Biber - Mystery Sonatas - Lina Tur Bonet, Musica Alchemica (2015) [FLAC]
File List
- CD2/07 - Mystery (Rosary) Sonata No. 15, 'The Beatification of the Virgin'.flac 69.2 MB
- CD2/02 - Mystery (Rosary) Sonata No. 10, 'The Crucifixion'.flac 53.1 MB
- CD2/06 - Mystery (Rosary) Sonata No. 14, 'The Assumption of the Virgin'.flac 49.9 MB
- CD1/07 - Mystery (Rosary) Sonata No. 7, 'The Scourging at the Pillar'.flac 49.7 MB
- CD2/08 - Passagalia, 'The Guardian Angel'.flac 47.3 MB
- CD2/01 - Mystery (Rosary) Sonata No. 9, 'Jesus Carries the Cross'.flac 43.8 MB
- CD2/05 - Mystery (Rosary) Sonata No. 13, 'Pentecost'.flac 43.5 MB
- CD2/03 - Mystery (Rosary) Sonata No. 11, 'The Resurrection'.flac 42.6 MB
- CD1/04 - Mystery (Rosary) Sonata No. 4, 'The Presentation of the Infant Jesus in the Temple'.flac 42.6 MB
- CD1/08 - Mystery (Rosary) Sonata No. 8, 'The Crown of Thorns'.flac 41.6 MB
- CD1/05 - Mystery (Rosary) Sonata No. 5, 'The 12-Year-Old Jesus in the Temple'.flac 38.2 MB
- CD2/04 - Mystery (Rosary) Sonata No. 12, 'The Ascension'.flac 38.1 MB
- CD1/03 - Mystery (Rosary) Sonata No. 3, 'The Nativity'.flac 37.3 MB
- CD1/06 - Mystery (Rosary) Sonata No. 6, 'Christ on the Mount of Olives'.flac 34.6 MB
- CD1/01 - Mystery (Rosary) Sonata No. 1, 'The Annunciation'.flac 33.3 MB
- CD1/02 - Mystery (Rosary) Sonata No. 2, 'The Visitation'.flac 28.0 MB
- Art/booklet.pdf 7.8 MB
- Art/front.jpg 139.3 KB
- folder.jpg 111.6 KB
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