BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling
File List
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/9. Supply Chain modeling 101 (Part B) Shipping cost & manufacturing locations.mp4 429.7 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/1. INTRO Learn to solve problems in excel, instead of just formula syntax/4.1 407.2 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/12. Supply Chain 201 (PART B) Elegant Optimization Just add DATA TABLES.mp4 340.9 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/4. DATA BASICS How to collect, clean, import, format, parse and lookup/2.1 203.8 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/2.1 127.7 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/5. DATA ANALYSIS Summarize your data with Formulas and PIVOT TABLES/4. PIVOT TABLES Everything you need to know to instantly summarize your data.mp4 126.5 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/5. DATA ANALYSIS Summarize your data with Formulas and PIVOT TABLES/5. INTERMEDIATE PIVOT TABLES “Show Values As” options & Calculated fields.mp4 115.8 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/5. DATA ANALYSIS Summarize your data with Formulas and PIVOT TABLES/3. The best aggregation formula for analyzing & describing your data.mp4 114.9 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/8. Supply Chain modeling 101 (Part A) Shipping cost & manufacturing locations.mp4 114.7 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/13. Model Engine→Full multi-period P&L in just a few steps.mp4 110.9 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/8. SLIDE-READY OUTPUT Synthesis, Data visualization and instant presentations/4. Creating the charts you want, and saving your favorite charts with “templates”.mp4 108.2 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/7. Apply adoption curves to a phased geographic rollout.mp4 101.2 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/4. DATA BASICS How to collect, clean, import, format, parse and lookup/5. Got data Now what Best practice for importing data into your model.mp4 97.1 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/4. DATA BASICS How to collect, clean, import, format, parse and lookup/7. Mergingjoining data using a Primary Key+INDEX+MATCH (instead of VLOOKUP).mp4 93.5 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/5. DATA ANALYSIS Summarize your data with Formulas and PIVOT TABLES/7. Extrapolate CaWiMak sales data to forecast national sales using FORECAST.mp4 80.9 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/6. [Optional] ADVANCED Create your own user-defined formulas with VBA. It's easy!.mp4 79.7 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/2. EXCEL EFFICIENCY Be faster, more accurate, more impressive & less error-prone/6. Building a model for stakeholders Save hours of rework - make it “client-ready.mp4 75.7 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/11. Supply Chain 201 (PART A) Elegant Optimization Just add DATA TABLES.mp4 75.6 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/5. DATA ANALYSIS Summarize your data with Formulas and PIVOT TABLES/2.1 73.4 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/5. DATA ANALYSIS Summarize your data with Formulas and PIVOT TABLES/6. Dynamic dashboards & data merging using GETPIVOTDATA, Pivot charts & slicers.mp4 67.2 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/4. DATA BASICS How to collect, clean, import, format, parse and lookup/11. Use Dynamic Named Ranges to give your data & cells easy-to-remember names.mp4 59.8 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/5. DATA ANALYSIS Summarize your data with Formulas and PIVOT TABLES/8. Next-level LOOKUPS Using “near match” lookups to group & categorize your data.mp4 58.5 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/4. DATA BASICS How to collect, clean, import, format, parse and lookup/8. Use TABLES - Interact with your data using Excel's secret data weapon.mp4 48.7 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/7. MODELING UNCERTAINTY Amazing Scenario and Sensitivity analyses made dead simple/2.1 47.1 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/7. MODELING UNCERTAINTY Amazing Scenario and Sensitivity analyses made dead simple/4. Upgrade your new P&L model into a scenario crunching machine.mp4 44.2 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/5. Model adoption curves over time instead of modeling a simple growth rate.mp4 39.9 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/7. MODELING UNCERTAINTY Amazing Scenario and Sensitivity analyses made dead simple/6. The star chart approach to understanding variable-level sensitivity.mp4 34.1 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/4. DATA BASICS How to collect, clean, import, format, parse and lookup/10. Date & time parsing, conversion and manipulation.mp4 26.2 