Schubert, Franz (1797-1828) [Austria]
File List
- Theatrical/D644 Die Zauberharfe (1820) [G.Von Hofmann]/01.mp3 90.9 MB
- Keyboard/D001 Fantasie (1810) For Piano 4 Hands In G Major/01.mp3 50.6 MB
- Theatrical/D701 Sacontala [Sakuntala] (1820-21) [J.P.Neumann, After Kalidasa]/08 - Act I(x) Finale 'Sieg Deinen Fahnen, Konig'.mp3 44.1 MB
- Lieder/D554 Uraniens Flucht [Lasst Uns, Ihr Himmlischen] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In D major [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 41.7 MB
- Theatrical/D137 Adrast (1819-20) [J.Mayrhofer; Unfinished]/01.mp3 41.2 MB
- Lieder/D323 Klage Der Ceres [Ist Der Holde Lenz Erschienen] (1815-16) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [Schiller]/01.mp3 40.8 MB
- Theatrical/D084 Des Teufels Lustschloss (1813-15) [Kotzebue]/01 - Act I.mp3 38.9 MB
- Lieder/D375 Der Tod Oskars [Warum Offnest Du Wieder] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Minor [Ossian, Trans. Harold]/01.mp3 38.3 MB
- Lieder/D077 Der Taucher [Wer Wagt Es, Rittersmann] (1813-15) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Minor [Schiller]/b (-1815)/01.mp3 35.9 MB
- Keyboard/D885 Grande Marche Héroïque (1826) For Piano 4 Hands In A Minor/01.mp3 35.6 MB
- Lieder/D077 Der Taucher [Wer Wagt Es, Rittersmann] (1813-15) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Minor [Schiller]/a (1813-15)/01.mp3 32.8 MB
- Keyboard/D823 Divertissement Sur Des Motifs Originaux Français (c1825) For Piano 4 Hands In E Minor/01 - Tempo Di Marcia.mp3 29.8 MB
- Lieder/D792 Vergissmeinnicht [Als Der Frühling Sich Vom Herzen] (1823) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major [Schober]/01.mp3 29.0 MB
- Lieder/D965 Op.129 Der Hirt Auf Dem Felsen [Wenn Auf Dem Höchsten Fels] (1828) Lied For Voice, Clarinet Obbligato And Piano In Bb Major [W. Müller, H.Von Chézy]/01.mp3 28.1 MB
- Lieder/D007 Leichenfantasie [Mit Erstorbnem Scheinen] (c1811) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Minor [Schiller]/01.mp3 26.5 MB
- Keyboard/D-App 30 Minuets With Trios For Piano [Frag.]/01.mp3 26.1 MB
- Choral/D930 Op.104 Der Hochzeitsbraten (1827) Partsong For Soprano, Tenor, Bass And Piano [F.Von Schober]/01.mp3 26.0 MB
- Theatrical/D084 Des Teufels Lustschloss (1813-15) [Kotzebue]/02 - Act II.mp3 25.7 MB
- Lieder/D152 Minona [Wie Treiben Die Wolken So Finster] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Minor [F.A.Bertrand]/01.mp3 25.5 MB
- Choral/D942 Op.136 Mirjams Siegesgesang (1828) For Soprano, SATB Choir And Piano/01.MP3 25.2 MB
- Keyboard/D041 30 Minuets With Trios (1813) For Piano [10 Lost]/01.mp3 24.6 MB
- Lieder/D620 Einsamkeit [Gib Mir Die Fülle Der Einsamkeit!] (1818) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 24.5 MB
- Keyboard/D783 Op.033 16 Deutsche Tänz And 2 Ecossaises (1823-24) For Piano 4 Hands [No.2 = No.1 Of D781]/01.mp3 24.5 MB
- Keyboard/D823 Divertissement Sur Des Motifs Originaux Français (c1825) For Piano 4 Hands In E Minor/03 - Rondo Allegretto.mp3 23.6 MB
- Lieder/D005 Hagars Klage [Hier Am Hügel Heissen Sandes] (1811) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Minor [C.A.Schücking]/01.MP3 23.3 MB
- Theatrical/D435 Die Bürgschaft (1816) [Inc.]/01.mp3 23.1 MB
- Keyboard/D048 Fantasie (1813) For Piano 4 Hands In C Minor/01.mp3 22.8 MB
- Choral/D666 Kantate Zum Geburtstag Des Sängers Johann Michael Vogl (Der Frühlingsmorgen) (1819) For STB Choir And Piano [A.Stadler]/01.mp3 22.8 MB
- Lieder/D282 Cronnan [Ich Sitz’ Bei Der Moosigten Quelle] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Minor [Ossian, Trans. Harold]/01.mp3 22.6 MB
- Lieder/D293 Shilric Und Vinvela [Mein Geliebter Ist Ein Sohn Des Hügels] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [Ossian, Trans. Harold]/01.mp3 22.5 MB
- Lieder/D246 Die Bürgschaft [Zu Dionys, Dem Tyrannen] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Minor [Schiller]/01.mp3 22.5 MB
- Choral/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [E.Von Bauernfeld]/15 - Act I Finale.mp3 22.4 MB
- Theatrical/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [Sketches Only; E.Von Bauernfeld]/15 - Act I Finale.mp3 22.4 MB
- Orchestral/D729 Symphony [No.7] In E Major (1821) [Sketched In Score]/01 - Adagio; Allegro.mp3 22.0 MB
- Lieder/D943 Op.119 Auf Dem Strom [Nimm Die Letzten Abschiedsküsse] (1828) Lied For Voice, Horn Obbligato And Piano [Rellstab]/01.mp3 21.7 MB
- Lieder/D211 Adelwold Und Emma [Hoch, Und Ehern Schier Von Dauer] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Bertrand]/03.mp3 20.9 MB
- Keyboard/D156 10 Variations (1815) For Piano In F Major/01.mp3 20.7 MB
- Lieder/D254 Der Gott Und Die Bajadere [Mahadöh, Der Herr Der Erde] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Eb Major [Goethe]/01.mp3 20.7 MB
- Chamber/D934 Op.159 Fantasy (1827) For Violin And Piano In C Major/01.mp3 20.5 MB
- Keyboard/D823 Divertissement Sur Des Motifs Originaux Français (c1825) For Piano 4 Hands In E Minor/02 - Andantino Variations.mp3 20.5 MB
- Lieder/D211 Adelwold Und Emma [Hoch, Und Ehern Schier Von Dauer] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Bertrand]/01.mp3 20.3 MB
- Lieder/D938 Der Winterabend [Es Ist So Still] (1828) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [Leitner]/01.mp3 19.9 MB
- Lieder/D837 Ellens Gesang I [Raste, Krieger, Krieg Ist Aus] (1825) Lied For Voice And Piano In Db Major [Scott, Trans. D.A.Storck]/01.mp3 19.8 MB
- Chamber/D090 5 Deutsche And 7 Trios With Coda (1813) For String Quartet/01.mp3 19.7 MB
- Theatrical/D084 Des Teufels Lustschloss (1813-15) [Kotzebue]/03 - Act III.mp3 19.6 MB
- Lieder/D534 Die Nacht [Die Nacht Ist Dumpfig Und Finster] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Minor [Ossian, Trans. Harold]/01.mp3 19.6 MB
- Keyboard/D760 Op.015 Fantasy ‘Wandererfantasie’ (1822) For Piano In C Major/01.mp3 19.3 MB
- Orchestral/D936a Symphony In D Major (1828) [Sketches]/02 - Andante.mp3 19.2 MB
- Keyboard/D818 Op.054 Divertissement A L’Hongroise (c1824) For Piano 4 Hands In G Minor/03 - Allegro.mp3 19.1 MB
- Lieder/D208 Die Nonne [Es Liebt’ In Welschland] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major [Hölty]/01.mp3 18.9 MB
- Lieder/D397 Ritter Toggenburg [Ritter, Treue Schwesterliebe] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Schiller]/01.mp3 18.9 MB
- Theatrical/D787 Die Verschworenen (Der Häusliche Krieg) (1822-23) [I.F.Castelli, After Aristophanes Lysistrata And Ecclesiazusae]/21 - Wie. Darf Ich Meinen Augen Traun.mp3 18.8 MB
- Chamber/D887 Op.161 String Quartet No.15 (1826) In G Major/01 - Allegro Molto Moderato.mp3 18.7 MB
- Theatrical/D796 Fierrabras (1823) [J.Kupelwieser, After J.G.G.Büsching, F.H.Von Der Hagen, F.De La Motte Fouqué]/08 - Act I(vi) `Der Abend Sinkt Auf Stiller Flur' (Eginhard,.mp3 18.7 MB
- Keyboard/D859 Op.055 Grande Marche Funèbre (1825) For Piano 4 Hands In C Minor/01.mp3 18.5 MB
- Lieder/D209 Op.038 Der Liedler [Gib, Schwester, Mir Die Harf Herab] (1815) For Voice And Piano In A Minor [Kenner]/01.mp3 18.4 MB
- Keyboard/D960 Piano Sonata No.21 (1828) In Bb Major/01 - Molto Moderato.mp3 18.4 MB
- Choral/D488 Auguste Jam Coelestium (1816) For Soprano, Tenor And Orchestra In G Major/01.mp3 18.1 MB
- Choral/D705 Gesang Der Geister Uber Den Wassern (3) (1820) Partsong For TTBB Choir And Piano [Goethe; Sketch]/01.mp3 18.0 MB
- Lieder/D001a Song Sketch (c1810) Lied For Voice And Piano [No Text]/01.mp3 17.9 MB
- Keyboard/D734 Op.067 16 Ländler And 2 Ecossaises (Wiener-Damen Ländler) (c1822) For Piano/01.mp3 17.5 MB
- Chamber/D089 5 Minuets And 6 Trios (1813) For String Quartet/01.mp3 17.5 MB
- Lieder/D786 Op.123 Viola [Schneeglöcklein, O Schneeglöcklein] (1823) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major [Schober]/01.mp3 17.4 MB
- Lieder/D126 Szene Aus Goethes Faust (Dom) [Wie Anders, Gretchen, War Dir’s] (1814) Lied For Voice, 4 Voices And Piano In C Minor [Goethe]/01.mp3 17.2 MB
- Lieder/D933 Des Fischers Liebesglück [Dort Blinket Durch Weiden] (1827) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Minor [Leitner]/01.mp3 17.0 MB
- Choral/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [E.Von Bauernfeld]/32 - Act II Finale.mp3 16.9 MB
- Theatrical/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [Sketches Only; E.Von Bauernfeld]/32 - Act II Finale.mp3 16.9 MB
- Keyboard/D420 12 Deutsche (1816) For Piano/01.mp3 16.9 MB
- Lieder/D564 Gretchen Im Zwinger (Gretchen; Gretchens Bitte) [Ach Neige, Du Schmerzensreiche] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Minor [Goethe; Completed Britten]/01.mp3 16.7 MB
- Lieder/D150 Lodas Gespenst [Der Bleiche, Kalte Mond] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Minor And Bb Major [Ossian, Trans. E.Baron De Harold]/01.mp3 16.2 MB
- Lieder/D211 Adelwold Und Emma [Hoch, Und Ehern Schier Von Dauer] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Bertrand]/02.mp3 15.8 MB
- Lieder/D762 Schwestergruss [Im Mondenschein Wall’ Ich Auf Und Ab] (1822) Lied For Voice And Piano In F# Minor [Bruchmann]/01.mp3 15.7 MB
- Orchestral/D729 Symphony [No.7] In E Major (1821) [Sketched In Score]/04 - Allegro Vivace.mp3 15.7 MB
- Choral/D815 Op.139 Gebet (1824) For SATB Choir And Piano [ F.De La Motte Fouqué]/01.MP3 15.6 MB
- Keyboard/D818 Op.054 Divertissement A L’Hongroise (c1824) For Piano 4 Hands In G Minor/01 - Andante.mp3 15.6 MB
- Choral/D875a Die Allmacht (2) (1826) Partsong For SATB Choir And Piano [J.L.Pyrker Von Felsö-Eör; Sketch]/01.mp3 15.6 MB
- Keyboard/D840 Piano Sonata No.15 ‘Reliquie’ (1825) In C Major [Mvmts 3 & 4 Unfinished]/01 - Moderato.mp3 15.6 MB
- Keyboard/D128 12 Wiener Deutsche (c1812) For Piano/01.mp3 15.5 MB
- Chamber/D036 String Quartet No.03 (1812-13) In Bb Major/01 - Allegro.mp3 15.5 MB
- Theatrical/D701 Sacontala [Sakuntala] (1820-21) [J.P.Neumann, After Kalidasa]/06 - Act I(v-viii) Quintet 'Hier Liegen Wir Im Staub Gebeuget'.mp3 15.4 MB
- Keyboard/D951 Op.107 Rondo (1828) For Piano 4 Hands In A Major/01.mp3 15.4 MB
- Keyboard/D145 Op.018 12 Waltzes, 17 Ländler, 9 Ecossaises [No.5 = D421(i); No.6 = D697(v)], Incl. 3 Atzenbrugger Tänze For Piano/02 - Ländler Nos.01-17.mp3 15.4 MB
- Keyboard/D894 Op.078 Piano Sonata No.18 (1826) In G Major [Formerly Known As Fantasie, Andante, Menuetto Und Allegretto]/01 - Molto Moderato E Cantabile.mp3 15.4 MB
- Keyboard/D145 Op.018 12 Waltzes, 17 Ländler, 9 Ecossaises [No.5 = D421(i); No.6 = D697(v)], Incl. 3 Atzenbrugger Tänze For Piano/01 - Waltzes Nos.01-12.mp3 15.3 MB
- Keyboard/D946 3 Klavierstücke (1828) For Piano/01 - In Eb Minor.mp3 15.3 MB
- Keyboard/D916b Piano Piece (1827) In C Major [Sketch]/03 - All'Ungherese Quasi Marcia.mp3 15.2 MB
- Chamber/D471 String Trio (1816) In Bb Major [1st Movt Only]/01 - Allegro.mp3 15.1 MB
- Keyboard/D959 Piano Sonata No.20 (1828) In A Major/01 - Allegro.mp3 15.1 MB
- Lieder/D217 Kolmas Klage [Rund Um Mich Nacht] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Minor [J.Macpherson; Ossian]/01.mp3 15.0 MB
- Keyboard/D946 3 Klavierstücke (1828) For Piano/02 - In Eb Major.mp3 15.0 MB
- Lieder/D039 Lebenstraum (c1810) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Major [G.Von Baumberg]/01.mp3 15.0 MB
- Choral/D486 Magnificat (1815) For Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir, Orchestra And Organ In C Major/01.mp3 15.0 MB
- Orchestral/D438 Rondo (1816) For Violin And Strings In A Major/01.mp3 14.8 MB
- Lieder/D329 Die Drei Sänger [Der König Sass Beim Frohen Mahle] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [F.Bobrik; Frag.]/01.mp3 14.8 MB
- Lieder/D159 Op.116 Die Erwartung [Hör’ Ich Das Pförtchen] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [Schiller]/01.mp3 14.7 MB
- Chamber/D898 Op.099 Piano Trio (c1828) In Bb Major/01 - Allegro Moderato.mp3 14.5 MB
- Chamber/D929 Op.100 Piano Trio (1827) In Eb Major/01 - Allegro.mp3 14.5 MB
- Orchestral/D729 Symphony [No.7] In E Major (1821) [Sketched In Score]/02 - Andante.mp3 14.4 MB
- Chamber/D956 Op.163 String Quintet (c1828) For 2 Violins, Viola And 2 Cellos In C Major/02 - Adagio.mp3 14.4 MB
- Choral/D950 Mass No.6 In Eb Major (1828) For Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir And Orchestra/03 - Credo.mp3 14.3 MB
- Lieder/D839 Op.052(vi) Ellens Gesang III (Hymne An Die Jungfrau) [Ave Maria! Jungfrau Mild!] (1825) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [Scott, Trans. Storck]/01.mp3 14.3 MB
- Keyboard/D576 13 Variations On A Theme By Anselm Hüttenbrenner (1817) For Piano In A Minor/01.mp3 14.3 MB
- Theatrical/D326 Die Freunde Von Salamanka (1815-16) [Mayrhofer]/08 - Act I(vii) Finale 'Mild Senkt Sich Der Abend Nieder'.mp3 14.1 MB
- Chamber/D096 Trio (1814) For Flute, Viola, Cello And Guitar In G Major/01 - Allegro Moderato.mp3 14.1 MB
- Keyboard/D668 Overture (1819) For Piano 4 Hands In G Minor/01.mp3 14.0 MB
- Theatrical/D797 Rosamunde, Fürstin Von Zypern Incidental Music To Romantic Play (1823)/01 - Overture.MP3 13.7 MB
- Chamber/D956 Op.163 String Quintet (c1828) For 2 Violins, Viola And 2 Cellos In C Major/01 - Allegro Ma Non Troppo.mp3 13.7 MB
- Choral/D066 Kyrie (1813) For SATB Choir, Orchestra And Organ In F Major/01.mp3 13.6 MB
- Lieder/D093 Don Gayseros (c1815) Lieder For Voice And Piano [F.De La Motte Fouqué]/01.mp3 13.4 MB
- Lieder/D923 Op.165(v) Eine Altschottische Ballade [Dein Schwert, Wie Ist’s Von Blut So Rot] (1827) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Minor [Anon. Eng., Trans. Herder]/01.mp3 13.3 MB
- Keyboard/D366 17 Ländler (1824-69) For Piano/01.mp3 13.2 MB
- Orchestral/D944 Symphony [No.8] No.9 ‘Great’ (1825-28) In D Major/01 - Andante Allegro Ma Non Troppo .mp3 13.2 MB
- Chamber/D068 String Quartet No.05 (1813) In Bb Major/01 - Allegro Maestoso.mp3 13.2 MB
- Chamber/D008 Overture (1811) For 2 Violins, 2 Violas And Cello In C Minor/01.mp3 13.2 MB
- Lieder/D542 Op.006(ii) Antigone Und Oedip [Ihr Hohen Himmlischen] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Major [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 13.2 MB
- Chamber/D667 Op.114 Piano Quintet ‘Die Forelle’ [Trout] (1819) In A Major/01 - Allegro Vivace.mp3 13.1 MB
- Lieder/D595 Op.088(ii) Thekla Eine Geisterstimme (2) [Wo Ich Sei, Und Wo Mich Hingewendet] (c1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Minor [Schiller]/b/01.mp3 13.1 MB
- Orchestral/D729 Symphony [No.7] In E Major (1821) [Sketched In Score]/03 - Scherzo (Allegro Deciso; Meno Mosso).mp3 13.0 MB
- Lieder/D927 Op.106(iii) Vor Meiner Wiege [Das Also, Das Ist Der Enge Schrein] Lied For Voice And Piano In B Minor [Leitner]/01.mp3 12.9 MB
- Theatrical/D701 Sacontala [Sakuntala] (1820-21) [J.P.Neumann, After Kalidasa]/12 - Act II(xi) Duet 'Mit Liebendem Verlangen'.mp3 12.9 MB
- Orchestral/D345 Concerto (Concertstück) (1816) For Violin And Orchestra In D Major/01.mp3 12.8 MB
- Orchestral/D936a Symphony In D Major (1828) [Sketches]/01 - Allegro.mp3 12.8 MB
- Choral/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [E.Von Bauernfeld]/24 - Act II Rezitativ.mp3 12.8 MB
- Theatrical/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [Sketches Only; E.Von Bauernfeld]/24 - Act II Recit..mp3 12.8 MB
- Keyboard/D916b Piano Piece (1827) In C Major [Sketch]/01 - Allegro.mp3 12.8 MB
- Lieder/D720 Op.014(i) Suleika I [Was Bedeutet Die Bewegung] (c1821) Lied For Voice And Piano In B Minor [Willemer]/b/01.mp3 12.8 MB
- Keyboard/D602 Op.027 3 Marches Héroïques (1818 Or 1824) For Piano 4 Hands/02 - In C Major (Maestoso).mp3 12.8 MB
- Lieder/D322 Hermann Und Thusnelda [Ha, Dort Kömmt Er] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Eb Major [Klopstock]/01.mp3 12.8 MB
- Orchestral/D944 Symphony [No.8] No.9 ‘Great’ (1825-28) In D Major/02 - Andante Con Moto .mp3 12.7 MB
- Theatrical/D326 Die Freunde Von Salamanka (1815-16) [Mayrhofer]/18 - Act II(xviii) Finale 'Gnäd'ge Frau, Ich Hab' Die Ehre'.mp3 12.7 MB
- Lieder/D957 Schwanengesang (1828) Lieder For Voice And Piano/06 - In Der Ferne [Wehe Dem Fliehenden] In B Minor.mp3 12.7 MB
- Choral/D950 Mass No.6 In Eb Major (1828) For Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir And Orchestra/02 - Gloria.mp3 12.7 MB
- Chamber/D810 String Quartet No.14 ‘Der Tod Und Das Mädchen' [Death And The Maiden] (1824) In D Minor/02 - Andante Con Moto.mp3 12.6 MB
- Keyboard/D947 Op.144 Allegro ‘Lebensstürme’ (1828) For Piano 4 Hands In A Minor/01.mp3 12.5 MB
- Keyboard/D819 Op.040 6 Grandes Marches (1824) For Piano 4 Hands/05 - In Eb Minor (Andante).mp3 12.5 MB
- Chamber/D103 String Quartet (1814) In C Minor [Fragments]/01 - Grave; Allegro.mp3 12.5 MB
- Chamber/D929 Op.100 Piano Trio (1827) In Eb Major/04 - Allegro Moderato.mp3 12.5 MB
- Chamber/D008a Overture For String Quartet In C Minor [Arr. Of D008]/01.mp3 12.4 MB
- Lieder/D911 Op.089 Winterreise (1827) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/01 - Gute Nacht.mp3 12.4 MB
- Theatrical/D797 Rosamunde, Fürstin Von Zypern Incidental Music To Romantic Play (1823)/03 - Ballet Music No.1.MP3 12.4 MB
- Lieder/D896b Wolke Und Quelle [Auf Meinen Heimischen Bergen] (1827) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Major [Leitner; Sketch]/01.mp3 12.3 MB
- Chamber/D821 Sonata ‘Arpeggione’ (1824) For Arpeggione And Piano In A Minor/01 - Allegro Moderato.mp3 12.1 MB
- Chamber/D487 Adagio And Rondo Concertante (1816) For Piano Quartet In F major/01.mp3 12.1 MB
- Chamber/D895 Op.070 Rondo (Rondo Brillant) (1826) For Violin And Piano In B Minor/01.mp3 12.0 MB
- Keyboard/D605 + D029 Fantasia (1821-23) And Andante (1812) For Piano In C Major/01.mp3 12.0 MB
- Lieder/D584 Elysium [Vorüber Die Stöhnende Klage!] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In E Major [Schiller]/01.mp3 12.0 MB
- Chamber/D374 11 Ländler (1816) For Violin In Bb Major/01.mp3 12.0 MB
- Chamber/D804 Op.029(i) String Quartet No.13 (1824) In A Minor/01 - Allegro Ma Non Troppo.mp3 11.9 MB
- Lieder/D222 Lieb Minna [Schwüler Hauch Weht Mir Herüber] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Minor [A.Stadler]/01.mp3 11.9 MB
- Theatrical/D190 Der Vierjährige Posten (1815) [T.Körner]/01 - Overture.mp3 11.8 MB
- Chamber/D094 String Quartet No.07 (1811 or 1812) In D Major/01 - Allegro.mp3 11.8 MB
- Lieder/D409 Die Verfehlte Stunde [Quä-Lend Ungestilltes Sehnen] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Minor [A.W.Von Schlegel]/01.mp3 11.8 MB
- Lieder/D312 Op.058(i) Hektors Abschied [Will Sich Hektor Ewig Von Mir Wenden] (c1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Minor [Schiller]/01.mp3 11.7 MB
- Lieder/D955 Op.097 Glaube, Hoffnung Und Liebe [Glaube, Hoffe, Liebe!] (1828) Lied For Voice And Piano In Eb Major [C.Kuffner]/01.mp3 11.7 MB
- Lieder/D917 Op.115(i) Das Lied Im Grünen [Ins Grüne, Ins Grüne] (1827) Lied for Voice And Piano In A Major [J.A.F.Reil]/01.mp3 11.6 MB
- Chamber/D112 Op.168 String Quartet No.08 (1814) In Bb Major/01 - Allegro Ma Non Troppo.mp3 11.4 MB
- Choral/D105 Mass No.1 In F Major (1814) For 2 Sopranos, Alto, 2 Tenors, Bass SATB Choir, Orchestra And Organ [+ Dona Nobis Pacem D185]/06 - Agnus Dei [With Dona Nobis pacem D185].mp3 11.4 MB
- Lieder/D653 Bertas Lied In Der Nacht [Nacht Umhüllt Mit Wehendem Flügel] (1819) Lied For Voice And Piano In Eb Minor [F.Grillparzer]/01.mp3 11.4 MB
- Keyboard/D959 Piano Sonata No.20 (1828) In A Major/04 - Rondo (Allegretto).mp3 11.4 MB
- Keyboard/D784 Op.143 Piano Sonata No.14 (1823) In A Minor/01 - Allegro Giusto.mp3 11.4 MB
- Theatrical/D787 Die Verschworenen (Der Häusliche Krieg) (1822-23) [I.F.Castelli, After Aristophanes Lysistrata And Ecclesiazusae]/13 - Willkommen, Schon Willkommen Hier In Dem Heimatland.mp3 11.3 MB
- Choral/D105 Mass No.1 In F Major (1814) For 2 Sopranos, Alto, 2 Tenors, Bass SATB Choir, Orchestra And Organ [+ Dona Nobis Pacem D185]/02 - Gloria.mp3 11.3 MB
- Choral/D184 Op.150 Benedictus Es, Domine (1815) Gradual For SATB Choir, Orchestra And Organ In C Major/01.mp3 11.3 MB
- Lieder/D716 Grenzen Der Menschheit [Wenn Der Uralte Heilige Vater] (1821) Lied For Voice And Piano In E Major [Goethe]/01.mp3 11.2 MB
- Chamber/D803 Op.166 Octet (1824) For Clarinet, Horn, Bassoon And String Quintet In F Major/01 - Adagio_ Allegro.mp3 11.2 MB
- Keyboard/D908 Op.082(i) 8 Variations On A Theme From Hérold’s Marie (1827) For Piano 4 Hands In C Major/01.mp3 11.2 MB
- Theatrical/D797 Rosamunde, Fürstin Von Zypern Incidental Music To Romantic Play (1823)/07 - Entr'acte No.3.MP3 11.2 MB
- Lieder/D828 Op.043(i) Die Junge Nonne [Wie Braust Durch Die Wipfel] (1825) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Minor [J.N.Craigher De Jachelutta]/01.mp3 11.1 MB
- Choral/D714 Op.167 Gesang Der Geister Über Den Wassern (4) Partsong (1821) For TTTTBBBB Choir, 2 Violas, 2 Cellos And Double Bass [Goethe]/01.mp3 11.1 MB
- Chamber/D803 Op.166 Octet (1824) For Clarinet, Horn, Bassoon And String Quintet In F Major/04 - Andante.mp3 11.1 MB
- Keyboard/D567 Piano Sonata (1817) In Db Major [Inc. 1st Version Of D568]/02.mp3 11.1 MB
- Theatrical/D797 Rosamunde, Fürstin Von Zypern Incidental Music To Romantic Play (1823)/02 - Entr'acte No.1.MP3 11.1 MB
- Chamber/D096 Trio (1814) For Flute, Viola, Cello And Guitar In G Major/05 - Theme And Variations.mp3 11.1 MB
- Chamber/D898 Op.099 Piano Trio (c1828) In Bb Major/02 - Andante Un Poco Mosso.mp3 11.0 MB
- Theatrical/D787 Die Verschworenen (Der Häusliche Krieg) (1822-23) [I.F.Castelli, After Aristophanes Lysistrata And Ecclesiazusae]/05 - Ihr Habt Auf Eure Burg Entboten.mp3 11.0 MB
- Orchestral/D708a Symphony In D Major (1820-) [Sketches]/03 - Scherzo.mp3 11.0 MB
- Choral/D294 Namensfeier Für Franz Michael Vierthaler (Gratulations Kantate) (1815) For Soprano, Tenor, Bass, STB Choir And Orchestra/01.mp3 10.9 MB
- Theatrical/D239 Claudine Von Villa Bella (1815) [Only Overture & Act I Survive, J.W.Von Goethe]/01 - Ouvertüre.mp3 10.9 MB
- Keyboard/D845 Op.042 Piano Sonata No.16 (1825) In A Minor/02 - Andante Poco Mosso.mp3 10.9 MB
- Lieder/D484 Gesang Der Geister Uber Den Wassern (1) [... Dann Zur Tiefe Nieder] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [Goethe; Frag.]/01.mp3 10.9 MB
- Keyboard/D935 Op.142 4 Impromptus (1827) For Piano/03 - In Bb Major.mp3 10.9 MB
- Choral/D461 Tantum Ergo (1816) For Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir And Orchestra In C Major/01.mp3 10.8 MB
- Lieder/D237 Abends Unter Der Linde (2) [Woher, O Namenloses Sehnen] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Kosegarten]/01.mp3 10.8 MB
- Lieder/D291 Dem Unendlichen [Wie Erhebt Sich Das Herz] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Klopstock]/a (1815)/01.mp3 10.7 MB
- Lieder/D695 Namenstagslied [Vater, Schenk’ Mir Diese Stunde] (1820) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [A.Stadler]/01.mp3 10.7 MB
- Lieder/D919 Frühlingslied (2) [Geöffnet Sind Des Winters Riegel] (1827) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major [A.Pollak]/01.mp3 10.7 MB
- Theatrical/D701 Sacontala [Sakuntala] (1820-21) [J.P.Neumann, After Kalidasa]/13 - Act II(xi) Aria 'Trauet Auf Gotter! Trauet! Sie Walten!'.mp3 10.7 MB
- Lieder/D911 Op.089 Winterreise (1827) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/05 - Der Lindenbaum.mp3 10.7 MB
- Lieder/D614 An Den Mond In Einer Herbstnacht [Freundlich Ist Dein Antlitz] (1818) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [A.Schreiber]/01.mp3 10.7 MB
- Lieder/D926 Op.106(ii) Das Weinen [Gar Tröstlich Kommt Geronnen] (1827-28) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Major [Leitner]/01.mp3 10.7 MB
- Choral/D472 Kantate Zu Ehren Von Josef Spendou (1816) For 2 Sopranos, Bass, SATB Choir And Orchestra [J.Hoheisel]/01 - Da Liegt Er, Starr.mp3 10.7 MB
- Orchestral/D759 Symphony [No.7] No.8 ‘Unfinished’ (1822) In B Minor/02 - Andante Con Moto .mp3 10.7 MB
- Chamber/D074 String Quartet No.06 (1813) In D Major/01 - Allegro Ma Non Troppo.mp3 10.7 MB
- Theatrical/D797 Rosamunde, Fürstin Von Zypern Incidental Music To Romantic Play (1823)/11 - Ballet Music No.2.MP3 10.6 MB
- Orchestral/D590 Overture ‘Im Italienischen Stile’ (1817) For Orchestra In D Major/01.mp3 10.6 MB
- Lieder/D645 Abend [Wie Ist Es Denn] (1819) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Minor [L.Tieck; Frag.]/01.mp3 10.6 MB
- Orchestral/D012 Overture (1811 or 1812) For Orchestra In D Major/01.mp3 10.6 MB
- Orchestral/D759 Symphony [No.7] No.8 ‘Unfinished’ (1822) In B Minor/01 - Allegro Moderato .mp3 10.6 MB
- Lieder/D922 Op.106(i) Heimliches Lieben [O Du, Wenn Deine Lippen] ( 1827) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [K.L.Von Klenke]/01.mp3 10.6 MB
- Choral/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [E.Von Bauernfeld]/02 - Act I Rezitativ.mp3 10.5 MB
- Theatrical/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [Sketches Only; E.Von Bauernfeld]/02 - Act I Recit..mp3 10.5 MB
- Keyboard/D812 Op.140 Sonata ‘Grand Duo’ (1824) For Piano 4 Hands In C Major/01 - Allegro Moderato.mp3 10.5 MB
- Keyboard/D968b Op.121 2 Marches Caractéristiques (1826) For Piano 4 Hands In C Major [Formerly D886]/01 - Allegro Vivace.mp3 10.5 MB
- Chamber/D887 Op.161 String Quartet No.15 (1826) In G Major/02 - Andante Un poco Moto.mp3 10.5 MB
- Keyboard/D845 Op.042 Piano Sonata No.16 (1825) In A Minor/01 - Moderato.mp3 10.5 MB
- Lieder/D957 Schwanengesang (1828) Lieder For Voice And Piano/12 - Am Meer [Das Meer Erglänzte Weit Hinaus] In C Major.mp3 10.5 MB
- Chamber/D810 String Quartet No.14 ‘Der Tod Und Das Mädchen' [Death And The Maiden] (1824) In D Minor/01 - Allegro .mp3 10.5 MB
- Lieder/D896a Sie In Jedem Liede [Nehm Ich Die Harfe] (1827) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [Leitner; Sketch]/01.mp3 10.5 MB
- Orchestral/D944 Symphony [No.8] No.9 ‘Great’ (1825-28) In D Major/04 - Allegro Vivace .mp3 10.5 MB
- Lieder/D957 Schwanengesang (1828) Lieder For Voice And Piano/02 - Kriegers Ahnung [In Tiefer Ruh Liegt Um Mich Her] In C Minor.mp3 10.5 MB
- Lieder/D510 Vedi Quanto Adoro (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In Eb Major [Metastasio]/01.mp3 10.4 MB
- Lieder/D830 Op.085(i) Lied Der Anne Lyle [Wärst Du Bei Mir Im Lebenstal] (1825) For Voice And Piano In C Minor [A.MacDonald Trans. Prob. S.May]/01.mp3 10.4 MB
- Choral/D472 Kantate Zu Ehren Von Josef Spendou (1816) For 2 Sopranos, Bass, SATB Choir And Orchestra [J.Hoheisel]/02 - Gottes Bild Ist Fürst Und Staat.mp3 10.4 MB
- Keyboard/D567 Piano Sonata (1817) In Db Major [Inc. 1st Version Of D568]/03.mp3 10.4 MB
- Keyboard/D968b Op.121 2 Marches Caractéristiques (1826) For Piano 4 Hands In C Major [Formerly D886]/02 - Allegro Vivace.mp3 10.3 MB
- Orchestral/D944 Symphony [No.8] No.9 ‘Great’ (1825-28) In D Major/03 - Scherzo (Allegro Vivace).mp3 10.3 MB
- Theatrical/D701 Sacontala [Sakuntala] (1820-21) [J.P.Neumann, After Kalidasa]/10 - Act II(vi) Quartet 'Rosenzeit Der Freuden!'; (vii) 'Hierher!'.mp3 10.3 MB
- Choral/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [E.Von Bauernfeld]/06 - Act I Rezitativ And Duett.mp3 10.3 MB
- Theatrical/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [Sketches Only; E.Von Bauernfeld]/06 - Act I Recit. & Duet.mp3 10.3 MB
- Keyboard/D537 Op.164 Piano Sonata No.09 (1817) In A Minor/01 - Allegro Ma Non Troppo.mp3 10.3 MB
- Lieder/D717 Suleika II [Ach Um Deine Feuchten Schwingen] (c1821) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [Probably M.Von Willemer]/01.mp3 10.3 MB
- Lieder/D321 Mignon [Kennst Du Das Land] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [Goethe]/01.mp3 10.3 MB
- Chamber/D956 Op.163 String Quintet (c1828) For 2 Violins, Viola And 2 Cellos In C Major/03 - Scherzo (Presto)_ Trio (Andante Sostenuto).mp3 10.2 MB
- Choral/D427 Trinklied Im Mai (1816) For TTB Choir [Hölty]/01.mp3 10.2 MB
- Chamber/D068 String Quartet No.05 (1813) In Bb Major/02 - Allegro.mp3 10.2 MB
