Pluralsight - SQL Server Fundamentals
File List
- 7. Security II/03. Schemas Example.wmv 46.4 MB
- 7. Security II/08. Roles Example.wmv 44.0 MB
- 2. Using Group By and Having/03. Using Aggregate Functions and Having.wmv 41.3 MB
- 2. Using Group By and Having/04. Trimming Input And Summary.wmv 36.4 MB
- 2. Using Group By and Having/02. Basic Group By.wmv 34.4 MB
- 7. Security II/13. Execution Context Example.wmv 34.1 MB
- 2. CTE's and Ranking/03. Demo CTE.wmv 27.8 MB
- 3. CTE's and Ranking/03. Demo CTE.wmv 27.8 MB
- 6. Security I/07. Example Database Principals.wmv 27.5 MB
- 4. Managing Query Plans/11. Example Parameterization.wmv 27.0 MB
- 1. Introduction to SQL Server/11. Metadata.wmv 19.6 MB
- 6. Security I/16. Example Groups and Roles.wmv 19.3 MB
- 6. Security I/13. Example Using Permissions.wmv 19.1 MB
- 4. Managing Query Plans/17. Example Managing Plan Guides.wmv 18.0 MB
- 1. Introduction to SQL Server/12. T-SQL Example.wmv 17.8 MB
- 1. Introduction to SQL Server/08. sqlcmd.wmv 17.0 MB
- 4. Managing Query Plans/06. Example Stored Procedure Plan.wmv 16.4 MB
- 4. Managing Query Plans/05. Example Plan Cache.wmv 15.2 MB
- 4. Managing Query Plans/15. Example Plan Guide.wmv 15.2 MB
- 2. CTE's and Ranking/08. Demo Row Number.wmv 13.5 MB
- 3. CTE's and Ranking/08. Demo Row Number.wmv 13.5 MB
- 6. Security I/06. Example Server Principals.wmv 12.9 MB
- 2. CTE's and Ranking/05. Demo Top.wmv 12.8 MB
- 3. CTE's and Ranking/05. Demo Top.wmv 12.8 MB
- 2. Using Group By and Having/01. Overview and Examples.wmv 12.7 MB
- 6. Security I/14. Example Impersonation.wmv 12.5 MB
- 5. Recursion, Pivoting, and Sampling/13. Sampling Example.wmv 12.3 MB
- 6. Security I/12. Example Authorizing Principals.wmv 12.1 MB
- 2. CTE's and Ranking/16. Demo Aggregate Partitions.wmv 11.6 MB
- 3. CTE's and Ranking/16. Demo Aggregate Partitions.wmv 11.6 MB
- 1. Introduction to SQL Server/09. sqlps.wmv 11.5 MB
- 3. Hierarchies/13. Demo Adding hierarchyid column to table.wmv 11.4 MB
- 4. Managing Query Plans/21. Example Template Plan Guide.wmv 11.2 MB
- 4. Managing Query Plans/20. Example Optimize For.wmv 11.1 MB
- 1. Introduction to SQL Server/15. Linq to Sql Example.wmv 11.0 MB
- 1. Introduction to SQL Server/07. Using T-SQL.wmv 10.8 MB
- 1. Introduction to SQL Server/10. T-SQL Language.wmv 10.8 MB
- 4. Managing Query Plans/08. Example Ad hoc Optimization.wmv 10.0 MB
- 1. Introduction to SQL Server/06. Add a Database.wmv 9.5 MB
- 1. Introduction to SQL Server/17. Analysis and Reporting.wmv 9.5 MB
- 4. Managing Query Plans/12. Example ADO.NET Parameters.wmv 8.7 MB
- 5. Recursion, Pivoting, and Sampling/04. Tabular Recursion Example.wmv 8.5 MB
- 5. Recursion, Pivoting, and Sampling/07. Cross-Tab Example.wmv 8.1 MB
- 4. Managing Query Plans/18. Example Plan Guide From Handle.wmv 8.0 MB
- 2. CTE's and Ranking/12. Demo Ntile.wmv 7.8 MB
