LA SOCIÉTÉ DU SPECTACLE - Guy Debord 1973 (english, italian, spanish SUBS)
File List
- The Society of the spectacle - guy debord 1973.avi 1.4 GB
- BOOK (Fr, English, Spanish, Italian) + TxT/Eng- The Society of the spectacle [Situationist International Text Library].pdf 792.8 KB
- BOOK (Fr, English, Spanish, Italian) + TxT/Sp- La Sociedad del espectaculo por Debord [archivo situacionista hispano].pdf 737.1 KB
- BOOK (Fr, English, Spanish, Italian) + TxT/Eng- The Society of the spectacle [published by Zone Books 1994].pdf 545.8 KB
- BOOK (Fr, English, Spanish, Italian) + TxT/Eng- The Society of the spectacle [Ken Knabb 2002 -].rtf 469.0 KB
- BOOK (Fr, English, Spanish, Italian) + TxT/Fr- La Societe du spectacle - Commentaires Guy Debord 1988.rtf 466.6 KB
- BOOK (Fr, English, Spanish, Italian) + TxT/Fr- La Societe du spectacle [le livre 1967, edition Gallimard 1992].pdf 465.7 KB
- BOOK (Fr, English, Spanish, Italian) + TxT/Ita- La Societa dello spettacolo - Guy Debord 1967.pdf 394.7 KB
- BOOK (Fr, English, Spanish, Italian) + TxT/Fr- La Societe du spectacle [].pdf 367.3 KB
- IMG-TXT/la-societe-femmes-2.jpg 262.5 KB
- BOOK (Fr, English, Spanish, Italian) + TxT/Sp- La Sociedad del espectaculo [traduccion Fernando Casado].doc 255.5 KB
- BOOK (Fr, English, Spanish, Italian) + TxT/Eng- Comments on the Society of the Spectacle (april 1988).doc 178.5 KB
- IMG-TXT/montage-femmes-1-kg.jpg 110.2 KB
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- subtitles-Italian-la-societa-dello-spettacolo_(by-LYDDE).srt 99.0 KB
- English-sub_society-of-spectacle_Ken-Knabb_(by-LYDDE).srt 96.1 KB
- IMG-TXT/banc-titres-1.gif 68.5 KB
- IMG-TXT/pouvoir-rue-1.jpg 42.5 KB
- IMG-TXT/alice-becker-ho-1.jpg 33.0 KB
- BOOK (Fr, English, Spanish, Italian) + TxT/Textes filmés - sous-titres et doublages VF.rtf 31.4 KB
- BOOK (Fr, English, Spanish, Italian) + TxT/Textes filmés - sous-titres et doublages VF.txt 21.4 KB
- BOOK (Fr, English, Spanish, Italian) + TxT/Ita--da-Pier-Paolo-Pasolini-a-Guy-Debord.htm 20.5 KB
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