Inside the Backrooms
File List
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- Inside the Backrooms_Data/sharedassets3.resource 24.9 MB
- Inside the Backrooms_Data/sharedassets2.assets.resS 19.9 MB
- Inside the Backrooms_Data/resources.resource 19.3 MB
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- SteamFix64.dll 1.6 MB
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- Inside the Backrooms_Data/sharedassets0.assets.resS 988.0 KB
- Inside the Backrooms_Data/Resources/unity_builtin_extra 964.5 KB
- unins000.exe 960.7 KB
- Inside the Backrooms_Data/Plugins/x86_64/AudioPluginDissonance.dll 953.5 KB
- Inside the Backrooms_Data/sharedassets0.assets 703.1 KB
- Inside the Backrooms_Data/sharedassets2.assets 695.9 KB
- Inside the Backrooms_Data/Plugins/x86_64/UnityOpenXR.dll 679.0 KB
- Inside the Backrooms.exe 657.5 KB
- Inside the Backrooms_Data/globalgamemanagers 488.0 KB
- Inside the Backrooms_Data/Plugins/x86_64/lib_burst_generated.dll 455.0 KB
- baselib.dll 409.5 KB
- Inside the Backrooms_Data/Plugins/x86_64/opus.dll 351.5 KB
- Inside the Backrooms_Data/il2cpp_data/Resources/mscorlib.dll-resources.dat 329.7 KB
- Inside the Backrooms_Data/Plugins/x86_64/steam_api64.dll 288.4 KB
- Inside the Backrooms_Data/StreamingAssets/Languages/Russian.xml 64.7 KB
- unins000.dat 49.9 KB
- Inside the Backrooms_Data/StreamingAssets/Languages/French.xml 47.8 KB
- Inside the Backrooms_Data/StreamingAssets/Languages/German.xml 47.1 KB
- Inside the Backrooms_Data/StreamingAssets/Languages/Spanish.xml 45.5 KB
- Inside the Backrooms_Data/StreamingAssets/Languages/Italian.xml 45.5 KB
- Inside the Backrooms_Data/StreamingAssets/Languages/Turkish.xml 44.3 KB
- Inside the Backrooms_Data/StreamingAssets/Languages/English.xml 42.6 KB
- Inside the Backrooms_Data/StreamingAssets/Languages/Chinese.xml 40.4 KB
- FreeTP/SteamFixData/ 37.1 KB
- Inside the Backrooms_Data/level2.resS 24.7 KB
- winmm.dll 21.5 KB
- SteamOverlay64.dll 15.5 KB
- favicon.ico 15.0 KB
- Inside the Backrooms_Data/RuntimeInitializeOnLoads.json 9.8 KB
- GameOverlayRenderer.log 9.5 KB
- Inside the Backrooms_Data/level0 6.0 KB
- Inside the Backrooms_Data/ScriptingAssemblies.json 4.6 KB
- FreeTP/SteamFixData/Achievements.ini 2.2 KB
- FreeTP/UserData/Achievements.ini 482 bytes
- FreeTP/SteamFixData/Stats.ini 393 bytes
- FreeTP/UserData/Stats.ini 370 bytes
- Inside the Backrooms_Data/UnitySubsystems/OculusXRPlugin/UnitySubsystemsManifest.json 365 bytes
- Inside the Backrooms_Data/UnitySubsystems/UnityOpenXR/UnitySubsystemsManifest.json 333 bytes
- Inside the Backrooms_Data/Plugins/Steamworks.NET.txt 240 bytes
- SteamFix.ini 221 bytes
- Inside the Backrooms_Data/boot.config 179 bytes
- ReadMe - Как играть по сети.url 55 bytes
- FreeTP.Org.url 44 bytes
- winmm.txt 34 bytes
- Inside the Backrooms_Data/ 30 bytes
- FreeTP/.hash 20 bytes
- Inside the Backrooms_Data/Plugins/x86_64/local_save.txt 10 bytes
- settings/account_name.txt 10 bytes
- settings/language.txt 7 bytes
- Inside the Backrooms_Data/Plugins/x86_64/disable_lan_only.txt 0 bytes
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