[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Complete Android 11 Jetpack Masterclass
File List
- 6. MVVM Setup and Layouts/3. ConstraintLayout.mp4 349.0 MB
- 14. WorkManager, Sharing and Notifications/8. Notifications Demo part 1.mp4 281.8 MB
- 14. WorkManager, Sharing and Notifications/4. WorkManager Demo part 1.mp4 248.6 MB
- 14. WorkManager, Sharing and Notifications/10. V51 - Notifications in depth.mp4 208.3 MB
- 10. LiveData, Lifecycles and ViewModels/4. V23 - Displaying the dishes list in a recyclerview grid.mp4 188.6 MB
- 7. Permissions/1. V9 - Adding the Camera and Storage permission.mp4 186.1 MB
- 6. MVVM Setup and Layouts/8. V6 - Designing the AddUpdateDishesActivity part 1.mp4 162.3 MB
- 13. Retrofit and RxJava/8. V46 - Populating the UI with the Data from the API.mp4 159.4 MB
- 8. Glide/5. V 14 - Setting up the RecyclerView and Adapter using ViewBinding part 1.mp4 157.8 MB
- 6. MVVM Setup and Layouts/6. LinearLayout Introduction.mp4 154.5 MB
- 12. Android Palette and CRUD operations/9. V35 - Editing dishes.mp4 153.1 MB
- 11. Navigation Component/6. Navigation Component v1.mp4 150.5 MB
- 8. Glide/4. V13 - Stores selected image and get its path.mp4 142.3 MB
- 8. Glide/7. V15 - Selecting elements from our lists and validating entries.mp4 141.8 MB
- 5. ViewBinding and Animation(Splash Screen)/4. V3 - Adding the Animation to the splash screen.mp4 138.4 MB
- 14. WorkManager, Sharing and Notifications/2. V49 - Adding the share feature.mp4 135.3 MB
- 6. MVVM Setup and Layouts/1. V5- MVVM setup and refactoring.mp4 135.3 MB
- 8. Glide/6. V14 - Setting up the RecyclerView and Adapter using ViewBinding part 2.mp4 126.8 MB
- 4. Android Studio Overview and Project Setup/4. V1 - Bottom Navigation and understanding the files and colors.mp4 125.5 MB
- 14. WorkManager, Sharing and Notifications/6. V50 - Using the WorkManager to run something repeatedly.mp4 125.5 MB
- 7. Permissions/2. V10 - Dish Image Selection using Camera.mp4 122.0 MB
- 12. Android Palette and CRUD operations/12. V38 - Setting up the Filter Click Event on a Dialog in a Fragment.mp4 121.8 MB
- 12. Android Palette and CRUD operations/8. V34 - Adding a PopMenu to each Dish.mp4 117.3 MB
- 12. Android Palette and CRUD operations/2. Android Palette Demo.mp4 115.5 MB
- 8. Glide/2. Glide Demo.mp4 114.1 MB
- 12. Android Palette and CRUD operations/4. V30 - Updating the entry using Room Database.mp4 111.4 MB
- 11. Navigation Component/12. V28 - Setting up the dish details fragment.mp4 110.5 MB
- 10. LiveData, Lifecycles and ViewModels/1. V20 - Setting up the ViewModel as well as the application class.mp4 108.9 MB
- 12. Android Palette and CRUD operations/10. V36 - Deleting dishes and AlertDialogs.mp4 107.3 MB
- 11. Navigation Component/7. Navigation Component v2.mp4 107.2 MB
- 13. Retrofit and RxJava/6. V44 - Preparing Observers for result that we get from the API.mp4 106.3 MB
- 13. Retrofit and RxJava/4. V42 - Preparing our API calls.mp4 106.0 MB
- 13. Retrofit and RxJava/3. V41 - Setting up the API that we will use.mp4 104.0 MB
- 6. MVVM Setup and Layouts/5. Relative Layout Intro.mp4 103.3 MB
- 14. WorkManager, Sharing and Notifications/9. Notifications Demo part 2.mp4 101.9 MB
- 14. WorkManager, Sharing and Notifications/5. WorkManager Demo part 2.mp4 101.4 MB
- 11. Navigation Component/9. V25 - Fragment Navigation.mp4 101.3 MB
