Logo Animation Techniques
File List
- 3.2. Sketchy Animation/13.Basic scribble animation.mp4 30.6 MB
- 3.2. Sketchy Animation/15.Add secondary animation.mp4 24.1 MB
- 3.2. Sketchy Animation/14.Scribble stroke options.mp4 21.8 MB
- 5.4. Paint It On/25.Separate foreground and background.mp4 21.5 MB
- 3.2. Sketchy Animation/12.Create a flickering reveal.mp4 20.8 MB
- Exercise Files/Ex_Files_Logo_Animation_Techniques.zip 20.8 MB
- 5.4. Paint It On/23.Use paint to reveal a logo.mp4 18.6 MB
- 5.4. Paint It On/22.Overshoot staggering animation.mp4 17.9 MB
- 3.2. Sketchy Animation/11.Prepare artwork for animation.mp4 17.5 MB
- 2.1. Animate Strokes/06.Animate masks with the Stroke effect.mp4 17.0 MB
- 7.6. Expose Using Particles/34.Create a particles reveal.mp4 16.7 MB
- 2.1. Animate Strokes/08.Animate live type from Illustrator.mp4 15.7 MB
- 4.3. Revealing Shapes/20.Create a negative reveal effect.mp4 15.5 MB
- 5.4. Paint It On/24.Exposure based on texture.mp4 15.3 MB
- 4.3. Revealing Shapes/19.Repeat shapes with Radio Waves.mp4 14.7 MB
- 6.5. Time Displacement/28.Create time displacement animation.mp4 14.6 MB
- 2.1. Animate Strokes/09.Beam radio waves.mp4 13.6 MB
- 4.3. Revealing Shapes/18.Trim paths individually for fills.mp4 13.3 MB
- 6.5. Time Displacement/30.Cascade text using Offset.mp4 13.1 MB
- 6.5. Time Displacement/29.Reveal with Venetian Blinds.mp4 13.0 MB
- 7.6. Expose Using Particles/33.Animate 3D layers and the camera.mp4 12.6 MB
- 2.1. Animate Strokes/05.Copy paths from Illustrator.mp4 12.2 MB
- 4.3. Revealing Shapes/17.Trim paths simultaneously for outline.mp4 12.2 MB
- 6.5. Time Displacement/27.Auto-animating with Wiggle Transform.mp4 12.2 MB
- 7.6. Expose Using Particles/32.Distribute cards in 3D space.mp4 9.7 MB
- 7.6. Expose Using Particles/35.Add a secondary particles stream.mp4 8.0 MB
- 2.1. Animate Strokes/07.Animate closed paths with masks.mp4 7.8 MB
- 8.Conclusion/36.Next steps.mp4 6.0 MB
- 1.Introduction/01.Techniques for logo animation.mp4 5.1 MB
- 1.Introduction/02.What you should know.mp4 4.1 MB
- 4.3. Revealing Shapes/16.Plan the animation.mp4 2.5 MB
- 1.Introduction/03.Applications used in this course.mp4 2.5 MB
- 3.2. Sketchy Animation/10.Client brief.mp4 2.4 MB
- 5.4. Paint It On/21.Choose an animation style.mp4 2.3 MB
- 6.5. Time Displacement/26.Logo review.mp4 2.0 MB
- 2.1. Animate Strokes/04.Project overview.mp4 1.9 MB
- 7.6. Expose Using Particles/31.What is this logo about.mp4 1.8 MB
- 3.2. Sketchy Animation/13.Basic scribble animation.en.srt 18.1 KB
- 3.2. Sketchy Animation/12.Create a flickering reveal.en.srt 13.1 KB
- 2.1. Animate Strokes/08.Animate live type from Illustrator.en.srt 12.8 KB
- 5.4. Paint It On/23.Use paint to reveal a logo.en.srt 12.8 KB
- 2.1. Animate Strokes/06.Animate masks with the Stroke effect.en.srt 12.7 KB
- 3.2. Sketchy Animation/11.Prepare artwork for animation.en.srt 12.5 KB
- 3.2. Sketchy Animation/15.Add secondary animation.en.srt 12.2 KB
- 5.4. Paint It On/22.Overshoot staggering animation.en.srt 11.6 KB
- 3.2. Sketchy Animation/14.Scribble stroke options.en.srt 11.4 KB
- 7.6. Expose Using Particles/34.Create a particles reveal.en.srt 11.3 KB
- 4.3. Revealing Shapes/19.Repeat shapes with Radio Waves.en.srt 10.7 KB
- 4.3. Revealing Shapes/18.Trim paths individually for fills.en.srt 10.7 KB
- 4.3. Revealing Shapes/20.Create a negative reveal effect.en.srt 10.2 KB
- 4.3. Revealing Shapes/17.Trim paths simultaneously for outline.en.srt 10.0 KB
- 5.4. Paint It On/25.Separate foreground and background.en.srt 10.0 KB
- 2.1. Animate Strokes/09.Beam radio waves.en.srt 9.5 KB
- 6.5. Time Displacement/28.Create time displacement animation.en.srt 9.5 KB
- 6.5. Time Displacement/30.Cascade text using Offset.en.srt 9.2 KB
- 2.1. Animate Strokes/05.Copy paths from Illustrator.en.srt 9.0 KB
- 6.5. Time Displacement/29.Reveal with Venetian Blinds.en.srt 8.9 KB
- 7.6. Expose Using Particles/33.Animate 3D layers and the camera.en.srt 8.8 KB
- 6.5. Time Displacement/27.Auto-animating with Wiggle Transform.en.srt 8.7 KB
- 5.4. Paint It On/24.Exposure based on texture.en.srt 8.6 KB
- 7.6. Expose Using Particles/32.Distribute cards in 3D space.en.srt 7.3 KB
- 2.1. Animate Strokes/07.Animate closed paths with masks.en.srt 5.9 KB
- 7.6. Expose Using Particles/35.Add a secondary particles stream.en.srt 5.1 KB
- 1.Introduction/03.Applications used in this course.en.srt 2.1 KB
- 4.3. Revealing Shapes/16.Plan the animation.en.srt 1.6 KB
- 1.Introduction/02.What you should know.en.srt 1.4 KB
- 1.Introduction/01.Techniques for logo animation.en.srt 1.4 KB
- 8.Conclusion/36.Next steps.en.srt 1.3 KB
- 2.1. Animate Strokes/04.Project overview.en.srt 1.3 KB
- 6.5. Time Displacement/26.Logo review.en.srt 1.2 KB
- 3.2. Sketchy Animation/10.Client brief.en.srt 1.1 KB
- 7.6. Expose Using Particles/31.What is this logo about.en.srt 1.1 KB
- 5.4. Paint It On/21.Choose an animation style.en.srt 1.1 KB
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