834s).pdf 8.6 MB
- Computer science/Bashe C.J., et al. IBM's early computers (MIT, 1986)(ISBN 0262022257)(600dpi)(T)(735s)_Cs_.djvu 8.6 MB
- Programming languages/C++/Hubbard J.R. Theory and problems of programming with C++ (Schaum's outline, MGH, 1996)(T)(446s).djvu 8.5 MB
- Programming languages/Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides. Design patterns CD(400dpi)(T)(C)(806s).djvu 8.5 MB
- Programming languages/Scott M.L. Programming Language Pragmatics (Morgan Kaufmann, 2000)(ISBN 9781558604421)(K)(600dpi)(T)(866s)_CsPl_.djvu 8.5 MB
- Programming languages/Jung K., Brown A. Beginning Lua Programming (Wrox, 2007)(ISBN 9780470069172)(O)(674s).pdf 8.5 MB
- Programming languages/Bergin, Gibson. (eds.) History of programming languages, vol.2 (AW, 1996)(ISBN 0201895021)(T)(O)(878s)_CsPl_.djvu 8.5 MB
- Formal methods/Bjorner D. Software Engineering 2.. Specification of Systems and Languages (Springer, 2006)(ISBN 9783540211501)(T)(O)(783s)_CsAl_.djvu 8.4 MB
- Computer science/AI/Giarratano J.C., Riley G.D. Expert Systems.. Principles and Programming (3ed., Course Technology, 1998)(ISBN 9780534950538)(T)(KA)(602s)_CsAi_.djvu 8.4 MB
- TeX/Kopka H., Daly P.W. A guide to LaTeX. Document preparation for beginners and advanced users (3ed., AW, 1999)(ISBN 0201398257)(600dpi)(T)(609s)_ST_.djvu 8.3 MB
- Algorithms/Benvenuto N., Cherubini G. Algorithms for Communications Systems and Their Applications (Wiley,2002)(ISBN 0470843896)(T)(1305s)_CsAl_.djvu 8.2 MB
- Programming languages/C++/Pothering G.J., Naps T.L. Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis With C++ (West Publishing Company, 1995)(ISBN 9780314045744)(T)(673s)_CsPl_.djvu 8.1 MB
- Databases/Garcia-Molina H., Ullman J.D., Widom J.D. Database Systems.. The Complete Book (PH, 2001)(ISBN 9780130319951)(T)(1144s)_CsDb_.djvu 8.0 MB
- Formal methods/Bjorner D. Software Engineering 1.. Abstraction and Modelling (Springer, 2006)(ISBN 9783540211495)(T)(O)(735s)_CsAl_.djvu 8.0 MB
- Programming languages/Merz T., Druemmer O. Die PostScript-PDF-Bibel (2ed.)(de)(ISBN 3935320019)(658s).pdf 8.0 MB
- Algorithms/Bednorz W. Advances in greedy algorithms (In-Teh, 2008)(ISBN 9537619273)(600dpi)(T)(O)(596s)_CsAl_.djvu 8.0 MB
- Computer science/Brookshear J.G. Computer science - an overview (9ed., AW, 2006)(ISBN 0321387015)(T)(C)(616s)_Cs_.djvu 8.0 MB
- Game programming/Gregory J. Game Engine Architecture (A.K.Peters, 2009)(ISBN 1568814135)(413s).pdf 8.0 MB
- Algorithms/LaValle S. Planning algorithms (CUP, 2006)(O)(1023s)_CsAl_.pdf 8.0 MB
- Algorithms/Tanenbaum A.S., Woodhull A.S. Operating systems.. design and implementation (2ed.)(KA)(T)(947s)_CsAl_.djvu 7.9 MB
- Algorithms/Vocking B., et al. (eds.) Algorithms unplugged (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 3642153275)(O)(417s)_CsAl_.pdf 7.9 MB
- Algorithms/Booch G., et al. Object-oriented analysis and design with applications(3ed, AW, 2007)(ISBN 020189551X)(717s)_CsAl_.pdf 7.8 MB
- Computer science/AI/Fu K.S., et al. (eds.) Syntactic pattern recognition (Springer, 1977)(ISBN 038707841X)(600dpi)(T)(281s)_CsAi_.djvu 7.8 MB
- Programming languages/Lisp/Eisenberg, Abelson. Programming in Scheme (MIT, 1988)(T)(ISBN 0262550172)(318s).djvu 7.7 MB
- Algorithms/Knuth D.E. The art of computer programming III (AW, 1997)(T)(ISBN 0201038099)(791s)_CsAl_.djvu 7.7 MB
- Algorithms/Knuth D.E. The art of computer programming II (AW, 1997)(T)(ISBN 0201896834)(774s)_CsAl_.djvu 7.6 MB
- Computer science/AI/Bushnell M. Design Automation (AP, 1988)(ISBN 9780121484002)(600dpi)(T)(483s)_CsAi_.djvu 7.5 MB
- Programming languages/Irvine K.R. Assembly language for Intel-based computers (4ed., PH, 2003)(ISBN 0130910139)(T)(731s)_CsPl_.djvu 7.5 MB
- Programming languages/Fortran/Chapman S.J. Fortran 95,2003 for scientists and engineers (3ed., MGH, 2007)(ISBN 0390911976)(600dpi)(T)(O)(988s)_CsPl_.djvu 7.5 MB
- Algorithms/Ershov A.P., Knuth D.E. (eds.) Algorithms in modern mathematics and computer science (Proc., Urgench, Uzbek SSR)(LNCS0122, Springer, 1981)(ISBN 0387111573)(T)(498s)_CsAl_.djvu 7.5 MB
- Computer science/AI/Hsieh W.W. Machine learning methods in the environmental sciences (draft, CUP, 2010)(ISBN 9780521791922)(O)(365s)_CsAi_.pdf 7.4 MB
- Computer science/AI/Klerer M., Reinfelds J. Interactive Systems for Experimental Applied Mathematics (AP, 1968)(600dpi)(T)(485s)_CsAi_.djvu 7.4 MB
- Algorithms/Asano T. (ed.) Proceedings ISAAC 2006, Kolkata, India (LNCS4288, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 3540496947)(782s)_CsAl_.pdf 7.4 MB
- Algorithms/Stankovic R.S., Astola J. From Boolean Logic to Switching Circuits and Automata.. Towards Modern Information Technology (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 3642116817)(600dpi)(T)(C)(O)(214s)_CsAl_.djvu 7.4 MB
- Programming languages/Meyer B. Object-Oriented Software Construction (2ed., PH, 2000)(ISBN 0136291554)(O)(1406s)_CsPl_.pdf 7.3 MB
- Programming languages/Pollard et al. (eds.) High Performance Computing Systems and Applications (Kluwer, 2000)(T)(619s).djvu 7.3 MB
- Computer science/Computability/Burgisser, Clausen, Shokrollahi. Algebraic complexity theory (Springer, 1997)(L)(T)(ISBN 3540605827)(323s).djvu 7.3 MB
- Algorithms/Knuth D. The art of computer programming, vol. 1 (AW, 1ed, 1968)(T)(761s).djvu 7.3 MB
- Algorithms/Knuth D.E. The art of computer programming 4A Combinatorial algorithms, Part 1 (AW, 2011)(ISBN 0201038048)(901s)_CsAl_.pdf 7.2 MB
- Databases/Date C.J. An Introduction to Database Systems.. Volume 1 (6ed., AW, 1994)(ISBN 9780201824582)(T)(863s)_CsDb_.djvu 7.1 MB
- Natural language/Kempen G. (ed.) Natural Language Generation.. New Results in Artificial Intelligence, Psychology and Linguistics (Springer, 1987)(ISBN 9789024735587)(600dpi)(T)(481s)_CsAi_.djvu 7.1 MB
- Algorithms/Aho A.V., Lam M.S., Sethi R., Ullman J.D. Compilers.. Principles, techniques, and tools (2ed., AW, 2007)(ISBN 0321486811)(400dpi)(T)(1038s)_CsAl_.djvu 7.1 MB
- Computer science/AI/Kecman V. Learning and Soft Computing.. Support Vector Machines, Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic Models (MIT Press,2001)(ISBN 0262112558)(400dpi)(T)(568s)_CsAi_.djvu 7.1 MB
- Algorithms/Aho A.V., Ullman J.D. The theory of parsing, translation, and compiling. Vol.1.. Parsing (PH, 1972)(ISBN 0139145567)(KA)(150dpi)(T)(562s)_CsAl_.djvu 7.0 MB
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- Natural language/Mihelic F., Zibert J. (eds.) Speech recognition. Technologies and applications (I-Tech, 2008)(ISBN 9789537619299)(600dpi)(T)(O)(574s)_CsAi_.djvu 7.0 MB
- Computer science/AI/Jang J.-S.R., Sun C.-T., Mizutani E. Neuro-fuzzy and soft computing.. a computational approach to learning and machine intelligence (PH, 1997)(400dpi)(T)(ISBN 0132610663)(640s).djvu 7.0 MB
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- Programming languages/Hillegass A., Preble A. - Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X, Fourth Edition - 2012.epub 6.9 MB
- Computer science/AI/Tanimoto S.L. Elements of artificial intelligence.. an introduction using LISP (1987)(T)(553s).djvu 6.9 MB
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- Algorithms/Mirenkov N.N. (ed.) Parallel computing technologies (WS, 1991)(T)(ISBN 9810206984)(514s)_CsAl_.djvu 6.9 MB
- Algorithms/Resch M., et al. (eds.) High performance computing on vector systems 2010 (Springer, 2010)(ISBN 364211850X)(O)(200s)_CsAl_.pdf 6.8 MB