- 10. LiveData, Lifecycles and ViewModels/3. V22 - Retrieving the inserted data from the database.mp4 97.4 MB
- 6. MVVM Setup and Layouts/10. V8 - Implementing the Custom Dialog for Camera and Gallery selection.mp4 96.7 MB
- 4. Android Studio Overview and Project Setup/7. Passing data from one activity to another using putExtra.mp4 96.4 MB
- 9. Room Database/2. V16 - Setting up the entity.mp4 94.9 MB
- 12. Android Palette and CRUD operations/11. V37 - Creating the Filter Menu Item and Dialog.mp4 90.8 MB
- 11. Navigation Component/8. Navigation Component v3.mp4 87.6 MB
- 13. Retrofit and RxJava/7. V45 - Retrieving the API response and displaying it in the log.mp4 85.6 MB
- 12. Android Palette and CRUD operations/7. V33 - Moving from Favorite Fragment to DetailFragment.mp4 85.0 MB
- 13. Retrofit and RxJava/9. V47 - Swipe to Refresh cleanup.mp4 82.8 MB
- 12. Android Palette and CRUD operations/6. V32 - Displaying our favorites.mp4 81.2 MB
- 12. Android Palette and CRUD operations/5. V31 - Loading the favorite dishes.mp4 78.7 MB
- 5. ViewBinding and Animation(Splash Screen)/3. V2 - Creating Splash Screen.mp4 77.3 MB
- 11. Navigation Component/10. V26 - Hide and show the bottom navigation bar with Animation.mp4 77.0 MB
- 13. Retrofit and RxJava/5. V43 - Setting up the API URL using RxJava3 and Retrofit.mp4 75.7 MB
- 12. Android Palette and CRUD operations/13. V39 - Applying the filter and displaying filtered list.mp4 74.7 MB
- 6. MVVM Setup and Layouts/7. FrameLayout Introduction.mp4 70.4 MB
- 4. Android Studio Overview and Project Setup/6. Activity Lifecycle Demo.mp4 70.2 MB
- 12. Android Palette and CRUD operations/3. V29 - Using palette to setup background color.mp4 68.3 MB
- 10. LiveData, Lifecycles and ViewModels/2. V21 - Inserting the data using our ViewModel Class.mp4 66.5 MB
- 13. Retrofit and RxJava/10. V48 - Loading custom progress dialog.mp4 66.0 MB
- 7. Permissions/3. V11 - Dish Image Selection using Storage.mp4 64.8 MB
- 2. Overview/2. Thank you.mp4 64.0 MB
- 14. WorkManager, Sharing and Notifications/7. Notifications Overview.mp4 63.9 MB
- 11. Navigation Component/11. V27 - Pass the data via arguments to another fragment.mp4 62.8 MB
- 10. LiveData, Lifecycles and ViewModels/5. V24 - Refactoring the app a little.mp4 60.2 MB
- 6. MVVM Setup and Layouts/4. ConstraintLayout basics of chain style.mp4 59.8 MB
- 9. Room Database/4. V18 - Setting up the ROOM database.mp4 58.3 MB
- 8. Glide/3. V12 - Taking photo and setting it for our ImageView.mp4 48.8 MB
- 6. MVVM Setup and Layouts/2. Layouts Overview.mp4 47.6 MB
- 9. Room Database/3. V17 - Setting up the DAO interface.mp4 47.3 MB
- 2. Overview/1. Course Overview.mp4 47.0 MB
- 13. Retrofit and RxJava/2. V40 - Preparing the RandomDishFragment.mp4 42.2 MB
- 9. Room Database/5. V19 - Setting up the Repository.mp4 40.1 MB
- 5. ViewBinding and Animation(Splash Screen)/5. V4 - Creating the app icon using AndroidStudio.mp4 37.7 MB
- 3. Installation/5. Run your app using your Android Studio.mp4 35.6 MB
- 11. Navigation Component/4. Fragments overview part 1.mp4 35.4 MB
- 9. Room Database/1. Room Database Overview.mp4 35.1 MB
- 6. MVVM Setup and Layouts/9. V7 - Designing the AddUpdateDishesActivity Part 2.mp4 34.7 MB
- 11. Navigation Component/5. Fragments overview part 2.mp4 33.8 MB
- 15. Conclusion/1. Conclusion of the course.mp4 29.9 MB