- 3. CTE's and Ranking/12. Demo Ntile.wmv 7.8 MB
- 3. Hierarchies/18. Demo Indexes and triggers.wmv 7.8 MB
- 3. Hierarchies/14. DemoIncrementally adding hierarchyid to table.wmv 7.7 MB
- 1. Introduction to SQL Server/14. Linq To Sql.wmv 7.3 MB
- 7. Security II/04. Schemas Summary.wmv 7.2 MB
- 4. Managing Query Plans/19. Example Object Plan Guide.wmv 7.1 MB
- 6. Security I/09. Objects.wmv 6.8 MB
- 2. CTE's and Ranking/14. Demo Partitioning.wmv 6.6 MB
- 3. CTE's and Ranking/14. Demo Partitioning.wmv 6.6 MB
- 3. Hierarchies/09. Demo IsDescendantOf.wmv 6.3 MB
- 3. Hierarchies/12. Demo Adding nodes beforeafter.wmv 5.9 MB
- 5. Recursion, Pivoting, and Sampling/11. Entity Attribute Example.wmv 5.7 MB
- 1. Introduction to SQL Server/04. Using SSMS.wmv 5.7 MB
- 1. Introduction to SQL Server/03. Application.wmv 5.6 MB
- 1. Introduction to SQL Server/16. SMO.wmv 5.5 MB
- 6. Security I/10. Authorization and Permissions.wmv 5.1 MB
- 2. CTE's and Ranking/02. Common Table Expressions.wmv 5.0 MB
- 3. CTE's and Ranking/02. Common Table Expressions.wmv 5.0 MB
- 1. Introduction to SQL Server/21. Summary.wmv 5.0 MB
- 3. Hierarchies/11. Demo Adding nodes between.wmv 5.0 MB
- 4. Managing Query Plans/14. Kinds of Plan Guides.wmv 4.7 MB
- 1. Introduction to SQL Server/13. Scripting Objects.wmv 4.6 MB
- 3. Hierarchies/07. Demo Manually finding descendants.wmv 4.6 MB
- 6. Security I/04. Principals.wmv 4.6 MB
- 2. CTE's and Ranking/10. Demo Rank and DenseRank.wmv 4.5 MB
- 3. CTE's and Ranking/10. Demo Rank and DenseRank.wmv 4.5 MB
- 3. Hierarchies/06. Demo Basic Properties.wmv 4.3 MB
- 5. Recursion, Pivoting, and Sampling/09. Unpivot.wmv 4.3 MB
- 7. Security II/01. Overview.wmv 4.2 MB
- 5. Recursion, Pivoting, and Sampling/03. Numeric Recursion Example.wmv 4.1 MB
- 2. CTE's and Ranking/13. Partitioning.wmv 4.0 MB
- 3. CTE's and Ranking/13. Partitioning.wmv 4.0 MB
- 5. Recursion, Pivoting, and Sampling/08. Group By Equivalent.wmv 3.7 MB
- 2. CTE's and Ranking/17. Summary.wmv 3.6 MB
- 3. CTE's and Ranking/17. Summary.wmv 3.6 MB
- 2. CTE's and Ranking/09. Rank and DenseRank.wmv 3.5 MB
- 3. CTE's and Ranking/09. Rank and DenseRank.wmv 3.5 MB
- 2. CTE's and Ranking/06. Ranking.wmv 3.5 MB
- 3. CTE's and Ranking/06. Ranking.wmv 3.5 MB
- 6. Security I/08. Example Role Principals.wmv 3.5 MB
- 4. Managing Query Plans/07. Ad hoc Expressions.wmv 3.4 MB
- 5. Recursion, Pivoting, and Sampling/10. Entity Attribute Value.wmv 3.3 MB
- 1. Introduction to SQL Server/18. SSAS.wmv 3.3 MB
- 2. CTE's and Ranking/01. CTE and Ranking Overview.wmv 3.2 MB
- 3. CTE's and Ranking/01. CTE and Ranking Overview.wmv 3.2 MB
- 4. Managing Query Plans/13. Plan Guides.wmv 3.1 MB
- 1. Introduction to SQL Server/19. SSIS.wmv 3.0 MB
- 4. Managing Query Plans/10. Parameterization.wmv 3.0 MB
- 2. CTE's and Ranking/15. Aggregate Partitions.wmv 3.0 MB