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- Algorithms/Cousineau G., Mauny M. The Functional Approach to Programming (CUP, 1998)(ISBN 0521571839)(600dpi)(T)(447s)_CsAl_.djvu 6.8 MB
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- Formal methods/Gris D. Nauka programmirovaniya(Mir, 1984)(600dpi)(T)(416s)(ru)(KA)_CsAl_.djvu 6.7 MB
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- Algorithms/Sedgewick R., Flajolet P. An introduction to the analysis of algorithms (AW, 2006)(ISBN 7111186060)(600dpi)(T)(O)(508s)_CsAl_.djvu 6.7 MB
- Algorithms/LaValle S.M. Planning algorithms (CUP, 2006)(ISBN 0521862051)(O)(844s)_CsAl_.pdf 6.7 MB
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- Algorithms/Beveridge J., Wiener R. Multithreading Applications in Win32.. The Complete Guide to Threads (program disk only)(AW, 1996)(ISBN 9780201442342)_CsAl_.rar 6.6 MB
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- Algorithms/Sikkel K. Parsing Schemata.. A Framework for Specification and Analysis of Parsing Algorithms (Springer, 2002)(ISBN 9783540616504)(600dpi)(T)(384s)_CsAl_.djvu 6.6 MB
- Programming languages/Williams A. - CPP Concurrency in Action - 2012.epub 6.6 MB
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- Formal methods/Lectures and papers on computational logic (2008)(758s)-o.pdf 6.4 MB
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- Computer science/Computability/Gurari E. Introduction to the theory of computation (1989)(ISBN 0716781824)(600s).pdf 6.3 MB
- Programming languages/Grune D., Bal H.E., Jacobs C.J.H., Langendoen K.G. Modern compiler design (Wiley, 2000)(K)(T)(ISBN 0471976970)(753s)_CsPl_.djvu 6.3 MB
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- Natural language/Manning C.D., Schuetze H. Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing (MIT, 1999)(ISBN 9780262133609)(O)(717s)_CsAi_.pdf 6.3 MB
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- Formal methods/Bjorner D. Software Engineering 3 (Springer 2006)(600dpi)(T)(774s)_CsAl_.djvu 6.1 MB
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- Formal methods/Berstel J. Transductions and context-free languages (Teubner, 1979)(ISBN 9783519023401)(600dpi)(T)(282s)_Cs_.djvu 6.0 MB
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- Algorithms/Sedgewick R. Algorithms in C++, Parts 1-4 (3ed., AW, 1998)(ISBN 0201350882)_CsAl_.chm 5.8 MB
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- Computer science/AI/Grimshaw D. CPS 720 Artificial Intelligence topics with agents (MIT lecture notes, 2001)(1016s).pdf.gz 5.8 MB
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- Algorithms/Salomon D. Data compression.. the complete reference (4ed., Springer, 2007)(1111s)_CsAl_.pdf 5.4 MB
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- TeX/van Dongen M.R.C. LaTeX and friends (Springer, 2012)(ISBN 9783642238154)(O)(324s)_ST_.pdf 5.3 MB
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- Natural language/Mani I., Maybury M.T. (eds.) Advances in Automatic Text Summarization (MIT, 1999)(ISBN 0262133598)_CsAi_.chm 5.1 MB
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- Algorithms/Purdom R.W., Brown C.A. The analysis of algorithms (CBS, 1985)(T)(554s)_CsAl_.djvu 5.0 MB
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- Algorithms/Edmonds J. How to think about algorithms (CUP, 2008)(ISBN 0521849314)(464s)_CsAl_.pdf 4.8 MB
- Algorithms/Sayood K. Introduction to data compression (3ed., Elsevier, 2006)(ISBN 012620862X)(T)(O)(688s)_CsAl_.djvu 4.8 MB
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- Bash/Robbins A., Beebe N. - Classic Shell Scripting - 2005-o.pdf 4.7 MB
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- Natural language/Cole R., Mariani J., Uszkoreit H., Varile G.B., Zaenen A., Zampolli A. Survey of the State of the Art in Human Language Technology (CUP, 1998)(ISBN 0521592771)(O)(550s)_CsAi_.pdf 4.7 MB
- Algorithms/Ivanyi A. (ed.) Algorithms of informatics, Vol.2.. Applications (Kiado, 2007)(ISBN 9638759623)(573s)_CsAl_.pdf 4.7 MB
- Algorithms/Cooper R.B. Introduction to Queueing Theory (NH, 1981)(T)(C)(361s).djvu 4.7 MB
- Game programming/Zerbst S., Duevel O. 3D game engine programming (Thomson, 2004)(ISBN 1592003516)(897s).pdf 4.7 MB
- Computer science/Computability/Blum L., Cucker F., Shub M., Smale S. Complexity and Real Computation (Springer, 1997)(ISBN 9780387982816)(T)(474s)_CsNp_.djvu 4.7 MB
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- TeX/Goudy F.W. Typologia.. Studies in Type Design and Type Making (University of California Press, 1978)(ISBN 9780520033085)(600dpi)(T)(190s)_ST_.djvu 4.7 MB
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- Algorithms/Ausiello G., et al. Complexity and Approximation.. Combinatorial Optimization Problems and Their Approximability Properties (2pr., Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3504654313)(T)(538s)_CsAl_.djvu 4.7 MB
- Formal methods/Dromey G. Program derivation.. development of programs from specifications (AW, 1989)(ISBN 0201416247)(600dpi)(T)(648s)_CsAl_.djvu 4.7 MB
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- Algorithms/Samet H. The design and analysis of spatial data structures (AW, 1990)(T)(ISBN 0201502550)(499s)_CsAl_.djvu 4.6 MB
- Formal methods/Klark, Gramberg, Peled. (_Clarke,Grumberg,Peled_) Verifikaciya modelej programm.. Model Checking (MCNMO, 2002)(ru)(T)(416s)_CsAl_.djvu 4.6 MB
- Algorithms/Gries D. Compiler Construction for Digital Computers (Wiley, 1971)(ISBN 9780471327769)(600dpi)(T)(508s)_CsAl_.djvu 4.6 MB
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- Programming languages/Alcock D. Illustrating Pascal (CUP, 1987)(ISBN 0521336953)(T)(S)(194s)_CsPl_.djvu 4.5 MB
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- Algorithms/Raman R., Sedgewick R., Stallmann M.F. (eds.) Proc. 8th workshop on algorithm engineering (SIAM, 2006)(ISBN 0898716101)(T)(O)(292s)_CsAl_.djvu 4.5 MB
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- Computer science/Computability/Papadimitriou C.H. Computational Complexity (1994)(600dpi)(T)(540s)_CsNp_.djvu 4.5 MB
- TeX/Kopka H., Daly P.W. A guide to LaTeX. Document preparation for beginners and advanced users (3ed., AW, 1999)(ISBN 0201398257)(300dpi)(T)(608s)_ST_.djvu 4.5 MB
- Algorithms/Manber U. Introduction to algorithms.. a creative approach (AW, 1989)(ISBN 0201120372)(600dpi)(T)(496s)_CsAl_.djvu 4.5 MB
- Algorithms/Arge L., et al. (eds.) Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and 1st workshop on Combinatorics (SIAM, 2004)(ISBN 0898715644)(T)(O)(242s)_CsAl_.djvu 4.5 MB
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- TeX/Kopka H. Einfuehrung in LaTeX, Band 1 (AW, 1994)(de)(T)(ISBN 3893196641)(447s)_ST_.djvu 4.5 MB
- Formal methods/Dejkstra E. (_Dijkstra_) Disciplina programmirovaniya (M.Mir, 1978)(ru)(K)(600dpi)(T)(275s)_CsAl_.djvu 4.5 MB
- Algorithms/von Neumann J. Theory of self-reproducing automata (Illinois, 1966)(ISBN 0598377980)(KA)(200dpi)(T)(403s)_CsAl_.djvu 4.4 MB
- Formal methods/Manna Z., Pnueli A. Temporal Verification of Reactive Systems.. Safety (Springer, 1995)(ISBN 9780387944593)(600dpi)(T)(531s)_CsAl_.djvu 4.4 MB
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- Algorithms/Mehlhorn K. Efficient data structures and algorithms, three volumes (Springer, 1984)(T)(674s).djvu 4.3 MB
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- Algorithms/Advances in Computers, Vol.02 (Elsevier, 1961)(ISBN 9780120121021)(T)(O)(449s)_CsAl_.djvu 4.2 MB
