Romanian Ebook Collection Part 4
File List
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Alexandru Oprea - Panait Istrati. Dosar al vietii si al operei (v.0.9)/out.7z 329.0 MB
- S/Stephen Hawking/Lucy Hawking & Stephen Hawking - 2.George in cautare de comori prin Cosmos.pdf 260.1 MB
- S/Stephen Hawking/Lucy Hawking & Stephen Hawking - 1.George si cheia secreta a Universului.pdf 247.2 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Alexandru Oprea - Panait Istrati. Dosar al vietii si al operei (v.0.9)/Fotografii.7z 241.2 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Cum am devenit scriitor vol.2 (v.0.9)/out.7z 204.0 MB
- R/Roderick Gordon & Brian Williams/Roderick Gordon & Brian Williams - Tunele 1.pdf 187.3 MB
- R/Robert Rowland Smith - Mic dejun cu Socrate.pdf 142.7 MB
- R/Radu Theodoru/Radu Theodoru - Vulturul vol.2.pdf 141.5 MB
- R/Radu Theodoru/Radu Theodoru - Vulturul vol.4.pdf 133.6 MB
- R/Radu Theodoru/Radu Theodoru - Vulturul vol.1.pdf 118.6 MB
- R/Radu Theodoru/Radu Theodoru - Vulturul vol.3.pdf 117.3 MB
- R/Robert K. Ressler & Tom Shachtman - Vanator de ucigasi.pdf 96.8 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/09. Panait Istrati - Cum am devenit scriitor vol.1 (v.0.1)/Fotografii.7z 91.2 MB
- T/Teohar Mihadas/Teohar Mihadas - Steaua Cainelui.pdf 90.7 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Cum am devenit scriitor vol.2 (v.0.9)/Fotografii.7z 88.7 MB
- R/Robert Greene & Joost Elffers - Succes si putere - 48 de legi.pdf 84.8 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Pagini de corespondenta (v.0.9)/Fotografii.7z 80.1 MB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Brussolo - 78.2 MB
- P/Paul Sussman/Paul Sussman - Oaza ascunsa.pdf 77.6 MB
- P/Petru Dumitriu/Petru Dumitriu - Cronica de familie vol.2.djvu 66.6 MB
- S/Scott Mariani/Scott Marini - [Benedict Hope 01] - Manuscrisul lui Fulcanelli.pdf 64.7 MB
- S/Stieg Larsson/1. Stieg Larsson - Barbati Care Urasc Femeile.pdf 61.6 MB
- P/Petru Dumitriu/Petru Dumitriu - Cronica de familie vol.3.djvu 60.4 MB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Bulevardul banchizelor.pdf 58.6 MB
- O/Oliver Sechan & Igor B. Maslowski - Voi, cei care n-ati fost ucisi niciodata...pdf 58.3 MB
- P/Petru Dumitriu/Petru Dumitriu - Cronica de familie vol.1.djvu 54.8 MB
- S/Sax Rohmer-Imparatul Americii.pdf 54.5 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Circul sifiliticilor.pdf 53.8 MB
- T/Teohar Mihadas/Tohar Mihadas - Frumoasa risipa.pdf 51.6 MB
- T/Teohar Mihadas/Teohar Mihadas - Taramul izvoarelor.pdf 51.5 MB
- R/Rudolf Sutu - Iasii de odinioara, vol. 2.docx 51.4 MB
- R/Radu Tudoran/TUDORAN, Radu - [SFARSIT DE MILENIU] 07 Sub 0 grade (scan).pdf 51.0 MB
- T/Teohar Mihadas/Teohar Mihadas - Pe muntele Ebal.pdf 50.0 MB
- P/Philip Zimbardo - Efectul Lucifer.pdf 49.9 MB
- R/Rudyard Kipling/Rudyard Kipling - Kim Vol. 1.pdf 47.7 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - La miezul noptii 2.pdf 47.5 MB
- T/Teohar Mihadas/Teohar Mihadas - Inaltele acele vremuri.pdf 46.6 MB
- O/Orhan Pamuk/Orhan Pamuk - Istanbul. Amintirile si orasul.pdf 46.5 MB
- R/Robert Louis Stevenson/Robert Louis Stevenson - Seniorul de Ballantrae.djvu 45.8 MB
- S/Shirley Conran - Lace.djvu 45.0 MB
- S/Stefan Luca - Nu e senina dimineata.pdf 45.0 MB
- S/Sinclair Lewis - Dodsworth.djvu 44.5 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Sa fim logici!.pdf 43.3 MB
- R/Rudyard Kipling/Rudyard Kipling - Kim Vol. 2.pdf 42.8 MB
- T/Teohar Mihadas/Teohar Mihadas - Pinii de pe Golna.pdf 42.2 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Circulati! N-aveti ce vedea.pdf 42.1 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Arhipelagul mitocanilor.pdf 42.0 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Lichidam si ne luam valea.pdf 41.3 MB
- S/Sebastian A. Corn - Cartea Brundurilor.pdf 39.6 MB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - Toate pinzele sus!.pdf 39.2 MB
- S/S. A. Tokarev - Religia in istoria popoarelor lumii.djvu 39.2 MB
- R/R. M. Kirsch-Meyer - Uimitoarele aventuri ale lui Buffalo Bill in Vestul Salbatic [v.1.0].doc 39.0 MB
- R/Robert Lynn Asprin & Bill Fawcett - Mercenarul.pdf 38.6 MB
- R/Roderick Gordon & Brian Williams/Roderick Gordon & Brian Williams - Tunele 2 - In adancuri.pdf 38.3 MB
- R/Robert Louis Stevenson/Robert Louis Stevenson - Un colet cu bucluc.djvu 37.5 MB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Destroy.pdf 37.5 MB
- P/Pearl S. Buck/Pearl S. Buck - [Casa de lut Vol. 2] - Feciorii.djvu 37.2 MB
- S/S. Vesting/S.Vesting – Vraja milioanelor – V1 – Pg 001–405.pdf 37.1 MB
- S/Selma Lagerlöf/[800] SL - Minunata călătorie a lui Nils.pdf 37.1 MB
- P/Petre Luscalov - Extraordinarele peripetii ale lui Scatiu si ale prietenului sau Babusca.pdf 36.9 MB
- P/Paul Feval/Paul Feval - Fiul lui Dartagnan.pdf 36.6 MB
- R/Roderick Gordon & Brian Williams/Roderick Gordon & Brian Williams - Tunele 4 - Mai aproape.pdf 36.6 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Pune-ti slipul, gondolier!.pdf 36.5 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Temperamentali, tipii.pdf 35.5 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Asta-i mort si habar n-are!.pdf 35.4 MB
- R/Robert Louis Stevenson/Robert Louis Stevenson - Saint-Ives.djvu 35.2 MB
- R/Roderick Gordon & Brian Williams/Roderick Gordon & Brian Williams - Tunele 3 - In cadere libera.pdf 35.2 MB
- P/Pedro Gonzales Calero - Filozofia pentru bufoni.pdf 35.1 MB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - [Sfarsit de mileniu - 4] - Victoria Neinaripata.djvu 35.0 MB
- S/S. Vesting/S.Vesting – Vraja milioanelor – V5 – Pg 1600–2007.pdf 35.0 MB
- R/Robert Quaglia/Roberto Quaglia - Vagabondul interspatial FRB.pdf 34.2 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - La miezul noptii 1.pdf 34.1 MB
- S/S. Vesting/S.Vesting – Vraja milioanelor – V2 – Pg 405–801.pdf 33.4 MB
- S/Stephen King/Richard Bachman (Stephen King) - Fugarul.pdf 33.4 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Bravo, doctore Beru!.pdf 32.9 MB
- S/Stefan Ciobanu - Basarabia; Monografie, 1926.docx 32.8 MB
- R/Roger Zelazny/Roger Zelazny - [Amber1-10] v3.0.doc 32.6 MB
- P/Pearl S. Buck/Pearl S. Buck - [Casa de lut Vol. 3] - Casa invrajbita.djvu 32.3 MB
- P/Pierre Cobore - O urma misterioasa.pdf 32.2 MB
- T/Tracy Chevalier - Fata cu cercel de perla.pdf 32.0 MB
- R/Robin Hobb/Robin Hobb [OMUL ARAMIU] - 02.Bufonul de aur.djvu 32.0 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum - Manuscrisul lui Chancellor.pdf 31.8 MB
- R/Robert Sheckley/Robert Sheckley - Immortal Inc.pdf 31.7 MB
- O/Octav Pancu-Iasi - Fat-Frumos cand era mic.pdf 31.6 MB
- S/Stieg Larsson/3. Stieg Larsson - Castelul Din Nori S-a Sfaramat.pdf 31.5 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Foc din plin la caraliu!.pdf 31.4 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Altminteri ar fi sfarsitul lumii .pdf 31.3 MB
- S/S. Vesting/S.Vesting – Vraja milioanelor – V3 – Pg 801–1200.pdf 31.2 MB
- T/Terry Pratchett/Terry Pratchett - Lumea Disc 30 - Scotidusii liberi SC.djvu 31.1 MB
- R/Rudolf Sutu - Iasii de odinioara, vol. 2.pdf 30.9 MB
- T/Theodor Constantin/Theodor Constantin - Muntele mortii.pdf 30.5 MB
- R/Romulus Barbulescu/Romulus Barbulescu - Catharsis.djvu 29.9 MB
- P/Philip MacDonald - Odihneasca-se în pace! - control.pdf 29.8 MB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - O toaleta a la Liz Taylor.djvu 29.4 MB
- P/Pearl S. Buck/Pearl S. Buck - [Casa de lut Vol. 1] - Tarina.djvu 29.1 MB
- P/Philip Jose Farmer/Philip Jose Farmer - Dayworld Terminus.djvu 29.1 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Mananca iaurt daca mai ai chef.pdf 29.0 MB
- R/Raymond F. Jones/Raymond F. Jones - Locuitorul celor doua lumi.pdf 29.0 MB
- S/Scott R. Bakker/Scott R. Bakker - [Printul nimicului 01] - La inceput a fost intunericul.pdf 28.9 MB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Iceberg.pdf 28.6 MB
- S/Stieg Larsson/2. Stieg Larsson - Fata Care S-a Jucat Cu Focul.pdf 28.3 MB
- R/Robert Jordan/Robert Jordan - Roata Timpului - 6. Seniorul Haosului.djvu 27.1 MB
- R/Roberto Bolano/Roberto Bolano - Detectivii salbatici.pdf 27.1 MB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Kamikaze spatiali.pdf 27.0 MB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Krucifix.pdf 26.8 MB
- S/Simion Saveanu - Pe urmele lui Jules Verne in Romania v1.0 Dyo67 & Fizikant.docx 26.5 MB
- O/O. Goga & M. Stan - Intilnire cu umbrele.djvu 26.4 MB
- S/Serge Bernstein/Serge Bernstein & Pierre Milza - Istoria Europei (2.0).doc 26.3 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum - Numărătoarea inversă Matarese.pdf 26.2 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/06. Panait Istrati - Viata lui Adrian Zografi (v.1.0)/Panait Istrati - Viata lui Adrian Zografi.djvu 26.1 MB
- S/Santea Ioan - Nopti sangerande v.1.0.doc 26.0 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - [Turnul intunecat 07] Turnul Intunecat.djvu 26.0 MB
- P/Paul Johnson - Viata lui Isus povestita de un credincios.pdf 25.9 MB
- R/Robert Musil - Omul fara insusiri vol.1.pdf 25.7 MB
- S/Salman Rushdie/Salman Rushdie - Furie .djvu 25.6 MB
- T/Tudor Teodorescu-Braniste/Tudor Teodorescu-Braniste - Scandal.djvu 25.5 MB
- S/Stefan J. Fay - SOKRATEION.pdf 25.3 MB
- R/Robert Quaglia/Roberto Quaglia - Dio S.R.L.pdf 25.2 MB
- S/Sever Noran/Sever Noran - Ultimul viraj.djvu 25.0 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Cimitirul animalelor.pdf 25.0 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/04. Panait Istrati - Chira Chiralina (v.1.0)/Panait Istrati - Chira Chiralina.djvu 24.8 MB
- T/Terry Pratchett/Terry Pratchett - Lumea Disc 10 - Imagini Miscatoare SC.djvu 24.6 MB
- S/Sun-Tzu - Arta razboiului.pdf 24.2 MB
- P/Paul Feval/Seria - Hainele negre sau Fracurile negre/[Fracurile Negre III] - 08 Banda Cadet/Feval, Paul - [Fracurile Negre III] - 08 Banda Cadet RI.pdf 24.2 MB
- R/Radu Theodoru/Radu Theodoru - Tara fagaduintei.pdf 24.1 MB
- S/Selma Lagerlöf/[idbmax] Poze Nils - mari.rar 24.0 MB
- T/Terry Pratchett/Terry Pratchett - Lumea Disc 04 - Mort.djvu 24.0 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Cantec de leagan pentru Beru.pdf 24.0 MB
- S/Serge Brussolo/ 23.9 MB
- T/Terry Pratchett/Terry Pratchett - Lumea Disc 08 - Garzi! Garzi! SC.djvu 23.7 MB
- T/Terry Pratchett/Terry Pratchett - Lumea Disc 05 - Copilul minune SC.djvu 23.6 MB
- T/Tatiana Tibuleac - Vara in care mama a avut ochii verzi.djvu 23.4 MB
- R/Richard Dawkins/Richard Dawkins - O curiozitate fara margini.doc 23.3 MB
- O/Orhan Pamuk/Orhan Pamuk - Cevdet Bey si fiii sai.pdf 23.3 MB
- R/Roberto Bolano/Roberto Bolano - O stea indepartata v.0.9.rtf 23.1 MB
- S/Stefan Berciu/Stefan Berciu - Invidia.djvu 22.8 MB
- O/Orson Scott Card/Orson Scott Card - [Intoarcerea acasa 01] Amintirea Pamantului.djvu 22.8 MB
- R/Roberto R. Grant - Animalul de beton.pdf 22.7 MB
- R/Roberto Bolano/Roberto Bolano - Nocturna in Chile v.0.9.rtf 22.6 MB
- R/Robert K. Ressler & Tom Shachtman - Vanator de ucigasi v 1 0.doc 22.3 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/05. Panait Istrati - Nerantula si alte povestiri (v.1.0)/Panait Istrati - Nerantula si alte povestiri.djvu 22.2 MB
- R/Radu Honga - Aventurile lui Theodore v2.0.docx 22.1 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum & Gayle Lynds - Proiectul Hades.pdf 21.7 MB
- S/Sarah J. Maas/Sarah J. Maas - Tronul de clestar - 7.Taramul de cenusa scan.djvu 21.6 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Bulion de canapea.rtf 21.6 MB
- O/O. Goga & M. Stan - Pe frontul nevazut.djvu 21.6 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Am incercat, se poate!.pdf 21.3 MB
- R/Reitö Jenö - Carantina la Grand Hotel.pdf 20.9 MB
- R/Rudyard Kipling/Rudyard Kipling - Cartea junglei.pdf 20.8 MB
- R/R. N. Güntekin/R. N. Güntekin - Pitulicea Vol.2.djvu 20.7 MB
- P/Philip Jose Farmer/Philip Jose Farmer - Lumea fluviului 04 - Labirintul Magic.pdf 20.7 MB
- S/Steven Gould/Steven Gould - Reflex.pdf 20.6 MB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - [Sfarsit de mileniu - 1] - Casa domnului Alcibiade (scan).djvu 20.5 MB
- T/Theodor Constantin/Theodor Constantin - Razbunarea lui Ionut.djvu 20.5 MB
- T/Terry Pratchett/Terry Pratchett - Lumea Disc 06 - Stranii surate SC.djvu 20.1 MB
- R/Radu Cioban/Radu Ciobanu - Nemuritorul Albastru v1.0-7inch.doc 20.1 MB
- P/Petru Demetru Popescu - Alunel si pofta de mancare v.2.0.docx 20.1 MB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - La nord de noi insine.pdf 19.9 MB
- R/Robert Jordan/Robert Jordan - Roata Timpului - 10. Rascruce de drumuri in amurg.djvu 19.6 MB
- P/Paul Feval/Seria - Hainele negre sau Fracurile negre/[Fracurile Negre II] - 02 Misterele Londrei vol. 2/Feval, Paul - [Fracurile Negre II] - 02 Misterele Londrei vol. 2 [v1.0 BlankCd].doc 19.5 MB
- O/O. Goga & M. Stan - Cazul Spada.djvu 19.5 MB
- S/Stephen Hawking/Stephen Hawking - Visul Lui Einstein Şi Alte Eseuri.pdf 19.4 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/07. Panait Istrati - Amintiri. Evocari. Confesiuni (v.1.0)/Panait Istrati - Amintiri. Evocari. Confesiuni.djvu 19.4 MB
- R/Rudyard Kipling/Rudyard Kipling - A doua carte a junglei.pdf 19.4 MB
- P/Pio Baroja - Peripetiile lui Shanti Andia.djvu 19.3 MB
- P/Platon/Platon - Opere IV.djvu 19.3 MB
- R/Robin Hobb/Robin Hobb [OMUL ARAMIU] - 01.Misiunea bufonului.djvu 19.2 MB
- R/Robert Louis Stevenson/Robert Louis Stevenson - Sageata neagra.djvu 19.1 MB
- R/Radu Cioban/Radu Ciobanu - Vamile noptii v1.0-7inch.doc 18.9 MB
- T/Terry Pratchett/Terry Pratchett - Lumea Disc 07 - Piramide SC.djvu 18.9 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Orasul BantuIT - vol 2.pdf 18.7 MB
- S/Stefan Ciobanu - Basarabia; Monografie, 1926.pdf 18.7 MB
- R/Robert Charroux - Cartea Cărţilor v.1.0.docx 18.6 MB
- R/Raymond Chandler/Raymond Chandler - Somnul de veci.pdf 18.6 MB
- S/Stefan Berciu/Stefan Berciu - Intalnire in valea mortii.djvu 18.6 MB
- R/Rene Barjavel - Cataclismul.djvu 18.5 MB
- P/Piere Barbet - Distrugeti Roma.djvu 18.5 MB
- P/Paul Feval/Paul Feval-fiul - Gemenii lui Nevers.pdf 18.4 MB
- T/Terry Pratchett/Terry Pratchett - Lumea Disc 03 - Magie de ambe sexe.djvu 18.3 MB
- T/Thomas Cathcart/Thomas Cathcart & Daniel Klein - Platon si ornitorincul...pdf 18.3 MB
- P/P. G. Wodehouse/P.G. Wodehouse - Jeeves intra in actiune.djvu 18.1 MB
- P/Pearl S. Buck/Pearl S. Buck - Patriotul.djvu 18.1 MB
- R/Radu Theodoru/Radu Theodoru - Taina recifului.pdf 18.0 MB
- O/Orhan Pamuk/Orhan Pamuk - Zapada.pdf 18.0 MB
- R/Raymond Chandler/Raymond Chandler - Misterul crimelor de la Little Fawn Lake.pdf 18.0 MB
- T/Terry Pratchett/Terry Pratchett - Lumea Disc 11 - Domnul cu Coasa SC.djvu 17.7 MB
- R/R. N. Güntekin/R. N. Güntekin - Pitulicea Vol.1.djvu 17.4 MB
- S/Stefan Berciu/Stefan Berciu - Ipoteze judiciare.djvu 17.4 MB
- S/Sarah MacLean/Sarah MacLean - [Love by Numbers 01] Noua reguli de nesocotit [sc].pdf 17.1 MB
- R/Raffaello Giovagnoli - Spartacus.djvu 17.0 MB
- T/Terry Pratchett/Terry Pratchett - Lumea Disc 02 - Lumina fantastica.djvu 17.0 MB
- S/Steven Gould/Steven Gould - Jumper.pdf 17.0 MB
- P/Philip Jose Farmer/Philip Jose Farmer - Lumea fluviului 05 - Zeii Lumii Fluviului.pdf 16.8 MB
- P/Petre E. Mihaescu - Tutunul in trecutul Tarii Romanesti si al lumii intregi, 1931.docx 16.6 MB
- S/Stefan Berciu/Stefan Berciu - Jos masca, domnule Dib!.djvu 16.5 MB
- S/Serge Bernstein/Serge Bernstein & Pierre Milza - Istoria Europei vol. IV.pdf 16.4 MB
- O/Octav Pancu-Iasi - Fat-Frumos cand era mic.docx 16.4 MB
- R/Ross MacDonald/Ross MacDonald - Moartea lui Jasper.djvu 16.3 MB
- T/Thomas Cathcart/Thomas Cathcart & Daniel Klein - Aristotel si furnicarul....pdf 16.3 MB
- R/Rudyard Kipling/Rudyard Kipling - Stalky & co.pdf 16.3 MB
- R/Radu Theodoru/Radu Theodoru - Regina de abanos.pdf 16.3 MB
- S/Sarah J. Maas/Sarah J. Maas - Tronul de clestar - 3.Mostenitoarea focului [V1.0].djvu 16.2 MB
- R/Robert Louis Stevenson/Robert Louis Stevenson - Insula Comorii v.3.2.doc 16.2 MB
- S/Stephen Hawking/Lucy Hawking & Stephen Hawking - 4.George si Codul indescifrabil.pdf 16.0 MB
- R/Robert Musil - Omul fara insusiri vol.2.pdf 15.8 MB
- S/Siegfried Lenz - Ora de germana.pdf 15.8 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Fotograf si in fotografii.djvu 15.7 MB
- P/Pierre Boulle - Profesorul Mortimer.pdf 15.6 MB
- R/Robert Jordan/Robert Jordan - Roata Timpului - 8. Calea pumnalelor.djvu 15.4 MB
- P/Paul Anghel - Iesirea din iarna.pdf 15.4 MB
- S/Serge Bernstein/Serge Bernstein & Pierre Milza - Istoria Europei vol. V.pdf 15.3 MB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - [Sfarsit de mileniu - 6] - O suta una lovituri de tun.djvu 15.2 MB
- S/Sam van Schaik – O istorie a Tibetului v.1.0.doc 15.2 MB
- R/Radu Tudoran/TUDORAN, Radu - [SFARSIT DE MILENIU] 05 Privighetoarea de ziua (scan).djvu 15.2 MB
- T/Tom Clancy/Tom Clancy - Flota aeriană v.1.0.docx 15.1 MB
- P/Platon/Platon - Opere VI.djvu 15.0 MB
- S/Sarah Orne Jewett - Tara brazilor inalti.djvu 14.9 MB
- P/Philippa Gregory/Philippa Gregory – Blestemul regelui.pdf 14.8 MB
- R/Rusu I. Abrudeanu - Aurul romanesc, istoria lui din vechime si pana azi, 1933.docx 14.8 MB
- S/Sarah J. Maas/Sarah J. Maas - Tronul de clestar - 4.Regina umbrelor .djvu 14.6 MB
- R/Raymond Chandler/Raymond Chandler - Doamna din lac.pdf 14.5 MB
- T/Terry Pratchett/Terry Pratchett - Lumea Disc 01 - Culoarea magiei.djvu 14.5 MB
- S/Stephen Hawking/Lucy Hawking & Stephen Hawking - 3.George si Big Bangul.pdf 14.5 MB
- T/Tom Clancy/Tom Clancy - Ursul si dragonul.djvu 14.3 MB
- R/Robin Hobb/Robin Hobb [OMUL ARAMIU] - 03.Destinul Bufonului [vol 2].djvu 14.2 MB
- P/Philippa Gregory/Philippa Gregory – Trei surori, trei regine.pdf 14.2 MB
- P/Philipp Vandenberg/Philipp Vandenberg - Pergamentul uitat.djvu 14.2 MB
- S/Simon Sebag Montefiore/Simon Sebag Montefiore - Ierusalim v.1.0.doc 14.1 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Publicistica de tinerete (v.0.9)/Panait Istrati - Publicistica de tinerete.djvu 14.1 MB
- R/Romulus Lal - Temerarii.pdf 14.1 MB
- T/Taichi Yamada - N-am mai visat de mult ca zbor v 1.0 .docx 14.0 MB
- R/Richard Dawkins/Richard Dawkins - O curiozitate fara margini.djvu 13.9 MB
- R/Rusty Bradley, Kevin Maurer - Leii din Kandahar v.1.0.docx 13.8 MB
- T/Tennessee Williams - Teatru [v1.0].rtf 13.8 MB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Apel din necunoscut.djvu 13.6 MB
- T/Thomas Bernhard - Extinctie.pdf 13.5 MB
- T/Theodor Constantin/Theodor Constantin - Adevărul despre Luca Cristogel.djvu 13.5 MB
- P/Paolo Giordano- Singuratatea numerelor prime.djvu 13.4 MB
- P/Pedro Juan Gutierrez/Pedro Juan Gutierrez - Trilogia murdara de la Havana.pdf 13.4 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Orasul BantuIT - vol 1.pdf 13.4 MB
- S/Simon Sebag Montefiore/Simon Sebag Montefiore - Ierusalim.djvu 13.3 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/09. Panait Istrati - Cum am devenit scriitor vol.1 (v.0.1)/Panait Istrati - Cum am devenit scriitor vol.1.djvu 13.2 MB
- S/Sven Hassel/Sven Hassel - 10. Moarte si viscol.pdf 13.2 MB
- P/Pierre Barbet/Pierre Barbet - Ciclul Baphomet - 2. Cruciada stelara.pdf 13.2 MB
- R/Robert A. Heinlein/Robert A. Heinlein - Papusarii.djvu 13.1 MB
- R/Robin Hobb/Robin Hobb [OMUL ARAMIU] - 03.Destinul Bufonului [vol 1].djvu 13.0 MB
- R/Robert Jordan/Robert Jordan - Pumnalul Viselor.djvu 13.0 MB
- P/Pauline Reage - Povestea lui O.pdf 12.9 MB
- S/Stephen Fry - Eroii v1.0.docx 12.9 MB
- S/Sergiu Farcasan/Sergiu Farcasan - Va cauta un taur.pdf 12.8 MB
- O/Orhan Pamuk/Orhan Pamuk - Zapada [v1.0].rtf 12.8 MB
- R/Romulus Barbulescu/Romulus Barbulescu - Insulele de aur si argint.djvu 12.8 MB
- T/Tennessee Williams- Teatru.pdf 12.7 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Pagini de corespondenta (v.0.9)/Panait Istrati - Pagini de corespondenta.djvu 12.7 MB
- P/Philippa Gregory/Philippa Gregory – Îmblânzirea reginei.pdf 12.7 MB
- S/Stephen Donaldson/Stephen Donaldson - Razboiul uriasilor.pdf 12.6 MB
- O/Octav Pancu-Iasi - Pere alese.pdf 12.6 MB
- P/Platon/Platon - Opere V.djvu 12.6 MB
- P/Pearl S. Buck/Pearl S. Buck - Exilata.djvu 12.5 MB
- S/Simon Sebag Montefiore/Simon Sebag Montefiore - Sasenka.djvu 12.4 MB
- P/Peter Chambers/Peter Chambers - Recviem pentru o roscata.djvu 12.2 MB
- T/Tudor Teodorescu-Braniste/Tudor Teodorescu-Braniste - Pavilionul de vanatoare.djvu 12.2 MB
- R/Richard Rudd - Cheile genelor.pdf 12.2 MB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - Al optezeci si doilea.pdf 12.1 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Se ingroase gluma.pdf 12.0 MB
- S/Stefan Berciu/Stefan Berciu - Pretul tacerii.djvu 12.0 MB
- P/Patrick Rothfuss - Teama inteleptului (v1.0).doc 12.0 MB
- T/Tatiana Niculescu/Tatiana Niculescu - Regele si Duduia 2019.pdf 11.9 MB
- S/Sarah J. Maas/Sarah J. Maas - Regatul Spinilor si al Trandafirilor.djvu 11.9 MB
- S/S. Vesting/S.Vesting – Vraja milioanelor – CPL [V1.0] N.doc 11.8 MB
- S/Serge Bernstein/Serge Bernstein & Pierre Milza - Istoria Europei vol. I.pdf 11.7 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Cine trage primul.doc 11.7 MB
- S/Sergiu Somesan/Sergiu Somesan - Carte de magie - VF.doc 11.6 MB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - Toate pinzele sus! (v1.1).doc 11.5 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Alexandru Oprea - Panait Istrati. Dosar al vietii si al operei (v.0.9)/Alexandru Oprea - Panait Istrati. Dosar al vietii si al operei.djvu 11.5 MB
- P/Paul Antim - Balaban si statuia.djvu 11.4 MB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Ochii jupanitei.djvu 11.4 MB
- R/Romulus Barbulescu/Romulus Barbulescu & George Ananaia - Paralela enigma.pdf 11.4 MB
- R/Robert Lanza - Biocentrismul.pdf 11.3 MB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - [Sfarsit de mileniu - 3] - Iesirea la mare (scan).djvu 11.3 MB
- R/Radu Theodoru/Radu Theodoru - Stramosii (VP).doc 11.3 MB
- S/S. Vesting/S.Vesting – Vraja milioanelor – CPL [V1.0] C.doc 11.2 MB
- S/Samantha Shannon - The Bone Season (Sezonul oaselor).v.1.0.docx 11.1 MB
- S/Stefan Zweig/Stefan Zweig - Joseph Fouche.djvu 11.0 MB
- P/Paul Stefanescu - Istoria serviciilor secrete romanesti.docx 11.0 MB
- R/Robert Silverberg/Robert Silverberg - Joc crud.pdf 11.0 MB
- R/Robert Merle - Malevil.djvu 11.0 MB
- P/Pierre Barbet/Pierre Barbet - Ciclul Baphomet - 1. Imperiul lui Baphomet.pdf 10.9 MB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - Flacarile.djvu 10.9 MB
- S/Serge Bernstein/Serge Bernstein & Pierre Milza - Istoria Europei vol. II.pdf 10.9 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/02. Panait Istrati - Cum am devenit scriitor (v.1.0)/Panait Istrati - Cum am devenit scriitor.djvu 10.9 MB
- P/Paul Feval/Seria - Hainele negre sau Fracurile negre/[Fracurile Negre II] - 02 Misterele Londrei vol. 1/Feval, Paul - [Fracurile Negre II] - 02 Misterele Londrei vol. 1 [v1.0 BlankCd].doc 10.9 MB
- S/Solmaz Kâmuran - Kirâze.djvu 10.8 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Obsedatul.pdf 10.8 MB
- P/Pearl S. Buck/Pearl S. Buck – Promisiunea.djvu 10.8 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Eric van Lustbader & Robert Ludlum – Mostenirea lui Bourne v.1.0.djvu 10.7 MB
- S/Suvorov Victor - Acvarium.djvu 10.6 MB
- T/Teophile Gautier/Teophile Gautier - Capitanul Fracasse Vol 1.djvu 10.6 MB
- P/Paul Kennedy - Ascensiunea si decaderea marilor puteri.djvu 10.5 MB
- R/Robert Harris/Robert Harris - Pompei.djvu 10.5 MB
- R/Rafael Sabatini/Rafael Sabatini - Scaramouche.pdf 10.5 MB
- R/Rusu I. Abrudeanu - Aurul romanesc, istoria lui din vechime si pana azi, 1933.pdf 10.4 MB
- R/Rudyard Kipling/Rudyard Kipling - Cartea junglei (V.1.0).doc 10.4 MB
- S/Stanislaw Lem/Stanislaw Lem - Ciberiada.pdf 10.4 MB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - Aceea frumoasa fata.pdf 10.4 MB
- S/Scott O. Lilienfeld - 50 de mari mituri ale psihologiei populare (ocr).djvu 10.3 MB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - Dunarea revarsata.pdf 10.3 MB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - Ultima poveste.pdf 10.3 MB
- R/Rosamunde Pilcher/Rosamunde Pilcher - Iasomia salbatica.pdf 10.2 MB
- T/Tanya Huff - Prețul sângelui.pdf 10.2 MB
- T/Tatiana Niculescu/Tatiana Niculescu - Seducatorul domn Nae. Viata lui Nae Ionescu - Humanitas (2020).pdf 10.2 MB
- R/Raymond Chandler/Raymond Chandler - Fereastra de sus.pdf 10.2 MB
- P/Peter F. Hamilton/Peter F. Hamilton - Steaua Pandorei vol.3.djvu 10.2 MB
- P/Philippe Curval/Philippe Curval - Enclava.pdf 10.1 MB
- T/Terry Pratchett/Terry Pratchett - Lumea Disc 09 - Eric SC.djvu 10.1 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Cum am devenit scriitor vol.2 (v.0.9)/Panait Istrati - Cum am devenit scriitor vol.2.djvu 10.0 MB
- P/Peter Cheyney - Adios Fernanda - SCN.pdf 10.0 MB
- S/Simon Sebag Montefiore/Simon Sebag Montefiore - Intr-o noapte de iarna.djvu 10.0 MB
- S/Sebastien Japrisot - Doamna din masina.djvu 10.0 MB
- S/Samuel Segev - Singur în Damasc.pdf 9.9 MB
- O/Orhan Pamuk/Orhan Pamuk - Casa tacerii.pdf 9.9 MB
- S/Scott R. Bakker/Scott R. Bakker - [Printul nimicului 02] - Profetul razboinic.pdf 9.9 MB
- P/Petru Popescu/Petru Popescu - Copiii Domnului scan 1.pdf 9.8 MB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - Ferma Cotofana Vesela si Un Porc Mizantrop.pdf 9.7 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Cruciada mea sau a noastra (v.0.9)/Panait Istrati - Cruciada mea sau a noastra v.0.9.rtf 9.7 MB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - [Sfarsit de mileniu - 2] - Retragerea fara torte (scan).djvu 9.7 MB
- T/Thomas Harris/Thomas Harris - 3. Doctor Hannibal.djvu 9.7 MB
- R/Romulus Barbulescu/Romulus Barbulescu & George Anania - Ochii ei albastri [Povestiri]v1.1.doc 9.7 MB
- P/Platon/Platon - Banchetul si alte dialoguri.djvu 9.7 MB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Cutia cu nasturi.djvu 9.7 MB
- R/Richard Walton - Galaxy.pdf 9.6 MB
- T/Tom Clancy/Tom Clancy - Viu sau mort.djvu 9.6 MB
- P/Planeta Moldova - Nekrotitanium.pdf 9.5 MB
- P/Philip Pulmann/Philip PULLMAN – [SR#03] Tigrul din fântână [PD3].pdf 9.5 MB
- S/Susanna Clarke/Susanna Clarke - Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell.djvu 9.4 MB
- S/Sandra Brown/Sandra Brown - Dragoste fierbinte.pdf 9.4 MB
- S/Serge Bernstein/Serge Bernstein & Pierre Milza - Istoria Europei vol. III.pdf 9.4 MB
- R/Rafael Sabatini/Rafael Sabatini - Vulturul marilor.djvu 9.4 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/02. Panait Istrati - Cum am devenit scriitor (v.1.0)/Panait Istrati - Cum am devenit scriitor v.1.0.doc 9.4 MB
- O/Octav Pancu-Iasi - Pere alese v1.0.docx 9.3 MB
- R/Robert Jordan/Robert Jordan - Roata Timpului - 2. In Cautarea Cornului.djvu 9.3 MB
- T/Teophile Gautier/Teophile Gautier - Capitanul Fracasse Vol 2.djvu 9.3 MB
- R/Richard Moran - Ziua de apoi. 10 Scenarii ale sfarsitului lumii.djvu 9.2 MB
- S/Sara Gruen - Apa Pentru Elefanti [v.1.0].doc 9.2 MB
- R/Regina Maria - Povestea vietii mele vol. I v. 1.0.docx 9.1 MB
- R/Radu Nor - Braul albastru.djvu 9.1 MB
- T/Teophile Gautier/Teophile Gautier - Capitanul Fracasse Vol 3.djvu 9.1 MB
- S/Steven Erikson/Steven Erikson - Portile casei mortilor.djvu 9.0 MB
- R/Roberto Bolano/Roberto Bolaño - Spiritul literaturii.pdf 9.0 MB
- T/Tom Cain - Ţinta.pdf 8.9 MB
- P/Peter Cheyney/Peter Cheyney - Ce le pasa damelor [v.1.0].rtf 8.9 MB
- S/Stephenie Meyer/Stephenie Meyer - Chimista.pdf 8.9 MB
- S/Stefan Zweig/Stefan Zweig - Lupta in jurul unui rug.djvu 8.9 MB
- O/Orhan Pamuk/Orhan Pamuk - Viata cea noua.pdf 8.9 MB
- T/Taylor Jenkins Reid - Uniti pe vecie.pdf 8.9 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum - Documentul Matlock v.1.0.doc 8.9 MB
- R/Rubin Szilard - Petrecere in birlogul lupilor.pdf 8.9 MB
- P/Philippa Gregory/Philippa Gregory – Prinţesa statornică.pdf 8.9 MB
- S/Stephanie Garber - Caraval [V1.0].docx 8.9 MB
- T/Teresa Medeiros/Teresa Medeiros - Hotul de inimi.pdf 8.8 MB
- P/Petru Luscalov - Fiul Muntilor.djvu 8.8 MB
- R/Robert Jordan/Robert Jordan - Roata Timpului - 4. Umbra Se Intinde.djvu 8.8 MB
- P/Philip Pulmann/Philip PULLMAN – [SR#03] Tigrul din fântână [AN600].pdf 8.8 MB
- S/Saul Bellow/Saul Bellow - Planeta domnului Sammler.pdf 8.8 MB
- T/Thomas Cathcart/Thomas Cathcart & Daniel Klein - Aristotel si furnicarul... v.1.0.docx 8.7 MB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu -A inflorit liliacul.djvu 8.7 MB