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/8. SLIDE-READY OUTPUT Synthesis, Data visualization and instant presentations/3. Create an OUTPUT tab to easily consolidate & manage all model output.mp4 25.3 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/4. DATA BASICS How to collect, clean, import, format, parse and lookup/6. Primer on structuring data & making it useful Table or “Flat file” format.mp4 25.1 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/8. SLIDE-READY OUTPUT Synthesis, Data visualization and instant presentations/2.1 23.6 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/7. MODELING UNCERTAINTY Amazing Scenario and Sensitivity analyses made dead simple/5. Use DATA TABLES to instantly get the answers to all of your scenarios at once.mp4 23.3 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/1. INTRO Learn to solve problems in excel, instead of just formula syntax/5. COURSE HANDOUT - Accompanying slides for each lesson.pdf 22.3 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/9. CONCLUSION/2. COURSE HANDOUT - Accompanying slides for each lesson.pdf 22.3 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/2. EXCEL EFFICIENCY Be faster, more accurate, more impressive & less error-prone/4. What is Modular Model Design and why should you care.mp4 20.4 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/10. ADVANCED Create a VBA function to calculate the distance between two locations.mp4 20.1 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/4. DATA BASICS How to collect, clean, import, format, parse and lookup/11.1 Beyond Formulas Ca Wi Mak Case 4 9 Data Dynamic Named Ranges 18.0 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/4. DATA BASICS How to collect, clean, import, format, parse and lookup/9. Using String formulas to parse & manipulate text fields in your data.mp4 18.0 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/4. DATA BASICS How to collect, clean, import, format, parse and lookup/10.1 Beyond Formulas Ca Wi Mak Case 4 8 Data Dates And Times 17.9 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/2. EXCEL EFFICIENCY Be faster, more accurate, more impressive & less error-prone/3. Keyboard shortcut game Improve speed, save HOURS.mp4 17.8 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/4. DATA BASICS How to collect, clean, import, format, parse and lookup/9.1 Beyond Formulas Ca Wi Mak Case 4 7 Data Text Parsing 17.5 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/3. PROBLEM SOLVING BASICS Forget Excel. Problem solve on paper first/8. Plan Plan every detail of each analysis to go from Issue tree → Plan of Attack.mp4 17.0 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/4. DATA BASICS How to collect, clean, import, format, parse and lookup/8.1 Beyond Formulas Ca Wi Mak Case 4 6 Data Tables 16.9 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/2. EXCEL EFFICIENCY Be faster, more accurate, more impressive & less error-prone/5. Avoid embarrassing yourself Reduce spreadsheet risk to preempt mistakes.mp4 16.0 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/1. INTRO Learn to solve problems in excel, instead of just formula syntax/1. Why this Excel Course.mp4 15.5 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/4. DATA BASICS How to collect, clean, import, format, parse and lookup/3. Gather real data based on your Analysis & Data Plan.mp4 14.5 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/7. MODELING UNCERTAINTY Amazing Scenario and Sensitivity analyses made dead simple/3. You can’t predict the future, but you can glance at the range of possibilities.mp4 14.1 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/2. EXCEL EFFICIENCY Be faster, more accurate, more impressive & less error-prone/7. [optional] ADVANCED What to do if your model becomes really BIG or really SLOW.mp4 13.3 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/3. PROBLEM SOLVING BASICS Forget Excel. Problem solve on paper first/6. Case-study Creating the issue tree for the Widget Manufacturing Company problem.mp4 11.9 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/8. SLIDE-READY OUTPUT Synthesis, Data visualization and instant presentations/4.1 Beyond Formulas Ca Wi Mak Case 8 2 Output Ready Charting Fundamentals Starter 11.8 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/7. MODELING UNCERTAINTY Amazing Scenario and Sensitivity analyses made dead simple/4.1 Beyond Formulas Ca Wi Mak Case 7 2 Scenarios Scenario Powerhouse Starter 11.8 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/8. SLIDE-READY OUTPUT Synthesis, Data visualization and instant presentations/3.1 Beyond Formulas Ca Wi Mak Case 8 1 Output Ready Output Tab Starter 11.8 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/15.1 Beyond Formulas Ca Wi Mak Case 6 Complete Modeling Basics Completed 11.8 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/7. MODELING