- 4. Android Studio Overview and Project Setup/1. Android JetPack Overview.mp4 27.9 MB
- 11. Navigation Component/2. Navigation Component.mp4 27.8 MB
- 11. Navigation Component/1. Intro.mp4 27.2 MB
- 5. ViewBinding and Animation(Splash Screen)/2. ViewBinding introduction.mp4 26.5 MB
- 14. WorkManager, Sharing and Notifications/1. Intro.mp4 26.1 MB
- 11. Navigation Component/6.1 NavigationSimpleDemo.zip 26.0 MB
- 11. Navigation Component/7.1 NavigationSimpleDemo_v1.zip 25.9 MB
- 14. WorkManager, Sharing and Notifications/4.1 WorkManagerSample.zip 25.5 MB
- 14. WorkManager, Sharing and Notifications/3. Work Manager Overview.mp4 24.5 MB
- 4. Android Studio Overview and Project Setup/5. Activity Lifecycle.mp4 23.8 MB
- 8. Glide/1. Glide.mp4 23.6 MB
- 12. Android Palette and CRUD operations/2.1 PalleteDemo.zip 21.9 MB
- 14. WorkManager, Sharing and Notifications/9.1 NotificationsSample_v2.zip 20.3 MB
- 4. Android Studio Overview and Project Setup/2. AndroidX Introduction.mp4 19.8 MB
- 14. WorkManager, Sharing and Notifications/8.1 NotificationsSample_v1.zip 19.6 MB
- 6. MVVM Setup and Layouts/6.1 LinearLayoutDemo.zip 19.6 MB
- 6. MVVM Setup and Layouts/3.1 ConstraintLayoutDemo.zip 19.6 MB
- 13. Retrofit and RxJava/1. Intro.mp4 17.0 MB
- 5. ViewBinding and Animation(Splash Screen)/1. Intro.mp4 16.7 MB
- 12. Android Palette and CRUD operations/1. Android Palette Overview.mp4 12.7 MB
- 3. Installation/1. Install the Android Studio on Windows.mp4 11.0 MB
- 13. Retrofit and RxJava/3.1 FavDish_v41.zip 10.7 MB
- 4. Android Studio Overview and Project Setup/3. Android KTX Introduction.mp4 10.6 MB
- 11. Navigation Component/3. Fragments Overview.mp4 8.5 MB
- 5. ViewBinding and Animation(Splash Screen)/5.1 FavDish_v4.zip 2.1 MB
- 14. WorkManager, Sharing and Notifications/10.1 FavDish_v51.zip 1.6 MB
- 11. Navigation Component/3.1 Fragments.zip 451.6 KB
- 14. WorkManager, Sharing and Notifications/6.1 FavDish_v50.zip 405.6 KB
- 14. WorkManager, Sharing and Notifications/2.1 FavDish_v49.zip 400.0 KB
- 12. Android Palette and CRUD operations/3.1 FavDish_v29.zip 385.4 KB
- 10. LiveData, Lifecycles and ViewModels/5.1 FavDish_v24.zip 380.6 KB
- 10. LiveData, Lifecycles and ViewModels/4.1 FavDish_v23.zip 379.8 KB
- 10. LiveData, Lifecycles and ViewModels/3.1 FavDish_v22.zip 377.5 KB
- 10. LiveData, Lifecycles and ViewModels/1.1 FavDish_v20.zip 375.9 KB
- 9. Room Database/2.1 FavDish_v16.zip 371.8 KB
- 13. Retrofit and RxJava/10.1 FavDish_v48.zip 249.7 KB
- 13. Retrofit and RxJava/9.1 FavDish_v47.zip 249.1 KB
- 13. Retrofit and RxJava/8.1 FavDish_v46.zip 248.9 KB
- 13. Retrofit and RxJava/7.1 FavDish_v45.zip 247.5 KB
- 13. Retrofit and RxJava/6.1 FavDish_v44.zip 247.1 KB
- 13. Retrofit and RxJava/5.1 FavDish_v43.zip 246.0 KB
- 13. Retrofit and RxJava/4.1 FavDish_v42.zip 244.8 KB
- 13. Retrofit and RxJava/2.1 FavDish_v40.zip 242.5 KB
- 12. Android Palette and CRUD operations/13.1 FavDish_v39.zip 241.9 KB
- 12. Android Palette and CRUD operations/12.1 FavDish_v38.zip 241.7 KB
- 12. Android Palette and CRUD operations/11.1 FavDish_v37.zip 241.5 KB
- 12. Android Palette and CRUD operations/10.1 FavDish_v36.zip 240.6 KB
- 12. Android Palette and CRUD operations/9.1 FavDish_v35.zip 240.1 KB
- 12. Android Palette and CRUD operations/8.1 FavDish_v34.zip 239.7 KB
- 12. Android Palette and CRUD operations/7.1 FavDish_v33.zip 238.4 KB
