20 Programming Books Collection PDF Pack 2
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- Books/James Kalbach Mapping Experiences A Complete Guide to Customer Alignment Through Journeys Blueprints and Diagrams O Reilly Media 2021.pdf 66.5 MB
- Books/6th edition Michael Hartl The Ruby on Rails Tutorial 2020.pdf 31.7 MB
- Books/Daniel Hindrikes Johan Karlsson Xamarin Forms Projects Build multiplatform mobile apps and a game from scratch using C and Visual Studio 2019 Packt Publishing 2020.pdf 21.6 MB
- Books/Eric Normand Grokking Simplicity Taming complex software with functional thinking Manning Publications 2021.pdf 17.6 MB
- Books/Mikolaj Pawlikowski Chaos Engineering Site reliability through controlled disruption Manning Publications 2021.pdf 16.0 MB
- Books/James Padolsey Clean Code in JavaScript Develop reliable maintainable and robust JavaScript Packt 2020.pdf 13.1 MB
- Books/Studies In Computational Intelligence vol 866 Witold Pedrycz Shyi Ming Chen Deep Learning Concepts And Architectures Springer 2020.pdf 12.9 MB
- Books/James Urquhart Flow Architectures The Future of Streaming and Event Driven Integration O Reilly Media 2021.pdf 11.7 MB
- Books/Texts In Computational Science And Engineering v 15 Programming For Computations Python A Gentle Introduction To Numerical Simulations With Python 3 6 Sprin.pdf 7.1 MB
- Books/Jason Brownlee Introduction to Time Series Forecasting with Python How to Prepare Data and Develop Models to Predict the Future v1 9 2020.pdf 6.4 MB
- Books/Christian Mayer python One liners no starch press 2020.pdf 6.4 MB
- Books/Pramod Singh Avinash Manure Learn TensorFlow 2 0 Implement Machine Learning And Deep Learning Models With Python Apress 2020.pdf 6.2 MB
- Books/EURO Advanced Tutorials on Operational Research Paolo Brandimarte From Shortest Paths to Reinforcement Learning A MATLAB Based Tutorial on Dynamic Programming 2021.pdf 5.7 MB
- Books/Frank Zammetti Modern Full Stack Development Using TypeScript React Node js Webpack and Docker Apress 2020.pdf 5.6 MB
- Books/Stephan Goericke The Future Of Software Quality Assurance Springer 2020.pdf 5.5 MB
- Books/Gilles Barthe Joost Pieter Katoen Alexandra Silva Foundations of Probabilistic Programming Cambridge University Press 2021.pdf 4.1 MB
- Books/Software Studies Mark C Marino Critical Code Studies The MIT Press 2020.pdf 3.9 MB
- Books/Joydeep Bhattacharjee Practical Machine Learning With Rust Creating Intelligent Applications In Rust Apress 2020.pdf 3.7 MB
- Books/Andrei Neagoie Principles for Programmers The Condensed Advice From The World s Best 1 2020.pdf 3.7 MB
- Books/Ben Lopatin Django Standalone Apps Learn to Develop Reusable Django Libraries Apress 2020.pdf 2.4 MB
- Covers/Andrei Neagoie Principles for Programmers The Condensed Advice From The World s Best 1 2020.jpg 859.8 KB
- Covers/Eric Normand Grokking Simplicity Taming complex software with functional thinking Manning Publications 2021.jpg 583.2 KB
- Covers/James Padolsey Clean Code in JavaScript Develop reliable maintainable and robust JavaScript Packt 2020.jpg 525.7 KB
- Covers/Daniel Hindrikes Johan Karlsson Xamarin Forms Projects Build multiplatform mobile apps and a game from scratch using C and Visual Studio 2019 Packt Publishing 2020.jpg 453.2 KB
- Covers/Christian Mayer python One liners no starch press 2020.jpg 385.8 KB
- Covers/James Kalbach Mapping Experiences A Complete Guide to Customer Alignment Through Journeys Blueprints and Diagrams O Reilly Media 2021.jpg 367.4 KB
- Covers/Mikolaj Pawlikowski Chaos Engineering Site reliability through controlled disruption Manning Publications 2021.jpg 345.2 KB
- Covers/Studies In Computational Intelligence vol 866 Witold Pedrycz Shyi Ming Chen Deep Learning Concepts And Architectures Springer 2020.jpg 337.4 KB
- Covers/James Urquhart Flow Architectures The Future of Streaming and Event Driven Integration O Reilly Media 2021.jpg 311.0 KB
- Covers/Stephan Goericke The Future Of Software Quality Assurance Springer 2020.jpg 295.6 KB
- Covers/Joydeep Bhattacharjee Practical Machine Learning With Rust Creating Intelligent Applications In Rust Apress 2020.jpg 282.6 KB
- Covers/Pramod Singh Avinash Manure Learn TensorFlow 2 0 Implement Machine Learning And Deep Learning Models With Python Apress 2020.jpg 270.6 KB
- Covers/Ben Lopatin Django Standalone Apps Learn to Develop Reusable Django Libraries Apress 2020.jpg 259.9 KB
- Covers/Software Studies Mark C Marino Critical Code Studies The MIT Press 2020.jpg 252.8 KB
- Covers/6th edition Michael Hartl The Ruby on Rails Tutorial 2020.jpg 246.9 KB
- Covers/Texts In Computational Science And Engineering v 15 Programming For Computations Python A Gentle Introduction To Numerical Simulations With Python 3 6 Sprin.jpg 230.2 KB
- Covers/Frank Zammetti Modern Full Stack Development Using TypeScript React Node js Webpack and Docker Apress 2020.jpg 227.5 KB
- Covers/EURO Advanced Tutorials on Operational Research Paolo Brandimarte From Shortest Paths to Reinforcement Learning A MATLAB Based Tutorial on Dynamic Programming 2021.jpg 174.3 KB
- Covers/Jason Brownlee Introduction to Time Series Forecasting with Python How to Prepare Data and Develop Models to Predict the Future v1 9 2020.jpg 170.4 KB
- Covers/Gilles Barthe Joost Pieter Katoen Alexandra Silva Foundations of Probabilistic Programming Cambridge University Press 2021.jpg 0 bytes
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