Lynda - SharePoint Advanced Working with PowerPivot
File List
- 4.3. Use PowerPivot and PowerView in Excel/13.Using PowerView.mp4 17.3 MB
- 5.4. Upload a Workbook to a SharePoint BI Center/15.Create the BI Center.mp4 16.1 MB
- 4.3. Use PowerPivot and PowerView in Excel/14.PowerView maps and more.mp4 13.5 MB
- 6.5. Publish Workbooks and Create Dashboards/18.Create a dashboard on a web part page.mp4 12.4 MB
- 4.3. Use PowerPivot and PowerView in Excel/12.Establish hierarchies.mp4 11.3 MB
- 4.3. Use PowerPivot and PowerView in Excel/11.The advantage of relationships in PowerPivot.mp4 9.8 MB
- 3.2. Start by Creating and Connecting/07.Connect to an existing Excel workbook.mp4 8.0 MB
- 3.2. Start by Creating and Connecting/10.Export list data from SharePoint to create a workbook.mp4 7.6 MB
- 3.2. Start by Creating and Connecting/09.Connect to external data sources.mp4 7.4 MB
- 5.4. Upload a Workbook to a SharePoint BI Center/16.Prepare a workbook for upload.mp4 7.0 MB
- 3.2. Start by Creating and Connecting/08.Adding data relationships.mp4 6.6 MB
- 1.Introduction/01.Learn to do more with data in SharePoint.mp4 6.5 MB
- 5.4. Upload a Workbook to a SharePoint BI Center/17.Upload the workbook.mp4 5.7 MB
- 1.Introduction/02.What you should know before watching this course.mp4 5.1 MB
- 2.1. SharePoint As a Data Tool/03.What is business intelligence.mp4 5.0 MB
- 3.2. Start by Creating and Connecting/06.Install PowerPivot and PowerView.mp4 3.9 MB
- 7.Conclusion/20.Next steps.mp4 3.7 MB
- 6.5. Publish Workbooks and Create Dashboards/19.Share with your team.mp4 3.6 MB
- 2.1. SharePoint As a Data Tool/05.Use SharePoint as a BI Center.mp4 3.3 MB
- 2.1. SharePoint As a Data Tool/04.PivotTables vs. PowerPivot and PowerView.mp4 3.0 MB
- Exercise Files/ 1.1 MB
- 4.3. Use PowerPivot and PowerView in Excel/13.Using 10.2 KB
- 5.4. Upload a Workbook to a SharePoint BI Center/15.Create the BI 8.4 KB
- 6.5. Publish Workbooks and Create Dashboards/18.Create a dashboard on a web part 7.4 KB
- 3.2. Start by Creating and Connecting/07.Connect to an existing Excel 6.5 KB
- 4.3. Use PowerPivot and PowerView in Excel/12.Establish 6.4 KB
- 4.3. Use PowerPivot and PowerView in Excel/14.PowerView maps and 6.3 KB
- 3.2. Start by Creating and Connecting/09.Connect to external data 6.0 KB
- 4.3. Use PowerPivot and PowerView in Excel/11.The advantage of relationships in 5.2 KB
- 5.4. Upload a Workbook to a SharePoint BI Center/16.Prepare a workbook for 5.1 KB
- 3.2. Start by Creating and Connecting/10.Export list data from SharePoint to create a 5.1 KB
- 3.2. Start by Creating and Connecting/08.Adding data 5.0 KB
- 2.1. SharePoint As a Data Tool/03.What is business 4.1 KB
- 3.2. Start by Creating and Connecting/06.Install PowerPivot and 3.4 KB
- 1.Introduction/02.What you should know before watching this 3.1 KB
- 5.4. Upload a Workbook to a SharePoint BI Center/17.Upload the 3.0 KB
- 2.1. SharePoint As a Data Tool/04.PivotTables vs. PowerPivot and 2.9 KB
- 6.5. Publish Workbooks and Create Dashboards/19.Share with your 2.6 KB
- 7.Conclusion/20.Next 2.4 KB
- 2.1. SharePoint As a Data Tool/05.Use SharePoint as a BI 2.3 KB
- 1.Introduction/01.Learn to do more with data in 2.1 KB
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