- P/Philippa Gregory/Philippa Gregory – Blestemul regelui [V1.0].doc 8.7 MB
- R/Richard Holm - Agentul american v.1.0.docx 8.7 MB
- P/Pierre La Mure - Moulin Rouge.djvu 8.7 MB
- R/Roberto Bolano/Roberto Bolano - Anvers v.0.9.rtf 8.6 MB
- R/Roy Arundhati - Dumnezeul lucrurilor mărunte.pdf 8.6 MB
- P/Platon/Platon - Opere II.djvu 8.6 MB
- S/Sandra Brown/Sandra Brown - Obligat de onoare.pdf 8.5 MB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Grasa si proasta.djvu 8.5 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Lichidati-l! [06].djvu 8.5 MB
- S/Sergiu Somesan/Sergiu Somesan - Apocalipsa dupa Ceausescu - vf.doc 8.4 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Pelerinul inimii (v.0.9)/PI0001.jpg 8.4 MB
- P/Peter F. Hamilton/Peter F. Hamilton - Steaua Pandorei vol.2.djvu 8.4 MB
- P/Petre Salcudeanu/Petre Salcudeanu - Sauna [1999].pdf 8.4 MB
- P/Petru Demetru Popescu - Alunel si pofta de mancare v.2.0.pdf 8.4 MB
- P/Paul Feval/Seria - Hainele negre sau Fracurile negre/[Fracurile Negre III] - 04-05 Secretul Fracurilor Negre/Feval, Paul - [Fracurile Negre III] - 04-05 Secretul Fracurilor Negre [v1.0 BlankCd].doc 8.4 MB
- P/Philip Pulmann/Philip PULLMAN – [SR#04] Prinţesa de tinichea [AN600].pdf 8.4 MB
- T/Tony Buzan - Harti mentale.doc 8.3 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum - Al Patrulea Reich v.2.0.doc 8.3 MB
- S/Salman Rushdie/Salman Rushdie - Copiii din miez de noapte.rtf 8.3 MB
- R/Rachel Caine/Rachel Caine - [Vampirii Din Morganville] 2 Balul Fetelor Moarte (v.1.0).doc 8.3 MB
- O/Ovidiu Surianu/Ovidiu Surianu - Cheia comorilor.djvu 8.3 MB
- P/Paul Sussman/Paul Sussman - Armata lui Cambyses.djvu 8.3 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum & Gayle Lynds - Operatiunea Paris.pdf 8.3 MB
- P/Philippa Gregory/Philippa Gregory – Ultimul dintre Tudori.pdf 8.3 MB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Febra.djvu 8.2 MB
- S/Stephen Donaldson/Stephen Donaldson - Blestemul nobilului Foul v1.0.doc 8.2 MB
- S/Sinclair Lewis - Babbitt.djvu 8.2 MB
- R/Rose Estes & Tom Wham - Sabia Lui Skryling.pdf 8.2 MB
- P/Paul Sussman/Paul Sussman - Labirintul lui Osiris [v.1.0].doc 8.1 MB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Pelerinii Intunericului.djvu 8.1 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Jocul lui Gerald.pdf 8.1 MB
- P/Platon/Platon - Opere I.djvu 8.1 MB
- T/Tatiana Niculescu/Tatiana Niculescu - Mistica rugaciunii si a revolverului.pdf 8.1 MB
- S/Serghei Borodin - Stelele Samarkandului vol.1.djvu 8.0 MB
- P/Paullina Simons/Paullina Simons - Calaretul de arama.pdf 8.0 MB
- P/Par Lagerkvist - Povestiri amare.djvu 8.0 MB
- P/Paul Donnelley - Asasini si asasinate care au schimbat istoria lumii.doc 8.0 MB
- S/Simon Sebag Montefiore - Stalin. Curtea țarului roșu (e).pdf 8.0 MB
- T/Tatiana Niculescu/Tatiana Niculescu - Regele si Duduia v.1.0.docx 8.0 MB
- S/Sam van Schaik – O istorie a Tibetului.djvu 8.0 MB
- P/Paul Johnson - Intelectualii ocr.djvu 7.9 MB
- T/Thomas Mann/Thomas Mann - Muntele vrajit (2.0).doc 7.9 MB
- R/Robert Jordan/Robert Jordan - Roata Timpului - 1. Ochiul Lumii.djvu 7.9 MB
- R/Rusu I. Abrudeanu - Păcatele Ardealului faţă de sufletul vechiului regat. Fapte, documente..., 1930.docx 7.9 MB
- O/Olga Caba/Olga Caba - TOTALITER ALITER.djvu 7.9 MB
- P/Paul B. Thompson - In inima rece a soarelui.djvu 7.9 MB
- R/Robert Jordan/Robert Jordan - Roata Timpului - 5. Focurile Cerului.djvu 7.9 MB
- T/Tudor Greceanu - Drumul celor putini v.0.8.docx 7.8 MB
- T/Theodor Constantin/Theodor Constantin - Matraguna contra Monseniorului.pdf 7.8 MB
- S/Steve Berry/07. Steve Berry - [Cotton Malone 04] - Tezaurul Imparatului v.1.0.doc 7.8 MB
- O/Orson Scott Card/Orson Scott Card - [Intoarcerea acasa 04] Din nou pe Pamant.djvu 7.8 MB
- P/Sever Noran/Sever Noran - Sfarsitul marelui preot.djvu 7.8 MB
- P/Platon/Platon - Opere III.djvu 7.7 MB
- R/Robert A. Heinlein/Robert A. Heinlein - Pilotul Jones.djvu 7.7 MB
- P/Pedro Galvez - Testamentul lui Seneca.djvu 7.7 MB
- T/Theodor Constantin/Theodor Constantin - Urmarirea abia incepe.djvu 7.7 MB
- R/Roberto Bolano/Roberto Bolano - Comedia ororii in Franta.pdf 7.7 MB
- T/Teresa Medeiros/Teresa Medeiros - Savoarea unui sarut.djvu 7.6 MB
- P/Philippa Gregory/Philippa Gregory – Fiica eminenţei cenuşii.djvu 7.6 MB
- S/Sergiu Farcasan/Sergiu Farcasan - Secretul inginerului Musat ver 1.0.docx 7.6 MB
- P/Paul Feval/Seria - Hainele negre sau Fracurile negre/[Fracurile Negre III] - 08 Banda Cadet/Feval, Paul - [Fracurile Negre III] - 08 Banda Cadet [v1.0 BlankCd].doc 7.6 MB
- P/Paul Kennedy - Ascensiunea si decaderea marilor puteri (v1.1).doc 7.6 MB
- R/Richard Neebel - Jocul razboiului [v.1.0].doc 7.6 MB
- R/Rosamunde Pilcher/Rosamunde Pilcher - Golgota intoarcerii acasa.pdf 7.5 MB
- T/Tony & Barry Buzan - Harti Mentale.djvu 7.5 MB
- R/Robert Putnam - Cum functioneaza democratia.djvu 7.5 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Pelerinul inimii (v.0.9)/PI0002.jpg 7.5 MB
- T/Tehar Mihadas - Steaua cainelui.pdf 7.5 MB
- R/Roderick Gordon & Brian Williams/Roderick Gordon & Brian Williams - Tunele 2 - In adancuri v1.1.doc 7.5 MB
- T/Thomas Mann/Thomas Mann - Casa Buddenbrook (v2.0).doc 7.5 MB
- P/Peter Cheyney - Tinta mobila.pdf 7.5 MB
- S/Susan Choi - Exercitiu de incredere.pdf 7.4 MB
- S/Sven Hassel/Sven Hassel - 14. Comisarul.pdf 7.4 MB
- R/Radu Theodoru/Radu Theodoru - Aproape de zei v1.0.docx 7.4 MB
- R/Ross MacDonald/Ross MacDonald - Coasta barbara.djvu 7.4 MB
- T/Traian Tandin - Dilemele Capitanului Roman.djvu 7.4 MB
- S/Sylvia Nasar - O minte sclipitoare.djvu 7.4 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum & Philip Shelby - Cassandra Compact [v.1.0].doc 7.3 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Ludlum Robert & Eric van Lustbader – Mostenirea lui Bourne (v.2.0).doc 7.3 MB
- S/Steve Berry/Steve Berry - Taina presedintelui.djvu 7.3 MB
- R/Robert Jordan/Robert Jordan - Furtuna se apropie.djvu 7.3 MB
- R/Radu Theodoru/Radu Theodoru - Vulturul vol.3.docx 7.2 MB
- P/Peter Chambers/Peter Chambers - Vorbeste-i de rau pe morti.pdf 7.2 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum - Iluzia scorpionilor vol. 1 v.2.0.doc 7.2 MB
- R/Rudyard Kipling/Rudyard Kipling - Capitani curajosi.pdf 7.2 MB
- S/Sven Hassel/Sven Hassel - 13. Inchisoarea OGPU.pdf 7.2 MB
- P/Paul Feval/Seria - Hainele negre sau Fracurile negre/[Fracurile Negre III] - 02 Inima de Otel/Feval, Paul - [Fracurile Negre III] - 02 Inima de Otel [v1.0 BlankCd].doc 7.1 MB
- P/Philippa Gregory/Philippa Gregory – Trei surori, trei regine [V1.0].doc 7.1 MB
- T/Teresa Medeiros/Teresa Medeiros - Blestemul frumusetii.pdf 7.1 MB
- R/Romulus Barbulescu/Romulus Barbulescu & George Ananaia - Statuia sarpelui V.3.0.docx 7.1 MB
- S/Sebastian A. Corn - Cartea Brundurilor v2.0.doc 7.0 MB
- P/Philippa Gregory/Philippa Gregory – Ultimul dintre Tudori [V1.0].doc 7.0 MB
- S/Steven Erikson/Steven Erikson - Gradinile Lunii.djvu 7.0 MB
- S/Sven Hassel/Sven Hassel - 05. Gestapo.pdf 7.0 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Incepe actiunea!.djvu 6.9 MB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Noaptea lupului.djvu 6.9 MB
- S/Sorin Adam Matei - Boierii mintii.djvu 6.9 MB
- S/Sophie Hannah & B.A. Paris & Clare Mackintosh & Holly Brown - Dublura v 1.0.docx 6.9 MB
- S/Scott Lynch/Scott Lynch - Piratii marilor rosii.djvu 6.9 MB
- P/Paul Beatty - Io contra Statele Unite ale Americii (v2.0) bl.doc 6.9 MB
- S/Sven Hassel/Sven Hassel - 11. Drum sangeros catre moarte.pdf 6.9 MB
- R/Roberto Bolano/Roberto Bolano - Convorbiri telefonice.djvu 6.9 MB
- S/Scott Mariani/Scott Marini - [Benedict Hope 02] - Conspiratia Mozart.pdf 6.9 MB
- S/Sandra Brown/Sandra Brown - Interviul.pdf 6.8 MB
- R/Remus Luca - Drum de soarta si razbunare.doc 6.8 MB
- S/Stendhal/Stendhal - Vanina Vanini.pdf 6.8 MB
- R/Robert Sheckley/Robert Sheckley - Transfer mental (versiune definitiva).doc 6.8 MB
- P/Philippa Gregory/Philippa Gregory – Îmblânzirea reginei [V1.0].doc 6.8 MB
- S/Stephen Donaldson/Stephen Donaldson - Razboiul Uriasilor v1.0.doc 6.8 MB
- R/Richard Dawkins/Richard Dawkins - Ceasornicarul orb v.0.1.docx 6.8 MB
- S/Sergiu Farcasan/Sergiu Farcasan - O Iubire din anul 41042.pdf 6.7 MB
- O/Omid Scobie & Carolyn Durand - Harry si Meghan.djvu 6.7 MB
- P/Platon/Platon - Opere VII.djvu 6.7 MB
- P/Patrick Rothfuss/Patrick Rothfuss - [CRONICILE UCIGASULUI-DE-REGI] 02.Teama inteleptului v2.0.docx 6.7 MB
- S/Stefan Zweig/Stefan Zweig - Maria Antoaneta.doc 6.7 MB
- R/Raymond Chandler/Raymond Chandler - Crima de mantuiala.pdf 6.7 MB
- S/Sven Hassel/Sven Hassel - 12. Curtea Martiala.pdf 6.7 MB
- T/Teodor Mazilu - Proza satirica (1969).djvu 6.7 MB
- T/Theodor Constantin/Theodor Constantin - Fiul lui Monte Cristo.pdf 6.7 MB
- S/Sarah J. Maas/Sarah J. Maas - Tronul de clestar - 7.Taramul de cenusa v1.0.docx 6.7 MB
- P/Peter Cheyney -Nu poti pastra restul -SCN.pdf 6.6 MB
- T/Thomas Mann/Thomas Mann - Muntele vrajit.djvu 6.6 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - J.F.K. 11. 22. 63 v.3.0.doc 6.6 MB
- R/Romulus Barbulescu/Romulus Barbulescu & George Ananaia - Statuia sarpelui.pdf 6.6 MB
- T/Theodor Fontane - Pacatul. Cecile.djvu 6.6 MB
- T/Tibor Ostermann – Veşnic prizonier [AN600].pdf 6.6 MB
- P/Paul Antim - Un casanova calatoreste spre iad.djvu 6.6 MB
- S/Sandra Brown/Sandra Brown - Focuri ascunse v.1.1.doc 6.5 MB
- R/Roger Zelazny/Roger Zelazny - Nemuritorul.djvu 6.5 MB
- P/Patrick Rothfuss/Patrick Rothfuss - [CRONICILE UCIGASULUI-DE-REGI] 01 Numele vantului (v2.0).doc 6.5 MB
- P/Peter F. Hamilton/Peter F. Hamilton - Steaua Pandorei vol.4.djvu 6.5 MB
- S/Sandra Brown/Sandra Brown - Panza de paianjen v1.0.docx 6.5 MB
- P/Philippa Gregory/Philippa Gregory – Moştenirea Boleyn.djvu 6.5 MB
- P/Peter V. Brett/Peter V. Brett [DEMON] - 03 Razboiul la lumina zilei (v.1.0).docx 6.5 MB
- R/Robert Harris/Robert Harris - Arhanghelsk.djvu 6.5 MB
- R/Robert B. Cialdini - Totul despre psihologia persuasiunii.docx 6.5 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Mutre de inmormantare (v.1.0) [47].docx 6.5 MB
- S/Serge Deville - O grenadă pentru Heydrich.djvu 6.5 MB
- T/Teodor Parapiru/Teodor Parapiru - Suspiciune.pdf 6.4 MB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Cocosatul are alibi.djvu 6.4 MB
- T/Taylor Jenkins Reid - Fericiti pentru totdeauna.pdf 6.4 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum & Gayle Lynds - Codul Altman [v.1.0].doc 6.4 MB
- R/Rusu-Ciobanu Victor/Rusu-Ciobanu Victor - Dacia Felix(VP).doc 6.4 MB
- P/Patrick Braun - Comorile incaşilor.djvu 6.4 MB
- S/Sabaa Tahir/Sabaa Tahir - [Elias si spioana Carturarilor] 2 O torta in noapte (v.1.0).docx 6.4 MB
- T/Tim Powers - Regele pescar.djvu 6.4 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum - Numărătoarea inversă Matarese [v.2.0].doc 6.4 MB
- R/Romulus Barbulescu/Romulus Barbulescu & George Ananaia - Constelatia din ape v1.0.doc 6.3 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - In corespondenta cu scriitori straini (v.0.9)/Panait Istrati - In corespondenta cu scriitori straini.djvu 6.3 MB
- R/Rudyard Kipling/Rudyard Kipling - Se lasa noaptea.pdf 6.3 MB
- R/Randall Frakes & W. H. Wisher - Terminator.doc 6.3 MB
- O/Orhan Pamuk/Orhan Pamuk - Muzeul inocentei.doc 6.3 MB
- R/Ross MacDonald/Ross MacDonald - Dricul vargat.pdf 6.3 MB
- P/Paul Feval/Paul Feval - Ultimele Zane.djvu 6.3 MB
- R/Radu Theodoru/Radu Theodoru - Regina de abanos v1.0.docx 6.3 MB
- S/Stefan Zeromski - Ecourile padurii.doc 6.3 MB
- R/Richard Pipes - Scurta istorie a revolutiei ruse.djvu 6.3 MB
- T/Tan Twan Eng/Tan Twan Eng - Darul ploii (v2.0).doc 6.3 MB
- O/Orson Scott Card/Orson Scott Card - [Intoarcerea acasa 03] Navele pamantului.djvu 6.3 MB
- T/Terry Brooks - Primul rege Shannara [V1.0].doc 6.3 MB
- S/Sarah MacLean/Sarah MacLean - [Love by Numbers 03] Unsprezece scandaluri de evitat.pdf 6.3 MB
- O/Orson Scott Card/Orson Scott Card - [Intoarcerea acasa 02] Chemarea pamantului.djvu 6.3 MB
- T/Thomas Hardy/Thomas Hardy - Jude nestiutul vol.II.djvu 6.3 MB
- T/T. Semuskin - Alitet pleaca in munti.djvu 6.2 MB
- P/Petre Salcudeanu/Petre Salcudeanu - Paznic la portile raiului [2000]Pub.pdf 6.2 MB
- P/Paul Feval/Seria - Hainele negre sau Fracurile negre/[Fracurile Negre III] - 03 Turnul Crimei/Feval, Paul - [Fracurile Negre III] - 03 Turnul Crimei [v1.0 BlankCd].doc 6.2 MB
- P/Peter F. Hamilton/Peter F. Hamilton -1- Golul visator.djvu 6.2 MB
- R/Romulus Barbulescu/Romulus Barbulescu & George Ananaia - Paralela enigma v1.0.doc 6.2 MB
- P/Pierre Cobore - O urma misterioasa [v.1.0].doc 6.2 MB
- S/Serghei Borodin - Stelele Samarkandului vol.2.djvu 6.2 MB
- T/Ted Dekker/Ted Dekker - 03. Alb - Fantastica urmarire.djvu 6.2 MB
- P/Peter F. Hamilton/Peter F. Hamilton - Steaua Pandorei vol.1.djvu 6.2 MB
- P/Sever Noran/Sever Noran - Greseala fatala.djvu 6.1 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Alexandru Oprea - Panait Istrati. Dosar al vietii si al operei (v.0.9)/Panait Istrati. Dosar al vietii si al operei v.0.9.rtf 6.1 MB
- P/Paul Feval/Seria - Hainele negre sau Fracurile negre/[Fracurile Negre II] - 04 Banditii Londrei/Feval, Paul - [Fracurile Negre II] - 04 Banditii Londrei [v1.0 BlankCd].doc 6.1 MB
- P/Peter F. Hamilton/Peter F. Hamilton - [ZORII NOPTII] 02 Alchimistul neutronic (vol.3).djvu 6.1 MB
- T/Ted Dekker/Ted Dekker - 02.Rosu - Imposibila salvare.djvu 6.1 MB
- T/Theodor Constantin/Theodor Constantin - Doamna in mov.pdf 6.1 MB
- S/Stefan Zeromski - Ecourile padurii.djvu 6.1 MB
- S/Stephen Hawking/Stephen Hawking, Leonard Mlodinow - Marele plan (v2.0).doc 6.1 MB
- O/Olga Tokarczuck - Povestiri bizare.pdf 6.1 MB
- S/Sarah J. Maas/Sarah J. Maas - Regatul flacarilor argintii v.1.0.docx 6.1 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Pieptanand girafa [10].djvu 6.1 MB
- P/Paulth-Jorm - Zimbrii de argint.djvu 6.1 MB
- T/Thomas Hardy/Thomas Hardy - Jude nestiutul vol.I.djvu 6.0 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum - Agenda lui Icarus [v.1.0].doc 6.0 MB
- R/Richelle Mead/Richelle Mead - Academia Vampirilor - 1 - Academia Vampirilor.djvu 6.0 MB
- T/Trevor Paglen & A. C. Thompson - Taxiurile torturii.pdf 6.0 MB
- S/Stefan Zweig/Stefan Zweig - Secret arzator.djvu 6.0 MB
- P/Pierre Barbet/Pierre Barbet - Mercenarii de pe Rychna.pdf 6.0 MB
- S/Shotaro Ikenami - Maestrul asasin.pdf 6.0 MB
- S/Scott Lynch/Scott Lynch - Minciunile lui Locke Lamora.djvu 6.0 MB
- S/Steve Berry/Steve Berry - Enigma reginei.djvu 6.0 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Uda-mi compresa (v.1.0) [76].docx 6.0 MB
- R/Radu Theodoru/Radu Theodoru - Vulturul vol.2.docx 6.0 MB
- T/Thomas Mann/Thomas Mann - Casa Buddenbrook.djvu 5.9 MB
- P/Patrick Braun - Comorile incaşilor v.1.0.doc 5.9 MB
- S/Sven Hassel/Sven Hassel - 07 Lichidati Parisul!.pdf 5.9 MB
- R/Robert Rosenberg - Teroare la Ierusalim [v.1.0].docx 5.9 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum - Fum verde.djvu 5.9 MB
- R/Roberto Bolano/Roberto Bolano - Tarfe asasine.pdf 5.9 MB
- S/Stefan Berciu/Stefan Berciu - Traficanti de carne vie.djvu 5.9 MB
- R/Robert Charles Wilson/Robert Charles Wilson - Cronolitii v1.0.doc 5.8 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Tombola pungasilor (v.1.0) [32].docx 5.8 MB
- R/Robert Jordan/Robert Jordan - Roata Timpului - 2. In Cautarea Cornului v.2.0.doc 5.8 MB
- S/Simon Sebag Montefiore/Simon Sebag Montefiore – Intr-o noapte de iarna [v1.0].docx 5.8 MB
- S/Simon Sinek - Intreaba-te de ce.djvu 5.8 MB
- S/Sergiu Farcasan/Sergiu Farcasan - O iubire din anul 41042 v.1.0.docx 5.8 MB
- P/Paul Feval/Paul Feval - Fiul diavolului vol. 2 [v1.0 BlankCd].doc 5.8 MB
- R/Romulus Barbulescu/Romulus Barbulescu & George Ananaia - Doando.djvu 5.8 MB
- P/Paul Feval/Seria - Hainele negre sau Fracurile negre/[Fracurile Negre III] - 01 Manusa de otel/Feval, Paul - [Fracurile Negre III] - 01 Manusa de otel [v1.0 BlankCd].doc 5.8 MB
- T/Teophile Gautier/Theophile Gautier - Domnisoara de Maupin (v1.0).docx 5.7 MB
- S/Stephen Baxter/Stephen Baxter - Pierdut in timp (TTP).docx 5.7 MB
- P/Paul Feval/Seria - Cocosatul/[Lagardere I] - 03 Cavalcadele lui Lagardere/Feval, Paul-fiul - [Lagardere I] - 03 Cavalcadele lui Lagardere [v1.0 BlankCd].doc 5.7 MB
- T/Theodor Constantin/Theodor Constantin - Cum a murit Claudiu Azimioara.djvu 5.7 MB
- P/Paul Feval/Seria - Hainele negre sau Fracurile negre/[Fracurile Negre III] - 06 Inghititorul de Sabii/Feval, Paul - [Fracurile Negre III] - 06 Inghititorul de Sabii [v1.0 BlankCd].doc 5.7 MB
- P/Patrick Rothfuss/Patrick Rothfuss - [CRONICILE UCIGASULUI-DE-REGI] 02 Teama inteleptului.djvu 5.7 MB
- S/Stefan Berciu/Stefan Berciu - Pseudonimul.djvu 5.7 MB
- R/Richard Dawkins - Lumea ca un mare spectacol (PDF editura).pdf 5.7 MB
- P/Platon/Platon - Opere IV_v1.0_gy.docx 5.7 MB
- R/Roberto Bolano/Roberto Bolano - Al treilea Reich.pdf 5.7 MB
- O/Olga Caba/Olga Caba - Nuvele fantastice.djvu 5.7 MB
- R/Roberto Bolano/Roberto Bolaño - Spiritul literaturii v1.0.docx 5.7 MB
- R/Rex Stout - Capcana pentru FBI.djvu 5.6 MB
- O/Ovid S. Crohmalniceanu - Istorii insolite.djvu 5.6 MB
- P/Phillip Mann - Wulfsyarn.djvu 5.6 MB
- R/Roger Zelazny/Roger Zelazny - [Amber 3] Semnul unicornului v2.0.doc 5.6 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum - Directiva Janson (v.2.0).doc 5.6 MB
- R/Robert Harris/Robert Harris - Marioneta.djvu 5.6 MB
- P/Platon/Platon - Legile.djvu 5.6 MB
- S/Stephen Baxter/Stephen Baxter - Corabiile Timpului.pdf 5.6 MB
- P/Petru Popescu/Petru Popescu - Copiii Domnului.djvu 5.6 MB
- R/Richard Essex - Sapte semnaturi.pdf 5.6 MB
- R/Rachel Caine/Rachel Caine - [Vampirii Din Morganville] 3 Aleea Întunericului (v.1.0).doc 5.5 MB
- S/Simon Toyne/Simon Toyne - Cheia.v.1.0.docx 5.5 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - La miezul noptii 1 v.1.0.docx 5.5 MB
- T/Thomas Mann/Thomas Mann - Alesul.djvu 5.5 MB
- S/Sapper - Aventurile capitanului Drummond.djvu 5.5 MB
- P/Pierre Barbet/Pierre Barbet - Nimfa spatiului.pdf 5.5 MB
- T/Tim Johnston - Coborarea (v.1.0).docx 5.5 MB
- R/Robert A. Heinlein/Robert A. Heinlein - Strain intr-o tara stranie.djvu 5.5 MB
- S/Sarah J. Maas/Sarah J. Maas - Regatul Spinilor si al Trandafirilor 2 - Regatul cetii si al furiei.djvu 5.5 MB
- R/Roger Zelazny/Roger Zelazny - [Amber 4] Mana lui Oberon v2.0.doc 5.5 MB
- R/Romulus Lal - Temerarii v1.0.docx 5.5 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - [Turnul intunecat 04] Vrajitorul si globul de cristal.pdf 5.4 MB
- S/Suzanne Collins/Suzanne Collins - Jocurile foamei - 01.Jocurile foamei [v3.1].docx 5.4 MB
- R/Radu Theodoru/Radu Theodoru - Vitejii (VP).doc 5.4 MB
- S/Sven Hassel/Sven Hassel - 01. Legiunea Blestematilor.pdf 5.4 MB
- P/Petre Salcudeanu/Petre Salcudeanu - Biblioteca din Alexandria.pdf 5.4 MB
- P/Philip Pulmann/Philip PULLMAN – [SR#02] Umbra din nord [AN600].pdf 5.4 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - [Turnul intunecat 05] Lupii din Calla.pdf 5.4 MB
- R/Rachel Caine/Rachel Caine - [Vampirii Din Morganville] 1 Casa De Sticlă (v.1.0).doc 5.4 MB
- S/Sarah Lark/Sarah Lark - Strigatul pasarii kiwi.djvu 5.4 MB
- R/Rachel Caine/Rachel Caine - [Vampirii Din Morganville] 4 Banchetul Nebunilor (v.1.0).doc 5.4 MB
- P/Patricia Cornwell - Cartea morţilor.djvu 5.3 MB
- R/Robyn Young/Robyn Young - Cruciada 1.djvu 5.3 MB
- S/Sara Gruen - Apa pentru elefanti.djvu 5.3 MB
- S/Simon Scarrow/Simon Scarrow - Centurionul.pdf 5.3 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Pagini de corespondenta (v.0.9)/PC - 0001.jpg 5.3 MB
- P/Paul Sussman/Paul Sussman - Secretul templului.djvu 5.3 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Pagini de corespondenta (v.0.9)/PC - 0002.jpg 5.3 MB
- R/Ransom Riggs/Ransom Riggs - [seria Miss Peregrine] 01. Caminul copiilor deosebiti [V1.0].docx 5.3 MB
- S/Sven Hassel/Sven Hassel - 08 General SS.pdf 5.2 MB
- T/Theodor Constantin/Theodor Constantin - Fiul lui Monte Cristo vol.2 v.1.0.rtf 5.2 MB
- P/Philip K. Dick/Philip K. Dick - Invazia Divina v1.0.doc 5.2 MB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Necunoscuta din congelator.djvu 5.2 MB
- P/Paul Feval/Paul Feval - Fiul lui Dartagnan.v.2.1.docx 5.2 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Talharia de la Unchiul Tom.pdf 5.2 MB
- S/Sana Krasikov - Patriotii (v.1.0).docx 5.2 MB
- S/Stefan Moldovan - Patimile dupa Siberia.pdf 5.2 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Lucruri pretioase.pdf 5.2 MB
- T/Traci Harding/Traci Harding - Gena lui Isis.djvu 5.2 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum - Al Patrulea Reich.djvu 5.2 MB
- R/Robert E. Howard - Conan.docx 5.1 MB
- P/Peter F. Hamilton/Peter F. Hamilton - [ZORII NOPTII] 02 Alchimistul neutronic (vol.2).djvu 5.1 MB
- S/Sven Hassel/Sven Hassel - 04. Batalion de mars.pdf 5.1 MB
- P/Philip Le Roy - Ultima arma .djvu 5.1 MB
- S/Slavomir Nastasijevic - Hannibal ante Portas.djvu 5.1 MB
- S/Sorin Stefanescu - Zee.djvu 5.1 MB
- S/Sven Vesting/Sven Vesting - Vraja milioanelor - V3 Cap. 103–159 1.0.docx 5.1 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Votati-l pe Berurier! (v.1.0) [66].docx 5.1 MB
- S/Sonia Palty – Evrei, treceţi Nistrul [AN600].pdf 5.1 MB
- P/Pearl S. Buck/Pearl S. Buck - Pavilionul femeilor.djvu 5.1 MB
- R/Robert J. Sawyer/Robert J. Sawyer - Programatorul divin v1.0.doc 5.1 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King [Holly Gibney] 03-2023 - Holly.doc 5.1 MB
- T/Taichi Yamada - N-am mai visat de mult ca zbor.pdf 5.1 MB
- R/Richard P. Feynman/Richard P. Feynman - Despre caracterul legilor fizicii.pdf 5.0 MB
- R/Robin Cook/Robin Cook - Intentii Periculoase.djvu 5.0 MB
- P/Paul Brickhill - Bader, invingatorul cerului v.1.0.doc 5.0 MB
- P/Paul Feval/Paul Feval - Fiul diavolului vol. 1 [v1.0 BlankCd].doc 5.0 MB
- R/Rick Riordan/Rick Riordan - [Magnus Chase si zeii din Asgard] 1 Sabia Verii (v.1.0).docx 5.0 MB
- R/Robin Hobb/Robin Hobb - 3 - Razbunarea Asasinului vol.1.djvu 5.0 MB
- P/Paul Auster - 4 3 2 1.djvu 5.0 MB
- P/Per Olof Ekstrom - N-a dansat decat o vara (ocr).djvu 5.0 MB
- P/Patricia Cornwell/Patricia Cornwell - Raţiuni criminale.djvu 5.0 MB
- S/Sven Hassel/Sven Hassel - 02. Blindatele mortii.pdf 5.0 MB
- P/Philip Pulmann/Philip PULLMAN – [SR#04] Prinţesa de tinichea [virg].rtf 4.9 MB
- R/Robin Cook/Robin Cook - Risc asumat.djvu 4.9 MB
- R/Ransom Riggs/Ransom Riggs - [seria Miss Peregrine] 02. Orasul pustiu [V1.0].docx 4.9 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Ochii dragonului.djvu 4.9 MB
- T/Tatiana Tolstaia - Zâtul.djvu 4.9 MB
- P/Paullina Simons/Paullina Simons -Tatiana si Alexander.pdf 4.9 MB
- P/Philippa Gregory/Philippa Gregory – Regina roşie.djvu 4.9 MB
- P/Petru Popescu - Supleantul.djvu 4.9 MB
- R/Robert Graves - Miturile Greciei antice.docx 4.9 MB
- S/Sven Hassel/Sven Hassel - 09. Imperiul iadului.pdf 4.9 MB
- S/Steven Gould/Steven Gould - Reflex v1.0.doc 4.9 MB
- P/Philip Zimbardo - Efectul Lucifer v.1.0.doc 4.9 MB
- S/Sven Hassel/Sven Hassel - 06. Monte Cassino.pdf 4.9 MB
- S/Sergiu Farcasan/Sergiu Farcasan - Masina de rupt prieteniile.pdf 4.8 MB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Carnavalul de fier.djvu 4.8 MB
- R/Robert A. Heinlein/Robert A. Heinlein - Strain in tara straina (2.0).doc 4.8 MB
- S/Stendhal/Stendhal - Lucien Leuwen vol.1.djvu 4.8 MB
- R/Robert Jordan/Robert Jordan - Roata Timpului - 3. Dragonul renascut (v.2.0).doc 4.8 MB
- T/T. R. Richmond - Ce-a lasat in urma (v.1.0).docx 4.8 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum & Patrick Larkin - Vectorul Moscova.djvu 4.8 MB
- P/Philippa Gregory/Philippa Gregory – Surorile Boleyn.djvu 4.8 MB
- S/Simon Urban - Planul D [v.1.0].doc 4.8 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum & Philip Shelby - Cassandra Compact.djvu 4.8 MB
- S/Stendhal/Stendhal - Manastirea din Parma.djvu 4.8 MB
- S/Stanislaw Lem/Stanislaw Lem - Edificiul nebuniei absolute.djvu 4.8 MB
- R/Rachel Caine/Rachel Caine - [Vampirii Din Morganville] 5 Domnia Haosului (v.1.0).doc 4.8 MB
- S/Stephen Donaldson/Stephen Donaldson - Puterea salvatoare.djvu 4.7 MB
- P/Paul Feval/Seria - Hainele negre sau Fracurile negre/[Fracurile Negre III] - 07 Cavalerii Tezaurului/Feval, Paul - [Fracurile Negre III] - 07 Cavalerii Tezaurului [v1.0 BlankCd].doc 4.7 MB
- P/Philip Pulmann/Philip PULLMAN – [SR#01] Rubinul din fum [AN600].pdf 4.7 MB
- R/Richard Rudd - Cheile genelor.doc 4.7 MB
- P/Patrick Carman - Atherton - Casa Puterii (V.1.0).doc 4.7 MB
- R/Rusu-Ciobanu Victor/Rusu-Ciobanu Victor - Fiul Adoptiv(VP).doc 4.7 MB
- P/Pierce Brown/Pierce Brown - [Red Rising] 3 Furia Diminetii (v.1.0).docx 4.7 MB
- R/Robert Jordan/Robert Jordan - Roata Timpului - 4. Umbra se Întinde v.0.9.1.docx 4.7 MB
- R/Robin Cook/Robin Cook - Tratament fatal.djvu 4.7 MB
- O/Orson Scott Card/Orson Scott Card - 3 - Xenocid.djvu 4.7 MB
- P/Peter F. Hamilton/Peter F. Hamilton - [ZORII NOPTII] 02 Alchimistul neutronic (vol.1).djvu 4.7 MB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Agentul secret a lui Altin-Bey.djvu 4.7 MB
- P/Paul Feval/Seria - Cocosatul/[Lagardere I] - 04 Mariquita/Feval, Paul-fiul - [Lagardere I] - 04 Mariquita [v1.0 BlankCd].doc 4.7 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - [Turnul Intunecat 05] Lupii din Calla v.3.0.doc 4.6 MB
- P/Petru Dumitriu/Petru Dumitriu - Cronica de familie vol.1.doc 4.6 MB
- R/Radu Theodoru/Radu Theodoru - Tara fagaduintei v.1.0.docx 4.6 MB
- T/Theodore Dreiser - O Tragedie Americana v.1.0.doc 4.6 MB
- R/Radu Theodoru/Radu Theodoru - Vulturul vol.1.docx 4.6 MB
- S/Sandrone Dazieri - Ucide-l pe Tata (v.1.0).docx 4.6 MB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - [Sfarsit de mileniu - 5] - Privighetoarea de ziua (3.0).doc 4.6 MB
- R/Robert Park - Stiinta voodoo. Drumul de la prostie la frauda (v.1.0).doc 4.6 MB
- R/Ralph Peters - Flacari din cer v.1.0.docx 4.6 MB
- T/Traci Harding/Traci Harding - Reginele-dragon.djvu 4.6 MB
- S/Susanna Clarke/Susanna Clarke - Doamnele din Grace Adieu.djvu 4.5 MB
- P/Paul Feval/Seria - Cocosatul/[Lagardere I] - 02 Cocosatul/Feval, Paul - [Lagardere I] - 02 Cocosatul [v1.0 BlankCd].doc 4.5 MB
- R/Robert Silverberg/Robert Silverberg - Timp al schimbarilor.djvu 4.5 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum - Iluzia scorpionilor vol. 2 v.2.0.doc 4.5 MB
- O/Orhan Pamuk/Orhan Pamuk - Fortareata alba.pdf 4.5 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Pe socoteala printesei (v.1.0) [48].docx 4.5 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Apocalipsa (2.0).docx 4.5 MB
- S/Sven Hassel/Sven Hassel - 03. Camarazi de front.pdf 4.5 MB
- S/Sebastian Junger - Război v.1.0.docx 4.5 MB
- P/Paul Sussman/Paul Sussman - Labirintul lui Osiris.djvu 4.5 MB
- R/Radu Cinamar - Cristalul eteric (A5).docx 4.5 MB
- R/Robyn Young/Robyn Young - [Rebeliunea #3] Regatul (v.1.0).docx 4.5 MB
- T/Thomas Hardy/Thomas Hardy - Tess d'Urberville vol2(ctrl).djvu 4.5 MB
- P/Petre Bellu/Petre Bellu - O crima langa Brasov.pdf 4.5 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum - Cercul Matarese v.3.0.doc 4.5 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Merge ca pe... butuci sau Tragedia infernala (v.1.0) [69].docx 4.5 MB
- P/Pierre Lemaitre/Pierre Lemaitre - Irene.djvu 4.4 MB
- P/Philip Roth - Complotul împotriva Americii.djvu 4.4 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - [Turnul intunecat 07] Turnul Intunecat v.1.0.doc 4.4 MB
- O/Olga Tokarczuk - Calatoria oamenilor cartii.pdf 4.4 MB
- P/Patrick Carman - Atherton - Casa Puterii (scan djvu).djvu 4.4 MB
- R/Robert Lanza - Biocentrismul.docx 4.4 MB
- P/Peter V. Brett/Peter V. Brett [DEMON] - 01 Omul pictat (v2.0).doc 4.4 MB
- T/Tudor Popescu - Un dac la Roma(VP).doc 4.4 MB
- P/Peter Cheyney/Peter Cheyney - Marea teapa.djvu 4.4 MB
- R/Robert J. Sawyer/Robert J. Sawyer - Flashforward v.1.0.doc 4.4 MB
- T/Tim Lahaye & Jerry B. Jenkins - Supravietutorii.djvu 4.4 MB
- R/Roberto Bolano/Roberto Bolano - Tarfe asasine.rtf 4.4 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum - Complotul generalilor v.2.0.doc 4.4 MB
- S/Sophie de Villenoisy - Sinucidere fericita si La multi ani!.pdf 4.4 MB
- S/Simon Toyne/Simon Toyne - Turnul.djvu 4.4 MB
- T/Tom Clancy/Tom Clancy - Jocuri de putere v.1.0.doc 4.4 MB
- S/Stefan Zweig/Stefan Zweig - Suflete zbuciumate.djvu 4.4 MB
- T/Tom Clancy/Tom Clancy - Ordine prezidentiale vol. 1 [v.3.0].doc 4.4 MB
