[ TutPig.com ] Udemy - Process Design and Development
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- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/7. Module 5 How Organization Structure is Imposed Onto the Process.mp4 113.8 MB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/11. Module 8 Practical Application Activity.mp4 87.7 MB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/6. Module 4 The Elements of Process Anatomy.mp4 77.9 MB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/10. Module 7 Introducing Process Standards.mp4 76.9 MB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/1. Instructor Welcome and Introductions/1. Instructor Welcome Video.mp4 72.3 MB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/9. Module 6 Process Thinking Using the Adapted SIPOC Diagram.mp4 59.8 MB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/5. Module 3 Business Process Architecture Exercises.mp4 54.8 MB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/4. Module 3 Business Process Architecture.mp4 54.3 MB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/3. Module 2 Process Anatomy and Physiology.mp4 49.8 MB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/12. Lecture 11 Closing Thoughts.mp4 47.8 MB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/8. Module 5 ContinuedExercises.mp4 44.4 MB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/2. Module1 The Process Lifecycle and Process Visualization Tools.mp4 22.1 MB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/1. Lecture1 Introduction Slides PDF.mp4 19.0 MB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/9.2 Blog6Enable the Process Standardization Dialogue with Adapted SIPOC.pdf 1.6 MB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/3.2 Blog3ProcessStandardsQualityControlQuality Assurance.pdf 1.5 MB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/7.2 Blog5WhatActuallyChangesWhenAnOrganizationRestructures.pdf 1.2 MB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/10.4 Blog8What is process standardization.pdf 1.1 MB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/10.2 Blog7TheAnatomyofProcessStandardization.pdf 968.1 KB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/3.3 ProcessDesignCourse1Module2.pdf 948.6 KB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/4.3 Blog4TheImportanceLanguage.pdf 807.7 KB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/7.3 ProcessDesignCourse1Module5OrgStructure.pdf 676.1 KB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/4.5 ProcessDesignCourse1Module3BPA.pdf 654.7 KB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/1. Instructor Welcome and Introductions/1.1 ProcessDesignCourse1_Syllabus..pdf 640.4 KB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/10.5 ProcessDesignCourse1Module7ProcessStandards.pdf 574.6 KB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/4.4 Module3_BusinessProcessArchitecture_Exercises.pdf 573.3 KB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/5.1 Module3_BusinessProcessArchitecture_Exercises.pdf 573.3 KB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/1.2 Blog1AppliedLeanForOperations.pdf 554.3 KB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/2.1 Blog2TheProcessLifecycle.pdf 521.3 KB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/9.3 ProcessDesignCourse1Module6AdaptedSIPOC.pdf 485.1 KB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/8.1 ProcessDesignCourse1Module5OrgStructure_Exercises.pdf 355.7 KB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/6.1 ProcessDesignCourse1Module4ProcessAnatomy.pdf 330.5 KB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/MyBlogs.pdf 310.3 KB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/2.3 ProcessDesignCourse1Module1.pdf 229.6 KB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/1.3 ProcessDesignCourse1IntroductionSlides.pdf 223.4 KB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/11.1 ProcessDesignCourse1Module8FinalActivity.pdf 219.1 KB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/10. Module 7 Introducing Process Standards.srt 12.3 KB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/4. Module 3 Business Process Architecture.srt 12.1 KB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/7. Module 5 How Organization Structure is Imposed Onto the Process.srt 11.1 KB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/3. Module 2 Process Anatomy and Physiology.srt 10.8 KB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/9. Module 6 Process Thinking Using the Adapted SIPOC Diagram.srt 9.4 KB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/6. Module 4 The Elements of Process Anatomy.srt 7.2 KB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/1. Lecture1 Introduction Slides PDF.srt 4.8 KB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/2. Module1 The Process Lifecycle and Process Visualization Tools.srt 4.5 KB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/11. Module 8 Practical Application Activity.srt 3.9 KB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/1. Instructor Welcome and Introductions/1. Instructor Welcome Video.srt 3.6 KB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/5. Module 3 Business Process Architecture Exercises.srt 2.8 KB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/12. Lecture 11 Closing Thoughts.srt 2.3 KB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/8. Module 5 ContinuedExercises.srt 1.8 KB
- ~Get Your Files Here !/Bonus Resources.txt 357 bytes
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/12.1 Survey Student Feedback Form.html 193 bytes
- Get Bonus Downloads Here.url 176 bytes
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/7.1 Blog5 What Changes in the Process When an Organization Restructures.html 172 bytes
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/9.1 Blog6 Enable the Process Standardization Dialogue with Adapted SIPOC.html 168 bytes
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/4.1 Article Publication The Significance of Language as a Tool of Communication.html 167 bytes
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/3.1 Blog3ProcessStandardizationQualityControlQualityAssurance.html 166 bytes
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/4.2 Blog4The Importance of Language in Describing Process.html 153 bytes
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/10.1 Blog7 The Anatomy of Process Standardization.html 142 bytes
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/10.3 Blog8 What is Process Standardization.html 135 bytes
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/2.2 CourseBlog2 The Process Lifecycle.html 121 bytes
- ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Process Design and Development Introduction to Process Thinking/1.1 Blog1Applied Lean For Operations.html 95 bytes
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