UNCERTAINTY Amazing Scenario and Sensitivity analyses made dead simple/6.1 Beyond Formulas Ca Wi Mak Case 7 4 Scenarios Sensitivity Star Chart Starter 11.8 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/7. MODELING UNCERTAINTY Amazing Scenario and Sensitivity analyses made dead simple/5.1 Beyond Formulas Ca Wi Mak Case 7 3 Scenarios Data Tables Starter 11.7 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/13.1 Beyond Formulas Ca Wi Mak Case 6 8 Modeling Multi Period Pn L Starter 11.7 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/10.1 Beyond Formulas Ca Wi Mak Case 6 6B Modeling VBA Distance Calc Starter 11.7 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/11.1 Beyond Formulas Ca Wi Mak Case 6 7 Modeling Supply Chain 201 Optimization Starter 11.7 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/5. DATA ANALYSIS Summarize your data with Formulas and PIVOT TABLES/8.1 Beyond Formulas Ca Wi Mak Case 5 6 Analysis Next Level Lookup Starter 11.6 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/8.1 Beyond Formulas Ca Wi Mak Case 6 6 Modeling Supply Chain 101 Model Starter 11.6 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/5. DATA ANALYSIS Summarize your data with Formulas and PIVOT TABLES/6.1 Beyond Formulas Ca Wi Mak Case 5 4 Analysis Getpivotdata And Trendline Starter 11.6 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/6.1 Beyond Formulas Ca Wi Mak Case 6 4 Modeling User Defined Formulas Starter 11.6 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/5. DATA ANALYSIS Summarize your data with Formulas and PIVOT TABLES/7.1 Beyond Formulas Ca Wi Mak Case 5 5 Analysis Forecasting Starter 11.6 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/7.1 Beyond Formulas Ca Wi Mak Case 6 5 Modeling Phased Rollout Starter 11.6 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/5.1 Beyond Formulas Ca Wi Mak Case 6 3 Modeling Adoption Curves Starter 11.5 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/4.1 Beyond Formulas Ca Wi Mak Case 6 2 Modeling Time And Scale Starter 11.5 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/4. DATA BASICS How to collect, clean, import, format, parse and lookup/4. Deal with Bad Data - Process, transform & clean large structured datasets.mp4 11.5 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/3.1 Beyond Formulas Ca Wi Mak Case 6 1 Modeling Back Of The Envelope Starter 11.5 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/5. DATA ANALYSIS Summarize your data with Formulas and PIVOT TABLES/5.1 Beyond Formulas Ca Wi Mak Case 5 3 Analysis Intermediate Pivot Tables Starter 11.5 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/4. DATA BASICS How to collect, clean, import, format, parse and lookup/7.1 Beyond Formulas Ca Wi Mak Case 4 5 Data Join Datasets 11.3 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/4. DATA BASICS How to collect, clean, import, format, parse and lookup/6.1 Beyond Formulas Ca Wi Mak Case 4 4 Data Flat File 11.3 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/14. RECAP Of everything we've accomplished this section.mp4 11.1 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/3. PROBLEM SOLVING BASICS Forget Excel. Problem solve on paper first/5. Structure the Problem Create the “Issue Tree” to break down & share your logic.mp4 10.7 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/1. INTRO Learn to solve problems in excel, instead of just formula syntax/2. [optional] What this course covers Modeling Approach & Excel Tools.mp4 10.7 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/3. PROBLEM SOLVING BASICS Forget Excel. Problem solve on paper first/4. Case-study Problem Statement for a Widget Manufacturing Company.mp4 10.3 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/1. INTRO Learn to solve problems in excel, instead of just formula syntax/3. [optional] Consultants, or Managers of analysts take note.mp4 10.3 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/3. Issue tree→Excel Creating a back-of- the-envelope business model “engine”.mp4 10.0 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/3. PROBLEM SOLVING BASICS Forget Excel. Problem solve on paper first/3. Define the Problem Find true north with a problem statement & audience.mp4 9.5 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/9. CONCLUSION/1. CONCLUSION How to apply what you've learned to solve any new problem.mp4 9.2 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/3. PROBLEM SOLVING BASICS Forget Excel. Problem solve on paper first/2. Problem-solving 101 - the basic analytical problem solving process.mp4 8.2 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/5. DATA ANALYSIS Summarize your data with Formulas and PIVOT TABLES/3.1 Beyond Formulas Ca Wi Mak Case 5 1 Analysis Basic Aggregation Starter 7.6 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/5. DATA ANALYSIS Summarize