- Keyboard/D935 Op.142 4 Impromptus (1827) For Piano/01 - In F Minor.mp3 10.2 MB
- Keyboard/D850 Op.053 Piano Sonata No.17 (1825) In D Major/02 - Con Moto.mp3 10.2 MB
- Keyboard/D664 Piano Sonata No.13 (1819 Or 1825) In A Major/01 - Allegro Maestoso.mp3 10.2 MB
- Theatrical/D796 Fierrabras (1823) [J.Kupelwieser, After J.G.G.Büsching, F.H.Von Der Hagen, F.De La Motte Fouqué]/06 - Act I(iv) `Der Landestochter Fromme Pflichten'.mp3 10.2 MB
- Lieder/D500 Phidile [Ich War Erst Sechzehn Sommer Alt] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In Gb Major [Claudius]/01.mp3 10.2 MB
- Choral/D920 Ständchen (1827) [F.Grillparzer]/b Alto, SSAA Choir And Piano/01.mp3 10.1 MB
- Lieder/D639 Widerschein [Fischer Harrt Am Brückenbogen] (c1819) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Major [Schlechta]/01.mp3 10.1 MB
- Chamber/D353 Op.125(ii) String Quartet No.11 (1816) In E Major/01 - Allegro Con Fuoco.mp3 10.1 MB
- Lieder/D957 Schwanengesang (1828) Lieder For Voice And Piano/13 - Der Doppelgänger [Still Ist Die Nacht] In B Minor.mp3 10.1 MB
- Keyboard/D958 Piano Sonata No.19 (1828) In C Minor/01 - Allegro.mp3 10.1 MB
- Lieder/D957 Schwanengesang (1828) Lieder For Voice And Piano/07 - Abschied [Ade! Du Muntre, Du Fröhliche Stadt] In Eb Major.mp3 10.0 MB
- Theatrical/D647 Die Zwillingsbrüder (1818-19) [Hofmann, After Les Deux Valentins]/04 - Aria Der Vater Mag Wohl Immer Kind Mich Nennen (Lieschen).mp3 10.0 MB
- Keyboard/D602 Op.027 3 Marches Héroïques (1818 Or 1824) For Piano 4 Hands/03 - In D Major (Moderato).mp3 10.0 MB
- Choral/D037 Die Advokaten (1812) For TTB Choir And Piano [Baron Engelhart]/01.mp3 10.0 MB
- Choral/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [E.Von Bauernfeld]/26 - Act II Quartett.mp3 9.9 MB
- Theatrical/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [Sketches Only; E.Von Bauernfeld]/26 - Act II Quartet.mp3 9.9 MB
- Keyboard/D380 3 Minuets Each With 2 Trios (1816) For Piano [2nd Trio Of 3rd Minuet Lost]/01.mp3 9.9 MB
- Lieder/D352 Licht Und Liebe (Nachtgesang) [Liebe Ist Ein Süsses Licht] (1816) Lied For Soprano, Tenor And Piano In G Major [M.Von Collin]/01.mp3 9.9 MB
- Keyboard/D780 Op.094 6 Momens Musicals (1823-28) For Piano/06 - Allegretto.mp3 9.9 MB
- Lieder/D851 Op.079(i) Das Heimweh [Ach, Der Gebirgssohn] (1825) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Minor [J.L.Pyrker Von Felsö-Eör]/01.mp3 9.9 MB
- Lieder/D395 Op.111(ii) Lebensmelodien [Auf Den Wassern Wohnt Mein Stilles Leben] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [A.W.Von Schlegel]/01.mp3 9.8 MB
- Lieder/D911 Op.089 Winterreise (1827) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/06 - Wasserflut.mp3 9.8 MB
- Keyboard/D459a ‘Fünf Klavierstücke’ (Nos.3–5) (1816) For Piano [Inc.]/01 - Adagio.mp3 9.8 MB
- Choral/D950 Mass No.6 In Eb Major (1828) For Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir And Orchestra/06 - Agnus Dei.mp3 9.8 MB
- Lieder/D149 Op.117 Der Sänger [Was Hör’ Ich Draussen Vor Dem Tor] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Major [Goethe]/01.mp3 9.8 MB
- Keyboard/D178 Adagio (1815) For Piano In G Major/01.mp3 9.7 MB
- Orchestral/D125 Symphony No.2 (1814-15) In Bb Major/01 - Largo_ Allegro Vivace.mp3 9.7 MB
- Chamber/D929 Op.100 Piano Trio (1827) In Eb Major/02 - Andante Con Moto.mp3 9.7 MB
- Keyboard/D299 12 Ecossaises (1815) For Piano [No.1 = Ecossaise No.1 From 145]/01.mp3 9.6 MB
- Lieder/D866 Op.095 4 Refrainlieder (1828) For Voice And Piano [Seidl]/04 - Irdisches Glück [So Mancher Sieht Mit Finstrer Miene] In D Minor.mp3 9.6 MB
- Keyboard/D459a ‘Fünf Klavierstücke’ (Nos.3–5) (1816) For Piano [Inc.]/03 - Allegro Patetico.mp3 9.6 MB
- Chamber/D803 Op.166 Octet (1824) For Clarinet, Horn, Bassoon And String Quintet In F Major/02 - Adagio.mp3 9.6 MB
- Orchestral/D556 Overture (1817) For Orchestra In D Major/01.mp3 9.6 MB
- Keyboard/D567 Piano Sonata (1817) In Db Major [Inc. 1st Version Of D568]/01.mp3 9.6 MB
- Keyboard/D604 Andante (1816-17) For Piano In A Major/01.mp3 9.6 MB
- Lieder/D911 Op.089 Winterreise (1827) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/21 - Das Wirtshaus.mp3 9.5 MB
- Choral/D676 Op.153 Salve Regina (Offertorium) (1819) For Soprano And Strings In A Major/01.mp3 9.5 MB
- Choral/D750 Tantum Ergo (1822) For SATB Choir, Orchestra And Organ In D Major/01.mp3 9.5 MB
- Chamber/D887 Op.161 String Quartet No.15 (1826) In G Major/04 - Allegro Assai.mp3 9.5 MB
- Keyboard/D566 Piano Sonata No.05 (1817) In E Minor [Finale = D506]/04.mp3 9.5 MB
- Keyboard/D733 3 Marches Militaires (1818) For Piano 4 Hands/03 - Allegro Moderato In Eb Major.mp3 9.5 MB
- Chamber/D087 String Quartet No.10 (1813) In Eb Major/01 - Allegro Moderato.mp3 9.4 MB
- Keyboard/D566 Piano Sonata No.05 (1817) In E Minor [Finale = D506]/02.mp3 9.4 MB
- Chamber/D897 Op.148 Piano Trio Movement ‘Notturno’ (c1828) In Eb Major/01.mp3 9.4 MB
- Chamber/D173 String Quartet No.09 (1815) In G Minor/02 - Andantino.mp3 9.4 MB
- Lieder/D866 Op.095 4 Refrainlieder (1828) For Voice And Piano [Seidl]/01 - Die Unterscheidung [Die Mutter Hat Mich Jüngst Gescholten] In G Major.mp3 9.4 MB
- Keyboard/D811 Op.149 Salve Regina (1850) For TTBB Choir In C Major/01.mp3 9.3 MB
- Orchestral/D589 Symphony No.6 (1817-18) In C Major/04 - Allegro Moderato.mp3 9.3 MB
- Chamber/D094 String Quartet No.07 (1811 or 1812) In D Major/02 - Andante Con Moto.mp3 9.3 MB
- Choral/D031 Kyrie (1812) For Soprano, Tenor, SATB Choir, Orchestra And Organ In D Minor/01.mp3 9.3 MB
- Chamber/D667 Op.114 Piano Quintet ‘Die Forelle’ [Trout] (1819) In A Major/05 - Allegro Giusto.mp3 9.3 MB
- Lieder/D708 Im Walde (Waldesnacht) [Windes Rauschen, Gottes Flügel] (1820) Lied For Voice And Piano In C# Minor [F.Von Schlegel]/01.mp3 9.3 MB
- Chamber/D956 Op.163 String Quintet (c1828) For 2 Violins, Viola And 2 Cellos In C Major/04 - Allegretto.mp3 9.3 MB
- Chamber/D821 Sonata ‘Arpeggione’ (1824) For Arpeggione And Piano In A Minor/03 - Allegretto.mp3 9.3 MB
- Keyboard/D968a Op.082(ii) Introduction, 4 Variations On An Original Theme And Finale (c1824) For Piano 4 Hands In Bb Major [Formerly D603]/01.mp3 9.3 MB
- Orchestral/D026 Overture (1812) For Orchestra In D Major/01.mp3 9.2 MB
- Lieder/D118 Op.002 Gretchen Am Spinnrade [Meine Ruh’ Ist Hin] (1814) Lied For Voice And Piano In D minor [J.W.Von Goethe]/01.mp3 9.2 MB
- Chamber/D036 String Quartet No.03 (1812-13) In Bb Major/04 - Allegretto.mp3 9.2 MB
- Choral/D110 Wer Ist Gross (1814) For Bass, TTBB Choir And Orchestra/01.mp3 9.2 MB
- Keyboard/D568 Op.122 Piano Sonata No.06 (1817) In Eb Major/01 - Allegro Moderato.mp3 9.1 MB
- Lieder/D932 Der Kreuzzug [Ein Münich Steht In Seiner Zell] (1827) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Major [Leitner]/01.mp3 9.1 MB
- Orchestral/D485 Symphony No.5 (1816) In Bb Major/02 - Andante Con Moto.mp3 9.1 MB
- Keyboard/D798 Overture To Fierrabras (1823) For Piano 4 Hands [Arr. From D796]/01.mp3 9.1 MB
- Lieder/D911 Op.089 Winterreise (1827) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/20 - Der Wegweiser.mp3 9.1 MB
- Lieder/D579b Die Erde [Wenn Sanft Entzückt] (c1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In E Major [Formerly D989a, Matthisson]/01.mp3 9.0 MB
- Lieder/D619 Vocal Exercise (1818) For 2 Voices And Figured Bass In C Major [No Text]/01.mp3 9.0 MB
- Keyboard/D840 Piano Sonata No.15 ‘Reliquie’ (1825) In C Major [Mvmts 3 & 4 Unfinished]/02 - Andante.mp3 9.0 MB
- Lieder/D911 Op.089 Winterreise (1827) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/11 - Frühlingstraum.mp3 9.0 MB
- Lieder/D171 Gebet Während Der Schlacht [Vater, Ich Rufe Dich!] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [Körner]/01.mp3 9.0 MB
- Keyboard/D946 3 Klavierstücke (1828) For Piano/03 - In C Major.mp3 9.0 MB
- Lieder/D134 Op.126 Ballade [Ein Fräulein Schaut Vom Hohen Turm] (c1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Minor [J.Kenner]/01.mp3 9.0 MB
- Chamber/D173 String Quartet No.09 (1815) In G Minor/04 - Allegro.mp3 9.0 MB
- Keyboard/D002e Fantasie (1811) For Piano In C Minor [Formerly D993]/01.mp3 8.9 MB
- Choral/D963 Offertory; Intende Voci (1828) For Tenor, SATB Choir And Orchestra In Bb Major/01.mp3 8.9 MB
- Orchestral/D200 Symphony No.3 (1815) In D Major/01 - Adagio Maestoso_ Allegro Con Brio .mp3 8.9 MB
- Lieder/D957 Schwanengesang (1828) Lieder For Voice And Piano/04 - Ständchen [Leise Flehen Meine Lieder] In D Minor.mp3 8.9 MB
- Chamber/D703 String Quartet No.12 `Quartettsatz' (1820) In C Minor/01 - Allegro Assai.mp3 8.9 MB
- Lieder/D831 Op.085(ii) Gesang Der Norna [Mich Führt Mein Weg] (1825) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Minor [W.Scott, Trans. S.H.Spiker]/01.mp3 8.9 MB
- Orchestral/D082 Symphony No.1 (1813) In D Major/01 - Adagio_.Allegro Vivace .mp3 8.8 MB
- Lieder/D319 Luisens Antwort [Wohl Weinen Gottes Engel] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Minor [Kosegarten]/01.mp3 8.8 MB
- Keyboard/D568 Op.122 Piano Sonata No.06 (1817) In Eb Major/04 - Allegro Moderato.mp3 8.8 MB
- Keyboard/D812 Op.140 Sonata ‘Grand Duo’ (1824) For Piano 4 Hands In C Major/02 - Andante.mp3 8.8 MB
- Chamber/D096 Trio (1814) For Flute, Viola, Cello And Guitar In G Major/03 - Lento E Patetico.mp3 8.8 MB
- Lieder/D549 Mahomets Gesang (1) [Seht Den Felsenquell] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In C# Minor [Frag., Goethe]/01.mp3 8.8 MB
- Chamber/D803 Op.166 Octet (1824) For Clarinet, Horn, Bassoon And String Quintet In F Major/06 - Andante Molto_ Allegro.mp3 8.8 MB
- Chamber/D112 Op.168 String Quartet No.08 (1814) In Bb Major/02 - Andante Sostenuto.mp3 8.8 MB
- Lieder/D454 Grablied Auf Einen Soldaten [Zieh Hin, Du Braver Krieger Du!] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Minor [C.F.D.Schubart]/01.mp3 8.7 MB
- Lieder/D795 Op.025 Die Schöne Müllerin (1823) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/20 - Des Baches Wiegenlied.mp3 8.7 MB
- Orchestral/D591 Op.170 Overture ‘Im Italienischen Stile’ (1817) For Orchestra In C Major/01.mp3 8.7 MB
- Keyboard/D571 Piano Sonata (1817) In F# Minor [1st Movt Only, Mvmts 3 & 4 = D570]/01.mp3 8.7 MB
- Chamber/D898 Op.099 Piano Trio (c1828) In Bb Major/04 - Rondo (Allegro Vivace_ Presto).mp3 8.7 MB
- Theatrical/D701 Sacontala [Sakuntala] (1820-21) [J.P.Neumann, After Kalidasa]/09 - Act II(i-v) Trio 'Komm Nur, Dieb!'.mp3 8.7 MB
- Choral/D472 Kantate Zu Ehren Von Josef Spendou (1816) For 2 Sopranos, Bass, SATB Choir And Orchestra [J.Hoheisel]/04 - Die Sonne Sticht.mp3 8.7 MB
- Keyboard/D899 Op.090 4 Impromptus (1827) For Piano/01 - In C Minor.mp3 8.7 MB
- Lieder/D577 Entzückung An Laura (2) (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano [Schiller; Frag.]/01.mp3 8.6 MB
- Keyboard/D279 Piano Sonata No.02 (1815) In C Major [Minuet = D277a With Alternative Trio, See Dances For Piano; Finale = D346]/01 - Allegro Moderato.mp3 8.6 MB
- Chamber/D810 String Quartet No.14 ‘Der Tod Und Das Mädchen' [Death And The Maiden] (1824) In D Minor/04 - Presto.mp3 8.6 MB
- Keyboard/D958 Piano Sonata No.19 (1828) In C Minor/04 - Allegro.mp3 8.6 MB
- Choral/D657 Ruhe, Schönstes Glück Der Erde (1819) For TTBB Choir/01.mp3 8.6 MB
- Lieder/D165 Sängers Morgenlied (2) [Süsses Licht! Aus Goldenen Pforten] (1815) For Voice And Piano In C Major [Körner]/01.mp3 8.6 MB
- Keyboard/D850 Op.053 Piano Sonata No.17 (1825) In D Major/01 - Allegro.mp3 8.6 MB
- Keyboard/D812 Op.140 Sonata ‘Grand Duo’ (1824) For Piano 4 Hands In C Major/04 - Allegro Vivace.mp3 8.6 MB
- Choral/D181 Tres Sunt (1815) Offertory For SATB Choir, Orchestra And Organ In A Minor/01.mp3 8.5 MB
- Keyboard/D894 Op.078 Piano Sonata No.18 (1826) In G Major [Formerly Known As Fantasie, Andante, Menuetto Und Allegretto]/04 - Allegretto.mp3 8.5 MB
- Orchestral/D417 Symphony No.4 `Tragic' (1816) In C Minor/02 - Andante.mp3 8.5 MB
- Lieder/D911 Op.089 Winterreise (1827) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/17 - Im Dorfe.mp3 8.5 MB
- Theatrical/D701 Sacontala [Sakuntala] (1820-21) [J.P.Neumann, After Kalidasa]/11 - Act II(vii-xi) Aria 'Noch Schlaft Die Goldne Sonne'.mp3 8.5 MB
- Orchestral/D580 Polonaise (1817) For Violin And Orchestra In Bb Major/01.mp3 8.5 MB
- Keyboard/D960 Piano Sonata No.21 (1828) In Bb Major/04 - Allegro Ma Non Troppo.mp3 8.5 MB
- Lieder/D727 Mignon II (2) [So Lasst Mich Scheinen] (1821) Lied For Voice And Piano In B Minor [Goethe]/01.mp3 8.5 MB
- Chamber/D032 String Quartet No.02 (1812) In C Major/04 - Allegro Con Spirito.mp3 8.4 MB
- Choral/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [E.Von Bauernfeld]/10 - Act I Quintett.mp3 8.4 MB
- Theatrical/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [Sketches Only; E.Von Bauernfeld]/10 - Act I Quintet.mp3 8.4 MB
- Lieder/D457 Op.044 An Die Untergehende Sonne [Sonne, Du Sinkst] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In Eb Major [Kosegarten]/01.mp3 8.4 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/01 - Overture.mp3 8.4 MB
- Lieder/D767 Willkommen Und Abschied [Es Schlug Mein Herz] (1822) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Major [Goethe]/a/01.mp3 8.4 MB
- Lieder/D166 Amphiaraos [Vor Thebens Siebenfach Gähnenden Toren] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Minor [Körner]/01.mp3 8.3 MB
- Lieder/D713 Op.087(i) Der Unglückliche [Die Nacht Bricht An] (1821) Lied For Voice And Piano In B Minor [C.Pichler]/01.mp3 8.3 MB
- Lieder/D842 Totengräbers [Heimweh O Menschheit, O Leben] (1825) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Minor [Craigher]/01.mp3 8.3 MB
- Lieder/D990c Op.130 Das Echo [Herzliebe Gute Mutter] (1830) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [Castelli; Formerly D868]/01.mp3 8.3 MB
- Lieder/D838 Ellens Gesang II [Jäger, Ruhe Von Der Jagd!] (1825) Lied For Voice And Piano In Eb Major [Scott, Trans. Storck]/01.mp3 8.3 MB
- Lieder/D939 Op.096(i) Die Sterne [Wie Blitzen Die Sterne] (1828) Lied For Voice And Piano In Eb Major [Leitner]/01.mp3 8.3 MB
- Choral/D709 Frühlingsgesang (1) (1822) For TTBB Choir [F.Von Schober]/01.mp3 8.3 MB
- Lieder/D957 Schwanengesang (1828) Lieder For Voice And Piano/14 - Die Taubenpost [Ich Hab’ Eine Brieftaub] In G Major.mp3 8.3 MB
- Keyboard/D960 Piano Sonata No.21 (1828) In Bb Major/02 - Andante Sostenuto.mp3 8.2 MB
- Lieder/D789 Pilgerweise [Ich Bin Ein Waller Auf Der Erde] (1823) Lied For Voice And Piano In F# Minor [Schober]/01.mp3 8.2 MB
- Orchestral/D417 Symphony No.4 `Tragic' (1816) In C Minor/04 - Allegro.mp3 8.2 MB
- Chamber/D036 String Quartet No.03 (1812-13) In Bb Major/03 - Menuetto (Allegro Ma Non Troppo).mp3 8.2 MB
- Choral/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [E.Von Bauernfeld]/01 - Act I Introduction.mp3 8.2 MB
- Theatrical/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [Sketches Only; E.Von Bauernfeld]/01 - Act I Introduction.mp3 8.2 MB
- Chamber/D574 Op.162 Sonata (Duo) (1817) For Violin And Piano In A Major/01 - Allegro Moderato.mp3 8.2 MB
- Choral/D439 An Die Sonne (1816) For SATB Choir And Piano [J.P.Uz]/01.MP3 8.2 MB
- Theatrical/D326 Die Freunde Von Salamanka (1815-16) [Mayrhofer]/01 - Overture.mp3 8.1 MB
- Lieder/D911 Op.089 Winterreise (1827) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/24 - Der Leiermann.mp3 8.1 MB
- Theatrical/D190 Der Vierjährige Posten (1815) [T.Körner]/06 - Aria Gott Hore Meine Stimme! (Kathchen).mp3 8.1 MB
- Choral/D223 Salve Regina (Offertorium) (1815) For Soprano, Orchestra And Organ In F Major/01.mp3 8.1 MB
- Lieder/D672 Op.036(ii) Nachtstück [Wenn Über Berge Sich Der Nebel Breitet] (c1819) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Minor [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 8.1 MB
- Lieder/D758 Op.108(ii) Todesmusik [In Des Todes Feierstunde] (1822) Lied For Voice And Piano In Gb Major [Schober]/01.mp3 8.1 MB
- Chamber/D173 String Quartet No.09 (1815) In G Minor/01 - Allegro Con Brio.mp3 8.1 MB
- Theatrical/D796 Fierrabras (1823) [J.Kupelwieser, After J.G.G.Büsching, F.H.Von Der Hagen, F.De La Motte Fouqué]/01 - Overture.mp3 8.1 MB
- Keyboard/D850 Op.053 Piano Sonata No.17 (1825) In D Major/04 - Raondo (Allegro Moderato).mp3 8.1 MB
- Lieder/D659 Hymne I [Wenige Wissen Das Geheimnis] (1819) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Minor [Novalis]/01.mp3 8.1 MB
- Choral/D912 Schlachtlied (2) (1827) For Double TTBB Choir [F.G.Klopstock]/01.mp3 8.1 MB
- Keyboard/D850 Op.053 Piano Sonata No.17 (1825) In D Major/03 - Acherzo (Allegro Vivace) & Trio.mp3 8.0 MB
- Lieder/D911 Op.089 Winterreise (1827) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/07 - Auf Dem Flusse.mp3 8.0 MB
- Keyboard/D613 Piano Sonata In C Major (1818) [2 Movements Frag.]/01 - Moderato.mp3 8.0 MB
- Keyboard/D575 Op.147 Piano Sonata No.08 (1817) In B Major/01 - Allegro Ma Non Troppo.mp3 8.0 MB
- Lieder/D327 Lorma (1) [Lorma Sass In Der Halle Von Aldo] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Minor [Ossian, Trans. Harold; Frag.]/01.mp3 8.0 MB
- Choral/D948 Op.154 Hymnus An Den Heiligen Geist (1828) For 2 Tenors, 2 Basses, TTBB Choir And Wind [A.Schmidl; Formerly D964]/01.mp3 8.0 MB
- Lieder/D489 Op.004(i) Der Wanderer [Ich Komme Vom Gebirge Her] (c1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In C# Minor [G.P.Schmidt Von Lübeck; Previously D493]/01.mp3 7.9 MB
- Theatrical/D220 Fernando (1815) [A.Stadler]/01 - Auf Dich Träufle Tauesregen.mp3 7.9 MB
- Chamber/D046 String Quartet No.04 (1813) In C Major/01 - Adagio_ Allegro Con Moto.mp3 7.9 MB
- Orchestral/D125 Symphony No.2 (1814-15) In Bb Major/02 - Andante.mp3 7.9 MB
- Orchestral/D615 Symphony In D Major (1818) [Piano Sketches For 2 Movts]/01 - Introduktion Und Allegro.mp3 7.9 MB
- Theatrical/D647 Die Zwillingsbrüder (1818-19) [Hofmann, After Les Deux Valentins]/03 - Duet Vor Dem Busen Moge Bluhen (Lieschen, Anton).mp3 7.8 MB
- Theatrical/D239 Claudine Von Villa Bella (1815) [Only Overture & Act I Survive, J.W.Von Goethe]/09 - Horchet Doch, Was Soll Das Geben.mp3 7.8 MB
- Orchestral/D470 Overture (1816) For Orchestra In Bb Major [Possibly For Cantata D472]/01.mp3 7.8 MB
- Keyboard/D664 Piano Sonata No.13 (1819 Or 1825) In A Major/03 - Allegro.mp3 7.8 MB
- Choral/D105 Mass No.1 In F Major (1814) For 2 Sopranos, Alto, 2 Tenors, Bass SATB Choir, Orchestra And Organ [+ Dona Nobis Pacem D185]/03 - Credo.mp3 7.8 MB
- Choral/D424 Erinnerungen [Am Seegestad] (2) (1816) For TTB Choir [Matthisson]/01.mp3 7.8 MB
- Lieder/D388 Laura Am Klavier [Wenn Dein Finger Durch Die Saiten Meistert] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In E Major [Schiller]/b/01.mp3 7.8 MB
- Lieder/D945 Herbst [Es Rauschen Die Winde] (1828) Lied For Voice And Piano In E Minor [Rellstab]/01.mp3 7.8 MB
- Choral/D277 Punschlied [Vier Elemente, Innig Gesellt] (1815) Partsong For TTB Choir And Piano [Schiller]/01.mp3 7.8 MB
- Lieder/D573 Op.098(iii) Iphigenia [Blüht Denn Hier An Tauris Strande] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In Gb Major [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 7.8 MB
- Theatrical/D011, D966 Der Spiegelritter (1811-13) [Only Overture & Most Of Act I Complete; A.Von Kotzebue]/02.mp3 7.8 MB
- Orchestral/D936a Symphony In D Major (1828) [Sketches]/03 - Finale (Vivace).mp3 7.8 MB
- Lieder/D778 Op.060(i) Greisengesang [Der Frost Hat Mir Bereifet] (1823) Lied For Voice And Piano In B Minor [Rückert]/01.mp3 7.8 MB
- Choral/D136 Op.046 Offertory Totus In Corde Langueo (c1815) For Soprano [Tenor], Clarinet [Violin], Orchestra And Organ In C Major/01.mp3 7.8 MB
- Choral/D324 Op.141 Mass No.3 In Bb Major (1815) For Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir, Orchestra And Organ/02 - Gloria.mp3 7.8 MB
- Lieder/D957 Schwanengesang (1828) Lieder For Voice And Piano/05 - Aufenthalt [Rauschender Strom, Brausender Wald] In E Minor.mp3 7.7 MB
- Lieder/D114 Romanze [Ein Fräulein Klagt’ Im Finstern Turm] (1814) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Minor [Matthisson]/01.mp3 7.7 MB
- Orchestral/D417 Symphony No.4 `Tragic' (1816) In C Minor/01 - Adagio Molto_ Allegro Vivace .mp3 7.7 MB
- Keyboard/D608 Op.138 Rondo (1818) For Piano 4 Hands In D Major/01.mp3 7.7 MB
- Keyboard/D157 Piano Sonata No.01 (1815) In E Major [Unfinished]/01 - Allegro Ma Non Troppo.mp3 7.7 MB
- Lieder/D195 Op.173(i) Amalia [Schön Wie Engel] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [Schiller]/01.mp3 7.7 MB
- Orchestral/D708a Symphony In D Major (1820-) [Sketches]/01 - Allegro.mp3 7.7 MB
- Lieder/D301 Lambertine [O Liebe, Die Mein Herz Erfüllet] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Eb Major [J.L.Stoll]/01.mp3 7.7 MB
- Theatrical/D701 Sacontala [Sakuntala] (1820-21) [J.P.Neumann, After Kalidasa]/04 - Act I(iii) Aria 'Wie Fuhl' Ich, Ihr Gotter'; (iv) 'Nein, Menaka, Mir Einst Geliebte'.mp3 7.7 MB
- Chamber/D072 Wind Octet (1813) For 2 Oboes, 2 Clarinets, 2 Horns And 2 Bassoons In F Major/01 - Menuetto_ Allegretto_ I_ Trio_ II_ Trio.mp3 7.7 MB
- Lieder/D856 Op.088(i) Abendlied Für Die Entfernte [Hinaus, Mein Blick!] (1825) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [A.W.Von Schlegel]/01.mp3 7.7 MB
- Chamber/D667 Op.114 Piano Quintet ‘Die Forelle’ [Trout] (1819) In A Major/04 - Thema (Andantino)_ Variazioni I-V (Allegretto).mp3 7.6 MB
- Lieder/D630 Sonett III [Nunmehr, Da Himmel, Erde] (1818) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Major [Petrarch, Trans. J.D.Gries]/01.mp3 7.6 MB
- Keyboard/D537 Op.164 Piano Sonata No.09 (1817) In A Minor/02 - Allegretto Quasi Andantino.mp3 7.6 MB
- Theatrical/D011, D966 Der Spiegelritter (1811-13) [Only Overture & Most Of Act I Complete; A.Von Kotzebue]/11.mp3 7.6 MB
- Theatrical/D011, D966 Der Spiegelritter (1811-13) [Only Overture & Most Of Act I Complete; A.Von Kotzebue]/13.mp3 7.6 MB
- Lieder/D191 Op.058(iii) Des Mädchens Klage (2) [Der Eichwald Brauset] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Minor [Schiller]/01.mp3 7.6 MB
- Lieder/D388 Laura Am Klavier [Wenn Dein Finger Durch Die Saiten Meistert] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In E Major [Schiller]/a/01.mp3 7.6 MB
- Choral/D748 Am Geburtstag Des Kaisers (1822) Cantata For Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir And Orchestra [J.L.F.Von Deinhardstein]/01.mp3 7.6 MB
- Lieder/D473 Liedesend [Auf Seinem Goldnen Throne] (1816) For Voice And Piano In C Minor [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 7.6 MB
- Chamber/D074 String Quartet No.06 (1813) In D Major/04 - Allegro.mp3 7.5 MB
- Lieder/D317 Idens Schwanenlied [Wie Schaust Du Aus Dem Nebelflor] (c1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Minor [Kosegarten]/01.mp3 7.5 MB
- Lieder/D957 Schwanengesang (1828) Lieder For Voice And Piano/03 - Frühlingssehnsucht [Säuselnde Lüfte Wehend So Mild] In Bb Major.mp3 7.5 MB
- Lieder/D674 Prometheus [Bedecke Deinen Himmel, Zeus] (1819) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Minor [Goethe]/01.mp3 7.5 MB
- Lieder/D006 Des Mädchens Klage (1) [Der Eichwald Brauset] (1811 or 1812) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Minor [F.Von Schiller]/01.MP3 7.5 MB
- Choral/D836 Op.052(iv) Coronach (Totengesang Der Frauen Und Mädchen) (1825) Partsong For SSA Choir And Piano [Scott, Trans. Storck]/01.mp3 7.5 MB
- Keyboard/D091 2 Minuets Each With 2 Trios (1813) For Piano/01.mp3 7.5 MB
- Lieder/D854 Fülle Der Liebe [Ein Sehnend Streben] (1825) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major [F.Von Schlegel]/01.mp3 7.5 MB
- Orchestral/D648 Overture (1819) For Orchestra In E Minor [Possibly For D137]/01.mp3 7.5 MB
- Keyboard/D655 Piano Sonata In C# Minor (1819) [Frag. Of 1st Movt]/01.mp3 7.5 MB
- Lieder/D771 Op.022(i) Der Zwerg [Im Trüben Licht Verschwinden Schon Die Berge] (1822-23) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Minor [M.Von Collin]/01.mp3 7.5 MB
- Chamber/D096 Trio (1814) For Flute, Viola, Cello And Guitar In G Major/02 - Menuetto, Trio I & II.mp3 7.4 MB
- Chamber/D353 Op.125(ii) String Quartet No.11 (1816) In E Major/04 - Rondo (Allegro Vivace).mp3 7.4 MB
- Lieder/D931 Der Wallensteiner Lanzknecht Beim Trunk [He! Schenket Mir Im Helme Ein!] (1827) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Minor [Leitner]/01.mp3 7.4 MB
- Theatrical/D011, D966 Der Spiegelritter (1811-13) [Only Overture & Most Of Act I Complete; A.Von Kotzebue]/08.mp3 7.4 MB
- Theatrical/D011, D966 Der Spiegelritter (1811-13) [Only Overture & Most Of Act I Complete; A.Von Kotzebue]/14.mp3 7.4 MB
- Lieder/D475 Abschied (Nach Einer Wallfahrtsarie) [Über Die Berge Zieht Ihr Fort] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 7.4 MB
- Lieder/D687 Nachthymne [Hinüber Wall’ Ich] (1820) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Major [Novalis]/01.mp3 7.4 MB
- Lieder/D834 Op.093(i), Op.090(i) Im Walde [Ich Wandre Uber Berg Und Tal] (1825) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Minor [E.Schulze]/01.mp3 7.4 MB
- Theatrical/D701 Sacontala [Sakuntala] (1820-21) [J.P.Neumann, After Kalidasa]/01 - Act I(i) Overture.mp3 7.4 MB
- Keyboard/D733 3 Marches Militaires (1818) For Piano 4 Hands/01 - Allegro Vivace In D Major.mp3 7.4 MB
- Orchestral/D589 Symphony No.6 (1817-18) In C Major/01 - Adagio_ Allegro.mp3 7.4 MB
- Lieder/D707 Der Zürnenden Diana [Ja, Spanne Nur Den Bogen] (1820) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 7.4 MB
- Lieder/D907 Op.086 Romanze Des Richard Löwenherz [Grosse Taten Tat Der Ritter] (c1826) Lied For Voice And Piano In B Minor [Scott Trans. K.L.M.Müller]/01.mp3 7.4 MB
- Theatrical/D326 Die Freunde Von Salamanka (1815-16) [Mayrhofer]/06 - Act I(v) Trio 'Lebensmut Und Friesche Kühlung'.mp3 7.3 MB
- Lieder/D588 Op.037(ii) Der Alpenjäger [Willst Du Nicht Das Lämmlein Hüten] (c1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Major [Schiller]/01.mp3 7.3 MB
- Choral/D825a Op.064(ii) Ewige Liebe (-1626) For TTBB Choir [E.Schulze]/01.mp3 7.3 MB
- Lieder/D822 Lied Eines Kriegers [Des Stolzen Männerlebens Schönste] (1824) Lied For Bass, Unison Chorus And Piano In A Major [Zeichen]/01.mp3 7.3 MB
- Choral/D763 Op.146 Des Tages Weihe (1822) For SATB Choir And Piano/01.MP3 7.3 MB
- Lieder/D211 Adelwold Und Emma [Hoch, Und Ehern Schier Von Dauer] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Bertrand]/04.mp3 7.3 MB
- Lieder/D896 Fröhliches Scheiden [Gar Fröhlich Kann Ich Scheiden] (1827) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Leitner; Sketch]/01.mp3 7.3 MB
- Chamber/D087 String Quartet No.10 (1813) In Eb Major/04 - Allegro.mp3 7.3 MB
- Choral/D538 Gesang Der Geister Über Den Wassern (2) Partsong (1817) For TTBB Choir [Goethe]/01.mp3 7.3 MB
- Lieder/D215a Meeresstille (1) [Tiefe Stille Herrscht Im Wasser] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Major [Goethe]/01.mp3 7.3 MB
- Theatrical/D011, D966 Der Spiegelritter (1811-13) [Only Overture & Most Of Act I Complete; A.Von Kotzebue]/03.mp3 7.3 MB
- Choral/D027 Salve Regina (1812) For Soprano, Orchestra And Organ In F Major/01.mp3 7.2 MB
- Chamber/D032 String Quartet No.02 (1812) In C Major/01 - Presto.mp3 7.2 MB
- Lieder/D663 Der 13. Psalm [Ach, Herr, Wie Lange] (1819) Lied For Voice And Piano In Db Major [Frag., Trans. M.Mendelssohn]/01.mp3 7.2 MB
- Lieder/D526 Fahrt Zum Hades [Der Nachen Dröhnt] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Minor [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 7.2 MB
- Keyboard/D894 Op.078 Piano Sonata No.18 (1826) In G Major [Formerly Known As Fantasie, Andante, Menuetto Und Allegretto]/02 - Andante.mp3 7.2 MB
- Keyboard/D566 Piano Sonata No.05 (1817) In E Minor [Finale = D506]/03.mp3 7.2 MB
- Lieder/D594 Op.110 Der Kampf [Nein, Länger Werd’ Ich Diesen Kampf] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Minor [Schiller]/01.mp3 7.2 MB
- Keyboard/D845 Op.042 Piano Sonata No.16 (1825) In A Minor/03 - Scherzo (Allegro Vivace) & Trio (Un Poco Più Lento).mp3 7.2 MB
