Unity 2D Game Development Tutorials - The Complete Course
File List
- 026 Unity 2D Game Design Tutorial 26 - Collectibles and scoring.mp4 324.6 MB
- 018 Unity 2D Game Design Tutorial 18 - Make the camera follow the player with C cod.mp4 306.7 MB
- 010 Unity 2D Game Design Tutorial 10 - Moving the player with C code.mp4 283.2 MB
- 012 Unity 2D Game Design Tutorial 12 - Jumping with ground check.mp4 270.1 MB
- 027 Unity 2D Game Design Tutorial 27 - Adding a UI to display the score.mp4 243.1 MB
- 009 Unity 2D Game Design Tutorial 9 - Introduction to scripting and collision detect.mp4 226.1 MB
- 021 Unity 2D Game Design Tutorial 21 - Adding Checkpoints.mp4 214.9 MB
- 022 Unity 2D Game Design Tutorial 22 - Respawning the player.mp4 202.9 MB
- 002 Unity 2D Game Design Tutorial 2 - Adding assets to your scene.mp4 188.8 MB
- 004 Unity 2D Game Design Tutorial 4 - Physics2D Materials and more colliders.mp4 188.2 MB
- 016 Unity 2D Game Design Tutorial 16 - Controlling player animations with C code.mp4 183.5 MB
- 007 Unity 2D Game Design Tutorial 7 - Fix disappearing assets and using Sorting Laye.mp4 181.2 MB
- 023 Unity 2D Game Design Tutorial 23 - Setting up the Level Manager.mp4 170.1 MB
- 020 Unity 2D Game Design Tutorial 20 - Setting up a fall detector.mp4 162.1 MB
- 024 Unity 2D Game Design Tutorial 24 - Adding a respawn delay.mp4 157.0 MB
- 015 Unity 2D Game Design Tutorial 15 - Setting up the player animation controller.mp4 151.2 MB
- 025 Unity 2D Game Design Tutorial 25 - Particle Systems.mp4 149.3 MB
- 014 Unity 2D Game Design Tutorial 14 - Creating animations for the player sprite.mp4 147.5 MB
- 011 Unity 2D Game Design Tutorial 11 - Making the player jump with C code.mp4 147.2 MB
- 003 Unity 2D Game Design Tutorial 3 - Adding physics and colliders to objects.mp4 123.6 MB
- 005 Unity 2D Game Design Tutorial 5 - More Physics2D Materials.mp4 108.3 MB
- 017 Unity 2D Game Design Tutorial 17 - Flipping the player sprite with code.mp4 100.9 MB
- 001 Unity 2D Game Design Tutorial 1 - Introduction to Unity.mp4 97.2 MB
- 006 Unity 2D Game Design Tutorial 6 - Prefabs.mp4 86.1 MB
- 008 Unity 2D Game Design Tutorial 8 - Organising and grouping assets in the Hierarch.mp4 75.0 MB
- 013 Unity 2D Game Design Tutorial 13 - Changing the player sprite and setting to fix.mp4 68.2 MB
- 019 Unity 2D Game Design Tutorial 19 - Stopping the player from sticking to edge of.mp4 62.8 MB
- !freetuts.download - Info.mp4 9.8 MB
- Visit Getnewcourses.com.url 343 bytes
- Visit Freecourseit.com.url 342 bytes
- ReadMe.txt 241 bytes
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