- 3. CTE's and Ranking/15. Aggregate Partitions.wmv 3.0 MB
- 4. Managing Query Plans/03. Query Optimizer.wmv 2.9 MB
- 3. Hierarchies/05. Hierarchyid properties.wmv 2.9 MB
- 3. Hierarchies/16. Demo Moving node.wmv 2.9 MB
- 4. Managing Query Plans/04. Plan Reuse.wmv 2.9 MB
- 2. CTE's and Ranking/11. NTile.wmv 2.8 MB
- 3. CTE's and Ranking/11. NTile.wmv 2.8 MB
- 7. Security II/09. Roles Summary.wmv 2.8 MB
- 1. Introduction to SQL Server/20. SSRS.wmv 2.7 MB
- 2. CTE's and Ranking/07. Row Number.wmv 2.6 MB
- 3. CTE's and Ranking/07. Row Number.wmv 2.6 MB
- 7. Security II/14. Execution Context Summary.wmv 2.6 MB
- 7. Security II/02. Schemas.wmv 2.6 MB
- 4. Managing Query Plans/02. Query Plans.wmv 2.2 MB
- 5. Recursion, Pivoting, and Sampling/05. Aggregate Recursion Example.wmv 2.2 MB
- 2. CTE's and Ranking/04. Top.wmv 2.2 MB
- 3. CTE's and Ranking/04. Top.wmv 2.2 MB
- 7. Security II/05. Roles.wmv 2.2 MB
- 6. Security I/03. Authentication and Authorization.wmv 2.2 MB
- 3. Hierarchies/03. HierarchyidTree.wmv 2.1 MB
- 3. Hierarchies/17. Depth & Breadth.wmv 2.1 MB
- 6. Security I/02. Databases and Security.wmv 2.1 MB
- 6. Security I/17. Summary.wmv 2.0 MB
- 4. Managing Query Plans/22. Summary.wmv 1.9 MB
- 6. Security I/01. Overview.wmv 1.9 MB
- 6. Security I/11. Covering Permissions.wmv 1.8 MB
- 7. Security II/15. Summary.wmv 1.7 MB
- 5. Recursion, Pivoting, and Sampling/02. Recursive Query.wmv 1.7 MB
- 5. Recursion, Pivoting, and Sampling/12. Sampling.wmv 1.7 MB
- 3. Hierarchies/15. GetReparentedValue.wmv 1.6 MB
- 7. Security II/12. Execution Context Scope.wmv 1.6 MB
- 4. Managing Query Plans/09. Example Ad hoc Off.wmv 1.5 MB
- 3. Hierarchies/10. Adding Nodes.wmv 1.5 MB
- 5. Recursion, Pivoting, and Sampling/01. Overview.wmv 1.4 MB
- 1. Introduction to SQL Server/22. References.wmv 1.4 MB
- 1. Introduction to SQL Server/02. What is SQL Server.wmv 1.4 MB
- 6. Security I/05. Example Managing Principals.wmv 1.4 MB
- 7. Security II/11. Changing Execution Context.wmv 1.4 MB
- 1. Introduction to SQL Server/01. Overview.wmv 1.3 MB
- 7. Security II/06. Server Roles.wmv 1.3 MB
- 7. Security II/07. Database Roles.wmv 1.3 MB
- 5. Recursion, Pivoting, and Sampling/06. Pivot.wmv 1.2 MB
- 3. Hierarchies/08. Finding Descendents.wmv 1.2 MB
- 4. Managing Query Plans/16. Managing Plan Guides.wmv 1.2 MB
- 1. Introduction to SQL Server/05. Drop a Database.wmv 1.2 MB
- 7. Security II/10. Execution Context.wmv 1.1 MB
- 6. Security I/15. Groups and Roles.wmv 1.1 MB
- 3. Hierarchies/04. Why use hierarchyid.wmv 1.0 MB
- 4. Managing Query Plans/01. Overview.wmv 976.5 KB
- 3. Hierarchies/19. Summary.wmv 963.4 KB
- 3. Hierarchies/02. Overview.wmv 960.6 KB
- 5. Recursion, Pivoting, and Sampling/14. Summary.wmv 784.2 KB
- 6. Security I/18. References.wmv 740.5 KB
- 3. Hierarchies/01. Title.wmv 107.0 KB
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