- P/Peter Beagle - Ultima licorna.pdf 4.4 MB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Nopti albe pentru Minerva.djvu 4.3 MB
- O/Octavian Paler/Octavian Paler - Autoportret intr-o oglinda sparta.djvu 4.3 MB
- T/Tatiana Niculescu/Tatiana Niculescu - Seducatorul domn Nae. Viata lui Nae Ionescu v.1.0.docx 4.3 MB
- R/Rosamunde Pilcher/Rosamunde Pilcher – Tigrul adormit.djvu 4.3 MB
- R/Robert Jordan/Robert Jordan - Roata Timpului - 5. Focurile Ceruluiv.1.0.doc 4.3 MB
- R/Rudyard Kipling/Rudyard Kipling - Capitani curajosi v.1.0.docx 4.3 MB
- P/Phillip Mann - Seniorul Paxwax.djvu 4.3 MB
- R/Roslund & Hellstrom - Trei ore (v.1.0).docx 4.3 MB
- S/Samantha Shannon - The Bone Season (Sezonul oaselor).djvu 4.3 MB
- T/Thomas Keneally - Lista lui Schindler.djvu 4.3 MB
- T/Tom Clancy/Tom Clancy - Fără şovoire v.1.0.doc 4.3 MB
- R/Ray Willbruce - Hammet intergalactic v.1.0.djvu 4.3 MB
- T/Tahar Ben Jelloun – Noaptea sacra.djvu 4.3 MB
- R/Romain Rolland/Romain Rolland - Inima vrajita vol.2.djvu 4.3 MB
- P/Paul Feval/Seria - Fiul lui Lagardère/[Lagardere II] - 07 Ducele de Nevers/Feval, Paul-fiul - [Lagardere II] - 07 Ducele de Nevers [v1.0 BlankCd].doc 4.3 MB
- O/Orhan Pamuk/Orhan Pamuk - Romancierul naiv.pdf 4.3 MB
- S/Stefan Dumitrescu - Delirul vol.2 (continuare la Delirul vol.1 a lui Marin Preda).rtf 4.2 MB
- P/Petre Bellu/Petre Bellu - Cazul doamnei Predescu.doc 4.2 MB
- R/Robert Galbraith/Robert Galbraith - Viermele de matase [v.1.0].doc 4.2 MB
- P/Petre Bellu/Petre Bellu - Caine vagabond.djvu 4.2 MB
- S/Simon Urban - Planul D.djvu 4.2 MB
- S/Steve Berry/Steve Berry - Enigma reginei 1.0 .docx 4.2 MB
- R/Robin Hobb/Robin Hobb - 3 - Razbunarea Asasinului vol.2.djvu 4.2 MB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - Dunarea revarsata.doc 4.2 MB
- S/Steven Saylor - Valul profetiilor.djvu 4.2 MB
- P/Pompiliu Tudoran/Pompiliu Tudoran - In slujba domniei vol. 2.djvu 4.2 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Mr. Mercedes.doc 4.2 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - O crunta spargere de nunta (v.1.0) [20].docx 4.2 MB
- P/Pierre Lemaitre/Pierre Lemaitre - Irene (v1.0).doc 4.2 MB
- S/Steven Gould/Steven Gould - Jumper v.1.0.doc 4.2 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum & James H. Cobb - Evenimentul arctic [v.1.0].doc 4.2 MB
- O/Octavian Paler/Octavian Paler - Viata ca o corida.djvu 4.2 MB
- O/Oliver Bowden/Oliver Bowden - [Assassin's Creed] 5 Renegatu.djvu 4.2 MB
- S/Sven Vesting/Sven Vesting - Vraja Milioanelor - V1 Cap. 1–56. 1.0.docx 4.2 MB
- P/Philip Pulmann/Philip PULLMAN – [SR#03] Tigrul din fântână [virg].rtf 4.2 MB
- P/Pompiliu Tudoran/Pompiliu Tudoran - In slujba domniei vol. 1.djvu 4.2 MB
- T/Tom Clancy/Tom Clancy - Furtună rosie [v.2.0].doc 4.2 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Spovedanie pentru invinsi (v.0.9)/Panait Istrati - Spovedanie pentru invinsi v.0.9.rtf 4.2 MB
- P/Peter F. Hamilton/Peter F. Hamilton - [ZORII NOPTII] 01 Disfunctia realitatii (vol.2).djvu 4.2 MB
- R/Roberto Bolano/Roberto Bolano - Literatura nazista in America.pdf 4.1 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Jos labele! (v.1.0) [28].docx 4.1 MB
- P/Paul Feval/Paul Feval - Cersetorul Negru [v1.0 BlankCd].doc 4.1 MB
- P/Paul Feval/Seria - Cocosatul/[Lagardere I] - 05 Triumful dragostei/Feval, Paul-fiul - [Lagardere I] - 05 Triumful dragostei [v1.0 BlankCd].doc 4.1 MB
- P/Philippa Gregory/Philippa Gregory – Prinţesa statornică [V1.0].doc 4.1 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/08. Panait Istrati - Pentru a fi iubit pamantul (v.0.9)/Panait Istrati - Pentru a fi iubit pamantul.djvu 4.1 MB
- S/Sergiu Somesan/Sergiu Somesan - Cel din urma Unicorn.doc 4.1 MB
- R/Ransom Riggs/Ransom Riggs - [seria Miss Peregrine] 03. Biblioteca sufletelor [V1.0].docx 4.1 MB
- R/Romulus Barbulescu/Romulus Barbulescu & George Anania - Constelatia din ape [CPSF_174-179].djvu 4.1 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - E periculos sa porti coarne (v.1.0) [59].docx 4.1 MB
- R/Robert Galbraith/Robert Galbraith - Chemarea cucului.djvu 4.1 MB
- R/Robert Jordan/Robert Jordan - Roata Timpului - 7. Coroana de sabii.djvu 4.0 MB
- R/Robert L. Wolke - Ce i-a spus Einstein bucatarului sau.djvu 4.0 MB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Minerva se dezlantuie.djvu 4.0 MB
- O/Octavia E. Butler - Pilda Semanatorului.djvu 4.0 MB
- R/Rudyard Kipling/Rudyard Kipling - La bunul plac al vietii.pdf 4.0 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum - Drumul Spre Omaha v.1.0.doc 4.0 MB
- S/S. Satrov - Blana de nylon v1.0.doc 4.0 MB
- P/Poul Anderson - Dansatoarea din Atlantida (v0.9).docx 4.0 MB
- P/Paul-Ludwig Landsberg - Eseu despre experiența morții.pdf 4.0 MB
- S/Stefan Tita - Alexida sensitiva.djvu 4.0 MB
- S/Sven Vesting/Sven Vesting - Vraja Milioanelor - V6 Cap. 262-305 1.0.docx 4.0 MB
- S/Stendhal/Stendhal - Lucien Leuwen vol.2.djvu 4.0 MB
- P/Petre Bellu/Petre Bellu - Caine vagabond v.1.0.doc 4.0 MB
- P/P. D. James/P.D. James - Gustul mortii.djvu 4.0 MB
- T/Tom Clancy/Tom Clancy - Pericol iminent [v.2.0].doc 4.0 MB
- S/Stefan Zweig/Stefan Zweig - Magellan.djvu 4.0 MB
- R/Roberto Bolano/Roberto Bolano - O stea indepartata.pdf 4.0 MB
- S/Sarah Lark/Sarah Lark - Cantecul maorilor.djvu 4.0 MB
- R/Robin Cook/Robin Cook - Frica de moarte.djvu 4.0 MB
- P/Paul Sussman/Paul Sussman - Armata lui Cambyses v.2.0.doc 4.0 MB
- S/Shari Lapena - Strainul de acasa (v.1.0).docx 4.0 MB
- R/Rosamunde Pilcher/Rosamunde Pilcher - Căutătorii de scoici.djvu 4.0 MB
- T/Thomas Harris/Thomas Harris - 2. Tacerea mieilor.djvu 3.9 MB
- P/Philip Pulmann/Philip Pullman - Sally Lockhart 3 Tigrul din fantana AN.djvu 3.9 MB
- S/Sandor Marai - Turneu La Bolzano.djvu 3.9 MB
- R/Richard Wurmbrand - Marx si Satan.pdf 3.9 MB
- P/Pittacus Lore/Pittacus Lore - Lupta celor noua.v.1.0.docx 3.9 MB
- P/Peter V. Brett/Peter V. Brett [DEMON] - 01 Omul pictat.djvu 3.9 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Vino cu lumanarea pregatita (v.1.0) [13].docx 3.9 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/05. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - [V. REINVIEREA LUI ROCAMBOLE] b. Orfanele [V2.0].doc 3.9 MB
- R/Robert Jordan/Robert Jordan - Roata Timpului - 9. Inima iernii v1.0.docx 3.9 MB
- P/Paul Feval/Seria - Cocosatul/[Lagardere I] - 01 Tineretea Cocosatului/Feval, Paul-fiul - [Lagardere I] - 01 Tineretea Cocosatului [v1.0 BlankCd].doc 3.9 MB
- S/Sylvie Germain - Zile de mânie.djvu 3.9 MB
- R/Robert Charles Wilson/Robert Charles Wilson - 01.Turbion.djvu 3.9 MB
- R/Rosella Postorino - Degustatoarele (v.1.0).docx 3.9 MB
- R/Richard Dawkins/Richard Dawkins - Un riu pornit din Eden.djvu 3.9 MB
- P/Pompiliu Tudoran/Pompiliu Tudoran - In slujba domniei vol. 3.djvu 3.9 MB
- R/Rick Riordan/Rick Riordan - Piramida roșie.v.1.0.docx 3.9 MB
- S/Sun Bin-Nobila arta a razboiului.pdf 3.9 MB
- R/Ruxandra Cesereanu - Un singur cer deasupra lor.pdf 3.8 MB
- S/Susanna Clarke/Susanna Clarke - Doamnele din Grace Adieu.v.1.0.docx 3.8 MB
- P/Paul Feval/Paul Feval - Capitanul Simon.doc 3.8 MB
- S/Simon Singh & Edzard Ernst - Adevarul despre medicina alternativa.djvu 3.8 MB
- P/Philip Pulmann/Philip Pulmann - [MATERIILE INTUNECATE] 03 Ocheanul de chihlimbar [v.1.0].docx 3.8 MB
- R/Richard Terrille - Atac in Ecuador.pdf 3.8 MB
- R/Raymond Aron - Opiul intelectualilor.djvu 3.8 MB
- S/Sarah Pearse - Sanatoriul.doc 3.8 MB
- P/Petru Vintila - Calatorie pe planeta Zeta 1.0.docx 3.8 MB
- P/Platon/Platon - Opere VI_v1.0_gy.docx 3.8 MB
- P/Pierre Lemaitre/Pierre Lemaitre - La revedere acolo sus.djvu 3.8 MB
- R/R. B.Karanov – Teroare in stepa.djvu 3.8 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Spovedanie pentru invinsi (v.0.9)/Panait Istrati - Spovedanie pentru invinsi.djvu 3.8 MB
- P/Petre Ispirescu - Basme.doc 3.8 MB
- R/Romulus Dinu - Dintr-o lume congelata... si false fictiuni.djvu 3.7 MB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - [Sfarsit de mileniu - 3] - Iesirea la mare (v3.0).doc 3.7 MB
- R/Richard Leakey - Originea omului.djvu 3.7 MB
- P/Paul Dowswell - Auslander (v.1.0).docx 3.7 MB
- R/Radu Cioban/Radu Ciobanu - Nemuritorul Albastru(VP).pdf 3.7 MB
- S/Sophie Kinsella - In cautarea lui Audrey.djvu 3.7 MB
- S/Sven Vesting/Sven Vesting - Vraja milioanelor - V5 Cap. 212–261 1.0.docx 3.7 MB
- O/Octavian Paler/Octavian Paler - Eul detestabil(v1.0).doc 3.7 MB
- P/Petre Ispirescu/Petre Ispirescu - Prislea cel voinic si merele de aur(v1.0).doc 3.7 MB
- S/Simone Sebag Montefiore - Ecaterina cea Mare si Potemkin. O poveste de dragoste imperiala.pdf 3.7 MB
- R/Radu Theodoru/Radu Theodoru - Corsarul VP.doc 3.7 MB
- S/Stuart MacBride -Granitul rece.djvu 3.7 MB
- S/Saul Bellow/Saul Bellow - Omul suspendat.pdf 3.7 MB
- S/Sam Harris/Sam Harris - Sfarsitul credintei 1.jpg 3.7 MB
- R/Radu Honga - Aventurile lui Theodore.pdf 3.7 MB
- R/Rusu-Ciobanu Victor/Rusu-Ciobanu Victor - Un destin aparte(VP).doc 3.7 MB
- R/Robyn Young/Robyn Young - 2 - Anima Templi.djvu 3.7 MB
- R/Romulus Barbulescu/Romulus Barbulescu & George Anania - Planeta umbrelelor albastre [CPSF_356-359].rtf 3.7 MB
- S/Stephen Booth/Stephen Booth - Câinele negru.djvu 3.7 MB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - Anotimpuri (1.0).doc 3.7 MB
- R/Romain Rolland/Romain Rolland - Inima vrajita vol.3.djvu 3.7 MB
- T/Theodor Constantin/Theodor Constantin - Matraguna contra monseniorului vol.2 v1.0.doc 3.7 MB
- P/Paul Feval/Seria - Fiul lui Lagardère/[Lagardere II] - 06 Sergentul Belle-Epee/Feval, Paul-fiul - [Lagardere II] - 06 Sergentul Belle-Epee [v1.0 BlankCd].doc 3.7 MB
- O/Orhan Pamuk/Orhan Pamuk - Viata cea noua [v1.0].rtf 3.7 MB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - [Sfarsit de mileniu - 6] - O suta una lovituri de tun (3.0).doc 3.7 MB
- R/Robert Jordan/Robert Jordan - Roata Timpului - 3. Dragonul Renăscut.djvu 3.6 MB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Sa nu ne uitam la ceas.djvu 3.6 MB
- R/Raymond Khoury - Sanctuarul doc v.1.0 FRB.doc 3.6 MB
- S/Steve Berry/07. Steve Berry - [Cotton Malone 04] - Tezaurul Imparatului.djvu 3.6 MB
- R/Roger Zelazny/Roger Zelazny - [Amber 2] Armele din Avalon v2.0.doc 3.6 MB
- S/Scott McBain - Argintii lui Iuda v1.0.doc 3.6 MB
- P/Paul Levine/Paul Levine - [Solomon vs Lord] 3 Sa-i omoram pe toti avocatii.djvu 3.6 MB
- S/Stan Nicholls/Stan Nicholls - Seria Orcii - 01.Paznicul Fulgerului.djvu 3.6 MB
- S/Sergiu Grossu - Spalarea creierului. Complotul psihopolitic al comunismului.rtf 3.6 MB
- R/Roger Zelazny/Roger Zelazny - [Amber 1] Noua printi din Amber v2.0.doc 3.6 MB
- R/Robert O'Neill - Razboinicul (v.1.0).docx 3.6 MB
- S/Stefan Berciu/Stefan Berciu - Insula spionilor.djvu 3.6 MB
- S/Sven Vesting/Sven Vesting - Vraja milioanelor - V2 Cap. 57–102 1.0.docx 3.6 MB
- T/Tudor Popescu - HW isi cauta umbra.djvu 3.6 MB
- T/Tibor Rode - Virusul Mona Lisa (v.1.0).docx 3.6 MB
- T/Tom Rob Smith/Tom Rob Smith - Ferma (v.1.0).docx 3.6 MB
- O/Orson Scott Card/Orson Scott Card - 2 - Vorbitor in numele mortilor.djvu 3.6 MB
- R/Robin Cook/Robin Cook - Intentii Periculoase v.2.0.doc 3.6 MB
- P/Platon/Platon - Opere III_v1.0_gy.docx 3.6 MB
- R/Richard P. Feynman/Richard P. Feynman - 6 Lectii usoare.pdf 3.6 MB
- T/Terry Hayes - Calatorul .doc 3.6 MB
- P/P. D. James/P.D. James -Pacatul originar.djvu 3.6 MB
- P/Pierre de Boisdeffre - Dragostea si plictisul.djvu 3.5 MB
- R/Renee Shafransky - Sfaturi de viata (v.1.0).docx 3.5 MB
- R/Robyn Young/Robyn Young -2- Recviem.djvu 3.5 MB
- S/Sara Shepard/Sara Shepard - Micutele mincinoase -1 Micutele Mincinoase .djvu 3.5 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum & Patrick Larkin - Vectorul Moscova [v.1.0].doc 3.5 MB
- P/Peter Cheyney - Adios Fernanda v1.0.docx 3.5 MB
- T/T. J. Klune - Casa din marea azurie v.1.0.docx 3.5 MB
- S/Staton Rabin - Betsy si Napoleon (v.1.0).doc 3.5 MB
- P/Phillip Mann - Seniorul Paxwax (v1.1).doc 3.5 MB
- S/Susan Se - [Penryn si Sfarsitul lumii] 1 Ingeri cazuti (v.1.0).docx 3.5 MB
- P/Philippa Gregory/Philippa Gregory - Imblanzirea reginei.djvu 3.5 MB
- P/Peter F. Hamilton/Peter F. Hamilton - [ZORII NOPTII] 03 Zeul adormit (vol.2).djvu 3.5 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/05. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - [V. REINVIEREA LUI ROCAMBOLE] c. Madeleine [V2.0].doc 3.5 MB
- P/Paul Sussman/Paul Sussman - Oaza ascunsă [v.1.0].doc 3.5 MB
- R/Robert Sheckley/Robert Sheckley - Monstrii.djvu 3.5 MB
- T/Tami Hoag/Tami Hoag - [Oak Knoll] 1 Pasiune obsesiva (v.1.0).docx 3.5 MB
- T/Terry Pratchett/Terry Pratchett - Lumea Disc 12 - Prin cele strainatati.pdf 3.5 MB
- T/Teodor Parapiru/Teodor Parapiru - Medalionul.djvu 3.5 MB
- S/Steve Berry/Steve Berry - Cotton Malone - V10 Secretul marelui sigiliu v1.0.docx 3.5 MB
- R/Roberto Bolano/Roberto Bolano - Nocturna in Chile.pdf 3.5 MB
- T/Tudor Mihail - Osteanul de la Baia.djvu 3.4 MB
- P/Paul Feval/Paul Feval-fiul - Gemenii lui Nevers v.1.0.doc 3.4 MB
- R/Ronan Bennett - Ultima mutare a regelui (v.1.0).docx 3.4 MB
- T/Tom Clancy/Tom Clancy - Ordine prezidentiale vol. 2 [v.3.0].doc 3.4 MB
- S/Sven Vesting/Sven Vesting - Vraja milioanelor - V4 Cap. 160–211 1.0.docx 3.4 MB
- P/Patricia Melo - Ucigasul (v.1.0).docx 3.4 MB
- R/Radu Theodoru/Radu Theodoru - Taina Recifului v.1.0.docx 3.4 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Draga, paseaza-mi microbii tai! (v.1.0) [29].docx 3.4 MB
- P/Philip K. Dick/Philip K. Dick-Cele trei stigmate ale lui Palmer Eldritch.pdf 3.4 MB
- R/Robert Jordan/Robert Jordan - Roata Timpului - 7. Coroana de sabii v1.0.docx 3.4 MB
- S/Stefan Zweig/Stefan Zweig - Magellan v1.0.doc 3.4 MB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Stilet cu sampanie.djvu 3.4 MB
- R/Rachel Caine/Rachel Caine - [Vampirii Din Morganville] 6 Carpe Corpus (v.1.0).doc 3.4 MB
- S/Santa Montefiore - Casa de la malul marii (vol.2).pdf 3.4 MB
- S/Simon Toyne/Simon Toyne - Cheia.djvu 3.4 MB
- S/Steven Erikson/Steven Erikson - Gradinile Lunii v1.0.doc 3.4 MB
- P/Peter F. Hamilton/Peter F. Hamilton - [ZORII NOPTII] 01 Disfunctia realitatii (vol.3).djvu 3.4 MB
- T/Thomas Cathcart/Thomas Cathcart - Dilema.djvu 3.4 MB
- S/Sara Shepard/Sara Shepard - Micutele mincinoase -3 Perfect .djvu 3.4 MB
- T/Timothy Harris - American gigolo.djvu 3.4 MB
- R/Robert Jordan/Robert Jordan - Roata Timpului - 4. Umbra se Intinde v 1.0 .docx 3.4 MB
- P/Petre Bellu/Petre Bellu - Cazul doamnei Predescu.djvu 3.4 MB
- R/Richard Morgan/Richard Morgan - Carbon modificat.djvu 3.4 MB
- O/Ovidiu Raureanu - Aventurile lui Serban Andronic.djvu 3.4 MB
- S/Sara Gruen - La marginea apei.djvu 3.4 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Infernul verde (v.1.0) [41].docx 3.3 MB
- T/Tiberiu Vornic - Intimplari din pragul veacului.djvu 3.3 MB
- O/Orson Scott Card/Orson Scott Card - 1 - Jocul lui Ender.djvu 3.3 MB
- R/Robin Cook/Robin Cook - Răpirea .djvu 3.3 MB
- P/Philip K. Dick/Philip K. Dick - Invazia divina.djvu 3.3 MB
- R/Rod Hammer - Duel pe viata si pe moarte.pdf 3.3 MB
- P/Peter F. Hamilton/Peter F. Hamilton - [ZORII NOPTII] 03 Zeul adormit (vol.1).djvu 3.3 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - [Turnul intunecat 06] Cantecul lui Susannah.pdf 3.3 MB
- T/Tom Clancy/Tom Clancy - Datorie de onoare vol. 1 [v.2.0].doc 3.3 MB
- S/Sanda & Vlad Stolojan - Sa nu plecam toti odata.pdf 3.3 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Spovedanie pentru invinsi (v.0.9)/Spovedanie pentru invinsi V.1.0.doc 3.3 MB
- T/Theodor Constantin/Theodor Constantin - Muntele Mortii V1.0.doc 3.3 MB
- S/Sandro Petraglia, Stefano Rulli, Andrea Purgatori - Caracatita vol.5.djvu 3.3 MB
- P/Pierre Pelot - Legea pistolului [v.1.0].doc 3.3 MB
- S/Salman Rushdie/Salman Rushdie - Quichotte [v 1.0].docx 3.3 MB
- P/Paolo Bacigalupi/Paolo Bacigalupi - Fata modificata.djvu 3.3 MB
- S/Scott R. Bakker/Scott R. Bakker - [Printul nimicului 02] - Profetul razboinic v1.0.doc 3.3 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/05. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - [V. REINVIEREA LUI ROCAMBOLE] d. Subterana [V2.0].doc 3.3 MB
- S/Stuart MacBride - Granitul rece (v.1.0).docx 3.3 MB
- O/Oscar Lewis - Copiii lui Sanchez.djvu 3.3 MB
- S/Sayaka Murata - Femeia minimarket (v.1.0).docx 3.3 MB
- P/Petru Popescu - Dulce ca mierea e glontul patriei.djvu 3.3 MB
- S/Stieg Larsson/Stieg Larsson – M3 – Castelul din nori s-a sfărâmat [V3.0].doc 3.3 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/03. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - [III INTRIGILE LUI ROCAMBOLE] 01 O fiică a Spaniei [V3.0].doc 3.3 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - De la A la Z (v.1.0) [22].docx 3.3 MB
- R/Robert A. Heinlein/Robert A. Heinlein - Stea Dubla.djvu 3.3 MB
- R/Richard Dawkins/Richard Dawkins - Gena Egoista V.0.9.9.doc 3.3 MB
- P/Petre Luscalov - Fiul Muntilor [V 1.0].docx 3.2 MB
- S/Siegfried Lenz - Ora de germana.rtf 3.2 MB
- T/Tom Clancy/Tom Clancy - [Centrul de comandă 04] - Acte de război v.1.0.doc 3.2 MB
- R/Rani Manicka - Zeita orezului.djvu 3.2 MB
- S/Swen Hasel - Desertul damnatilor [V.1.0].doc 3.2 MB
- P/Pearl S. Buck/Pearl S. Buck – Inger luptator.djvu 3.2 MB
- S/Sophie Hannah - Greseala fatala (v.1.0).docx 3.2 MB
- R/Rachel Caine/Rachel Caine - [Vampirii Din Morganville] 7 Stingerea (v.1.0).doc 3.2 MB
- P/Pierce Brown/Pierce Brown - [Red Rising] 4 Furia de fier (v.1.0).docx 3.2 MB
- P/Paul Levine/Paul Levine - [Solomon vs Lord] 1 Solomon vs Lord.djvu 3.2 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Dezmat la banca indragostitilor (v.1.0) [37].docx 3.2 MB
- S/Silviu-Iulian Huides - Timid si Sexy v. 1.0.doc 3.2 MB
- P/Peter F. Hamilton/Peter F. Hamilton - [ZORII NOPTII] 03 Zeul adormit (vol.3).djvu 3.2 MB
- R/Rebecca Hanover - [The Similars] 1 Clonele (v.1.0).docx 3.2 MB
- S/S. Ivcenko - Botanica distractiva.djvu 3.2 MB
- S/Salman Rushdie/Salman Rushdie - Doi ani, opt luni si douazeci si opt de nopti [v 1.0].docx 3.2 MB
- R/Ray Baker - Serpoaica din Kyoto.pdf 3.2 MB
- P/Paul Levine/Paul Levine - [Solomon vs Lord] 2 Un alibi in larg.djvu 3.2 MB
- R/Russell Blake - Nume de cod.djvu 3.2 MB
- P/Patricia Cornwell - Cartea morţilor [v.1.0].doc 3.2 MB
- S/Steve Berry/04. Steve Berry - [Cotton Malone 01] - Mostenirea templierilor v.1.0.doc 3.2 MB
- T/Tom Clancy/Tom Clancy - Duel la inaltime vol. 1 [v.2.0].doc 3.2 MB
- S/Somerset Maugham - Valul pictat.djvu 3.2 MB
- T/Tudor Popescu - Un baiat priveste marea djvu.djvu 3.2 MB
- P/Platon/Platon - Opere II_v1.0_gy.docx 3.2 MB
- S/Sofia Lundberg - Caietul cu nume pierdute (v.1.0).docx 3.1 MB
- R/Romulus Lal - Operatiunea metroul.djvu 3.1 MB
- S/Santa Montefiore - Casa de la malul marii (vol.1).pdf 3.1 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum - Deceptia Lui Prometeu v.1.0.doc 3.1 MB
- P/Pierce Brown/Pierce Brown - [Red Rising] 5 Furia dezlantuita (v.1.0).docx 3.1 MB
- T/Tom Clancy/Tom Clancy - [Centrul de Comandă 05] - Echilibru de forţe v.1.0.doc 3.1 MB
- S/Stephane Arfi - Trei zile la Ierusalim.djvu 3.1 MB
- R/Robin Cook/Robin Cook - Risc asumat v.1.0.doc 3.1 MB
- T/Tom Clancy/Tom Clancy - Datorie de onoare vol. 2 [v.2.0].doc 3.1 MB
- O/Ovidiu Zotta/Ovidiu Zotta - Spadasinul de serviciu djvu.djvu 3.1 MB
- T/Tom Clancy/Tom Clancy - Cardinalul de la Kremlin v.1.0.doc 3.1 MB
- P/Peter Robinson/Peter Robinson - Dosarul Cameleonul.djvu 3.1 MB
- S/Sartori Giovanni - Homo videns.djvu 3.1 MB
- P/Philip Pulmann/Philip Pullman - Sally Lockhart 4 Printessa de tinichea AN.djvu 3.1 MB
- R/Radu Theodoru/Radu Theodoru - Vulturul vol.4.docx 3.1 MB
- S/S.A. Chakraborty - Orasul de bronz.docx 3.1 MB
- R/Rafael Abalos - Grimpow.djvu 3.1 MB
- S/Sandrone Dazieri - Ingerul (v.1.0).docx 3.1 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/04. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - [IV CAVALERII NOPŢII] - 03 Testamentul lui Grain-de-Sel [V2.0].doc 3.1 MB
- T/Thomas Hardy/Thomas Hardy - Departe de lumea dezlantuita v.2.0.doc 3.1 MB
- P/P. D. James/P.D. James - [Adam Dalgliesh] 7 Gustul mortii (v.1.0).docx 3.1 MB
- S/Suzanne Collins/Suzanne Collins - Jocurile foamei - 03.Revolta.djvu 3.1 MB
- R/Roger Borniche - Povestea unui politist v.1.0.rtf 3.1 MB
- P/Pavel Vejinov - Pieirea lui Aiax.pdf 3.1 MB
- S/Steve Berry/06. Steve Berry - [Cotton Malone 03] - Tradare la Venetia v.1.0.doc 3.1 MB
- P/Petru Popescu - Dulce ca mierea e glontul patriei.doc 3.1 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Trei decenii de publicistica 2 (v.0.9)/Panait Istrati - Trei decenii de publicistica 2.djvu 3.1 MB
- T/Theodor Constantin/Theodor Constantin - Matraguna contra monseniorului vol.1 v1.0.doc 3.1 MB
- S/Stefan Zweig/Stefan Zweig - Maria Stuart.doc 3.1 MB
- S/Steve Berry/02. Steve Berry - Profetia Familiei Romanov v.1.0.doc 3.1 MB
- S/Stieg Larsson/Stieg Larsson – M2 – Fata care s-a jucat cu focul [V3.0].doc 3.1 MB
- S/Simon Toyne/Simon Toyne - Sanctus.djvu 3.1 MB
- S/Susanna Clarke/Susanna Clarke - Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell (v1.0).docx 3.1 MB
- R/Robin Cook/Robin Cook - Marker v.1.0.doc 3.1 MB
- P/Philip Shelby/Philip Shelby - Printre sacali [v.1.0].docx 3.0 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Fate la dezghetat (v.1.0) [67].docx 3.0 MB
- T/Tom Clancy/Tom Clancy - [Centrul de comandă 03] - Jocuri de stat v.1.0.doc 3.0 MB
- S/Suzanne Collins/Suzanne Collins - Jocurile foamei - 02.Sfidarea.djvu 3.0 MB
- R/Ransom Riggs/Ransom Riggs - [seria Miss Peregrine] 04. Harta zilelor [V1.0].docx 3.0 MB
- P/Peter V. Brett/Peter V. Brett [DEMON] - 04 Tronul de cranii (v.1.0).docx 3.0 MB
- T/Tom Clancy/Tom Clancy - Duel la inaltime vol. 2 [v.2.0].doc 3.0 MB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - [Sfarsit de mileniu - 1] - Casa domnului Alcibiade (3.0).doc 3.0 MB
- R/Rosamunde Pilcher/Rosamunde Pilcher - Septembrie.djvu 3.0 MB
- S/Shaun Clarke - Panică în Malvine v.1.0.docx 3.0 MB
- T/Tudor Mihail - Osteanul de la Baia.doc 3.0 MB
- S/Sara Shepard/Sara Shepard - Micutele mincinoase -2 Impecabil .djvu 3.0 MB
- R/Regine Andry - O fata singura Zapezile verii v2.0 Dyo.doc 3.0 MB
- S/Sophie Endelys - Marea arta a micilor escrocherii (v.1.0).docx 3.0 MB
- S/Sergiu Farcasan/Sergiu Farcasan - Va cauta un taur v.1.0.docx 3.0 MB
- R/Richard Leakey - Originea omului v1.0.doc 3.0 MB
- S/Sinclair Lewis - Elmer Gantry.djvu 3.0 MB
- T/Theodore Sturgeon/Theodore Sturgeon - Nestemate Visatoare.djvu 3.0 MB
- T/Taylor Stevens - [A Jack and Jill Thriller] 1 Razboiul minciunilor (v.1.0).docx 3.0 MB
- O/Oliver Sacks/Oliver Sacks - Omul care isi confunda sotia cu o palarie.djvu 3.0 MB
- S/Sidney Sheldon/Sidney Sheldon - Conspiratia.djvu 3.0 MB
- O/Oliver Bowden/Oliver Bowden - [Assassin's Creed] 1 Renasterea (v.1.0).docx 3.0 MB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - Ultima poveste.doc 3.0 MB
- T/Tom Clancy/Tom Clancy - Tinta marcata.djvu 3.0 MB
- R/Romain Rolland/Romain Rolland - Inima vrajita vol.1.djvu 3.0 MB
- R/Rafael Abalos - Grimpow.docx 3.0 MB
- S/Stieg Larsson/Stieg Larsson – M1 – Bărbaţi care urăsc femeile [V3.0].doc 3.0 MB
- S/Sue Grafton/Sue Grafton - B de la bandit.djvu 3.0 MB
- S/Suzanne Collins/Suzanne Collins - Jocurile foamei - 01.Jocurile foamei.djvu 2.9 MB
- O/Oliver Sacks/Oliver Sacks - Omul care isi confunda sotia cu o palarie (v2.0).doc 2.9 MB
- R/Rudyard Kipling/Rudyard Kipling - Kim Vol. 1 (V.1.1).docx 2.9 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Duma Key v1.0.doc 2.9 MB
- S/Sax Rohmer/Sax Rohmer - Scorpionul auriu.djvu 2.9 MB
- P/Paul Gadenne - Siloam v1.0 Dyo.doc 2.9 MB
- R/Rudyard Kipling/Rudyard Kipling - Stalky & Co [v1.0].doc 2.9 MB
- S/Stefan Zweig/Stefan Zweig - Triumful si destinul tragic al lui Erasm din Rotterdam.djvu 2.9 MB
- S/Stephen Crane - Asaltul (v.1.0).doc 2.9 MB
- S/Sabaa Tahir/Sabaa Tahir - [Elias si spioana Carturarilor] 1 Focul din cenusa (v.1.0).docx 2.9 MB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - Un port la rasarit.djvu 2.9 MB
- O/Oliver Bowden/Oliver Bowden - Revelatii.djvu 2.9 MB
- T/Tom Clancy/Tom Clancy - Vanatoarea lui Octombrie Rosu v.2.0.doc 2.9 MB
- P/Pedro Gonzales Calero - Filozofia pentru bufoni v.1.0.docx 2.9 MB
- O/Ovidiu Zotta/Ovidiu Zotta - Toti baietii djvu.djvu 2.9 MB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - Al optezeci si doilea.doc 2.9 MB
- P/Patricia Cornwell/Patricia Cornwell - Indiciu fatal.djvu 2.9 MB
- R/Roberto Bolano/Roberto Bolano - Comedia ororii in Franta v1.0).docx 2.9 MB
- R/Robert Silverberg/Robert Silverberg - Pasagerii.djvu 2.9 MB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - [Sfarsit de mileniu - 2] - Retragerea fara torte (3.0).doc 2.9 MB
- R/Rusu I. Abrudeanu - România şi Războiul Mondial. Contribuţiuni la studiul istoriei războiului nostru, 1921.pdf 2.9 MB
- S/Sam Harris/Sam Harris - Sfarsitul credintei 2.jpg 2.9 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Lupul travestit in bunicuta (v.1.0) [43].docx 2.9 MB
- P/Petru Dumitriu/Petru Dumitriu - Cronica de familie vol.3.doc 2.9 MB
- S/Solmaz Kâmuran - Kirâze v.1.0.doc 2.9 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Lucruri pretioase v.1.0.docx 2.9 MB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - [Sfarsit de mileniu - 4] - Victoria Neinaripata (3.0).doc 2.9 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum & Gayle Lynds – Optiunea Paris v.1.0.doc 2.9 MB
- P/Peter Robinson/Peter Robinson - Prietena diavolului.djvu 2.9 MB
- T/Theodor Constantin/Theodor Constantin - La miezul noptii o stea va cadea.pdf 2.9 MB
- P/Philip Roth - Animal pe moarte.pdf 2.9 MB
- S/S. K. Tremayne - Dubla identitate (v.1.0).docx 2.9 MB
- P/Philip Pulmann/Philip Pulmann - [MATERIILE INTUNECATE] 03 Ocheanul de chihlimbar.djvu 2.9 MB
- S/Steve Berry/Steve Berry - Ultima colonie.djvu 2.9 MB
- T/Tami Hoag/Tami Hoag - [Elena Estes] 1 Mastile crimei (v.1.0).docx 2.9 MB
- R/Robert A. Heinlein/Robert A. Heinlein - Luna e o doamna cruda.djvu 2.9 MB
- O/Octavian Soviany - Pulberea.pdf 2.8 MB
- T/Terry Pratchett/Terry Pratchett - Lumea Disc 12 - Zei Marunti.djvu 2.8 MB
- R/Raymond Chandler/Raymond Chandler - Ucigas in ploaie.docx 2.8 MB
- S/Steven Saylor/Steven Saylor -1- Oameni si semizei.djvu 2.8 MB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - Un port la rasarit [v.3.0].doc 2.8 MB
- S/Simon Scarrow/Simon Scarrow - Centurionul v.2.0.doc 2.8 MB
- P/Pierre Lemaitre/Pierre Lemaitre - La revedere acolo sus v.2.0.doc 2.8 MB
- R/Roberto R. Grant - Animalul de beton v.0.9.1.rtf 2.8 MB
- S/Sidney Horley - Vulturul negru.djvu 2.8 MB
- R/Robert J. Sawyer/Robert J. Sawyer - Flashforward.djvu 2.8 MB
- O/Olga Caba/Olga Caba - TOTALITER ALITER.doc 2.8 MB
- R/Romulus Barbulescu/Romulus Barbulescu & George Anania - Planeta umbrelelor albastre [CPSF_356-359].djvu 2.8 MB
- R/Robin Hobb/Robin Hobb - 01. Ucenicul Asasinului V.1.0.doc 2.8 MB
- P/Philippa Gregory/Philippa Gregory - Imblanzirea reginei (v1.0).doc 2.8 MB
- S/Sever Noran/Sever Noran - Comoara care poate ucide.djvu 2.8 MB
- T/Timothy Zahn/Timothy Zahn - Soldat Şi Dragon v1.0.doc 2.8 MB
- S/Susan Se - [Penryn si Sfarsitul lumii] 2 Lumea de Apoi (v.1.0).docx 2.8 MB
- P/P. J. Tracy/P.J. Tracy - [Misterele Monkeewrench] 1 Operatiunea Monkeewrench.djvu 2.8 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Pelerinul inimii (v.0.9)/Panait Istrati - Pelerinul inimii.djvu 2.8 MB
- R/Robert Gold - [Ben Harper #1] 12 secrete (v.1.0).docx 2.8 MB
- T/Terry Pratchett/Terry Pratchett - Lumea Disc 30 - Scotidusii liberi v2.0.docx 2.8 MB
- S/Sandra Brown/Sandra Brown - Chiar Si Ingerii Cad v.2.0.doc 2.8 MB
- R/R. L. Stine/R.L. Stine[Goosebumps] - Să devenim invizibili [AN600].djvu 2.8 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Trage-ma in poza (v.1.0) [74].docx 2.8 MB
- R/R. L. Stine/R.L. Stine[Goosebumps] - Răzbunarea piticilor de grădină [AN600].djvu 2.8 MB
- S/Steven Saylor/Steven Saylor - O crima pe Via Apia.djvu 2.8 MB
- R/Rosamunde Pilcher/Rosamunde Pilcher - Golgota intoarcerii acasa vol.2 v.1.0.doc 2.8 MB
- S/Sophie Hannah - O papusa sau alta.djvu 2.8 MB
- S/Sam Christer - Moştenirea Stonehenge.djvu 2.8 MB
- P/Petru Dumitriu/Petru Dumitriu - Cronica de familie vol.2.doc 2.8 MB
- T/Tom Clancy/Tom Clancy - Rainbow six vol. 1 [v.2.0].doc 2.8 MB
- S/Steven Saylor/Steven Saylor -1- Oameni si semizei.docx 2.8 MB
- P/Philippa Gregory/Philippa Gregory - Surorile Boleyn v.2.0.doc 2.8 MB
- S/Sarah Jio/Sarah Jio - Anotimpul regasirii (v.1.0).docx 2.8 MB