- Algorithms/Kodicek D. Mathematics and Physics for Programmers (Charles River Media, 2005)(ISBN 1584503300)(O)(641s)_CsAl_.pdf 4.2 MB
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- Computer science/Mitchell M. Complexity. A guided tour (OUP, 2009)(ISBN 9780195124415)(O)(366s)_CsPop_.pdf 4.1 MB
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- Algorithms/Brandes U., Erlebach T. (eds.) Network analysis. Methodological foundations (LNCS3418, Springer, 2005)(482s)_CsAl_.pdf 3.9 MB
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- Formal methods/Holzmann G.J. The SPIN Model Checker.. Primer and Reference Manual (AW, 2003)(ISBN 9780321228628)(O)(690s).pdf 3.9 MB
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- Computer science/AI/Rutkowski L. Computational Intelligence.. methods and techniques (Springer, 2008)(ISBN 3540762876)(600dpi)(T)(519s)_CsAi_.djvu 3.8 MB
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- Formal methods/Amadio R., Curien P.L. Domains and Lambda-calculi (draft, 1996)(ISBN 0521622778)(536s)_Cs_.pdf 3.7 MB
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- Algorithms/Binstock A., Rex J. Practical algorithms for programmers (AW, 1995)(ISBN 020163208X)(600dpi)(T)(585s)_CsAl_.djvu 3.7 MB
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- Algorithms/Ivanyi A. (ed.) Algorithms of informatics, Vol.1.. Foundations (Kiado, 2007)(ISBN 9638759607)(579s)_CsAl_.pdf 3.7 MB
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- Algorithms/Pearl J. Heuristics (1984)(600dpi)(T)(401s)_CsAl_.djvu 3.7 MB
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- Formal methods/Harary F., et al. Structural Models.. An Introduction to the Theory of Directed Graphs (Wiley, 1966)(ISBN 047135130X)(600dpi)(K)(T)(426s)_CsAl_.djvu 3.6 MB
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- Programming languages/Haskell/Thompson S. Haskell.. the art of functional programming (2ed., AW, 1999)(KA)(T)(504s).djvu 3.5 MB
- Formal methods/Alexander M., Gardner W. Process algebra for parallel and distributed processing (CRC, 2009)(ISBN 142006486X)(440s)_CsAl_.pdf 3.5 MB
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- Computer science/Computability/Sipser M. Introduction to the theory of computation (PWS, 1997)(ISBN 053494728X)(K)(T)(410s)_CsNp_.djvu 3.5 MB
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- Computer science/AI/Sugihara K. Machine interpretation of line drawings (MIT, 1986)(ISBN 0262192543)(237s)_CsAi_.pdf 3.5 MB
- Computer science/Computability/Arora S., Barak B. Computational complexity.. A modern approach (web draft, 2007)(489s)_CsNp_.pdf 3.5 MB
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- Algorithms/Chu. Speech Coding Algorithms.. Foundation and Evolution of Standardized Coders (Wiley,2003)(ISBN 0471373125)(578s).pdf 3.5 MB
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- Computer science/AI/Pedrycz W., Gomide F. An Introduction to Fuzzy Sets.. Analysis and Design (MIT, 1998)(ISBN 0262161710)_CsAi_.chm 3.5 MB
- Algorithms/Advances in Computers, Vol.21 (AP, 1982)(ISBN 9780120121212)(T)(458s)_CsAl_.djvu 3.4 MB
- Algorithms/Harris S., Ross J. Beginning algorithms (Wiley, 2006)(ISBN 9780764596742)(591s)_CsAl_.pdf 3.4 MB
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- Computer science/Computability/Boerger E., Staerk R. Abstract state machines.. A method for high-level system design and analysis (Springer 2003)(448s).pdf 2.7 MB
- Algorithms/Arndt J. Algorithms for programmers.. ideas and source code (web draft, 19.01.2008)(938s)_CsAl_.pdf 2.7 MB
- Algorithms/Sturm O. Functional Programming in C#.. Classic Programming Techniques for Modern Project (Wiley, 2011)(ISBN 0470744588)(600dpi)(T)(C)(O)(290s)_CsAl_.djvu 2.7 MB
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- Computer science/Ghosh S., Turrini E. (eds.) Cybercrimes.. A multidisciplinary analysis (Springer, 2010)(ISBN 3642135463)(O)(435s)_Cs_.pdf 2.7 MB
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- Programming languages/Iverson K. A Programming Language (Wiley, 1962)(ISBN 0471430145)(600dpi)(T)(303s)_CsPl_.djvu 2.7 MB
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- Natural language/Kao A., Poteet S.R. Natural Language Processing and Text Mining (Springer, 2006)(ISBN 9781846281754)(O)(272s)_CsAi_.pdf 2.7 MB
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- Natural language/Perkins J. Python Text Processing with NLTK 2.0 Cookbook (Packt Publishing, 2010)(ISBN 1849513600)(O)(272s)_S_.pdf 2.6 MB
- Algorithms/Gove D. Multicore Application Programming.. for Windows, Linux, and Oracle Solaris (AW, 2010)(ISBN 0321711378)(O)(463s).pdf 2.6 MB
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- Algorithms/Omondi A., Premkumar B. Residue number systems.. Theory and implementation (ICP, 2007)(ISBN 1860948669)(311s)_CsAl_.pdf 2.6 MB
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- Databases/Abiteboul S., Hull R., Vianu V. Foundations of databases (AW, 1995)(ISBN 0201537710)(O)(704s)_CsAl_.pdf 2.6 MB
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- Programming languages/Kernighan, Pike. The practice of programming (1999)(ISBN 020161586X)(T)(C)(273s).djvu 2.5 MB
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- Algorithms/Mahmoud H.M. Evolution of random search trees (Wiley, 1992)(T)(330s)_CsAl_.djvu 2.5 MB
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- Formal methods/Gries D. The science of programming (Springer, 1981)(ISBN 038790641X)(600dpi)(T)(379s)_CsAl_.djvu 2.5 MB
- Formal methods/Bird R., de Moor O. Algebra of programming (PH, 1997)(ISBN 013507245X)(600dpi)(T)(314s)_CsAl_.djvu 2.5 MB
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- Algorithms/Sedgewick R. Quicksort (Garland Pub, 1980)(T)(353s)_CsAl_.djvu 2.4 MB
- Algorithms/Webber R.E. Analysis of quadtree algorithms (1985)(T)(183s)_CsAl_.djvu 2.4 MB
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- Formal methods/Gill A. Introduction to the theory of finite-state machines (MGH, 1962)(ISBN 0070232431)(600dpi)(T)(218s)_CsAl_.djvu 2.4 MB
- Algorithms/Baader F., Nipkow T. Term rewriting and all that (CUP, 1998)(ISBN 0521455200)(600dpi)(T)(315s)_CsAl_.djvu 2.4 MB
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- Formal methods/Winskel G. Events in computation (phd thesis, Edinburgh, 1980)(T)(O)(294s)_CsF_.djvu 2.4 MB
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- Algorithms/Alagic S., Arbib M.A. The design of well-structured and correct programs (Springer, 1978)(ISBN 0387902996)(600dpi)(T)(301s)_CsAl_.djvu 2.4 MB
- Natural language/Goshawke W., Kelly I.D.K., Wigg J.D. Computer translation of natural language (Sigma press, 1987)(ISBN 1850580561)(600dpi)(T)(292s)_CsAi_.djvu 2.4 MB
- Computer science/AI/Reiter E., Dale R. Building Natural Language Generation Systems (CUP, 2000)(ISBN 9780521620369)(600dpi)(T)(270s)_CsAi_.djvu 2.4 MB
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- Computer science/Computability/Nies A. Computability and randomness (OUP, 2009)(ISBN 0199230765)(450s)_CsNp_.pdf 2.3 MB
- TeX/Kopka H., Daly P. Guide to LaTeX (4ed., AW, 2004)(ISBN 0321173856)(658s)_ST_.pdf 2.3 MB
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- Formal methods/Eilenberg S. Automata, languages, and machines. Volume A (AP, 1974)(ISBN 0122340019)(T)(469s)_CsAl_.djvu 2.3 MB