- Lieder/D682 Über Allen Zauber Liebe [Sie Hüpfte Mit Mir Auf Grünem Plan] (c1820) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [Frag., Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 7.2 MB
- Lieder/D688 4 Canzonen (1820) Lieder For Voice And Piano [Various]/02 - Guarda, Che Bianca Luna [Vitorelli].mp3 7.2 MB
- Lieder/D650 Abendbilder [Still Beginnt’s Im Hain Zu Tauen] (1819) Lied for Voice And Piano In A Minor [J.P.Silbert]/01.mp3 7.2 MB
- Theatrical/D796 Fierrabras (1823) [J.Kupelwieser, After J.G.G.Büsching, F.H.Von Der Hagen, F.De La Motte Fouqué]/05 - Act I(iv) `Die Beute Lass, O Herr, Die Krieger Teilen'.mp3 7.2 MB
- Keyboard/D592 Overture ‘Im Italienischen Stile’ (1817) For Piano 4 Hands In D Major [Arr. Of Orchestral Overture D590]/01.mp3 7.1 MB
- Theatrical/D787 Die Verschworenen (Der Häusliche Krieg) (1822-23) [I.F.Castelli, After Aristophanes Lysistrata And Ecclesiazusae]/01 - Sie Ist's! Er Ist's.mp3 7.1 MB
- Orchestral/D082 Symphony No.1 (1813) In D Major/02 - Andante.mp3 7.1 MB
- Keyboard/D899 Op.090 4 Impromptus (1827) For Piano/04 - In Ab Major.mp3 7.1 MB
- Keyboard/D612 Adagio (1818) For Piano In E Major/01.mp3 7.1 MB
- Lieder/D325 Harfenspieler (1) [Wer Sich Der Einsamkeit Ergibt] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Minor [Goethe]/01.mp3 7.1 MB
- Theatrical/D326 Die Freunde Von Salamanka (1815-16) [Mayrhofer]/05 - Act I(iv) Aria 'Einsam Schleich' Ich Durch Die Zimmer'.mp3 7.1 MB
- Chamber/D028 Trio (Sonata In 1 Movement) (1812) For Piano, Violin And Cello In Bb Major/01.mp3 7.1 MB
- Chamber/D353 Op.125(ii) String Quartet No.11 (1816) In E Major/02 - Andante.mp3 7.1 MB
- Choral/D105 Mass No.1 In F Major (1814) For 2 Sopranos, Alto, 2 Tenors, Bass SATB Choir, Orchestra And Organ [+ Dona Nobis Pacem D185]/01 - Kyrie.mp3 7.1 MB
- Keyboard/D958 Piano Sonata No.19 (1828) In C Minor/02 - Adagio.mp3 7.1 MB
- Theatrical/D011, D966 Der Spiegelritter (1811-13) [Only Overture & Most Of Act I Complete; A.Von Kotzebue]/05.mp3 7.1 MB
- Theatrical/D011, D966 Der Spiegelritter (1811-13) [Only Overture & Most Of Act I Complete; A.Von Kotzebue]/06.mp3 7.1 MB
- Lieder/D607 Evangelium Johannis VI (1818) For Voice And Continuo In E Major/01.mp3 7.1 MB
- Choral/D168 Nun Lasst Uns Den Leib Begraben (Begräbnislied) (1815) For SATB Choir And Piano [F.G.Klopstock]/01.mp3 7.0 MB
- Lieder/D688 4 Canzonen (1820) Lieder For Voice And Piano [Various]/01 - Non T’Accostar All’Urna [J.A.Vitorelli].mp3 7.0 MB
- Lieder/D911 Op.089 Winterreise (1827) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/04 - Erstarrung.mp3 7.0 MB
- Lieder/D702 Op.081 Der Jüngling Auf Dem Hügel [Ein Jüngling Auf Dem Hügel] (1820) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [H.Hüttenbrenner]/01.mp3 7.0 MB
- Orchestral/D200 Symphony No.3 (1815) In D Major/04 - Presto Vivace .mp3 7.0 MB
- Choral/D936 Kantate Für Irene Kiesewetter (1827) For 2 Tenors, 2 Basses, SATB Choir And Piano 4 Hands [Anon. It. Text]/01.mp3 7.0 MB
- Chamber/D667 Op.114 Piano Quintet ‘Die Forelle’ [Trout] (1819) In A Major/02 - Andante.mp3 6.9 MB
- Keyboard/D625 Piano Sonata No.11 (1818) In F Minor [2 Movts, Frag.]/01 - Allegro.mp3 6.9 MB
- Lieder/D480 Op.012(ii) Harfenspieler III (Gesänge Des Harfners No.2) [Wer Nie Sein Brot Mit Tränen Ass] (1822) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Minor [Goethe]/01.mp3 6.9 MB
- Choral/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [E.Von Bauernfeld]/27 - Act II Rezitativ.mp3 6.9 MB
- Theatrical/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [Sketches Only; E.Von Bauernfeld]/27 - Act II Recit..mp3 6.9 MB
- Keyboard/D593 2 Scherzos (1817) For Piano/01 - In Bb Major.mp3 6.9 MB
- Keyboard/D819 Op.040 6 Grandes Marches (1824) For Piano 4 Hands/04 - In D Major (Allegro Maestoso).mp3 6.9 MB
- Lieder/D911 Op.089 Winterreise (1827) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/10 - Rast.mp3 6.9 MB
- Keyboard/D009 Fantasie (1811) For Piano 4 Hands In G Minor/01.mp3 6.8 MB
- Lieder/D296 An den Mond (2) [Füllest Wieder Busch Und Tal] (c1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major [Goethe]/01.mp3 6.8 MB
- Choral/D916 Das Stille Lied (1827) Sketch For TTBB Choir [J.G.Seegemund]/01.mp3 6.8 MB
- Keyboard/D773 Op.069 Overture To Alfonso Und Estrella (1823) For Piano 4 Hands [Arr. From D732]/01.mp3 6.8 MB
- Lieder/D467 Pflicht Und Liebe [Du, Der Ewig Um Mich Trauert] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Minor [F.W.Gotter]/01.mp3 6.8 MB
- Orchestral/D485 Symphony No.5 (1816) In Bb Major/01 - Allegro.mp3 6.8 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/03 - Act I Sei Mir Gegrüßt, O Sonne (Froila).mp3 6.8 MB
- Chamber/D385 Sonata (Sonatina) (1816) For Violin And Piano In A Minor/01 - Allegro Moderato.mp3 6.8 MB
- Keyboard/D613 Piano Sonata In C Major (1818) [2 Movements Frag.]/02.mp3 6.8 MB
- Lieder/D749 Herrn Josef Spaun, Assessor In Linz (Sendschreiben An Den Assessor Spaun In Linz) [Und Nimmer Schreibst Du] (1822) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Minor [M.Von Collin]/01.mp3 6.8 MB
- Lieder/D869 Totengräber-Weise [Nicht So Düster Und So Bleich] (1826) Lied For Voice And Piano In F# Minor [Schlechta]/01.mp3 6.8 MB
- Lieder/D911 Op.089 Winterreise (1827) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/14 - Der Greise Kopf.mp3 6.7 MB
- Chamber/D072 Wind Octet (1813) For 2 Oboes, 2 Clarinets, 2 Horns And 2 Bassoons In F Major/02 - Allegro.mp3 6.7 MB
- Chamber/D002d 6 Minuets (1811) For Piano [2 Oboes, 2 Clarinets, 2 Horns, 2 Bassoons And Trombone]/01.mp3 6.7 MB
- Choral/D140 Klage Um Ali Bey (1) (1815) For TTB Choir And Piano [M.Claudius]/01.mp3 6.7 MB
- Keyboard/D780 Op.094 6 Momens Musicals (1823-28) For Piano/02 - Andantino.mp3 6.7 MB
- Lieder/D957 Schwanengesang (1828) Lieder For Voice And Piano/11 - Die Stadt [Am Fernen Horizonte] In C Minor.mp3 6.7 MB
- Keyboard/D959 Piano Sonata No.20 (1828) In A Major/02 - Andantino.mp3 6.7 MB
- Keyboard/D824 Op.061 6 Polonaises (1826) For Piano 4 Hands/04 - D Major.mp3 6.7 MB
- Keyboard/D675 Op.034 Overture (1819) For Piano 4 Hands In F/01.mp3 6.7 MB
- Theatrical/D647 Die Zwillingsbrüder (1818-19) [Hofmann, After Les Deux Valentins]/01 - Overture.mp3 6.7 MB
- Choral/D950 Mass No.6 In Eb Major (1828) For Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir And Orchestra/01 - Kyrie.mp3 6.7 MB
- Lieder/D498 Op.098(ii) Wiegenlied [Schlafe, Schlafe, Holder Süsser Knabe] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major/01.mp3 6.6 MB
- Lieder/D081 Auf Den Sieg Der Deutschen [Verschwunden Sind Die Schmerzen] (1813) Lied For Voice, 2 Violins, Cello And Piano [Schubert]/01.mp3 6.6 MB
- Lieder/D957 Schwanengesang (1828) Lieder For Voice And Piano/09 - Ihr Bild [Ich Stand In Dunklen Träumen] In Bb Minor.mp3 6.6 MB
- Chamber/D929 Op.100 Piano Trio (1827) In Eb Major/03 - Scherzando (Allegro Moderato) & Trio.mp3 6.6 MB
- Theatrical/D787 Die Verschworenen (Der Häusliche Krieg) (1822-23) [I.F.Castelli, After Aristophanes Lysistrata And Ecclesiazusae]/15 - Ich Muss Sie Finden.mp3 6.6 MB
- Lieder/D611 Auf Der Riesenkoppe [Hoch Auf Dem Gipfel Deiner Gebirge] (1818) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Minor [Körner]/01.mp3 6.6 MB
- Theatrical/D647 Die Zwillingsbrüder (1818-19) [Hofmann, After Les Deux Valentins]/07 - Aria Liebe, Teure Muttererde (Friedrich).mp3 6.6 MB
- Lieder/D376 Lorma (2) [Lorma Sass In Der Halle Von Aldo] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Minor [Frag. Ossian, Trans. Harold]/01.mp3 6.6 MB
- Theatrical/D011, D966 Der Spiegelritter (1811-13) [Only Overture & Most Of Act I Complete; A.Von Kotzebue]/12.mp3 6.6 MB
- Lieder/D857 Op.124 2 Szenen Aus Dem Schauspiel Lacrimas (1825) Lieder For Voice And Piano [C.W. Von Schütz]/01 - Lied Der Delphine [Ach, Was Soll Ich Beginnen] In A Major.mp3 6.6 MB
- Keyboard/D824 Op.061 6 Polonaises (1826) For Piano 4 Hands/03 - Bb Major.mp3 6.6 MB
- Choral/D453 Requiem For SATB Choir And Orchestra In C Minor [Frag.]/01.mp3 6.5 MB
- Chamber/D803 Op.166 Octet (1824) For Clarinet, Horn, Bassoon And String Quintet In F Major/05 - Menuetto (Allegretto) & Trio.mp3 6.5 MB
- Lieder/D121 Op.003(i) Schäfers Klagelied [Da Droben Auf Jenem Berge] (1814) For Voice And Piano In C Minor [Goethe]/a/01.mp3 6.5 MB
- Keyboard/D459 Piano Sonata No.03 ‘Fünf Klavierstücke’ (c1816) In E Major/01 - Allegro Moderato.mp3 6.5 MB
- Chamber/D385 Sonata (Sonatina) (1816) For Violin And Piano In A Minor/02 - Andante.mp3 6.5 MB
- Chamber/D887 Op.161 String Quartet No.15 (1826) In G Major/03 - Scherzo (Allegro Vivace)_ Trio (Allegretto).mp3 6.5 MB
- Chamber/D074 String Quartet No.06 (1813) In D Major/02 - Andante.mp3 6.5 MB
- Keyboard/D378 8 Ländler (1816) For Piano In Bb Major/01.mp3 6.5 MB
- Lieder/D291 Dem Unendlichen [Wie Erhebt Sich Das Herz] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Klopstock]/b (c1815)/01.mp3 6.5 MB
- Chamber/D074 String Quartet No.06 (1813) In D Major/03 - Minuetto_ Allegretto - 2_ Trio - 3_ Minuetto Da Capo.mp3 6.5 MB
- Lieder/D164 Liebesrausch (1) [Glanz Des Guten] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [Körner; Frag.]/01.mp3 6.5 MB
- Chamber/D804 Op.029(i) String Quartet No.13 (1824) In A Minor/02 - Andante.mp3 6.5 MB
- Lieder/D389 Des Mädchens Klage (3) [Der Eichwald Braust] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Minor [Schiller]/01.mp3 6.5 MB
- Keyboard/D916b Piano Piece (1827) In C Major [Sketch]/02 - Allegretto.mp3 6.4 MB
- Keyboard/D780 Op.094 6 Momens Musicals (1823-28) For Piano/01 - Moderato.mp3 6.4 MB
- Chamber/D804 Op.029(i) String Quartet No.13 (1824) In A Minor/03 - Minuetto (Allegretto) & Trio.mp3 6.4 MB
- Lieder/D793 Op.173(ii) Das Geheimnis (2) [Sie Konnte Mir Kein Wörtchen Sagen] (1823) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [Schiller]/01.mp3 6.4 MB
- Lieder/D910 Schiffers Scheidelied [Die Wogen Am Gestade Schwellen] (1827) For Voice And Piano In E Minor [Schober]/01.mp3 6.4 MB
- Lieder/D247 Op.118(vi) Die Spinnerin [Als Ich Still Und Ruhig Spann] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In B Minor [Goethe]/01.mp3 6.4 MB
- Lieder/D957 Schwanengesang (1828) Lieder For Voice And Piano/01 - Liebesbotschaft [Rauschendes Bächlein, So Silbern] In G Major.mp3 6.4 MB
- Lieder/D186 Die Sterbende [Heil! Dies Ist Die Letzte Zähre] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major [Matthisson]/01.mp3 6.4 MB
- Lieder/D911 Op.089 Winterreise (1827) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/23 - Die Nebensonnen.mp3 6.4 MB
- Orchestral/D589 Symphony No.6 (1817-18) In C Major/03 - Scherzo (Presto_ Più Lento).mp3 6.4 MB
- Orchestral/D708a Symphony In D Major (1820-) [Sketches]/04 - Finale (Allegro).mp3 6.4 MB
- Theatrical/D011, D966 Der Spiegelritter (1811-13) [Only Overture & Most Of Act I Complete; A.Von Kotzebue]/04.mp3 6.4 MB
- Theatrical/D011, D966 Der Spiegelritter (1811-13) [Only Overture & Most Of Act I Complete; A.Von Kotzebue]/09.mp3 6.4 MB
- Theatrical/D011, D966 Der Spiegelritter (1811-13) [Only Overture & Most Of Act I Complete; A.Von Kotzebue]/07.mp3 6.4 MB
- Theatrical/D011, D966 Der Spiegelritter (1811-13) [Only Overture & Most Of Act I Complete; A.Von Kotzebue]/10.mp3 6.4 MB
- Keyboard/D459 Piano Sonata No.03 ‘Fünf Klavierstücke’ (c1816) In E Major/05 - Allegro Patetico.mp3 6.4 MB
- Choral/D739 Op.45 Tantum Ergo (1825) For SATB Choir, Orchestra And Organ In C Major/01.mp3 6.4 MB
- Choral/D203 Der Morgenstern (2) (1815) For 2 Voices [Horns] [Körner]/01.mp3 6.4 MB
- Chamber/D804 Op.029(i) String Quartet No.13 (1824) In A Minor/04 - Allegro Moderato.mp3 6.4 MB
- Lieder/D402 Der Flüchtling [Frisch Atmet Des Morgens Lebendiger Hauch] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [Schiller]/01.mp3 6.4 MB
- Lieder/D693 Der Fluss [Wie Rein Gesang Sich Windet] (1820) Lied For Voice And Piano In B Major [F.Von Schlegel]/01.mp3 6.4 MB
- Lieder/D726 Mignon I (1) [Heiss Mich Nicht Reden] (1821) Lied For Voice And Piano In B Minor [Goethe]/01.mp3 6.4 MB
- Keyboard/D157 Piano Sonata No.01 (1815) In E Major [Unfinished]/02 - Andante.mp3 6.4 MB
- Lieder/D541 Op.006(i) Memnon [Den Tag Hindurch Nur Einmal] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In Db Major [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 6.3 MB
- Lieder/D902 Op.083 3 Gesänge (1827) For Voice And Piano [Metastasio And Anon]/03 - Il Modo Di Prender Moglie (Die Art, Ein Weib Zu Nehmen).mp3 6.3 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/25 - Act II Der Jäger Ruhte Hingegossen... (Froila).mp3 6.3 MB
- Keyboard/D346 Allegretto (1816) For Piano In C Major [Frag.]/01.mp3 6.3 MB
- Lieder/D880 Op.080(iii) Im Freien [Draussen In Der Weiten Nacht] (1826) Lied For Voice And Piano In Eb Major [Seidl]/01.mp3 6.3 MB
- Chamber/D385 Sonata (Sonatina) (1816) For Violin And Piano In A Minor/04 - Allegro.mp3 6.3 MB
- Chamber/D094 String Quartet No.07 (1811 or 1812) In D Major/04 - Presto.mp3 6.3 MB
- Theatrical/D796 Fierrabras (1823) [J.Kupelwieser, After J.G.G.Büsching, F.H.Von Der Hagen, F.De La Motte Fouqué]/11 - Act II(viii) `Beschlossen Ist's, Ich Lose..mp3 6.3 MB
- Keyboard/D146 Op.127 20 Waltzes (Letzte Walzer) (1815-23) For Piano [No.3 = D135 With New Trio]/06 - No.05 In F Major [With Trio In Bb Major].mp3 6.3 MB
- Theatrical/D326 Die Freunde Von Salamanka (1815-16) [Mayrhofer]/09 - Act II(viii) Introduction 'Laßt Nur Alles Leichtfertige Wesen'.mp3 6.3 MB
- Choral/D643a Das Grab (5) (1819) For SATb Choir [Salis-Seewis]/01.mp3 6.3 MB
- Lieder/D736 Ihr Grab [Dort Ist Ihr Grab] (c1822) Lied For Voice And Piano In Eb Major [K.A.Engelhardt]/01.mp3 6.3 MB
- Chamber/D898 Op.099 Piano Trio (c1828) In Bb Major/03 - Scherzo (Allegro) & Trio.mp3 6.2 MB
- Choral/D106 Salve Regina (1814) For Tenor, Orchestra And Organ In Bb Major/01.mp3 6.2 MB
- Choral/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [E.Von Bauernfeld]/12 - Act I Rezitativ.mp3 6.2 MB
- Theatrical/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [Sketches Only; E.Von Bauernfeld]/12 - Act I Recit..mp3 6.2 MB
- Lieder/D585 Atys [Der Knabe Seufzt] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Minor [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 6.2 MB
- Lieder/D911 Op.089 Winterreise (1827) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/12 - Einsamkeit.mp3 6.2 MB
- Lieder/D745 Die Rose [Es Lockte Schöne Wärme] (1822) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [F.Von Schlegel]/01.mp3 6.2 MB
- Lieder/D363 An Chloen [Die Munterkeit Ist Meinen Wangen] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [Frag.]/01.mp3 6.2 MB
- Choral/D635 Leise, Leise Lasst Uns Singen Partsong (c1819) For TTBB Choir/01.mp3 6.2 MB
- Keyboard/D593 2 Scherzos (1817) For Piano/02 - In Db Major.mp3 6.2 MB
- Keyboard/D780 Op.094 6 Momens Musicals (1823-28) For Piano/04 - Moderato.mp3 6.2 MB
- Theatrical/D239 Claudine Von Villa Bella (1815) [Only Overture & Act I Survive, J.W.Von Goethe]/03 - Fröhlicher, Seliger, Herrlicher Tag.mp3 6.2 MB
- Choral/D244 Willkommen, Lieber Schöner Mai (1815) Canon For 3 Voices [Hölty]/01.mp3 6.1 MB
- Keyboard/D146 Op.127 20 Waltzes (Letzte Walzer) (1815-23) For Piano [No.3 = D135 With New Trio]/07 - No.05 In F Major [With Trio In Bb Major].mp3 6.1 MB
- Lieder/D795 Op.025 Die Schöne Müllerin (1823) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/12 - Pause.mp3 6.1 MB
- Lieder/D852 Op.079(ii) Die Allmacht (1) [Gross Ist Jehovah, Der Herr] (1825) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Major [Pyrker]/01.mp3 6.1 MB
- Choral/D954 Glaube, Hoffnung Und Liebe (1828) For 2 Tenors, 2 Basses, SATB Choir And Wind [Piano] [F.Reil]/01.MP3 6.1 MB
- Keyboard/D566 Piano Sonata No.05 (1817) In E Minor [Finale = D506]/01.mp3 6.1 MB
- Lieder/D795 Op.025 Die Schöne Müllerin (1823) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/08 - Morgengruss.mp3 6.1 MB
- Keyboard/D819 Op.040 6 Grandes Marches (1824) For Piano 4 Hands/01 - In Eb Major (Allegro Maestoso).mp3 6.1 MB
- Lieder/D794 Op.037(i) Der Pilgrim [Noch In Meines Lebens Lenze] (1823) Lied For Voice And Piano In E [D] Major [Schiller]/01.mp3 6.1 MB
- Keyboard/D459a ‘Fünf Klavierstücke’ (Nos.3–5) (1816) For Piano [Inc.]/02 - Scherzo Con Trio.mp3 6.1 MB
- Keyboard/D599 Op.075 4 Polonaises (1818) For Piano 4 Hands/03 - In E Major.mp3 6.1 MB
- Choral/D678 Mass No.5 In Ab Major (1819-22) For Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir, Orchestra And Organ/01 - Kyrie.mp3 6.1 MB
- Lieder/D478 Op.012(i) Harfenspieler I (Gesänge Des Harfners No.1) [Wer Sich Der Einsamkeit Ergibt] (1822) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Minor [Goethe]/b/01.mp3 6.1 MB
- Keyboard/D819 Op.040 6 Grandes Marches (1824) For Piano 4 Hands/03 - In B Minor (Allegretto).mp3 6.1 MB
- Choral/D962 Tantum Ergo (1828) For Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir And Orchestra In Eb Major/01.mp3 6.1 MB
- Lieder/D627 Op.173(vi) Das Abendrot [Du Heilig, Glühend Abendrot!] (1818) Lied For Voice And Piano In E Major [Schreiber]/01.mp3 6.0 MB
- Keyboard/D735 Op.049 Galop And 8 Ecossaises (c1822) For Piano/01.mp3 6.0 MB
- Choral/D175 Stabat Mater In G Minor (1815) For SATB Choir, Orchestra And Organ/01.mp3 6.0 MB
- Lieder/D795 Op.025 Die Schöne Müllerin (1823) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/06 - Der Neugierige.mp3 6.0 MB
- Lieder/D474 Lied Des Orpheus, Als Er In Die Hölle Ging [Wälze Dich Hinweg] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In Gb Major [Jacobi]/01.mp3 6.0 MB
- Lieder/D579a Vollendung [Wenn Ich Einst Das Ziel Errungen Habe] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [Matthisson]/01.mp3 6.0 MB
- Choral/D988 Liebe Säuseln Die Blätter (1815) Canon For 3 Voices [Hölty]/01.mp3 6.0 MB
- Theatrical/D190 Der Vierjährige Posten (1815) [T.Körner]/02 - Introduction Heiter Strahlt Der Neue Morgen (Chorus, Kathchen, Duval, Walther).mp3 6.0 MB
- Theatrical/D796 Fierrabras (1823) [J.Kupelwieser, After J.G.G.Büsching, F.H.Von Der Hagen, F.De La Motte Fouqué]/27 - Act III(xxiii) `Er Is Mein Vater, Halte Ein!'.mp3 6.0 MB
- Choral/D710 Im Gegenwärtigen Vergangenes Partsong (1821) For TTBB Choir And Piano [Goethe]/01.mp3 6.0 MB
- Theatrical/D326 Die Freunde Von Salamanka (1815-16) [Mayrhofer]/07 - Act I(vi) Trio 'Freund, Wie Wird Die Sache Enden'.mp3 6.0 MB
- Lieder/D911 Op.089 Winterreise (1827) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/09 - Irrlicht.mp3 6.0 MB
- Lieder/D636 Sehnsucht (2) [Ach, Aus Dieses Tales Gründen] (c1821) Lied For Voice And Piano In B Minor [Schiller]/01.mp3 6.0 MB
- Choral/D920 Ständchen (1827) [F.Grillparzer]/a Alto, TTBB Choir And Piano/01.mp3 5.9 MB
- Theatrical/D787 Die Verschworenen (Der Häusliche Krieg) (1822-23) [I.F.Castelli, After Aristophanes Lysistrata And Ecclesiazusae]/11 - Verraterei Hab' Ich Entdeckt.mp3 5.9 MB
- Lieder/D328 Op.001 Erlkönig [Wer Reitet So Spät] (1815) Lied for Voice And Piano In G Minor [Goethe]/01.mp3 5.9 MB
- Keyboard/D928 March ‘Kindermarsch’ (1827) For Piano 4 Hands In G Major/01.mp3 5.9 MB
- Choral/D080 Zur Namensfeier Meines Vaters (1813) For TTB Choir And Guitar [F.Schubert]/01.mp3 5.9 MB
- Lieder/D124 Am See [Sitz’ Ich Im Gras] (1814) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Minor [J.Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 5.9 MB
- Keyboard/D349 Adagio (1816) For Piano In C Major [Frag.]/01.mp3 5.9 MB
- Keyboard/D968 Allegro Moderato In C Major And Andante In A Minor (Sonatine) (1818) For Piano 4 Hands/01 - Allegro Moderato In C Major.mp3 5.9 MB
- Choral/D825 Op.064(i) Wehmut (-1626) For TTBB Choir [H.Hüttenbrenner]/01.mp3 5.9 MB
- Chamber/D036 String Quartet No.03 (1812-13) In Bb Major/02 - Andante.mp3 5.9 MB
- Lieder/D638 Op.087(iii) Der Jüngling Am Bache (3) [An Der Quelle Sass Der Knabe] (1819) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Minor [Schiller]/01.mp3 5.9 MB
- Chamber/D087 String Quartet No.10 (1813) In Eb Major/03 - Adagio.mp3 5.9 MB
- Lieder/D728 Johanna Sebus [Der Damm Zerreisst] (1821) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Minor [Frag., Goethe]/01.mp3 5.9 MB
- Choral/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [E.Von Bauernfeld]/30 - Act II Rezitativ.mp3 5.9 MB
- Theatrical/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [Sketches Only; E.Von Bauernfeld]/30 - Act II Recit..mp3 5.9 MB
- Lieder/D800 Op.041 Der Einsame [Wann Meine Grillen Schwirren] (c1825) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [Lappe]/01.mp3 5.9 MB
- Lieder/D712 Die Gefangenen Sänger [Hörst Du Von Den Nachtigallen] (1821) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [A.W.Von Schlegel]/01.mp3 5.8 MB
- Choral/D338 An Den Frühling (2) (c1816) For TTBB Choir [Schiller]/01.mp3 5.8 MB
- Lieder/D304 Wiegenlied [Schlumm’re Sanft!] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Körner]/01.mp3 5.8 MB
- Lieder/D776 Op.059(iii) Du Bist Die Ruh (1823) Lied For Voice And Piano In Eb Major [Rückert]/01.mp3 5.8 MB
- Lieder/D688 4 Canzonen (1820) Lieder For Voice And Piano [Various]/04 - Mio Ben Ricordati [Metastasio].mp3 5.8 MB
- Keyboard/D819 Op.040 6 Grandes Marches (1824) For Piano 4 Hands/06 - In E Major (Allegro Con Brio).mp3 5.8 MB
- Lieder/D495 Abendlied Der Fürstin [Der Abend Rötet Nun Das Tal] (1816) For Voice And Piano In F Major [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 5.8 MB
- Lieder/D544 Op.019(iii) Ganymed [Wie Im Morgenglanze] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major [Goethe]/01.mp3 5.8 MB
- Lieder/D799 Im Abendrot [O, Wie Schön Ist Deine Welt] (1824-25) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major [K. Lappe]/01.mp3 5.8 MB
- Lieder/D866 Op.095 4 Refrainlieder (1828) For Voice And Piano [Seidl]/03 - Die Männer Sind Méchant [Du Sagtest Mir Es, Mutter] In A Minor.mp3 5.8 MB
- Lieder/D073 Thekla Eine Geisterstimme (1) [Wo Ich Sei, Und Wo Mich Hingewendet] (1813) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [Schiller]/01.MP3 5.8 MB
- Lieder/D795 Op.025 Die Schöne Müllerin (1823) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/10 - Thränenregen.mp3 5.8 MB
- Choral/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [E.Von Bauernfeld]/03 - Act I Terzett.mp3 5.8 MB
- Theatrical/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [Sketches Only; E.Von Bauernfeld]/03 - Act I Trio.mp3 5.8 MB
- Lieder/D052 Sehnsucht (1) [Ach, Aus Dieses Tales Gründen] (1813) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Minor [Schiller]/01.mp3 5.8 MB
- Lieder/D310 Sehnsucht (1) [Nur Wer Die Sehnsucht Kennt] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major [Goethe]/a/01.mp3 5.7 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/10 - Act I Schon, Wenn Es Beginnt Zu Tagen (Alfonso).mp3 5.7 MB
- Lieder/D652 Das Mädchen [Wie So Innig, Möcht Ich Sagen] (1819) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [F.Von Schlegel]/a/01.mp3 5.7 MB
- Keyboard/D970 6 Ländler For Piano [No.2 = D145(vii)]/01.mp3 5.7 MB
- Lieder/D104 Die Befreier Europas In Paris [Sie Sind In Paris!] (1814) Lied For Voice And Piano [J.C.Mikan]/01.mp3 5.7 MB
- Theatrical/D647 Die Zwillingsbrüder (1818-19) [Hofmann, After Les Deux Valentins]/09 - Trio Wagen Sie Ihr Wort Zu Brechen (Lieschen, Anton, Franz).mp3 5.7 MB
- Theatrical/D787 Die Verschworenen (Der Häusliche Krieg) (1822-23) [I.F.Castelli, After Aristophanes Lysistrata And Ecclesiazusae]/07 - Ja, Wir Schworen.mp3 5.7 MB
- Lieder/D151 Auf Einen Kirchhof [Sei Gegrüsst, Geweihte Stille] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [F.Von Schlechta]/01.mp3 5.7 MB
- Lieder/D310 Sehnsucht (1) [Nur Wer Die Sehnsucht Kennt] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major [Goethe]/b/01.mp3 5.7 MB
- Theatrical/D796 Fierrabras (1823) [J.Kupelwieser, After J.G.G.Büsching, F.H.Von Der Hagen, F.De La Motte Fouqué]/12 - Act II(ix) `Weit Uber Glanz Und Erdenschimmer' (Florind.mp3 5.7 MB
- Lieder/D882 Op.101(i) Im Frühling [Still Sitz’ Ich An Des Hügels Hang] (1826) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [Schulze]/01.mp3 5.7 MB
- Choral/D913 Op.139 Nachtgesang Im Walde Partsong (1827) For TTBB Choir And 4 Horns [Seidl]/01.mp3 5.7 MB
- Keyboard/D824 Op.061 6 Polonaises (1826) For Piano 4 Hands/06 - E Major.mp3 5.7 MB
- Lieder/D770 Op.071 Drang In Die Ferne [Vater, Du Glaubst Es Nicht] (1823) Lied For Voice And Piano In A [K.G.Von Leitner]/01.mp3 5.7 MB
- Choral/D423 Andenken [Ich Denke Dein, Wenn Durch Den Hain] (2) (1816) For TTB Choir [Matthisson]/01.mp3 5.6 MB
- Orchestral/D082 Symphony No.1 (1813) In D Major/03 - Menuetto (Allegretto).mp3 5.6 MB
- Lieder/D867 Op.105(ii) Wiegenlied [Wie Sich Der Äuglein Kindlicher Himmel] (c1826) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major [Seidl]/01.mp3 5.6 MB
- Theatrical/D190 Der Vierjährige Posten (1815) [T.Körner]/05 - Quartet Freund, Eilet Euch Zu Retten! (Kathchen, Duval, Veit, Walther).mp3 5.6 MB
- Lieder/D411 Daphne Am Bach [Ich Hab’ Ein Bächlein Funden] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Major [Stolberg-Stolberg]/01.mp3 5.6 MB
- Lieder/D673 Op.165(i) Die Liebende Schreibt [Ein Blick Von Deinen Augen] (1819) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [Goethe]/01.mp3 5.6 MB
- Theatrical/D796 Fierrabras (1823) [J.Kupelwieser, After J.G.G.Büsching, F.H.Von Der Hagen, F.De La Motte Fouqué]/02 - Act I(i) `Der Runde Silberfaden' (Maragond, Emma).mp3 5.6 MB
- Lieder/D586 Op.008(iii) Erlafsee [Mir Ist So Wohl, So Weh’] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 5.6 MB
- Lieder/D911 Op.089 Winterreise (1827) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/08 - Rückblick.mp3 5.6 MB
- Lieder/D545 Der Jüngling Und Der Tod [Die Sonne Sinkt, O Könnt Ich] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In C# Minor [J.Von Spaun]/01.mp3 5.6 MB
- Choral/D407 Beitrag Zur Fünfzig Jährigen Jubelfeier Des Herrn Salieri (1816) Partsong For Tenor, TTBB Choir And Piano [Schubert]/02.mp3 5.6 MB
- Keyboard/D617 Op.030 Sonata (1818) For Piano 4 Hands In Bb Major/01 - Allegro Moderato.mp3 5.6 MB
- Lieder/D871 Op.080(ii) Das Zügenglöcklein [Kling Die Nacht Durch, Klinge] (1826) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major [Seidl]/01.mp3 5.5 MB
- Choral/D057 Hier Strecket Der Wallende Pilger (1813) For TTB Choir [Schiller]/01.mp3 5.5 MB
- Choral/D914 Frühlingslied (1827) For TTBB Choir [A.Pollak]/01.mp3 5.5 MB
- Choral/D757 Gott In Der Natur Partsong (1822) For SSAA Choir And Piano [E.C.Von Kleist]/01.mp3 5.5 MB
- Chamber/D032 String Quartet No.02 (1812) In C Major/02 - Andante.mp3 5.5 MB
- Chamber/D581 String Trio (1817) In Bb Major/04 - Rondo (Allegretto).mp3 5.5 MB
- Orchestral/D589 Symphony No.6 (1817-18) In C Major/02 - Andante.mp3 5.5 MB
- Choral/D678 Mass No.5 In Ab Major (1819-22) For Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir, Orchestra And Organ/11 - Agnus Dei.mp3 5.5 MB
- Keyboard/D812 Op.140 Sonata ‘Grand Duo’ (1824) For Piano 4 Hands In C Major/03 - Scherzo & Trio (Allegro Vivace).mp3 5.5 MB
- Keyboard/D625 Piano Sonata No.11 (1818) In F Minor [2 Movts, Frag.]/03 - Allegro.mp3 5.5 MB
- Theatrical/D190 Der Vierjährige Posten (1815) [T.Körner]/09 - Finale Schone Stunde, Die Uns Blendet (Kathchen, Duval, Veit, Walther, Chorus).mp3 5.5 MB
- Keyboard/D529 8 Ecossaises (1817) For Piano/01.mp3 5.5 MB
- Theatrical/D326 Die Freunde Von Salamanka (1815-16) [Mayrhofer]/14 - Act II(xiv) Duet 'Von Tausend Schlangenbissen'.mp3 5.5 MB
- Lieder/D685 Op.004(ii) Morgenlied [Eh’ Die Sonne Früh Aufersteht] (1820) For Voice And Piano In A Minor [Werner]/01.mp3 5.5 MB
- Choral/D825b Op.064(iii) Flucht (1825) For TTBB Choir [K.Lappe]/01.mp3 5.4 MB
- Orchestral/D125 Symphony No.2 (1814-15) In Bb Major/04 - Presto Vivace.mp3 5.4 MB
- Orchestral/D082 Symphony No.1 (1813) In D Major/04 - Allegro Vivace.mp3 5.4 MB