your data with Formulas and PIVOT TABLES/4.1 Beyond Formulas Ca Wi Mak Case 5 2 Analysis Pivot Tables Starter 7.5 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/3. PROBLEM SOLVING BASICS Forget Excel. Problem solve on paper first/7. Prioritize Find and prioritize the main business drivers.mp4 7.5 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/15. Avoid public humiliation through Auditing and Error-checking.mp4 7.4 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/4. Modeling the impact of time and economies of scale.mp4 6.8 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/2. EXCEL EFFICIENCY Be faster, more accurate, more impressive & less error-prone/2.1 5.4 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/4. DATA BASICS How to collect, clean, import, format, parse and lookup/3.1 Beyond Formulas RAW DATA All 5.3 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/4. DATA BASICS How to collect, clean, import, format, parse and lookup/5.1 Beyond Formulas RAW DATA All 5.3 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/5. DATA ANALYSIS Summarize your data with Formulas and PIVOT TABLES/1. DATA ANALYSIS Section Intro.mp4 4.9 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/4. DATA BASICS How to collect, clean, import, format, parse and lookup/1. DATA BASICS Section Intro.mp4 3.9 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/1. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Section Intro.mp4 3.3 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/2. EXCEL EFFICIENCY Be faster, more accurate, more impressive & less error-prone/6.1 Beyond Formulas Modeling STARTER Template 3.0 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/7. MODELING UNCERTAINTY Amazing Scenario and Sensitivity analyses made dead simple/1. MODELING UNCERTAINTY Section Intro.mp4 2.8 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/2. EXCEL EFFICIENCY Be faster, more accurate, more impressive & less error-prone/1. EXCEL EFFICIENCY Section Intro.mp4 2.8 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/3. PROBLEM SOLVING BASICS Forget Excel. Problem solve on paper first/1. PROBLEM SOLVING BASICS Section Intro.mp4 2.6 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/2. EXCEL EFFICIENCY Be faster, more accurate, more impressive & less error-prone/3.1 Beyond Formulas Keyboard Shortcut Olympics V Final 2.5 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/8. SLIDE-READY OUTPUT Synthesis, Data visualization and instant presentations/1. SLIDE-READY OUTPUT Section Intro.mp4 2.3 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/3. PROBLEM SOLVING BASICS Forget Excel. Problem solve on paper first/9. CaWiMak Case study - course materials.pdf 1.4 MB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/3. PROBLEM SOLVING BASICS Forget Excel. Problem solve on paper first/4.1 Beyond Formulas Ca Wi Mak Case Details.pdf 1.4 MB
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- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/13. Model Engine→Full multi-period P&L in just a few 35.4 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/7. Apply adoption curves to a phased geographic 35.0 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/8. Supply Chain modeling 101 (Part A) Shipping cost & manufacturing 32.4 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/9. Supply Chain modeling 101 (Part B) Shipping cost & manufacturing 30.7 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/11. Supply Chain 201 (PART A) Elegant Optimization Just add DATA 28.3 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/6. [Optional] ADVANCED Create your own user-defined formulas with VBA. It's easy!.srt 27.4 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/5. DATA ANALYSIS Summarize your data with Formulas and PIVOT TABLES/3. The best aggregation formula for analyzing & describing your 27.3 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/8. SLIDE-READY OUTPUT Synthesis, Data visualization and instant presentations/4. Creating the charts you want, and saving your favorite charts with “templates”.srt 26.9 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/4. DATA BASICS How to collect, clean, import, format, parse and lookup/11. Use Dynamic Named Ranges to give your data & cells easy-to-remember 25.0 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/12. Supply Chain 201 (PART B) Elegant Optimization Just add DATA 24.0 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/5. DATA ANALYSIS Summarize your data with Formulas and PIVOT TABLES/7. Extrapolate CaWiMak sales data to forecast national sales using 23.4 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/5. DATA ANALYSIS Summarize your data with Formulas and PIVOT TABLES/6. Dynamic dashboards & data merging using GETPIVOTDATA, Pivot charts & 22.8 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/5. DATA ANALYSIS