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- Algorithms/Leiss E. A programmer's companion to algorithm analysis (CRC, 2007)(O)(ISBN 1584886730)(264s)_CsAl_.pdf 2.3 MB
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- Natural language/Mahlow C., Piotrowski M. (eds.) State of the art in computational morphology.. (Springer, 2009)(ISBN 3642041302)(147s)_CsAi_.pdf 2.3 MB
- Algorithms/Rabhi F., Lapalme G. Algorithms.. a functional programming approach (AW, 1999)(ISBN 0201596040)(600dpi)(T)(O)(247s)_CsAl_.djvu 2.3 MB
- Algorithms/Kozen D.C. Automata and Computability (Springer, 1997)(ISBN 0387949070)(600dpi)(T)(414s)_CsAl_.djvu 2.3 MB
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- Formal methods/Hamburger H., Richards D. Logic and language models for computer science (PH, 2002)(ISBN 0130654876)(T)(346s)_CsAl_.djvu 2.3 MB
- Algorithms/Seroul R. Programming for mathematicians (Springer, 2000)(ISBN 354066422X)(K)(T)(445s)_CsAl_.djvu 2.3 MB
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- Natural language/Sag I.A., Wasow T. Syntactic theory.. a formal introduction (1999)(483s).pdf 2.3 MB
- Programming languages/Lisp/Eisenberg M., Abelson H. Programming in Scheme (MIT, 1988)(ISBN 9780262550178)(K)(T)(318s)_CsPl_.djvu 2.3 MB
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- Algorithms/Bird R., Wadler P. Einfuehrung in die funktionale Programmierung (Hanser, 1992)(ISBN 3446170014)(de)(KA)(600dpi)(T)(300s)_CsAl_.djvu 2.2 MB
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- Algorithms/Du D., Hu X. Steiner tree problems in computer communication networks (WS, 2008)(ISBN 9812791442)(373s)_CsAl_.pdf 2.2 MB
- Formal methods/Jacky J. The Way of Z.. Practical Programming with Formal Methods (CUP, 1996)(ISBN 9780521559768)(600dpi)(T)(370s)_CsPl_.djvu 2.2 MB
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- Computer science/Computability/Cooper S.B., Sorbi A. (eds.) Computability in context. Computation and logic in the real world (WS, 2009)(ISBN 1848162456)(O)(419s)_CsNp_.pdf 2.2 MB
- Algorithms/Stobo J. Problem Solving With Prolog (CRC, 1989)(ISBN 9780273029335)(O)(325s)_CsAl_.pdf 2.2 MB
- Algorithms/Advances in Computers, Vol.30 (Elsevier, 1990)(ISBN 9780120121304)(T)(O)(343s)_CsAl_.djvu 2.2 MB
- Formal methods/Wood D. Grammars and L-forms.. an introduction (LNCS0091, Springer, 1980)(ISBN 3540102337)(T)(323s)_CsAl_.djvu 2.2 MB
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- Algorithms/Miczo A. Digital logic testing and simulation (Wiley, 2003)(ISBN 0471439959)(688s)_CsAl_.pdf 2.2 MB
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- Natural language/Georgiev H. Language Engineering (program code).zip 2.2 MB
- Algorithms/Levitin A. Introduction to the design and analysis of algorithms (3ed., AW, 2011)(ISBN 0132316811)(O)(593s)_CsAl_.pdf 2.2 MB
- Algorithms/Nijenhuis N., Wilf H.S. Combinatorial algorithms for computers and calculators (2006)(T)(316s)_CsAl_.djvu 2.2 MB
- Algorithms/Berard B., Bidoit M., Finkel A., et al. (eds.) Systems and software verification (Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540415238)(T)(204s)_CsAl_.djvu 2.2 MB
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- Algorithms/Mikolajczak B. (ed.) Algebraic and structural automata theory (Ann. of discr. math. 44)(NH, 1991)(ISBN 0444874585)(T)(424s)_CsAl_.djvu 2.2 MB
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- Algorithms/Doerr H. Efficient graph rewriting and its implementation (LNCS0922, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540600558)(T)(269s)_CsAl_.djvu 2.1 MB
- TeX/Spivak M. LAmS-TeX.. the synthesis (TeXplorators, 1989)(ISBN 0914098608)(T)(294s)_ST_.djvu 2.1 MB
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- TeX/Krantz S.G. Handbook of Typography for the Mathematical Sciences (CRC Press,2001)(164s)_ST_.pdf 2.1 MB
- Algorithms/Calingaert P. Assemblers, compilers, and program translation (Computer Science, 1979)(ISBN 9780914894230)(600dpi)(T)(283s)_CsAl_.djvu 2.1 MB
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- Programming languages/Budd T. A little Smalltalk (AW, 1987)(K)(ISBN 9780201106985)(600dpi)(T)(O)(295s)_CsPl_.djvu 2.1 MB
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- Formal methods/Kobrinskii N., Trakhtenbrot B. Introduction to the theory of finite automata (SLFM038, NH, 1965)(ISBN 0444534032)(T)(342s)_CsAl_.djvu 2.1 MB
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- Programming languages/Gottfried B.S. Schaum's Outline of Visual Basic (Schaum,2001)(ISBN 0071356711)(224s).pdf 2.1 MB
- Algorithms/Rosenberg A. The pillars of computation theory.. State, encoding, nondeterminism (Springer, 2010)(ISBN 0387096388)(O)(343s)_CsAl_.pdf 2.1 MB
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- TeX/Juergens M. Latex.. fortgeschrittene Anwendungen (1995)(de)(600dpi)(T)(146s).djvu 2.0 MB
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- Computer science/AI/Robinson J.A. Logic.. Form and function - The Mechanization of Deductive Reasoning (Edinburgh Univ., 1979)(ISBN 9780852243053)(600dpi)(T)(316s)_CsAi_.djvu 2.0 MB
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- Algorithms/Nijenhuis A., Wilf H. Combinatorial Algorithms(2ed., AP, 1978)(400dpi)(ISBN 0125192606)(T)(316s)_CsAl_.djvu 2.0 MB
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- Bash/Albing, et al. The BASH cookbook (O'Reilly, 2007)(ISBN 0596526784).pdf 2.0 MB
- Algorithms/Shen A. Algorithms and Programming (Birkhauser, 1996)(ISBN 9783764338473)(600dpi)(T)(O)(230s)_CsAl_.djvu 2.0 MB
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- Algorithms/Even S. Graph algorithms (Computer Science Press, 1979)(ISBN 0914894218)(T)(600dpi)(258s)_CsAl_.djvu 2.0 MB
- Algorithms/Berlekamp E., Wolfe D. Mathematical Go.. Chilling gets the last point (1994)(ISBN 1568810326)(KA)(T)(247s)_CsAl_.djvu 2.0 MB
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- Bash/Sarath Lakshman - Linux Shell Scripting Cookbook + Code - 2011-o.pdf 2.0 MB
- Algorithms/Crochemore M., Rytter W. Text Algorithms (OUP, 1994)(ISBN 9780195086096)(396s)_CsAl_.pdf 2.0 MB
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- Programming languages/Prolog/O'Keefe R. The Craft of Prolog (MIT, 1990)(ISBN 9780262150392)(K)(600dpi)(T)(412s)_CsPl_.djvu 2.0 MB
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- Algorithms/Even S. Graph algorithms (Computer Science Press, 1979)(ISBN 9780914894216)(600dpi)(T)(258s)_CsAl_.djvu 2.0 MB
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- Programming languages/C/Kernighan B.W., Ritchie D.M. The ANSI C programming language (2ed., PH, 1998)(ISBN 0131103709)(600dpi)(T)(287s)_CsPl_.djvu 2.0 MB
- Algorithms/Fowler, et al. Refactoring - Improving the Design of Existing Code(337s)_CsAl_.pdf 1.9 MB
- Computer science/Computability/Yap C.K. Theory of complexity classes. Vol.1 (free draft, 1998)(O)(435s)_CsNp_.pdf 1.9 MB
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- Algorithms/Kemp T. Fundamentals of the average case analysis of particular algorithms (Wiley, 1984)(T)(ISBN 0471903221)(239s)_CsAl_.djvu 1.9 MB
- Algorithms/Parberry I., Gasarch W. Problems on algorithms (2002)(268s)_CsAl_.pdf 1.9 MB
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- Formal methods/Gill A. Vvedenie v teoriju konechnyh avtomatov (Nauka, 1966)(ru)(T)(272s)_CsAl_.djvu 1.9 MB