- Choral/D706 Op.132 Der 23. Psalm (1820) For SSAA Choir And Piano [Trans. M.Mendelssohn]/01.mp3 5.4 MB
- Lieder/D911 Op.089 Winterreise (1827) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/13 - Die Post.mp3 5.4 MB
- Lieder/D909 Op.096(ii) Jägers Liebeslied [Ich Schiess’ Den Hirsch] (1827) For Voice And Piano In D Major [Schober]/01.mp3 5.4 MB
- Lieder/D911 Op.089 Winterreise (1827) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/03 - Gefrorne Tränen.mp3 5.4 MB
- Lieder/D753 Op.065(iii) Heliopolis I [Im Kalten Rauhen Norden] (1822) Lied For Voice And Piano In E Minor [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 5.4 MB
- Choral/D061 Ein Jugendlicher Maienschwung (1813) For 3 Voices [Schiller]/01.mp3 5.4 MB
- Chamber/D384 Sonata (Sonatina) (1816) For Violin And Piano In D Major/03 - Allegro Vivace.mp3 5.4 MB
- Choral/D043 Dreifach Ist Der Schritt Der Zeit (1) (1813) Partsong For TTB Choir [F.Von Schiller]/01.mp3 5.4 MB
- Choral/D054 Unendliche Freude (2) (1813) Canon For BBB [TTB] Choir/01.mp3 5.4 MB
- Theatrical/D701 Sacontala [Sakuntala] (1820-21) [J.P.Neumann, After Kalidasa]/02 - Act I(I) Introduction 'Das Holde Licht Des Tages'.mp3 5.4 MB
- Theatrical/D190 Der Vierjährige Posten (1815) [T.Körner]/03 - Duet Du Guter Heinrich (Kathchen, Duval).mp3 5.4 MB
- Choral/D892 Op.134 Nachthelle Partsong (1826) For Tenor, TTBB Choir And Piano [Seidl]/01.mp3 5.4 MB
- Keyboard/D899 Op.090 4 Impromptus (1827) For Piano/03 - In Gb Major .mp3 5.4 MB
- Theatrical/D220 Fernando (1815) [A.Stadler]/06 - Läßt Mich Mein Verbrechen.mp3 5.4 MB
- Keyboard/D599 Op.075 4 Polonaises (1818) For Piano 4 Hands/04 - In F Major.mp3 5.4 MB
- Choral/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [E.Von Bauernfeld]/25 - Act II Lied Mit Chor.mp3 5.3 MB
- Theatrical/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [Sketches Only; E.Von Bauernfeld]/25 - Act II Lied Mit Chor.mp3 5.3 MB
- Lieder/D795 Op.025 Die Schöne Müllerin (1823) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/16 - Die Liebe Farbe.mp3 5.3 MB
- Keyboard/D606 March (c1818) For Piano In E Major/01.mp3 5.3 MB
- Theatrical/D239 Claudine Von Villa Bella (1815) [Only Overture & Act I Survive, J.W.Von Goethe]/06 - Es Erhebt Sich Eine Stimme.mp3 5.3 MB
- Choral/D950 Mass No.6 In Eb Major (1828) For Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir And Orchestra/05 - Benedictus.mp3 5.3 MB
- Lieder/D359 Sehnsucht (2) [Nur Wer Die Sehnsucht Kennt] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Minor [Goethe]/01.mp3 5.3 MB
- Choral/D747 Op.113 Geist Der Liebe (Der Abend Schleiert Flur Und Hain) (2) (1822) Partsong For TTBB Choir And Piano [Matthisson]/01.mp3 5.3 MB
- Keyboard/D935 Op.142 4 Impromptus (1827) For Piano/02 - In Ab Major.mp3 5.3 MB
- Theatrical/D797 Rosamunde, Fürstin Von Zypern Incidental Music To Romantic Play (1823)/09 - Chorus Of Shepherds.MP3 5.3 MB
- Theatrical/D796 Fierrabras (1823) [J.Kupelwieser, After J.G.G.Büsching, F.H.Von Der Hagen, F.De La Motte Fouqué]/18 - Act II(xv) `Ha! Was Ist Das' (Gérard, Olivier, Ogier, R.mp3 5.3 MB
- Lieder/D669 Beim Winde [Es Träumen Die Wolken] (1819) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Minor [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 5.3 MB
- Lieder/D741 Op.020(i) Sei Mir Gegrüsst [O Du Entrissne Mir] (1821-22) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [F.Rückert]/01.mp3 5.3 MB
- Lieder/D877 Op.062 Gesänge Aus Wilhelm Meister (1826) Lieder For Voice And Piano [Goethe]/01 - Mignon Und Der Harfner (5) [Nur Wer Die Sehnsucht Kennt] In B Minor.mp3 5.3 MB
- Keyboard/D784 Op.143 Piano Sonata No.14 (1823) In A Minor/03 - Allegro Vivace.mp3 5.3 MB
- Lieder/D684 Die Sterne [Du Staunest, O Mensch] (1820) Lied For Voice And Piano In Eb Major [F.Von Schlegel]/01.mp3 5.3 MB
- Lieder/D698 Des Fräuleins Liebeslauschen (Liebeslauschen) [Da Unten Steht Ein Ritter] (1820) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [Schlechta]/01.mp3 5.3 MB
- Orchestral/D485 Symphony No.5 (1816) In Bb Major/04 - Allegro Vivace.mp3 5.3 MB
- Lieder/D700 Freiwilliges Versinken [Wohin. O Helios!] (1820) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Minor [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 5.3 MB
- Theatrical/D796 Fierrabras (1823) [J.Kupelwieser, After J.G.G.Büsching, F.H.Von Der Hagen, F.De La Motte Fouqué]/22 - Act III(xix) `Bald Wird Es Klar' (König Karl, Emma, Fie.mp3 5.3 MB
- Keyboard/D335 Minuet (c1813) For Piano In E Major [With 2 Trios]/01.mp3 5.3 MB
- Lieder/D042 Misero Pargoletto (c1813) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Minor [Metastasio]/1b/01.mp3 5.3 MB
- Lieder/D343 Am Tage Aller Seelen (Litanei Auf Das Fest Aller Seelen) [Ruhn In Frieden Alle Seelen] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In Eb Major [J.G.Jacobi]/01.mp3 5.2 MB
- Choral/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [E.Von Bauernfeld]/20 - Act II Rezitativ.mp3 5.2 MB
- Theatrical/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [Sketches Only; E.Von Bauernfeld]/20 - Act II Recit..mp3 5.2 MB
- Lieder/D866 Op.095 4 Refrainlieder (1828) For Voice And Piano [Seidl]/02 - Bei Dir Allein In Ab Major.mp3 5.2 MB
- Choral/D740 Op.016(i) Frühlingsgesang (2) Partsong (1822) For TTBB Choir And Piano [Schober]/01.mp3 5.2 MB
- Lieder/D514 Op.007(i) Die Abgeblühte Linde [Wirst Du Halten, Was Du Schwurst] (c1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Minor [L.Von Széchényi]/01.mp3 5.2 MB
- Lieder/D731 Op.173(iv) Der Blumen Schmerz [Wie Tönt Es Mir So Schaurig] (1821) Lied For Voice And Piano In E Minor [J.Mayláth]/01.mp3 5.2 MB
- Lieder/D010 Der Vatermörder [Ein Vater Starb Von Des Sohnes Hand] (1811) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Minor [G.C.Pfeffel]/01.mp3 5.2 MB
- Lieder/D911 Op.089 Winterreise (1827) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/16 - Letzte Hoffnung.mp3 5.2 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/25 - Act II Chorus `Sanft Und Still Schlaft Unser Freund'.mp3 5.2 MB
- Theatrical/D797 Rosamunde, Fürstin Von Zypern Incidental Music To Romantic Play (1823)/05 - Romance.MP3 5.2 MB
- Lieder/D865 Op.105(i) Widerspruch [Wenn Ich Durch Busch Und Zweig] (c1826) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Major [J.G.Seidl]/b/01.mp3 5.2 MB
- Choral/D069 Dreifach Ist Der Schritt Der Zeit (2) (1813) For 3 Voices [Schiller]/01.mp3 5.2 MB
- Choral/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [E.Von Bauernfeld]/23 - Act II Terzett.mp3 5.2 MB
- Theatrical/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [Sketches Only; E.Von Bauernfeld]/23 - Act II Trio.mp3 5.2 MB
- Keyboard/D575 Op.147 Piano Sonata No.08 (1817) In B Major/04 - Allegro Giusto.mp3 5.2 MB
- Lieder/D677 Strophe Aus Die Götter Griechenlands [Schöne Welt, Wo Bist Du] (1819) Lied For Voice And Piano In A [Schiller]/01.mp3 5.2 MB
- Chamber/D581 String Trio (1817) In Bb Major/02 - Andante.mp3 5.2 MB
- Choral/D452 Op.048 Mass No.4 In C Major (1816) For SATB, SATB Chorus, Orchestra And Organ [Alternative Benedictus D961]/03 - Credo.mp3 5.2 MB
- Orchestral/D200 Symphony No.3 (1815) In D Major/02 - Allegretto.mp3 5.2 MB
- Lieder/D737 Op.056(ii) An Die Leier [Ich Will Von Atreus Söhnen] (1822-23) Lied For Voice And Piano In Eb Major [F.S.Ritter Von Bruchmann, After Anacreon]/01.mp3 5.2 MB
- Lieder/D795 Op.025 Die Schöne Müllerin (1823) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/19 - Der Müller Und Der Bach.mp3 5.2 MB
- Lieder/D957 Schwanengesang (1828) Lieder For Voice And Piano/08 - Der Atlas [Ich Unglückselger Atlas] In G Minor.mp3 5.2 MB
- Keyboard/D935 Op.142 4 Impromptus (1827) For Piano/04 - In F Minor.mp3 5.1 MB
- Choral/D407 Beitrag Zur Fünfzig Jährigen Jubelfeier Des Herrn Salieri (1816) Partsong For Tenor, TTBB Choir And Piano [Schubert]/01.mp3 5.1 MB
- Keyboard/D818 Op.054 Divertissement A L’Hongroise (c1824) For Piano 4 Hands In G Minor/02 - Andante Con Moto.mp3 5.1 MB
- Chamber/D384 Sonata (Sonatina) (1816) For Violin And Piano In D Major/02 - Andante.mp3 5.1 MB
- Lieder/D256 Der Schatzgräber [Arm Am Beutel, Krank Am Herzen] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Minor [Goethe]/01.mp3 5.1 MB
- Lieder/D902 Op.083 3 Gesänge (1827) For Voice And Piano [Metastasio And Anon]/02 - Il Traditor Deluso (Der Getäuschte Verräter) (2).mp3 5.1 MB
- Choral/D324 Op.141 Mass No.3 In Bb Major (1815) For Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir, Orchestra And Organ/03 - Credo.mp3 5.1 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/59 - Act III Wie schnell Bin Ich Erhoben (Alfonso, Estrella, Chorus, All).mp3 5.1 MB
- Chamber/D018 String Quartet No.01 (1810 or 1811) In G Minor & Bb Major/01 - Andante_ Presto Vivace.mp3 5.1 MB
- Chamber/D079 Wind Nonet ‘Franz Schuberts Begräbnis-Feyer’ (Eine Kleine Trauermusik) (1813) In E Minor/01.mp3 5.1 MB
- Choral/D049 Kyrie (1813) For Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir And Orchestra In D Minor/01.mp3 5.1 MB
- Keyboard/D459 Piano Sonata No.03 ‘Fünf Klavierstücke’ (c1816) In E Major/03 - Adagio.mp3 5.1 MB
- Chamber/D408 Sonata (Sonatina) (1816) For Violin And Piano In G Minor/02 - Andante.mp3 5.1 MB
- Lieder/D788 Lied (Die Mutter Erde) [Des Lebens Tag Ist Schwer] (1823) For Voice And Piano In A [Stolberg-Stolberg]/01.mp3 5.1 MB
- Lieder/D904 Op.081(i) Alinde [Die Sonne Sinkt Ins Tiefe Meer] (1827) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [Rochlitz]/01.mp3 5.1 MB
- Lieder/D795 Op.025 Die Schöne Müllerin (1823) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/18 - Trockne Blumen.mp3 5.1 MB
- Keyboard/D940 Op.103 Fantasie (1828) For Piano 4 Hands In F Minor/03 - Scherzo & Trio (Allegro Vivace).mp3 5.1 MB
- Keyboard/D940 Op.103 Fantasie (1828) For Piano 4 Hands In F Minor/04 - Tempo Primo.mp3 5.1 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/34 - Act II Ja Meine Rache Will Ich Kühlen (Adolfo).mp3 5.1 MB
- Lieder/D100 Geisternähe [Der Dämmrung Schein] (1814) Lied For Voice And Piano In Eb Major [Matthisson]/01.mp3 5.0 MB
- Lieder/D120 Trost In Tränen [Wie Kommt’s, Dass Du So Traurig Bist] (1814) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Goethe]/01.mp3 5.0 MB
- Lieder/D906 Der Vater Mit Dem Kind [Dem Vater Liegt Das Kind Im Arm] Lied For Voice And Piano In D Major [Bauernfeld]/01.mp3 5.0 MB
- Keyboard/D602 Op.027 3 Marches Héroïques (1818 Or 1824) For Piano 4 Hands/01 - In B Minor (Allegro Moderato).mp3 5.0 MB
- Theatrical/D701 Sacontala [Sakuntala] (1820-21) [J.P.Neumann, After Kalidasa]/03 - Act I(i) 'Der Seele Schonstes'; (ii) 'Nun Noch Ein Wort An Euch'.mp3 5.0 MB
- Keyboard/D568 Op.122 Piano Sonata No.06 (1817) In Eb Major/02 - Andante Molto.mp3 5.0 MB
- Lieder/D528 La Pastorella Al Prato (2) (1817) LIed Fpr Voice And Piano In G Major [C.Goldoni]/01.mp3 5.0 MB
- Choral/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [E.Von Bauernfeld]/19 - Act II Rezitativ.mp3 5.0 MB
- Theatrical/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [Sketches Only; E.Von Bauernfeld]/19 - Act II Recit..mp3 5.0 MB
- Keyboard/D146 Op.127 20 Waltzes (Letzte Walzer) (1815-23) For Piano [No.3 = D135 With New Trio]/05 - No.04 In A Major.mp3 5.0 MB
- Choral/D953 Der 92. Psalm; Lied Für Den Sabbath (1828) For Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Baritone, Bass And SATB Choir [Heb. Text]/01.mp3 5.0 MB
- Keyboard/D824 Op.061 6 Polonaises (1826) For Piano 4 Hands/02 - F Major.mp3 5.0 MB
- Choral/D440 Chor Der Engel (1816) partsong For SATB Choir/01.mp3 5.0 MB
- Theatrical/D326 Die Freunde Von Salamanka (1815-16) [Mayrhofer]/16 - Act II(xvi) Trio 'Nichte, Don Diego Da'.mp3 5.0 MB
- Lieder/D227 Idens Nachtgesang Kosegarten [Vernimm Es, Nacht] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Major/01.mp3 5.0 MB
- Chamber/D581 String Trio (1817) In Bb Major/01 - Allegro Moderato.mp3 5.0 MB
- Keyboard/D575 Op.147 Piano Sonata No.08 (1817) In B Major/03 - Scherzo (Allegretto) & Trio.mp3 5.0 MB
- Keyboard/D618a Polonaise (1818) For Piano 4 Hands In Bb Major [Sketch]/01.mp3 5.0 MB
- Keyboard/D845 Op.042 Piano Sonata No.16 (1825) In A Minor/04 - Rondo (Allegro Vivace).mp3 4.9 MB
- Lieder/D144 Romanze [In Der Väter Allen Ruhte] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In E Major [F.Graf Zu Stolberg-Stolberg; Unfinished]/01.mp3 4.9 MB
- Orchestral/D485 Symphony No.5 (1816) In Bb Major/03 - Menuetto (Allegro Molto) & Trio .mp3 4.9 MB
- Orchestral/D708a Symphony In D Major (1820-) [Sketches]/02 - Andante.mp3 4.9 MB
- Lieder/D035 Serbate, O Dei Custodi (1812) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Major [Metastasio]/01.mp3 4.9 MB
- Orchestral/D004 Overture For J.F.E.Albrecht’s Comedy Der Teufel Als Hydraulicus (1812) For Orchestra In D Major/01.mp3 4.9 MB
- Lieder/D314 Nachtgesang [Tiefe Feier Schauert Um Die Welt] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Eb Major [Kosegarten]/01.mp3 4.9 MB
- Lieder/D626 Blondel Zu Marien [In Düstrer Nacht] (1818) Lied For Voice And Piano In Eb Minor/01.mp3 4.9 MB
- Lieder/D654 An Die Freunde [Im Wald, Im Wald Da Grabt Mich Ein] (1819) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Minor [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 4.9 MB
- Choral/D131 Lacrimoso Son Io (1815) Canon For 3 Voices/[Version 1].mp3 4.9 MB
- Keyboard/D733 3 Marches Militaires (1818) For Piano 4 Hands/02 - Allegro Molto Moderato In G Major.mp3 4.9 MB
- Theatrical/D787 Die Verschworenen (Der Häusliche Krieg) (1822-23) [I.F.Castelli, After Aristophanes Lysistrata And Ecclesiazusae]/03 - Ich Schleiche Bang Und Still Umher.mp3 4.9 MB
- Keyboard/D575 Op.147 Piano Sonata No.08 (1817) In B Major/02 - Andante.mp3 4.9 MB
- Choral/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [E.Von Bauernfeld]/16 - Act II Chor Der Schitterinnen Und Schnitter.mp3 4.9 MB
- Theatrical/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [Sketches Only; E.Von Bauernfeld]/16 - Act II Chor Der Schitterinnen Und Schnitter.mp3 4.9 MB
- Chamber/D112 Op.168 String Quartet No.08 (1814) In Bb Major/03 - Menuetto (Allegretto).mp3 4.9 MB
- Choral/D324 Op.141 Mass No.3 In Bb Major (1815) For Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir, Orchestra And Organ/01 - Kyrie.mp3 4.9 MB
- Lieder/D649 Op.065(ii) Der Wanderer [Wie Deutlich Des Mondes Licht] Lied For Voice And Piano In D Major [F.Von Schlegel]/01.mp3 4.9 MB
- Choral/D383 Stabat Mater Oratorio (1816) For Soprano, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir And Orchestra In F/05 - Chorus `Wer Wird Zähren Sanften Mitleids'.mp3 4.9 MB
- Choral/D377 Das Grab (3) (1816) Partsong For TTBB Choir And Piano [Salis-Seewis]/01.mp3 4.9 MB
- Lieder/D278 Ossians Lied Nach Dem Falle Nathos [Beugt Euch Aus Euren Wolken Nieder] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In E major [Ossian, Trans. Harold]/01.mp3 4.9 MB
- Lieder/D119 Nachtgesang [O Gib Vom Weichen Pfühle] (1814) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major [Goethe]/01.mp3 4.9 MB
- Lieder/D361 Op.109(i) Am Bach Im Frühlinge [Du Brachst Sie Nun, Die Kalte Rinde] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In Db Major [Schober]/01.mp3 4.9 MB
- Lieder/D853 Op.093(ii) Auf Der Bruck [Frisch Trabe Sonder Ruh] (1825) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [Schulze]/01.mp3 4.9 MB
- Lieder/D478 Op.012(i) Harfenspieler I (Gesänge Des Harfners No.1) [Wer Sich Der Einsamkeit Ergibt] (1822) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Minor [Goethe]/a/01.mp3 4.9 MB
- Choral/D129 Mailied [Grüner Wird Die Au] (1) (c1815) For TTB Choir [Hölty]/01.mp3 4.9 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/08 - Act I Geschmückt Von Glanz (Froila, Alfonso).mp3 4.9 MB
- Lieder/D142 Op.092(iii) Geistes-Gruss [Hoch Auf Dem Alten Turme] (1815-16) Lied For Voice And Piano [Goethe]/f/01.mp3 4.8 MB
- Chamber/D354 4 Komische Ländler (1816) For 2 Violins In D Major/01.mp3 4.8 MB
- Lieder/D030 Der Jüngling Am Bache (1) [An Der Quelle Sass Der Knabe] (1812) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Schiller]/01.mp3 4.8 MB
- Lieder/D443 Schlachtlied [Mit Unserm Arm Ist Nichts Getan] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano [Klopstock]/a/01.mp3 4.8 MB
- Theatrical/D796 Fierrabras (1823) [J.Kupelwieser, After J.G.G.Büsching, F.H.Von Der Hagen, F.De La Motte Fouqué]/09 - Act I(vi) `Dich Rief Ich, Eginhard' (König Karl, Eginha.mp3 4.8 MB
- Lieder/D206 Liebeständelei [Süsses Liebchen, Komm Zu Mir!] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Eb Major [Körner]/01.mp3 4.8 MB
- Lieder/D059 Verklärung [Lebensfunke, Vom Himmel Ertglüht] (1813) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Minor [A.Pope, Trans. J.G.Von Herder]/01.mp3 4.8 MB
- Lieder/D623 Das Marienbild [Sei Gegrüsst, Du Frau Der Huld] (1818) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Major [Schreiber]/01.mp3 4.8 MB
- Keyboard/D959 Piano Sonata No.20 (1828) In A Major/03 - Scherzo (Allegro Vivace) & Trio (Un Poco Più Lento).mp3 4.8 MB
- Lieder/D418 Stimme Der Liebe (2) [Abendgewölke Schweben Hell] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [Matthisson]/01.mp3 4.8 MB
- Lieder/D631 Blanka (Das Mädchen) [Wenn Mich Einsam Lüfte Fächeln] (1818) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Minor [F.Von Schlegel]/01.mp3 4.8 MB
- Lieder/D330 Das Grab (2) [Das Grab Ist Tief Und Stille] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Minor [Salis-Seewis]/a/01.mp3 4.8 MB
- Lieder/D272 An Die Sonne [Königliche Morgensonne] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Eb Major [C.A.Tiedge]/01.mp3 4.8 MB
- Lieder/D419 Julius An Theone [Nimmer, Nimmer Darf ich Dir Gestehen] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Minor [Matthisson]/01.mp3 4.8 MB
- Keyboard/D279 Piano Sonata No.02 (1815) In C Major [Minuet = D277a With Alternative Trio, See Dances For Piano; Finale = D346]/02 - Andante.mp3 4.8 MB
- Chamber/D408 Sonata (Sonatina) (1816) For Violin And Piano In G Minor/01 - Allegro Giusto.mp3 4.8 MB
- Choral/D204 Jägerlied (1815) For 2 Voices [Horns] [Körner]/01.mp3 4.8 MB
- Choral/D167 Mass No.2 In G Major (1815) For Soprano, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir, Strings And Organ/06 - Agnus Dei.mp3 4.7 MB
- Lieder/D699 Der Entsühnte Orest [Zu Meinen Füssen Brichst Du Dich] (1820) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Major [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 4.7 MB
- Lieder/D827 Op.043(ii) Nacht Und Träume [Heil’ge Nacht, Du Sinkest Nieder] (1823) Lied For Voice And Piano In B Major [M. Von Collin]/01.mp3 4.7 MB
- Lieder/D862 Op.088(iii) Um Mitternacht [Keine Stimme Hör Ich Schallen] (1825) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [Schulze]/01.mp3 4.7 MB
- Keyboard/D146 Op.127 20 Waltzes (Letzte Walzer) (1815-23) For Piano [No.3 = D135 With New Trio]/12 - No.10 In F Major.mp3 4.7 MB
- Lieder/D937 Lebensmut [Fröhlicher Lebensmut] (1828) Lied In Bb Major [L.Rellstab]/01.mp3 4.7 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/22 - Act I Zu Kühner Mann (Mauregato, Adolfo).mp3 4.7 MB
- Lieder/D162 Op.005(ii) Nähe Des Geliebten [Ich Denke Dein] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Gb Major [Goethe]/01.mp3 4.7 MB
- Chamber/D574 Op.162 Sonata (Duo) (1817) For Violin And Piano In A Major/04 - Allegro Vivace.mp3 4.7 MB
- Lieder/D373 Lied [Mutter Geht Durch Ihre Kammern] (1816) For Voice And Piano In G Minor [Fouqué]/01.mp3 4.7 MB
- Lieder/D911 Op.089 Winterreise (1827) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/15 - Die Krähe.mp3 4.7 MB
- Lieder/D342 An Mein Klavier [Sanftes Klavier] (c1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [C.F.D.Schubart]/01.mp3 4.7 MB
- Lieder/D957 Schwanengesang (1828) Lieder For Voice And Piano/10 - Das Fischermädchen [Du Schönes Fischermädchen] In Ab Major.mp3 4.7 MB
- Lieder/D688 4 Canzonen (1820) Lieder For Voice And Piano [Various]/03 - Da Quel Sembiante Appresi [Metastasio].mp3 4.7 MB
- Lieder/D481 Sehnsucht (3) [Nur Wer Die Sehnsucht Kennt] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Minor [Goethe]/01.mp3 4.7 MB
- Lieder/D774 Op.072 Auf Dem Wasser Zu Singen [Mitten Im Schimmer Der Spiegelnden Wellen] (1823) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major [Stolberg-Stolberg]/01.mp3 4.7 MB
- Lieder/D860 An Mein Herz [O Herz, Sei Endlich Stille] (1825) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Minor [Schulze]/01.mp3 4.7 MB
- Theatrical/D220 Fernando (1815) [A.Stadler]/02 - Vergessen Sei, Was Uns Getrennt.mp3 4.7 MB
- Lieder/D503 Mailied (3) [Grüner Wird Die Au] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [Hölty]/01.mp3 4.6 MB
- Choral/D330b Das Grab (2) [Das Grab Ist Tief Und Stille] (1815) Partsong For 4 Male Voices And Piano In C Minor [Salis-Seewis]/01.mp3 4.6 MB
- Lieder/D878 Op.105(iii) Am Fenster [Ihr Lieben Mauern Hold Und Traut] (1826) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Seidl]/01.mp3 4.6 MB
- Theatrical/D647 Die Zwillingsbrüder (1818-19) [Hofmann, After Les Deux Valentins]/02 - Introduction Vergluhet Sind Die Sterne (Chorus, Anton).mp3 4.6 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/31 - Act III `Ich Hab' Ihn Gesehen' (Maria, Martha).mp3 4.6 MB
- Choral/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [E.Von Bauernfeld]/04 - Act I Duett.mp3 4.6 MB
- Chamber/D173 String Quartet No.09 (1815) In G Minor/03 - Minuetto (Allegro Vivace_ Trio_ Allegro Da Capo).mp3 4.6 MB
- Theatrical/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [Sketches Only; E.Von Bauernfeld]/04 - Act I Duet.mp3 4.6 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/42 - Act II Den Ich Aus Dem Niedern Staube (Mauregato).mp3 4.6 MB
- Choral/D269 Das Leben (1815) Partsong For TBB Choir And Piano [J.C.Wannovius]/01.mp3 4.6 MB
- Choral/D407 Beitrag Zur Fünfzig Jährigen Jubelfeier Des Herrn Salieri (1816) Partsong For Tenor, TTBB Choir And Piano [Schubert]/03.mp3 4.6 MB
- Theatrical/D797 Rosamunde, Fürstin Von Zypern Incidental Music To Romantic Play (1823)/04 - Entr'acte No.2.MP3 4.6 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/53 - Act III Wo Find' Ich Nur Den Ort (Mauregato).mp3 4.6 MB
- Keyboard/D617 Op.030 Sonata (1818) For Piano 4 Hands In Bb Major/03 - Allegretto.mp3 4.6 MB
- Choral/D472 Kantate Zu Ehren Von Josef Spendou (1816) For 2 Sopranos, Bass, SATB Choir And Orchestra [J.Hoheisel]/03 - Ein Punkt Nur Ist Der Mensch.mp3 4.6 MB
- Keyboard/D824 Op.061 6 Polonaises (1826) For Piano 4 Hands/05 - A Major.mp3 4.6 MB
- Lieder/D795 Op.025 Die Schöne Müllerin (1823) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/09 - Des Müllers Blumen.mp3 4.6 MB
- Keyboard/D599 Op.075 4 Polonaises (1818) For Piano 4 Hands/01 - In D Minor.mp3 4.6 MB
- Lieder/D543 Op.092(ii) Auf Dem See [Und Frische Nahrung] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In Eb Major [Goethe]/01.mp3 4.6 MB
- Lieder/D857 Op.124 2 Szenen Aus Dem Schauspiel Lacrimas (1825) Lieder For Voice And Piano [C.W. Von Schütz]/02 - Lied Des Florio [Nun, Da Schatten Niedergleiten] In E Major.mp3 4.5 MB
- Theatrical/D701 Sacontala [Sakuntala] (1820-21) [J.P.Neumann, After Kalidasa]/05 - Act I(iv) Aria 'Du Hoffest Im Auge De Gatten'; (v) 'Was Ist Das'.mp3 4.5 MB
- Keyboard/D145 Op.018 12 Waltzes, 17 Ländler, 9 Ecossaises [No.5 = D421(i); No.6 = D697(v)], Incl. 3 Atzenbrugger Tänze For Piano/03 - Ecossaises Nos.01-09.mp3 4.5 MB
- Chamber/D046 String Quartet No.04 (1813) In C Major/04 - Allegro.mp3 4.5 MB
- Lieder/D189 Op.111(i) An Die Freude [Freude, Schöner Götterfunken] (1815) For Voice And Piano With Unison Chorus In E Major [Schiller]/01.mp3 4.5 MB
- Lieder/D583 Op.024(i) Gruppe Aus Dem Tartarus (2) [Horch, Wie Murmeln Des Empörten Meeres] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Major [Schiller]/01.mp3 4.5 MB
- Lieder/D690 Abendröte [Tiefer Sinket Schon Die Sonne] (1823) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [F.Von Schlegel]/01.mp3 4.5 MB
- Lieder/D756 Op.59(i) Du Liebst Mich Nicht [Mein Herz Ist Zerrissen] (1822) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Minor [Platen-Hallermünde]/01.mp3 4.5 MB
- Lieder/D767 Willkommen Und Abschied [Es Schlug Mein Herz] (1822) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Major [Goethe]/b/01.mp3 4.5 MB
- Theatrical/D220 Fernando (1815) [A.Stadler]/05 - Als Einst Schon Hinter....mp3 4.5 MB
- Lieder/D180 Sehnsucht Der Liebe [Wie Die Nacht Mit Heiligem Beben] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [Körner]/01.mp3 4.5 MB
- Lieder/D902 Op.083 3 Gesänge (1827) For Voice And Piano [Metastasio And Anon]/01 - L’Incanto Degli Occhi (Die Macht Der Augen) (2).mp3 4.5 MB
- Keyboard/D537 Op.164 Piano Sonata No.09 (1817) In A Minor/03 - Allegro Vivace.mp3 4.5 MB
- Chamber/D803 Op.166 Octet (1824) For Clarinet, Horn, Bassoon And String Quintet In F Major/03 - Scherzo (Allegro Vivace) & Trio.mp3 4.5 MB
- Lieder/D259 An Den Mond (1) [Füllest Wieder Busch Und Tal] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Eb Major [Goethe]/01.mp3 4.5 MB
- Theatrical/D011, D966 Der Spiegelritter (1811-13) [Only Overture & Most Of Act I Complete; A.Von Kotzebue]/01.mp3 4.5 MB
- Keyboard/D146 Op.127 20 Waltzes (Letzte Walzer) (1815-23) For Piano [No.3 = D135 With New Trio]/03 - No.03 In E Major [With Trio].mp3 4.5 MB
- Choral/D872 Deutsche Messe (1827) For SATB Chorus, Orchestra And Organ/01 - Zum Einzug.mp3 4.5 MB
- Choral/D678 Mass No.5 In Ab Major (1819-22) For Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir, Orchestra And Organ/05 - Gloria_ Quoniam Tu Solus - Cum Sancto Spiritu [1st Vers.mp3 4.5 MB
- Lieder/D102 Die Betende [Laura Betet!] (1814) Lied For Voice And Piano In B Major [Matthisson]/01.mp3 4.5 MB
- Choral/D460 Tantum Ergo (1816) For Soprano, SATB Choir, Orchestra And Organ In C Major/01.mp3 4.5 MB
- Choral/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [E.Von Bauernfeld]/05 - Act I Arie.mp3 4.5 MB
- Theatrical/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [Sketches Only; E.Von Bauernfeld]/05 - Act I Aria.mp3 4.5 MB
- Choral/D058 Dessen Fahne Donnerstürme Wallte Partsong (1813) For TTB Choir [Schiller]/01.mp3 4.5 MB
- Keyboard/D146 Op.127 20 Waltzes (Letzte Walzer) (1815-23) For Piano [No.3 = D135 With New Trio]/10 - No.08 In G Major.mp3 4.5 MB
- Keyboard/D925 Grazer Galopp (1827) For Piano In C Major/01.mp3 4.4 MB
- Choral/D131 Lacrimoso Son Io (1815) Canon For 3 Voices/[Version 2].mp3 4.4 MB
- Lieder/D879 Op.105(iv) Sehnsucht [Die Scheibe Friert] (1826) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Minor [Seidl]/01.mp3 4.4 MB
- Chamber/D821 Sonata ‘Arpeggione’ (1824) For Arpeggione And Piano In A Minor/02 - Adagio.mp3 4.4 MB
- Lieder/D829 Abschied, Melodrama [Leb Wohl, Du Schöne Erde] (1826) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [A.Von Pratobevera]/01.mp3 4.4 MB
- Lieder/D881 Op.096(iv) Fischerweise [Den Fischer Fechten Sorgen] (1826) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Major [Schlechta]/01.mp3 4.4 MB
- Keyboard/D814 4 Ländler (1824) For Piano 4 Hands/01.mp3 4.4 MB
- Choral/D324 Op.141 Mass No.3 In Bb Major (1815) For Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir, Orchestra And Organ/06 - Agnus Dei.mp3 4.4 MB
- Keyboard/D557 Piano Sonata No.04 (1817) In Ab Major/03 - Allegro.mp3 4.4 MB
- Keyboard/D952 Op.152 Fugue (1828) For Piano 4 Hands In E Minor/01.mp3 4.4 MB
- Lieder/D228 Von Ida [Der Morgen Blüht] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Minor [Kosegarten]/01.mp3 4.4 MB
- Theatrical/D326 Die Freunde Von Salamanka (1815-16) [Mayrhofer]/04 - Act I(iii) Quartet 'Morgen, Wenn Des Hahnes Ruf Erschallt'.mp3 4.4 MB
- Lieder/D504 Op.006(iii) Am Grabe Anselmos [Dass Ich Dich Verloren Habe] (1816) Lied For Voice And PIano In Eb Minor [Claudius]/01.mp3 4.4 MB
- Lieder/D516 Op.008(ii) Sehnsucht [Der Lerche Wolkennahe Lieder] (c1816) For Voice And Piano In C Major [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 4.4 MB
