Backend Master Class [Golang + Postgres + Kubernetes + gRPC]
File List
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/011 Deeply understand transaction isolation levels & read phenomena.mp4 187.7 MB
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/009 DB transaction lock & How to handle deadlock in Golang.mp4 166.0 MB
- 02 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API [Gin + JWT + PASETO]/012 Implement authentication middleware and authorization rules in Golang using Gin.mp4 148.3 MB
- 02 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API [Gin + JWT + PASETO]/003 Mock DB for testing HTTP API in Go and achieve 100% coverage.mp4 138.6 MB
- 05 - Asynchronous processing with background workers [Asynq + Redis]/010 Unit test gRPC API with mock DB & Redis.mp4 136.1 MB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/001 How to manage user session with refresh token.mp4 124.6 MB
- 02 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API [Gin + JWT + PASETO]/010 How to create and verify JWT & PASETO token in Golang.mp4 121.1 MB
- 02 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API [Gin + JWT + PASETO]/001 Implement RESTful HTTP API in Go using Gin.mp4 115.4 MB
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/006 Generate CRUD Golang code from SQL Compare dbsql, gorm, sqlx & sqlc.mp4 115.0 MB
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/007 Write unit tests for database CRUD with random data in Golang.mp4 112.2 MB
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/008 A clean way to implement database transaction in Golang.mp4 109.3 MB
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/012 Setup Github Actions for Golang + Postgres to run automated tests.mp4 108.7 MB
- 03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/007 Store & retrieve production secrets with AWS secrets manager.mp4 108.1 MB
- 05 - Asynchronous processing with background workers [Asynq + Redis]/001 Implement background worker with Redis task queue.mp4 105.7 MB
- 05 - Asynchronous processing with background workers [Asynq + Redis]/008 Email verification feature design DB and send email.mp4 100.1 MB
- 06 - Improve the stability and security of the server/002 Switch DB driver from libpq to pgx.mp4 97.5 MB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/013 Partial update DB record with SQLC nullable arguments.mp4 96.5 MB
- 03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/010 How to deploy a web app to Kubernetes cluster on AWS EKS.mp4 95.9 MB
- 03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/005 Auto build & push docker image to AWS ECR with Github Actions.mp4 93.7 MB
- 05 - Asynchronous processing with background workers [Asynq + Redis]/009 Implement email verification API in Go.mp4 88.9 MB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/007 gRPC Gateway write code once, serve both gRPC & HTTP requests.mp4 87.5 MB
- 02 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API [Gin + JWT + PASETO]/007 How to securely store passwords Hash password in Go with Bcrypt!.mp4 85.2 MB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/011 Validate gRPC parameters and send humanmachine friendly response.mp4 83.7 MB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/004 Define gRPC API and generate Go code with protobuf.mp4 83.4 MB
- 05 - Asynchronous processing with background workers [Asynq + Redis]/011 How to test a gRPC API that requires authentication.mp4 81.0 MB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/016 Write structured logs for gRPC APIs.mp4 80.1 MB
- 05 - Asynchronous processing with background workers [Asynq + Redis]/006 How to send email in Go via Gmail.mp4 78.9 MB
- 05 - Asynchronous processing with background workers [Asynq + Redis]/002 Integrate async worker to Go web server.mp4 76.7 MB
- 03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/008 Kubernetes architecture & How to create an EKS cluster on AWS.mp4 76.4 MB
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/004 Use Docker + Postgres + TablePlus to create DB schema.mp4 76.1 MB
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/010 How to avoid deadlock in DB transaction Queries order matters!.mp4 75.9 MB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/014 Build gRPC update API with optional parameters.mp4 75.4 MB
- 03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/003 How to write docker-compose file and control service start-up orders.mp4 74.3 MB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/015 Add authorization to protect gRPC API.mp4 74.2 MB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/006 Implement gRPC API to create and login users in Go.mp4 73.8 MB
- 02 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API [Gin + JWT + PASETO]/005 Add users table with unique & foreign key constraints in PostgreSQL.mp4 73.4 MB
- 02 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API [Gin + JWT + PASETO]/011 Implement login user API that returns PASETO or JWT access token in Go.mp4 72.1 MB
- 03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/009 How to use kubectl & k9s to connect to a kubernetes cluster on AWS EKS.mp4 70.1 MB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/009 Automatic generate & serve swagger documentation from Go server.mp4 70.0 MB
- 03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/014 Automatic deploy to Kubernetes with Github Action.mp4 68.4 MB
- 02 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API [Gin + JWT + PASETO]/009 Why PASETO is better than JWT for token-based authentication.mp4 68.4 MB
- 03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/013 Auto issue & renew TLS certificates with cert-manager and Let's Encrypt.mp4 67.0 MB
- 02 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API [Gin + JWT + PASETO]/004 Implement transfer money API with a custom params validator.mp4 66.6 MB
- 02 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API [Gin + JWT + PASETO]/008 How to write stronger unit tests with a custom gomock matcher.mp4 62.6 MB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/012 Run DB migrations directly inside Golang code.mp4 62.2 MB