- T/Tan Twan Eng/Tan Twan Eng - Darul ploii.djvu 2.8 MB
- O/Orhan Pamuk/Orhan Pamuk - Ma numesc Rosu (v1.0).doc 2.8 MB
- R/Rachel Hawkins - Sotia de la etaj (v.1.0).docx 2.7 MB
- T/Teresa Solana - O crima imperfecta.djvu 2.7 MB
- R/Rhoda Belleza - [1000 de ceruri] 1 Imparateasa celor o mie de ceruri (v.1.0).docx 2.7 MB
- P/Peter F. Hamilton/Peter F. Hamilton - Steaua Pandorei vol.3-4 - Iuda dezlantuit v.2.0.docx 2.7 MB
- S/Sofia Samatar - Un strain in Olondria (v.1.0).docx 2.7 MB
- S/Stacy Willingham - Scanteie in bezna (v.1.0).docx 2.7 MB
- P/Paul Beatty - Winston duru' (v.1.0).docx 2.7 MB
- O/Orson Scott Card/Orson Scott Card - [Intoarcerea acasa 05] Nascuti pe Pamant (V.1.0).doc 2.7 MB
- P/Philipp Vandenberg/Philipp Vandenberg - Gladiatorul.djvu 2.7 MB
- R/Robert A. Heinlein/Robert A. Heinlein - Luna e o doamna cruda v.2.1.doc 2.7 MB
- T/Thomas Harris/Thomas Harris - Cari Mora (v.1.0).docx 2.7 MB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Moartea cu melon.djvu 2.7 MB
- R/Richard Pipes - Scurta istorie a revolutiei ruse (v1.0).doc 2.7 MB
- P/Peter Robinson/Peter Robinson - Inainte de ispita.djvu 2.7 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Un basm [V1.0].docx 2.7 MB
- P/Philip Pulmann/Philip Pullman - Sally Lockhart 1 Rubinul din fum AN.djvu 2.7 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/07. Panait Istrati - Amintiri. Evocari. Confesiuni (v.1.0)/Cop.jpg 2.7 MB
- T/Tom Rob Smith/Tom Rob Smith - Copilul 44.djvu 2.7 MB
- P/Patricia Highsmith - Carol (v.1.0).docx 2.7 MB
- T/Thomas Cathcart/Thomas Cathcart & Daniel Klein - Platon si ornitorincul... v.1.0.docx 2.7 MB
- T/Tom Clancy/Tom Clancy - Rainbow six vol. 2 [v.1.0].doc 2.7 MB
- S/Steve Berry/05. Steve Berry - [Cotton Malone 02] - Conexiunea Alexandria v.1.0.doc 2.7 MB
- T/Tom Clancy/Tom Clancy - [Centrul de Comandă 02] - Imaginea din oglindă v. 1.0.doc 2.7 MB
- S/Scott Mariani/Scott Marini - [Benedict Hope 01] - Manuscrisul lui Fulcanelli [v.2.0].doc 2.7 MB
- S/Stephanie Garber - Legendar [V1.0].docx 2.7 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Splina in suc propriu (v.1.0) [08].docx 2.7 MB
- S/Sushila Blackman - Cum trec în neființă marile personalități [v 1.0].docx 2.7 MB
- R/R. L. Stine/R.L. Stine[Goosebumps] - Sangele monstrului (Miron).djvu 2.7 MB
- R/Roslund & Hellstrom - Trei secunde.djvu 2.7 MB
- S/Steven Saylor/Steven Saylor -2- Oameni si semizei.djvu 2.7 MB
- R/Robin Cook/Robin Cook - Clinica Julian.djvu 2.7 MB
- P/Philip K. Dick/Philiph K. Dick – Ubik.pdf 2.7 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - O mana de oase v.1.0.doc 2.7 MB
- S/Stefania Auci - Iarna leilor (v.1.0).docx 2.7 MB
- O/Oliver Bowden/Oliver Bowden - Cruciada.djvu 2.7 MB
- P/Petre Salcudeanu/Petre Salcudeanu - Bunicul si pacatele lumii djvu.djvu 2.7 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Un criminal perfid (v.1.0) [68].docx 2.7 MB
- P/Pascal Bruckner/Pascal Bruckner - Paria.djvu 2.7 MB
- P/Paul Hoffman/Paul Hoffman - Ultimele patru lucruri v 1.0 .doc 2.7 MB
- R/Rex Pickett - Beat crita (v.1.0).docx 2.7 MB
- R/Radu Theodoru/Radu Theodoru - Calaretul Rosu (VP).docx 2.7 MB
- T/Tom Holt - Asteptau pe cineva mai inalt.djvu 2.7 MB
- P/Peter F. Hamilton/Peter F. Hamilton - [ZORII NOPTII] 01 Disfunctia realitatii (vol.1).djvu 2.7 MB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - Aceea frumoasa fata.doc 2.7 MB
- T/Thomas Hardy/Thomas Hardy - Primarul din Casterbridge.djvu 2.7 MB
- R/Rosamunde Pilcher/Rosamunde Pilcher - Golgota intoarcerii acasa vol.1 v1.0.doc 2.7 MB
- T/Tami Hoag/Tami Hoag - [Kovac & Liska] 1 Cenusa pentru cenusa (v.1.0).docx 2.7 MB
- T/Ted Dekker/Ted Dekker - 01.Negru - Matca raului.pdf 2.7 MB
- T/Tudor Popescu - Cel mai istet cel mai viteaz (VP).docx 2.7 MB
- P/Pearl S. Buck/Pearl S. Buck - Mama.djvu 2.7 MB
- T/Tom Eaton - Codul cavalerilor.djvu 2.7 MB
- S/Stefania Auci - Leii Siciliei (v.1.0).docx 2.7 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King & Peter Straub -Talismanul [omnibus] v.2.0.docx 2.6 MB
- P/Patrick Graham - Evanghelia dupa Satan.djvu 2.6 MB
- S/Stendhal/Stendhal - Lucien Leuwen vol.2.doc 2.6 MB
- O/Oana Orlea - Cantacuzino, ia-ti boarfele si misca!.pdf 2.6 MB
- S/Stendhal/Stendhal - Lucien Leuwen vol.1.doc 2.6 MB
- T/Terry Pratchett/Terry Pratchett - Lumea Disc - Seniori si doamne.djvu 2.6 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/02. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - [II. DRAMELE PARISULUI] 03.Clubul valetilor de cupa (vol.3) [V2.0].doc 2.6 MB
- S/Stefan Berciu/Stefan Berciu - Fantastica aventura 2101.djvu 2.6 MB
- S/Stefan Zweig/Stefan Zweig - Secret arzator (v1.0).doc 2.6 MB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - Flacarile (v1.1).doc 2.6 MB
- O/Ovidiu Surianu/Ovidiu Surianu - Intalnire cu Hebe.djvu 2.6 MB
- P/Peter Swanson/Peter Swanson - Cei care merita sa moara (v.1.0).docx 2.6 MB
- T/Theodor Constantin/Theodor Constantin - Asta seara, relache v.1.0.doc 2.6 MB
- S/Saxton Burr - Asaltul turnului v.1.0.doc 2.6 MB
- R/R. L. Stine/R.L. Stine[Goosebumps] - Zâmbeşte şi mori [AN600].djvu 2.6 MB
- P/Philip Pulmann/Philip Pulmann - [MATERIILE INTUNECATE] 01 Luminile Nordului.pdf 2.6 MB
- R/Radu Rosseti - Cu palosul v1.0.doc 2.6 MB
- S/Sarah J. Maas/Sarah J. Maas - Tronul de clestar - 6.Turnul Zorilor.pdf 2.6 MB
- R/Robert Ferrigno - Ruga pentru asasin.djvu 2.6 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum - Testamentul lui Holcroft v.2.0 .doc 2.6 MB
- R/Richard Yates - Revolutionary Road (v.1.0).docx 2.6 MB
- P/Peter Swanson/Peter Swanson - [Malcolm Kershaw] 1 Reguli pentru crima perfecta (v.1.0).docx 2.6 MB
- P/Pam Jenoff - Iubita comandantului (v.1.0).docx 2.6 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Povestea Lui Lisey v.0.9.doc 2.6 MB
- T/Tan Twan Eng/Tan Twan Eng - Gradina ceturilor din amurg.djvu 2.6 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum & Gayle Lynds - Conspiratia spirala v.1.0.doc 2.6 MB
- R/Ransom Riggs/Ransom Riggs - [seria Miss Peregrine] 0.5. Povestile deosebitilor [V1.0].docx 2.6 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/02. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - [II. DRAMELE PARISULUI] 04.Clubul valetilor de cupa (vol.4) [V2.0].doc 2.6 MB
- S/Steve Berry/08. Steve Berry - [Cotton Malone 05] - Razbunare la Paris v.1.0.doc 2.6 MB
- S/Steven Saylor/Steven Saylor -2- Oameni si semizei.docx 2.6 MB
- S/Stendhal/Stendhal - Rosu si negru (1997).djvu 2.6 MB
- S/Sarah Jio/Sarah Jio - Toate florile Parisului (v.1.0).docx 2.6 MB
- S/Sandra Brown/Sandra Brown - Imbratisare In Amurg v.1.0.doc 2.6 MB
- R/Robin Hobb/Robin Hobb [OMUL ARAMIU] - 03.Destinul Bufonului [vol 1] [v.1.0].docx 2.6 MB
- R/Rick Riordan/Rick Riordan - Piramida roșie.djvu 2.6 MB
- S/Steve Berry/Steve Berry - Afacerea Columb v.1.0.doc 2.6 MB
- P/Philip Shelby/Philip Shelby - Printre sacali.djvu 2.6 MB
- P/Petru Popescu/Petru Popescu - Urme in timp v0.9.docx 2.6 MB
- P/Pierce Brown/Pierce Brown - [Red Rising] 1 Furia rosie (v.1.0).docx 2.6 MB
- R/Radu Nor - Mister In Zece Ipostaze v1.0.docx 2.6 MB
- P/Poul Anderson/Poul Anderson - Povara cunoasterii v.1.1.doc 2.6 MB
- P/Peter Ravenberg - Caravana [v.1.0].docx 2.6 MB
- O/Oliver Bowden/Oliver Bowden - Fratia.djvu 2.6 MB
- P/Patricia Cornwell/Patricia Cornwell - Indiciu fatal [v.1.0].doc 2.6 MB
- S/Samuel Bjork - Bufnita vaneaza intotdeauna noaptea (v.1.0).docx 2.5 MB
- S/Scott O. Lilienfeld - 50 de mari mituri ale psihologiei populare (v.1.0).doc 2.5 MB
- T/Theodor Constantin/Theodor Constantin - Doamna in mov v1.0.doc 2.5 MB
- R/Rudyard Kipling/Rudyard Kipling - Kim Vol. 2 (V.1.0).docx 2.5 MB
- R/Radu Aldulescu - Amantul colivaresei.djvu 2.5 MB
- S/S. Satrov - Blana de nylon.djvu 2.5 MB
- S/Stephen Booth/Stephen Booth - Sălaşul morţii.djvu 2.5 MB
- S/Sidney Sheldon/Sidney Sheldon - Nimic nu dureaza o vesnicie.djvu 2.5 MB
- R/Renee Dunan - La un pas de moarte.djvu 2.5 MB
- R/Roger Zelazny/Roger Zelazny - Lordul luminii.djvu 2.5 MB
- R/R. L. Stine/R.L. Stine[Goosebumps] - Noaptea papusii.djvu 2.5 MB
- R/Robin Cook/Robin Cook - Şocul v.1.0.doc 2.5 MB
- R/Radu Cioban/Radu Ciobanu - Vamile noptii (VP).pdf 2.5 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum - Fum verde v.1.0.doc 2.5 MB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Doctorul Schelet.djvu 2.5 MB
- R/R. L. Stine/R.L. Stine[Goosebumps] - Fantoma de la teatru [AN600].djvu 2.5 MB
- T/Tana French - Padurea [V1.0].docx 2.5 MB
- P/Paul Levine/Paul Levine - [Solomon vs Lord] 1 Solomon vs Lord (v.1.0).docx 2.5 MB
- R/R. L. Stine/R.L. Stine[Goosebumps] - Blestemul preotesei.djvu 2.5 MB
- R/Rino Cammilleri - Justitie divina.djvu 2.5 MB
- R/Romain Puértolas - Zahera, fetiţa care a înghiţit un nor mare cât Turnul Eiffel.djvu 2.5 MB
- R/R. L. Stine/R.L. Stine[Goosebumps] - Bun venit in tabara de cosmar.djvu 2.5 MB
- P/Philip K. Dick/Philip K. Dick - Timpul dezarticulat.pdf 2.5 MB
- S/Sabaa Tahir/Sabaa Tahir - [Elias si spioana Carturarilor] 3 Moartea la porti (v.1.0).docx 2.5 MB
- P/Philip Pulmann/Philip PULLMAN – [SR#01] Rubinul din fum [virg].rtf 2.5 MB
- R/Roxanne Veletzos - Vara noastra de demult (v.1.0).docx 2.5 MB
- S/Spencer Johnson - Cine mi-a luat cascavalul.djvu 2.5 MB
- T/Terry Pratchett/Terry Pratchett - Lumea Disc 32- O Palarie Plina de Cer.djvu 2.5 MB
- S/Sidney Sheldon/Sidney Sheldon - Dimineata, la pranz si seara (v1.0).doc 2.5 MB
- S/Stephen Jones/Stephen Jones - 01.Cartea ororilor.djvu 2.5 MB
- R/R. L. Stine/R.L. Stine[Goosebumps] - Bun venit in casa mortilor (Rao).djvu 2.5 MB
- R/Raffaello Giovagnoli - Spartacus.docx 2.5 MB
- T/Theodor Constantin/Theodor Constantin - Johnny Boamba(v2.0).doc 2.5 MB
- R/Robyn Young/Robyn Young - [Rebeliunea #2] Renegatul (v.1.0).docx 2.5 MB
- R/Rafael Courtoisie - Leac sfânt.djvu 2.5 MB
- R/Robin Cook/Robin Cook - Tratament fatal v.1.0.doc 2.5 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Cruciada mea sau a noastra (v.0.9)/Panait Istrati - Cruciada mea sau a noastra.djvu 2.5 MB
- R/Robert Jordan/Robert Jordan - Roata Timpului - 1. Ochiul Lumii v.1.1.docx 2.5 MB
- R/Robert Park - Stiinta voodoo. Drumul de la prostie la frauda.djvu 2.5 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Vivat Bertaga! (v.1.0) [45].docx 2.5 MB
- R/Rysa Walker - [Dosarele Cronos] 2 La capatul timpului (v.1.0).docx 2.5 MB
- P/Pat Barker - Tacerea femeilor (v.1.0).docx 2.5 MB
- P/Petru Vintila - Calatorie pe planeta Zeta.pdf 2.5 MB
- T/T.A. Barron - [Merlin] 1 Anii pierduti (v.1.0).docx 2.5 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum - Strategia Bancroft.doc 2.5 MB
- R/Robin Hobb/Robin Hobb - 02. Asasinul Regal vol.1.djvu 2.5 MB
- T/Thomas Harris/Thomas Harris - Duminica neagra (v.1.0).docx 2.5 MB
- S/Salvador Dali - Jurnalul unui geniu (v.1.0).docx 2.5 MB
- S/S. Vesting/S.Vesting – Vraja milioanelor – V1 – Cap 001–056 [V1.0].doc 2.5 MB
- R/Roger Zelazny/Roger Zelazny - Drumul Iadului v2.0.doc 2.5 MB
- P/Paul Hoffman - Mâna stânga a lui Dumnezeu.djvu 2.5 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Pagini de corespondenta (v.0.9)/Panait Istrati - Pagini de corespondenta v.0.9.rtf 2.4 MB
- P/Paul McKenna - O viata noua in 7 zile.djvu 2.4 MB
- S/Sven Vesting/Sven Vesting - Vraja Milioanelor - V7 Cap. 306-327 1.0.docx 2.4 MB
- O/Oliver Bowden/Oliver Bowden - [Assassin's Creed] 4 Revelatii (v.1.0).docx 2.4 MB
- S/Shari Lapena - Ultima ei clipa (v.1.0).docx 2.4 MB
- T/Thomas Hardy/Thomas Hardy - Tess d'Urberville vol1(ctrl).djvu 2.4 MB
- S/Sam Harris/Sam Harris - Sfarsitul credintei.djvu 2.4 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Pieptanand girafa (v.1.0) [10].docx 2.4 MB
- P/Philipp Vandenberg/Philipp Vandenberg - Dosarul Golgota.djvu 2.4 MB
- R/Robyn Young/Robyn Young -1- Recviem.djvu 2.4 MB
- S/Sally Green/Sally Green - Jumatatea Rea.v.1.0.docx 2.4 MB
- P/Pierre Barbet/Pierre Barbet - Planeta vrajita V.1.0..doc 2.4 MB
- S/Sidney Horley - Vulturul negru [v.1.0].doc 2.4 MB
- P/Pearl S. Buck/Pearl S. Buck - [Casa de lut Vol. 2] - Feciorii [v.4.0].doc 2.4 MB
- R/Robert Ferrigno - Ruga pentru asasin v1.0.docx 2.4 MB
- T/Terry Pratchett/Terry Pratchett - Lumea Disc 28- Uluitorul Maurice si rozatoarele lui educate v1.0.docx 2.4 MB
- P/Philip Kerr/Philip Kerr - [Berlin Noir] 1 Toporasi de martie.djvu 2.4 MB
- S/Selma Lagerlöf/[V1.0] SL - Minunata călătorie a lui Nils.doc 2.4 MB
- P/Pittacus Lore/Pittacus Lore - Lupta celor noua.djvu 2.4 MB
- P/P. D. James/P.D. James - [Adam Dalgliesh] 3 O moarte ciudata (v.1.0).docx 2.4 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Christine v.1.0.doc 2.4 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - [Turnul intunecat 02] Alegerea celor trei v.2.0.doc 2.4 MB
- S/Stona Fitch - Fara simturi (v.1.0).docx 2.4 MB
- R/Robin Hobb/Robin Hobb [OMUL ARAMIU] - 03.Destinul Bufonului [vol 2] [v.1.0].docx 2.4 MB
- R/Robyn Young/Robyn Young - Cruciada 2.djvu 2.4 MB
- R/Roopa Farooki - Dulciuri amare.djvu 2.4 MB
- R/Romulus Barbulescu/Romulus Barbulescu - Insulele de aur si argint [V1.0].docx 2.4 MB
- R/Ronald Cutler - Pergamentul secret.v.1.0.docx 2.4 MB
- O/Oliver Bowden/Oliver Bowden - [Assassin's Creed] 3 Cruciada secreta (v.1.0).docx 2.4 MB
- S/Selma Lagerlöf/[V1.0 FP] SL - Minunata călătorie a lui Nils.doc 2.4 MB
- P/Pierre Pelot - Legea pistolului.djvu 2.4 MB
- R/Robert Lynn Asprin & Bill Fawcett - Mercenarul v.0.9.2.doc 2.4 MB
- R/Robert Galbraith/Robert Galbraith - Chemarea cucului [v.1.0].doc 2.4 MB
- P/Patricia Highsmith - Talentatul domn Ripley (v.1.0).docx 2.4 MB
- S/Suleika Jaouad - Intre doua lumi.djvu 2.4 MB
- S/Steven Erikson/Steven Erikson - [Cronicele Malazane] 3 Amintirile ghetii (v1.0).docx 2.4 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/Ponson du Terrail - Cavalerii dragostei.djvu 2.4 MB
- P/Pierre Lemaitre/Pierre Lemaitre - Alex [v.1.0.].doc 2.4 MB
- R/Richard Dawkins/Richard Dawkins - Ceasornicarul orb.djvu 2.4 MB
- S/Stefan Malmstrom - Kult (v.1.0).docx 2.4 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Altminteri ar fi sfarsitul lumii v.2.0.docx 2.4 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/05. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - [V. REINVIEREA LUI ROCAMBOLE] a. Inchisoarea din Toulon [V2.0].doc 2.4 MB
- T/T.A. Barron - [Merlin] 2 Cele sapte canturi (v.1.0).docx 2.4 MB
- R/Richard P. Feynman/Richard P. Feynman - QED.pdf 2.4 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Colivia fara gratii (v.1.0) [61].docx 2.4 MB
- S/Sandra Brown/Sandra Brown - Caderea lui Adam v.1.0.doc 2.4 MB
- R/Roberto Saviano - [Copiii Camorrei] 1 Piranha (v.1.0).docx 2.4 MB
- S/Sharon Huss Roat- Cum sa (nu) ma vezi.pdf 2.3 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/Ponson du Terrail – Spadasinii de la Operă v.2.0.doc 2.3 MB
- R/Robin Cook/Robin Cook - Clinica Julian v.1.0.doc 2.3 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Alexandru Oprea - Panait Istrati. Dosar al vietii si al operei (v.0.9)/Cop - 0001.jpg 2.3 MB
- S/Stendhal/Stendhal - Vanina Vanini,.rtf 2.3 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum - Experimentul Ambler v.1.0.doc 2.3 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum & James H. Cobb - Evenimentul arctic.doc 2.3 MB
- P/P. D. James/P.D. James -Moartea unui expert.djvu 2.3 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum - Compromisul v.2.0.doc 2.3 MB
- P/Paul Johnson - Intelectualii (v1.0).doc 2.3 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Cruciada mea sau a noastra (v.0.9)/cop - 0001.jpg 2.3 MB
- P/Philip Reeve - [Cronicile oraselor flamande] 2 Aurul pradatorului (v.1.0).docx 2.3 MB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Mana rece.djvu 2.3 MB
- S/Sarah Goodall, Nicholas Monson - Jurnalul meu la Palat.djvu 2.3 MB
- P/Paradais Claudiu - Cîntecul nibelungilor.pdf 2.3 MB
- T/Thomas Harris/Thomas Harris - 4. Hannibal in spatele mastii.djvu 2.3 MB
- S/Stan Nicholls/Stan Nicholls - Seria Orcii - 02.Legiunea Tunetului.djvu 2.3 MB
- R/R. L. Stine/R.L. Stine[Goosebumps] - Varcolacul din mlastina Fever.djvu 2.3 MB
- S/Sinclair Lewis - Elmer Gantry.doc 2.3 MB
- S/Sofia Lundberg - Un semn de intrebare este o jumatate de inima (v.1.0).docx 2.3 MB
- P/Petre Bellu/Petre Bellu - O crima langa Brasov v.1.0.doc 2.3 MB
- P/P. J. Tracy/P.J. Tracy - [Misterele Monkeewrench] 2 Momeala vie.djvu 2.3 MB
- R/Roslund & Hellstrom - Trei minute (v.1.0).docx 2.3 MB
- S/Samuel Bjork - Baiatul din lumina farurilor (v.1.0).docx 2.3 MB
- S/Stephen Booth/Stephen Booth - Salasul mortii [v. 2.0].doc 2.3 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Trei decenii de publicistica 3 (v.0.9)/Panait Istrati - Trei decenii de publicistica 3.djvu 2.3 MB
- R/Rawi Hage - Gandacul.djvu 2.3 MB
- R/Ray Bradbury/Ray Bradbury - Aici sunt tigri.djvu 2.3 MB
- S/Sinclair Lewis - Babbitt.doc 2.3 MB
- P/Peter Straub - Copiii pierduti.djvu 2.3 MB
- S/Simon Sebag Montefiore - Cerul rosu al amiezii (v.1.0).docx 2.3 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/02. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - [II. DRAMELE PARISULUI] 02.Clubul valetilor de cupa (vol.2) [V3.0].doc 2.3 MB
- P/P. D. James/P.D. James - [Adam Dalgliesh] 12 Sala crimelor (v.1.0).docx 2.3 MB
- T/Thomas Harris/Thomas Harris - 4. Hannibal in spatele mastii (v.1.0).docx 2.3 MB
- R/Robert A. Heinlein/Robert A. Heinlein - Infanteria Stelara.djvu 2.3 MB
- P/Petre Ispirescu/Petre Ispirescu - Prislea cel voinic si merele de aur.djvu 2.3 MB
- R/Robyn Young/Robyn Young -2- Recviem.docx 2.3 MB
- T/Tami Hoag/Tami Hoag - [Elena Estes] 2 Crima in lumea buna (v.1.0).docx 2.3 MB
- T/Tami Hoag/Tami Hoag - [Kovac & Liska] 2 Tarana pentru tarana (v.1.0).docx 2.3 MB
- T/Thomas Harris/Thomas Harris - 1. Dragonul rosu.djvu 2.3 MB
- P/Philip Pulmann/Philip PULLMAN – [SR#02] Umbra din nord [virg].rtf 2.3 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Mobilul v2.0.rtf 2.3 MB
- O/O. Goga & M. Stan - Intilnire cu umbrele.docx 2.3 MB
- S/Sebastian Fitzek - Cadoul (v.1.0).docx 2.3 MB
- R/Rosamund Lupton - Sora.djvu 2.3 MB
- P/P. D. James/P.D. James - [Adam Dalgliesh] 8 Planuri si dorinte (v.1.0).docx 2.3 MB
- O/Oliver Bowden/Oliver Bowden - [Assassin's Creed] 5 Renegatul (v.1.0).docx 2.2 MB
- P/Philip Reeve - [Cronicile oraselor flamande]1 Masinarii infernale (v.1.0).docx 2.2 MB
- S/Sue Monk Kidd - Jiltul sirenei.djvu 2.2 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/Juneţea regelui Henric/A5 [JUNETEA P6] Ep.10 - A doua tinerete [V3.0].doc 2.2 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum - Tradarea lui Tristan v1.1.doc 2.2 MB
- T/Tess Gerritsen/Tess Gerritsen - [Rizzoli & Isles] 6 Clubul Mefisto (v.1.0).docx 2.2 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Evadare in Canada (v.1.0) [79].docx 2.2 MB
- S/Sally Hepworth - Soacra (v.1.0).docx 2.2 MB
- R/Radu Nitu - Padurea nu doarme v.1.0.doc 2.2 MB
- P/Platon/Platon - Opere V_v1.0_gy.docx 2.2 MB
- T/Terry Pratchett/Terry Pratchett - Lumea Disc 01- Culoarea magiei V1.0.docx 2.2 MB
- P/Philipp Vandenberg/Philipp Vandenberg - Fauritorul de oglinzi.djvu 2.2 MB
- S/Sandra Brown/Sandra Brown - Focul mocnit din paradis v.1.0.doc 2.2 MB
- P/Pam Jenoff - Fetele disparute din Paris (v.1.0).docx 2.2 MB
- R/Rhidian Brook - Dragoste si ura (v.1.0).docx 2.2 MB
- S/Sarah Jio/Sarah Jio - Destine inlantuite (v.1.0).docx 2.2 MB
- S/Stephanie Perkins/Stephanie Perkins - Anna si sarutul frantuzesc scan.djvu 2.2 MB
- P/Pierce Brown/Pierce Brown - [Red Rising] 2 Furia aurie (v.1.0).docx 2.2 MB
- S/Scott McBain - Argintii lui Iuda.djvu 2.2 MB
- R/Robert Charles Wilson/Robert Charles Wilson - 02. Axa .djvu 2.2 MB
- P/Palacio Valdes - Sora San Sulpicio.djvu 2.2 MB
- P/Philip K. Dick/Philip K. Dick - Furnica electrica v2.0.doc 2.2 MB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Crima prin mica publicitate.djvu 2.2 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum & Gayle Lynds - Codul Altman.djvu 2.2 MB
- S/Sidney Sheldon/Sindey Sheldon - Stapana pe situatie v1.0.doc 2.2 MB
- S/Stan Nicholls/Stan Nicholls - Seria Orcii - 03.Razboinicii Furtunii.djvu 2.2 MB
- P/Pearl S. Buck/Pearl S. Buck- Vânt de rasarit, vânt de la apus.djvu 2.2 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/02. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - [II. DRAMELE PARISULUI] 01.Clubul valetilor de cupa (vol.1) [V4.0].doc 2.2 MB
- R/Rysa Walker - [Dosarele Cronos] 1 Captivi in timp (v.1.0).docx 2.2 MB
- P/Pearl S. Buck/Pearl S. Buck- Patriotul v.2.0.doc 2.2 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/01. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - [I. DRAMELE PARISULUI] 02.Mostenirea misterioasa (vol.2) [V2.0].doc 2.2 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Da buna ziua la doamna (v.1.0) [31].docx 2.2 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum - Ţinutul Magic v.1.0.doc 2.2 MB
- R/Robin Hobb/Robin Hobb - 02. Asasinul Regal vol.2.djvu 2.2 MB
- T/Teohar Mihadas/Teohar Mihadas - Pe muntele Ebal v.1.0.doc 2.2 MB
- S/Sarah Waters - Din varful degetelor (v1.0).docx 2.2 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Zona moarta v1.0.doc 2.2 MB
- P/Patricia Cornwell/Patricia Cornwell - Raţiuni criminale [v.1.0].doc 2.2 MB
- S/Susanne Jansson - Mlastina (v.1.0).docx 2.2 MB
- S/Susan Ee - [Penryn si Sfarsitul lumii] 3 Sfarsitul lumii (v.1.0).docx 2.2 MB
- T/Traci Chee - Cititoarea AN.djvu 2.2 MB
- T/Tom Clancy/Tom Clancy - [Centrul de Comandă 01] - Centrul de comandă v.1.0.doc 2.2 MB
- P/Paul Erdman/Paul Erdman - Ultimele zile ale Americii.djvu 2.2 MB
- S/Stefan Ahnhem/Stefan Ahnhem - Fabian Risk 3 - Minus optsprezece grade (v1.0).docx 2.2 MB
- R/Riley Sager - Supravietuitoarele (v.1.0).docx 2.2 MB
- S/Susan Meissner - Secrete pentru o viata.djvu 2.2 MB
- S/Sidney Sheldon/Sidney Sheldon - Suspans.djvu 2.2 MB
- P/Petre Ispirescu/Petre Ispirescu - Legende sau basmele romanilor v5.0.doc 2.2 MB
- T/Thomas Harris/Thomas Harris - 3. Doctor Hannibal (v.1.0).docx 2.2 MB
- P/Pearl S. Buck/Pearl S. Buck - [Casa de lut Vol. 3] - Casa invrajbita [v.4.0].doc 2.2 MB
- T/Terry Pratchett/Terry Pratchett - Lumea Disc 09 - Eric V2.0.docx 2.2 MB
- P/Pascal Engman - Femicid (v.1.0).docx 2.2 MB
- O/Olga Caba/Olga Caba - Nuvele fantastice.doc 2.2 MB
- S/Stefan Zweig/Stefan Zweig - Lumea de ieri (v.1.0).doc 2.2 MB
- R/R. L. Stine/R.L. Stine[Goosebumps] - Nu coborati in pivnita.djvu 2.2 MB
- R/Roberto Bolano/Roberto Bolano - Amuleta.pdf 2.2 MB
- R/Robert Rosenberg - Camera de montaj [v.1.0].docx 2.2 MB
- R/Robert Jordan/Robert Jordan - Roata Timpului - 6. Seniorul Haosului v1.0.docx 2.2 MB
- S/Sidney Sheldon/Sidney Sheldon - Inger si Demon (v1.0).doc 2.2 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Misterul regelui v1.0.doc 2.2 MB
- S/Sidney Sheldon/Sidney Sheldon - Inger si Demon.djvu 2.2 MB
- S/Sandrone Dazieri - [Colomba Caselli] 3 Regele de Arginti (v.1.0).docx 2.2 MB
- T/Thomas Enger - [Henning Juul] 1 Ars (v.1.0).docx 2.2 MB
- R/Radu Cosasu - Opere II. O vietuire cu Stan si Bran, Sonatine.pdf 2.2 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Cimitirul animalelor v1.0.doc 2.2 MB
- S/Scott Mariani/Scott Marini - [Benedict Hope 02] - Conspiratia Mozart [v.2.0].doc 2.2 MB
- R/Ruta Sepetys/Ruta Sepetys - Printre tonuri cenusii.djvu 2.2 MB
- S/Sorin Adam Matei - Boierii mintii (v1.0).doc 2.2 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum - Gemenii Rivali v.1.0.doc 2.2 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Daca tanti le avea... (v.1.0) [30].docx 2.2 MB
- P/Profira Sadoveanu - Mormolocul.djvu 2.2 MB
- T/Theodor Constantin/Theodor Constantin - Johnny Boamba.djvu 2.2 MB
- R/Roberto Bolano/Roberto Bolano - Anvers.pdf 2.2 MB
- T/Tony Parsons/Tony Parsons - Copil si barbat.djvu 2.2 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Alexandru Oprea - Panait Istrati. Dosar al vietii si al operei (v.0.9)/Cop - 0002.jpg 2.2 MB
- P/Patrick Modiano - Strada Dughenelor Intunecoase.djvu 2.1 MB
- T/Theodor Constantin/Theodor Constantin - La miezul noptii va cadea o stea v1.0.doc 2.1 MB
- R/Robyn Young/Robyn Young - [Rebeliunea #1] Rebeliunea (v.1.0).docx 2.1 MB
- R/Robin Cook/Robin Cook - Intenţii Periculoase.v.1.0.docx 2.1 MB
- S/Susana Fortes - Iubirea nu e un vers liber (v.1.0).docx 2.1 MB
- S/Stephen Fry - Mythos, Miturile Greciei repovestite.docx 2.1 MB
- S/Stephenie Meyer/Stephenie Meyer - Amurg.djvu 2.1 MB
- T/Tom Clancy/Tom Clancy - Ursul si dragonul v 2.0.docx 2.1 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/03. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - [III INTRIGILE LUI ROCAMBOLE] 02 Moartea sălbaticului [V2.0].doc 2.1 MB
- S/Sidney Sheldon/Sidney Sheldon - Furia ingerilor (v1.0).doc 2.1 MB
- P/Poul Anderson/Poul Anderson - Povara cunoasterii.djvu 2.1 MB
- T/Tara Janzen - Pe fugă.djvu 2.1 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/Juneţea regelui Henric/A5 [JUNETEA P4] Ep.7 - Regina baricadelor [V3.0].doc 2.1 MB
- S/Scott Smith/Scott Smith - Un plan simplu.djvu 2.1 MB
- S/Silva Daniel - Vaduva neagra v.2.0.docx 2.1 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/Juneţea regelui Henric/[JUNETEA P5] Ep.9 - Frumosul Galaor [V3.0].doc 2.1 MB
- O/Olavo De Carvalho & Aleksandr Dughin - Statele Unite și Noua Ordine Mondială.doc 2.1 MB
- P/Peter Mayle/Peter Mayle - Un an in Provence.djvu 2.1 MB
- T/Timothy Zahn - Duel.docx 2.1 MB
- T/Tracy Brogan - [Bell Harbor] 1 Nebunie de-o vara (v.1.0).docx 2.1 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/01. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - [I. DRAMELE PARISULUI] 01.Mostenirea misterioasa (vol.1) [V3.0].doc 2.1 MB
- R/Roger Zelazny/Roger Zelazny - [Amber 7] Sangele din Amber v2.0.doc 2.1 MB
- P/Philippa Gregory/Philippa Gregory - Fiica eminentei cenusii v.2.0.doc 2.1 MB
- P/Philippa Gregory/Philippa Gregory - Regina rosie v.2.0.doc 2.1 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - [Turnul intunecat 03] Tinuturile pustii.pdf 2.1 MB
- R/Ray Bradbury/Ray Bradbury - Omul ilustrat.djvu 2.1 MB
- S/Stephen Booth/Stephen Booth - Câinele negru [v. 2.0].doc 2.1 MB
- O/Ottessa Moshfegh - Un an de odihna si relaxare (v.1.0).docx 2.1 MB
- T/Tamora Pierce/Tamora Pierce - Cercul de Magie 1 - Magia lui Sandry.docx 2.1 MB
- T/Tucker Malarkey - Reînvierea.docx 2.1 MB
- T/Thomas Nagel - Oare ce inseamna toate astea.djvu 2.1 MB
- P/Planeta Moldova - Nekrotitanium v1.0.docx 2.1 MB
- S/Samantha M. Bailey - Fata de pe peron (v.2.0).docx 2.1 MB
- O/Olga Tokarczuk - Ratacitorii v1.0.docx 2.1 MB
- T/Thomas Bernhard - Da.pdf 2.1 MB
- R/Rosie Nixon - [Amber Green] 1 Stilista (v.1.0).docx 2.1 MB
- R/Robert L. Wolke - Ce i-a spus Einstein bucatarului sau [V1.0].doc 2.1 MB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Ira Melanox.djvu 2.1 MB
- T/Thomas Enger - Instinct criminal (v.1.0).docx 2.1 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Te-am trimis pe lumea-ailalta (v.1.0) [23].docx 2.1 MB
- P/Pascal Bruckner/Pascal Bruckner - Pazea, se-ntoarce Mos Craciun!.djvu 2.1 MB
- O/Octavian Paler/Octavian Paler - Eul detestabil.djvu 2.1 MB
- P/Paula Hawkins/Paula Hawkins - Fata din tren.djvu 2.1 MB
- P/Paolo Giordano - In vremea contaminarii.pdf 2.1 MB
- P/Paul Levine/Paul Levine - [Solomon vs Lord] 2 Un alibi in larg (v.1.0).docx 2.1 MB
- R/Ruta Sepetys/Ruta Sepetys - O mare de lacrimi (v.1.0).docx 2.1 MB
- P/Pittacus Lore/Pittacus Lore - Eu sunt numarul patru [v. 1.0].doc 2.1 MB
- P/Peter F. Hamilton/Peter F. Hamilton - [ZORII NOPTII] 03 Zeul adormit v.3.0.docx 2.1 MB
- P/Paul Sussman/Paul Sussman - Secretul templului.v.1.0.docx 2.1 MB
- S/Sam Savage - Firmin. Aventurile unei vieti subterane.docx 2.1 MB
- T/Tom Rob Smith/Tom Rob Smith - Agentul 6 (v.1.0).docx 2.1 MB
- R/Robin Cook/Robin Cook - Răpirea v.1.0.doc 2.1 MB
- O/O. Nimigean - Radacina de bucsau.pdf 2.1 MB
- S/Sorin Delaskela - Despre retragere si simplificare.pdf 2.1 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/03. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - [III INTRIGILE LUI ROCAMBOLE] 03 Răzbunarea lui Baccarat [V2.0].doc 2.1 MB
- S/Stephen Jones/Stephen Jones - 02.Cartea ororilor.djvu 2.1 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Mananca iaurt daca mai ai chef (v.1.0) [42].docx 2.1 MB
- P/Pam Jenoff - Povestea unui orfan (v.1.0).docx 2.0 MB
- S/Sarah J. Maas/Sarah J. Maas - Orasul semilunii. Casa pamantului si a sangelui v1.0.docx 2.0 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Bulion pe canapea (v.1.0) [40].docx 2.0 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Doamnelor, va place tare (v.1.0) [75].docx 2.0 MB