- Lieder/D846 Op.052(v) Normans Gesang [Die Nacht Bricht Bald Herein] (1825) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Minor [Scott, Trans. Storck]/01.mp3 4.4 MB
- Chamber/D353 Op.125(ii) String Quartet No.11 (1816) In E Major/03 - Menuetto (Allegro Vivace).mp3 4.4 MB
- Choral/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [E.Von Bauernfeld]/08 - Act I Rezitativ.mp3 4.4 MB
- Theatrical/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [Sketches Only; E.Von Bauernfeld]/08 - Act I Recit,.mp3 4.4 MB
- Lieder/D115 An Laura, Als Sie Klopstocks Auferstehungslied Sang [Herzen, Die Gen Himmel Sich Erheben] (1814) Lied For Voice And Piano In E Major [Matthisson]/01.mp3 4.4 MB
- Lieder/D496a Klage Um Ali Bey [Lasst Mich! Lasst Mich! Ich Will Klagen] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In Eb Minor [Claudius]/01.mp3 4.4 MB
- Choral/D324 Op.141 Mass No.3 In Bb Major (1815) For Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir, Orchestra And Organ/05 - Benedictus.mp3 4.3 MB
- Chamber/D046 String Quartet No.04 (1813) In C Major/03 - Menuetto (Allegro).mp3 4.3 MB
- Keyboard/D459 Piano Sonata No.03 ‘Fünf Klavierstücke’ (c1816) In E Major/02 - Scherzo (Allegro).mp3 4.3 MB
- Keyboard/D599 Op.075 4 Polonaises (1818) For Piano 4 Hands/02 - In Bb Major.mp3 4.3 MB
- Keyboard/D940 Op.103 Fantasie (1828) For Piano 4 Hands In F Minor/01 - Allegro Motlo Moderato.mp3 4.3 MB
- Lieder/D496 Bei Dem Grabe Meines Vaters [Friede Sei Um Diesen Grabstein] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In Eb Major [Claudius]/01.mp3 4.3 MB
- Theatrical/D796 Fierrabras (1823) [J.Kupelwieser, After J.G.G.Büsching, F.H.Von Der Hagen, F.De La Motte Fouqué]/20 - Act II(xvii) `Uns Fuhrt Der Vorsicht Weise Hand' (Eginh.mp3 4.3 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/19 - Act I Glänzende Waffe Den Krieger (Chorus, All).mp3 4.3 MB
- Keyboard/D625 Piano Sonata No.11 (1818) In F Minor [2 Movts, Frag.]/02 - Scherzo (Allegretto) & Trio.mp3 4.3 MB
- Choral/D053 Vorüber Die Stöhnende Klage (1813) For TTB Choir [Schiller]/01.mp3 4.3 MB
- Lieder/D121 Op.003(i) Schäfers Klagelied [Da Droben Auf Jenem Berge] (1814) For Voice And Piano In C Minor [Goethe]/b [Op.003(i)]/01.mp3 4.3 MB
- Lieder/D694 Der Schiffer [Friedlich Lieg’ Ich Hingegossen] (1820) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Major [F.Von Schlegel]/01.mp3 4.3 MB
- Chamber/D408 Sonata (Sonatina) (1816) For Violin And Piano In G Minor/04 - Allegro Moderato.mp3 4.3 MB
- Theatrical/D326 Die Freunde Von Salamanka (1815-16) [Mayrhofer]/17 - Act II(xvii) Aria 'Traurig Geht Der Geliebte Von Dannen'.mp3 4.3 MB
- Choral/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [E.Von Bauernfeld]/17 - Act II Aire.mp3 4.3 MB
- Theatrical/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [Sketches Only; E.Von Bauernfeld]/17 - Act II Air.mp3 4.3 MB
- Lieder/D449 Der Gute Hirt [Was Sorgest Du] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In E Major [Uz]/01.mp3 4.3 MB
- Lieder/D832 Des Sängers Habe [Schlagt Mein Ganzes Glück] (1825) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [Schlechta]/01.mp3 4.3 MB
- Choral/D678 Mass No.5 In Ab Major (1819-22) For Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir, Orchestra And Organ/10 - Benedictus.mp3 4.3 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/23 - Act II Aria `O Konnt Ich, Allgewaltiger' (Simon).mp3 4.3 MB
- Chamber/D384 Sonata (Sonatina) (1816) For Violin And Piano In D Major/01 - Allegro Molto.mp3 4.2 MB
- Keyboard/D617 Op.030 Sonata (1818) For Piano 4 Hands In Bb Major/02 - Andante Con Moto.mp3 4.2 MB
- Choral/D985 Op.112(i) Gott Im Ungewitter Partsong (c1827) For SATB Mixed Chorus And Piano [J.P.Uz]/01.mp3 4.2 MB
- Lieder/D416 Lied In Der Abwesenheit [Ach, Mir Ist Das Herz So Schwer] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In B Minor [Stolberg-Stolberg; Frag.]/01.mp3 4.2 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/37 - Act II Nur Bewundert Vom Dem Neide.. (Mauregato).mp3 4.2 MB
- Keyboard/D146 Op.127 20 Waltzes (Letzte Walzer) (1815-23) For Piano [No.3 = D135 With New Trio]/04 - No.03 In E Major [With Trio].mp3 4.2 MB
- Keyboard/D146 Op.127 20 Waltzes (Letzte Walzer) (1815-23) For Piano [No.3 = D135 With New Trio]/11 - No.09 In C Major.mp3 4.2 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/18 - Act I Ha, Du Wirst Es Noch Bereuen (Adolfo).mp3 4.2 MB
- Lieder/D765 An Die Entfernte [So Hab’ Ich Wirklich Dich Verloren] (1822) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [Goethe]/01.mp3 4.2 MB
- Lieder/D911 Op.089 Winterreise (1827) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/02 - Die Wetterfanne.mp3 4.2 MB
- Theatrical/D797 Rosamunde, Fürstin Von Zypern Incidental Music To Romantic Play (1823)/06 - Chorus Of Spirits.MP3 4.2 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/37 - Act III Chorus `Er Kam, Mit Trost Des Himmels'.mp3 4.2 MB
- Lieder/D877 Op.062 Gesänge Aus Wilhelm Meister (1826) Lieder For Voice And Piano [Goethe]/03 - Lied Der Mignon (3) [So Lasst Mich Scheinen] In B Major.mp3 4.2 MB
- Choral/D167 Mass No.2 In G Major (1815) For Soprano, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir, Strings And Organ/05 - Benedictus.mp3 4.2 MB
- Lieder/D772 Op.022(ii) Wehmut [Wenn Ich Durch Wald Und Fluren Geh’] (1822-23) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Minor [M.Von Collin]/01.mp3 4.2 MB
- Keyboard/D899 Op.090 4 Impromptus (1827) For Piano/02 - In Eb Major.mp3 4.2 MB
- Lieder/D367 Op.005(v) Der König In Thule [Es War Ein König In Thule] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Minor [Goethe]/01.mp3 4.2 MB
- Lieder/D761 Op.023(iv) Schatzgräbers Begehr [In Tiefster Erde Ruht Ein Alt Gesetz] (1822) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Minor [Schober]/01.mp3 4.2 MB
- Keyboard/D024a Fugue (1812) For Organ In C Major/01.mp3 4.2 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/35 - Act III `Wie Ich Wanke! Wie Ich Irre!' (Simon).mp3 4.2 MB
- Lieder/D263 Cora An Die Sonne [Nach So Vielen Trüben Tagen] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Eb Major [Baumberg]/01.mp3 4.2 MB
- Keyboard/D977 8 Ecossaises For Piano/01.mp3 4.2 MB
- Choral/D865a Op.105(i) Widerspruch (1826) For TTBB Choir And Piano [J.G.Seidl]/01.mp3 4.2 MB
- Chamber/D096 Trio (1814) For Flute, Viola, Cello And Guitar In G Major/04 - Zingara (Andantino).mp3 4.1 MB
- Keyboard/D568 Op.122 Piano Sonata No.06 (1817) In Eb Major/03 - Menuetto (Allegro) & Trio.mp3 4.1 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/47 - Act III Doch Nun Werde Deinem Retter (Alfonso, Estrella).mp3 4.1 MB
- Lieder/D558 Liebhaber In Allen Gestalten [Ich Wollt’, Ich Wär’ Ein Fisch] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [Goethe]/01.mp3 4.1 MB
- Choral/D598 Op.011(i) Das Dörfchen Partsong (1818) For TTBB Choir And Piano [G.A.Bürger; Formerly D641]/01.mp3 4.1 MB
- Lieder/D123 Sehnsucht [Was Zieht Mir Das Herz So] (1814) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [Goethe]/01.mp3 4.1 MB
- Lieder/D775 Op.059(ii) Dass Sie Hier Gewesen [Dass Der Ostwind Düfte] (1823) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Major [Rückert]/01.mp3 4.1 MB
- Keyboard/D894 Op.078 Piano Sonata No.18 (1826) In G Major [Formerly Known As Fantasie, Andante, Menuetto Und Allegretto]/03 - Menuetto (Allegro Moderato) & Trio.mp3 4.1 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/23 - Act I Der Hoffnung Süß Gefühl Will Mich (Estrella, Adolfo).mp3 4.1 MB
- Lieder/D432 Der Leidende [Nimmer Trag’ Ich Länger] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In B Minor/a/01.mp3 4.1 MB
- Theatrical/D796 Fierrabras (1823) [J.Kupelwieser, After J.G.G.Büsching, F.H.Von Der Hagen, F.De La Motte Fouqué]/15 - Act II(xii) `Im Tode Sollt Ihr Bussen' (Boland, Roland,.mp3 4.1 MB
- Lieder/D394 An Die Harmonie [Schöpferin Beseelter Töne!] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [Salis-Seewis]/01.mp3 4.1 MB
- Choral/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [E.Von Bauernfeld]/18 - Act II Chor Der Kreuzfaher.mp3 4.1 MB
- Theatrical/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [Sketches Only; E.Von Bauernfeld]/18 - Act II Chor Der Kreuzfaher.mp3 4.1 MB
- Keyboard/D505 Adagio (1818) For Piano In Db Major [Orig. Slow Movt Of 625; Adapted (By Publisher) As Introduction To 506]/01.mp3 4.1 MB
- Lieder/D172 Der Morgenstern (1) [Stern Der Liebe] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Gb Major [Körner; Frag.]/01.mp3 4.1 MB
- Keyboard/D139 Deutscher (1815) For Piano In C# Major/01.mp3 4.1 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/27 - Act II Von Fels Und Wald Umrungen (Estella).mp3 4.1 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/13 - Act I Aria_ `Gottes Liebe, Du Bist Seine Zuversicht' (M.mp3 4.1 MB
- Choral/D236 Das Abendrot (1815) Partsong For TTB Choir And Piano [L.Kosegarten]/01.mp3 4.1 MB
- Lieder/D192 Der Jüngling Am Bache (2) [An Der Quelle Sass Der Knabe] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Minor [Schiller]/01.mp3 4.1 MB
- Lieder/D637 Op.087(ii) Hoffnung (2) [Es Reden Und Träumen Die Menschen] (c1819) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [Schiller]/01.mp3 4.1 MB
- Lieder/D273 Lilla An Die Morgenröte [Wie Schön Bist Du, Du Güldne Morgenröte] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Major/01.mp3 4.0 MB
- Keyboard/D915 Allegretto (1827) For Piano In C Minor/01.mp3 4.0 MB
- Lieder/D883 Lebensmut [O Wie Dringt Das Junge Leben] (1826) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [Schulze]/01.mp3 4.0 MB
- Chamber/D094 String Quartet No.07 (1811 or 1812) In D Major/03 - Menuetto (Allegretto_ Trio_ Menuetto Da Capo).mp3 4.0 MB
- Theatrical/D796 Fierrabras (1823) [J.Kupelwieser, After J.G.G.Büsching, F.H.Von Der Hagen, F.De La Motte Fouqué]/26 - Act III(xxii) `Der Rache Opfer Fallen' (Florinda, Bolan.mp3 4.0 MB
- Choral/D105 Mass No.1 In F Major (1814) For 2 Sopranos, Alto, 2 Tenors, Bass SATB Choir, Orchestra And Organ [+ Dona Nobis Pacem D185]/05 - Benedictus.mp3 4.0 MB
- Lieder/D877 Op.062 Gesänge Aus Wilhelm Meister (1826) Lieder For Voice And Piano [Goethe]/02 - Lied Der Mignon (2) [Heiss Mich Nicht Reden] In E minor.mp3 4.0 MB
- Lieder/D563 Die Einsiedelei (3) [Es Rieselt, Klar Und Wehend] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Major [Salis-Seewis]/01.mp3 4.0 MB
- Lieder/D286 Selma Und Selmar [Weine Du Nicht] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Klopstock]/b (1815)/01.mp3 4.0 MB
- Lieder/D193 Op.057(iii) An Den Mond [Geuss, Lieber Mond] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Minor [Hölty]/01.mp3 4.0 MB
- Lieder/D843 Op.052(vii) Lied Des Gefangenen Jägers [Mein Ross So Müd In Dem Stalle] (1825) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Minor [Scott, Trans. Storck]/01.mp3 4.0 MB
- Chamber/D046 String Quartet No.04 (1813) In C Major/02 - Andante Con Moto.mp3 4.0 MB
- Chamber/D667 Op.114 Piano Quintet ‘Die Forelle’ [Trout] (1819) In A Major/03 - Scherzo (Presto).mp3 4.0 MB
- Choral/D678 Mass No.5 In Ab Major (1819-22) For Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir, Orchestra And Organ/03 - Gloria Gratias Agimus Tibi.mp3 4.0 MB
- Lieder/D097 Trost An Elisa [Lehnst Du Deine Bleich-Gehärmte Wange] (1814) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Minor [Matthisson]/01.mp3 4.0 MB
- Lieder/D517 Op.013(i) Der Schäfer Und Der Reiter [Ein Schäfer Sass Im Grünen] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In E Major [Fouqué]/01.mp3 4.0 MB
- Lieder/D628 Sonett I [Apollo, Lebet Noch] (1818) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [Petrarch, Trans. A.W.Von Schlegel]/01.mp3 4.0 MB
- Choral/D422 Naturgenuss (2) Partsong (1822) For TTBB Choir And Piano [Matthisson]/01.mp3 4.0 MB
- Choral/D383 Stabat Mater Oratorio (1816) For Soprano, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir And Orchestra In F/08 - Aria `Sohn Des Vaters, Aber Leiden'.mp3 4.0 MB
- Lieder/D553 Op.021(i) Auf Der Donau [Auf Der Wellen Spiegel] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In Eb Major [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 4.0 MB
- Lieder/D686 Op.020(ii) Frühlingsglaube [Die Linden Lüfte Sind Erwacht] (1822) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major [L.Uhland]/01.mp3 4.0 MB
- Lieder/D805 Der Sieg [O Unbewölktes Leben!] (1824) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 4.0 MB
- Theatrical/D326 Die Freunde Von Salamanka (1815-16) [Mayrhofer]/12 - Act II(xii) Duet 'Gelagert Unterm Hellen Dach'.mp3 4.0 MB
- Choral/D872 Deutsche Messe (1827) For SATB Chorus, Orchestra And Organ/07 - Zum Agnus Dei.mp3 4.0 MB
- Chamber/D574 Op.162 Sonata (Duo) (1817) For Violin And Piano In A Major/03 - Andantino.mp3 4.0 MB
- Lieder/D369 Op.019(i) An Schwager Kronos [Spude Dich Kronos!] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Minor [Goethe]/01.mp3 3.9 MB
- Lieder/D629 Sonett II [Allein, Nachdenklich, Wie Gelähmt] (1818) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Minor [Petrarch, Trans. A.W.Von Schlegel]/01.mp3 3.9 MB
- Lieder/D651 Himmelsfunken [Der Odem Gottes Weht] (1819) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [Silbert]/01.mp3 3.9 MB
- Choral/D452 Op.048 Mass No.4 In C Major (1816) For SATB, SATB Chorus, Orchestra And Organ [Alternative Benedictus D961]/06 - Agnus Dei.mp3 3.9 MB
- Lieder/D174 Das War Ich [Jüngst Träumte Mir] Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [Körner]/01.mp3 3.9 MB
- Lieder/D877 Op.062 Gesänge Aus Wilhelm Meister (1826) Lieder For Voice And Piano [Goethe]/04 - Lied Der Mignon (6) [Nur Wer Die Sehnsucht Kennt] In A Major.mp3 3.9 MB
- Keyboard/D146 Op.127 20 Waltzes (Letzte Walzer) (1815-23) For Piano [No.3 = D135 With New Trio]/08 - No.06 In D Major.mp3 3.9 MB
- Orchestral/D200 Symphony No.3 (1815) In D Major/03 - Menuetto (Vivace) & Trio .mp3 3.9 MB
- Theatrical/D796 Fierrabras (1823) [J.Kupelwieser, After J.G.G.Büsching, F.H.Von Der Hagen, F.De La Motte Fouqué]/03 - Act I(ii) `O Mog' Auf Froher Hoffnung Schwingen' (Eginh.mp3 3.9 MB
- Theatrical/D796 Fierrabras (1823) [J.Kupelwieser, After J.G.G.Büsching, F.H.Von Der Hagen, F.De La Motte Fouqué]/21 - Act III(xviii) `Bald Tonet Der Reigen' (Maragond, Emma).mp3 3.9 MB
- Keyboard/D557 Piano Sonata No.04 (1817) In Ab Major/01 - Allegro Moderato.mp3 3.9 MB
- Chamber/D018 String Quartet No.01 (1810 or 1811) In G Minor & Bb Major/04 - Presto.mp3 3.9 MB
- Lieder/D795 Op.025 Die Schöne Müllerin (1823) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/07 - Ungeduld.mp3 3.9 MB
- Lieder/D250 Das Geheimnis (1) [Sie Konnte Mir Kein Wörtchen Sagen] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major [Schiller]/01.mp3 3.9 MB
- Lieder/D711 Op.013(ii) Lob Der Tränen [Laue Lüfte, Blumendüfte] (1818) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Major [A.W.Von Schlegel]/01.mp3 3.9 MB
- Lieder/D752 Nachtviolen (1822) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Major [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 3.9 MB
- Lieder/D801 Op.060(ii) Dithyrambe [Nimmer, Das Glaub Mir] (1826) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [Schiller]/01.mp3 3.9 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/21 - Act I Was Werd Ich Nun Beginen (Mauregato).mp3 3.9 MB
- Choral/D428 Widerhall (Auf Ewig Dein) (1816) Partsong For TTB Choir [Matthisson]/01.mp3 3.9 MB
- Choral/D232 Op.112(iii) Hymne An Den Unendlichen (1815) For SATB Mixed Chorus And Piano [Friedrich Schiller]/01.mp3 3.9 MB
- Keyboard/D968 Allegro Moderato In C Major And Andante In A Minor (Sonatine) (1818) For Piano 4 Hands/02 - Andante In A Minor.mp3 3.9 MB
- Lieder/D251 Hoffnung (1) [Es Reden Und Träumen Die Menschen] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Gb Major [Schiller]/2/01.mp3 3.9 MB
- Keyboard/D157 Piano Sonata No.01 (1815) In E Major [Unfinished]/03 - Menuetto (Allegro Vivace) & Trio.mp3 3.9 MB
- Chamber/D370 9 Ländler (1816) For Violin In D Major/01.mp3 3.8 MB
- Theatrical/D220 Fernando (1815) [A.Stadler]/04 - Wärst Du Mir Auf Immer....mp3 3.8 MB
- Keyboard/D664 Piano Sonata No.13 (1819 Or 1825) In A Major/02 - Andante.mp3 3.8 MB
- Keyboard/D784 Op.143 Piano Sonata No.14 (1823) In A Minor/02 - Andante.mp3 3.8 MB
- Chamber/D574 Op.162 Sonata (Duo) (1817) For Violin And Piano In A Major/02 - Scherzo (Presto).mp3 3.8 MB
- Lieder/D521 Jagdlied [Trarah! Trarah! Wir Kehren Daheim] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Werner]/a/01.mp3 3.8 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/42 - Act III Chorus `Mehr! Viel Mehr! Kein Harfenklang'.mp3 3.8 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/15 - Act I `Jemina, Tochter Der Auferstehung' (Lazarus, Jemi.mp3 3.8 MB
- Lieder/D197 An Die Apfelbäume, Wo Ich Julien Erblickte [Ein Heilig Säuseln] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [Hölty]/01.mp3 3.8 MB
- Lieder/D318 Schwanengesang [Endlich Stehn Die Pforten Offen] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Minor [Kosegarten]/01.mp3 3.8 MB
- Lieder/D382 Abendlied [Sanft Glänzt Die Abendsonne] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major/01.mp3 3.8 MB
- Lieder/D497 Op.098(i) An Die Nachtigall [Er Liegt Und Schläft] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [Claudius]/01.mp3 3.8 MB
- Choral/D875 Op.102 Mondenschein Partsong (1826) For TTBBB Choir And Piano [Schober]/01.mp3 3.8 MB
- Keyboard/D618 Deutscher Tanz In G Major With 2 Trios And Two Ländler (1818) For Piano 4 Hands In E Major/01 - Deutscher Tanz With Two Trios.mp3 3.8 MB
- Lieder/D283 Op.172(v) An Den Frühling (1) [Willkommen, Schöner Jüngling!] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Schiller]/01.mp3 3.8 MB
- Choral/D961 Benedictus In A Minor (1828) For SATB, SATB Chorus, Orchestra And Organ [Alternative Movt For D452]/01 - Benedictus II.mp3 3.8 MB
- Lieder/D371 Klage [Trauer Umfliesst Mein Leben] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In B Minor [Formerly D292]/01.mp3 3.8 MB
- Lieder/D482 Der Sänger Am Felsen [Klage, Meine Flöte] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In E Minor [C.Pichler]/01.mp3 3.8 MB
- Lieder/D670 Op.165(ii) Die Sternennächte [In Monderhellten Nächten] (1819) Lied For Voice And Piano In Db Major [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 3.8 MB
- Choral/D656 Sehnsucht (Nur Wer Die Sehnsucht Kennt) (4) Partsong (1819) For TTBBB Choir [Goethe]/01.mp3 3.8 MB
- Keyboard/D819 Op.040 6 Grandes Marches (1824) For Piano 4 Hands/02 - In G Minor (Allegro Ma Non Troppo).mp3 3.8 MB
- Keyboard/D146 Op.127 20 Waltzes (Letzte Walzer) (1815-23) For Piano [No.3 = D135 With New Trio]/13 - No.11 In Bb Major.mp3 3.8 MB
- Lieder/D891 Op.106(iv) Gesang (An Sylvia; Who Is Sylvia) Was Ist Silvia (1826) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [Shakespeare, Trans. Bauernfeld]/01.mp3 3.8 MB
- Choral/D572 Lied Im Freien Partsong (1817) For TTBB Choir [Salis-Seewis]/01.mp3 3.8 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/24 - Act II `Wes Ist Der Klage Stimme' (Nathanael, Simon).mp3 3.8 MB
- Choral/D983 Op.017(i) Jünglingswonne (1822) For TTBB Choir [Matthisson]/01.mp3 3.8 MB
- Choral/D383 Stabat Mater Oratorio (1816) For Soprano, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir And Orchestra In F/11 - Trio With Chorus `Daß Dereinst Wir, Wenn Im Tode'.mp3 3.8 MB
- Choral/D452 Op.048 Mass No.4 In C Major (1816) For SATB, SATB Chorus, Orchestra And Organ [Alternative Benedictus D961]/02 - Gloria.mp3 3.7 MB
- Orchestral/D125 Symphony No.2 (1814-15) In Bb Major/03 - Menuatteo (Allegro Vivace).mp3 3.7 MB
- Lieder/D050 Die Schatten [Freunde, Deren Grüfte] (1813) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [Matthisson]/01.mp3 3.7 MB
- Lieder/D289 Die Sommernacht [Wenn Der Schimmer Von Dem Monde] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Major [Klopstock]/01.mp3 3.7 MB
- Lieder/D442 Das Grosse Halleluja [Ehre Sei Dem Hocherhabnen] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In E Major [Klopstock]/a/01.mp3 3.7 MB
- Lieder/D616 Grablied Für Die Mutter [Hauche Milder, Abendluft] (1818) Lied For Voice And Piano In B Minor/01.mp3 3.7 MB
- Keyboard/D348 Andantino (1816) For Piano In C Major [Frag.]/01.mp3 3.7 MB
- Theatrical/D701 Sacontala [Sakuntala] (1820-21) [J.P.Neumann, After Kalidasa]/07 - Act I(viii) 'Wo Du Wandelst, Atme Dir'; (ix) 'Dein Ring Soll Dir Nicht Frommen'; (x) 'Heil Dir, O Konig!'.mp3 3.7 MB
- Lieder/D298 Liane [Hast Du Lianen Nicht Gesehen] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Major [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 3.7 MB
- Lieder/D302 Labetrank Der Liebe [Wenn Im Spiele Leiser Töne] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Stoll]/01.mp3 3.7 MB
- Lieder/D527 Op.024(ii) Schlaflied (Abendlied; Schlummerlied) [Es Mahnt Der Wald] (1817) For Voice And Piano In F Major [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 3.7 MB
- Lieder/D807 Auflösung [Verbirg Dich, Sonne] (1824) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 3.7 MB
- Chamber/D581 String Trio (1817) In Bb Major/03 - Menuetto (Allegretto).mp3 3.7 MB
- Lieder/D161 Op.019(ii) An Mignon [Über Tal Und Fluss Getragen] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano [Goethe]/a/01.mp3 3.7 MB
- Choral/D331 Der Entfernten (1) Partsong (c1816) For TTBB Choir [Salis-Seewis]/01.mp3 3.7 MB
- Keyboard/D024c Fugue (1812) For Organ In D Minor/01.mp3 3.7 MB
- Lieder/D368 Op.003(iv) Jägers Abendlied (2) [Im Felde Schleich’ Ich Still Und Wild] (1816) For Voice And Piano In Db Major [Goethe]/01.mp3 3.7 MB
- Lieder/D646 Die Gebüsche [Es Wehet Kühl Und Leise] (1819) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [F.Von Schlegel]/01.mp3 3.7 MB
- Lieder/D833 Op.101(ii) Der Blinde Knabe [O Sagt, Ihr Lieben, Mir Einmal] (1825) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [C. Cibber, Trans. Craigher]/01.mp3 3.7 MB
- Theatrical/D796 Fierrabras (1823) [J.Kupelwieser, After J.G.G.Büsching, F.H.Von Der Hagen, F.De La Motte Fouqué]/24 - Act III(xxi) `Des Jammers Herbe Qualen' (Florinda, Géra.mp3 3.7 MB
- Theatrical/D326 Die Freunde Von Salamanka (1815-16) [Mayrhofer]/11 - Act II(xi) Duet 'Ein Wackres Tier, Das Müßt Ihr Sagen'.mp3 3.7 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/16 - Act I Aria `So Schlummert Auf Rosen Die Unschuld Ein' (.mp3 3.7 MB
- Choral/D903 Op.081(iii) Zur Guten Nacht Partsong (1827) For Baritone, TTBB Choir And Piano [F.Rochlitz]/01.mp3 3.7 MB
- Choral/D167 Mass No.2 In G Major (1815) For Soprano, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir, Strings And Organ/03 - Credo.mp3 3.7 MB
- Chamber/D032 String Quartet No.02 (1812) In C Major/03 - Menuetto (Allegro).mp3 3.7 MB
- Lieder/D415 Klage [Die Sonne Steigt] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Major [Matthisson]/01.mp3 3.7 MB
- Lieder/D738 Op.056(iii) Im Haine [Sonnenstrahlen Durch Die Tannen] (1822-23) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [Bruchmann]/01.mp3 3.7 MB
- Lieder/D876 Im Jänner 1817 (Tiefes Leid) [Ich Bin Von Aller Ruh Geschieden] (1826) For Voice And Piano In E Minor [Schulze]/01.mp3 3.7 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/45 - Act III Du Wirst Mir Nicht Entrinen (Adolfo, Estrella).mp3 3.7 MB
- Lieder/D795 Op.025 Die Schöne Müllerin (1823) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/05 - Am Feierabend.mp3 3.6 MB
- Keyboard/D960 Piano Sonata No.21 (1828) In Bb Major/03 - Scherzo (Allegro Vivace E Con Delicatezza) & Trio.mp3 3.6 MB
- Lieder/D344 Am Ersten Maimorgen [Heute Will Ich Fröhlich, Fröhlich Sein] (c1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [M.Claudius]/01.mp3 3.6 MB
- Lieder/D210 Die Liebe (Klärchens Lied) [Freudvoll Und leidvoll] (1815) For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [Goethe]/01.mp3 3.6 MB
- Keyboard/D900 Allegretto (1820-) For Piano In C Minor [Frag.]/01.mp3 3.6 MB
- Choral/D724 Op.011(ii) Die Nachtigall Partsong (1821) For TTBB Choir And Piano [J.K.Unger]/01.mp3 3.6 MB
- Lieder/D911 Op.089 Winterreise (1827) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/19 - Täuschung.mp3 3.6 MB
- Lieder/D518 An Den Tod [Tod, Du Schrecken Der Natur] (1816-17) Lied For Voice And Piano In B Major [Schubart]/01.mp3 3.6 MB
- Lieder/D547 Op.084(iv) An Die Musik [Du Holde Kunst] (c1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Major [Schober]/01.mp3 3.6 MB
- Lieder/D548 Orest Auf Tauris [Ist Dies Tauris] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In Eb Major [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 3.6 MB
- Lieder/D671 Trost [Hörnerklänge Rufen Klagend] (1819) Lied For Voice And Piano In Eb Major [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 3.6 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/46 - Act III `Ich Will Dich Singen' (Lazarus, Jemina).mp3 3.6 MB
- Choral/D386 Salve Regina (1816) For Bass And SATB Choir/01.mp3 3.6 MB
- Choral/D678 Mass No.5 In Ab Major (1819-22) For Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir, Orchestra And Organ/14 - Et Resurrexit [Repeat].mp3 3.6 MB
- Choral/D678 Mass No.5 In Ab Major (1819-22) For Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir, Orchestra And Organ/08 - Credo_ Et Resurrexit Tertia Die.mp3 3.6 MB
- Lieder/D523 Trost [Nimmer Lange Weil’ Ich Hier] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In C# Minor/01.mp3 3.6 MB
- Lieder/D861 Der Liebliche Stern [Ihr Sternlein, Still In Der Höhe] (1825) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [Schulze]/01.mp3 3.6 MB
- Theatrical/D190 Der Vierjährige Posten (1815) [T.Körner]/08 - Ensemble Um Gotteswillen, Er Ist Verloren! (Kathchen, Kapitan, Duval, Veit, Walther, Chor Der Bauern, Chor Der Soldaten).mp3 3.6 MB
- Choral/D983b Op.017(iii) Zum Rundetanz (1822) For TTBB Choir [Salis-Seewis]/01.mp3 3.6 MB
- Lieder/D095 Adelaide [Einsam Wandelt Dein Freund] (1814) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major [Matthisson]/01.mp3 3.6 MB
- Lieder/D155 Op.165(iii) Das Bild [Ein Mädchen Ist’s] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major/01.mp3 3.6 MB
- Lieder/D163 Sängers Morgenlied (1) [Süsses Licht! Aus Goldenen Pforten] (1815) For Voice And Piano In G Major [T. Körner]/01.mp3 3.6 MB
- Lieder/D288 An Sie [Zeit, Verkündigerin Der Besten Freuden] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major [Klopstock]/01.mp3 3.6 MB
- Choral/D835 Op.052(iii) Bootgesang (1825) Partsong For TTBB Choir And Piano [W.Scott, Trans. D.A.Storck]/01.mp3 3.5 MB
- Theatrical/D326 Die Freunde Von Salamanka (1815-16) [Mayrhofer]/13 - Act II(xiii) Aria 'Wo Ich Weile, Wo Ich Gehe'.mp3 3.5 MB
- Choral/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [E.Von Bauernfeld]/13 - Act I Lied.mp3 3.5 MB
- Theatrical/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [Sketches Only; E.Von Bauernfeld]/13 - Act I Lied.mp3 3.5 MB
- Theatrical/D220 Fernando (1815) [A.Stadler]/07 - Mutter! Mutter!.mp3 3.5 MB
- Keyboard/D334 Minuet (c1815) For Piano In A Major/01.mp3 3.5 MB
- Lieder/D252 Das Mädchen Aus Der Fremde (2) [In Einem Tal Bei Armen Hirten] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Schiller]/01.mp3 3.5 MB
- Chamber/D810 String Quartet No.14 ‘Der Tod Und Das Mädchen' [Death And The Maiden] (1824) In D Minor/03 - Scherzo (Allegro Molto).mp3 3.5 MB
- Choral/D075 Trinklied [Freunde, Sammelt Euch Im Kreise] (1813) For Bass, TTB Choir And Piano [F.Schäffer]/01.mp3 3.5 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/31 - Act II Leundlich Schaut (Estrella).mp3 3.5 MB
- Keyboard/D781 12 Ecossaises (1823) For Piano [Omitting No.1 = No.2 Of D783]/01.mp3 3.5 MB
- Lieder/D795 Op.025 Die Schöne Müllerin (1823) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/01 - Das Wandern.mp3 3.5 MB