Summarize your data with Formulas and PIVOT TABLES/4. PIVOT TABLES Everything you need to know to instantly summarize your 22.8 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/4. DATA BASICS How to collect, clean, import, format, parse and lookup/7. Mergingjoining data using a Primary Key+INDEX+MATCH (instead of VLOOKUP).srt 22.6 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/5. DATA ANALYSIS Summarize your data with Formulas and PIVOT TABLES/5. INTERMEDIATE PIVOT TABLES “Show Values As” options & Calculated 21.5 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/2. EXCEL EFFICIENCY Be faster, more accurate, more impressive & less error-prone/6. Building a model for stakeholders Save hours of rework - make it “ 20.6 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/7. MODELING UNCERTAINTY Amazing Scenario and Sensitivity analyses made dead simple/4. Upgrade your new P&L model into a scenario crunching 19.2 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/5. DATA ANALYSIS Summarize your data with Formulas and PIVOT TABLES/8. Next-level LOOKUPS Using “near match” lookups to group & categorize your 19.1 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/5. Model adoption curves over time instead of modeling a simple growth 15.2 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/7. MODELING UNCERTAINTY Amazing Scenario and Sensitivity analyses made dead simple/6. The star chart approach to understanding variable-level 13.5 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/4. DATA BASICS How to collect, clean, import, format, parse and lookup/10. Date & time parsing, conversion and 12.3 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/4. DATA BASICS How to collect, clean, import, format, parse and lookup/5. Got data Now what Best practice for importing data into your 12.3 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/8. SLIDE-READY OUTPUT Synthesis, Data visualization and instant presentations/3. Create an OUTPUT tab to easily consolidate & manage all model 11.7 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/7. MODELING UNCERTAINTY Amazing Scenario and Sensitivity analyses made dead simple/3. You can’t predict the future, but you can glance at the range of 11.6 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/3. PROBLEM SOLVING BASICS Forget Excel. Problem solve on paper first/5. Structure the Problem Create the “Issue Tree” to break down & share your 11.2 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/4. DATA BASICS How to collect, clean, import, format, parse and lookup/3. Gather real data based on your Analysis & Data 10.9 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/4. DATA BASICS How to collect, clean, import, format, parse and lookup/9. Using String formulas to parse & manipulate text fields in your 10.8 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/2. EXCEL EFFICIENCY Be faster, more accurate, more impressive & less error-prone/5. Avoid embarrassing yourself Reduce spreadsheet risk to preempt 10.5 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/2. EXCEL EFFICIENCY Be faster, more accurate, more impressive & less error-prone/7. [optional] ADVANCED What to do if your model becomes really BIG or really 9.8 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/10. ADVANCED Create a VBA function to calculate the distance between two 9.2 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/7. MODELING UNCERTAINTY Amazing Scenario and Sensitivity analyses made dead simple/5. Use DATA TABLES to instantly get the answers to all of your scenarios at 8.9 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/4. DATA BASICS How to collect, clean, import, format, parse and lookup/8. Use TABLES - Interact with your data using Excel's secret data 8.9 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/4. DATA BASICS How to collect, clean, import, format, parse and lookup/6. Primer on structuring data & making it useful Table or “Flat file” 8.5 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/3. PROBLEM SOLVING BASICS Forget Excel. Problem solve on paper first/3. Define the Problem Find true north with a problem statement & 8.4 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/4. DATA BASICS How to collect, clean, import, format, parse and lookup/4. Deal with Bad Data - Process, transform & clean large structured 8.2 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/3. PROBLEM SOLVING BASICS Forget Excel. Problem solve on paper first/8. Plan Plan every detail of each analysis to go from Issue tree → Plan of 7.1 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/2. EXCEL EFFICIENCY Be faster, more accurate, more impressive & less error-prone/4. What is Modular Model Design and why should you 7.1 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/15. Avoid public humiliation through Auditing and 7.1 KB