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/002 Setup development environment on Windows WSL2, Go, VSCode, Docker, Make, Sqlc.mp4 59.6 MB
- 05 - Asynchronous processing with background workers [Asynq + Redis]/004 How to handle errors and print logs for Async workers.mp4 59.2 MB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/002 Generate DB documentation page and schema SQL dump from DBML.mp4 58.5 MB
- 02 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API [Gin + JWT + PASETO]/006 How to handle DB errors in Golang correctly.mp4 58.4 MB
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/001 Design DB schema and generate SQL code with 55.3 MB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/010 Embed static front-end files inside Golang backend server's binary.mp4 55.0 MB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/017 How to write HTTP logger middleware in Go.mp4 54.9 MB
- 06 - Improve the stability and security of the server/003 How to properly handle DB errors with pgx driver.mp4 53.2 MB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/005 How to run a golang gRPC server and call its API.mp4 53.1 MB
- 03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/001 How to build a small Golang Docker image with a multistage Dockerfile.mp4 52.4 MB
- 05 - Asynchronous processing with background workers [Asynq + Redis]/003 Send async tasks to Redis within a DB transaction.mp4 51.7 MB
- 06 - Improve the stability and security of the server/004 Docker compose port + volume mapping.mp4 50.7 MB
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/005 How to write & run database migration in Golang.mp4 50.2 MB
- 03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/011 Register a domain & set up A-record using Route53.mp4 47.3 MB
- 03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/002 How to use docker network to connect 2 stand-alone containers.mp4 46.6 MB
- 03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/006 How to create a production database on AWS RDS.mp4 46.2 MB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/008 How to extract information from gRPC metadata.mp4 46.1 MB
- 02 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API [Gin + JWT + PASETO]/009 19-presentation-paseto-vs-jwt.pdf 45.8 MB
- 03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/012 How to use Ingress to route traffics to different services in Kubernetes.mp4 45.5 MB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/003 Introduction to gRPC.mp4 42.9 MB
- 02 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API [Gin + JWT + PASETO]/002 Load config from file & environment variables in Go with Viper.mp4 38.4 MB
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/003 Setup Go and Visual Studio Code tools + theme.mp4 35.6 MB
- 05 - Asynchronous processing with background workers [Asynq + Redis]/005 Some delay might be good for your async tasks.mp4 33.8 MB
- 03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/004 How to create a free-tier AWS account.mp4 30.6 MB
- 06 - Improve the stability and security of the server/001 Upgrade and config sqlc with version 2 syntax.mp4 30.1 MB
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/011 09-presentation-transaction-isolation.pdf 26.6 MB
- 06 - Improve the stability and security of the server/005 How to install & use binary packages in Go.mp4 25.6 MB
- 05 - Asynchronous processing with background workers [Asynq + Redis]/007 How to skip test in Go and config test flag in vscode.mp4 19.1 MB
- 03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/008 30-presentation-kubernetes-cluster.pdf 12.9 MB
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/006 04-presentation-sqlc-crud.pdf 12.0 MB
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/008 06-presentation-db-transaction.pdf 10.2 MB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/001 37-presentation-session-refresh-token.pdf 9.5 MB
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/005 03-presentation-db-migration.pdf 6.4 MB
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/001 01-presentation-backend-master-class.pdf 4.6 MB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/003 39-presentation-grpc.pdf 4.6 MB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/016 52-presentation-grpc-logger.pdf 4.4 MB
- 02 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API [Gin + JWT + PASETO]/001 11-presentation-gin.pdf 4.3 MB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/004 40-presentation-grpc-protobuf.pdf 4.2 MB
- 02 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API [Gin + JWT + PASETO]/003 13-presentation-db-mock.pdf 4.1 MB
- 02 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API [Gin + JWT + PASETO]/002 12-presentation-config-viper.pdf 4.0 MB
- 05 - Asynchronous processing with background workers [Asynq + Redis]/001 54-presentation-async-worker.pdf 3.9 MB
- 02 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API [Gin + JWT + PASETO]/007 17-presentation-hash-password.pdf 3.8 MB
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/004 02-presentation-docker-postgres-table-plus.pdf 3.7 MB
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/012 10-presentation-github-action.pdf 3.4 MB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/008 44-grpc-metadata.pdf 2.8 MB
- 02 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API [Gin + JWT + PASETO]/012 22-presentation-gin-auth-middleware.pdf 1.9 MB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/005 41-presentation-grpc-server-evans-client.pdf 1.9 MB
- 03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/001 23-presentation-minimal-docker-image.pdf 1.6 MB
- 05 - Asynchronous processing with background workers [Asynq + Redis]/006 trouble-shoot-gmail-app-password.pdf 1.2 MB
- 02 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API [Gin + JWT + PASETO]/011 21-login-api.pdf 509.6 KB
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/004 trouble-shoot-root-does-not-exist.pdf 284.3 KB