- Lieder/D281 Das Mädchen Von Inistore [Mädchen Inistores] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Minor [Ossian, Trans. Harold]/01.mp3 3.5 MB
- Lieder/D579 Der Knabe In Der Wiege (Wiegenlied) [Er Schläft So Süss] (1817) For Voice And Piano In C Major [A.Ottenwalt]/a/01.mp3 3.5 MB
- Chamber/D112 Op.168 String Quartet No.08 (1814) In Bb Major/04 - Presto.mp3 3.5 MB
- Lieder/D215 Jägers Abendlied (1) [Im Felde Schleich’ Ich Still Und Wild] (1815) For Voice And Piano In F Major [Goethe]/01.mp3 3.5 MB
- Lieder/D170 Schwertlied [Du Schwert An Meiner Linken] (1815) Lied For Voice, Unison Chorus And Piano In C Major [Körner]/01.mp3 3.5 MB
- Choral/D872 Deutsche Messe (1827) For SATB Chorus, Orchestra And Organ/05 - Zum Sanctus.mp3 3.5 MB
- Lieder/D176 Die Sterne [Was Funkelt Ihr So Mild Mich An] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major [J.G.Fellinger]/01.mp3 3.5 MB
- Lieder/D225 Op.005(iii) Der Fischer [Das Wasser Rauscht] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [Goethe]/01.mp3 3.5 MB
- Lieder/D768 Op.096(iii) Wandrers Nachtlied [Über Allen Gipfeln Ist Ruh] (1824) For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [Goethe]/01.mp3 3.5 MB
- Lieder/D990e L’Incanto Degli Occhi (1) [Da Voi, Cari Lumi] Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [Metastasio; Frag.]/01.mp3 3.5 MB
- Keyboard/D971 3 Deutsche (1822) For Piano/01.mp3 3.5 MB
- Keyboard/D813 Op.035 8 Variations On An Original Theme (1824) For Piano In Ab Major/09 - Variation VIII (Allegro Moderato).mp3 3.5 MB
- Choral/D872 Deutsche Messe (1827) For SATB Chorus, Orchestra And Organ/09 - Das Gebet Des Herrn.mp3 3.5 MB
- Keyboard/D817 Ungarische Melodie (1824) For Piano In B Minor [Possibly 1st Version Of Piano Duet D818]/01.mp3 3.5 MB
- Lieder/D360 Op.065(i) Lied Eines Schiffers An Die Dioskuren [Dioskuren, Zwillingssterne] (1816) For Voice And Piano In Ab Major [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 3.5 MB
- Keyboard/D146 Op.127 20 Waltzes (Letzte Walzer) (1815-23) For Piano [No.3 = D135 With New Trio]/01 - No.01 In D Major.mp3 3.5 MB
- Theatrical/D787 Die Verschworenen (Der Häusliche Krieg) (1822-23) [I.F.Castelli, After Aristophanes Lysistrata And Ecclesiazusae]/09 - Voruber Ist Die Zeit.mp3 3.5 MB
- Lieder/D142 Op.092(iii) Geistes-Gruss [Hoch Auf Dem Alten Turme] (1815-16) Lied For Voice And Piano [Goethe]/c/01.mp3 3.5 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/26 - Act II `So Legt Ihn Die Blumen' (Nathanael, Martha) .mp3 3.5 MB
- Choral/D060 Hier Umarmen Sich Getreue Gatten (1813) For TTB Choir [Schiller]/01.mp3 3.4 MB
- Choral/D696 Op.113 6 Antiphons For Palm Sunday (1820) For SATB Choir/05 - Cum Angelis Et Pueris.mp3 3.4 MB
- Lieder/D531 Op.007(iii) Der Tod Und Das Mädchen [Vorüber, Ach Vorüber] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Minor [Claudius]/01.mp3 3.4 MB
- Lieder/D721 Mahomets Gesang (2) [Seht Den Felsenquell] (1821) Lied For Voice And Piano In C# Minor [Frag., Goethe]/01.mp3 3.4 MB
- Choral/D442 Das Grosse Halleluja (1816) For Chorus And Piano [Klopstock]/01.mp3 3.4 MB
- Lieder/D261 Wer Kauft Liebesgötter [Von Allen Schönen Waren] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Major [Goethe]/01.mp3 3.4 MB
- Lieder/D358 Die Nacht [Du Verstörst Uns Nicht, O Nacht!] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major [J.P.Uz]/01.mp3 3.4 MB
- Lieder/D450 Fragment Aus Dem Aeschylus [So Wird Der Mann, Der Sonder Zwang] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major [Aeschylus, Trans. Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 3.4 MB
- Lieder/D911 Op.089 Winterreise (1827) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/22 - Mut!.mp3 3.4 MB
- Lieder/D188 Naturgenuss (1) [Im Abendschimmer Wallt Der Quell] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [Matthisson]/01.mp3 3.4 MB
- Lieder/D515 Op.007(ii) Der Flug Der Zeit [Es Floh Die Zeit Im Wirbelfluge] (c1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [Széchényi]/01.mp3 3.4 MB
- Choral/D950 Mass No.6 In Eb Major (1828) For Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir And Orchestra/04 - Sanctus.mp3 3.4 MB
- Keyboard/D279 Piano Sonata No.02 (1815) In C Major [Minuet = D277a With Alternative Trio, See Dances For Piano; Finale = D346]/03 - Menuetto (Allegro Vivace) & Trio.mp3 3.4 MB
- Theatrical/D796 Fierrabras (1823) [J.Kupelwieser, After J.G.G.Büsching, F.H.Von Der Hagen, F.De La Motte Fouqué]/10 - Act II(vii) `Im Jungen Morgenstrahle' (Eginhard, Roland.mp3 3.4 MB
- Lieder/D253 Punschlied; Im Norden Zu Singen [Auf Der Berge Freien Höhen] (1815) For 2 Voices In Bb Major [Schiller]/01.mp3 3.4 MB
- Lieder/D182 Die Erste Liebe [Die Erste Liebe Füllt Das Herz] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Major [Fellinger]/01.mp3 3.4 MB
- Theatrical/D647 Die Zwillingsbrüder (1818-19) [Hofmann, After Les Deux Valentins]/10 - Quintet And Chorus Packt Ihn, Fuhrt Ihn Vor Gericht (Lieschen, Anton, Franz, Schulze, Magistrat, Chorus).mp3 3.4 MB
- Keyboard/D146 Op.127 20 Waltzes (Letzte Walzer) (1815-23) For Piano [No.3 = D135 With New Trio]/09 - No.07 In B Minor.mp3 3.4 MB
- Keyboard/D146 Op.127 20 Waltzes (Letzte Walzer) (1815-23) For Piano [No.3 = D135 With New Trio]/22 - No.20 In D Major.mp3 3.4 MB
- Lieder/D795 Op.025 Die Schöne Müllerin (1823) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/02 - Wohin.mp3 3.4 MB
- Lieder/D113 Op.058(ii) An Emma [Weit In Nebelgrauer Ferne] (c1814) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Schiller]/01.mp3 3.3 MB
- Lieder/D499 Abendlied [Der Mond Ist Aufgegangen] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [Claudius]/01.mp3 3.3 MB
- Lieder/D855 Wiedersehn [Der Frühlingssonne Holdes Lächeln] (1825) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [A.W.Von Schlegel]/01.mp3 3.3 MB
- Theatrical/D239 Claudine Von Villa Bella (1815) [Only Overture & Act I Survive, J.W.Von Goethe]/02 - Das Hast Du Wohl Bereitet.mp3 3.3 MB
- Choral/D199 Mailied [Grüner Wird Die Au] (1815) For 2 Voices [Horns] [Hölty]/01.mp3 3.3 MB
- Choral/D051 Unendliche Freude (1) (1813) For TTB Choir [Schiller]/01.mp3 3.3 MB
- Lieder/D216 Op.003(ii) Meeresstille (2) [Tiefe Stille Herrscht Im Wasser] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Major [Goethe]/01.mp3 3.3 MB
- Choral/D167 Mass No.2 In G Major (1815) For Soprano, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir, Strings And Organ/01 - Kyrie.mp3 3.3 MB
- Keyboard/D421 6 Ecossaises (1816) For Piano [No.1 = D145(v)]/01.mp3 3.3 MB
- Theatrical/D647 Die Zwillingsbrüder (1818-19) [Hofmann, After Les Deux Valentins]/05 - Aria Mag Es Sturmen Donnern, Blitzen (Franz).mp3 3.3 MB
- Keyboard/D001b Fantasie (1810 Or 1811) For Piano 4 Hands In G Major [Frag.]/01.mp3 3.3 MB
- Keyboard/D557 Piano Sonata No.04 (1817) In Ab Major/02 - Andante.mp3 3.3 MB
- Lieder/D229 Op.108(iii) Die Erscheinung [Ich Lag Auf Grünen Matten] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In E Major [Kosegarten]/01.mp3 3.3 MB
- Lieder/D532 Das Lied Vom Reifen [Seht Meine Lieben Bäume An] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major [Claudius] [Frag,]/01.mp3 3.3 MB
- Lieder/D561 Nach Einem Gewitter [Auf Den Blumen] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 3.3 MB
- Choral/D893 Grab Und Mond Partsong (1826) For TTBB Choir [Seidl]/01.mp3 3.3 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/19 - Act I `Ich Sterbe, Ach Nun Kommy' (Maria, Martha, Natha.mp3 3.3 MB
- Choral/D357 Gold’ner Schein (1816) Canon For 3 Voices [Matthisson]/01.mp3 3.3 MB
- Lieder/D101 Erinnerung [Kein Rosenschimmer Leuchtet] (1814) Lied For Voice And Piano In E Minor [Matthisson]/01.mp3 3.3 MB
- Lieder/D153 Als Ich Sie Erröten Sah [All’ Mein Wirken] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [B.A.Ehrlich]/01.mp3 3.3 MB
- Lieder/D179 Liebesrausch (2) [Dir, Mädchen, Schlägt] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [Körner]/01.mp3 3.3 MB
- Lieder/D569 Das Grab (4) [Das Grab Ist Tief Und stille] (1817) Lied For Unison Voices And Piano In C# Minor [Salis-Seewis]/01.mp3 3.3 MB
- Keyboard/D969 Op.077 12 Waltzes (Valses Nobles) (1826) For Piano/03 - In C Major.mp3 3.3 MB
- Lieder/D297 Augenlied [Süsse Augen, Klare Bronnen!] (c1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 3.3 MB
- Lieder/D744 Op.023(iii) Schwanengesang [Wie Klag Ich’s Aus Senn] (1822) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major/01.mp3 3.3 MB
- Choral/D383 Stabat Mater Oratorio (1816) For Soprano, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir And Orchestra In F/04 - Duet `Engel Frueten Sich Dor Wonne, Jener Wonne'.mp3 3.3 MB
- Choral/D383 Stabat Mater Oratorio (1816) For Soprano, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir And Orchestra In F/10 - Trio `Erdenfreuden Und Ihr Elend'.mp3 3.3 MB
- Lieder/D042 Misero Pargoletto (c1813) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Minor [Metastasio]/2/01.mp3 3.2 MB
- Lieder/D513a Nur Wer Die Liebe Kennt (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [F.Werner; Sketch]/01.mp3 3.2 MB
- Lieder/D795 Op.025 Die Schöne Müllerin (1823) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/11 - Mein!.mp3 3.2 MB
- Choral/D268 Bergknappenlied (1815) Partsong For TTBB Choir And Piano/01.mp3 3.2 MB
- Choral/D809 Op.028 Gondelfahrer (2) Partsong (1824) For TTBB Choir And Piano [J.Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 3.2 MB
- Lieder/D632 Vom Mitleiden Mariä [Als Bei Dem Kreuz Maria Stand] (1818) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Minor [F.Von Schlegel]/01.mp3 3.2 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/04 - Act I Aria_ `Steh Im Letzen Kampf Dem Muden' (Maria).mp3 3.2 MB
- Keyboard/D459 Piano Sonata No.03 ‘Fünf Klavierstücke’ (c1816) In E Major/04 - Scherzo (Allegro) & Trio (Più Tardo).mp3 3.2 MB
- Choral/D356 Trinklied [Funkelnd Im Becher] (1816) For TTBB Choir/01.mp3 3.2 MB
- Lieder/D795 Op.025 Die Schöne Müllerin (1823) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/04 - Danksagung An Den Bach.mp3 3.2 MB
- Lieder/D231 Op.172(iv) Das Sehnen [Wehmut, Die Mich Hüllt] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Minor [Kosegarten]/01.mp3 3.2 MB
- Choral/D387 Die Schlacht (2) Sketch (1816) For Solo Voices, Chorus And Piano [Schiller]/01.mp3 3.2 MB
- Lieder/D221 Op.118(ii) Der Abend [Der Abend Blüht] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In B Major [Kosegarten]/01.mp3 3.2 MB
- Lieder/D491 Geheimnis [Sag An, Wer Lehrt Dich Lieder] (1816) For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 3.2 MB
- Lieder/D539 Op.008(iv) Am Strome [Ist Mir’s Doch, Als Sei Mein Leben] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In B Major [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 3.2 MB
- Lieder/D751 Op.023(i) Die Liebe Hat Gelogen (1822) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Minor [A.Von Platen-Hallermünde]/01.mp3 3.2 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/01 - Act I `Heir Last Mich Ruhn' (Lazarus).mp3 3.2 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/12 - Act I Schon Schleichen Meinge Späher (Froila).mp3 3.2 MB
- Theatrical/D647 Die Zwillingsbrüder (1818-19) [Hofmann, After Les Deux Valentins]/06 - Quartet Zu Rechter Zeit Bin Ich Gekommen (Lieschen, Anton, Franz, Schulze).mp3 3.2 MB
- Choral/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [E.Von Bauernfeld]/28 - Act II Duett.mp3 3.2 MB
- Theatrical/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [Sketches Only; E.Von Bauernfeld]/28 - Act II Duet.mp3 3.2 MB
- Choral/D678 Mass No.5 In Ab Major (1819-22) For Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir, Orchestra And Organ/07 - Credo_ Et Incarnatus Est.mp3 3.2 MB
- Orchestral/D417 Symphony No.4 `Tragic' (1816) In C Minor/03 - Menuetto (Allegro Vivace).mp3 3.2 MB
- Choral/D696 Op.113 6 Antiphons For Palm Sunday (1820) For SATB Choir/04 - Pueri Hebraeorum.mp3 3.2 MB
- Lieder/D445 Edone [Dein Süsses Bild, Edone] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In Eb Major [Klopstock]/01.mp3 3.2 MB
- Lieder/D076 Pensa, Che Questo Istante (1813) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Major [Metastasio]/b/01.mp3 3.1 MB
- Chamber/D385 Sonata (Sonatina) (1816) For Violin And Piano In A Minor/03 - Menuetto (Allegro).mp3 3.1 MB
- Keyboard/D813 Op.035 8 Variations On An Original Theme (1824) For Piano In Ab Major/08 - Variation VII (Più Lento).mp3 3.1 MB
- Choral/D678 Mass No.5 In Ab Major (1819-22) For Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir, Orchestra And Organ/13 - Appendix_ Et Incarnatus Est [Earlier Version].mp3 3.1 MB
- Lieder/D177 Op.173(iii) Vergebliche Liebe [Ja, Ich Weiss Es] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Minor [J.K.Bernard]/01.mp3 3.1 MB
- Lieder/D266 Morgenlied [Willkommen, Rotes Morgenlicht] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Stolberg]/01.mp3 3.1 MB
- Chamber/D802 Op.160 Introduction And Variations On Trockne Blumen From Die Schöne Müllerin (1824) For Flute And Piano In E/01 - Introduction (Andante).mp3 3.1 MB
- Lieder/D098 Erinnerungen (1) [Am Seegestad] (c1814) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [Matthisson]/01.mp3 3.1 MB
- Chamber/D018 String Quartet No.01 (1810 or 1811) In G Minor & Bb Major/03 - Andante.mp3 3.1 MB
- Lieder/D044 Totengräberlied (2) [Grabe, Spaten, Grabe!] (1813) Lied For Voice And Piano In E Minor [L.C.H.Hölty]/01.mp3 3.1 MB
- Lieder/D890 Hippolits Lied [Lasst Mich, Ob Ich Auch Still Verglüh] (1826) For Voice And Piano In A Minor [F.Von Gerstenberg]/01.mp3 3.1 MB
- Choral/D267 Trinklied [Auf! Jeder Sei Nun Froh] (1815) Partsong For TTBB Choir And Piano/01.mp3 3.1 MB
- Choral/D243 Frühlingslied [Die Luft Ist Blau] (1815) For TTB Choir [Hölty]/01.mp3 3.1 MB
- Keyboard/D718 Variation On A Waltz By Diabelli (1821) For Piano In C Minor/01.mp3 3.1 MB
- Theatrical/D787 Die Verschworenen (Der Häusliche Krieg) (1822-23) [I.F.Castelli, After Aristophanes Lysistrata And Ecclesiazusae]/20 - Dialogue.mp3 3.1 MB
- Keyboard/D697 6 Ecossaises (1820) For Piano [No.5 = Ecossaise D145(vi)]/01 - Nos.01-04, 06.mp3 3.1 MB
- Theatrical/D796 Fierrabras (1823) [J.Kupelwieser, After J.G.G.Büsching, F.H.Von Der Hagen, F.De La Motte Fouqué]/13 - Act II(x) `Verderben Denn Und Fluch' (Boland, Florinda,.mp3 3.1 MB
- Keyboard/D600 + D610 Minuet In C# Minor (c1814) And Trio In E Major (1818) For Piano/01.mp3 3.0 MB
- Choral/D872 Deutsche Messe (1827) For SATB Chorus, Orchestra And Organ/04 - Zum Offertorium.mp3 3.0 MB
- Lieder/D559 Schweizerlied [Uf’m Bergli Bin I G’Sässe] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Goethe]/01.mp3 3.0 MB
- Theatrical/D797 Rosamunde, Fürstin Von Zypern Incidental Music To Romantic Play (1823)/10 - Chorus Of Huntsmen.MP3 3.0 MB
- Choral/D848 Op.156 Nachtmusik Partsong (1825) For TTBB Choir [K.S.Von Seckendorff]/01.mp3 3.0 MB
- Theatrical/D326 Die Freunde Von Salamanka (1815-16) [Mayrhofer]/02 - Act I(i) Introduction 'Die Sonne Zieht In Goldnen Strahlen'.mp3 3.0 MB
- Lieder/D015a Der Geistertanz (1) [Die Bretterne Kammer Der Toten Erbebt] (c1812) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Minor [Frag. F.Von Matthisson]/01.mp3 3.0 MB
- Lieder/D391 Op.111(iii) Die Vier Weltalter [Wohl Perlet Im Glase] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [Schiller]/01.mp3 3.0 MB
- Lieder/D448 Gott Im Frühlinge [In Seinem Schimmernden Gewand] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In E Major [Uz]/01.mp3 3.0 MB
- Lieder/D540 Philoktet [Da Sitz’ Ich Ohne Bogen] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In B Minor [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 3.0 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/48 - Act III Ja Ich, Ich Bin Gerettet (Estrella, Alfonso).mp3 3.0 MB
- Choral/D872 Deutsche Messe (1827) For SATB Chorus, Orchestra And Organ/02 - Zum Gloria.mp3 3.0 MB
- Choral/D337 Die Einsiedelei (1) (c1816) Partsong For TTBB Choir [Salis-Seewis]/01.mp3 3.0 MB
- Choral/D872 Deutsche Messe (1827) For SATB Chorus, Orchestra And Organ/06 - Nach Der Wandlung.mp3 3.0 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/22 - Act II `Wo Bin Ich' (Simon).mp3 3.0 MB
- Keyboard/D820 6 Deutsche (1824) For Piano/06 - Ligato In Bb Major.mp3 3.0 MB
- Lieder/D490 Der Hirt [Du Turm! Zu Meinem Leide] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 3.0 MB
- Lieder/D525 Op.021(iii) Wie Ulfru Fischt [Der Angel Zuckt] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Minor [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 3.0 MB
- Lieder/D546 Op.101(iii) Trost Im Liede [Braust Des Unglücks Sturm Empor] (1817) For Voice And Piano In D Minor [Schober]/01.mp3 3.0 MB
- Lieder/D870 Op.080(i) Der Wanderer An Den Mond [Ich Auf Der Erd’, Am Himmel Du] (1826) Lied For Voice And Piano In G [Seidl]/01.mp3 3.0 MB
- Lieder/D884 Op.108(i) Über Wildemann [Die Winde Sausen Am Tannenhang] (1826) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Minor [Schulze]/01.mp3 3.0 MB
- Choral/D642 Viel Tausend Sterne Prangen (1812) For SATB Choir And Piano [A.G.Eberhard]/01.mp3 3.0 MB
- Lieder/D764 Op.092(i) Der Musensohn [Durch Feld Und Wald Zu Schweifen] (c1822) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [Goethe]/01.mp3 3.0 MB
- Choral/D383 Stabat Mater Oratorio (1816) For Soprano, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir And Orchestra In F/12 - Chorus `Amen'.mp3 3.0 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/33 - Act II Stille, Freunde, Seht Euch Vor! (Chorus, Alfonso).mp3 3.0 MB
- Keyboard/D347 Allegretto Moderato (1813) For Piano In C Major [Frag.]/01.mp3 2.9 MB
- Lieder/D479 Op.012(iii) Harfenspieler II (Gesänge Des Harfners No.3) [An Die Türen Will Ich Schleichen] (1822) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Minor [Goethe]/01.mp3 2.9 MB
- Lieder/D622 Der Blumenbrief [Euch Blümlein Will Ich Senden] (1818) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Major [Schreiber]/01.mp3 2.9 MB
- Keyboard/D980c 2 Ländler For Piano In D Major [Frag.]/01.mp3 2.9 MB
- Lieder/D161 Op.019(ii) An Mignon [Über Tal Und Fluss Getragen] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano [Goethe]/b [Op.019(ii)]/01.mp3 2.9 MB
- Lieder/D234 Op.118(iii) Tischlied [Mich Ergreift, Ich Weiss Nicht Wie] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Major [Goethe]/01.mp3 2.9 MB
- Lieder/D742 Op.068 Der Wachtelschlag [Ach! Mir Schallt’s Dorten] (1822) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [S.F.Sauter]/01.mp3 2.9 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/38 - Act II Die Prinzessin Is Erschienen (Chorus, Mauregato, Estrella).mp3 2.9 MB
- Choral/D379 Deutsches Salve Regina (Hymne An Die Heilige Mutter Gottes) (1816) For SATB Choir And Organ In F Major/01.mp3 2.9 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/54 - Act III Kein Geist, Ich Bin Am Leben (Froila, Mauregato).mp3 2.9 MB
- Choral/D901 Wein Und Liebe Partsong (1827) For TTBB Choir [J.C.F.Haug]/01.mp3 2.9 MB
- Lieder/D117 Das Mädchen Aus Der Fremde (1) [In Einem Tal Bei Armen Hirten] (1814) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [Schiller]/01.mp3 2.9 MB
- Lieder/D313 Die Sterne [Wie Wohl Ist Mir Im Dunkeln] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [Kosegarten]/01.mp3 2.9 MB
- Lieder/D468 An Den Mond [Was Schauest Du So Hell Und klar] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [Hölty]/01.mp3 2.9 MB
- Lieder/D560 Der Goldschmiedsgesell [Es Ist Doch Meine Nachbarin] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Goethe]/01.mp3 2.9 MB
- Lieder/D754 Heliopolis II [Fels Auf Felsen Hingewälzet] (1822) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Minor [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 2.9 MB
- Lieder/D806 Abendstern [Was Weilst Du Einsam An Dem Himmel] (1824) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Minor [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 2.9 MB
- Theatrical/D787 Die Verschworenen (Der Häusliche Krieg) (1822-23) [I.F.Castelli, After Aristophanes Lysistrata And Ecclesiazusae]/17 - Ich Habe Gewagt Und Habe Gestritten.mp3 2.9 MB
- Keyboard/D972 3 Deutsche For Piano/01.mp3 2.9 MB
- Lieder/D251 Hoffnung (1) [Es Reden Und Träumen Die Menschen] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Gb Major [Schiller]/1/01.mp3 2.9 MB
- Lieder/D524 Op.013(iii) Der Alpenjäger [Auf Hohen Bergesrücken] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In E Major [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 2.9 MB
- Lieder/D715 Versunken [Voll Locken Kraus Ein Haupt] (1821) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major [Goethe]/01.mp3 2.9 MB
- Theatrical/D239 Claudine Von Villa Bella (1815) [Only Overture & Act I Survive, J.W.Von Goethe]/05 - Alle Freuden, Alle Gaben.mp3 2.9 MB
- Theatrical/D796 Fierrabras (1823) [J.Kupelwieser, After J.G.G.Büsching, F.H.Von Der Hagen, F.De La Motte Fouqué]/14 - Act II(xi) Chorus_ `Lasst Friede In Die Hallen' (Chorus.mp3 2.9 MB
- Theatrical/D787 Die Verschworenen (Der Häusliche Krieg) (1822-23) [I.F.Castelli, After Aristophanes Lysistrata And Ecclesiazusae]/19 - Gesetzt, Ihr Habt Wirklich Gewagt Und Gestritten.mp3 2.9 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/08 - Act I Aria_ `Wenn Ich Ihm Machgerungen Habe' (Lazarus, .mp3 2.8 MB
- Choral/D071 Die Zwei Tugendwege (1813) For TTB Choir [Schiller]/01.mp3 2.8 MB
- Lieder/D562 Fischerlied (3) [Das Fischergewerbe Gibt Rüstigen Mut!] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Salis-Seewis]/01.mp3 2.8 MB
- Choral/D168a Osterlied (1815) Partsong For SATB Choir And Piano [Formerly D987]/01.mp3 2.8 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/21 - Act II Einleitung.mp3 2.8 MB
- Lieder/D413 Entzückung [Tag Voll Himmel] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Major [Matthisson]/01.mp3 2.8 MB
- Lieder/D634 Op.057(ii) Die Berge [Sieht Uns Der Blick Gehoben] (c1819) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [F.Von Schlegel]/01.mp3 2.8 MB
- Theatrical/D647 Die Zwillingsbrüder (1818-19) [Hofmann, After Les Deux Valentins]/11 - Finale Die Bruder Haben Sich Gefunden.mp3 2.8 MB
- Lieder/D795 Op.025 Die Schöne Müllerin (1823) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/17 - Die Böse Farbe.mp3 2.8 MB
- Lieder/D404 Die Herbstnacht [Mit Leisen Harfentönen] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Salis-Seewis]/01.mp3 2.8 MB
- Lieder/D550 Op.032 Die Forelle [In Einem Bächlein Helle] (c1820) Lied For Voice And Piano In Db Major [Schubart]/01.mp3 2.8 MB
- Chamber/D408 Sonata (Sonatina) (1816) For Violin And Piano In G Minor/03 - Menuetto.mp3 2.8 MB
- Theatrical/D647 Die Zwillingsbrüder (1818-19) [Hofmann, After Les Deux Valentins]/08 - Duet Nur Dir Will Ich Gehoren (Lieschen, Anton).mp3 2.8 MB
- Lieder/D795 Op.025 Die Schöne Müllerin (1823) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/13 - Mit Dem Grünen Lautenbande.mp3 2.8 MB
- Lieder/D142 Op.092(iii) Geistes-Gruss [Hoch Auf Dem Alten Turme] (1815-16) Lied For Voice And Piano [Goethe]/e/01.mp3 2.8 MB
- Lieder/D429 Minnelied [Holder Klingt Der Vogelsang] (1816) For Voice And Piano In E Major [Hölty]/01.mp3 2.8 MB
- Lieder/D446 Die Liebesgötter [Cypris, Meiner Phyllis Gleich] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Major [Uz]/01.mp3 2.8 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/44 - Act III Hörst Du Rufen, Hörst Du Lörmen_ (Girl, Boy, Chorus).mp3 2.8 MB
- Chamber/D802 Op.160 Introduction And Variations On Trockne Blumen From Die Schöne Müllerin (1824) For Flute And Piano In E/09 - Variation VII (Allegro).mp3 2.8 MB
- Theatrical/D796 Fierrabras (1823) [J.Kupelwieser, After J.G.G.Büsching, F.H.Von Der Hagen, F.De La Motte Fouqué]/23 - Act III(xx) `Wenn Hoch Im Wolkensitze' (Fierrabras, Egi.mp3 2.8 MB
- Keyboard/D940 Op.103 Fantasie (1828) For Piano 4 Hands In F Minor/02 - Largo.mp3 2.8 MB
- Lieder/D390 Entzückung An Laura (1) [Laura, Uber Diese Welt] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [Schiller]/01.mp3 2.8 MB
- Choral/D383 Stabat Mater Oratorio (1816) For Soprano, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir And Orchestra In F/01 - Chorus `Jesus Christus Schwebt Am Kreuze!'.mp3 2.8 MB
- Choral/D038 Totengräberlied (1) (1813) Partsong For TTB Choir [L.C.H. Hölty]/01.mp3 2.8 MB
- Keyboard/D958 Piano Sonata No.19 (1828) In C Minor/03 - Menuetto (Allegro) & Trio.mp3 2.7 MB
- Chamber/D018 String Quartet No.01 (1810 or 1811) In G Minor & Bb Major/02 - Menuetto.mp3 2.7 MB
- Theatrical/D796 Fierrabras (1823) [J.Kupelwieser, After J.G.G.Büsching, F.H.Von Der Hagen, F.De La Motte Fouqué]/04 - Act I(iii) `Zu Hohen Ruhmespforten' (Chorus).mp3 2.7 MB
- Lieder/D284 Lied [Es Ist So Angenehm] (1815) For Voice And Piano In G Major [Schiller]/01.mp3 2.7 MB
- Choral/D148 Op.131(ii) Trinklied [Brüder! Unser Erdenwallen] (1815) Partsong For Tenor, TTB Choir And Piano [I.F.Castelli]/01.mp3 2.7 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/32 - Act II Laß Dir Als Erinn'Rung Zeichen (Alfonso, Estrella).mp3 2.7 MB
- Choral/D452 Op.048 Mass No.4 In C Major (1816) For SATB, SATB Chorus, Orchestra And Organ [Alternative Benedictus D961]/05 - Benedictus I.mp3 2.7 MB
- Theatrical/D326 Die Freunde Von Salamanka (1815-16) [Mayrhofer]/15 - Act II(xv) Romance 'Es Murmeln Die Quellen'.mp3 2.7 MB
- Lieder/D194 Die Mainacht [Wann Der Silberne Mond] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Minor [Hölty]/01.mp3 2.7 MB
- Lieder/D660 Hymne II [Wenn Ich Ihn Nur Habe] (1819) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Minor [Novalis]/01.mp3 2.7 MB
- Lieder/D808 Gondelfahrer (1) [Es Tanzen Mond Und Sterne] (1824) Lied For voice And Piano In C Major [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 2.7 MB
- Choral/D872 Deutsche Messe (1827) For SATB Chorus, Orchestra And Organ/03 - Zum Evangelium Und Credo.mp3 2.7 MB
- Chamber/D802 Op.160 Introduction And Variations On Trockne Blumen From Die Schöne Müllerin (1824) For Flute And Piano In E/05 - Variation III.mp3 2.7 MB
- Lieder/D226 Op.005(iv) Erster Verlust [Ach, Wer Bringt Die Schönen Tage] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Minor [Goethe]/01.mp3 2.7 MB
- Lieder/D255 Der Rattenfänger [Ich Bin Der Wohlbekannte Sänger] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [Goethe]/01.mp3 2.7 MB
- Lieder/D455 Freude Der Kinderjahre [Freude, Die Im Frühen Lenze] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Major [F.Von Köpken]/01.mp3 2.7 MB
- Choral/D452 Op.048 Mass No.4 In C Major (1816) For SATB, SATB Chorus, Orchestra And Organ [Alternative Benedictus D961]/01 - Kyrie.mp3 2.7 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/14 - Act I Es Schmückt Die Weiten Säle (Estrella).mp3 2.7 MB
- Lieder/D990 Der Graf Von Habsburg [Zu Aachen In Seiner Kaiserspracht] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [Schiller]/01.mp3 2.7 MB
- Choral/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [E.Von Bauernfeld]/31 - Act II Terzett.mp3 2.7 MB
- Theatrical/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [Sketches Only; E.Von Bauernfeld]/31 - Act II Trio.mp3 2.7 MB
- Lieder/D692 Der Knabe [Wenn Ich Nur Ein Vöglein Wäre] (1820) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [F.Von Schlegel]/01.mp3 2.7 MB
- Theatrical/D796 Fierrabras (1823) [J.Kupelwieser, After J.G.G.Büsching, F.H.Von Der Hagen, F.De La Motte Fouqué]/19 - Act II(xvi) `Der Hoffnung Strahl, Den Du Gegeben' (Géra.mp3 2.7 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/57 - Act III Du König! (Estrella, All, Chorus).mp3 2.7 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/30 - Act II Chorus `Wiedersehn! Sei Uns Gesegnet'.mp3 2.7 MB
- Choral/D055 Selig Durch Die Liebe (1813) For TTB Choir [Schiller]/01.mp3 2.7 MB