- R/Robert Galbraith - Glasul sangelui [V1.0].docx 2.0 MB
- T/Thomas Harris/Thomas Harris - 2. Tacerea mieilor (v.1.0).docx 2.0 MB
- S/Suki Kim - Fara tine noi nu existam. Viata mea secreta ca profesoara a copiilor elitei nord-coreene.pdf 2.0 MB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - [Sfarsit de mileniu - 7] - Sub zero grade (2.0).doc 2.0 MB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Violeta din safe.djvu 2.0 MB
- R/Robert J. Sawyer/Robert J. Sawyer - Programatorul divin.djvu 2.0 MB
- O/Octav Dessila/Octav Dessila - Iubim vol.1 v 1.0.doc 2.0 MB
- R/Roxanne Veletzos - Fetita pe care au lasat-o in urma (v.1.0).docx 2.0 MB
- O/Ovidiu Zotta/Ovidiu Zotta - Alexandru cel argintiu djvu.djvu 2.0 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum & Patrick Larkin – Operaţiunea Lazarus v.1.0.doc 2.0 MB
- P/Pauline Peters - [Victoria Bredon] 1 Camera rubinie (v.1.0).docx 2.0 MB
- S/Salman Rushdie/Salman Rushdie - Pamantul de sub talpile ei [v 1.0].docx 2.0 MB
- T/Tudor Chirila - Exercitii de echilibru.pdf 2.0 MB
- S/Sophie Hannah - Crime cu monograma.djvu 2.0 MB
- S/Sidney Sheldon/Sidney Shledon - Stelele stralucesc aproape (v1.0).doc 2.0 MB
- T/Teodor Mazilu - Proza satirica [v. 1.0].doc 2.0 MB
- T/Teodor Mazilu - Proza satirica v. 1.0.doc 2.0 MB
- P/P. D. James/P.D. James -Fiul omului.djvu 2.0 MB
- S/Sidney Sheldon/Sidney Sheldon - Nisipurile Timpului (v1.0).doc 2.0 MB
- S/Sarah Pearse - Sanatoriul (scan).pdf 2.0 MB
- P/P. D. James/P.D. James - [Adam Dalgliesh] 9 Pacatul originar (v.1.0).docx 2.0 MB
- R/Rosamunde Pilcher/Rosamunde Pilcher - Iasomia salbatica v.1.0.doc 2.0 MB
- P/Philip K. Dick/Philip K. Dick - Substanta M (v.2.0).doc 2.0 MB
- P/Poul Anderson/Poul Anderson - Orion va rasari.rtf 2.0 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - In corespondenta cu scriitori straini (v.0.9)/Cop1.jpg 2.0 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum & Gayle Lynds - Proiectul Hades v.2.0.doc 2.0 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - [Turnul intunecat 06] Cantecul lui Susannah v.3.0.doc 2.0 MB
- R/Renee Ahdieh - [The Wrath and the Dawn] 1 Urgia si zorile (v.1.0).docx 2.0 MB
- P/Philippa Gregory/Philippa Gregory - Mostenirea Boleyn v.2.0.doc 2.0 MB
- T/Theodor Fontane - Pacatul. Cecile [v. 1.0].doc 2.0 MB
- R/Robert Dugoni - Victimele puterii (v.1.0).docx 2.0 MB
- O/Octavian Paler/Octavian Paler - Scrisori imaginare.djvu 2.0 MB
- S/Sergiu Farcasan/Sergiu Farcasan - Manualul bunului carpaci (v1.0).docx 2.0 MB
- P/Pierre Lemaitre/Pierre Lemaitre - Camille.djvu 2.0 MB
- S/Salla Simukka/Salla Simukka - Rosu ca sangele [scan ctrl].djvu 2.0 MB
- O/Orson Scott Card/Orson Scott Card - 5 - Umbra Lui Ender.doc 2.0 MB
- P/P. D. James/P.D. James -O meserie nepotrivita pentru o femeie.djvu 2.0 MB
- S/Sinclair Lewis - Dodsworth.doc 2.0 MB
- P/Philip K. Dick/Philip K. Dick - Omul din castelul inalt.djvu 2.0 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Cruciada mea sau a noastra (v.0.9)/cop - 0002.jpg 2.0 MB
- P/Paul Anghel - Iesirea din iarna v1.0.doc 2.0 MB
- R/Raymond Chandler/Raymond Chandler - Ramas bun pentru vecie [v.2.0].doc 2.0 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Descaleca si du-te! (v.1.0) [19].docx 2.0 MB
- T/Thomas Hardy/Thomas Hardy - Doi ochi albastri v1.0.doc 2.0 MB
- R/Ray Bradbury/Ray Bradbury - Fahrenheit 451.djvu 2.0 MB
- S/Sebastian De Castell - Duelul vrajilor [V1.0].docx 2.0 MB
- S/S.J. Watson - Ultimul cadru.pdf 2.0 MB
- R/Roger Zelazny/Roger Zelazny - [Amber10] Printul Haosului v2.0.doc 2.0 MB
- S/Sarah J. Maas/Sarah J. Maas - Tronul de clestar - 6.Turnul Zorilor v.1.0.docx 2.0 MB
- P/Pittacus Lore/Pittacus Lore - Puterea celor sase [v. 1.0].doc 2.0 MB
- R/Richard Doetsch - Hotii Paradisului v.5.0.doc 1.9 MB
- O/Octavian Georgescu - Ora epavelor djvu.djvu 1.9 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/04. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - [IV CAVALERII NOPŢII] - 02 Ultima apariţie a lui Rocambole [V2.0].doc 1.9 MB
- T/Tom Rob Smith/Tom Rob Smith - Copilul 44 (v.1.0).docx 1.9 MB
- S/S. J. Watson - Inainte sa adorm.djvu 1.9 MB
- R/Richard Dawkins/Richard Dawkins - Gena egoista.pdf 1.9 MB
- S/Scott Smith/Scott Smith - Ruinele.djvu 1.9 MB
- S/Samuel Bjork - Calatoresc singura (v.1.0).docx 1.9 MB
- R/Romulus Barbulescu/Romulus Barbulescu - Catharsis (v.1.5).docx 1.9 MB
- R/Robert J. Sawyer/Robert J. Sawyer - Alegerea lui Hobson.djvu 1.9 MB
- T/Teohar Mihadas/Teohar Mihadas - Steaua Cainelui v.1.0.doc 1.9 MB
- P/Pascal Bruckner/Pascal Bruckner - Iubirea fata de aproapele.djvu 1.9 MB
- P/Pittacus Lore/Pittacus Lore - Puterea celor sase.pdf 1.9 MB
- P/Paul Erdman/Paul Erdman - Sub semnul riscului.djvu 1.9 MB
- R/Rosamund Lupton - Sora [v.1.0].doc 1.9 MB
- P/Paul Antim - Balaban si statuia.rtf 1.9 MB
- P/Patrick Modiano - Calatorie de nunta.djvu 1.9 MB
- T/Takashi Hiraide - Pisica musafir.djvu 1.9 MB
- P/Paul Cornea - Ce a fost cum a fost.pdf 1.9 MB
- O/Orson Scott Card/Orson Scott Card - 1 - Jocul lui Ender (v2.1).doc 1.9 MB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - La nord de noi insine.doc 1.9 MB
- P/Paulo Coelho/Paulo Coelho - Adulter.pdf 1.9 MB
- R/R. N. Güntekin/R. N. Güntekin - Pitulicea v.1.0.doc 1.9 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Trei decenii de publicistica 3 (v.0.9)/Cop - 0001.jpg 1.9 MB
- S/Sarah Addison Allen - Grădina fermecată.djvu 1.9 MB
- S/Sergiu Farcasan/Sergiu Farcasan - Masina de rupt prieteniile ver. 1.0.docx 1.9 MB
- P/Pearl S. Buck/Pearl S. Buck - [Casa de lut Vol. 1] - Tarina [v.3.0].doc 1.9 MB
- P/Petre Bellu/Petre Bellu - Apararea are cuvantul.djvu 1.9 MB
- S/Sax Rohmer/Sax Rohmer - Scorpionul auriu.doc 1.9 MB
- S/Stanislaw Lem/Stanislaw Lem - Ciberiada v1.0.docx 1.9 MB
- O/Ovid S. Crohmalniceanu - Istorii insolite.doc 1.9 MB
- O/Ottessa Moshfegh - Eileen (v.1.0).docx 1.9 MB
- P/P. D. James/P.D. James -O moarte ciudata.djvu 1.9 MB
- P/Philipp Vandenberg/Philipp Vandenberg - Conjuratia sixtina.djvu 1.9 MB
- S/Sue Grafton/Sue Grafton - C de la Cadavru .djvu 1.9 MB
- S/Somaiya Daud - Miraj [V1.0].docx 1.9 MB
- S/S. Vesting/S.Vesting – Vraja milioanelor – V5 – Cap 212–261 [V1.0].doc 1.9 MB
- O/Octav Dessila/Octav Dessila - Inceput de viata.doc 1.9 MB
- P/Philip K. Dick/Philip K. Dick - Labirintul mortii.pdf 1.9 MB
- S/Silje O. Ulstein - Memoriile unei reptile (v.1.0).docx 1.9 MB
- P/P. D. James/P.D. James - [Adam Dalgliesh] 11 Moarte in Sfantul Ordin (v.1.0).docx 1.9 MB
- R/Radu Paraschivescu/Radu Paraschivescu - Vitrina cu sarlatani v1.0.docx 1.9 MB
- T/Tess Gerritsen/Tess Gerritsen - [Rizzoli & Isles] 5 Disparitia.djvu 1.9 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - [Turnul intunecat 02] Alegerea celor trei.pdf 1.9 MB
- T/Tami Hoag/Tami Hoag - [Kovac & Liska] 3 Adevar periculos (v.1.0).docx 1.9 MB
- T/Thomas Keneally - Lista lui Schindler [v3.0].docx 1.9 MB
- P/P. G. Wodehouse/P.G. Wodehouse - Sezonul de imperechere SC.djvu 1.9 MB
- T/Tarjei Vesaas - Palatul de gheata.djvu 1.9 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/04. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - [IV CAVALERII NOPŢII] - 01 Manuscrisul unei măşti [V2.0].doc 1.9 MB
- T/Tudor Arghezi - Cu bastonul prin Bucuresti.djvu 1.9 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - La asfintit v.0.9.doc 1.9 MB
- T/Theodore Sturgeon/Theodore Sturgeon - Mai mult decât oameni v.1.0.doc 1.9 MB
- R/Richelle Mead/Richelle Mead - Academia Vampirilor - 4 - Juramant de sange.djvu 1.9 MB
- T/Tracey Garvis Graves - Fata pe care el o stia.pdf 1.9 MB
- S/Sidney Sheldon/Sidney Sheldon - Si daca maine va veni (v1.0).doc 1.9 MB
- P/Petre Salcudeanu/Petre Salcudeanu - Bunicul si o lacrima de fata.djvu 1.9 MB
- R/Rath Vegh Istvan - Istoria Culturala a Prostiei Omenesti v1.0.docx 1.9 MB
- R/Robin Cook/Robin Cook - Socul.djvu 1.9 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Trei decenii de publicistica 3 (v.0.9)/Cop - 0002.jpg 1.9 MB
- R/Robert Sheckley/Robert Sheckley - Omega v.3.0.doc 1.9 MB
- P/Pierre Lemaitre/Pierre Lemaitre - Camille (v1.0).doc 1.9 MB
- S/Sidney Sheldon/Sidney Sheldon - Morile de vant ale zeilor (v1.0).doc 1.9 MB
- S/Samuel Segev - Singur în Damasc.doc 1.9 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Trei decenii de publicistica 2 (v.0.9)/Cop - 0002.jpg 1.8 MB
- P/Palacio Valdes - Sora San Sulpicio (v.1.0).docx 1.8 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Trei decenii de publicistica 2 (v.0.9)/Cop - 0001.jpg 1.8 MB
- P/Philippe Curval/Curval, Philippe - Enclava v1.0.doc 1.8 MB
- P/P. D. James/P.D. James - [Adam Dalgliesh] 6 Moartea unui expert (v.1.0).docx 1.8 MB
- S/Sidney Sheldon/Sidney Sheldon - Conspiratia (v1.0).doc 1.8 MB
- S/Sébastien Japrisot - Compartimentul ucigasilor.djvu 1.8 MB
- P/Philip Pulmann/Philip Pulmann - [MATERIILE INTUNECATE] 02 Pumnalul diafan.pdf 1.8 MB
- T/Ted Chiang/Ted Chiang - Impartirea la zero.djvu 1.8 MB
- R/Rex Stout - Capcana pentru FBI (v.1.0).docx 1.8 MB
- R/R. L. Stine/R.L. Stine[Goosebumps] - Nu ma puteti speria.djvu 1.8 MB
- R/Robert Kimmel Smith - Razboi cu bunicul (v.1.0).docx 1.8 MB
- R/Rebecca Serle - Peste cinci ani (v.1.0).docx 1.8 MB
- T/Tess Gerritsen/Tess Gerritsen - [Rizzoli & Isles] 2 Ucenicul.djvu 1.8 MB
- P/Paul Monette - Predator.docx 1.8 MB
- R/Richard Yates - Parada de Paste (v.1.0).docx 1.8 MB
- P/Par Lagerkvist - Povestiri amare (v.1.0).docx 1.8 MB
- P/Peter Beagle - Ultima licorna [v1.0].docx 1.8 MB
- T/Theodore Sturgeon/Theodore Sturgeon - Mai mult decât oameni.djvu 1.8 MB
- S/Stefan Popescu - Pasala.djvu 1.8 MB
- T/Thomas Josiah Dimsdale - Banda serifului Plummer [v.1.0].doc 1.8 MB
- S/Sue Grafton/Sue Grafton - D de la datornic.djvu 1.8 MB
- S/Shalini Boland - Sotia milionarului (v.1.0).docx 1.8 MB
- S/Sidney Sheldon/Sidney Sheldon - De cealalta parte a miezului noptii (v1.0).doc 1.8 MB
- T/T.M. Logan - 29 de secunde.djvu 1.8 MB
- S/Stefan Zweig/Stefan Zweig - Suflete zbuciumate v2.0.doc 1.8 MB
- P/Philipp Vandenberg/Philipp Vandenberg - Al optulea pacat.djvu 1.8 MB
- R/Rachel Ward - Numere.pdf 1.8 MB
- P/Pascal Bruckner/Pascal Bruckner - Paria (v1.0).doc 1.8 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/03. Panait Istrati - Familia Perlmutter (v.1.0)/Panait Istrati - Familia Perlmutter.djvu 1.8 MB
- P/Paul Erdman/Paul Erdman - Ultimele zile ale Americii (v1.0).doc 1.8 MB
- S/Sergio Pitol - Imblinzirea divinei egrete.djvu 1.8 MB
- R/Romulus Barbulescu/Romulus Barbulescu & George Ananaia - Doando v.1.5.doc 1.8 MB
- R/Roger Zelazny/Roger Zelazny - [Amber 9] Cavalerul Umbrelor v2.0.doc 1.8 MB
- T/Tara Janzen - Pe fugă.v.1.0.docx 1.8 MB
- R/Roger Zelazny/Roger Zelazny - [Amber 6] Atuurile mortii.doc 1.8 MB
- P/Patricia Highsmith - [Ripley] 2 Ripley sub pamant (v.1.0).docx 1.8 MB
- R/Rusu I. Abrudeanu - România şi Războiul Mondial. Contribuţiuni la studiul istoriei războiului nostru, 1921.docx 1.8 MB
- R/Robert Quaglia/Roberto Quaglia - Vagabondul interspatial v0.9 FRB.doc 1.8 MB
- S/S. Vesting/S.Vesting – Vraja milioanelor – V3 – Cap 103–159 [V1.0].doc 1.8 MB
- P/Peter F. Hamilton/Peter F. Hamilton - [ZORII NOPTII] 01 Disfunctia realitatii v.5.0.docx 1.8 MB
- S/Stefan Berciu/Stefan Berciu - Moartea unui singuratic.djvu 1.8 MB
- P/Philip K. Dick/Philip K. Dick - Viseaza androizii oi electrice (Vanatorul de recompense) v1.0.doc 1.8 MB
- T/Tom Clancy/Tom Clancy - [Centrul de Comanda 07] - Dezbina si cucereste v.1.0.doc 1.8 MB
- P/Pearl S. Buck/Pearl S. Buck - Exilata v.2.0.doc 1.8 MB
- S/Sara Shepard/Sara Shepard - Micutele mincinoase si se - 4. Secretul lui Spencer .djvu 1.8 MB
- R/Rene Barjavel - Tarendol.doc 1.8 MB
- O/Octavian Paler/Octavian Paler - Mitologii subiective.djvu 1.8 MB
- T/Tarryn Fisher - Sotiile (v.1.0).docx 1.8 MB
- R/Renee Ahdieh - [The Wrath and the Dawn] 2 Trandafirul si hangerul (v.1.0).docx 1.8 MB
- S/S. S. van Dine - Afacerea nebunului negru v1.0I.doc 1.8 MB
- S/Stanislaw Lem/Stanislaw Lem - Eden.doc 1.8 MB
- R/Roger Zelazny/Roger Zelazny - [Amber 5] Curtile Haosului v2.0.doc 1.8 MB
- T/Truman Capote - Harfa de iarbă (v1.0).docx 1.8 MB
- T/Tom Rob Smith/Tom Rob Smith - Raportul secret (v.1.0).docx 1.8 MB
- S/Sebastian Fitzek - Pachetul (v.1.0).docx 1.8 MB
- P/Philip K. Dick/Philip K. Dick - Curgeti, lacrimile mele, zise politistul (v.1.0).docx 1.8 MB
- P/Paul Henricks - Musuroiul de furnici v.1.0.rtf 1.8 MB
- S/Stefan Zweig/Stefan Zweig - Joseph Fouche (v.1.0).doc 1.8 MB
- T/Tarun J. Tejpal - Povestea asasinilor mei (v.1.0).docx 1.8 MB
- R/Raymond F. Jones/Raymond F. Jones - Locuitorul celor doua lumi v.0.9.7.doc 1.8 MB
- P/Philip Kerr/Philip Kerr - [Berlin Noir] 2 Criminalul din umbra.djvu 1.8 MB
- T/Timothy Zahn/Timothy Zahn - Hot si Dragon.djvu 1.8 MB
- T/Thomas Hardy/Thomas Hardy - Tess d'Urberville vol1(v1.0).doc 1.8 MB
- R/R.J. Palacio - Minunea.djvu 1.8 MB
- O/Oyinkan Braithwaite - Sora mea, ucigasa in serie (v.1.0).docx 1.8 MB
- P/Peter F. Hamilton/Peter F. Hamilton - Steaua Pandorei vol.1-2 v.2.0.docx 1.8 MB
- R/Radu Paraschivescu/Radu Paraschivescu - Podul Diavolului v. 1.0.doc 1.8 MB
- P/Paulo Coelho/Paulo Coelho - Zahir .djvu 1.8 MB
- T/Tucker Malarkey - Reînvierea.djvu 1.8 MB
- S/Stephen Hawking/Stephen Hawking - Scurta istorie a timpului.doc 1.8 MB
- P/Peter Gardos - Febra in zori (v.1.0).docx 1.8 MB
- P/Peter F. Hamilton/Peter F. Hamilton - [ZORII NOPTII] 02 Alchimistul neutronic v.4.0.docx 1.8 MB
- S/S. Vesting/S.Vesting – Vraja milioanelor – V2 – Cap 057–102 [V1.0].doc 1.7 MB
- S/Steve Berry/03. Steve Berry - Al Treilea Secret v1.0.doc 1.7 MB
- S/Stephen King/Richard Bachman (Stephen King) - Fugarul [v.2.0].docx 1.7 MB
- P/Pearl S. Buck/Pearl S. Buck - Pavilionul femeilor [V2.0].doc 1.7 MB
- T/Tess Gerritsen/Tess Gerritsen - [Rizzoli & Isles] 3 Pacatoasa.djvu 1.7 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Clientela pentru morga (v.1.0) [56].docx 1.7 MB
- O/Orson Scott Card/Orson Scott Card - 4 - Copiii mintii.doc 1.7 MB
- R/Robert Musil - Omul fara insusiri vol.2.docx 1.7 MB
- P/Peter V. Brett/Peter V. Brett [DEMON] - 02. Sulita Desertului (v.1.0).docx 1.7 MB
- R/Renee Dunan - La un pas de moarte (V 1.0).docx 1.7 MB
- O/Octavian Paler/Octavian Paler - Rugati-va sa nu va creasca aripi [v. 1.0].doc 1.7 MB
- R/Renee Knight - Avertisment.djvu 1.7 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Sub Dom vol.1 [V1.0].docx 1.7 MB
- S/Samuel B Griffith II - Batalia pentru Guadalcanal.doc 1.7 MB
- T/Tom Knox - Secretul Genezei.djvu 1.7 MB
- S/Siegfried Lenz - Un moment de reculegere.djvu 1.7 MB
- O/Octavian Paler/Octavian Paler - Viata ca o corida (v1.0).doc 1.7 MB
- T/Teohar Mihadas/Teohar Mihadas - Pinii de pe Golna v.1.0.doc 1.7 MB
- S/Sjon - Din pantecul balenei (e).pdf 1.7 MB
- O/Orhan Pamuk/Orhan Pamuk - Romancierul naiv si sentimental.doc 1.7 MB
- R/Raymond E. Feist - Magician [v.1.0].docx 1.7 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Orasul Bantuit - Vol. 2 [v.2.0].docx 1.7 MB
- T/Tom Rob Smith/Tom Rob Smith - Raportul secret.djvu 1.7 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/Juneţea regelui Henric/[V3.0] [JUNETEA P3] - Noaptea Sfantului Bartolomeu.doc 1.7 MB
- P/Poul Anderson/Poul Anderson - Avatarul.rtf 1.7 MB
- R/Radu Paraschivescu/Radu Paraschivescu - Orice om ii este teama.djvu 1.7 MB
- P/Pierre Lemaitre/Pierre Lemaitre - Alex.djvu 1.7 MB
- P/Paulo Coelho/Paulo Coelho - Vrajitoarea din Portobello.djvu 1.7 MB
- S/Susana Fortes - Septembrie poate astepta (v.1.0).docx 1.7 MB
- P/P. D. James/P.D. James - [Adam Dalgliesh] 13 Farul (v.1.0).docx 1.7 MB
- T/Tess Gerritsen/Tess Gerritsen - [Rizzoli & Isles] 1 Chirurgul (v.1.0).docx 1.7 MB
- P/Piero Colaprico - Sotia campionului (v.1.0).docx 1.7 MB
- S/Stephen Hawking - Raspunsuri scurte la marile intrebari e.pdf 1.7 MB
- S/Stefan Tita - Robotul sentimental.doc 1.7 MB
- P/P. D. James/P.D. James - [Cordelia Gray] 1 O meserie nepotrivita pentru o femeie (v.1.0).docx 1.7 MB
- O/Orson Scott Card/Orson Scott Card - [Intoarcerea acasa 02] Chemarea pamantului [v.1.0].doc 1.7 MB
- S/Svetlana Aleksievici - Vremuri second-hand Humanitas (2016).pdf 1.7 MB
- P/Peter Robinson/Peter Robinson - Prietena diavolului (v.1.0).docx 1.7 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Trei decenii de publicistica 1 (v.0.9)/Panait Istrati - Trei decenii de publicistica 1.djvu 1.7 MB
- S/Santea Ioan - Viata ca o descoperire v.1.0.rtf 1.7 MB
- T/Tom Clancy/Tom Clancy - [Centrul de Comanda 06] - Stare de asediu v.1.0.doc 1.7 MB
- T/Theodor Constantin/Theodor Constantin- Se destrama noaptea v1.0.doc 1.7 MB
- R/Richard Terrille - Atac in Ecuador [V.1.0].doc 1.7 MB
- O/Octavian Paler/Octavian Paler - Un om norocos [v. 1.0].doc 1.7 MB
- R/Richelle Mead/Richelle Mead - Academia Vampirilor - 3 - Atingerea umbrei.djvu 1.7 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/Juneţea regelui Henric/[V3.2] [JUNETEA P1] 1.2 Amanta regelui Navarrei.doc 1.7 MB
- R/Robert Tine - Pururea Tanar.djvu 1.7 MB
- T/Theodor Constantin/Theodor Constantin - Crizanteme pentru Erna v.1.0.docx 1.7 MB
- P/Pearl S. Buck/Pearl S. Buck - Promisiunea [V2.0].doc 1.7 MB
- T/Tibor Ostermann – Veşnic prizonier [V1.0].doc 1.7 MB
- S/Sharon Sayler - Limbajul Corpului Tau.docx 1.7 MB
- S/Sigmund Freud - [Opere Esentiale 08] Nevroza la copil (e).pdf 1.7 MB
- S/Steven Saylor - Valul profetiilor.docx 1.7 MB
- P/Peter Mayle/Peter Mayle - Provence pentru totdeauna.djvu 1.7 MB
- S/Steven Erikson/Steven Erikson - Portile casei mortilor.docx 1.7 MB
- R/Riley Sager - Incuie toate usile (v.1.0).docx 1.6 MB
- S/Stefan Zweig/Stefan Zweig - Lumea de ieri.djvu 1.6 MB
- T/Theodor Constantin/Theodor Constantin - Razbunarea lui Ionut.doc 1.6 MB
- R/Roger Zelazny/Roger Zelazny - [Amber 8] Semnul Haosului v2.0.doc 1.6 MB
- P/Parisoula Lampsos, Lena Katarina Swanberg - Viata mea cu Saddam Hussein (v1.0).doc 1.6 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Dintr-un Buick 8 v1.0.doc 1.6 MB
- R/Radu Paraschivescu/Radu Paraschivescu - In lume nu-s mai multe Romanii.djvu 1.6 MB
- P/Pauline Gedge - Hatsepsut, o regina pentru eternitate.docx 1.6 MB
- S/Sidney Sheldon/Sidney Sheldon - Suspans (v1.0).doc 1.6 MB
- R/Renee Knight - Avertisment (v.1.0).docx 1.6 MB
- S/Salla Simukka/Salla Simukka - Alb ca zapada [scan ctrl].djvu 1.6 MB
- S/Stefan Tita - Robotul sentimental.pdf 1.6 MB
- R/Robin Hobb/Robin Hobb - Destinul bufonului vol.1.docx 1.6 MB
- S/Sandra Brown/Sandra Brown - Texas! Sage v1.1.doc 1.6 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum - Drumul spre Gandolfo v.1.0 .doc 1.6 MB
- P/Paolo Monelli - O aventura in secolul intai (Omnibus).docx 1.6 MB
- O/Octavian Paler/Octavian Paler - Don Quijote in Est.djvu 1.6 MB
- S/Sam Harris/Sam Harris - Sfarsitul credintei v.1.0.docx 1.6 MB
- T/Ted Chiang/Ted Chiang - Povestea vietii tale.djvu 1.6 MB
- R/R. B. Karanov - Teroare in stepa [V.1.0].doc 1.6 MB
- S/Stefan Berciu/Stefan Berciu - Pseudonimul (V 1.0).docx 1.6 MB
- O/Ovidiu Eftimie - Arhangelul Raul.docx 1.6 MB
- S/Silva Daniel - Cealalta femeie v.2.0.docx 1.6 MB
- R/Ransom Riggs/Ransom Riggs - [seria Miss Peregrine] 05. Divanul pasarilor [V1.0].docx 1.6 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/Juneţea regelui Henric/A5 [JUNETEA P4] Ep.8 - Baricadele [V3.0].doc 1.6 MB
- R/Ramita Navai - Orasul minciunilor. Dragoste, sex si moarte la Teheran (e).pdf 1.6 MB
- O/Octavian Soviany - Viata lui Kostas Venetis.pdf 1.6 MB
- O/Orson Scott Card/Orson Scott Card - Wyrm v.3.0 FRB.doc 1.6 MB
- O/Orson Scott Card/Orson Scott Card - [Intoarcerea acasa 03] Navele pamantului [v.1.0].doc 1.6 MB
- P/Paullina Simons/Paullina Simons - Gradina de_vara v1.0.docx 1.6 MB
- S/Suzanne Redfearn Intr-o clipa v1.0.docx 1.6 MB
- T/Tess Gerritsen/Tess Gerritsen - [Rizzoli & Isles] 4 Dublura (v.1.0).docx 1.6 MB
- S/Suki Kim - Fara tine noi nu existam (v1.0).doc 1.6 MB
- S/Solomon Northup - 12 ani de sclavie (v.1.0).docx 1.6 MB
- R/Ray Baker - Serpoaica din Kyoto [v.1.0].doc 1.6 MB
- T/Thomas Hardy/Thomas Hardy - Jude nestiutul vol.II.doc 1.6 MB
- P/Pius Alibek - Radacini nomade.djvu 1.6 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Trei decenii de publicistica 1 (v.0.9)/Cop - 0002.jpg 1.6 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Sarabanda raposatilor.djvu 1.6 MB
- T/Taran Matharu - Invocatorul 1 - Novicele.docx 1.6 MB
- S/Simon Sebag Montefiore/Simon Sebag Montefiore - Sasenka (v.1.0).docx 1.6 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Trei decenii de publicistica 2 (v.0.9)/Panait Istrati - Trei decenii de publicistica 2 v.0.9.rtf 1.6 MB
- S/Sam Christer - Mostenirea Stonehenge v1.0.doc 1.6 MB
- S/S. Vesting/S.Vesting – Vraja milioanelor – V1P1 – Cap. 01–30 [V1.0].doc 1.6 MB
- R/Roderick Gordon & Brian Williams/Roderick Gordon & Brian Williams - Tunele 4 - Mai aproape v.1.0.doc 1.6 MB
- S/Stel Pavlou - Codul Atlantidei.djvu 1.6 MB
- T/Tess Gerritsen/Tess Gerritsen - [Rizzoli & Isles] 4 Dublura.djvu 1.6 MB
- S/Simon Sinek - Intreaba-te de ce [v1.0].pdf 1.6 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Trei decenii de publicistica 1 (v.0.9)/Cop - 0001.jpg 1.6 MB
- S/Steve Berry/Steve Berry - Cotton Malone - V15 Protocolul Varsovia v1.0.docx 1.6 MB
- R/Rosie Walsh - Barbatul care n-a mai sunat (fs1.0).doc 1.6 MB
- P/Paul Hoffman/Paul Hoffman - Mana stanga a lui Dumnezeu v 1.0 .docx 1.6 MB
- R/Robert Jordan/Robert Jordan - Pumnalul Viselor v.1.0.docx 1.6 MB
- S/Scott Lynch/Scott Lynch - Piratii marilor rosii.docx 1.6 MB
- T/Thomas Mann/Thomas Mann - Nuvele.docx 1.6 MB
- O/Orson Scott Card/Orson Scott Card - 8 - Umbra Uriasului.doc 1.6 MB
- P/Philipp Vandenberg/Philipp Vandenberg - A cincea evanghelie.djvu 1.6 MB
- S/Shari Lapena - Cineva cunoscut (v.1.0).docx 1.6 MB
- T/Tahar Ben Jelloun – Noaptea sacra [V 1.0].doc 1.6 MB
- S/Stephen Hawking/Stephen Hawking - Scurta istorie a timpului.pdf 1.6 MB
- T/Tony Parsons/Tony Parsons - Copil si barbat (v1.0).doc 1.6 MB
- R/Robert Quaglia/Roberto Quaglia - DIO S.R.L.v1.0.doc 1.6 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - In corespondenta cu scriitori straini (v.0.9)/Cop4.jpg 1.6 MB
- P/Pavel Vejinov - Pieirea lui Aiax v1.0.docx 1.6 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/05. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Cop 4 - s05v01-04.PNG 1.6 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Merge, San-Antonio [01].djvu 1.6 MB
- P/Petre Salcudeanu/Petre Salcudeanu - Paznic la portile raiului v1.0.docx 1.6 MB
- S/Sever Noran/Sever Noran - Ultimul viraj v.1.0 .rtf 1.6 MB
- S/Stefan Oprea - Procesul manechinelor.djvu 1.6 MB
- P/Paullina Simons/Paullina Simons - Calaretul de arama (v1.0).docx 1.6 MB
- S/Solomon Northup - 12 ani de sclavie.djvu 1.6 MB
- T/Timothy Zahn/Timothy Zahn - Hot si Dragon v1.0.docx 1.6 MB
- P/P. G. Wodehouse/P.G. Wodehouse - [Castelul Blandings 02] - Nori grei deasupra castelului Blandings [v. 1.0].doc 1.6 MB
- T/Teohar Mihadas/Tohar Mihadas - Frumoasa risipa V1.0.doc 1.5 MB
- P/Petru Popescu - Supleantul.doc 1.5 MB
- R/Rick Riordan/Rick Riordan - Cronicile familiei Kane - 02. Tronul de foc.v.1.0.docx 1.5 MB
- S/Stephen Hawking/Stephen Hawking, Leonard Mlodinow - Marele plan.djvu 1.5 MB
- S/Salman Rushdie/Salman Rushdie - Versetele satanice [v 1.0].docx 1.5 MB
- P/Pierre Barbet/Pierre Barbet - Nimfa spatiului v.1.0.doc 1.5 MB
- R/Richard Dawkins/Richard Dawkins - Dumnezeu o Amagire.pdf 1.5 MB
- O/Orson Scott Card/Orson Scott Card - 6 - Umbra hegemonului.doc 1.5 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/05. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Cop 1 - s05v01.PNG 1.5 MB
- R/Reitö Jenö - Carantina la Grand Hotel - Ciclonul blond.doc 1.5 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/05. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Cop 1 - s05v04.PNG 1.5 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/05. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Cop 1 - s05v03.PNG 1.5 MB
- S/Stephanie Perkins/Stephanie Perkins - Anna si sarutul frantuzesc (v1.0).doc 1.5 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/05. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Cop 1 - s05v02.PNG 1.5 MB
- O/Octav Dessila/Octav Dessila - Iubim vol.2 v 1.0.doc 1.5 MB
- R/Robyn Young/Robyn Young - Cruciada 2 v2.0.docx 1.5 MB
- T/Timothy Ferriss - 4 Ore saptamana de lucru v1.0.docx 1.5 MB
- P/Peter Mayle/Peter Mayle - Din nou in Provence.djvu 1.5 MB
- O/Oliver Bowden/Oliver Bowden - [Assassin's Creed] 2 Fratia (v.1.0).docx 1.5 MB
- R/Richard Walton - Galaxy v.1.0.doc 1.5 MB
- P/Paul Auster - Trilogia New York-ului v.1.9 MMXI.doc 1.5 MB
- O/Octav Dessila/Octav Dessila - Sfarsit de viata.doc 1.5 MB
- P/P. G. Wodehouse/P.G. Wodehouse - [Castelul Blandings 01] - Fulger in plina vara [v. 1.0].doc 1.5 MB
- P/Platon/PLATON Opere VII_v1.0_gy.docx 1.5 MB
- P/Philipp Vandenberg/Philipp Vandenberg - Al optulea pacat.docx 1.5 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Bacanala (Zaiafet) la coana Tatzi (v.1.0) [77].docx 1.5 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/04. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Cop SPATE Rocambole S4.png 1.5 MB
- T/Thomas Mann/Thomas Mann - Alteta regala v.2.0 Dyo.docx 1.5 MB
- S/Stephanie Garber - Finalul [V1.0].docx 1.5 MB
- P/Philip K. Dick/Philip K. Dick - Clanurile de pe Alpha v1.0.doc 1.5 MB
- R/Ruta Sepetys/Ruta Sepetys - Adio, New Orleans (v.1.0).docx 1.5 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/10. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Ponson du Terrail - [TIGANII LONDREI] 02 Regina tiganilor [V4.0].doc 1.5 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum - Ultimatumul lui Bourne v1.0.docx 1.5 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Cum am devenit scriitor vol.2 (v.0.9)/CADS20001.jpg 1.5 MB
- R/Robert Jordan/Robert Jordan - Furtuna se apropie.docx 1.5 MB
- R/Rafael Sabatini/Rafael Sabatini - Vulturul marilor.docx 1.5 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/04. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Cop faţă Rocambole S4_V3.png 1.5 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/04. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Cop faţă Rocambole S4_V2.png 1.5 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/04. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Cop faţă Rocambole S4_V1.png 1.5 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Ai sa joci cum iti cant eu!.djvu 1.5 MB
- P/Philip Le Roy - Ultima arma v.2.0.docx 1.5 MB
- S/Stendhal/Stendhal - Rosu si negru vol.2 [v. 1.0].doc 1.5 MB
- R/Radu Nitescu - Dialectica ursilor (e).pdf 1.5 MB
- P/Peter Swanson/Peter Swanson - O minciuna perfecta (v.1.0).docx 1.5 MB
- R/Richard Adams - Watership down [V1.0].docx 1.5 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/09. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - [V3.0] - Funia spânzuratului - 2.Omul gri.doc 1.5 MB
- T/Teohar Mihadas/Teohar Mihadas - Inaltele acele vremuri v.1.0.doc 1.5 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum - Mostenirea Scarlatti [v.1.0].docx 1.5 MB
- R/Radu Paraschivescu/Radu Paraschivescu - Ce vraji a mai facut pisica mea v. 1.0.doc 1.5 MB
- S/Sara Shepard/Sara Shepard - Micutele mincinoase si se - 3. Secretul Ariei .djvu 1.5 MB
- S/Sarah Orne Jewett - Tara brazilor inalti v1.0.doc 1.5 MB
- P/Peter Swanson/Peter Swanson - Cunostinta mortala (v.1.0).docx 1.5 MB
- P/Pascal Bruckner/Pascal Bruckner - Luni de fiere.djvu 1.5 MB
- P/Phillip Mann - Wulfsyarn (v2.0).doc 1.5 MB
- R/Regine Andry - O femeie singura v2.0 Dyo.doc 1.5 MB
- S/Svetlana Aleksievici - Razboiul nu are chip de femeie (v1.0).doc 1.5 MB
- T/Toni Anderson - Patima intunecata v 1.0.doc 1.5 MB
- P/Pedro Juan Gutierrez/Pedro Juan Gutierrez - Animal tropical.docx 1.5 MB
- S/Stephen Clarke - In ce merde te baga dragostea (v.1.0).docx 1.5 MB
- P/Peter Mayle/Peter Mayle - Hotul de vinuri.djvu 1.5 MB
- T/Tess Gerritsen/Tess Gerritsen - Frica (v.1.0).docx 1.5 MB
- R/Robert Jordan/Robert Jordan - Roata Timpului - 8. Calea pumnalelor v.2.0.docx 1.5 MB
- R/Romulus Barbulescu/Romulus Barbulescu & George Ananaia - Planeta fantomelor albastre v.1.0.doc 1.5 MB
- S/Stanislaw Lem/Stanislaw Lem - Edificiul nebuniei absolute.doc 1.5 MB
- P/Philip K. Dick/Philip K. Dick - Substanta M.djvu 1.5 MB
- P/Paul Erdman/Paul Erdman - Sub semnul riscului (v1.0).doc 1.5 MB
- S/Sascha Arango - Adevarul si alte minciuni (v.1.0).docx 1.5 MB