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- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/1. INTRO Learn to solve problems in excel, instead of just formula syntax/1. Why this Excel 7.0 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/3. PROBLEM SOLVING BASICS Forget Excel. Problem solve on paper first/2. Problem-solving 101 - the basic analytical problem solving 6.6 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/3. Issue tree→Excel Creating a back-of- the-envelope business model “engine”.srt 6.4 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/9. CONCLUSION/1. CONCLUSION How to apply what you've learned to solve any new 6.3 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/1. INTRO Learn to solve problems in excel, instead of just formula syntax/3. [optional] Consultants, or Managers of analysts take 6.3 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/3. PROBLEM SOLVING BASICS Forget Excel. Problem solve on paper first/7. Prioritize Find and prioritize the main business 5.9 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/4. Modeling the impact of time and economies of 5.8 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/1. INTRO Learn to solve problems in excel, instead of just formula syntax/2. [optional] What this course covers Modeling Approach & Excel 5.6 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/3. PROBLEM SOLVING BASICS Forget Excel. Problem solve on paper first/4. Case-study Problem Statement for a Widget Manufacturing 5.4 KB
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- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/2. EXCEL EFFICIENCY Be faster, more accurate, more impressive & less error-prone/3. Keyboard shortcut game Improve speed, save 4.6 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/14. RECAP Of everything we've accomplished this 4.4 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/3. PROBLEM SOLVING BASICS Forget Excel. Problem solve on paper first/6. Case-study Creating the issue tree for the Widget Manufacturing Company 4.0 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/5. DATA ANALYSIS Summarize your data with Formulas and PIVOT TABLES/1. DATA ANALYSIS Section 3.0 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/4. DATA BASICS How to collect, clean, import, format, parse and lookup/1. DATA BASICS Section 2.0 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/1. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Section 1.8 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/2. EXCEL EFFICIENCY Be faster, more accurate, more impressive & less error-prone/1. EXCEL EFFICIENCY Section 1.5 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/7. MODELING UNCERTAINTY Amazing Scenario and Sensitivity analyses made dead simple/1. MODELING UNCERTAINTY Section 1.5 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/3. PROBLEM SOLVING BASICS Forget Excel. Problem solve on paper first/1. PROBLEM SOLVING BASICS Section 1.4 KB
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/8. SLIDE-READY OUTPUT Synthesis, Data visualization and instant presentations/1. SLIDE-READY OUTPUT Section 1.4 KB
- [TGx]Downloaded from .txt 585 bytes
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/1. INTRO Learn to solve problems in excel, instead of just formula syntax/4. BEYONDFORMULAS - Download all course materials.html 346 bytes
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/6. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM Create a single, logical model flow to drive everything/2. EXCEL ENGINE ROOM - Course materials.html 198 bytes
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/2. EXCEL EFFICIENCY Be faster, more accurate, more impressive & less error-prone/2. EXCEL EFFICIENCY - Course materials.html 195 bytes
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/4. DATA BASICS How to collect, clean, import, format, parse and lookup/2. DATA BASICS - Course materials.html 195 bytes
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/5. DATA ANALYSIS Summarize your data with Formulas and PIVOT TABLES/2. DATA ANALYSIS - Course materials.html 195 bytes
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/7. MODELING UNCERTAINTY Amazing Scenario and Sensitivity analyses made dead simple/2. MODELING UNCERTAINTY - Course materials.html 195 bytes
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/8. SLIDE-READY OUTPUT Synthesis, Data visualization and instant presentations/2. SLIDE-READY OUTPUT - Course materials.html 195 bytes
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/4. DATA BASICS How to collect, clean, import, format, parse and lookup/6.2 Power Query.html 122 bytes
- [] - BeyondFormulas Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling/4. DATA BASICS How to collect, clean, import, format, parse and lookup/4.1 OpenRefine.html 96 bytes
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