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- Algorithms/Launchbury J., et al. (eds.) Advanced functional programming.. proc. school Olympia, 1996 (LNCS1129, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540616284)(T)(244s)_CsAl_.djvu 1.9 MB
- Formal methods/Clarke E.M., Grumberg O., Peled D.A. Model checking (no some pages)(MIT, 2000)(ISBN 0262032708)(K)(T)(326s)_CsAl_.djvu 1.9 MB
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- Natural language/de Swart H. Introduction to natural language semantics (CSLI, 1998)(ISBN 1575861380)(600dpi)(T)(271s)_CsAi_.djvu 1.8 MB
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- Computer science/Computability/Peter R. Recursive functions (2ed., AP, 1967)(ASIN B0006BP0OE)(T)(301s)_CsNp_.djvu 1.8 MB
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- Natural language/McKeown K. Text Generation (CUP, 1992)(ISBN 9780521438025)(600dpi)(T)(256s)_CsAi_.djvu 1.8 MB
- Algorithms/Critchlow C., Eck D. Foundations of computation (web draft, 2010)(256s)_CsAl_.pdf 1.8 MB
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- Formal methods/Eilenberg S. Automata, languages, and machines. Volume B (AP, 1976)(ISBN 0122340027)(T)(403s)_CsAl_.djvu 1.8 MB
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- Programming languages/Kiusalaas J. Numerical Methods in Engineering With Python (ISBN 9780521852876)(433s).pdf 1.8 MB
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- Programming languages/C/Navia J. Quick introduction to C (lcc compiler docs, 2002)(T)(249s).djvu 1.8 MB
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- Formal methods/Milner R. Communicating and mobile systems.. the pi-calculus (CUP, 1999)(ISBN 9780521643207)(KA)(T)(171s)_CsAl_.djvu 1.8 MB
- Algorithms/Abelson A., Sussman G.J. Structure and interpretation of computer programs (2ed., MIT, 1996)(ISBN 0262011530)(634s)_CsAl_.pdf 1.8 MB
- Natural language/Minnen G. Efficient processing with constraint-logic grammars using grammar compilation (CSLI, 2001)(ISBN 1575863065)(600dpi)(T)(265s)_CsAi_.djvu 1.7 MB
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- Natural language/van Eijck J., Unger C. Computational Semantics with Functional Programming (CUP, 2010)(ISBN 0521757606)(O)(422s)_CsAi_.pdf 1.7 MB
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- Databases/Trinder P. A functional database (phd thesis, report PRG-82, Oxford, 1989)(600dpi)(T)(210s)_CsDb_.djvu 1.7 MB
- Programming languages/Apt K. Principles of constraint programming (CUP, 2003)(420s)_CsPl_.pdf 1.7 MB
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- Algorithms/Crochemore M., Hancart C., Lecroq T. Algorithms on strings (CUP, 2007)(ISBN 9780521848992)(O)(393s)_CsAl_.pdf 1.7 MB
- Algorithms/Van Roy, Haridi. Concepts and techniques of computer programming (draft 2003)(888s) 1.7 MB
- Programming languages/Katzan H. APL Programming and Computer Techniques (Van Nostrand, 1970)(ISBN 9780442242510)(T)(342s)_CsPl_.djvu 1.7 MB
- Formal methods/Ginsburg S. The mathematical theory of context-free languages (MGH, 1966)(ASIN B0000CNDEK)(T)(245s)_CsAl_.djvu 1.7 MB
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- Algorithms/Salomon D. A concise introduction to data compression (Springer, 2008)(ISBN 1848000715)(298s)_CsAl_.pdf 1.7 MB
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- Programming languages/Henderson P., Jones G.A., Jones S.B. The LispKit manual, vols.1 and 2 (report PRG-32, Oxford, 1983)(400dpi)(T)(263s)_CsPl_.djvu 1.7 MB
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- Computer science/AI/Galton A. (ed.) Temporal Logics and their Applications (AP, 1988)(ISBN 0122740602)(600dpi)(T)(258s)_CsAi_.djvu 1.7 MB
- Programming languages/Lisp/Steele G.L. Common Lisp, the language (1990)(1096s).ps.gz 1.7 MB
- Computer science/Computability/Harel D. Computers Ltd.. What they really can't do (OUP, 2000)(ISBN 0198505558)(600dpi)(T)(O)(238s)_CsNp_.djvu 1.7 MB
- Natural language/Deng L. Dynamic Speech Models (MC, 2006)(ISBN 1598290649)(118s)_CsAi_.pdf 1.7 MB
- Formal methods/Cooke J. Constructing Correct Software (2ed., Springer, 2005)(ISBN 9783540761563)(O)(515s)_CsAl_.pdf 1.7 MB
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- Algorithms/Brass P. Advanced Data Structures (CUP,2008)(ISBN 9780521880374)(474s)_CsAl_.pdf 1.7 MB
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- Algorithms/Tremblay J. An Implementation Guide to Compiler Writing (MGH, 1982)(ISBN 9780070651661)(600dpi)(T)(268s)_CsAl_.djvu 1.6 MB
- Formal methods/Bowman H., Gomez R. Concurrency Theory.. Calculi an Automata for Modelling Untimed and Timed Concurrent Systems (Springer, 2005)(ISBN 9781852338954)(444s)_CsAl_.pdf 1.6 MB
- Algorithms/Kozen D.C. The design and analysis of algorithms (Springer-Verlag, 1991)(K)(T)(ISBN 0387976876)(332s)_CsAl_.djvu 1.6 MB
- Programming languages/C++/Vandevoorde D. C++ solutions.. companion to Stroustrup's book C++ programming language, 3ed. (AW, 1998)(ISBN 0201309653)(600dpi)(T)(O)(300s)_CsPl_.djvu 1.6 MB
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- Natural language/Georgiev H. English algorithmic grammar (Continuum, 2006)(ISBN 0826487777)(T)(265s)_CsAi_.djvu 1.6 MB
- Algorithms/Okasaki C. Purely functional data structures (CUP, 1999)(ISBN 0521663504)(400dpi)(T)(O)(231s)(KA)_CsAl_.djvu 1.6 MB
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- Algorithms/Abramson H., Dahl V. Logic Grammars (Springer, 1989)(ISBN 0387969616)(600dpi)(T)(250s)_CsAl_.djvu 1.6 MB
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- Algorithms/Niedermeier R. Invitation to fixed-parameter algorithms (OUP, 2006)(ISBN 0198566077)(312s)_CsAl_.pdf 1.6 MB
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- Algorithms/Foster I. Systems Programming in Parallel Logic Languages (PH, 1990)(ISBN 9780138807740)(600dpi)(T)(209s)_CsAl_.djvu 1.6 MB
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- Databases/Lausen G., Vossen G. Models and languages of object-oriented databases (AW, 1998)(ISBN 0201624311)(T)(224s)_CsDb_.djvu 1.6 MB
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- Formal methods/Comon H., et al. Tree automata techniques and applications (web draft, 2005)(222s)_CsAl_.pdf 1.4 MB
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- Natural language/MacCartney B. Natural language inference (phd thesis, Stanford, 2009)(179s)_CsAi_.pdf 1.1 MB
- TeX/Kohm, Morawski. The KOMAscript user's guide (free web version, 2004)(228s).pdf 1.1 MB
- Algorithms/Gordon A.D. Functional Programming and Input-Output (CUP, 2008)(ISBN 9780521070072)(169s)_CsAl_.pdf 1.1 MB
- Algorithms/Grune D., Jacobs C.J.H. Parsing Techniques.. A Practical Guide (Ellis Horwood, 1991)(ISBN 9780136514312)(318s)_CsAl_.pdf 1.1 MB
- Programming languages/C++/Alexandrescu A. Modern C++ design.. generic programming and design patterns applied (AW, 2001)(ISBN 0201704315)(285s).pdf 1.1 MB
- Formal methods/Kroeger F. Temporal Logic of Programs (Springer, 1987)(ISBN 0387170308)(600dpi)(T)(158s)_CsAl_.djvu 1.1 MB
- Algorithms/Winograd S. Arithmetic complexity of computations (SIAM 1980)(K)(600dpi)(T)(ISBN 0898711630)(97s)_CsAl_.djvu 1.1 MB
- Algorithms/Cui Yu. High-dimensional indexing.. Transformational approaches to high-dimensional range and similarity searches (LNCS2341, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540441999)(159s)_CsAl_.pdf 1.1 MB
- Programming languages/Lisp/Gabriel R.P. Performance and evaluation of LISP systems (MIT, 1985)(ISBN 9780262070935)(294s)_CsPl_.pdf 1.1 MB