- S/Stephenie Meyer/Stephenie Meyer - Chimista [V1.0].docx 1.5 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/09. Panait Istrati - Cum am devenit scriitor vol.1 (v.0.1)/CADS10001.jpg 1.5 MB
- S/S. Ivcenko - Botanica distractiva v.0.1.docx 1.5 MB
- S/Sandra Brown/Sandra Brown - Fanta C v.1.1.doc 1.5 MB
- S/Sven Hassel/Sven Hassel - 05. Gestapo [V1.0].docx 1.5 MB
- T/Terry Pratchett/Terry Pratchett - Lumea Disc 10 - Imagini Miscatoare V1.0.docx 1.5 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - In corespondenta cu scriitori straini (v.0.9)/Panait Istrati - In corespondenta cu scriitori straini v.0.9.rtf 1.5 MB
- P/Sever Noran/Sever Noran - Greseala fatala.rtf 1.5 MB
- P/Petre Salcudeanu/Petre Salcudeanu - Sauna v1.0.doc 1.5 MB
- R/Renee Knight - Secretara (v.1.0).docx 1.5 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - In meniu - un curcan fript (v.1.0) [44].docx 1.5 MB
- R/Robin Cook/Robin Cook - Frica de moarte v.1.0.doc 1.5 MB
- S/Sapper - Aventurile capitanului Drummond.doc 1.5 MB
- S/Sepetys Ruta - Printre tonuri cenusii v.2.0.docx 1.5 MB
- R/Robin Hobb/Robin Hobb [OMUL ARAMIU] - 02.Bufonul de aur [v.2.0].docx 1.5 MB
- P/Pearl S. Buck/Pearl S. Buck – Inger luptator v.2.0.doc 1.4 MB
- S/Stephenie Meyer/Stephenie Meyer - Gazda [V1.0] .docx 1.4 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Billy Summers [V1.0].docx 1.4 MB
- P/Platon/Platon - Scrisorile. Dialoguri suspecte. Dialoguri apocrife.djvu 1.4 MB
- S/Stephen R. George - Durerea.djvu 1.4 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Bombe si bomboane [70].djvu 1.4 MB
- S/Stephenie Meyer/Stephenie Meyer- Noua si scurta viata a lui Bree Tanner (v1.0).doc 1.4 MB
- S/Sarah J. Maas/Sarah J. Maas - Regatul Spinilor si al Trandafirilor.docx 1.4 MB
- R/Raymond F. Jones/Raymond F. Jones - Luna ucigasa (povestiri).docx 1.4 MB
- P/Pedro Juan Gutierrez/Pedro Juan Gutierrez - Regele Havanei.docx 1.4 MB
- S/Stefan Zweig/Stefan Zweig - Lupta in jurul unui rug (v.1.0).doc 1.4 MB
- R/Ruta Sepetys/Ruta Sepetys - Printre tonuri cenusii [v.1.0].doc 1.4 MB
- P/Pascal Bruckner/Pascal Bruckner - Care dintre noi l-a nascocit pe celalalt.djvu 1.4 MB
- P/Paul Feval/Paul Feval - Lupul alb.doc 1.4 MB
- R/Ruta Sepetys/Ruta Sepetys - Printre tonuri cenusii (v.1.0).docx 1.4 MB
- P/Paul Hoffman/Paul Hoffman - Ultimele patru lucruri v 1.0.docx 1.4 MB
- T/Tony Parsons/Tony Parson - Trusa criminalistica.djvu 1.4 MB
- S/Sarah Goodall, Nicholas Monson - Jurnalul meu la Palat (v1.0).doc 1.4 MB
- S/Sidney Sheldon/Sidney Sheldon - Amintiri de la miezul noptii (v1.0).doc 1.4 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King & Owen King - Frumoasele adormite [V1.0].docx 1.4 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Trei decenii de publicistica 3 (v.0.9)/Panait Istrati - Trei decenii de publicistica 3 v.0.9.rtf 1.4 MB
- T/Thomas Cathcart/Thomas Cathcart & Daniel Klein - Heidegger si un hipopotam... .djvu 1.4 MB
- S/Stephanie Garber - A fost odata o inima franta [V1.0].docx 1.4 MB
- T/Tess Gerritsen/Tess Gerritsen - [Rizzoli & Isles] 1 Chirurgul.djvu 1.4 MB
- T/Thomas Mann/Thomas Mann - Alesul.doc 1.4 MB
- S/Sarah J. Maas/Sarah J. Maas - Tronul de clestar - 4.Regina umbrelor [V1.0].docx 1.4 MB
- P/Pascal Bruckner/Pascal Bruckner - Hotii de frumusete.djvu 1.4 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/06. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - V2 Milioanele tigancii [6.ULTIMUL CUVÂNT...][V1.0].doc 1.4 MB
- P/Paul Levine/Paul Levine - [Solomon vs Lord] 3 Sa-i omoram pe toti avocatii (v.1.0).docx 1.4 MB
- P/Platon/Platon - Opere I_(v1.0)_gy.docx 1.4 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/Juneţea regelui Henric/[V3.0] [JUNETEA P2] 2.2 Amorurile Valetului de trefla.doc 1.4 MB
- P/Pascal Bruckner/Pascal Bruckner & Alain Finkielkraut - Noua dezordine amoroasa.doc 1.4 MB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Lacate carnivore.djvu 1.4 MB
- T/Tatiana Niculescu/Tatiana Niculescu - Regele si Duduia v1.0.docx 1.4 MB
- R/Rani Manicka - Zeita orezului (v.1.0).docx 1.4 MB
- S/Sidney Sheldon/Sidney Sheldon - Legaturi de sange v.1.0.doc 1.4 MB
- T/Theodor Constantin/Theodor Constantin - Cel mai lung amurg.doc 1.4 MB
- R/Romy Hausmann - Draga copila (v.1.0).docx 1.4 MB
- P/Pearl S. Buck/Pearl S. Buck - Vant de rasarit, vant de la apus [v.3.0].doc 1.4 MB
- R/Radu Cosasu - Opere III. Cinci ani cu Belphegor, Matusile din Tel Aviv.pdf 1.4 MB
- S/Susan Dennard - [Taramul Vrajitorilor] 2.Vrajitorul Vantului (V1.0).docx 1.4 MB
- S/Sandra Brown/Sandra Brown - Texas! Lucky v1.3.doc 1.4 MB
- T/Traci Chee - Cititoarea v1.0.docx 1.4 MB
- P/Petre Salcudeanu/Petre Salcudeanu - Un biet bunic si o biata cinste v1.0 OK.docx 1.4 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Orasul Bantuit - Vol. 1 [v.2.0].docx 1.4 MB
- S/Simon Toyne/Simon Toyne - Turnul [v. 2.0].docx 1.4 MB
- S/Sven Hassel/Sven Hassel - 06 Monte Cassino [V1.0] .docx 1.4 MB
- R/Richard Dawkins/Richard Dawkins - Dumnezeu o Amagire.rtf 1.4 MB
- T/Theodor Constantin/Theodor Constantin - Magdalena de la miezul noptii [v.1.0].docx 1.4 MB
- T/Tess Gerritsen/Tess Gerritsen - [Rizzoli & Isles] 2 Ucenicul (v.1.0).docx 1.4 MB
- R/Ray Bradbury/Ray Bradbury - Fahrenheit 451 [v2.0].doc 1.4 MB
- O/Orson Scott Card/Orson Scott Card - 7 - Umbra Marionetelor.doc 1.4 MB
- T/Tom Clancy/Tom Clancy - Centrul de Comandă 9 - Misiune de onoare v.1.0.docx 1.4 MB
- T/Tarryn Fisher - Familia nepotrivita (v.1.0).docx 1.4 MB
- R/Robin Hobb/Robin Hobb - 3 - Razbunarea Asasinului vol.2 v.1.0.docx 1.4 MB
- P/Sever Noran/Sever Noran - Sfarsitul marelui preot.rtf 1.4 MB
- T/Taylor Stevens - [Vanessa Michael Munroe] 2 Inocentii (v.1.0).docx 1.4 MB
- S/Stefan Berciu/Stefan Berciu - Fantastica aventura 2101 v.2.0.rtf 1.4 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Holly [V1.0].docx 1.4 MB
- P/Pio Baroja - Peripetiile lui Shanti Andia.doc 1.4 MB
- P/Paulo Coelho/Paulo Coelho - Jurnalul unui mag.djvu 1.4 MB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Telefonul din bikini v2.0.docx 1.4 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Cum am devenit scriitor vol.2 (v.0.9)/Panait Istrati - Cum am devenit scriitor vol.2 v.0.9.docx 1.4 MB
- P/Philip Shelby/Philip Shelby - Atac la presedinte.djvu 1.4 MB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Cosmar.djvu 1.4 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - [Turnul intunecat 04] Vrajitorul si globul de cristal v.2.0.docx 1.4 MB
- P/Pierre Barbet/Pierre Barbet - Planeta vrajita.docx 1.4 MB
- S/Salvador Dali - Jurnalul unui geniu.djvu 1.4 MB
- P/Pascal Bruckner/Pascal Bruckner - Copilul divin.djvu 1.4 MB
- S/Suad - Arsa de vie scan.djvu 1.4 MB
- P/Petru Popescu/Petru Popescu - Copiii Domnului v.2.0 Dyo.doc 1.4 MB
- R/Robert Jordan/Robert Jordan - Roata Timpului - 10. Rascruce de drumuri in amurg.docx 1.4 MB
- R/Robin Hobb/Robin Hobb - Destinul bufonului vol.2.docx 1.3 MB
- T/Teodor Mazilu - Vara pe veranda (1966).djvu 1.3 MB
- R/Roslund & Hellstrom - Razbunarea lui Finnigan.doc 1.3 MB
- S/Sylvie Germain - Cartea noptilor (v1.0).doc 1.3 MB
- T/Tudor Teodorescu-Braniste/Tudor Teodorescu-Braniste - Printul.doc 1.3 MB
- S/Shelby van Pelt - Remarcabile fapturi inteligente [V1.0].docx 1.3 MB
- R/Rachel Yoder - Cateaua de noapte v. 1.0.doc 1.3 MB
- T/Tom Martin - Piramida.djvu 1.3 MB
- O/Octavian Paler/Octavian Paler - Polemici cordiale [v. 1.0].doc 1.3 MB
- S/Scott Turow - Vinovatie dovedita v1.0.docx 1.3 MB
- P/Paul Kalanithi - Cu ultima suflare 2016.djvu 1.3 MB
- P/Per Olof Ekstrom - N-a dansat decat o vara (v1.0).doc 1.3 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Spovedanie pentru invinsi (v.0.9)/Cop - 0002.jpg 1.3 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Talharia de la Unchiul Tom (v.2.0).doc 1.3 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/Ponson du Terrail - Noptile de la Maison Dorée v.4.0.doc 1.3 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Circulati! N-aveti ce vedea (v.2.0).docx 1.3 MB
- S/Sandra Brown/Sandra Brown - Indigo Place v.1.0.doc 1.3 MB
- S/Saud al-Sanousi - Tulpina de bambus (e).pdf 1.3 MB
- O/Oscar Lewis - Copiii lui Sanchez [v 1.0].docx 1.3 MB
- S/Suzanne Collins/Suzanne Collins - Jocurile foamei - 03.Revolta [v3.1].docx 1.3 MB
- R/Richard Matheson/Richard Matheson - Sunt legenda (v3.0).docx 1.3 MB
- T/Tomas Borec - Buna ziua domnule Ampere.rtf 1.3 MB
- R/Robin Cook/Robin Cook - Creierul v.1.0.doc 1.3 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/Juneţea regelui Henric/[V3.0] [JUNETEA P2] 2.1 Juramantul celor patru valeti.doc 1.3 MB
- R/Rawi Hage - Gandacul (v1.0).doc 1.3 MB
- R/Romulus Barbulescu/Romulus Barbulescu & George Anania - Constelatia din ape.doc 1.3 MB
- T/Teohar Mihadas/Teohar Mihadas - Taramul izvoarelor v.1.0.doc 1.3 MB
- S/Sven Hassel/Sven Hassel - 08 General SS [V1.0].docx 1.3 MB
- S/Simon Toyne/Simon Toyne - Sanctus v2.0.docx 1.3 MB
- S/Steve Berry/01. Steve Berry - Camera de chihlimbar v.3.0.docx 1.3 MB
- T/Tom Gabbay - Conspiratia din Berlin.djvu 1.3 MB
- S/Sven Hassel/Sven Hassel - 07 Lichidati Parisul! [V1.0].docx 1.3 MB
- R/Radu Nor - Braul Albastru v.1.0.doc 1.3 MB
- S/Simon Scarrow/Simon Scarrow - Gladiatorul v1.0.docx 1.3 MB
- T/Tess Gerritsen/Tess Gerritsen - [Rizzoli & Isles] 6 Clubul Mefisto.djvu 1.3 MB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Agentul secret al lui Altin-Bey v2.0.docx 1.3 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Un strop de sange [V1.0].docx 1.3 MB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Logofatul de taina v3.0.docx 1.3 MB
- O/Otto Ludwig - Intre cer si pamant.doc 1.3 MB
- S/Stephen Kelman - Si porumbeii vorbesc englezeste.djvu 1.3 MB
- T/Tomi Adeyemi - (seria Zestrea Orishei) #1 Urmasii de sange si os [V1.0].docx 1.3 MB
- S/Stratis Mirivillis - Invatatoarea cu ochi de aur.doc 1.3 MB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - O bomba pentru Revelion v2.0.docx 1.3 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Spovedanie pentru invinsi (v.0.9)/Cop - 0001.jpg 1.3 MB
- S/Simon Spurrier - Supravietuitorul v3.0.doc 1.3 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Ce-am gasit al meu sa fie [V1.0].docx 1.3 MB
- R/Rod Hammer - Duel pe viata si pe moarte [v.1.0].doc 1.3 MB
- P/Paulo Coelho/Paulo Coelho - Zahir (v1.0).doc 1.3 MB
- S/Sarah J. Maas/Sarah J. Maas - Tronul de clestar - 3.Mostenitoarea focului [V1.0].docx 1.3 MB
- S/Seth Dickinson - Tradatoarea Baru Cormoran [V1.0].docx 1.3 MB
- R/Romul Munteanu - Jurnal de carti.doc 1.3 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/06. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - V1 Distrugătorii [6.ULTIMUL CUVÂNT...][V1.0].doc 1.3 MB
- S/Susan Dennard - [Taramul Vrajitorilor] 1.Vrajitoarea Adevarului (V1.0).docx 1.3 MB
- S/Sarah J. Maas/Sarah J. Maas - [Regatul spinilor si al trandafirilor vol 2] - Regatul cetii si al furiei [V 1.0].docx 1.3 MB
- P/Petre Salcudeanu/Petre Salcudeanu - Sauna v1.0.docx 1.3 MB
- T/Tudor Teodorescu-Braniste/Tudor Teodorescu-Braniste - Scandal.doc 1.3 MB
- T/Tamora Pierce/Tamora Pierce - Cercul de Magie 2 - Magia lui Tris.docx 1.3 MB
- S/Sally Green/Sally Green - Jumatatea Rea.djvu 1.3 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Santier in lucru v.1.0.doc 1.3 MB
- T/Thomas Hardy/Thomas Hardy - Jude nestiutul vol.I.doc 1.3 MB
- P/P.B. Kerr/P.B. Kerr - Cobra, regele din Katmandu.docx 1.3 MB
- S/Sven Hassel/Sven Hassel - 03 Camarazi de front [V1.0].docx 1.3 MB
- S/Sven Hassel/Sven Hassel - 01 Legiunea blestematilor [V1.0].docx 1.3 MB
- T/Tomas Borec - Buna ziua domnule Ampere.djvu 1.3 MB
- R/Roopa Farooki - Dulciuri amare v.1.0.docx 1.3 MB
- S/S.A. Chakraborty - Regatul de arama.docx 1.3 MB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Anonima de miercuri v2.0.docx 1.3 MB
- S/Sven Hassel/Sven Hassel - 04. Batalion de mars.docx 1.3 MB
- R/Ross MacDonald/Ross MacDonald - Dricul vargat [v.1.0].doc 1.3 MB
- P/Pascal Bruckner/Pascal Bruckner - Luni de fiere v.3.0.doc 1.3 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/Juneţea regelui Henric/[V3.2] [JUNETEA P1] 1.1 Frumoasa argintăreasă.doc 1.3 MB
- R/Robert J. Sawyer/Robert J. Sawyer - Alegerea lui Hobson v.1.1.doc 1.3 MB
- S/Steve Perry - Riposta.docx 1.3 MB
- S/Salman Rushdie/Salman Rushdie - Casa Golden [v 1.0].docx 1.3 MB
- S/Scott Bergstrom - Cruzimea (v.1.0).docx 1.3 MB
- T/Tom Clancy/Tom Clancy - Tinta marcata v 1.0.docx 1.3 MB
- T/Taylor Jenkins Reid - Uniti pe vecie (v1.0).doc 1.3 MB
- S/Sidney Sheldon/Sidney Sheldon - Nimic nu dureaza o vesnicie (v1.0).doc 1.3 MB
- R/R. L. Stine/R.L. Stine[Goosebumps] - Fetita care a strigat ''Monstrul!''.djvu 1.3 MB
- R/Rino Cammilleri - Justitie divina.v.1.0.docx 1.3 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Marsul cel lung v.1.0.doc 1.3 MB
- S/Shi Naian & Luo Guanzhong - Osanditii Mlastinilor v1.0.docx 1.3 MB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Letopisetul de argint v2.0.docx 1.3 MB
- P/Patrick Rothfuss/Patrick Rothfuss - [CRONICILE UCIGASULUI-DE-REGI] 01 Numele vantului v1.0.docx 1.3 MB
- S/Suzanne Collins/Suzanne Collins - Jocurile foamei - 02.Sfidarea [v3.1].docx 1.2 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum - Suprematia lui Bourne v1.0.docx 1.2 MB
- O/Octavio Paz - Dubla flacara. Dragoste si erotism v.1.0.doc 1.2 MB
- S/Sax Rohmer-Imparatul Americii.rtf 1.2 MB
- P/Petre Salcudeanu/Petre Salcudeanu - Ucenicie printre gloante.djvu 1.2 MB
- R/Richelle Mead/Richelle Mead - Academia Vampirilor - 2 - Initierea.djvu 1.2 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Pseudonime (v.0.9)/P - 0001.jpg 1.2 MB
- R/Robert Dugoni - [David Sloane] 1 Stapanul juriului (v.1.0).docx 1.2 MB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Vulturul dincolo de cornul lunii v2.0.docx 1.2 MB
- S/Serge Marquis - Ziua in care am inceput sa ma iubesc cu adevarat.pdf 1.2 MB
- P/Paulo Coelho/Paulo Coelho - Vrajitoarea din Portobello (v1.0).doc 1.2 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Bombe si bomboane (v.1.0) [70].docx 1.2 MB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Intalnire la Elysee v2.0.docx 1.2 MB
- P/Pierre Barbet/Pierre Barbet - Distrugeti Roma!.docx 1.2 MB
- R/Raymond Chandler/Raymond Chandler - Crima de mantuiala v1.0.docx 1.2 MB
- S/Sue Grafton/Sue Grafton - A de la alibi.djvu 1.2 MB
- R/Robyn Young/Robyn Young - 1 - Anima Templi.docx 1.2 MB
- S/Stuart Turton - Cele sapte morti ale lui Evelyn Hardcastle [V1.0].docx 1.2 MB
- S/Sofi Oksanen - Purificare.pdf 1.2 MB
- S/Sax Rohmer/Sax Rohmer - Voalul sfant.doc 1.2 MB
- P/Paulo Coelho/Paulo Coelho - Veronika se hotaraste sa moara.djvu 1.2 MB
- R/Rusu Abrudeanu - Habsburgii ungurii si romanii, 1915.docx 1.2 MB
- S/Steve Berry/Steve Berry - Taina presedintelui [1.0].docx 1.2 MB
- P/Peter Cheyney - Tinta mobila v1.0.docx 1.2 MB
- O/O. Henry - Rascumpararea pieilor-rosii v.1.0.docx 1.2 MB
- S/Simona Modreanu - Cioran.pdf 1.2 MB
- S/Sven Hassel/Sven Hassel - 02 Blindatele mortii [V1.0].docx 1.2 MB
- P/Patrick Rothfuss/Patrick Rothfuss - Tainica iscodire a celor tacute [V 1.0].docx 1.2 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/01. Alexandru Talex - Panait Istrati (v.1.0)/Alexandru Talex - Panait Istrati.djvu 1.2 MB
- S/Stefan Tita - Alexida sensitiva.doc 1.2 MB
- S/Stendhal/Stendhal - Rosu si negru vol.1 [v. 1.0].doc 1.2 MB
- S/Stephanie Perkins/Stephanie Perkins - Isla si fericirea pana la adanci batraneti (fs1.0).doc 1.2 MB
- P/Pam Munoz Ryan - Trandafirii din Mexic.pdf 1.2 MB
- R/Roberto Bolano/Roberto Bolano - O povestioara lumpen.pdf 1.2 MB
- S/Su Tong - Lumea de orez.djvu 1.2 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/08. Panait Istrati - Pentru a fi iubit pamantul (v.0.9)/Panait Istrati - Pentru a fi iubit pamantul v.0.9.docx 1.2 MB
- R/Rick Riordan/Rick Riordan - Cronicile familiei Kane - 02. Tronul de foc.djvu 1.2 MB
- T/Tess Gerritsen/Tess Gerritsen - [Rizzoli & Isles] 5 Disparitia (v.1.0).docx 1.2 MB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Necunoscuta din congelator v2.0.docx 1.2 MB
- S/Sven Hassel/Sven Hassel - 10. Moarte si viscol [V1.0].docx 1.2 MB
- S/Steven Galloway - Violoncelistul din Sarajevo.djvu 1.2 MB
- R/R.J. Palacio - Minunea.doc 1.2 MB
- R/Robyn Young/Robyn Young - 1 - Anima Templi.djvu 1.2 MB
- S/Sebastian de Castell - Infruntarea umbrelor [V1.0].docx 1.2 MB
- T/Thomas Hardy/Thomas Hardy - Tess d'Urberville vol2(v1.0).doc 1.2 MB
- T/Theophile Gautier - Capitanul Fracasse.docx 1.2 MB
- T/Tom Clancy/Tom Clancy - Centrul de Comandă 8 - Linia de demarcație v.1.0.docx 1.2 MB
- O/Orson Scott Card/Orson Scott Card - [Intoarcerea acasa 01] Amintirea Pamantului [v.1.0].doc 1.2 MB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu- Anonima de miercuri.djvu 1.2 MB
- P/Petre Craciun - Alarma la Peles.djvu 1.2 MB
- R/Robert A. Heinlein/Robert A. Heinlein - Pilotul Jones v.1.9.doc 1.2 MB
- T/Trevor Norton - Ochi holbati si par valvoi.djvu 1.2 MB
- P/Peter James - Pe urmele mortului v1.0.docx 1.2 MB
- S/Sandra Brown/Sandra Brown - Tu esti tatal copilului meu v.1.0.doc 1.2 MB
- S/Sara Shepard/Sara Shepard - Micutele mincinoase si se - 1. Secretul Hannei .djvu 1.2 MB
- T/Tess Gerritsen/Tess Gerritsen - [Rizzoli & Isles] 3 Pacatoasa (v.1.0).docx 1.2 MB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Ochii jupanitei v2.0.docx 1.2 MB
- R/Robin Hobb/Robin Hobb - 3 - Razbunarea Asasinului vol.1 v.1.0.docx 1.2 MB
- P/Philip K. Dick/Philip K. Dick-Cele trei stigmate ale lui Palmer Eldritch.docx 1.2 MB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Disparitia statuii din parc v2.0.docx 1.2 MB
- R/Rusu Abrudeanu - Habsburgii ungurii si romanii, 1915.pdf 1.2 MB
- S/Svetlana Aleksievici - Razboiul nu are chip de femeie (e).pdf 1.2 MB
- P/Penelope Fitzgerald - Floarea albastra.doc 1.2 MB
- R/Robert Charles Wilson/Robert Charles Wilson - 01.Turbion [v.3.0].docx 1.2 MB
- S/Sébastien Japrisot - Compartimentul ucigasilor v.1.0.docx 1.2 MB
- P/Peter F. Hamilton/Peter F. Hamilton -1- Golul visator.docx 1.2 MB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Ziua cainelui albastru v.1.0.docx 1.2 MB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Krucifix v.3.0.doc 1.2 MB
- T/Toshikazu Kawaguchi - Pana nu se raceste cafeaua -3- Pana nu se sterg amintirile v. 1.0.doc 1.2 MB
- R/Raymond Chandler/Raymond Chandler - Avantaj... Marlowe.docx 1.2 MB
- S/S. D. Perry - Turnul lui Skeld.docx 1.2 MB
- S/S. J. Watson - Second Life (v.1.0).docx 1.2 MB
- P/P. D. James/P.D. James - Fiul omului v1.0.doc 1.2 MB
- T/Timothy Harris - American gigolo (V 1.0).docx 1.2 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/Juneţea regelui Henric/[V3.2] [JUNETEA P1] 1.3 Galanteriile frumoasei Nancy.doc 1.2 MB
- T/Tana French - Misterul ulmului [V1.0].docx 1.2 MB
- T/Tonino Benacquista - Malavita v.1.0.doc 1.2 MB
- T/Terry Pratchett/Terry Pratchett - Lumea Disc 08 - Gărzi! Gărzi! V2.0.docx 1.2 MB
- O/Octavian Paler/Octavian Paler - Rugati-va sa nu va creasca aripi.djvu 1.2 MB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Cosmar de inchiriat.djvu 1.2 MB
- P/Paulo Coelho/Paulo Coelho - Jurnalul unui mag (v1.0).doc 1.2 MB
- P/Piere Barbet - Distrugeti Roma.rtf 1.2 MB
- S/Stefan Berciu/Stefan Berciu - Insula spionilor v.2.0.docx 1.2 MB
- R/Robert Charles Wilson/Robert Charles Wilson - Cronolitii.djvu 1.2 MB
- S/Seth Godin - Vaca mov.pdf 1.2 MB
- S/Sergiu Farcasan/Sergiu Farcasan - Atacul cesiumistilor v.1.2.docx 1.2 MB
- T/T. Semuskin - Alitet pleaca in munti (v2.0).docx 1.2 MB
- T/Tana French - Linistea umbrelor [V1.0].docx 1.2 MB
- S/Sandra Brown/Sandra Brown - Copilul nascut joi v.1.0.doc 1.2 MB
- R/Raymond Chandler/Raymond Chandler - Doamna din lac v.1.0.doc 1.2 MB
- P/Paulth-Jorm - Zimbrii de argint.doc 1.2 MB
- R/Romulus Barbulescu/Romulus Barbulescu & George Ananaia - Planeta fantomelor albastre.djvu 1.2 MB
- T/Tom Clancy/Tom Clancy - Viu sau mort v1.0.docx 1.1 MB
- P/Paul Constant - Raia djvu.djvu 1.1 MB
- S/Sandro Petraglia, Stefano Rulli, Andrea Purgatori - Caracatita vol.5 v1.0.docx 1.1 MB
- O/Octavian Paler/Octavian Paler - Aventuri solitare [v. 1.0].doc 1.1 MB
- T/Taylor Jenkins Reid - Fericiti pentru totdeauna (v1.0).doc 1.1 MB
- S/Saul Bellow/Saul Bellow - Omul suspendat (v1.0) bl.docx 1.1 MB
- O/Ovidiu Surianu/Ovidiu Surianu - Intalnire cu Hebe v.2.0.docx 1.1 MB
- S/Sara Shepard/Sara Shepard - Micutele mincinoase si se - 2. Secretul lui Emily .djvu 1.1 MB
- R/Robert A. Heinlein/Robert A. Heinlein - Manuitorii de zombi v.2.0.doc 1.1 MB
- P/Peter Robinson/Peter Robinson - Dosarul Cameleonul (v.1.0).docx 1.1 MB
- O/Octavian Paler/Octavian Paler - Viata pe un peron [v. 1.0].doc 1.1 MB
- P/P. G. Wodehouse/P.G. Wodehouse - Sezonul de imperechere (v1.0).doc 1.1 MB
- T/Tanya Huff - Prețul sângelui.v.1.0.docx 1.1 MB
- P/Pascal Bruckner/Pascal Bruckner - Care dintre noi l-a nascocit pe celalalt (v2.0).doc 1.1 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Jumatatea intunecata v1.0.docx 1.1 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/06. Panait Istrati - Viata lui Adrian Zografi (v.1.0)/Panait Istrati - Viata lui Adrian Zografi v.1.0.docx 1.1 MB
- O/Octavian Paler/Octavian Paler - Don Quijote in Est [v. 1.0].doc 1.1 MB
- R/Rick Moody – Furtuna de gheata v.1.0.doc 1.1 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/02. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Copert 1 - Sr_02 vol_04.jpg 1.1 MB
- O/Oscar Wilde - Portretul lui Dorian Gray.doc 1.1 MB
- S/Stephanie Perkins/Stephanie Perkins - Lola si baiatul de treaba din vecini (v1.0).doc 1.1 MB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Sa nu ne uitam la ceas v2.0.docx 1.1 MB
- T/Tom Engeland - [Bjorn Belto] 2 Paznicii Legamantului v 1.0 .docx 1.1 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/02. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Copert 1 - Sr_02 vol_03.jpg 1.1 MB
- O/Octav Dessila/Octav Dessila - Iubim vol.3 v 2.0.doc 1.1 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Institutul [V1.0].docx 1.1 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Pseudonime (v.0.9)/Panait Istrati - Pseudonime.djvu 1.1 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/02. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Copert 1 - Sr_02 vol_02.jpg 1.1 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/02. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Copert 1 - Sr_02 vol_01.jpg 1.1 MB
- P/Philip K. Dick/Philip K. Dick - Clanurile de pe Alpha.djvu 1.1 MB
- P/Pavel Sudoplatov - Misiuni speciale v.1.0.docx 1.1 MB
- R/Rachel Ward - Numere (v1.0).doc 1.1 MB
- R/Richard Morgan/Richard Morgan - Portalul ingerilor [V1.0].docx 1.1 MB
- P/Petru Popescu/Petru Popescu - Urme in timp.djvu 1.1 MB
- T/Tatiana de Rosnay - Viata asta iti apartine v1.0.docx 1.1 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King (Richard Bachman) - Blaze v2.0.doc 1.1 MB
- O/Orhan Pamuk/Orhan Pamuk - Cevdet Bey si fiii sai_v0.9.docx 1.1 MB
- S/Sally Green/Sally Green - Jumătatea pierdută.v.1.0.docx 1.1 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Cine trage primul (v.1.0) [15].docx 1.1 MB
- R/Robert Galbraith - Chemarea cucului [V1.0].docx 1.1 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Ai sa joci cum iti cant eu! v.2.0.doc 1.1 MB
- S/Sidney Sheldon/Sidney Sheldon - Printesa de gheata v.2.0.DOC 1.1 MB
- R/Radu Paraschivescu/Radu Paraschivescu - Doua maturi stau de vorba v. 1.0.doc 1.1 MB
- R/Robert Cormier - Razboiul ciocolatei (v1.0).docx 1.1 MB
- T/Tony Hillerman - Lupul din umbra [V1.0].docx 1.1 MB
- P/Pascal Bruckner/Pascal Bruckner - Un an si o zi.djvu 1.1 MB
- S/Sue Grafton/Sue Grafton - D de la datornic.docx 1.1 MB
- S/Simona Sora - Hotel Universal.pdf 1.1 MB
- O/Octav Dessila/Octav Dessila - Uitam prea repede.doc 1.1 MB
- S/Sidney Sheldon/Sideny Sheldon - Strainul din oglinda (v1.0).doc 1.1 MB
- P/P. D. James/P.D. James -O meserie nepotrivita pentru o femeie v1.0.doc 1.1 MB
- R/Rudyard Kipling/Rudyard Kipling - A doua carte a junglei v.1.0.doc 1.1 MB
- R/Radu Paraschivescu/Radu Paraschivescu - Bazar bizar v. 1.0.doc 1.1 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Foc din plin la caraliu! (v.2.0).doc 1.1 MB
- R/Ross MacDonald/Ross MacDonald - Moartea lui Jasper [v.1.0].doc 1.1 MB
- S/Sebastien Japrisot - Doamna din masina v.1.0.docx 1.1 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/07. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - [V3.0] Mizeriile Londrei - Vol.2.doc 1.1 MB
- R/Robert Galbraith/Robert Galbraith - Cariera malefica [V1.0].docx 1.1 MB
- S/Shari Lapena - Cuplul din vecini (v.1.0).docx 1.1 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/05. Panait Istrati - Nerantula si alte povestiri (v.1.0)/05. Panait Istrati - Nerantula si alte povestiri v.1.0.docx 1.1 MB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum - Identitatea lui Bourne v1.0.docx 1.1 MB
- R/Robert Holdstock - Mitago v1.0.docx 1.1 MB
- S/Sue Grafton/Sue Grafton - C de la Cadavru .docx 1.1 MB
- T/Thomas Harris/Thomas Harris - 1. Dragonul rosu (v.1.0).docx 1.1 MB
- S/Sue Grafton/Sue Grafton - B de la bandit.docx 1.1 MB
- R/Robert Musil - Omul fara insusiri vol. 1.docx 1.1 MB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - O toaleta a la Liz Taylor v2.0.docx 1.1 MB
- O/Octavian Paler/Octavian Paler - Mitologii subiective (v1.0).doc 1.1 MB
- R/R. L. Stine/R.L. Stine[Goosebumps] - Plaja bântuită [AN600].djvu 1.1 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/06. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - V3 Frumoasa gradinareasa [6.ULTIMUL CUVÂNT...][V1.0].doc 1.1 MB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Kamikaze spatiali v.3.0.doc 1.1 MB
- P/Philip Pulmann/Philip Pulmann - [MATERIILE INTUNECATE] 01 Luminile Nordului [v.1.0].docx 1.1 MB
- P/Pierre Montet - Egiptul pe vremea dinastiei Ramses.docx 1.1 MB
- R/R.F. Kuang - Razboiul macului [V1.0].docx 1.1 MB
- O/Oren Harari - Secretele lui Colin Powell.doc 1.1 MB
- T/Terry Pratchett/Terry Pratchett - Lumea Disc 12 - Prin cele strainatati v1.0.docx 1.1 MB
- S/Sonia Palty – Evrei, treceţi Nistrul [V1.0].doc 1.1 MB
- R/Rosamunde Pilcher/Rosamunde Pilcher - Căutătorii de scoici.v.1.0.docx 1.1 MB
- P/Paullina Simons/Paullina Simons -Tatiana si Alexander (v1.0).docx 1.1 MB
- R/Robert James Waller - Podurile din Madison County.djvu 1.1 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Lichidam si ne luam valea (v.2.0).docx 1.1 MB
- S/Stefan Berciu/Stefan Berciu - Invidia.doc 1.1 MB
- S/Sven Hassel/Sven Hassel - 09. Imperiul iadului [V1.0].docx 1.1 MB
- S/Sylvain Neuvel/Sylvain Neuvel - Trezirea zeilor [V1.0].docx 1.1 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Doctor Sleep v.1.0.docx 1.1 MB
- P/Philip Jose Farmer/Philip Jose Farmer - Dayworld - 2.Rebelul din Dayworld v2.0.docx 1.1 MB
- R/Radu Cosasu - Opere I. Maimutele personale, Povesti pentru a-mi imblanzi iubita.pdf 1.1 MB
- P/Pascal Bruckner/Bruckner Pascal - Iubirea fata de aproapele (v2.0).doc 1.1 MB
- P/Peter Cheyney/Peter Cheyney - Misiunea cea mare v.1.0.doc 1.1 MB
- S/Serghei Borodin - Stelele Samarkandului vol 2[V 1.0].docx 1.1 MB
- T/Theodor Constantin/Theodor Constantin - Cel mai lung amurg.pdf 1.1 MB
- T/Tyson Mauermann - Moarte 900.docx 1.1 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Sub dom vol.2 [V1.0].docx 1.1 MB
- R/Rick Riordan/Rick Riordan - Cronicile familiei Kane - 03.Umbra șarpelui.djvu 1.1 MB
- R/Rick Yancey -Al cincilea val - 1.docx 1.1 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Strainul [V1.0].docx 1.1 MB
- P/Petronela Rotar - Orbi.djvu 1.1 MB
- R/Raymond Chandler/Raymond Chandler - Fereastra de sus v.1.0.doc 1.1 MB
- T/Teodor Mazilu - O singura noapte eterna v.2.0 Dyo.docx 1.1 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King & Peter Straub - Casa Întunericului v.2.0.docx 1.1 MB
- R/Richard Moran - Ziua de apoi. 10 Scenarii ale sfarsitului lumii (v1.0).doc 1.1 MB
- S/Stefan Berciu/Stefan Berciu - Contrabanda cu moartea (v1.0).docx 1.1 MB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - O bomba pentru Revelion.djvu 1.1 MB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Moartea semneaza indescifrabil v2.0.docx 1.1 MB
- S/Suzanne Redfearn - Intr-o clipa [V1.0].docx 1.1 MB
- R/Robert Putnam - Cum functioneaza democratia.docx 1.1 MB
- R/Richard Stark - Vanatorul [V1.0].docx 1.1 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Publicistica de tinerete (v.0.9)/Panait Istrati - Publicistica de tinerete v.0.9.rtf 1.1 MB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Noaptea lupului v.1.0.docx 1.1 MB