- 02 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API [Gin + JWT + PASETO]/012 Implement authentication middleware and authorization rules in Golang using 44.3 KB
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/011 Deeply understand transaction isolation levels & read 43.4 KB
- 02 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API [Gin + JWT + PASETO]/003 Mock DB for testing HTTP API in Go and achieve 100% 39.0 KB
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/009 DB transaction lock & How to handle deadlock in 37.4 KB
- 02 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API [Gin + JWT + PASETO]/001 Implement RESTful HTTP API in Go using 35.6 KB
- 03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/007 Store & retrieve production secrets with AWS secrets 34.4 KB
- 05 - Asynchronous processing with background workers [Asynq + Redis]/010 Unit test gRPC API with mock DB & 34.1 KB
- 02 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API [Gin + JWT + PASETO]/010 How to create and verify JWT & PASETO token in 33.6 KB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/001 How to manage user session with refresh 32.9 KB
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/006 Generate CRUD Golang code from SQL Compare dbsql, gorm, sqlx & 31.6 KB
- 03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/010 How to deploy a web app to Kubernetes cluster on AWS 31.6 KB
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/008 A clean way to implement database transaction in 29.3 KB
- 03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/005 Auto build & push docker image to AWS ECR with Github 28.6 KB
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/007 Write unit tests for database CRUD with random data in 28.3 KB
- 05 - Asynchronous processing with background workers [Asynq + Redis]/001 Implement background worker with Redis task 27.5 KB
- 03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/008 Kubernetes architecture & How to create an EKS cluster on 27.1 KB
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/012 Setup Github Actions for Golang + Postgres to run automated 26.7 KB
- 05 - Asynchronous processing with background workers [Asynq + Redis]/008 Email verification feature design DB and send 26.5 KB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/007 gRPC Gateway write code once, serve both gRPC & HTTP 25.3 KB
- 06 - Improve the stability and security of the server/002 Switch DB driver from libpq to 24.5 KB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/013 Partial update DB record with SQLC nullable 24.5 KB
- 03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/003 How to write docker-compose file and control service start-up 24.0 KB
- 02 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API [Gin + JWT + PASETO]/007 How to securely store passwords Hash password in Go with Bcrypt! 23.3 KB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/004 Define gRPC API and generate Go code with 23.0 KB
- 03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/009 How to use kubectl & k9s to connect to a kubernetes cluster on AWS 22.5 KB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/011 Validate gRPC parameters and send humanmachine friendly 22.4 KB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/016 Write structured logs for gRPC 22.2 KB
- 05 - Asynchronous processing with background workers [Asynq + Redis]/009 Implement email verification API in 22.0 KB
- 02 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API [Gin + JWT + PASETO]/009 Why PASETO is better than JWT for token-based 21.9 KB
- 05 - Asynchronous processing with background workers [Asynq + Redis]/006 How to send email in Go via 21.4 KB
- 03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/014 Automatic deploy to Kubernetes with Github 20.4 KB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/015 Add authorization to protect gRPC 20.4 KB
- 02 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API [Gin + JWT + PASETO]/004 Implement transfer money API with a custom params 20.3 KB
- 05 - Asynchronous processing with background workers [Asynq + Redis]/002 Integrate async worker to Go web 20.3 KB
- 02 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API [Gin + JWT + PASETO]/005 Add users table with unique & foreign key constraints in 20.1 KB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/006 Implement gRPC API to create and login users in 19.7 KB
- 02 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API [Gin + JWT + PASETO]/011 Implement login user API that returns PASETO or JWT access token in 19.7 KB
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/004 Use Docker + Postgres + TablePlus to create DB 19.6 KB
- 03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/013 Auto issue & renew TLS certificates with cert-manager and Let's 19.6 KB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/014 Build gRPC update API with optional 19.5 KB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/009 Automatic generate & serve swagger documentation from Go 18.9 KB
- 05 - Asynchronous processing with background workers [Asynq + Redis]/011 How to test a gRPC API that requires 18.5 KB
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/010 How to avoid deadlock in DB transaction Queries order matters! 18.5 KB
- 02 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API [Gin + JWT + PASETO]/008 How to write stronger unit tests with a custom gomock 18.2 KB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/012 Run DB migrations directly inside Golang 17.6 KB
- 03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/001 How to build a small Golang Docker image with a multistage 17.5 KB
- 02 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API [Gin + JWT + PASETO]/006 How to handle DB errors in Golang 16.0 KB
- 03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/002 How to use docker network to connect 2 stand-alone 15.9 KB
- 05 - Asynchronous processing with background workers [Asynq + Redis]/004 How to handle errors and print logs for Async 15.6 KB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/010 Embed static front-end files inside Golang backend server's 15.4 KB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/002 Generate DB documentation page and schema SQL dump from 15.2 KB