- Computer science/AI/Nilsson N.J. Introduction to machine learning (lecture notes, 1996)(T)(208s)_CsAi_.djvu 1.1 MB
- Computer science/Computability/Lipton R. The P=NP question and Goedel's lost letter (Springer, 2010)(ISBN 1441971548)(O)(254s)_CsNp_.pdf 1.1 MB
- Computer science/AI/Neal R. Probabilistic Inference Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods (Toronto, 1993) (T)(144s).djvu 1.1 MB
- Programming languages/Prolog/Apt K.R. From logic programming to Prolog (PH, 1997)(ISBN 013230368X)(O)(345s)_CsPl_.pdf 1.1 MB
- Computer science/Computability/Smith C. A recursive introduction to the theory of computation (Springer, 1994)(ISBN 0387943323)(600dpi)(T)(O)(155s)_CsNp_.djvu 1.1 MB
- Formal methods/Jay B. Pattern Calculus.. computing with patterns and structures (Springer, 2009)(ISBN 3540891846)(O)(213s)_CsAl_.pdf 1.1 MB
- Algorithms/Hockey S. Snobol programming for the humanities (Clarendon Press, 1985)(ISBN 0198246765)(600dpi)(T)(189s)_CsAl_.djvu 1.1 MB
- Natural language/Aliseda-Llera A., et al. Computing natural language (1998)(ISBN 1575861003)(T)(168s)_CsAi_.djvu 1.1 MB
- Algorithms/Goldberg L. Efficient algorithms for listing combinatorial structures (CUP, 1993)(ISBN 0521450217)(T)(O)(177s)_CsAl_.djvu 1.1 MB
- Formal methods/Hoare C.A.R. Communicating sequential processes (web version, 2003)(ISBN 0131532898)(260s)_CsAl_.pdf 1.1 MB
- Programming languages/Spivey J.M. An Introduction to Logic Programming Through Prolog (PH, 1996, free web version, 2002)(ISBN 9780135360477)(260s)_CsAl_.pdf 1.1 MB
- Object-oriented development/Diaconescu R., Futatsugi K. CafeOBJ report.. the language, proof techniques, and methodologies for object-oriented algebraic specification (WS, 1998)(ISBN 9810235135)(600dpi)(T)(196s)_CsF_.djvu 1.1 MB
- Algorithms/Gacs P., Lovasz L. Complexity of algorithms (lecture notes, 1999)(200dpi)(T)(180s).djvu 1.1 MB
- Programming languages/Prolog/Bothner P.P., Kaehler W. Programmieren in PROLOG. Eine umfassende und praxisgerechte Einfuehrung (Vieweg, 1991)(de)(ISBN 9783528051587)(O)(369s)_CsPl_.pdf 1.1 MB
- TeX/Morison S. On Type Designs.. Past and Present (New Ed., Ernest Benn, 1962)(600dpi)(T)(79s)_ST_.djvu 1.1 MB
- Natural language/Oakes M.P. Statistics for Corpus Linguistics (EUP, 1998)(ISBN 0748610324)_LF_.chm 1.1 MB
- Algorithms/Mehlhorn K., Sanders P. Concise algorithmics, the basic toolbox (draft book, CUP)(124s)_CsAl_.pdf 1.0 MB
- Algorithms/Rothenberg J., Narain S. The RAND advanced simulation language project's Declarative Modeling Formalism, DMOD (ARPA report MR-376, RAND, 1994)(ISBN 0833015559)(600dpi)(T)(72s)_CsAl_.djvu 1.0 MB
- Algorithms/Andre F., Herman D., Verjus J.P. Synchronization of parallel programs (North Oxford Academic, 1985)(ISBN 9780946536207)(600dpi)(T)(122s)_CsAl_.djvu 1.0 MB
- TeX/Shultis J.K. Latex notes (PTR PH, 1994)(ISBN 0131209736)(KA)(T)(192s)_ST_.djvu 1.0 MB
- Programming languages/Wagner R., Wagner R. XSLT for dummies (Hungry Minds, 2002)(ISBN 0764536516)_CsPl_.chm 1.0 MB
- Algorithms/Khuller S. Design and analysis of algorithms (draft, 2003)(O)(161s)_CsAl_.pdf 1.0 MB
- Algorithms/Bird R. Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design (CUP, 2010)(ISBN 0521513383)(O)(291s)_CsAl_.pdf 1.0 MB
- Algorithms/Schaffer R.W. Analysis of heapsort (Dissertation, 1992)(T)(91s)_CsAl_.djvu 1.0 MB
- Programming languages/Fortran/Chapman S.J. Fortran 95,2003 for scientists and engineers (3ed., MGH, 2007)(ISBN 0390911976)(program code)_CsPl_.rar 1.0 MB
- Computer science/Computability/Fernandez M. Models of computation.. An introduction to computability theory (Springer, 2009)(ISBN 1848824335)(188s)_CsNp_.pdf 1.0 MB
- Algorithms/Greenlaw R., Hoover H.J., Ruzzo W. Limits to parallel computation. P-completeness theory (OUP, 1995)(ISBN 0195085914)(O)(328s)_CsAl_.pdf 1.0 MB
- Algorithms/Ingerman P.Z. A syntax-oriented translator (AP, 1966)(ASIN B0000CN7CS)(600dpi)(T)(140s)_CsAl_.djvu 1.0 MB
- Computer science/Computability/Turner R. Computable Models (Springer, 2009)(ISBN 1848820518)(238s)_CsNp_.pdf 1.0 MB
- Algorithms/Rose K.H. Explicit substitutions in rewriting systems - tutorial and survey (LS-96-3, BRICS, 1996)(600dpi)(T)(163s)_CsAl_.djvu 1023.3 KB
- Algorithms/Testard L. Calculs et visualisation en nombres complexes (fr)(Grenoble these, 1997)(209s)_CsAl_.pdf 1022.1 KB
- TeX/Heck A. Learning METAPOST by doing (web draft, 2003)(93s)_ST_.pdf 1019.9 KB
- Algorithms/Diaz J., et al. Paradigms for fast parallel approximability (CUP, 1997)(ISBN 0521431700)(T)(O)(167s)_CsAl_.djvu 1012.3 KB
- Natural language/Blackburn P., Bos J. Representation and inference for natural language, vol. 2 (web draft, 1999)(225s)_CsAi_.pdf 994.8 KB
- Algorithms/Wilf. Algorithms and Complexity (1ed, 1994)(139s).pdf 986.5 KB
- Formal methods/Fokkink W. Introduction to process algebra (2ed., Springer, 2007)(ISBN 354066579X)(175s)_CsAl_.pdf 983.7 KB
- TeX/Eijkhout V. TeX by topic (draft, 2008)(O)(319s)_ST_.pdf 980.9 KB
- Formal methods/Brookes S.D. A model for communicating sequential processes (phd thesis, Oxford, 1983)(600dpi)(T)(188s)_CsF_.djvu 975.7 KB
- Computer science/Computability/Goldreich O. P, NP, and NP-completeness.. The basics of computational complexity (CUP, 2010)(ISBN 052119248X)(O)(216s)_CsNp_.pdf 966.9 KB
- Algorithms/Reps T.W. Generating Language-Based Environments (MIT, 1984)(ISBN 9780262181150)(600dpi)(T)(154s)_CsAl_.djvu 963.8 KB
- Algorithms/Zito M.A.A. Randomized techniques in combinatorial algorithms (phd thesis, Warwick, 1999)(400dpi)(T)(150s).djvu 963.5 KB
- Algorithms/Tsang E. Foundations of Constraint Satisfaction (AP, 1993)(ISBN 9780127016108)(O)(441s)_CsAl_.pdf 954.6 KB
- Formal methods/Allison L. A Practical Introduction to Denotational Semantics (CUP, 1987)(ISBN 0521306892)(600dpi)(T)(146s)_CsPl_.djvu 952.1 KB
- TeX/Swanson E., A.O'Shea, A.Schleyer. Mathematics into type (AMS,2000)(ISBN 0821819615)(600dpi)(T)(107s)_ST_.djvu 948.2 KB
- Computer science/Computability/Dowek G. Proofs and algorithms.. An introduction to logic and computability (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 0857291203)(O)(168s)_CsNp_.pdf 944.1 KB
- Programming languages/Python/Lutz M. Python pocket reference (O'Reilly, 2010)(ISBN 9780596158088)(O)(210s)_CsPl_.pdf 938.9 KB
- Computer science/Computability/Codd E.F. Cellular automata (ACM monograph, AP, 1968)(ISBN 0121788504)(KA)(600dpi)(T)(132s)_CsNp_.djvu 937.2 KB
- Computer science/Computability/Hehner E.C.R. A practical theory of programming (2ed., 2004)(ISBN 0387941061)(242s).pdf 911.8 KB
- Formal methods/Ginsburg S. An introduction to mathematical machine theory (Addison, 1962)(ISBN 0201023903)(T)(157s)_CsAl_.djvu 911.5 KB
- Programming languages/Prolog/Ait-Kaci H. Warren's Abstract Machine.. a tutorial reconstruction (MIT, 1991)(ISBN 9780262510585)(600dpi)(T)(134s)_CsPl_.djvu 910.0 KB
- Algorithms/Yang R. P-Prolog.. A Parallel Logic Programming Language (WS, 1988)(ISBN 9789971505080)(600dpi)(T)(152s)_CsAl_.djvu 907.5 KB
- Algorithms/Oliveira S., Stewart D. Writing scientific software. A guide to good style (CUP 2006)(316s)_CsAl_.pdf 894.9 KB
- TeX/Knuth D. The TeXbook(494s).ps.bz2 893.3 KB
- Computer science/AI/Griffiths M., Palissier C. Algorithmic methods for artificial intelligence (Kogan Page, 1987)(ISBN 1850912572)(600dpi)(T)(144s)_CsAi_.djvu 891.3 KB
- Programming languages/ML/Reppy J.H. Concurrent Programming in ML (CUP, 2007)(ISBN 0521714729)(325s)_CsPl_.pdf 891.0 KB