- S/Sandra Brown/Sandra Brown - Descoperirea v.1.2.doc 1.1 MB
- S/Stephen Clarke - Un an in Merde (v.1.0).docx 1.1 MB
- P/Patrick Graham - Evanghelia dupa Satan.docx 1.1 MB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Poveste imorala v2.0.docx 1.1 MB
- R/Rafael Sabatini/Rafael Sabatini - Odiseea capitanului Blood 2.0.docx 1.1 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Publicistica de tinerete (v.0.9)/PT - 0001.jpg 1.1 MB
- S/Serghei Borodin - Stelele Samarkandului vol 1[V 1.0].docx 1.1 MB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Carnavalul de fier v.0.1.docx 1.0 MB
- T/Tamora Pierce/Tamora Pierce - Cercul de Magie 4 - Magia lui Briar.docx 1.0 MB
- R/Rob Hart - Depozitul [V1.0].docx 1.0 MB
- R/Ruth Ware/Ruth Ware - Moartea doamnei Westaway (v1.0).docx 1.0 MB
- O/O. Goga & M. Stan - Pe frontul nevazut .docx 1.0 MB
- R/Robert Jean-Boulan - In imparatia mortii albe.djvu 1.0 MB
- R/Raymond Chandler/Raymond Chandler - Adio, Frumoasa Mea v.2.1.doc 1.0 MB
- P/Pius Alibek - Radacini nomade.docx 1.0 MB
- S/Stephen Baxter/Stephen Baxter - Corabiile Timpului (TTP) v1.0.docx 1.0 MB
- O/Octavian Pantis - Musai list.djvu 1.0 MB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Trei decenii de publicistica 1 (v.0.9)/Panait Istrati - Trei decenii de publicistica 1 v.0.9.rtf 1.0 MB
- R/Raymond Khoury - Salvarea templierilor [V1.0].docx 1.0 MB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Razbunarea slutilor v2.0.docx 1.0 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Pune-ti slipul, gondolier! (v.2.0).doc 1.0 MB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/09. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - [V3.0] - Funia spânzuratului - 1.Nebunul de la Bedlam.doc 1.0 MB
- R/Radu Paraschivescu/Radu Paraschivescu - In lume nu-s mai multe Romanii (v1.0).doc 1.0 MB
- P/Peternelle Van Arsdale - Alys si fiara [V1.0].docx 1.0 MB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Minerva se dezlantuie v2.0.docx 1.0 MB
- S/Steven Galloway - Violoncelistul din Sarajevo (v1.0).doc 1.0 MB
- S/Sophie Hannah - Crime cu monograma (v.1.0).docx 1.0 MB
- S/Scott Lynch/Scott Lynch - Minciunile lui Locke Lamora v1.0.docx 1.0 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Sarutari unde stii tu (v.1.0) [14].docx 1.0 MB
- P/Philip K. Dick/Philip K. Dick - Labirintul mortii v1.0.docx 1.0 MB
- R/Robyn Young/Robyn Young - 2 - Anima Templi.docx 1.0 MB
- T/Tatiana Niculescu/Tatiana Niculescu - Mistica rugaciunii si a revolverului [v.1.0].doc 1.0 MB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - O toaleta a la Liz Taylor.docx 1.0 MB
- R/Raymond Chandler/Raymond Chandler - Ramas bun pentru vecie.pdf 1.0 MB
- S/Stephenie Meyer/Stephenie Meyer- Zori de zi.docx 1.0 MB
- O/Orson Scott Card/Orson Scott Card - 2 - Vorbitor in numele mortilor v1.0.docx 1.0 MB
- T/Thomas Gifford - Operatiunea Praetorian.docx 1.0 MB
- S/Suad - Arsa de vie(v1.0).doc 1.0 MB
- R/Roberto Bolano/Roberto Bolano - Detectivii salbatici.docx 1.0 MB
- O/Olivie Blake - Atlas si cei sase alesi [V1.0].docx 1.0 MB
- R/Rick Yancey -Al cincilea val -3- Ultima stea.docx 1.0 MB
- T/Thomas Bernhard - Exctinctie v.0.9.docx 1.0 MB
- R/Roberto Bolano/Roberto Bolano - Trei v.2.0 .doc 1.0 MB
- S/Sandra Brown/Sandra Brown - Cantec de dragoste v.1.0.doc 1.0 MB
- P/Philip Jose Farmer/Philip Jose Farmer - Dayworld - 3.Dayworld terminus v2.0.docx 1.0 MB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Cocosatul are alibi v2.0.docx 1.0 MB
- T/Theodore Sturgeon/Theodore Sturgeon - Nestemate Visatoare [v1.1].doc 1.0 MB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - Ferma Cotofana Vesela si Un Porc Mizantrop.doc 1.0 MB
- S/Stel Pavlou - Codul Atlantidei.v.1.0.docx 1.0 MB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Anotimpuri diferite v.1.0.docx 1.0 MB
- O/Orson Scott Card/Orson Scott Card - 3 - Xenocid v1.0.docx 1.0 MB
- P/Petre Luscalov - Extraordinarele peripetii ale lui Scatiu si ale prietenului sau Babusca v.1.0.doc 1.0 MB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Circul sifiliticilor (v.2.0).docx 1.0 MB
- S/Stefan Ahnhem/Stefan Ahnhem - Victima fara chip [V1.0].docx 1.0 MB
- R/Robert Galbraith - Viermele de matase [V1.0].docx 1.0 MB
- R/Rudyard Kipling/Rudyard Kipling - Se lasa noaptea [v1.0].docx 1.0 MB
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- O/Ovidiu Zotta/Ovidiu Zotta - O sansa pentru fiecare djvu.djvu 1.0 MB
- R/Radu Paraschivescu/Radu Paraschivescu - Bazar bizar 2020.djvu 1.0 MB
- P/Pascal Bruckner/Pascal Bruckner - Iubito, eu ma micsorez.djvu 1.0 MB
- R/Raymond Khoury - Ultimul Templier [V1.0].docx 1.0 MB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - A inflorit liliacul v2.0.docx 1.0 MB
- S/Sarah Pinborough - Prietena mea de suflet [V1.0].docx 1.0 MB
- T/Thomas Cathcart/Thomas Cathcart & Daniel Klein - Heidegger si un hipopotam... v.0.1.docx 1.0 MB
- R/Radu Paraschivescu/Radu Paraschivescu - Orice om ii este teama (v1.0).doc 1.0 MB
- R/Ray Bradbury/Ray Bradbury - Aici sunt tigri (v1.0).doc 1023.0 KB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/08. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - [V3.0] Ponson du Terrail - 01 Ruinele Parisului.doc 1020.5 KB
- R/Rebecca Roanhorse - Calea fulgerului [V1.0].docx 1019.8 KB
- S/Sadie Turner & Colette Freedman - Anomalii [V1.0].docx 1019.4 KB
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- T/Toshikazu Kawaguchi - Pana nu se raceste cafeaua v1.0.docx 1019.0 KB
- P/Pascal Bruckner/Pascal Bruckner - Copilul divin (v1.0).doc 1017.0 KB
- S/Sarah MacLean/Sarah MacLean - [Love by Numbers 02] Zece feluri de a fi adorata.pdf 1016.5 KB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Publicistica de tinerete (v.0.9)/PT - 0002.jpg 1016.4 KB
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- P/Paula McLain - Sotia din Paris v1.0.docx 1015.5 KB
- O/Osho - Viata este aici si acum.doc 1014.5 KB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Apel din necunoscut v2.0.docx 1014.4 KB
- S/Serghei Lebedev - Imposibil de urmarit (v.1.0).docx 1013.8 KB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Mana rece v.1.0.docx 1013.7 KB
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- P/Pierre La Mure - Moulin Rouge (v1.0).docx 1007.5 KB
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- T/Tamora Pierce/Tamora Pierce - Cercul de Magie 3 - Magia lui Daja.docx 1004.6 KB
- S/Sue Grafton/Sue Grafton - A de la alibi v.1.0.docx 1000.4 KB
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- S/Sax Rohmer/Sax Rohmer - Inelul mortuar al faraonului Sneferu.djvu 997.9 KB
- R/Robin Sharma - Sfantul surferul si CEO-ul (f.s.1.0).doc 997.5 KB
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- T/Tatiana de Rosnay - Vieti secrete v1.0.docx 995.5 KB
- P/Peter Chambers/Peter Chambers - Nimeni nu moare de doua ori [F.S.][v.1.0].doc 995.0 KB
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- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Ziua cainelui albastru.djvu 992.9 KB
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- S/Sandra Brown/Sandra Brown - Texas! Chase v.1.0.doc 988.0 KB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Cianura pentru un suras v2.0.docx 987.8 KB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Sectiune printr-un oras bolnav .djvu 986.9 KB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Doctorul Schelet v.3.0.docx 985.0 KB
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- O/Octavian Paler/Octavian Paler - Desertul pentru totdeauna [v. 1.0].doc 977.0 KB
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- O/Octavian Paler/Octavian Paler - Scrisori imaginare(v1.0).doc 974.0 KB
- S/Sven Hassel/Sven Hassel - 12. Curtea Martiala [V1.0].docx 973.8 KB
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- S/Sven Hassel/Sven Hassel - 11. Drum sangeros catre moarte [V1.0].docx 972.5 KB
- P/Philip Jose Farmer/Philip Jose Farmer - Dayworld - 1.Dayworld v2.0.docx 972.0 KB
- R/Rafael Sabatini/Rafael Sabatini - Scaramouche [v1.0].docx 971.9 KB
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- R/Rose Tremain - Sonata Gustav.docx 969.2 KB
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- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/10. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Ponson du Terrail - [TIGANII LONDREI] 01 Regele tiganilor [V4.0].doc 962.5 KB
- R/Robin Hobb/Robin Hobb [OMUL ARAMIU] - 01.Misiunea bufonului [v.2.0].docx 962.5 KB
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- S/Salman Rushdie/Salman Rushdie - Copiii din Miez de Noapte [v1.0].docx 959.1 KB
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- T/T.J. Klune - Sub usa care sopteste [V1.0].docx 954.7 KB
- T/Tui T. Sutherland - Deci asa se sfarseste totul.docx 954.1 KB
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- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/07. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - [V3.0] Mizeriile Londrei - Vol.4.doc 953.5 KB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Buna seara, Melania! v2.0.docx 953.5 KB
- R/Rosamunde Pilcher/Rosamunde Pilcher - Caruselul.pdf 952.6 KB
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- T/Tom Martin - Piramida.docx 951.7 KB
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- S/Stefan Ahnhem/Stefan Ahnhem - Al noualea mormant [V1.0].docx 948.8 KB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Al cincilea as v3.0.docx 948.5 KB
- P/Peter James - Sa mori frumos! v1.0.docx 948.0 KB
- R/Radu Paraschivescu/Radu Paraschivescu - Podul Diavolului 2022.djvu 946.1 KB
- S/Stan Nicholls/Stan Nicholls - Seria Orcii - 01.Paznicul Fulgerului [v.1.0].docx 944.4 KB
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- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Stilet cu sampanie v3.0.docx 943.0 KB
- S/Sosuke Natsukawa - Motanul care voia sa salveze cartile v. 1.0.doc 942.0 KB
- S/Stefan Berciu/Stefan Berciu - Ipoteze judiciare.doc 942.0 KB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/08. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - [V3.0] Ponson du Terrail - 02 Ruinele Parisului.doc 941.0 KB
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- S/Simona Modreanu - Cioran.doc 939.0 KB
- S/Stefan Berciu/Stefan Berciu - Jos masca, domnule Dib!.doc 938.5 KB
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- T/Thomas Gifford - Assasini.docx 937.6 KB
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- T/Theodor Constantin/Theodor Constantin - Urmarirea abia incepe [v.1.0].docx 937.0 KB
- P/Philip Kerr/Philip Kerr - [Berlin Noir] 1 Toporasi de martie (v.1.0).docx 934.8 KB
- S/Sally Green/Sally Green - Jumătatea pierdută.djvu 934.7 KB
- R/Raymond F. Jones/Raymond F. Jones - Extraterestrul v.2.0.doc 934.5 KB
- R/Ruth Ware/Ruth Ware - Femeia din cabina 10 [V1.0].docx 933.6 KB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Al cincilea as.djvu 933.2 KB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Focul viu [V1.0].docx 932.5 KB
- S/Stanislaw Lem/Stanislaw Lem - Solaris.doc 932.5 KB
- S/Stefan Berciu/Stefan Berciu - Voalul negru.djvu 931.9 KB
- R/Roberto Bolano/Roberto Bolano - Convorbiri telefonice (v.3.0).doc 931.5 KB
- S/Sam Bourne - A treia femeie [V1.0].docx 930.9 KB
- T/Theodor Constantin/Theodor Constantin - Adevărul despre Luca Cristogel.doc 930.5 KB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Plan diabolic v2.0.docx 930.3 KB
- S/Stefan Berciu/Stefan Berciu - Intalnire in valea mortii.doc 930.0 KB
- S/Sarah Lark/Sarah Lark - Strigatul pasarii kiwi v1.0 .docx 929.9 KB
- P/Poul Anderson/Poul Anderson - Operatiunea Haos.rtf 929.6 KB
- P/Pascal Bruckner/Pascal Bruckner - Iubito, eu ma micsorez (v2.0).doc 928.5 KB
- T/Theodor Constantin/Theodor Constantin - Fiul lui Monte Cristo vol.1 v.2.0.doc 928.5 KB
- R/Renato Pestriniero - Cuibul de dincolo de umbra.docx 928.1 KB
- P/Philip Jose Farmer/Philip José Farmer - Poarta v2.0 [doc].doc 928.0 KB
- P/Paulo Coelho/Paulo Coelho - Unsprezece Minute.doc 928.0 KB
- R/Roberto Bolano/Roberto Bolano - Cainii romantici.pdf 927.2 KB
- T/Tim Powers - Regele pescar v1.0.docx 926.5 KB
- S/Scott Smith/Scott Smith - Ruinele v.1.0.docx 926.1 KB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Mort la datorie [V1.0].docx 924.8 KB
- T/Terry Pratchett/Terry Pratchett - Lumea Disc 02 - Lumina Fantasticã V2.0.docx 922.5 KB
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- R/Robert Harris/Robert Harris - Arhanghelsk [V 1.0].docx 918.7 KB
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- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/06. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - V4 O dramă în India [6.ULTIMUL CUVÂNT...][V1.0].doc 918.0 KB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Am incercat, se poate! (v.3.0).docx 916.8 KB
- P/Philip Kerr/Philip Kerr - [Berlin Noir] 2 Criminalul din umbra (v.1.0).docx 915.4 KB
- R/Robin S. Sharma - Calugarul care si-a vandut Ferrari-ul (v1.0).doc 914.0 KB
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- R/Ruth Ware/Ruth Ware - Unul cate unul v1.0.docx 911.5 KB
- S/Shalom Auslander - Speranta, o tragedie.pdf 909.9 KB
- S/Sven Hassel/Sven Hassel - 14. Comisarul v.1.0.docx 909.3 KB
- R/Roberto Bolano/Roberto Bolano - Cainii romantici v.2.0.doc 908.0 KB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Mancatorii de ziduri v.4.0.doc 907.5 KB
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- R/Rory Power – Salbaticele (v1.0).docx 906.6 KB
- R/Ray Bradbury/Ray Bradbury - Mașinăria zburătoare.docx 906.1 KB
- S/Scott Smith/Scott Smith - Un plan simplu .docx 904.6 KB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Cutia cu nasturi v2.0.docx 903.4 KB
- P/Poul Anderson/Poul Anderson - Pazitorii timpului v.1.9.doc 900.5 KB
- T/Terry Pratchett/Terry Pratchett - Lumea Disc 13 - Zei Marunti v1.0.docx 900.1 KB
- P/Profira Sadoveanu - Rechinul v.2.0 Dyo.docx 898.9 KB
- R/Rose Estes & Tom Wham - Sabia Lui Skryling v.1.9.doc 898.5 KB
- T/Thomas Mann/Thomas Mann - Iosif și frații săi - Vol I .docx 898.3 KB
- T/Tiberiu Vornic - Intimplari din pragul veacului.docx 898.0 KB
- S/Stefan Ahnhem/Stefan Ahnhem - X feluri de a muri [V1.0].docx 898.0 KB
- R/R. Scott Bakker - Profetul Razboinic.docx 895.0 KB
- S/Sandra Brown/Sandra Brown - Lunga asteptare v1.0 doc.doc 893.5 KB
- S/Stefan Berciu/Stefan Berciu - Traficanti de carne vie v1.0.docx 893.0 KB
- P/Parinoush Saniee -Tatal celuilalt copil.doc 893.0 KB
- S/Sidney Sheldon/Sideny Sheldon - Chipul fara masca v.2.0.doc 892.0 KB
- R/R. L. Stine/R.L. Stine[Goosebumps] - Atacul mutantilor.djvu 889.3 KB
- S/Sandra Brown/Sandra Brown - Neasteptata iubire v.1.0.doc 889.0 KB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Moartea semneaza indescifrabil .djvu 888.4 KB
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- T/Tom Engeland - [Bjorn Belto] 1 Capatul cercului v 1.0.docx 886.3 KB
- S/Simon Scarrow/Simon Scarrow - Pretorianul [V1.0].docx 885.8 KB
- P/Peter Cheyney/Peter Cheyney - Marea teapa v1.0.doc 885.0 KB
- S/Stephenie Meyer/Stephenie Meyer- Eclipsa.docx 883.2 KB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum - Manuscrisul Lui Chancellor v1.2.docx 883.1 KB
- S/Serge Deville - O grenadă pentru Heydrich [v.1.0].doc 882.5 KB
- T/Teresa Solana - O crima imperfecta (v.1.0).docx 882.0 KB
- R/Robert A. Heinlein/Robert A. Heinlein - Stea Dubla v.2.0.doc 881.5 KB
- R/R. L. Stine/R.L. Stine[Goosebumps] - Blestemul preotesei v.1.0.docx 880.8 KB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Nopti albe pentru Minerva v2.0.docx 880.0 KB
- T/Tricia Levensseler - Fiica reginei sirena [V1.0].docx 878.5 KB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Cianura pentru un suras.djvu 877.6 KB
- R/R. L. Stine/R.L. Stine[Goosebumps] - O zi in tinutul ororilor.djvu 876.1 KB
- T/Ted Dekker/Ted Dekker - 01.Negru - Matca raului.docx 875.9 KB
- R/Robyn Young/Robyn Young -1- Recviem v2.0.docx 875.6 KB
- S/Sarah MacLean/Sarah MacLean - [Love by Numbers 01] Noua reguli de nesocotit [v1.0]hy.docx 873.0 KB
- S/Stefan Berciu/Stefan Berciu - Moartea unui singuratic (V1.0).docx 872.8 KB
- S/Sebastian Schnoy - Istorie pentru cei care se tem de istorie v1.0.docx 869.9 KB
- P/Paul McAuley - Razboiul linistit.docx 869.8 KB
- T/Taylor Adams - Fara iesire [V1.0].docx 868.8 KB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Un blestem cu domiciliu stabil v3.0.docx 868.3 KB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - 320 de pisici negre v2.0.docx 866.7 KB
- R/Richard Morgan/Richard Morgan - Omul negru vol.2 [V1.0].docx 864.7 KB
- P/Philip Kerr/Philip Kerr - [Berlin Noir] 3 Recviem german (v.1.0).docx 864.2 KB
- R/Ruth Ware/Ruth Ware - Moartea doamnei Westaway [V1.0].docx 864.2 KB
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- S/Slavomir Nastasijevic - Hannibal ante Portas.docx 861.9 KB
- O/Orhan Pamuk/Orhan Pamuk - Cartea neagra [v2.0].docx 859.9 KB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Spionaj la manastire v2.0.docx 859.0 KB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Shining [V1.0].docx 859.0 KB
- T/Theodor Constantin/Theodor Constantin - La miezul noptii va cadea o stea [v.2.0].docx 857.0 KB
- T/Traci Harding/Traci Harding - Gena lui Isis.docx 856.4 KB
- T/Theodor Constantin/Theodor Constantin - Enigma Profesor Rebegea [v.1.0].docx 855.8 KB
- S/Stanislaw Lem/Stanislaw Lem - Intoarcerea din stele.rtf 854.2 KB
- T/Tomas Eloy Martinez - Zborul reginev.1.0.docx 852.3 KB
- P/Paul Kalanithi - Cu ultima suflare v. 1.0.doc 851.5 KB
- T/Terry Pratchett/Terry Pratchett - Lumea Disc 07 - Piramide V2.0.docx 850.6 KB
- S/Stephen Chbosky - Jurnalul unui adolescent timid (v1.0).doc 850.5 KB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Lichidati-l! (v.1.0) [06].docx 847.1 KB
- O/Octavian Paler/Octavian Paler - Autoportret intr-o oglinda sparta (V.1.0).doc 845.5 KB
- P/P. D. James/P.D. James -Moartea unui expert.docx 845.4 KB
- P/Paul McKenna - O viata noua in 7 zile (v1.0).doc 845.0 KB
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- T/Traci Harding/Traci Harding - Reginele-dragon.v.1.0.docx 844.4 KB
- S/Stefan Berciu/Stefan Berciu - Pretul tacerii.doc 844.0 KB
- P/Pierre Barbet/Pierre Barbet - Mercenarii de pe Rychna v.1.0.doc 841.5 KB
- S/Stefan Zweig/Stefan Zweig - Triumful si destinul tragic al lui Erasm din Rotterdam (v.1.0).docx 840.8 KB
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- R/Ragnar Jonasson - Orb in noapte [V1.0].docx 839.1 KB
- R/Rick Yancey -Al cincilea val 2 Marea nesfarsita.docx 838.9 KB
- T/Tricia Levenseller - Umbrele care ne despart [V1.0].docx 838.6 KB
- S/Sven Hassel/Sven Hassel - 13. Inchisoarea OGPU [V1.0].docx 838.3 KB
- R/Robert Harris/Robert Harris - Pompei (v1.0).docx 837.5 KB
- R/R. L. Stine/R.L. Stine[Goosebumps] - Teribilul om de zapada din Pasadena.djvu 837.4 KB
- R/Robert Merle - Malevil.docx 836.9 KB
- S/Sally Green/Sally Green - Jumatatea Salbatica.djvu 836.6 KB
- R/Robert Bryndza - (seria Erika Foster) #1 Fata din gheata [V1.0].docx 836.2 KB
- R/Roald Dahl - Matilda.doc 835.5 KB
- T/Teodor Mazilu - Vara pe veranda [v. 1.0].doc 835.5 KB
- S/Stephen Kelman - Si porumbeii vorbesc englezeste (v.1.0).docx 834.8 KB
- R/Rick Riordan/Rick Riordan - Cronicile familiei Kane - 03.Umbra șarpelui.v.1.0.docx 834.2 KB
- O/Ovidiu Surianu/Ovidiu Surianu - Cheia comorilor.doc 833.0 KB
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- R/Radu Paraschivescu/Radu Paraschivescu - Astept sa crapi v. 1.0.doc 827.5 KB
- R/R. L. Stine/R.L. Stine[Goosebumps] - Necazuri mari.djvu 826.9 KB
- R/R. L. Stine/R.L. Stine[Goosebumps] - Să devenim invizibili.doc 824.5 KB
- P/Peter F. Hamilton/Peter F. Hamilton - Golul evolutiv vol.1 [V1.0].docx 824.0 KB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Cosmar v2.0.docx 824.0 KB
- P/Paulo Coelho/Paulo Coelho - Adulter v 1.0.doc 823.5 KB
- S/Stefan J. Fay - SOKRATEION v1.0.doc 823.5 KB
- P/Profira Sadoveanu - Mormolocul.doc 823.0 KB
- S/Sylvain Neuvel/Sylvain Neuvel - Gigantii adormiti [V1.0].docx 822.9 KB
- S/Sara Holland - Evermore [V1.0].docx 819.9 KB
- P/Paulo Coelho/Paulo Coelho - Veronika se hotaraste sa moara (v2.0).doc 819.5 KB
- P/Philip K. Dick/Philip K. Dick – Omul din castelul inalt v2.0.docx 819.3 KB
- T/Theodor Constantin/Theodor Constantin - Doamna cu voaleta din Balt Orient Expres v.1.0.docx 816.8 KB
- S/Stanislaw Lem/Stanislaw Lem - Catarul.rtf 816.7 KB
- S/Scott R. Bakker/Scott R. Bakker - [Printul nimicului 01] - La inceput a fost intunericul v.2.0.doc.docx 815.7 KB
- R/Remus Boldea - A ras si tata v. 1.0.doc 815.5 KB
- R/Romulus Barbulescu/Romulus Barbulescu & George Anania - Captiv în inima Galaxiei [CPSF_226].djvu 814.8 KB
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- T/Traian Tandin - Dilemele capitanului Roman [v1.0].docx 811.6 KB
- S/Steve Berry/Steve Berry - Ultima colonie (v1.0).docx 810.7 KB
- R/Ruth Ware - Unul cate unul [V1.0].docx 808.4 KB
- S/Sylvia Nasar - O minte sclipitoare [V1.0].docx 808.2 KB
- S/Susanna Clarke - Piranesi [V1.0].docx 807.2 KB
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- S/Silvia Moreno-Garcia - Fiica doctorului Moreau [V1.0].docx 805.7 KB
- R/Robin Hobb/Robin Hobb - Misiunea bufonului.docx 804.7 KB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Somnul demonului.v.1.0.docx 803.4 KB
- R/Robert Greene & Joost Elffers - Succes si putere. 48 de legi v.1.0.docx 803.0 KB
- S/Sarah MacLean/Sarah MacLean - [Love by Numbers 02] Zece feluri de a fi adorata [v1.0]hy.docx 802.5 KB
- R/R. L. Stine/R.L. Stine[Goosebumps] - Bun venit în Casa Morţilor.doc 802.0 KB
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- R/R. L. Stine/R.L. Stine[Goosebumps] - Zâmbeşte şi mori.doc 801.5 KB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - [Turnul intunecat 03]Tinuturile pustii v2.0.docx 800.9 KB
- P/Peter F. Hamilton/Peter F. Hamilton - Golul temporal vol.2 [V1.0].docx 800.7 KB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/07. Panait Istrati - Amintiri. Evocari. Confesiuni (v.1.0)/Panait Istrati - Amintiri. Evocari. Confesiuni v.1.0.docx 799.5 KB
- R/Richard Osman - Barbatul care a murit de doua ori [V1.0].docx 799.5 KB
- R/Rosie Walsh - Iubirea vietii mele v1.0.docx 798.9 KB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Obsedatul (v.2.0).docx 797.6 KB
- T/Tony Parsons/Tony Parson - Trusa criminalistica v.1.0.docx 797.1 KB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Omul de la capatul firului v2.0.docx 796.0 KB
- S/Stephenie Meyer/Stephenie Meyer- Luna Noua.docx 795.0 KB
- R/Rosamunde Pilcher/Rosamunde Pilcher - Septembrie.v.1.0.docx 795.0 KB
- P/Patrick Suskind - Parfumul.djvu 794.9 KB
- O/Octavian Paler/Octavian Paler - Caminante [v. 1.0].doc 794.5 KB
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- S/Steve Berry/Steve Berry, M.J. Rose - Muzeul Misterelor.docx 791.4 KB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Spionaj la manastire.djvu 791.3 KB
- R/Radu Cosasu - Un nasture sau absolutul.djvu 790.2 KB
- R/R. L. Stine/R.L. Stine[Goosebumps] - Fantoma de la teatru.doc 790.0 KB
- P/Pearl S. Buck/Pearl S. Buck - Mama [v.2.0].docx 789.1 KB
- P/Peter F. Hamilton/Peter F. Hamilton - Golul temporal vol.1 [V1.0].docx 788.7 KB
- R/Rosamunde Pilcher/Rosamunde Pilcher - Caruselul v.1.0.doc 788.0 KB
- R/Rudyard Kipling/Rudyard Kipling - La bunul plac al vietii [v1.0].doc 787.5 KB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Cujo [V1.0].docx 787.3 KB
- R/Radu Paraschivescu/Radu Paraschivescu - Cum gandesc politicienii.djvu 784.6 KB
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- R/Raymond F. Jones/Raymond F. Jones - Luna ucigasa v.2.0.doc 783.5 KB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/01. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Copert 1 - Sr_01 Vol_02.jpg 782.9 KB
- P/Philip Pulmann/Philip Pullman - Sally Lockhart 3 Tigrul din fantana v1.0.docx 782.8 KB
- R/Robert Silverberg/Robert Silverberg - Pasagerii (v1.0).docx 782.5 KB
- T/Teophile Gautier/Teophile Gautier - Capitanul Fracasse vol 1 v 0.1.docx 782.1 KB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/01. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Copert 1 - Sr_01 Vol_01.jpg 779.9 KB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Asta-i mort si habar n-are! (v.2.0).docx 779.8 KB
- S/Stefan Zweig/Stefan Zweig - Casanova v.1.0.docx 779.8 KB
- S/Stefan Zweig/Stefan Zweig - Orele astrale ale omenirii v1.0.doc 779.0 KB
- S/Sarah Lark/Sarah Lark - Cantecul maorilor v1.0 .docx 778.2 KB
- P/P. Z. Reizin - Algoritmul fericirii [V2.0].docx 778.1 KB
- R/Richard Osman - Glontul care a ratat tinta [V1.0].docx 776.2 KB
- S/Sara Holland - Everless [V1.0].docx 775.8 KB
- R/Rubin Szilard - Petrecere in birlogul lupilor.doc 773.5 KB
- R/R. L. Stine/R.L. Stine[Goosebumps] - Răzbunarea piticilor de grădină.doc 772.0 KB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Sa fim logici! (v.2.0).docx 771.8 KB
- T/Tudor Negoita/Tudor Negoita - Sub semnul blandei terori [v1.0].docx 771.7 KB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/06. Panait Istrati - Viata lui Adrian Zografi (v.1.0)/Cop.jpg 771.4 KB
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- R/Roberto Bolano/Roberto Bolano - Trei.pdf 770.7 KB
- R/Robert Ludlum/Robert Ludlum - Protocolul Sigma docx v.1.0.docx 770.3 KB
- R/Roderick Gordon & Brian Williams/Roderick Gordon & Brian Williams - Tunele 1 v.1.0.docx 770.0 KB
- P/Philip K. Dick/Philip K. Dick - Loterie Solara v1.0.docx 769.8 KB
- T/Ted Dekker/Ted Dekker - 02.Rosu - Imposibila salvare.docx 769.6 KB
- S/Svetlana Aleksievici - Vremuri second-hand [v.2.0].docx 769.2 KB
- S/Shari Lapena - Cineva cunoscut (v1.0).docx 769.2 KB
- R/R. L. Stine/R.L. Stine[Goosebumps] - Plaja bântuită.doc 768.0 KB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Ancheta in infern v2.0.docx 767.7 KB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/07. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - [V3.0] Mizeriile Londrei - Vol.1.doc 767.5 KB
- R/Roberto Bolano/Roberto Bolano - O povestioara lumpen (v.2.0).docx 766.3 KB
- P/P. J. Tracy/P.J. Tracy - [Misterele Monkeewrench] 1 Operatiunea Monkeewrench (v.1.0).docx 765.3 KB
- T/Taylor Stevens - Femeia-cameleon v.2.0 [P].docx 764.8 KB
- R/Ruth Ware/Ruth Ware - Crima la Oxford v1.0.docx 764.6 KB
- P/Peter Robinson/Peter Robinson - Inainte de ispita (v.1.0).docx 764.1 KB
- T/Tudor Arghezi - Cu bastonul prin Bucuresti.docx 764.1 KB
- S/Salman Rushdie/Salman Rushdie - Grimus [v 1.0].docx 764.0 KB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - La miezul noptii 2 v.1.0[FRB].docx 763.2 KB
- S/Simon Singh & Edzard Ernst - Adevarul despre medicina alternativa v.0.1.docx 762.3 KB
- T/Tom Eaton - Codul cavalerilor (v2.0).doc 761.5 KB
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- P/Paola_Peretti_Distanta_dintre_mine_si_cires_v1.0.docx 756.6 KB
- S/Sarah Lark/Sarah Lark - In Tara Norului Alb v1.0 FS.docx 755.0 KB
- O/Orhan Pamuk/Orhan Pamuk - Istanbul. Amintirile si orasul.docx 754.5 KB
- T/Tatiana Tibuleac - Vara in care mama a avut ochii verzi (v1.0).doc 754.5 KB
- P/Philip Macdonald - Odihneasca-se în pace! [v.2.0].docx 753.3 KB
- P/Peter Clines - Portalul Albuquerque [V1.0].docx 752.4 KB
- S/Samantha Young/Samantha Young - Ecouri din strada Scoţia v1.0.docx 752.3 KB
- T/Teresa Medeiros/Teresa Medeiros - Savoarea unui sarut v 1.0 .docx 750.6 KB
- T/Tom Gabbay - Conspiratia din Berlin.docx 748.9 KB
- T/Terry Pratchett/Terry Pratchett - Lumea Disc 06 - Stranii surate V2.0.docx 748.8 KB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Bravo, doctore Beru! (v.2.0).docx 747.4 KB
- S/Sarah J. Maas/Sarah J. Maas - Tronul de clestar - 1.Tronul de clestar [V 2.0].docx 746.7 KB
- T/Terry Pratchett/Terry Pratchett - Lumea Disc 14 - Seniori si doamne v1.0.docx 746.6 KB
- S/Sosuke Natsukawa - Motanul care voia sa salveze cartile.djvu 746.6 KB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Somnul demonului .djvu 743.5 KB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran – Dunarea revarsata 1.0.docx 742.7 KB
- P/Petre Craciun - Alarma la Peles (v.1.0).docx 741.3 KB
- R/Robert Bryndza - (seria Erika Foster) #2 Vanator de noapte [V1.0].docx 740.4 KB
- P/Philip Jose Farmer/Philip Jose Farmer - Lumea fluviului 03 - Planul misterios v.3.0.docx 739.6 KB