- 12. Android Palette and CRUD operations/6.1 FavDish_v32.zip 238.2 KB
- 12. Android Palette and CRUD operations/5.1 FavDish_v31.zip 237.9 KB
- 12. Android Palette and CRUD operations/4.1 FavDish_v30.zip 237.5 KB
- 11. Navigation Component/12.1 FavDish_v28.zip 236.6 KB
- 9. Room Database/3.1 FavDish_v17.zip 234.1 KB
- 11. Navigation Component/11.1 FavDish_v27.zip 234.0 KB
- 11. Navigation Component/10.1 FavDish_v26.zip 233.8 KB
- 11. Navigation Component/9.1 FavDish_v25.zip 233.7 KB
- 10. LiveData, Lifecycles and ViewModels/2.1 FavDish_v21.zip 228.2 KB
- 9. Room Database/5.1 FavDish_v19.zip 225.5 KB
- 9. Room Database/4.1 FavDish_v18.zip 224.7 KB
- 11. Navigation Component/8.1 NavigationSimpleDemo_v2.zip 224.5 KB
- 8. Glide/7.1 FavDish_v15.zip 222.2 KB
- 8. Glide/5.1 FavDish_v14.zip 221.9 KB
- 8. Glide/4.1 FavDish_v13.zip 217.5 KB
- 8. Glide/3.1 FavDish_v12.zip 216.7 KB
- 7. Permissions/3.1 FavDish_v11.zip 216.4 KB
- 7. Permissions/2.1 FavDish_v10.zip 216.3 KB
- 7. Permissions/1.1 FavDish_v9.zip 215.4 KB
- 6. MVVM Setup and Layouts/10.1 FavDish_v8.zip 214.1 KB
- 6. MVVM Setup and Layouts/9.1 FavDish_v7.zip 211.9 KB
- 6. MVVM Setup and Layouts/8.1 FavDish_v6.zip 211.4 KB
- 6. MVVM Setup and Layouts/1.1 FavDish_v5.zip 209.9 KB
- 4. Android Studio Overview and Project Setup/6.2 ActivityDemo_v1-20210215T151342Z-001.zip 204.1 KB
- 6. MVVM Setup and Layouts/5.1 RelativeLayoutSample.zip 195.8 KB
- 8. Glide/2.1 GlideDemo.zip 195.5 KB
- 6. MVVM Setup and Layouts/7.1 FrameLayoutSample.zip 195.3 KB
- 4. Android Studio Overview and Project Setup/6.1 ActivityDemo_v2-20210215T151345Z-001.zip 193.8 KB
- 5. ViewBinding and Animation(Splash Screen)/4.1 FavDish_v3.zip 161.3 KB
- 5. ViewBinding and Animation(Splash Screen)/3.1 FavDish_v2.zip 159.8 KB
- 4. Android Studio Overview and Project Setup/4.1 FavDish_v1.zip 158.7 KB
- 6. MVVM Setup and Layouts/3. ConstraintLayout.srt 48.9 KB
- 14. WorkManager, Sharing and Notifications/8. Notifications Demo part 1.srt 40.6 KB
- 14. WorkManager, Sharing and Notifications/4. WorkManager Demo part 1.srt 36.8 KB
- 7. Permissions/1. V9 - Adding the Camera and Storage permission.srt 27.5 KB
- 10. LiveData, Lifecycles and ViewModels/4. V23 - Displaying the dishes list in a recyclerview grid.srt 25.8 KB
- 14. WorkManager, Sharing and Notifications/10. V51 - Notifications in depth.srt 25.2 KB
- 11. Navigation Component/6. Navigation Component v1.srt 24.2 KB
- 14. WorkManager, Sharing and Notifications/7. Notifications Overview.srt 22.8 KB
- 4. Android Studio Overview and Project Setup/4. V1 - Bottom Navigation and understanding the files and colors.srt 22.7 KB
- 5. ViewBinding and Animation(Splash Screen)/4. V3 - Adding the Animation to the splash screen.srt 22.5 KB
- 13. Retrofit and RxJava/8. V46 - Populating the UI with the Data from the API.srt 22.2 KB
- 6. MVVM Setup and Layouts/6. LinearLayout Introduction.srt 21.7 KB
- 8. Glide/5. V 14 - Setting up the RecyclerView and Adapter using ViewBinding part 1.srt 21.3 KB
- 6. MVVM Setup and Layouts/8. V6 - Designing the AddUpdateDishesActivity part 1.srt 20.4 KB
- 8. Glide/4. V13 - Stores selected image and get its path.srt 19.5 KB
- 12. Android Palette and CRUD operations/9. V35 - Editing dishes.srt 19.4 KB
- 12. Android Palette and CRUD operations/2. Android Palette Demo.srt 19.2 KB