- Algorithms/Lau H.T. A Java Library of Graph Algorithms and Optimization (CRC, 2006)(ISBN 1584887184)(385s)_CsAl_.pdf 887.5 KB
- Computer science/Computability/Sipser M. Introduction to the theory of computation. Instructor's manual.. solutions to 1ed., 1997 (Thomson, 1999)(ISBN 053437462X)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(61s)_CsNp_.djvu 884.7 KB
- Programming languages/ML/Milner R., Tofte M. Commentary on Standard ML (MIT, 1991)(ISBN 0262631377)(176s)_CsPl_.pdf 865.3 KB
- Algorithms/Jeuring J., Swierstra D. Grammars and parsing (web draft, 2001)(275s)_CsAl_.pdf 862.0 KB
- Programming languages/Haskell/Hutton A. Programming in Haskell (draft, CUP, 2005)(200s)_CsPl_.pdf 861.9 KB
- Algorithms/Budd T. An APL Compiler (Springer, 1987)(ISBN 9780387966434)(600dpi)(T)(167s)_CsAl_.djvu 861.2 KB
- TeX/Gill E. An Essay on Typography (David R. Godine, 1993)(ISBN 9780879239503)(600dpi)(T)(158s)_ST_.djvu 860.3 KB
- Algorithms/Chikalov I. Average time complexity of decision trees (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 3642226604)(O)(114s)_CsAl_.pdf 858.8 KB
- Algorithms/Greene D.H., Knuth D.E. Mathematics for the analysis of algorithms (2ed., Burkhauser, 1982)(T)(ISBN 376433102X)(123s)_CsAl_.djvu 856.0 KB
- Computer science/Computability/Streicher T. Domain-theoretic foundations of functional programming (WS, 2006)(ISBN 9812701427)(T)(C)(O)(132s)_CsNp_.djvu 855.9 KB
- Programming languages/Python/Mertz D. Text processing in Python (AW, 2003)(ISBN 0321112547)(O)(544s)_CsPl_.chm 855.3 KB
- Programming languages/Armstrong J. Making reliable distributed systems (using Erlang)(PhD thesis, Stockholm, 2003)(295s)_CsPl_.pdf 839.1 KB
- Algorithms/Greene D.H., Knuth D.E. Mathematics for the analysis of algorithms (3ed., Burkhauser, 1990)(T)(ISBN 0817635157)(139s)_CsAl_.djvu 834.6 KB
- Computer science/AI/Shafer G. Probabilistic expert systems (SIAM, 1996)(ISBN 0898713730)(T)(O)(91s)_CsAi_.djvu 832.3 KB
- Algorithms/Berry M.W., Browne M. Understanding search engines (SIAM, 2005)(ISBN 0898715814)(T)(O)(136s)_CsAl_.djvu 827.3 KB
- Programming languages/Fortran/Chivers, Sleightholme. Introduction to programming with Fortran 77, 90, 95, 2003 (Springer, 2006)(599s)_S_.pdf 822.6 KB
- Algorithms/Ronse C. Feedback shift registers (LNCS0169, Springer, 1984)(ISBN 3540133305)(T)(144s)_CsAl_.djvu 822.2 KB
- Programming languages/C++/Alexandrescu. Modern C++ Design, Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied (AW).chm 815.8 KB
- Algorithms/Kastens U., Hutt B., Zimmermann E. GAG.. a practical compiler generator (LNCS0141, Springer, 1982)(ISBN 3540115919)(T)(156s)_CsAl_.djvu 796.7 KB
- Natural language/Guo C.-M. (ed.) Machine Tractable Dictionaries.. Design and Construction (Ablex, 1995)(ISBN 0893918539)_CsAi_.chm 783.8 KB
- Computer science/AI/Raynor W.J. The international dictionary of artificial intelligence (Glenlake, 1999)(ISBN 0814404448)(295s)_CsAi_.pdf 769.2 KB
- Programming languages/Lisp/McCarthy J. LISP 1.5 Programmer's Manual (MIT, 1962)(ISBN 0262130114)(400dpi)(T)(O)(116s)_CsPl_.djvu 745.3 KB
- Computer science/Computability/Sudan M. Efficient Checking of Polynomials and Proofs and the Hardness of Appoximation Problems (LNCS1001, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540606157)(T)(O)(98s)_CsNp_.djvu 736.1 KB
- Computer science/Computability/O'Donnell M.J. Computing in systems described by equations (LNCS0058, Springer, 1977)(ISBN 0387085319)(T)(125s)_CsNp_.djvu 733.3 KB
- TeX/Talbot N. Latex for complete novices (2004)(145s)_ST_.pdf 732.6 KB
- Programming languages/Hudak P. Conception, evolution, and application of functional programming languages (ACM comp.surveys 21, 1989)(T)(53s).djvu 730.5 KB
- Computer science/AI/Rowe N.C. Artificial Intelligence Through Prolog (PH, 1988)(ISBN 9780130486790)(520s)_CsAi_.chm 729.0 KB
- Natural language/Shieber S.M. An Introduction to Unification-Based Approaches to Grammar (CSLI, 1986)(ISBN 0937073008)(600dpi)(T)(121s)_LF_.djvu 728.9 KB
- Computer science/AI/Nemenman I.M. Information theory and learning.. a physical approach (Princeton PhD thesis, 2000)(physics_0009032)(T)(140s).djvu 726.0 KB
- Algorithms/Fokker J. Functional programming (1995)(155s).pdf 719.1 KB
- Programming languages/Wampler D. Functional Programming for Java Developers (O'Reilly, 2011)(ISBN 9781449311032)(600dpi)(T)(C)(O)(88s).djvu 714.9 KB
- Computer science/AI/Rowe N.C. Artificial Intelligence Through Prolog (PH, 1988)(ISBN 9780130486790)(520s)_CsAi_.pdf 706.0 KB
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- Formal methods/Bowen J. Formal Specification and Documentation Using Z.. A Case Study Approach (Thomson Computer Press, 1996)(ISBN 9781850322306)(315s)_CsPl_.pdf 699.8 KB
- Algorithms/Hein J.L. Prolog experiments in discrete mathematics, logic, and computability (Portland State U., 2005)(160s)_CsAl_.pdf 695.4 KB
- TeX/Heck A. Learning LaTeX by doing (web draft, 2002)(42s)_ST_.pdf 693.5 KB
- Programming languages/ML/Milner R., Tofte M., Harper R. The Definition of Standard ML (1ed., MIT, 1990)(ISBN 0262132559)(600dpi)(T)(O)(116s)_CsPl_.djvu 679.5 KB
- TeX/Mittelbach, Goossens. The LaTeX companion, bibliography only(2nd ed., AW, 1999)(ISBN 0201570440)(120s)_ST_.pdf 674.2 KB
- Programming languages/C++/Lippman S.B. Essential C++ (AW, 2002)(ISBN 0201485184)(251s)_CsPl_.pdf 668.7 KB
- TeX/Oetiker T., Partl H., Hyna I., Schlegl E. The not so short introduction to LaTeX 2e (2002)(T)(126s)_ST_.djvu 668.2 KB
- Formal methods/Winskel G. Topics in concurrency.. lecture notes (web draft, 2009)(134s)_CsF_.pdf 664.1 KB
- Programming languages/ML/Milner R., Tofte M., Harper R., MacQueen D. The definition of Standard ML, revised (MIT, 1997)(ISBN 9780262631815)(400dpi)(T)(104s)_CsPl_.djvu 662.8 KB
- TeX/Mittelbach, Goossens. The LaTeX companion, chapter 3 only (Basic formatting tools)(2nd ed., AW, 1999)(113s)_ST_.pdf 659.1 KB
- Formal methods/Kaynar D.K., Lynch N., Segala R., Vaandrager F. The Theory of Timed I-O Automata (MC, 2006)(ISBN 159829010X)(114s)_CsAl_.pdf 656.5 KB
- TeX/Porto M. LaTeX Kochbuch (1995)(de)(152s)_ST_.pdf 648.0 KB
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- TeX/Greenberg H.J. A simplified introduction to LaTeX (draft, 2010)(147s)_ST_.pdf 629.1 KB
- Programming languages/Prolog/Bramer M. Logic Programming with Prolog (Springer, 2005)(ISBN 9781852339388)(O)(229s)_CsPl_.pdf 619.7 KB
- Algorithms/Okasaki C. Purely functional data structures (PhD thesis, CMU, 1996)(162s)_CsAl_.pdf 614.1 KB
- Algorithms/Barron D. Recursive Techniques in Programming (Elsevier, 1968)(ISBN 9780444199867)(T)(71s)_CsAl_.djvu 609.0 KB
- Computer science/AI/Scheutz M. (ed.) Computationalism.. New Directions (MIT,2002)(ISBN 0262194783)(217s).pdf 603.5 KB
- TeX/Griffiths D.F., Higham D.J. Learning LATEX (SIAM, 1997)(ISBN 0898713838)(T)(O)(95s)_ST_.djvu 591.4 KB
- Programming languages/Prolog/Bramer M. Logic Programming with Prolog (Springer, 2005)(ISBN 9781852339388)(228s)_CsPl_.pdf 587.8 KB
- Computer science/Computability/Bogdanov A., Trevisan L. Average-case complexity (NOW, 2006)(ISBN 1933019492)(122s)_CsNp_.pdf 584.3 KB
- Formal methods/Smith G. The Object-Z Specification Language (Springer, 1999)(ISBN 9780792386841)(159s)_CsPl_.pdf 576.0 KB
- Programming languages/Hudak P. Conception, Evolution, And Application Of Functional Programming Languages (ACM Comp.Surv. 21, p359, 1989)(T)(53s)_CsPl_.djvu 572.0 KB