- Choral/D130 Der Schnee Zerrinnt (1) (c1815) Canon For 3 Voices [Hölty]/01.mp3 2.7 MB
- Lieder/D235 Abends Unter Der Linde (1) [Woher, O Namenloses Sehnen] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Kosegarten]/01.mp3 2.7 MB
- Lieder/D476 Rückweg [Zum Donaustrom, Zur Kaiserstadt] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Minor [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 2.7 MB
- Choral/D983a Op.017(ii) Liebe Partsong (1822-23) For TTBB Choir [Schiller]/01.mp3 2.7 MB
- Choral/D167 Mass No.2 In G Major (1815) For Soprano, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir, Strings And Organ/02 - Gloria.mp3 2.7 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/03 - Act I `Trube Nicht Mit Klagen Seine Seele' (Maria).mp3 2.6 MB
- Lieder/D264 Der Morgenkuss [Durch Eine Ganze Nacht] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Eb Major [Baumberg]/01.mp3 2.6 MB
- Lieder/D372 An Die Natur [Süsse, Heilige Natur] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Stolberg-Stolberg]/01.mp3 2.6 MB
- Lieder/D465 Trauer Der Liebe [Wo Die Taub In Stillen Buchen] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major [Jacobi]/01.mp3 2.6 MB
- Choral/D147 Bardengesang (1816) For TTB Choir [Ossian, Trans. E.De Harold]/01.mp3 2.6 MB
- Theatrical/D220 Fernando (1815) [A.Stadler]/03 - Nicht Der Erde Schätze Lohnen.mp3 2.6 MB
- Lieder/D519 Op.173(v) Die Blumensprache [Es Deuten Die Blumen] (c1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [Prob. E.Platner]/01.mp3 2.6 MB
- Lieder/D536 Op.021(ii) Der Schiffer [Im Winde, Im Sturme] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In Eb Major [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 2.6 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/06 - Act I Laß Dir Danken Für Die Gaben (Boy, Girl, Froila).mp3 2.6 MB
- Theatrical/D239 Claudine Von Villa Bella (1815) [Only Overture & Act I Survive, J.W.Von Goethe]/08 - Mit Mädeln Sich Vertragen.mp3 2.6 MB
- Choral/D678 Mass No.5 In Ab Major (1819-22) For Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir, Orchestra And Organ/09 - Sanctus.mp3 2.6 MB
- Lieder/D169 Trinklied Vor Der Schlacht (1815) For 2 Unison Choruses In C Major [Körner]/01.mp3 2.6 MB
- Theatrical/D190 Der Vierjährige Posten (1815) [T.Körner]/07 - Soldiers' March Lustig In Den Kampf, Lustig Aus Kampf!.mp3 2.6 MB
- Lieder/D109 Lied Der Liebe [Durch Fichten Am Hügel] (1814) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [Matthisson]/01.mp3 2.6 MB
- Lieder/D464 In Der Mitternacht [Todesstille Deckt Das Tal] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Minor [Jacobi]/01.mp3 2.6 MB
- Chamber/D003 String Quartet (c1812) In C Major [Frag.]/01.mp3 2.6 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/17 - Act I Ja Gib, Vernimm Mein Flehen (Adolfo, Estrella).mp3 2.6 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/39 - Act II Doch, Was She Ich_ (Mauregato).mp3 2.6 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/05 - Act I `Voll Friede, Ja Voll Fried' Ist Die Seele' (Mary.mp3 2.6 MB
- Lieder/D207 Der Liebende [Beglückt, Beglückt, Wer Dich Erblickt] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [Hölty]/01.mp3 2.6 MB
- Lieder/D400 Die Knabenzeit [Wie glücklich, Wem Das Knabenkleid] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [Hölty]/01.mp3 2.6 MB
- Lieder/D122 Ammenlied [Am Hohen, Hohen Turm] (1814) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Minor [M.Lubi]/01.mp3 2.6 MB
- Choral/D364 Fischerlied (2) (c1816-17) For TTBB Choir [Salis-Seewis]/01.mp3 2.6 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/20 - Act I Chorus `Allgnadiger, Heile Du Unsrer Seele Wunde'.mp3 2.6 MB
- Chamber/D002f Trio Of A Minuet (1811) For Wind Instruments In C Major [Sketch]/01.mp3 2.6 MB
- Keyboard/D024b Fugue (1812) For Organ In G Major/01.mp3 2.5 MB
- Lieder/D196 Op.172(iii) An Die Nachtigall [Geuss Nicht So laut] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In F# Minor [Hölty]/01.mp3 2.5 MB
- Lieder/D224 Op.004(iii) Wandrers Nachtlied [Der Du Von Dem Himmel Bist] (1815) For Voice And Piano In Gb Major [Goethe]/01.mp3 2.5 MB
- Lieder/D309 Das Gestörte Glück [Ich Hab’ Ein Heisses Junges Blut] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Körner]/01.mp3 2.5 MB
- Lieder/D412 Stimme Der Liebe [Meine Selinde] (c1816) Lied For Voice And Piano [Stolberg-Stolberg]/01.mp3 2.5 MB
- Lieder/D746 Am See [In Des Sees Wogenspiele] (1822-23) Lied For Voice And Piano In Eb Major [Bruchmann]/01.mp3 2.5 MB
- Lieder/D785 Der Zürnende Barde [Wer Wagt’s, Wer Wagt’s] (1823) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Minor [Bruchmann]/01.mp3 2.5 MB
- Keyboard/D624 Op.010 8 Variations On A French Song (1818) For Piano 4 Hands In E Minor/08.mp3 2.5 MB
- Choral/D088 Verschwunden Sind Die Schmerzen (1813) Canon For TTB Choir [Schubert]/01.mp3 2.5 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/02 - Act I Still Noch Decket Uns Die Nacht (Chorus).mp3 2.5 MB
- Lieder/D270 Op.118(v) An Die Sonne [Sinke, Liebe Sonne] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Eb Major [Baumberg]/01.mp3 2.5 MB
- Lieder/D433 Seligkeit [Freuden Sonder Zahl] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In E Major [Hölty]/01.mp3 2.5 MB
- Lieder/D719 Op.014(ii) Geheimes [Über Meines Liebchens Äugeln] (1821) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major [Goethe]/01.mp3 2.5 MB
- Choral/D696 Op.113 6 Antiphons For Palm Sunday (1820) For SATB Choir/01 - Hosanna Filio David.mp3 2.5 MB
- Choral/D696 Op.113 6 Antiphons For Palm Sunday (1820) For SATB Choir/03 - Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus.mp3 2.5 MB
- Lieder/D214 Op.172(ii) Die Laube [Nimmer Werd’ Ich, Nimmer Dein Vergessen] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major [Hölty]/01.mp3 2.5 MB
- Lieder/D290 Die Frühen Gräber [Willkommen, O Silberner Mond] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Minor [Klopstock]/01.mp3 2.5 MB
- Choral/D067 Frisch Atmet Des Morgens Lebendiger Hauch Partsong (1813) For TTB Choir [Schiller]/01.mp3 2.5 MB
- Choral/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [E.Von Bauernfeld]/14 - Act I Duett.mp3 2.5 MB
- Theatrical/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [Sketches Only; E.Von Bauernfeld]/14 - Act I Duet.mp3 2.5 MB
- Choral/D730 Tantum Ergo (1821) For SATB, SATB Choir, Orchestra And Organ In Bb Major/01.mp3 2.5 MB
- Lieder/D143 Op.109(ii) Genügsamkeit [Dort Raget Ein Berg] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In C# Minor [F.Von Schober]/01.mp3 2.5 MB
- Lieder/D241 Alles Um Liebe [Was Ist Es, Das Die Seele Füllt] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In E Major [Kosegarten]/01.mp3 2.5 MB
- Lieder/D406 Abschied Von Der Harfe [Noch Einmal Tön, O Harfe] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In E Minor [Salis-Seewis]/01.mp3 2.5 MB
- Lieder/D578 Abschied [Lebe Wohl! Lebe Wohl!] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In B Minor [Schubert]/01.mp3 2.5 MB
- Lieder/D777 Op.059(iv) Lachen Und Weinen (1823) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major [Rückert]/01.mp3 2.5 MB
- Choral/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [E.Von Bauernfeld]/09 - Act I Intermezzo.mp3 2.5 MB
- Theatrical/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [Sketches Only; E.Von Bauernfeld]/09 - Act I Intermezzo.mp3 2.5 MB
- Lieder/D381 Morgenlied [Die Frohe Neubelebte Flur] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Major/01.mp3 2.5 MB
- Lieder/D530 Op.109(iii) An Eine Quelle [Du Kleine Grünumwachs’ne Quelle] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [Claudius]/01.mp3 2.5 MB
- Lieder/D587 An Den Frühling (3) [Willkommen, Schöner Jüngling!] (c1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [Schiller]/01.mp3 2.5 MB
- Lieder/D661 Hymne III [Wenn Alle Untreu Werden] (1819) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Minor [Novalis]/01.mp3 2.5 MB
- Lieder/D458 Aus Diego Manazares (Ilmerine) [Wo Irrst Du Durch Einsame Schatten] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major [Schlechta]/01.mp3 2.5 MB
- Choral/D383 Stabat Mater Oratorio (1816) For Soprano, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir And Orchestra In F/09 - Chorus `O Du Herrlicher Vollender'.mp3 2.5 MB
- Choral/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [E.Von Bauernfeld]/29 - Act II Aire.mp3 2.4 MB
- Theatrical/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [Sketches Only; E.Von Bauernfeld]/29 - Act II Air.mp3 2.4 MB
- Choral/D443 Schlachtlied (1) Partsong (1816) For Chorus And Piano/01.mp3 2.4 MB
- Choral/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [E.Von Bauernfeld]/07 - Act I Marsch.mp3 2.4 MB
- Theatrical/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [Sketches Only; E.Von Bauernfeld]/07 - Act I March.mp3 2.4 MB
- Lieder/D778a Die Wallfahrt [Meine Tränen Im Bussgewand] (1823) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Minor [Rückert]/01.mp3 2.4 MB
- Lieder/D108 Der Abend [Purpur Malt Die Tannenhügel] (1814) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Minor [Matthisson]/01.mp3 2.4 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/04 - Act I Doch Soll Mein Kühner Sohn (Froila).mp3 2.4 MB
- Lieder/D076 Pensa, Che Questo Istante (1813) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Major [Metastasio]/a/01.mp3 2.4 MB
- Lieder/D218 Grablied [Er Fiel Den Tod Fürs Vaterland] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Minor [Kenner]/01.mp3 2.4 MB
- Lieder/D257 Op.003(iii) Heidenröslein [Sah Ein Knab’ Ein Röslein Stehn] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [Goethe]/01.mp3 2.4 MB
- Lieder/D258 Bundeslied [In Allen Guten Stunden] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [Goethe]/01.mp3 2.4 MB
- Lieder/D316 An Rosa II [Rosa, Denkst Du An Mich] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major [Kosegarten]/01.mp3 2.4 MB
- Lieder/D432 Der Leidende [Nimmer Trag’ Ich Länger] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In B Minor/b/01.mp3 2.4 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/29 - Act II Wenn Ich Dich Holde Sehe (Alfonso).mp3 2.4 MB
- Choral/D513 La Pastorella Al Prato (1) (1817) Partsong For TTBB Choir And Piano [C.Goldoni]/01.mp3 2.4 MB
- Lieder/D362 Zufriedenheit (1) [Ich Bin Vergnügt] (1815 or 1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [Claudius]/01.mp3 2.4 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/50 - Act III Wehe, Wehe (Estrella, Alfonso, Chorus).mp3 2.4 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/17 - Act I `Nun Entflog Auf Schnellen Schwingen' (Jemina).mp3 2.4 MB
- Choral/D205 Lützows Wilde Jagd Partsong (1815) For 2-Part Choir And 2 Horns [Körner]/01.mp3 2.4 MB
- Lieder/D187 Stimme Der Liebe (1) [Abendgewölke Schweben Hell] (1915) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Matthisson]/01.mp3 2.4 MB
- Lieder/D551 Pax Vobiscum [Der Friede Sei Mit Euch!] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Schober]/01.mp3 2.4 MB
- Choral/D045 Kyrie (1813) For SATB Choir In Bb Major/01.mp3 2.4 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/36 - Act II Wo Ist Sie (Mauregato).mp3 2.4 MB
- Lieder/D078 Son Fra L’Onde (1813) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Minor [Metastasio]/01.mp3 2.4 MB
- Choral/D383 Stabat Mater Oratorio (1816) For Soprano, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir And Orchestra In F/02 - Aria `Bei Des Mittlers Kreuze Standen'.mp3 2.3 MB
- Lieder/D099 Andenken (1) [Ich Denke Dein] (1814) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Matthisson]/01.mp3 2.3 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/16 - Act I Sei, Feldherr, Mir Gegrüßt! (Estrella).mp3 2.3 MB
- Theatrical/D326 Die Freunde Von Salamanka (1815-16) [Mayrhofer]/03 - Act I(ii) Aria 'Man Ist So Glücklich Und So Frei'.mp3 2.3 MB
- Choral/D242 Trinklied Im Winter (1815) Partsong For TTB Choir [Hölty]/01.mp3 2.3 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/49 - Act III Schön Und Herrlich She' Ich Tagen (Alfonso, Estrella).mp3 2.3 MB
- Lieder/D308 Die Macht Der Liebe [Überall, Wohin Mein Auge Blicket] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [J.N.Von Kalchberg]/01.mp3 2.3 MB
- Lieder/D522 Die Liebe [Wo Weht Der Liebe Hoher Geist] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [G.Leon]/01.mp3 2.3 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/55 - Act III Empfange Nun Aus Meiner Hand (Froila, Mauregato, Estrella).mp3 2.3 MB
- Keyboard/D013 Fugue (c1812) For Organ In D Minor/01.mp3 2.3 MB
- Choral/D678 Mass No.5 In Ab Major (1819-22) For Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir, Orchestra And Organ/02 - Gloria_ Gloria In Excelsis Deo.mp3 2.3 MB
- Keyboard/D780 Op.094 6 Momens Musicals (1823-28) For Piano/05 - Allegro Vivace.mp3 2.3 MB
- Lieder/D230 Op.165(iv) Die Täuschung [Im Erlenbusch, Im Tannenhain] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In E Major [Kosegarten]/01.mp3 2.3 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/35 - Act II Ihr Tapfern, Ihr Getreuen, Ihr Seid Adolfos Wert (Adolfo).mp3 2.3 MB
- Keyboard/D924 Op.091 12 Grazer Walzer (1827) For Piano/12 - In E Major.mp3 2.3 MB
- Lieder/D889 Ständchen (Hark, Hark The Lark) [Horch, Horch! Die Lerch] (1826) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Major [Shakespeare, Trans. A.W.Von Schlegel]/01.mp3 2.3 MB
- Lieder/D280 Das Rosenband [Im Frühlingsgarten Fand Ich Sie] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major [F.G.Klopstock]/01.mp3 2.2 MB
- Lieder/D285 Furcht Der Geliebten (An Cidli) [Cidli, Du Weinest] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major [Klopstock]/01.mp3 2.2 MB
- Lieder/D295 Hoffnung [Schaff, Das Tagwerk Meiner Hände] (c1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Goethe]/b/01.mp3 2.2 MB
- Lieder/D350 Der Entfernten (2) [Wohl Denk’ Ich Allenthalben] (c1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In Eb Major [Salis-Seewis]/01.mp3 2.2 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/05 - Act I Versammelt Eugh, Brüder (Chorus).mp3 2.2 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/29 - Act II `Mein Stiller Abend Ist Gekommen' (Ein Jungling,.mp3 2.2 MB
- Lieder/D795 Op.025 Die Schöne Müllerin (1823) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/03 - Halt!.mp3 2.2 MB
- Keyboard/D779 Op.050 34 Valses Sentimentales (c1823) For Piano/05 - In Bb Major.mp3 2.2 MB
- Lieder/D107 Lied Aus Der Ferne [Wenn In Des Abends Letztem Scheine] (1814) Lied For Voice And Piano [Matthisson]/01.mp3 2.2 MB
- Lieder/D265 Abendständchen An Lina [Sei Sanft Wie Ihre Seele] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [Baumberg]/01.mp3 2.2 MB
- Lieder/D300 Der Jüngling An Der Quelle [Leise, Rieselnder Quell] (c1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [J.G.Von Salis-Seewis]/01.mp3 2.2 MB
- Lieder/D405 Der Herbstabend [Abendglockenhalle zittern] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Minor [Salis-Seewis]/01.mp3 2.2 MB
- Keyboard/D820 6 Deutsche (1824) For Piano/03 - In Ab Major.mp3 2.2 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/27 - Act II Aria `Hebt Mich, Der Sturme Flugel' (Martha).mp3 2.2 MB
- Choral/D383 Stabat Mater Oratorio (1816) For Soprano, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir And Orchestra In F/06 - Aria `Ach, Was Hätten Wir Empfunden'.mp3 2.2 MB
- Chamber/D802 Op.160 Introduction And Variations On Trockne Blumen From Die Schöne Müllerin (1824) For Flute And Piano In E/08 - Variation VI.mp3 2.2 MB
- Choral/D063 Wer Die Steile Sternenbahn Partsong (1813) For TTB Choir [Schiller]/01.mp3 2.2 MB
- Keyboard/D974 2 Deutsche Dances For Piano/01.mp3 2.2 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/34 - Act III `Ich Folge, Meine Schwester!' (Maria, Martha, N.mp3 2.2 MB
- Lieder/D565 Der Strom [Mein Leben Wälzt Sich Murrend Fort] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Minor [Anon]/01.mp3 2.2 MB
- Lieder/D579 Der Knabe In Der Wiege (Wiegenlied) [Er Schläft So Süss] (1817) For Voice And Piano In C Major [A.Ottenwalt]/b [Fragment]/01.mp3 2.2 MB
- Lieder/D287 Vaterlandslied [Ich Bin Ein Deutsches Mädchen] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Major [Klopstock]/01.mp3 2.2 MB
- Lieder/D276 Abendlied [Gross Und Rotentflammet] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [Stolberg]/01.mp3 2.2 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/47 - Act III Chorus `Heilige Statte'.mp3 2.2 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/39 - Act III `Simon! Simon, Noch So Trube Dein Auge' (Nathan.mp3 2.2 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/06 - Act I `So Segne Mich, Mein Bruder' (Nathanael).mp3 2.2 MB
- Lieder/D795 Op.025 Die Schöne Müllerin (1823) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/15 - Eifersucht Und Stolz.mp3 2.2 MB
- Lieder/D274 Tischlerlied [Mein Handwerk Geht Durch Alle Welt] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Major/01.mp3 2.2 MB
- Lieder/D275 Totenkranz Für Ein Kind [Sanft Wehn, Im Hauch Der Abendluft] (1815) Lied for Voice And Piano In G Minor [Matthisson]/01.mp3 2.2 MB
- Choral/D494 Der Geistertanz (4) Partsong (1816) For TTBBB Choir [Matthisson]/01.mp3 2.1 MB
- Lieder/D596 Lied Eines Kindes [Freude Fühl’ Ich] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [Lauter; Frag.]/01.mp3 2.1 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/41 - Act II O Fliehe, Großer König (All, Chorus).mp3 2.1 MB
- Choral/D983c Op.017(iv) Die Nacht Partsong (c1822) For TTBB Choir [F.W.Krummacher]/01.mp3 2.1 MB
- Keyboard/D820 6 Deutsche (1824) For Piano/02 - In Ab Major.mp3 2.1 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/52 - Act III Was Geht Hier Vor... (Froila, Alfonso, Estrella).mp3 2.1 MB
- Lieder/D436 Klage [Dein Silber Schien] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Hölty]/01.mp3 2.1 MB
- Lieder/D477 Alte Liebe Rostet Nie (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In B Major [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 2.1 MB
- Lieder/D552 Op.020(iii) Hänflings Liebeswerbung [Ahidi! Ich Liebe] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [F.Kind]/01.mp3 2.1 MB
- Lieder/D905 Op.081(ii) An Die Laute [Leiser, Leiser, Kleine Laute] (1827) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Major [Rochlitz]/01.mp3 2.1 MB
- Lieder/D911 Op.089 Winterreise (1827) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/18 - Der Stürmische Morgen.mp3 2.1 MB
- Choral/D986 Op.112(ii) Gott Der Weltschöpfer Partsong (c1827) For SATB Mixed Chorus And Piano [J.P.Uz]/01.mp3 2.1 MB
- Theatrical/D326 Die Freunde Von Salamanka (1815-16) [Mayrhofer]/10 - Act II(ix) Song 'Guerilla Zieht Durch Feld Und Wald'.mp3 2.1 MB
- Choral/D062 Thronend Auf Erhabnem Sitz (1813) For TTB Choir [Schiller]/01.mp3 2.1 MB
- Theatrical/D797 Rosamunde, Fürstin Von Zypern Incidental Music To Romantic Play (1823)/08 - Shepherd's Melody.MP3 2.1 MB
- Keyboard/D365 Op.009 36 Originaltänze (Erste Walzer), Incl. Trauerwalzer (No.2) And 3 Atzenbrugger Tänze (Nos.29–31) (1816-21) For Piano/36 - In F Major.mp3 2.1 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/26 - Act II Wie Rühret Mich Dein Herrlicher Gesang (Alfonso, Froila, Estella).mp3 2.1 MB
- Lieder/D430 Die Frühe Liebe [Schon Im Bunten Knabenkleide] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In E Major [Hölty]/01.mp3 2.1 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/13 - Act I Zur Jagd! (Chorus).mp3 2.1 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/40 - Act II Herrlich Auf Des Berges Höhen (Estrella, Mauregato, Chorus).mp3 2.1 MB
- Choral/D105 Mass No.1 In F Major (1814) For 2 Sopranos, Alto, 2 Tenors, Bass SATB Choir, Orchestra And Organ [+ Dona Nobis Pacem D185]/04 - Sanctus.mp3 2.1 MB
- Lieder/D410 Op.115(iii) Sprache Der Liebe [Lass Dich Mit Gelinden Schlägen] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In E Major [A.W.Von Schlegel]/01.mp3 2.1 MB
- Lieder/D414 Geist Der Liebe (1) [Der Abend Schleiert Flur Und Hain] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [Matthisson]/01.mp3 2.1 MB
- Keyboard/D816 3 Ecossaises (1824) For Piano/01.mp3 2.1 MB
- Choral/D269b Das Leben (1815) For SSA Choir And Piano/01.mp3 2.1 MB
- Theatrical/D796 Fierrabras (1823) [J.Kupelwieser, After J.G.G.Büsching, F.H.Von Der Hagen, F.De La Motte Fouqué]/16 - Act II(xiii) `Die Brust, Gebeugt Von Sorgen' (Florinda).mp3 2.1 MB
- Choral/D678 Mass No.5 In Ab Major (1819-22) For Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir, Orchestra And Organ/12 - Appendix_ Credo In Unum Deum [Repeat].mp3 2.1 MB
- Keyboard/D779 Op.050 34 Valses Sentimentales (c1823) For Piano/13 - In A Major.mp3 2.1 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/43 - Act III Introduction.mp3 2.1 MB
- Chamber/D802 Op.160 Introduction And Variations On Trockne Blumen From Die Schöne Müllerin (1824) For Flute And Piano In E/07 - Variation V.mp3 2.1 MB
- Lieder/D303 An Die Geliebte [O, Dass Ich Dir Vom Stillen Auge] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [Stoll]/01.mp3 2.1 MB
- Lieder/D399 Auf Den Tod Einer Nachtigall (2) [Sie Ist Dahin] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Minor [Hölty]/01.mp3 2.1 MB
- Choral/D678 Mass No.5 In Ab Major (1819-22) For Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir, Orchestra And Organ/06 - Credo_ Credo In Unum Deum.mp3 2.1 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/20 - Act I O Wenn Ich Je Dir Wert Gewesen (Estrella).mp3 2.1 MB
- Keyboard/D643 Deutscher In C# Minor And Ecossaise In Db Major (1819) For Piano/01.mp3 2.0 MB
- Theatrical/D239 Claudine Von Villa Bella (1815) [Only Overture & Act I Survive, J.W.Von Goethe]/04 - Hin Uind Wieder Fliegen Pfeile.mp3 2.0 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/07 - Act I Es Hat In Allen Spielen (Girl).mp3 2.0 MB
- Keyboard/D924 Op.091 12 Grazer Walzer (1827) For Piano/10 - In A Major.mp3 2.0 MB
- Choral/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [E.Von Bauernfeld]/21 - Act II Ensemble Und Chor.mp3 2.0 MB
- Theatrical/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [Sketches Only; E.Von Bauernfeld]/21 - Act II Ensemble Und Chor.mp3 2.0 MB
- Choral/D609 Die Geselligkeit (Lebenslust) Partsong (1818) For SATB Choir And Piano [J.K.Unger]/01.mp3 2.0 MB
- Lieder/D183 Trinklied [Ihr Freunde Und Du Gold’ner Wein] (1815) For Voice And Piano With Unison Chorus In G Major [A.Zettler]/01.mp3 2.0 MB
- Lieder/D633 Op.057(i) Der Schmetterling [Wie Soll Ich Nicht Tanzen] (c1819) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [F.Von Schlegel]/01.mp3 2.0 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/24 - Act II O Sing' Mir, Vater (Alfonso, Froila).mp3 2.0 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/32 - Act III Aria `Auferwecker! Heil Und Leben!' (Maria).mp3 2.0 MB
- Choral/D872 Deutsche Messe (1827) For SATB Chorus, Orchestra And Organ/08 - Schlussgesang.mp3 2.0 MB
- Keyboard/D969 Op.077 12 Waltzes (Valses Nobles) (1826) For Piano/05 - In C Major.mp3 2.0 MB
- Choral/D521b Jagdlied [Trarah! Trarah! Wir Kehren Daheim] (1817) For Unison Voices And Piano In F Major [Werner]/01.mp3 2.0 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/10 - Act I `O Martha, Bliebst Du Stiller' (Maria, Lazarus, M.mp3 2.0 MB
- Lieder/D502 Herbstlied [Bunt Sind Schon Die Wälder] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [Salis-Seewis]/01.mp3 2.0 MB
- Lieder/D116 Der Geistertanz (3) [Die Bretterne Kammer Der Toten Erbebt] (1814) Lied for Voice And Piano In C Minor [Matthisson]/01.mp3 2.0 MB
- Keyboard/D820 6 Deutsche (1824) For Piano/05 - In Bb Major.mp3 2.0 MB
- Lieder/D315 An Rosa I [Warum Bist Du Nicht Hier] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major [Kosegarten]/01.mp3 2.0 MB
- Lieder/D393 Die Einsiedelei (2) [Es Rieselt, Klar Und Wehend] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [Salis-Seewis]/01.mp3 2.0 MB
- Lieder/D456 Das Heimweh [Oft In Einsam Stillen Stunden] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [K.G.T.Winkler]/01.mp3 2.0 MB
- Keyboard/D769 2 Deutsche (1823-24) For Piano/01.mp3 1.9 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/58 - Act III Laß, Vater (Estrella, Mauregato, Froila).mp3 1.9 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/48 - Act III Chorus `Komm, Wonnetag'.mp3 1.9 MB
- Lieder/D083 Zur Namensfeier Des Herrn Andreas Siller [Des Phöbus Strahlen] (1813) Lied For Voice, Violin, Harp And Piano/01.mp3 1.9 MB
- Chamber/D086 Minuet (1813) For String Quartet In D Major/01.mp3 1.9 MB
- Lieder/D213 Op.172 Der Traum [Mir Träumt’, Ich War Ein Vögelein] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [Hölty]/01.mp3 1.9 MB
- Lieder/D238 Die Mondnacht [Siehe, Wie Die Mondesstrahlen] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In F# Major [Kosegarten]/01.mp3 1.9 MB
- Lieder/D351 Fischerlied (1) [Das Fischer-Gewerbe Gibt Rüstigen Mut!] (c1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Major [Salis-Seewis]/01.mp3 1.9 MB
- Lieder/D431 Blumenlied [Es Ist Ein Halbes Himmelreich] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In E Major [Hölty]/01.mp3 1.9 MB
- Choral/D407 Beitrag Zur Fünfzig Jährigen Jubelfeier Des Herrn Salieri (1816) Partsong For Tenor, TTBB Choir And Piano [Schubert]/04.mp3 1.9 MB
- Theatrical/D796 Fierrabras (1823) [J.Kupelwieser, After J.G.G.Büsching, F.H.Von Der Hagen, F.De La Motte Fouqué]/25 - Act III(xxi) `Welch Neuer Schreck' (Florinda, Olivier, .mp3 1.9 MB
- Lieder/D138 Op.051 Rastlose Liebe [Dem Schnee, Dem Regen] Lied For Voice And Piano In E Major [Goethe]/01.mp3 1.9 MB
- Lieder/D233 Op.118(i) Geist Der Liebe [Wer Bist Du, Geist Der Liebe] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In E Major [Kosegarten]/01.mp3 1.9 MB
- Lieder/D307 Die Sternenwelten [Oben Drehen Sich Die Grossen] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [U.Jarnik, Trans. Fellinger]/01.mp3 1.9 MB
- Lieder/D492 Zum Punsche [Woget Brausend, Harmonien] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Minor [Mayrhofer]/01.mp3 1.9 MB
- Keyboard/D841 2 Deutsche (1825) For Piano/01 - In F Major.mp3 1.9 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/12 - Act I `Wenn Nun Mit Tausendfachen Qualen' (Mary).mp3 1.9 MB
- Lieder/D017 Quell’Innocente Figlio (c1812) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [P.Metastasio]/1/01.mp3 1.9 MB
- Keyboard/D969 Op.077 12 Waltzes (Valses Nobles) (1826) For Piano/09 - In A Minor.mp3 1.9 MB
- Lieder/D320 Der Zufriedene [Zwar Schuf Das Glück Hinieden] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [C.L.Reissig]/01.mp3 1.9 MB
- Lieder/D662 Hymne IV [Ich Sag’ Es Jedem] (1819) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [Novalis]/01.mp3 1.9 MB
- Keyboard/D624 Op.010 8 Variations On A French Song (1818) For Piano 4 Hands In E Minor/01.mp3 1.8 MB
- Keyboard/D779 Op.050 34 Valses Sentimentales (c1823) For Piano/17 - In C Major.mp3 1.8 MB
- Choral/D696 Op.113 6 Antiphons For Palm Sunday (1820) For SATB Choir/02 - In Monte Oliveti.mp3 1.8 MB
- Theatrical/D239 Claudine Von Villa Bella (1815) [Only Overture & Act I Survive, J.W.Von Goethe]/07 - Liebe Schwärmt Auf Allen Wegen.mp3 1.8 MB
- Lieder/D160 Am Flusse (1) [Verfliesset, Vielgeliebte Lieder] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Minor [Goethe]/01.mp3 1.8 MB
- Chamber/D802 Op.160 Introduction And Variations On Trockne Blumen From Die Schöne Müllerin (1824) For Flute And Piano In E/02 - Thema `Trockne Blumen' (Andantino).mp3 1.8 MB
- Keyboard/D146 Op.127 20 Waltzes (Letzte Walzer) (1815-23) For Piano [No.3 = D135 With New Trio]/20 - No.18 In Bb Major.mp3 1.8 MB
- Chamber/D087 String Quartet No.10 (1813) In Eb Major/02 - Scherzo (Prestissimo) & Trio.mp3 1.8 MB