- 6. MVVM Setup and Layouts/1. V5- MVVM setup and refactoring.srt 19.2 KB
- 8. Glide/7. V15 - Selecting elements from our lists and validating entries.srt 19.1 KB
- 8. Glide/2. Glide Demo.srt 18.8 KB
- 8. Glide/6. V14 - Setting up the RecyclerView and Adapter using ViewBinding part 2.srt 18.3 KB
- 6. MVVM Setup and Layouts/2. Layouts Overview.srt 17.8 KB
- 9. Room Database/2. V16 - Setting up the entity.srt 17.7 KB
- 4. Android Studio Overview and Project Setup/7. Passing data from one activity to another using putExtra.srt 17.5 KB
- 10. LiveData, Lifecycles and ViewModels/1. V20 - Setting up the ViewModel as well as the application class.srt 17.2 KB
- 13. Retrofit and RxJava/3. V41 - Setting up the API that we will use.srt 16.5 KB
- 14. WorkManager, Sharing and Notifications/6. V50 - Using the WorkManager to run something repeatedly.srt 16.4 KB
- 12. Android Palette and CRUD operations/8. V34 - Adding a PopMenu to each Dish.srt 16.1 KB
- 7. Permissions/2. V10 - Dish Image Selection using Camera.srt 16.0 KB
- 14. WorkManager, Sharing and Notifications/2. V49 - Adding the share feature.srt 15.7 KB
- 10. LiveData, Lifecycles and ViewModels/3. V22 - Retrieving the inserted data from the database.srt 15.5 KB
- 11. Navigation Component/7. Navigation Component v2.srt 15.5 KB
- 13. Retrofit and RxJava/4. V42 - Preparing our API calls.srt 15.4 KB
- 12. Android Palette and CRUD operations/4. V30 - Updating the entry using Room Database.srt 14.7 KB
- 13. Retrofit and RxJava/6. V44 - Preparing Observers for result that we get from the API.srt 14.5 KB
- 6. MVVM Setup and Layouts/5. Relative Layout Intro.srt 14.4 KB
- 12. Android Palette and CRUD operations/12. V38 - Setting up the Filter Click Event on a Dialog in a Fragment.srt 14.2 KB
- 14. WorkManager, Sharing and Notifications/5. WorkManager Demo part 2.srt 13.9 KB
- 14. WorkManager, Sharing and Notifications/9. Notifications Demo part 2.srt 13.6 KB
- 11. Navigation Component/12. V28 - Setting up the dish details fragment.srt 13.6 KB
- 6. MVVM Setup and Layouts/10. V8 - Implementing the Custom Dialog for Camera and Gallery selection.srt 13.2 KB
- 12. Android Palette and CRUD operations/10. V36 - Deleting dishes and AlertDialogs.srt 13.2 KB
- 11. Navigation Component/4. Fragments overview part 1.srt 12.9 KB
- 12. Android Palette and CRUD operations/7. V33 - Moving from Favorite Fragment to DetailFragment.srt 12.9 KB
- 11. Navigation Component/9. V25 - Fragment Navigation.srt 12.9 KB
- 11. Navigation Component/8. Navigation Component v3.srt 12.2 KB
- 5. ViewBinding and Animation(Splash Screen)/3. V2 - Creating Splash Screen.srt 11.7 KB
- 12. Android Palette and CRUD operations/11. V37 - Creating the Filter Menu Item and Dialog.srt 11.5 KB
- 12. Android Palette and CRUD operations/5. V31 - Loading the favorite dishes.srt 11.5 KB
- 6. MVVM Setup and Layouts/7. FrameLayout Introduction.srt 11.4 KB
- 12. Android Palette and CRUD operations/6. V32 - Displaying our favorites.srt 11.2 KB
- 4. Android Studio Overview and Project Setup/6. Activity Lifecycle Demo.srt 10.9 KB
- 11. Navigation Component/5. Fragments overview part 2.srt 10.8 KB
- 9. Room Database/4. V18 - Setting up the ROOM database.srt 10.7 KB
- 13. Retrofit and RxJava/7. V45 - Retrieving the API response and displaying it in the log.srt 10.3 KB
- 6. MVVM Setup and Layouts/4. ConstraintLayout basics of chain style.srt 10.3 KB