- 03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/011 Register a domain & set up A-record using 15.1 KB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/017 How to write HTTP logger middleware in 15.1 KB
- 03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/012 How to use Ingress to route traffics to different services in 14.9 KB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/005 How to run a golang gRPC server and call its 14.6 KB
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/005 How to write & run database migration in 14.6 KB
- 03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/006 How to create a production database on AWS 14.3 KB
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/001 Design DB schema and generate SQL code with 14.1 KB
- 05 - Asynchronous processing with background workers [Asynq + Redis]/003 Send async tasks to Redis within a DB 13.6 KB
- 02 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API [Gin + JWT + PASETO]/002 Load config from file & environment variables in Go with 13.1 KB
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/002 Setup development environment on Windows WSL2, Go, VSCode, Docker, Make, 12.9 KB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/008 How to extract information from gRPC 12.7 KB
- 06 - Improve the stability and security of the server/003 How to properly handle DB errors with pgx 12.4 KB
- 06 - Improve the stability and security of the server/004 Docker compose port + volume 11.8 KB
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/003 Introduction to 10.8 KB
- 03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/004 How to create a free-tier AWS 10.3 KB
- 05 - Asynchronous processing with background workers [Asynq + Redis]/005 Some delay might be good for your async 9.7 KB
- 06 - Improve the stability and security of the server/001 Upgrade and config sqlc with version 2 8.0 KB
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/003 Setup Go and Visual Studio Code tools + 7.7 KB
- 06 - Improve the stability and security of the server/005 How to install & use binary packages in 6.4 KB
- 05 - Asynchronous processing with background workers [Asynq + Redis]/007 How to skip test in Go and config test flag in 5.3 KB
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/external-links.txt 1.4 KB
- 06 - Improve the stability and security of the server/007 What's next.html 654 bytes
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/external-links.txt 552 bytes
- 06 - Improve the stability and security of the server/006 Hey, it's not the end yet!.html 454 bytes
- 06 - Improve the stability and security of the server/external-links.txt 350 bytes
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/004 Troubleshooting-role-root-doesnt-exist.url 106 bytes
- 03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/external-links.txt 103 bytes
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/004 Protocol-buffer-documentation.url 82 bytes
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/002 Microsoft-documentation-page-Install-WSL.url 77 bytes
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/006 Sqlcs-documentation-page.url 77 bytes
- 06 - Improve the stability and security of the server/004 Pull-request-for-this-change.url 72 bytes
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/004 Download-Docker-Desktop-available-for-Mac-Windows-Linux-.url 71 bytes
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/004 Other-open-source-DB-clients.url 70 bytes
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/007 Github-repository-of-gRPC-gateway.url 70 bytes
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/007 gRPC-gateway-documentation-page.url 70 bytes
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/004 gRPC-Go-Quick-Start.url 69 bytes
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/001 Github-repository-of-the-course.url 64 bytes
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/010 Note-since-Go-v1.16-embedded-files-feature-is-included-in-the-language-so-no-need-statik.url 63 bytes
- 06 - Improve the stability and security of the server/007 Tech-Schools-Youtube-channel.url 60 bytes
- 06 - Improve the stability and security of the server/007 Tech-Schools-Twitter.url 58 bytes
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/006 A-tour-of-Go-for-those-whos-new-to-the-language-.url 53 bytes
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/005 How-to-make-a-beautiful-terminal-with-Oh-my-zsh-.url 52 bytes
- 03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/013 Video-a-complete-overview-of-SSL-TLS-and-its-cryptographic-system.url 52 bytes
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/004 Join-Discord-group-to-chat-directly-with-me.url 51 bytes
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/005 Join-Discord-group-to-ask-questions-directly.url 51 bytes
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/006 Join-Discord-group-to-get-help-if-you-got-stuck.url 51 bytes
- 04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/008 Join-TECH-SCHOOLs-Discord-group.url 51 bytes
- 06 - Improve the stability and security of the server/006 Tech-Schools-Discord-group.url 51 bytes
- 06 - Improve the stability and security of the server/007 Tech-Schools-Discord-group.url 51 bytes
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/001 Join-our-Discord-group-to-discuss-ask-questions-and-share-knowledge-with-each-other.url 50 bytes
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/001 DB-diagram-website.url 49 bytes
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/004 Table-Plus-website.url 46 bytes
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/001 Learn-basic-Go-syntax-on-the-Tour-of-Go-webiste.url 43 bytes
- 01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/005 Learn-basic-Go-syntax-on-the-Tour-of-Go-website.url 43 bytes
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