- Theatrical/D796 Fierrabras (1823) [J.Kupelwieser, After J.G.G.Büsching, F.H.Von Der Hagen, F.De La Motte Fouqué]/17 - Act II(xiv) `O Teures Vaterland!' (Eginhard, Ogier, Rol.mp3 1.8 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/30 - Act II Aber, Freund, Nun Laß Uns Eilen (Estrella, Alfonso).mp3 1.8 MB
- Lieder/D201 Auf Den Tod Einer Nachtigall (1) [Sie Ist Dahin] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In F# Minor [Hölty; Frag.]/01.mp3 1.8 MB
- Choral/D696 Op.113 6 Antiphons For Palm Sunday (1820) For SATB Choir/06 - Ingrediente Domino.mp3 1.8 MB
- Keyboard/D779 Op.050 34 Valses Sentimentales (c1823) For Piano/29 - In Eb Major.mp3 1.8 MB
- Chamber/D802 Op.160 Introduction And Variations On Trockne Blumen From Die Schöne Müllerin (1824) For Flute And Piano In E/04 - Variation II.mp3 1.8 MB
- Lieder/D509 Leiden Der Trennung [Vom Meere Trennt Sich Die Welle] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Minor [Metastasio, Trans. H.Von Collin]/01.mp3 1.8 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/36 - Act III Chorus `Preis Dem Erwecker!'.mp3 1.8 MB
- Lieder/D434 Erntelied [Sicheln Schallen, Ähren Fallen] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In E Major [Hölty]/01.mp3 1.8 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/09 - Act I Es Ist Dein Streng Gebot (Alfonso, Froila).mp3 1.8 MB
- Keyboard/D146 Op.127 20 Waltzes (Letzte Walzer) (1815-23) For Piano [No.3 = D135 With New Trio]/19 - No.17 In Bb Major.mp3 1.8 MB
- Keyboard/D618 Deutscher Tanz In G Major With 2 Trios And Two Ländler (1818) For Piano 4 Hands In E Major/02 - Two Ländler.mp3 1.8 MB
- Theatrical/D787 Die Verschworenen (Der Häusliche Krieg) (1822-23) [I.F.Castelli, After Aristophanes Lysistrata And Ecclesiazusae]/16 - Dialogue.mp3 1.8 MB
- Keyboard/D624 Op.010 8 Variations On A French Song (1818) For Piano 4 Hands In E Minor/05.mp3 1.7 MB
- Keyboard/D813 Op.035 8 Variations On An Original Theme (1824) For Piano In Ab Major/06 - Variation V.mp3 1.7 MB
- Keyboard/D001c Sonata (1810 Or 1811) For Piano 4 Hands In F Major [Frag.]/01.mp3 1.7 MB
- Lieder/D392 Pflügerlied [Arbeitsam Und Wacker] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Major [Salis-Seewis]/01.mp3 1.7 MB
- Theatrical/D787 Die Verschworenen (Der Häusliche Krieg) (1822-23) [I.F.Castelli, After Aristophanes Lysistrata And Ecclesiazusae]/06 - Dialogue.mp3 1.7 MB
- Keyboard/D978 Waltz (1825) For Piano In Ab Major/01.mp3 1.7 MB
- Lieder/D248 Op.118(iv) Lob Des Tokayers [O Köstlicher Tokayer] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [Baumberg]/01.mp3 1.7 MB
- Lieder/D466 Die Perle [Es Ging Ein Mann Zur Frühlingszeit] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Minor [Jacobi]/01.mp3 1.7 MB
- Lieder/D766 Am Flusse (2) [Verfliesset, Vielgeliebte Lieder] (1822) For Voice And Piano In D Major [Goethe]/01.mp3 1.7 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/46 - Act III Hülfe! (Estrella, Alfonso, Adolfo).mp3 1.7 MB
- Keyboard/D146 Op.127 20 Waltzes (Letzte Walzer) (1815-23) For Piano [No.3 = D135 With New Trio]/16 - No.14 In G Major.mp3 1.7 MB
- Lieder/D874 O Quell, Was Strömst Du Rasch Und Wild (1826) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [Schulze; Frag.]/01.mp3 1.7 MB
- Keyboard/D624 Op.010 8 Variations On A French Song (1818) For Piano 4 Hands In E Minor/02.mp3 1.7 MB
- Lieder/D795 Op.025 Die Schöne Müllerin (1823) Lieder For Voice And Piano [W.Müller]/14 - Der Jäger.mp3 1.7 MB
- Chamber/D802 Op.160 Introduction And Variations On Trockne Blumen From Die Schöne Müllerin (1824) For Flute And Piano In E/06 - Variation IV.mp3 1.7 MB
- Keyboard/D979 Waltz (1826) For Piano In G Major/01.mp3 1.7 MB
- Lieder/D141 Op.131(i) Der Mondabend (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [J.G.Kumpf]/01.mp3 1.7 MB
- Lieder/D219 Das Finden [Ich Hab’ Ein Mädchen Funden] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [L.Kosegarten]/01.mp3 1.7 MB
- Lieder/D398 Frühlingslied (2) [Die Luft Ist Blau] (1816) For Voice And Piano In G Major [Hölty]/01.mp3 1.7 MB
- Lieder/D533 Täglich Zu Singen [Ich Danke Gott Und Freue Mich] (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Claudius]/01.mp3 1.7 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/56 - Act III Die Schwerter Hoch Geschwungen (Chorus, All).mp3 1.7 MB
- Lieder/D658 Marie [Ich Sehe Dich In Tausend Bildern] (1819) Lied For Voice And Piano In D Major [Novalis; F.Von Hardenberg]/01.mp3 1.7 MB
- Theatrical/D787 Die Verschworenen (Der Häusliche Krieg) (1822-23) [I.F.Castelli, After Aristophanes Lysistrata And Ecclesiazusae]/02 - Dialogue.mp3 1.7 MB
- Keyboard/D624 Op.010 8 Variations On A French Song (1818) For Piano 4 Hands In E Minor/04.mp3 1.7 MB
- Keyboard/D780 Op.094 6 Momens Musicals (1823-28) For Piano/03 - Allegretto Moderato.mp3 1.6 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/33 - Act III `Maria! Ach Wenn Er Den Schlummernden' (Martha).mp3 1.6 MB
- Lieder/D033 Entra L’Uomo Allor Che Nasce (1812) Lied For Voice And Piano In E Minor [Metastasio]/2/01.mp3 1.6 MB
- Keyboard/D980b 2 Ländler For Piano In Eb Major [Formerly D679]/01.mp3 1.6 MB
- Keyboard/D624 Op.010 8 Variations On A French Song (1818) For Piano 4 Hands In E Minor/06.mp3 1.6 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/11 - Act I Du Rührst Mich, Teuer, Sehr (Froila, Alfonso).mp3 1.6 MB
- Keyboard/D365 Op.009 36 Originaltänze (Erste Walzer), Incl. Trauerwalzer (No.2) And 3 Atzenbrugger Tänze (Nos.29–31) (1816-21) For Piano/32 - In F Major.mp3 1.6 MB
- Keyboard/D813 Op.035 8 Variations On An Original Theme (1824) For Piano In Ab Major/04 - Variation III (Un Poco Più Lento).mp3 1.6 MB
- Keyboard/D624 Op.010 8 Variations On A French Song (1818) For Piano 4 Hands In E Minor/03.mp3 1.6 MB
- Lieder/D015 Der Geistertanz (1) [Die Bretterne Kammer Der Toten Erbebt] (c1812) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Minor [Frag. F.Von Matthisson]/01.mp3 1.6 MB
- Keyboard/D980 2 Waltzes (1826) For Piano In G Major/01 - In G Minor.mp3 1.6 MB
- Keyboard/D624 Op.010 8 Variations On A French Song (1818) For Piano 4 Hands In E Minor/07.mp3 1.6 MB
- Keyboard/D779 Op.050 34 Valses Sentimentales (c1823) For Piano/27 - In Eb Major.mp3 1.6 MB
- Keyboard/D969 Op.077 12 Waltzes (Valses Nobles) (1826) For Piano/07 - In E Major.mp3 1.6 MB
- Keyboard/D769a Piano Sonata In E Minor (c1823) [Frag.]/01.mp3 1.6 MB
- Theatrical/D190 Der Vierjährige Posten (1815) [T.Körner]/04 - Trio Mag Dich Die Hoffnung Nicht Betrugen (Kathchen, Duval, Walther).mp3 1.6 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/44 - Act III Aria `In Wetterwolken Eingehullt' (Simon).mp3 1.6 MB
- Lieder/D403 Lied [Ins Stille Land] (1816) For Voice And Piano In G minor [Salis-Seewis]/01.mp3 1.6 MB
- Lieder/D462 An Chloen [Bei Der Liebe Reinsten Flammen] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major [Jacobi]/01.mp3 1.6 MB
- Lieder/D743 Op.023(ii) Selige Welt [Ich Treibe Auf Des Lebens Meer] (1822) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major [J.C.Senn]/01.mp3 1.6 MB
- Keyboard/D779 Op.050 34 Valses Sentimentales (c1823) For Piano/03 - In G Major.mp3 1.6 MB
- Chamber/D802 Op.160 Introduction And Variations On Trockne Blumen From Die Schöne Müllerin (1824) For Flute And Piano In E/03 - Variation I.mp3 1.6 MB
- Lieder/D017 Quell’Innocente Figlio (c1812) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [P.Metastasio]/2/01.mp3 1.6 MB
- Choral/D383 Stabat Mater Oratorio (1816) For Soprano, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir And Orchestra In F/07 - Chorus `Erben Sollen Sie Am Throne'.mp3 1.6 MB
- Keyboard/D365 Op.009 36 Originaltänze (Erste Walzer), Incl. Trauerwalzer (No.2) And 3 Atzenbrugger Tänze (Nos.29–31) (1816-21) For Piano/29 - In D Major.mp3 1.6 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/28 - Act II Wer Bist Du, Holdes Wesen_ (Alfonso, Estella).mp3 1.6 MB
- Keyboard/D975 Deutscher For Piano In D Major/01.mp3 1.6 MB
- Keyboard/D969 Op.077 12 Waltzes (Valses Nobles) (1826) For Piano/04 - In G Major.mp3 1.6 MB
- Choral/D324 Op.141 Mass No.3 In Bb Major (1815) For Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir, Orchestra And Organ/04 - Sanctus.mp3 1.6 MB
- Keyboard/D146 Op.127 20 Waltzes (Letzte Walzer) (1815-23) For Piano [No.3 = D135 With New Trio]/21 - No.19 In F Major.mp3 1.6 MB
- Keyboard/D924 Op.091 12 Grazer Walzer (1827) For Piano/11 - In G Major.mp3 1.6 MB
- Theatrical/D796 Fierrabras (1823) [J.Kupelwieser, After J.G.G.Büsching, F.H.Von Der Hagen, F.De La Motte Fouqué]/07 - Act I(v) `Lass Uns Mutvoll Hoffen' (Fierrabras, Roland).mp3 1.5 MB
- Lieder/D447 An Den Schlaf [Komm, Und Senke Die Umflorten Schwingen] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [Uz]/01.mp3 1.5 MB
- Keyboard/D779 Op.050 34 Valses Sentimentales (c1823) For Piano/25 - In G Major.mp3 1.5 MB
- Choral/D383 Stabat Mater Oratorio (1816) For Soprano, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir And Orchestra In F/03 - Chorus `Liebend Neiget Er Sein Antitz.mp3 1.5 MB
- Keyboard/D365 Op.009 36 Originaltänze (Erste Walzer), Incl. Trauerwalzer (No.2) And 3 Atzenbrugger Tänze (Nos.29–31) (1816-21) For Piano/33 - In F Major.mp3 1.5 MB
- Keyboard/D779 Op.050 34 Valses Sentimentales (c1823) For Piano/34 - In Ab Major.mp3 1.5 MB
- Lieder/D260 Op.115(ii) Wonne Der Wehmut [Trocknet Nicht, Trocknet Nicht] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Minor [Goethe]/01.mp3 1.5 MB
- Keyboard/D969 Op.077 12 Waltzes (Valses Nobles) (1826) For Piano/08 - In A Major.mp3 1.5 MB
- Lieder/D023 Op.131(iii) Klaglied [Meine Ruh’ Ist Dahin] (1812) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Minor [F.Rochlitz]/01.mp3 1.5 MB
- Lieder/D198 Seufzer [Die Nachtigall Singt Uberall] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Minor [Hölty]/01.mp3 1.5 MB
- Keyboard/D924 Op.091 12 Grazer Walzer (1827) For Piano/04 - In A Major.mp3 1.5 MB
- Keyboard/D146 Op.127 20 Waltzes (Letzte Walzer) (1815-23) For Piano [No.3 = D135 With New Trio]/14 - No.12 In G Minor.mp3 1.5 MB
- Choral/D678 Mass No.5 In Ab Major (1819-22) For Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir, Orchestra And Organ/04 - Gloria_ Domine Deus.mp3 1.5 MB
- Lieder/D469 Mignon (1) [So Lasst Mich Scheinen] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major [Goethe; 2 Frags.]/b/01.mp3 1.5 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/40 - Act III `Wilkommen, Meine Bruder' (Lazarus).mp3 1.5 MB
- Lieder/D262 Die Fröhlichkeit [Wes’ Adern Leichtes Blut Durchspringt] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In E Major [M.J.Prandstetter]/01.mp3 1.5 MB
- Lieder/D691 Op.172(vi) Die Vögel [Wie Lieblich Und Fröhlich] (1820) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [F.Von Schlegel]/01.mp3 1.5 MB
- Keyboard/D779 Op.050 34 Valses Sentimentales (c1823) For Piano/08 - In D Major.mp3 1.5 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/02 - Act I `Noch Einen Augenblick' (Martha, Lazarus).mp3 1.5 MB
- Choral/D056 Santus Canon With Coda (1813) For 3 Voices In Bb Major/01.mp3 1.5 MB
- Choral/D452 Op.048 Mass No.4 In C Major (1816) For SATB, SATB Chorus, Orchestra And Organ [Alternative Benedictus D961]/04 - Sanctus.mp3 1.5 MB
- Lieder/D305 Mein Gruss An Den Mai [Sei Mir Gegrüsst, O Mai] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [Kumpf]/01.mp3 1.4 MB
- Lieder/D306 Skolie [Lasst Im Morgenstrahl Des Mai’n] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In Bb Major [J.L.Von Deinhardstein]/01.mp3 1.4 MB
- Keyboard/D813 Op.035 8 Variations On An Original Theme (1824) For Piano In Ab Major/01 - Tema (Allegretto).mp3 1.4 MB
- Keyboard/D365 Op.009 36 Originaltänze (Erste Walzer), Incl. Trauerwalzer (No.2) And 3 Atzenbrugger Tänze (Nos.29–31) (1816-21) For Piano/11 - In Ab Major.mp3 1.4 MB
- Keyboard/D820 6 Deutsche (1824) For Piano/04 - In Bb Major.mp3 1.4 MB
- Keyboard/D790 Op.171 12 Deutsche Ländler (1823) For Piano/01.mp3 1.4 MB
- Choral/D064 Majestätsche Sonnenrosse (1813) For TTB Choir [Schiller]/01.mp3 1.4 MB
- Theatrical/D787 Die Verschworenen (Der Häusliche Krieg) (1822-23) [I.F.Castelli, After Aristophanes Lysistrata And Ecclesiazusae]/14 - Dialogue.mp3 1.4 MB
- Keyboard/D779 Op.050 34 Valses Sentimentales (c1823) For Piano/32 - In C Major.mp3 1.4 MB
- Lieder/D483 Lied [Ferne Von Der Grossen Stadt] (1816) For Voice And Piano In E Major [Pichler]/01.mp3 1.4 MB
- Lieder/D501 Zufriedenheit (2) [Ich Bin Vergnügt] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In E [G] Major [Claudius]/01.mp3 1.4 MB
- Lieder/D508 Lebenslied [Kommen Und Scheiden] (1816) For Voice And Piano In C Major [Matthisson]/01.mp3 1.4 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/38 - Act III Chorus `Preis Dem Erwecker!'.mp3 1.4 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/28 - Act II Einst `Wenn Vom Abend Und Vom Morgen Her' (Natha.mp3 1.4 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/15 - Act I Verweile, O Prinzessin (Adolfo, Estrella).mp3 1.4 MB
- Lieder/D033 Entra L’Uomo Allor Che Nasce (1812) Lied For Voice And Piano In E Minor [Metastasio]/1/01.mp3 1.4 MB
- Keyboard/D779 Op.050 34 Valses Sentimentales (c1823) For Piano/19 - In Ab Major.mp3 1.4 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/41 - Act III Aria `O Dass Mit Himmelharmonien' (Lazarus).mp3 1.3 MB
- Keyboard/D779 Op.050 34 Valses Sentimentales (c1823) For Piano/31 - In C Major.mp3 1.3 MB
- Choral/D847 Op.155 Trinklied Aus Dem Partsong (1825) For TTBB Choir [F. Gräffer]/01.mp3 1.3 MB
- Keyboard/D969 Op.077 12 Waltzes (Valses Nobles) (1826) For Piano/12 - In C Major.mp3 1.3 MB
- Keyboard/D813 Op.035 8 Variations On An Original Theme (1824) For Piano In Ab Major/05 - Variation IV (Tempo I).mp3 1.3 MB
- Keyboard/D813 Op.035 8 Variations On An Original Theme (1824) For Piano In Ab Major/07 - Variation VI (Maestoso).mp3 1.3 MB
- Keyboard/D813 Op.035 8 Variations On An Original Theme (1824) For Piano In Ab Major/03 - Variation II.mp3 1.3 MB
- Keyboard/D790 Op.171 12 Deutsche Ländler (1823) For Piano/12.mp3 1.3 MB
- Lieder/D401 Winterlied [Keine Blumen Blühn] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Minor [Hölty]/01.mp3 1.3 MB
- Lieder/D463 Hochzeit-Lied [Will Singen Euch Im Alten Ton] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In Eb Major [Jacobi]/01.mp3 1.3 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/07 - Act I `Willkommen, Mein Nathanael' (Lazarus, Nathanael).mp3 1.3 MB
- Keyboard/D813 Op.035 8 Variations On An Original Theme (1824) For Piano In Ab Major/02 - Variation I.mp3 1.3 MB
- Keyboard/D365 Op.009 36 Originaltänze (Erste Walzer), Incl. Trauerwalzer (No.2) And 3 Atzenbrugger Tänze (Nos.29–31) (1816-21) For Piano/14 - In Db Major.mp3 1.3 MB
- Keyboard/D841 2 Deutsche (1825) For Piano/02 - In G Major.mp3 1.3 MB
- Keyboard/D779 Op.050 34 Valses Sentimentales (c1823) For Piano/22 - In Eb Major.mp3 1.3 MB
- Keyboard/D365 Op.009 36 Originaltänze (Erste Walzer), Incl. Trauerwalzer (No.2) And 3 Atzenbrugger Tänze (Nos.29–31) (1816-21) For Piano/08 - In Ab Major.mp3 1.3 MB
- Lieder/D555 Song Sketch (1817) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Minor [No Text]/01.mp3 1.3 MB
- Keyboard/D779 Op.050 34 Valses Sentimentales (c1823) For Piano/18 - In Ab Major.mp3 1.3 MB
- Keyboard/D924 Op.091 12 Grazer Walzer (1827) For Piano/01 - In E Major.mp3 1.3 MB
- Choral/D034 Te Solo Adoro (1812) For SATB Choir [Metastasio]/01.mp3 1.3 MB
- Keyboard/D769 2 Deutsche (1823-24) For Piano/02.mp3 1.3 MB
- Theatrical/D787 Die Verschworenen (Der Häusliche Krieg) (1822-23) [I.F.Castelli, After Aristophanes Lysistrata And Ecclesiazusae]/10 - Dialogue.mp3 1.2 MB
- Keyboard/D146 Op.127 20 Waltzes (Letzte Walzer) (1815-23) For Piano [No.3 = D135 With New Trio]/17 - No.15 In Bb Major.mp3 1.2 MB
- Keyboard/D779 Op.050 34 Valses Sentimentales (c1823) For Piano/10 - In G Major.mp3 1.2 MB
- Keyboard/D146 Op.127 20 Waltzes (Letzte Walzer) (1815-23) For Piano [No.3 = D135 With New Trio]/02 - No.02 In A Major.mp3 1.2 MB
- Keyboard/D779 Op.050 34 Valses Sentimentales (c1823) For Piano/23 - In Eb Major.mp3 1.2 MB
- Choral/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [E.Von Bauernfeld]/11 - Act I Marsch.mp3 1.2 MB
- Keyboard/D365 Op.009 36 Originaltänze (Erste Walzer), Incl. Trauerwalzer (No.2) And 3 Atzenbrugger Tänze (Nos.29–31) (1816-21) For Piano/34 - In F Major.mp3 1.2 MB
- Theatrical/D918 Der Graf Von Gleichen (1827-28) [Sketches Only; E.Von Bauernfeld]/11 - Act I March.mp3 1.2 MB
- Keyboard/D973 3 Deutsche For Piano/02 - In Ab Major.mp3 1.2 MB
- Keyboard/D779 Op.050 34 Valses Sentimentales (c1823) For Piano/11 - In G Major.mp3 1.2 MB
- Choral/D167 Mass No.2 In G Major (1815) For Soprano, Tenor, Bass, SATB Choir, Strings And Organ/04 - Sanctus.mp3 1.2 MB
- Lieder/D507 Skolie [Mädchen Entsiegelten] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In G Major [Matthisson]/01.mp3 1.2 MB
- Keyboard/D365 Op.009 36 Originaltänze (Erste Walzer), Incl. Trauerwalzer (No.2) And 3 Atzenbrugger Tänze (Nos.29–31) (1816-21) For Piano/35 - In F Major.mp3 1.2 MB
- Keyboard/D924 Op.091 12 Grazer Walzer (1827) For Piano/08 - In A Major.mp3 1.2 MB
- Keyboard/D365 Op.009 36 Originaltänze (Erste Walzer), Incl. Trauerwalzer (No.2) And 3 Atzenbrugger Tänze (Nos.29–31) (1816-21) For Piano/10 - In Ab Major.mp3 1.2 MB
- Keyboard/D790 Op.171 12 Deutsche Ländler (1823) For Piano/08.mp3 1.2 MB
- Lieder/D396 Gruppe Aus Dem Tartarus (1) [Horch, Wie Murmeln Des Empörten Meeres] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Minor [Schiller]/01.mp3 1.2 MB
- Theatrical/D732 Alfonso Und Estrella (1821-22) [F.Von Schober]/51 - Act III Wir Kommen (Chorus, Froila, Alfonso, Estrella).mp3 1.2 MB
- Keyboard/D976 Cotillon (1825) For Piano In Eb Major/01.mp3 1.2 MB
- Keyboard/D779 Op.050 34 Valses Sentimentales (c1823) For Piano/24 - In Bb Major.mp3 1.2 MB
- Keyboard/D779 Op.050 34 Valses Sentimentales (c1823) For Piano/26 - In C Major.mp3 1.2 MB
- Lieder/D444 Die Gestirne [Es Tönet Sein Lob] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In F Major [Klopstock]/01.mp3 1.2 MB
- Keyboard/D365 Op.009 36 Originaltänze (Erste Walzer), Incl. Trauerwalzer (No.2) And 3 Atzenbrugger Tänze (Nos.29–31) (1816-21) For Piano/13 - In Ab Major.mp3 1.2 MB
- Keyboard/D820 6 Deutsche (1824) For Piano/01 - Tempo Giusto In Ab Major.mp3 1.2 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/45 - Act III `Was Wird Jener Tag Sein' (Nathanael).mp3 1.2 MB
- Keyboard/D779 Op.050 34 Valses Sentimentales (c1823) For Piano/28 - In Eb Major.mp3 1.2 MB
- Keyboard/D146 Op.127 20 Waltzes (Letzte Walzer) (1815-23) For Piano [No.3 = D135 With New Trio]/18 - No.16 In F Major.mp3 1.1 MB
- Keyboard/D779 Op.050 34 Valses Sentimentales (c1823) For Piano/16 - In C Major.mp3 1.1 MB
- Keyboard/D365 Op.009 36 Originaltänze (Erste Walzer), Incl. Trauerwalzer (No.2) And 3 Atzenbrugger Tänze (Nos.29–31) (1816-21) For Piano/22 - In G# Minor.mp3 1.1 MB
- Keyboard/D365 Op.009 36 Originaltänze (Erste Walzer), Incl. Trauerwalzer (No.2) And 3 Atzenbrugger Tänze (Nos.29–31) (1816-21) For Piano/06 - In Ab Major.mp3 1.1 MB
- Keyboard/D779 Op.050 34 Valses Sentimentales (c1823) For Piano/02 - In C Major.mp3 1.1 MB
- Keyboard/D980 2 Waltzes (1826) For Piano In G Major/02 - In B Minor.mp3 1.1 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/09 - Act I `Nathanael Bewundern Kann Ich Dich' (Martha).mp3 1.1 MB
- Lieder/D888 Trinklied (Come, Thou Monarch Of The Vine) [Bacchus, Feister Fürst] (1826) Lied For Voice And Piano In C Major [W.Shakespeare, Trans. F.M.Von Grünbühel And Bauernfeld]/01.mp3 1.1 MB
- Keyboard/D779 Op.050 34 Valses Sentimentales (c1823) For Piano/04 - In G Major.mp3 1.1 MB
- Keyboard/D779 Op.050 34 Valses Sentimentales (c1823) For Piano/21 - In Eb Major.mp3 1.1 MB
- Keyboard/D779 Op.050 34 Valses Sentimentales (c1823) For Piano/12 - In D Major.mp3 1.1 MB
- Keyboard/D779 Op.050 34 Valses Sentimentales (c1823) For Piano/06 - In Bb Major.mp3 1.1 MB
- Keyboard/D365 Op.009 36 Originaltänze (Erste Walzer), Incl. Trauerwalzer (No.2) And 3 Atzenbrugger Tänze (Nos.29–31) (1816-21) For Piano/16 - In A Major.mp3 1.1 MB
- Keyboard/D779 Op.050 34 Valses Sentimentales (c1823) For Piano/07 - In Bb Major.mp3 1.1 MB
- Keyboard/D365 Op.009 36 Originaltänze (Erste Walzer), Incl. Trauerwalzer (No.2) And 3 Atzenbrugger Tänze (Nos.29–31) (1816-21) For Piano/07 - In Ab Major.mp3 1.1 MB
- Keyboard/D365 Op.009 36 Originaltänze (Erste Walzer), Incl. Trauerwalzer (No.2) And 3 Atzenbrugger Tänze (Nos.29–31) (1816-21) For Piano/25 - In E Major.mp3 1.1 MB
- Keyboard/D969 Op.077 12 Waltzes (Valses Nobles) (1826) For Piano/10 - In F Major.mp3 1.1 MB
- Keyboard/D365 Op.009 36 Originaltänze (Erste Walzer), Incl. Trauerwalzer (No.2) And 3 Atzenbrugger Tänze (Nos.29–31) (1816-21) For Piano/02 - In Ab Major.mp3 1.1 MB
- Keyboard/D969 Op.077 12 Waltzes (Valses Nobles) (1826) For Piano/06 - In C Major.mp3 1.1 MB
- Lieder/D240 Huldigung [Ganz Verloren, Ganz Versunken] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In E Major [Kosegarten]/01.mp3 1.1 MB
- Choral/D202 Mailied (Der Schnee Zerrinnt) (2) Partsong (1815) For 2-Part Choir And 2 Horns [Hölty]/01.mp3 1.1 MB
- Keyboard/D969 Op.077 12 Waltzes (Valses Nobles) (1826) For Piano/01 - In C Major.mp3 1.1 MB
- Keyboard/D924 Op.091 12 Grazer Walzer (1827) For Piano/03 - In E Major.mp3 1.1 MB
- Keyboard/D779 Op.050 34 Valses Sentimentales (c1823) For Piano/09 - In D Major.mp3 1.1 MB
- Keyboard/D779 Op.050 34 Valses Sentimentales (c1823) For Piano/01 - In C Major.mp3 1.1 MB
- Keyboard/D365 Op.009 36 Originaltänze (Erste Walzer), Incl. Trauerwalzer (No.2) And 3 Atzenbrugger Tänze (Nos.29–31) (1816-21) For Piano/27 - In E Major.mp3 1.1 MB
- Keyboard/D779 Op.050 34 Valses Sentimentales (c1823) For Piano/33 - In Ab Major.mp3 1.1 MB
- Keyboard/D779 Op.050 34 Valses Sentimentales (c1823) For Piano/30 - In C Major.mp3 1.1 MB
- Keyboard/D779 Op.050 34 Valses Sentimentales (c1823) For Piano/14 - In D Major.mp3 1.1 MB
- Keyboard/D365 Op.009 36 Originaltänze (Erste Walzer), Incl. Trauerwalzer (No.2) And 3 Atzenbrugger Tänze (Nos.29–31) (1816-21) For Piano/09 - In Ab Major.mp3 1.1 MB
- Keyboard/D779 Op.050 34 Valses Sentimentales (c1823) For Piano/15 - In A Major.mp3 1.1 MB
- Keyboard/D779 Op.050 34 Valses Sentimentales (c1823) For Piano/20 - In Ab Major.mp3 1.1 MB
- Keyboard/D924 Op.091 12 Grazer Walzer (1827) For Piano/05 - In A Major.mp3 1.1 MB
- Keyboard/D969 Op.077 12 Waltzes (Valses Nobles) (1826) For Piano/02 - In A Major.mp3 1.0 MB
- Keyboard/D790 Op.171 12 Deutsche Ländler (1823) For Piano/05.mp3 1.0 MB
- Keyboard/D924 Op.091 12 Grazer Walzer (1827) For Piano/09 - In C Major.mp3 1.0 MB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/11 - Act I `Der Trost Begleite Dich Hinuber' (Mary).mp3 1.0 MB
- Keyboard/D365 Op.009 36 Originaltänze (Erste Walzer), Incl. Trauerwalzer (No.2) And 3 Atzenbrugger Tänze (Nos.29–31) (1816-21) For Piano/05 - In Ab Major.mp3 1.0 MB
- Keyboard/D365 Op.009 36 Originaltänze (Erste Walzer), Incl. Trauerwalzer (No.2) And 3 Atzenbrugger Tänze (Nos.29–31) (1816-21) For Piano/28 - In A Major.mp3 1.0 MB
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- Keyboard/D071b Fugue (1813) For Piano In E Minor [Frag.]/01.mp3 1.0 MB
- Keyboard/D365 Op.009 36 Originaltänze (Erste Walzer), Incl. Trauerwalzer (No.2) And 3 Atzenbrugger Tänze (Nos.29–31) (1816-21) For Piano/18 - In A Major.mp3 1.0 MB
- Keyboard/D365 Op.009 36 Originaltänze (Erste Walzer), Incl. Trauerwalzer (No.2) And 3 Atzenbrugger Tänze (Nos.29–31) (1816-21) For Piano/24 - In B Major.mp3 1.0 MB
- Keyboard/D365 Op.009 36 Originaltänze (Erste Walzer), Incl. Trauerwalzer (No.2) And 3 Atzenbrugger Tänze (Nos.29–31) (1816-21) For Piano/04 - In Ab Major.mp3 1.0 MB
- Keyboard/D365 Op.009 36 Originaltänze (Erste Walzer), Incl. Trauerwalzer (No.2) And 3 Atzenbrugger Tänze (Nos.29–31) (1816-21) For Piano/23 - In B Major.mp3 1.0 MB
- Keyboard/D924 Op.091 12 Grazer Walzer (1827) For Piano/06 - In A Major.mp3 1.0 MB
- Keyboard/D511 Ecossaise (c1817) For Piano In Eb Major/01.mp3 1015.4 KB
- Keyboard/D973 3 Deutsche For Piano/03 - In A Major.mp3 1008.8 KB
- Keyboard/D365 Op.009 36 Originaltänze (Erste Walzer), Incl. Trauerwalzer (No.2) And 3 Atzenbrugger Tänze (Nos.29–31) (1816-21) For Piano/31 - In C Major.mp3 1006.0 KB
- Keyboard/D969 Op.077 12 Waltzes (Valses Nobles) (1826) For Piano/11 - In C Major.mp3 1000.2 KB
- Keyboard/D782 Ecossaise (c1823) For Piano In D Major/01.mp3 996.3 KB
- Keyboard/D365 Op.009 36 Originaltänze (Erste Walzer), Incl. Trauerwalzer (No.2) And 3 Atzenbrugger Tänze (Nos.29–31) (1816-21) For Piano/20 - In G Major.mp3 995.8 KB
- Keyboard/D924 Op.091 12 Grazer Walzer (1827) For Piano/07 - In A Minor.mp3 993.4 KB
- Keyboard/D158 Ecossaise (1815) For Piano In D Minor [F Major]/01.mp3 983.5 KB
- Keyboard/D365 Op.009 36 Originaltänze (Erste Walzer), Incl. Trauerwalzer (No.2) And 3 Atzenbrugger Tänze (Nos.29–31) (1816-21) For Piano/26 - In E Major.mp3 976.9 KB
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- Keyboard/D365 Op.009 36 Originaltänze (Erste Walzer), Incl. Trauerwalzer (No.2) And 3 Atzenbrugger Tänze (Nos.29–31) (1816-21) For Piano/19 - In G Major.mp3 915.5 KB
- Keyboard/D790 Op.171 12 Deutsche Ländler (1823) For Piano/06.mp3 913.5 KB
- Keyboard/D365 Op.009 36 Originaltänze (Erste Walzer), Incl. Trauerwalzer (No.2) And 3 Atzenbrugger Tänze (Nos.29–31) (1816-21) For Piano/12 - In Ab Major.mp3 909.2 KB
- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/14 - Act I `Ach, So Find Ich Ihn Noch' (Jemina).mp3 905.4 KB
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- Lieder/D469 Mignon (1) [So Lasst Mich Scheinen] (1816) Lied For Voice And Piano In Ab Major [Goethe; 2 Frags.]/a/01.mp3 874.5 KB
- Choral/D826 Der Tanz Partsong (1828) For SATB Choir And Piano [K.Schnitzer Von Mecrau]/01.mp3 872.7 KB
- Keyboard/D924 Op.091 12 Grazer Walzer (1827) For Piano/02 - In E Major.mp3 869.7 KB
- Keyboard/D365 Op.009 36 Originaltänze (Erste Walzer), Incl. Trauerwalzer (No.2) And 3 Atzenbrugger Tänze (Nos.29–31) (1816-21) For Piano/17 - In A Major.mp3 857.4 KB
- Keyboard/D790 Op.171 12 Deutsche Ländler (1823) For Piano/07.mp3 843.7 KB
- Lieder/D725 Linde Lüfte Wehen (1821) For Mezzo, Tenor And Piano In B Minor [Frag.]/01.mp3 840.0 KB
- Keyboard/D790 Op.171 12 Deutsche Ländler (1823) For Piano/11.mp3 819.2 KB
- Lieder/D271 Der Weiberfreund [Noch fand von Evens Töchterscharen] (1815) Lied For Voice And Piano In A Major [A.Cowley, Trans. J.F.Von Ratschky]/01.mp3 803.1 KB
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- Choral/D689 Lazarus, Oder Die Feier Der Auferstehung Oratorio (1820) For SSSTTB, SATB Choir & Orch [A.H.Niemeyer; Completed Denisov]/43 - Act III `O Tag Des Jubels' (Simon).mp3 800.5 KB
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- Keyboard/D722 Deutscher (1821) For Piano In G Major/01.mp3 668.3 KB
- Keyboard/D037a Fugal Sketches (1813) For Piano In Bb Major [Formerly D967]/01.mp3 665.7 KB
- Keyboard/D790 Op.171 12 Deutsche Ländler (1823) For Piano/04.mp3 658.4 KB
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- Choral/D065 Schmerz Verzerret Ihr Gesicht Canon Sketch (1813) For TTB Choir [Schiller]/01.mp3 616.5 KB
- Keyboard/D790 Op.171 12 Deutsche Ländler (1823) For Piano/03.mp3 597.2 KB
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- Keyboard/D790 Op.171 12 Deutsche Ländler (1823) For Piano/10.mp3 531.0 KB
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- Keyboard/D824 Op.061 6 Polonaises (1826) For Piano 4 Hands/01 - D Minor.mp3 385.4 KB
- Keyboard/D790 Op.171 12 Deutsche Ländler (1823) For Piano/09.mp3 384.5 KB
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- Keyboard/D041a Fugue (1813) For Piano In E Minor [Frag.]/01.mp3 159.2 KB
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