- 13. Retrofit and RxJava/5. V43 - Setting up the API URL using RxJava3 and Retrofit.srt 10.1 KB
- 11. Navigation Component/10. V26 - Hide and show the bottom navigation bar with Animation.srt 9.9 KB
- 2. Overview/1. Course Overview.srt 9.8 KB
- 14. WorkManager, Sharing and Notifications/3. Work Manager Overview.srt 9.7 KB
- 12. Android Palette and CRUD operations/3. V29 - Using palette to setup background color.srt 9.7 KB
- 13. Retrofit and RxJava/9. V47 - Swipe to Refresh cleanup.srt 9.6 KB
- 13. Retrofit and RxJava/10. V48 - Loading custom progress dialog.srt 9.6 KB
- 4. Android Studio Overview and Project Setup/1. Android JetPack Overview.srt 9.6 KB
- 3. Installation/5. Run your app using your Android Studio.srt 9.5 KB
- 12. Android Palette and CRUD operations/13. V39 - Applying the filter and displaying filtered list.srt 9.1 KB
- 10. LiveData, Lifecycles and ViewModels/2. V21 - Inserting the data using our ViewModel Class.srt 8.9 KB
- 9. Room Database/3. V17 - Setting up the DAO interface.srt 8.7 KB
- 5. ViewBinding and Animation(Splash Screen)/2. ViewBinding introduction.srt 8.6 KB
- 11. Navigation Component/11. V27 - Pass the data via arguments to another fragment.srt 8.5 KB
- 7. Permissions/3. V11 - Dish Image Selection using Storage.srt 8.4 KB
- 11. Navigation Component/2. Navigation Component.srt 8.4 KB
- 4. Android Studio Overview and Project Setup/5. Activity Lifecycle.srt 7.8 KB
- 8. Glide/3. V12 - Taking photo and setting it for our ImageView.srt 7.7 KB
- 10. LiveData, Lifecycles and ViewModels/5. V24 - Refactoring the app a little.srt 7.0 KB
- 9. Room Database/5. V19 - Setting up the Repository.srt 6.7 KB
- 13. Retrofit and RxJava/2. V40 - Preparing the RandomDishFragment.srt 6.4 KB
- 5. ViewBinding and Animation(Splash Screen)/5. V4 - Creating the app icon using AndroidStudio.srt 6.2 KB
- 4. Android Studio Overview and Project Setup/2. AndroidX Introduction.srt 5.4 KB
- 6. MVVM Setup and Layouts/9. V7 - Designing the AddUpdateDishesActivity Part 2.srt 5.1 KB
- 2. Overview/2. Thank you.srt 4.4 KB
- 4. Android Studio Overview and Project Setup/3. Android KTX Introduction.srt 3.1 KB
- 3. Installation/1. Install the Android Studio on Windows.srt 3.1 KB
- 9. Room Database/1. Room Database Overview.srt 2.3 KB
- 15. Conclusion/1. Conclusion of the course.srt 1.9 KB
- 8. Glide/1. Glide.srt 1.6 KB
- 11. Navigation Component/1. Intro.srt 1.6 KB
- 14. WorkManager, Sharing and Notifications/1. Intro.srt 1.6 KB
- 5. ViewBinding and Animation(Splash Screen)/1. Intro.srt 1.1 KB
- 13. Retrofit and RxJava/1. Intro.srt 938 bytes
- 12. Android Palette and CRUD operations/1. Android Palette Overview.srt 691 bytes
- 16. BONUS Course (Get Before 24022021 12 PM CET)/1. Launch Bonus.html 389 bytes
- 1. Launch Bonus/1. Launch Bonus.html 262 bytes
- 3. Installation/2. Link to Android Studio installable file.html 157 bytes
- 3. Installation/4. Install Android Studio on Linux.html 142 bytes
- 3. Installation/3. Install Android Studio on Mac.html 140 bytes
- 0. Websites you may like/[FCS Forum].url 133 bytes
- 0. Websites you may like/[FreeCourseSite.com].url 127 bytes
- 0. Websites you may like/[CourseClub.ME].url 122 bytes
- 0. Websites you may like/[GigaCourse.Com].url 49 bytes
- 11. Navigation Component/3. Fragments Overview.srt 0 bytes
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