- Programming languages/Erlang/Virding R., Wikstrom C., Williams M. Concurrent Programming in Erlang. Part 1 (2ed., PH, 1996)(ISBN 9780135083017)(205s)_CsPl_.pdf 557.3 KB
- Algorithms/Hoffmann S., Lienhart R. Open MP.. Eine Einfuehrung in die parallele Programmierung mit C, C++ (Springer, 2008)(ISBN 3540731229)(de)(164s)_CsAl_.pdf 556.9 KB
- TeX/Graetzer G.A. Math into LaTeX.. an introduction to LaTeX and AMS-LaTeX (Birkhauser Boston, 1996)(ISBN 0817638059)(K)(pages 3-56,345-432)(T)(114s)_ST_.djvu 545.1 KB
- Algorithms/Demoen B., et al. The first 10 Prolog programming contests (2005)(ISBN 9789090197821)(161s)_CsAl_.pdf 529.7 KB
- Algorithms/Barron D. Recursive Techniques in Programming (Macdonald, 1968)(ISBN 9780356022017)(600dpi)(T)(70s)_CsAl_.djvu 524.1 KB
- Computer science/AI/Crockett L. The Turing Test and the Frame Problem.. AI's Mistaken Understanding of Intelligence (1994)(216s).pdf.gz 517.4 KB
- Programming languages/Harrison J. Introduction to functional programming (web draft, 1997)(168s)_CsPl_.pdf 506.6 KB
- Algorithms/van Rijsbergen C.J. Information Retrieval (draft, 1995)(153s)_CsAl_.pdf 496.6 KB
- Algorithms/Kowalski R. Algorithm = Logic + Control (Comm.ACM, 1971)(T)(13s).djvu 495.9 KB
- Formal methods/Moszkowski B.C. Executing Temporal Logic Programs (free web version, CUP, 1986)(ISBN 0521310997)(O)(125s)_CsPl_.pdf 491.2 KB
- Algorithms/Downey A.B. The Little Book of Semaphores.. The Ins and Outs of Concurrency Control ...(2ed., CreateSpace, 2009)(ISBN 9781441418685)(O)(292s)_CsAl_.pdf 484.1 KB
- Computer science/Computability/Avigad J. Computability and incompleteness. Lecture notes (free web version, 2007)(128s)_CsNp_.pdf 483.5 KB
- Algorithms/Goddard W. Introduction to algorithms (web draft, 2004)(O)(70s).pdf 475.2 KB
- Algorithms/Al-Jaber Ah. Combinatorial properties of heapsort (Dissertation, 1985)(T)(75s)_CsAl_.djvu 468.7 KB
- Computer science/Computability/Luby M., Wigderson A. Pairwise independence and derandomization (NOW, 2006)(ISBN 1933019220)(78s)_CsNp_.pdf 465.2 KB
- TeX/Knuth D. The TeXbook (source).tex.gz 460.9 KB
- Computer science/Computability/Eilenberg S., Elgot C. Recursiveness (AP, 1970)(ISBN 0122340507)(600dpi)(T)(94s)_CsNp_.djvu 441.5 KB
- Algorithms/Smith. Reflective procedural programming (phd thesis).txt.bz2 426.6 KB
- TeX/Doob. Gentle introduction to TeX(ISBN 0201134889)(97s).pdf 426.3 KB
- Algorithms/Hartmanis J. Feasible Computations and Provable Complexity Properties (SIAM, 1987)(ISBN 9780898710274)(T)(73s)_CsAl_.djvu 425.1 KB
- Programming languages/Python/Pilgrim M. Dive into Python (draft, 2002)(O)(220s)_CsPl_.pdf 404.6 KB
- TeX/Heck A. Learning Latex by doing (2002)(42s)_ST_.pdf 401.7 KB
- Programming languages/Lisp/Cooper D. Basic LISP techniques (free web version, 2003)(100s)_CsPl_.pdf 394.6 KB
- Object-oriented development/Wellington C.A. Refactoring to agility (AW, 2006)(ISBN 0321486471).chm 389.2 KB
- Programming languages/Fortran/Page C. Professional programmer's guide to Fortran 77 (free web version, FDL, 2005)(128s).pdf 367.1 KB
- Computer science/AI/Smola A.J., Schoelkopf B. Tutorial on support vector regression (2003)(24s).pdf 364.5 KB
- Programming languages/Python/Lundh F. Python standard library (O'Reilly, 2001)(ISBN 0596000960)(300s)_CsPl_.chm 355.6 KB
- TeX/Wilkins D.R. Gettings started with LaTeX (2ed., web draft, 1995)(46s)_ST_.pdf 349.9 KB
- Programming languages/Lisp/Watson M. Loving LISP (version 0.7, 2002)(pdf,code).zip 328.3 KB
- Programming languages/Fortran/Chapman. Fortran 90-95 for scientists and engineers. Files for the book and 320.3 KB
- TeX/Knuth D. The Metafont book (draft).tex.gz 318.6 KB
- TeX/Fateman. Parsing TeX into mathematics(25s).pdf 316.4 KB
- Formal methods/Darlington. Sintez algoritmov sortirovki (ru)(T)(36s)_CsAl_.djvu 316.1 KB
- Formal methods/Manna Z. Lectures on the logic of computer programming (SIAM, 1980)(ISBN 0898711649)(T)(O)(57s)_CsAl_.djvu 311.7 KB
- Programming languages/Rempt B. GUI programming with Python.. Qt edition (html).tar.bz2 294.5 KB
- Computer science/Computability/Manna Z. Lectures on the logic of computer programming (SIAM, 1980)(ISBN 0898711649)(T)(O)(57s)_CsNp_.djvu 269.0 KB
- Computer science/Computability/Borger E., Stark R. Abstract state machines.. Solutions to exercises (Springer, 2003)(18s)_CsNp_.pdf 252.9 KB
- Computer science/Computability/Barendregt H., Barendsen E. Introduction to Lambda calculus (free web version, 2000)(53s)_CsNp_.pdf 250.7 KB
- Programming languages/Lin A.C. Implementing concurrency for ML-based operating system (MS thesis, MIT, 1998)(400dpi)(T)(43s).djvu 246.3 KB
- Computer science/History of computer science (web draft, 2001)(40s)_Cs_.pdf 246.1 KB
- Programming languages/ML/Kahrs S. Mistakes and ambiguities in the definition of Standard ML (1993)(600dpi)(T)(33s)_CsPl_.djvu 245.1 KB
- Programming languages/Lisp/Lamkins D.B. Successful Lisp.. How to Understand and Use Common Lisp (, 2004)(ISBN 3937526005).chm 234.7 KB
- Programming languages/Lisp/Seibel P. Practical Common Lisp (Apress, 2005)(ISBN 1590592395)(program code).zip 227.9 KB
- Programming languages/Fortran/Ramsden, Lin, et al. Fortran 90.. a conversion course for Fortran 77 programmers (Manchester lecture notes, v3.0, 1995)(105s).pdf 224.8 KB
- Algorithms/Khuller S. Advanced algorithms (lecture notes, web draft, 1994)(pages ordered backwards)(112s) 219.6 KB
- TeX/Bausum D. TeX reference manual (Springer, 2002)(ISBN 0792376730)(1s)_ST_.chm 198.0 KB
- Programming languages/Lisp/Lamkins D.B. Successful Lisp.. How to Understand and Use Common Lisp (, 2004)(ISBN 3937526005)(html).rar 187.1 KB
- full file list.txt 178.0 KB
- Natural language/van Eijck J., Unger C. Solutions for Computational Semantics with Functional Programming (CUP, 2010)(ISBN 0521757606)(38s)_CsAi_.pdf 171.2 KB
- Algorithms/Sedgewick R. Implementing Quicksort programs (Comm.ACM 21, p847, 1978)(T)(11s).djvu 167.2 KB
- Programming languages/C++/Barton J.J., Nackman L.R. Scientific and engineering C++ (Addison Wesley Longman, 1994)(example C code).rar 164.5 KB
- Programming languages/Fortran/Page C. Fortran 90 for Fortran 77 programmers (web draft, 2002)(28s).pdf 153.3 KB
- TeX/Mittelbach, Goossens. The LaTeX companion, program examples only (2nd ed., AW, 1999).tar.bz2 150.0 KB
- TeX/Mittelbach, Goossens. The LaTeX companion.. front matter, TOC, preface only (2nd ed., AW, 1999)(ISBN 0201362996)(27s)_ST_.pdf 149.4 KB
- TeX/TeX reference card (A4 paper)(2s).pdf 135.1 KB
- Natural language/Pereira F.C.N., Shieber S.M. Prolog and Natural-Language Analysis (1987, free web version, 2005)(ISBN 9780937073186)(program code)_CsAi_.rar 109.4 KB
- Formal methods/Lamport L. Specifying systems.. errata (2010)(5s).pdf 108.6 KB
- TeX/Lamport. Draft LaTeX manual (1984) (TeX source).tar.bz2 97.2 KB
- TeX/AmsTeX reference card (A4 paper)(2s).pdf 87.2 KB
- Natural language/Partee B.H., ter Meulen A., Wall R.E. Errata for Mathematical Methods in Linguistics (Kluwer, 1990)(ISBN 9027722447)(1s)_LF_.pdf 78.5 KB
- Programming languages/Prolog/Bothner P.P., Kaehler W. Programmieren in PROLOG. Eine umfassende und praxisgerechte Einfuehrung (program code)(Vieweg, 1991)(ISBN 9783528051587)(de) 51.9 KB
- Algorithms/Nilsson U., Maluszynski J. Logic, programming and Prolog (2ed., Wiley, 1995)(ISBN 9780471959960)(Errata)(2s)_CsAl_.pdf 51.3 KB
- Natural language/Blackburn P., Bos J. Representation and inference for natural language, vol. 1 (program code).tar.gz 47.3 KB
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