- P/Philip Gray - Masacrul de la Two Storm Wood [v1.0].docx 739.6 KB
- R/Robert Sheckley/Robert Sheckley - Monstrii (v1.0).docx 739.5 KB
- S/Sara Gruen - La marginea apei v1.0.docx 738.7 KB
- R/Radu Paraschivescu/Radu Paraschivescu - Cartea rasului si a cercetarii v. 1.0.doc 738.5 KB
- S/Stephen Chbosky - Jurnalul unui adolescent timid.pdf 736.5 KB
- S/Sergiu Grossu - Spalarea creierului. Complotul psihopolitic al comunismului.pdf 736.1 KB
- R/Robert Bryndza - (seria Erika Foster) #3 Apa intunecata [V1.0].docx 735.9 KB
- P/Pam Munoz Ryan - Trandafirii din Mexic (v1.0).doc 735.0 KB
- R/Richelle Mead/Richelle Mead - Academia Vampirilor - 3 - Atingerea umbrei.docx 733.9 KB
- R/R. L. Stine/R.L. Stine[Goosebumps] - O zi in tinutul ororilor v.1.0.docx 732.9 KB
- T/Tudor Popescu - Un băiat privește marea.docx 732.7 KB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Jocul lui Gerald [V1.0].docx 732.0 KB
- R/Roberto Bolano/Roberto Bolano - Al treilea Reich v.1.0 .docx 730.6 KB
- P/Philip Pulmann/Philip Pullman - Sally Lockhart 2 Umbra din nord v.2.0 (FS).docx 730.1 KB
- P/Philip Pulmann/Philip Pullman - Sally Lockhart 2 Umbra din nord v.2.0 FS.docx 730.1 KB
- R/Richard Wurmbrand - Marx si Satan V1.0.doc 729.5 KB
- S/Sarah Vaughan - Mici dezastre [V1.0].docx 728.9 KB
- R/Robert Jackson Bennet - [Orasele divine] 1 Orasul scarilor (v2.0).docx 726.9 KB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Destroy v.3.0.docx 725.8 KB
- P/Petre Bellu/Petre Bellu - Apărarea are cuvântul v.3.0.doc 725.5 KB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Sarabanda raposatilor (v.1.0).doc 725.5 KB
- R/Roger Zelazny/Roger Zelazny - Lordul luminii (v1.0).docx 725.5 KB
- P/Paul Hoffman/Paul Hoffman - In bataia aripilor.docx 724.8 KB
- P/Paul Kalanithi - Cu ultima suflare .pdf 724.4 KB
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- S/Stephen Jones/Stephen Jones - 01.Cartea ororilor (v1.0).docx 723.8 KB
- R/Ragnar Jonasson - Negura [V1.0].docx 723.0 KB
- S/Stefan Berciu/Stefan Berciu - Contrabanda cu moartea.djvu 722.9 KB
- R/Robert A. Heinlein/Robert A. Heinlein - Infanteria Stelara v.1.0.docx 718.7 KB
- S/Sejal Badani - Taina povestitoarei (v1.0).docx 718.1 KB
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- S/Sandra Brown/Sandra Brown - Noapte africana v.1.0.doc 717.5 KB
- R/Ruth Ware/Ruth Ware - Jocul minciunii [V1.0].docx 717.4 KB
- T/Teresa Medeiros/Teresa Medeiros - Blestemul frumusetii v 1.0 .docx 716.6 KB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Haita v.3.0.docx 716.3 KB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Febra v.3.0.docx 716.1 KB
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- P/Pierre Barbet/Pierre Barbet - Ciclul Baphomet - 2. Cruciada stelara v2.0.doc 715.0 KB
- T/Toshikazu Kawaguchi Povesti din cafenea.djvu 714.8 KB
- T/Ted Chiang/Ted Chiang - Impartirea la zero (v2.0 ).docx 714.7 KB
- S/Stefan Oprea - Procesul manechinelor (v.1.0).docx 714.3 KB
- T/Tadeusz Dolega Mostowicz - 02 Profesorul Wilczur [V3.0].docx 713.9 KB
- R/Romulus Barbulescu/Romulus Barbulescu - Salciile nu plang decat seara.djvu 712.6 KB
- T/Teresa Medeiros/Teresa Medeiros - Hotul de inimi v1.0.docx 712.3 KB
- R/Rhys Bowen - Copilul din Toscana v1.0.docx 712.3 KB
- R/Robert Holdstock - Lavondyss.docx 708.6 KB
- R/Robert King – Sarpele albastru [v1.0].docx 708.1 KB
- R/Robin Hobb/Robin Hobb - 02. Asasinul Regal vol.1 v.1.0.docx 707.0 KB
- P/Peter Ravenberg - Caravana.djvu 705.5 KB
- R/Roger Zelazny/Roger Zelazny - Nemuritorul (v1.0).docx 703.9 KB
- S/Stephenie Meyer/Stephenie Meyer - Amurg.docx 703.3 KB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Incepe actiunea! (v.1.0).docx 702.5 KB
- S/Sarah Pinborough - Prin ochii ei [V1.0].docx 702.4 KB
- P/Petru Popescu/Petru Popescu - Copiii Domnului [v. 1.0].doc 701.5 KB
- S/S. J. Watson - Inainte sa adorm (v.1.0).docx 701.1 KB
- T/Taran Matharu - Inchizitia.docx 701.1 KB
- P/Philipp Vandenberg/Philipp Vandenberg - Fauritorul de oglinzi [v 1.0].docx 697.3 KB
- R/Richard Matheson/Richard Matheson - Sunt o legenda.djvu 696.9 KB
- R/R. Scott Baker - La inceput a fost intunericul.docx 696.2 KB
- R/Ruth Ware/Ruth Ware - Usa ferecata [V1.0].docx 696.2 KB
- T/Tatiana Tolstaia - Zâtul.docx 695.8 KB
- T/Theodor Constantin/Theodor Constantin - Capitanul de Cursa Lunga v.1.0.docx 693.2 KB
- S/Sophie de Villenoisy - Sinucidere fericita si La multi ani! (v1.0).doc 693.0 KB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Asta-s eu si nu ma schimb (v.2.0).docx 691.2 KB
- O/Omid Scobie & Carolyn Durand - Harry si Meghan v1.0.docx 690.9 KB
- S/Scott Turow - Eroi obisnuiti.docx 690.6 KB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Sirop pentru viespi (v.1.0) [12].docx 690.5 KB
- S/Stefan Ahnhem/Stefan Ahnhem - Fabian Risk 4 - Motivul X (v1.0).docx 690.1 KB
- P/Pascal Bruckner/Pascal Bruckner - Palatul chelfanelii v2.0.doc 689.5 KB
- R/Richelle Mead/Richelle Mead - Academia Vampirilor - 2 - Initierea.docx 689.0 KB
- R/Richard Osman - Clubul crimelor de joi [V1.0].docx 688.9 KB
- P/Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Mihail v.2.0.doc 688.5 KB
- T/Timothy Zahn/Timothy Zahn - Soldat si dragon.djvu 686.8 KB
- S/Sever Noran - Ultimul viraj.docx 686.7 KB
- P/Paul Antim - Un casanova calatoreste spre iad.rtf 686.5 KB
- R/Ruth Ware/Ruth Ware - Intr-o padure intunecata [V1.0].docx 684.7 KB
- R/Romulus Lal - Operatiunea metroul.docx 684.5 KB
- P/Paula Hawkins/Paula Hawkins - Fata din tren [V1.0].docx 684.0 KB
- R/Ragnar Jonasson - Fata care a murit [V1.0].docx 683.7 KB
- S/Sandra Brown/Sandra Brown - Dragoste mai presus de ratiune v1.0.doc 683.0 KB
- T/Tim Lahaye & Jerry B. Jenkins - 1 - Supravietutorii.docx 682.5 KB
- S/Stephen Donaldson/Stephen Donaldson - Puterea Salvatoare.docx 682.1 KB
- R/Rachel Caine/Rachel Caine - [Vampirii Din Morganville] 2 Balul Fetelor Moarte.doc 681.0 KB
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- S/Sandra Brown/Sandra Brown - Numai tu v.1.0.doc 679.5 KB
- T/Teodor Parapiru/Teodor Parapiru - Suspiciune v.01.doc 679.0 KB
- P/Parinoush Saniee - Cel care mă așteaptă.docx 678.4 KB
- P/Peter F. Hamilton/Peter F. Hamilton - Golul evolutiv vol.2 [V1.0].docx 677.7 KB
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- R/R. L. Stine/R.L. Stine[Goosebumps] - Sangele monstrului v1.0.docx 677.2 KB
- R/Rosa Montero – Nebuni din iubire (v1.0).docx 676.0 KB
- S/Stefan Zweig/Stefan Zweig - Casanova.djvu 675.4 KB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/03. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Cop faţă Rocambole S3_V3.jpg 675.3 KB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/03. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Cop faţă Rocambole S3_V2.jpg 674.7 KB
- S/Sartre/Sartre - 1. Caile libertatii - Varsta intelepciunii v1.0 gy.docx 673.7 KB
- R/Ross Macdonald - Coasta barbara 1970 [v.2.0] Dyo.docx 673.2 KB
- S/Sax Rohmer/Sax Rohmer - Voalul sfant.djvu 671.4 KB
- P/Petronela Rotar - Orbi (v1.0).doc 671.0 KB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/03. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Cop spate Rocambole S3.jpg 671.0 KB
- S/Su Tong - Lumea de orez v.1.0.docx 670.7 KB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/03. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Cop faţă Rocambole S3_V1.jpg 670.0 KB
- P/Pierre Stoltze - Magicianul Cosmosului.docx 669.2 KB
- O/Oana Orlea - Cantacuzino, ia-ti boarfele si misca v.1.0.doc 669.0 KB
- S/Salman Rushdie/Salman Rushdie - Furie v.1.0.docx 668.8 KB
- P/Paula Hawkins/Paula Hawkins - Focul mocnit v1.0.docx 668.7 KB
- S/Stephanie Bishop - Aniversarea v1.0.docx 667.8 KB
- O/Octavia E. Butler - Pilda Semanatorului.docx 667.2 KB
- P/Philip Jose Farmer/Philip Jose Farmer - Lumea fluviului 04 - Labirintul Magic v.3.0.docx 666.4 KB
- R/Robert Silverberg/Robert Silverberg - Vremea schimbarii [V1.0].docx 665.6 KB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Crima prin mica publicitate v2.0.docx 665.5 KB
- S/Sorin Stefanescu - Zee [v 1.0].docx 665.4 KB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Antigel pentru conita (v.1.0) [58].docx 663.2 KB
- S/Sartre/Sartre - 3. Caile libertatii - Cu moartea in suflet v1.0 bl.docx 662.2 KB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - Acea fata frumoasa 1.0(1).docx 662.0 KB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - Acea fata frumoasa 1.0.docx 662.0 KB
- R/Raymond F. Jones/Raymond F. Jones - Creierele cibernetice v.2.0.doc 662.0 KB
- S/Silvia Moreno Garcia - Mexican Gothic [V1.0].docx 660.5 KB
- T/Theodor Constantin/Theodor Constantin - Cum a murit Claudiu Azimioara v1.0.docx 657.9 KB
- P/Pierre de Boisdeffre - Dragostea si plictisul [v. 1.0].docx 657.8 KB
- R/Richelle Mead/Richelle Mead - Academia Vampirilor - 4 - Juramant de sange.docx 657.0 KB
- P/Philipp Vandenberg/Philipp Vandenberg - Gladiatorul.docx 656.4 KB
- T/Traian Tandin - Adio Ringo (v1.2) hy.docx 656.3 KB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Febra v.0.1.docx 655.7 KB
- T/Ted Dekker/Ted Dekker - 03. Alb - Fantastica urmarire.docx 654.4 KB
- P/Paul Johnson - Viata lui Isus povestita de un credincios v.1.0.doc 653.0 KB
- P/Platon/Platon - Omul politic.doc 652.9 KB
- R/Ragnar Jonasson - Sfasiere [V1.0].docx 652.6 KB
- S/Shirley Conran - Lace v 1.0.docx 652.5 KB
- R/Robert L. Stevenson - Răpit de pirați.docx 652.1 KB
- P/Philipp Vandenberg/Philipp Vandenberg - A cincea evanghelie.docx 651.2 KB
- S/Sarah J. Maas/Sarah J. Maas - Tronul de clestar - 2.Diamantul de la miezul noptii [V 2.0].docx 650.6 KB
- P/Pascal Bruckner/Pascal Bruckner - Capcaunii anonimi.djvu 650.4 KB
- S/Sarah Pearse - Sanatoriul v1.0.docx 648.5 KB
- S/Sandra Brown/Sandra Brown - Dupa zece ani v1.0.doc 648.0 KB
- R/Rachael Lippincott - La cinci pasi de tine [V1.0].docx 645.2 KB
- P/Peter Straub - Copiii pierduti (v1.0).docx 644.7 KB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - Al optzeci si doilea 1.0.docx 643.6 KB
- P/P. J. Tracy/P.J. Tracy - [Misterele Monkeewrench] 2 Momeala vie (v.1.0).docx 643.3 KB
- R/Robert Silverberg/Robert Silverberg - Timp al schimbarilor (v4.0).docx 641.3 KB
- T/T.M. Logan - 29 de secunde [V1.0].docx 640.8 KB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Sectiune printr-un oras bolnav (v1.0).docx 640.7 KB
- R/Rosamunde Pilcher/Rosamunde Pilcher – Tigrul adormit.v.1.0.docx 640.6 KB
- O/Octavian Paler/Octavian Paler - Apararea lui Galilei [v. 1.0].doc 640.0 KB
- S/S.K. Barnett - In siguranta [V1.0].docx 638.1 KB
- R/Russell Blake - Nume de cod JET [V1.0].docx 636.3 KB
- S/Samuel R. Delany - Intersectia Einstein (v1.0).docx 635.9 KB
- P/Philip K. Dick/Philip K. Dick – Timpul dezarticulat v1.0.docx 634.7 KB
- T/Tim LaHaye/Tim LaHaye & Jerry B. Jenkins - Armata patimirilor.docx 634.5 KB
- P/Peter Cheyney -Nu poti pastra restul v1.0.docx 633.3 KB
- S/Sylvain Neuvel/Sylvain Neuvel - Pana la ultima dintre noi [V1.0].docx 633.1 KB
- R/Ragnar Jonasson - Orb in zapada [V1.0].docx 632.3 KB
- S/Salla Simukka - Negru ca abanosul [V1.0].docx 630.5 KB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Salem's Lot v.2.0.docx 629.9 KB
- R/R. L. Stine/R.L. Stine[Goosebumps] - Bun venit in tabara de cosmar v.1.0.docx 629.6 KB
- R/Ross MacDonald/Ross MacDonald - Coasta Barbara [v.1.0].docx 628.6 KB
- R/Robert Harris/Robert Harris - Marioneta[V 1.0].docx 628.5 KB
- S/S. A. Cosby - Pustiul de asfalt [V1.0].docx 627.8 KB
- S/Sandra Brown/Sandra Brown - Dragoste in catifea albastra v1.1.doc 627.5 KB
- R/Roderick Gordon & Brian Williams/Roderick Gordon & Brian Williams - Tunele 3 - In cadere libera v.1.0.docx 626.7 KB
- P/Philip Shelby/Philip Shelby - Atac la presedinte [v.1.0].docx 626.6 KB
- S/Sylvain Neuvel/Sylvain Neuvel - O poveste care va urma [V1.0].docx 626.4 KB
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- R/Robert Graves - Comitele Belizarie 1.0k.docx 624.7 KB
- S/Shirley Jackson - Casa bantuita [V1.0].docx 620.6 KB
- S/Salman Rushdie/Salman Rushdie - Seducatoarea din Florenta [FS 1.0].docx 619.7 KB
- T/Tadeusz Dolega Mostowicz - 01 Vraciul [V3.0].docx 617.6 KB
- R/Robert Jean-Boulan - In imparatia mortii albe [v. 1.0].doc 617.5 KB
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- T/Tony Parsons/Tony Parsons - Sotia mea favorita.docx 615.4 KB
- T/Terry Pratchett/Terry Pratchett - Lumea Disc 03 - Magie de ambe sexe V2.0.docx 614.3 KB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Pelerinii intunericului v.1.0.docx 613.2 KB
- R/Romulus Barbulescu/Romulus Barbulescu & George Ananaia - Ferma oamenilor de piatra v1.1.docx 612.1 KB
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- P/Percival Everett - Copacii [v1.0].docx 609.5 KB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Cosmar de inchiriat v.3.0.docx 609.4 KB
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- S/Suleika Jaouad - Intre doua lumi v1.0.docx 608.6 KB
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- O/Ovidiu Raureanu - Aventurile lui Serban Andronic.doc 606.8 KB
- R/Radu Cosasu - Un nasture sau absolutul [v. 1.0].doc 606.5 KB
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- R/Rhonda Byrne - Secretul v.3.0.doc 606.0 KB
- R/Roberto Bolano/Roberto Bolano - Literatura nazista in America (v1.0) bl.docx 605.9 KB
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- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - Fiul risipitor [v.2.0].docx 601.6 KB
- P/P.B. Kerr/P.B. Kerr - Djinnii razboinici.docx 597.4 KB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Somnul sangelui FS.3.0.docx 596.1 KB
- P/Philip Jose Farmer/Philip Jose Farmer - Labirintul Magic.docx 595.7 KB
- P/Pierre Barbet/Pierre Barbet - Ciclul Baphomet - 1. Imperiul lui Baphomet v2.0.doc 594.5 KB
- T/Traian Tandin - Adio Ringo.docx 592.8 KB
- S/Sanda & Vlad Stolojan - Sa nu plecam toti odata (v.1.0).docx 592.1 KB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Mai tarziu [V1.0].docx 591.2 KB
- T/Toshikazu Kawaguchi - Pana nu se raceste cafeaua -3- Pana nu se sterg amintirile 2023.djvu 590.5 KB
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- P/Peter Cheyney - Ce le pasa damelor 1969 [v.2.0] Dyo.docx 589.1 KB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Carrie.docx 588.7 KB
- S/S. J. Watson - Ultimul cadru v1.0.docx 588.6 KB
- S/S.J. Watson - Ultimul cadru (v1.0).docx 588.6 KB
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- T/Toshikazu Kawaguchi - Povesti din cafenea v1.0 (2).docx 581.3 KB
- T/Tim LaHaye/Tim LaHaye & Jerry B. Jenkins - Pecetluirea sfintilor.docx 581.1 KB
- P/Pat Gray - Motanul [v. 1.0].doc 581.0 KB
- P/Philip Jose Farmer/Philip Jose Farmer - Lumea fluviului 05 - Zeii Lumii Fluviului v.3.0.docx 580.6 KB
- T/Tim LaHaye/Tim LaHaye & Jerry B. Jenkins - Supravietuitorii.docx 580.5 KB
- S/Stephen R. George - Durerea.docx 580.3 KB
- R/Richelle Mead/Richelle Mead - Academia Vampirilor - 1 - Academia Vampirilor.docx 580.1 KB
- R/Richard Essex - Sapte semnaturi v1.0.docx 580.1 KB
- S/Stefan Heym - Era cosmica.doc 577.5 KB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Nopti albe pentru Minerva.docx 575.5 KB
- S/Stelian Sarbu - Noaptea focurilor.docx 572.8 KB
- P/Philip Jose Farmer/Philip José Farmer - Rebelul din Dayworld.docx 571.8 KB
- P/Paul Simpson - Dosarele criminalilor în serie.docx 570.3 KB
- T/Tudor Popescu - HW își caută umbra.docx 569.1 KB
- O/Oliver Sacks/Oliver Sacks - Recunostinta.djvu 569.1 KB
- R/Romulus Dinu - ...Dintr-o lume congelata si ...false fictiuni v.0.9.docx 567.9 KB
- T/Tim LaHaye/Tim LaHaye & Jerry B. Jenkins - Apollyon.docx 567.5 KB
- S/Sandra Brown/Sandra Brown - Obligat de onoare v.1.0.docx 565.6 KB
- P/Peter Spiegelman - Pisica rosie v1.0.docx 565.2 KB
- T/Tim LaHaye/Tim LaHaye & Jerry B. Jenkins - Nicolae.docx 565.0 KB
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- S/Susanne Dunlap - Sarutul lui Liszt (v1.0) hy.docx 561.8 KB
- R/R.J. Palacio - Cartea lui Julian.djvu 561.3 KB
- S/Seth Godin - Toti suntem ciudati.djvu 561.3 KB
- P/Pierre Boulle - Profesorul Mortimer v.0.9.doc 561.0 KB
- R/Robert Tine - Pururea Tanar.docx 560.9 KB
- P/Philipp Vandenberg/Philipp Vandenberg - Dosarul Golgota (v1.0).docx 558.9 KB
- P/Philipp Vandenberg/Philipp Vandenberg - Dosarul Golgota v1.0.docx 558.9 KB
- S/Simone St. James - Fetele din Idlewild (v1.0).docx 558.5 KB
- R/Ragnar Jonasson - Insula [V1.0].docx 558.4 KB
- T/Tricia Levenseller - Fiica regelui pirat [V1.0].docx 558.4 KB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/07. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - [V3.0] Mizeriile Londrei - Vol.3.doc 554.0 KB
- T/Terry Pratchett/Terry Pratchett - Lumea Disc 32 - O Palarie Plina de Cer v1.0.docx 553.8 KB
- P/Philip K. Dick/Philiph K. Dick – Ubik v1.0.docx 553.8 KB
- S/Sharon Huss Roat- Cum sa (nu) ma vezi (v1.0).docx 553.1 KB
- S/Susan Johnson - Un iubit fantastic.docx 553.1 KB
- O/Oliver Sacks/Oliver Sacks - Recunostinta (v1.0).doc 553.0 KB
- R/Robin Hobb/Robin Hobb - 02. Asasinul Regal vol.2 v.1.0.docx 553.0 KB
- S/Sarah Vaughan - Mici dezastre v1.0.docx 552.2 KB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Vantul prin gaura cheii v1.0.docx 550.4 KB
- S/Stefan Merrill Block - Povestea uitarii (v1.0).docx 550.4 KB
- R/Richard Dawkins/Richard Dawkins - Un Rau Pornit Din Eden V.0.9.9.docx 550.3 KB
- S/Stelian Sarbu - Negustorul de iluzii.docx 549.2 KB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Iceberg v.3.0.docx 548.9 KB
- S/Somerset Maugham - Valul pictat.docx 548.8 KB
- R/R.J. Palacio - Cartea lui Julian (v1.0).doc 548.0 KB
- S/Samantha Young/Samantha Young - Pe strada Londra v1.0.docx 547.7 KB
- P/Poul Anderson/Poul Anderson - Ziua reintoarcerii lor.docx 545.7 KB
- P/P.B. Kerr/P.B. Kerr - Enigma portalului blestemat.docx 545.5 KB
- R/Robert Louis Stevenson/Robert Louis Stevenson - Straniul Caz Al Doctorului Jekyll Si Al Domnului Hyde v.2.0.docx 544.5 KB
- S/Seth Godin - Toti suntem ciudati (v1.0).doc 544.5 KB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Bulevardul Banchizelor v.3.0.docx 542.9 KB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Moartea cu melon v.3.0.docx 540.3 KB
- O/Oliver Sechan & Igor B. Maslowski - Voi, cei care n-ati fost ucisi niciodata...docx 538.9 KB
- S/Stan Nicholls/Stan Nicholls - Seria Orcii - 03.Razboinicii Furtunii [v.1.0].docx 537.2 KB
- P/Petre Varlan - Infrangerea lui Thanatos.docx 536.5 KB
- T/Timur Vermes - Ia uite cine s-a intors (v.1.0).docx 536.1 KB
- R/Ragnar Jonasson - Intuneric [V1.0].docx 534.8 KB
- S/Susan Choi - Exercitiu de incredere v1.0 bl.docx 533.8 KB
- O/Orhan Pamuk/Orhan Pamuk - Viata cea noua [v1.0].docx 532.2 KB
- S/Sandra Brown/Sandra Brown - Interviul v1.0.docx 531.9 KB
- S/Sartori Giovanni - Homo videns.docx 531.3 KB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Cosmar de inchiriat v.0.1.docx 531.0 KB
- P/Pedro Juan Gutierrez/Pedro Juan Gutierrez - Trilogie murdara la Havana [V1.0].docx 530.3 KB
- T/Tatiana de Rosnay - Maine ne va fi mai bine v1.0.docx 525.9 KB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - Maria si marea 1.0.docx 525.6 KB
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- P/Paul McAuley - Copilul fluviului.docx 522.1 KB
- P/Peter Swanson/Peter Swanson - Fata cu un ceas in loc de inima (v1.0).docx 521.7 KB
- S/Stan Nicholls/Stan Nicholls - Seria Orcii - 02.Legiunea Tunetului [v.1.0].docx 521.0 KB
- P/P. C. Wren - Beau Geste.docx 520.8 KB
- T/Tatiana de Rosnay - Se numea Sarah v1.0.docx 519.8 KB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - La nord de noi insine 1.0.docx 518.7 KB
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- R/Roberto Bolano/Roberto Bolano - Amuleta v.2.0.docx 513.2 KB
- P/Peter May - Carantina v1.0.docx 512.5 KB
- R/Robert James Waller - Podurile din Madison County (v2.0).docx 512.4 KB
- R/R.J. Palacio - Cartea despre Pluto (v1.0).doc 512.0 KB
- S/Samuel R. Delany - Intersectia Einstein.rtf 510.8 KB
- T/Tan Twan Eng/Tan Twan Eng - Gradina ceturilor din amurg v.2.0.docx 510.2 KB
- R/Ray Bradbury/Ray Bradbury - Omul ilustrat (v1.0).docx 509.8 KB
- S/Sun Tzu - Arta Razboiului.doc 509.5 KB
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- T/Tudor Octavian - Sortiti iubirii v.2.0 Dyo.docx 507.6 KB
- T/Tudor Negoita/Tudor Negoita - Cutia Pandorei.docx 507.3 KB
- P/Patrick Suskind - Parfumul (v2.0).docx 506.9 KB
- T/Tom Knox - Secretul Genezei.v.1.0.docx 505.7 KB
- P/Paulo Coelho/Paulo Coelho - Brida (v2.0).docx 504.8 KB
- T/Ted Chiang/Ted Chiang - Exalare v1.0.docx 504.3 KB
- R/R. L. Stine/R.L. Stine[Goosebumps] - Fetita care a strigat ''Monstrul!'' v1.0.docx 503.0 KB
- S/Sarah Pearse - Refugiul v1.0.docx 501.7 KB
- S/Stefan Berciu - Pichetul in alarma.docx 500.9 KB
- R/R. L. Stine/R.L. Stine[Goosebumps] - Noaptea papusii v1.0.docx 498.3 KB
- T/Tom Cain - Ţinta v1.0.docx 497.8 KB
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- P/Paulo Coelho/Paulo Coelho - Alchimistul v 1.0.doc 496.0 KB
- R/R. L. Stine/R.L. Stine[Goosebumps] - Teribilul om de zapada din Pasadena v1.0.docx 489.3 KB
- S/Salla Simukka/Salla Simukka - Rosu ca sangele [V1.0].docx 488.1 KB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Ira Melanox v.3.0.docx 486.5 KB
- T/Theodor Storm - Micutul Hawelmann.docx 486.2 KB
- P/P. G. Wodehouse/P.G. Wodehouse - Jeeves intra in actiune (v1.0) hy.docx 485.1 KB
- S/Susan Meissner - Secrete pentru o viata v1.0.docx 485.0 KB
- S/Samantha Young/Samantha Young - Pe strada Jamaica v1.0.docx 482.4 KB
- S/Samantha Young/Samantha Young - Pe strada Dublin v1.0.docx 477.2 KB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Labirintul v.3.0.docx 476.1 KB
- S/Seth Godin - Vaca mov v1.0.docx 475.4 KB
- S/Sarah Addison Allen - Grădina fermecată v.1.0.docx 475.1 KB
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- P/Paula Hawkins - Unghiul mort [V1.0].docx 472.7 KB
- S/Saul Bellow/Saul Bellow - Planeta domnului Sammler (v1.0) bl.docx 472.5 KB
- S/Stefan Berciu/Stefan Berciu - Voalul negru (V 1.0).docx 471.0 KB
- S/Sarah MacLean/Sarah MacLean - [Love by Numbers 03] Unsprezece scandaluri de evitat (v1.0) hy.docx 470.1 KB
- R/Ray Nelson - Ora 8 dimineata v.1.0.docx 469.6 KB
- R/R. L. Stine/R.L. Stine[Goosebumps] - Varcolacul din mlastina Fever v1.0.docx 469.2 KB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Merge, San-Antonio (v.1.0) [01].docx 469.0 KB
- S/Samantha Young/Samantha Young - Pe strada India v1.0.docx 469.0 KB
- O/Ovidiu Zotta/Ovidiu Zotta - Toți băieții sunt răi.Toți băieții sunt buni.docx 467.8 KB
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- P/Philip MacDonald - Odihneasca-se in pace! 1970 [v.3.0] Dyo.docx 466.7 KB
- P/Paradais Claudiu - Cîntecul nibelungilor.docx 466.0 KB
- R/Ruth Ware/Ruth Ware - Usa ferecata v1.0.docx 465.5 KB
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- S/Serge Marquis - Ziua in care am inceput sa ma iubesc cu adevarat v1.0.docx 464.6 KB
- S/Salman Rushdie/Salman Rushdie - Orient, Occident [v 1.0].docx 464.2 KB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - [Turnul intunecat 01] Pistolarul v2.0.docx 464.0 KB
- P/Peter Chambers/Peter Chambers - Vorbeste-i de rau pe morti [v.2.0].docx 463.2 KB
- R/R.J. Palacio - Cartea despre Pluto.djvu 462.8 KB
- R/Romain Rolland/Romain Rolland - Inima vrăjită 5. Zămislirea.docx 461.6 KB
- R/Robert Louis Stevenson/Robert Louis Stevenson - Saint-Ives 1.0.docx 460.6 KB
- T/T.M. Logan - 29 de secunde v1.0.docx 458.8 KB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Temperamentali, tipii! (v.2.0).docx 456.3 KB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Carnavalul de fier v.3.0.docx 455.6 KB
- P/Philip Pulmann/Philip Pulmann - [MATERIILE INTUNECATE] 02 Pumnalul diafan [v.1.0].docx 454.7 KB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Descaleca si du-te (v1.0) [19] hy.docx 454.4 KB
- R/R. L. Stine/R.L. Stine[Goosebumps] - Nu ma puteti speria v1.0.docx 453.7 KB
- P/Philip K. Dick/Philip K. Dick - Dr. Bloodmoney.docx 450.5 KB
- R/R. L. Stine/R.L. Stine[Goosebumps] - Necazuri mari v1.0.docx 450.0 KB
- S/Sue Monk Kidd - Jiltul sirenei v 1.0.docx 446.7 KB
- R/R. L. Stine/R.L. Stine[Goosebumps] - Nu coborati in pivnita v1.0.docx 446.1 KB
- R/Ruth Hogan - Colectionarul de obiecte pierdute (v1.0).docx 444.9 KB
- T/Trish Cook - Sub soarele noptii [V1.0].docx 444.6 KB
- R/Riu Murakami - In supa miso v1.0.docx 444.6 KB
- R/Robert A. Heinlein/Robert A. Heinlein - Univers v.2.0 (Prima parte).doc 444.0 KB
- P/Philip Jose Farmer/Philip Jose Farmer - Lumea fluviului 02 - Vasul miraculos v.3.0.docx 443.7 KB
- S/Ștefan Popescu - Paşala.docx 443.1 KB
- S/Sara Shepard/Sara Shepard - Micutele mincinoase -2 Impecabil v1.0.docx 441.6 KB
- P/Peter Mayle/Peter Mayle - Un an in Provence v 1.0 .docx 440.9 KB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/09. Panait Istrati - Cum am devenit scriitor vol.1 (v.0.1)/Cum am devenit scriitor vol.1_Text.docx 436.7 KB
- R/Romain Puértolas - Zahera, fetiţa care a înghiţit un nor mare cât Turnul Eiffel.docx 435.5 KB
- S/Serge Marquis - E de rau gandim prea mult v1.0.docx 434.2 KB
- T/Tracey Garvis Graves - Fata pe care el o stia (v1.0).docx 433.5 KB
- P/Philip Pulmann/Philip Pullman - Sally Lockhart 1 Rubinul din fum v1.0.docx 432.9 KB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Lacate Carnivore v.4.0.docx 432.4 KB
- R/Raymond F. Jones/Raymond F. Jones - Locuitorul celor doua lumi.docx 432.1 KB
- P/Pascal Bruckner/Pascal Bruckner - Capcaunii anonimi (v1.0).doc 432.0 KB
- S/Silva Daniel - Asasinul englez v.2.0.docx 431.9 KB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Salutare Parintele [18] v1.1.docx 431.7 KB
- P/Paulo Coelho/Paulo Coelho - Aleph (v2.0).docx 430.3 KB
- P/Pompiliu Tudoran/Pompiliu Tudoran - In slujba domniei vol.3 2.0k.docx 429.8 KB
- P/Pascal Bruckner/Pascal Bruckner - Palatul Chelfanelii.pdf 429.5 KB
- T/Toshikazu Kawaguchi - Povesti din cafenea v1.0.docx 428.7 KB
- P/Pompiliu Tudoran/Pompiliu Tudoran - In slujba domniei vol.2 2.0k.docx 426.1 KB
- P/Peter Cheyney - Ultimul pahar 1975 [v.1.0] Dyo.docx 425.8 KB
- R/Rebecca Serle - O vara italiana v1.0.docx 425.1 KB
- P/P.B. Kerr/P.B. Kerr - Akhnaton si Djinnii captivi.docx 424.8 KB
- O/Orhan Pamuk/Orhan Pamuk - Fortareata alba [v2.0].docx 424.7 KB
- T/Thomas Cathcart/Thomas Cathcart - Dilema v.0.1.docx 422.8 KB
- P/Platon/Platon - Sofistul.doc 421.3 KB
- P/Pierre Accoce & Pierre Rentchwick - Acesti bolnavi care ne guverneaza.docx 421.0 KB
- P/Petre Salcudeanu/Petre Salcudeanu - Bunicul și păcatele lumii.docx 419.7 KB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Arhipelagul mitocanilor (v.2.0).docx 419.3 KB
- R/Radu Lungu - Povestea tuicii romanesti v. 1.0.doc 419.0 KB
- R/Roy Jacobsen - O minune de copil (v1.0).docx 418.0 KB
- T/Ted Chiang/Ted Chiang - Povestea vietii tale v 0.9 .docx 417.4 KB
- S/Sandra Brown/Sandra Brown - Dragoste fierbinte v1.0.docx 417.2 KB
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- P/Paul Constant - Haiducii 1.0.docx 416.1 KB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - O lume intreaga 1.0.docx 415.8 KB
- P/Paul Feval/Paul Feval-fiul - D'Artagnan Contra Cyrano.docx 413.0 KB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - In misiune secreta.doc 410.8 KB
- S/Sally Green/Sally Green - Jumatatea Salbatica.v.1.0.docx 410.3 KB
- P/Paulo Coelho/Paulo Coelho - Adulter [v 1.0].docx 408.6 KB
- R/Raymond Chandler/Raymond Chandler - Nimic de Vanzare [v.1.0].docx 402.7 KB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Colorado Kid [V1.0].docx 401.4 KB
- P/Peter Mayle/Peter Mayle - Hotul de vinuri v1.0.docx 400.9 KB
- T/Trevor Paglen & A. C. Thompson - Taxiurile torturii.rtf 400.8 KB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Misery v.1.0.docx 399.6 KB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Bacanala la coana Tatzi [77] v1.0.docx 399.3 KB
- R/Raymond Chandler/Raymond Chandler - Misterul crimelor de la Little Fawn Lake v.1.0.docx 399.0 KB
- P/Peter Mayle/Peter Mayle - Provence pentru totdeauna v.1.0.docx 398.5 KB
- P/Philip Jose Farmer/Philip Jose Farmer - Povestiri.docx 396.6 KB
- P/Peter Hobbs - In livada, randunicile (v1.0).doc 396.5 KB
- R/Radu Arges - Stanci insangerate [v.1.0].doc 395.0 KB
- P/Philip Jose Farmer/Philip Jose Farmer - Lumea fluviului 01 - Inapoi la trupurile voastre... v.3.0.docx 393.9 KB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Cantec de leagan pentru Beru (v.2.0).docx 389.9 KB
- S/Sandor Marai - Turneu la Bolzano.docx 388.3 KB
- P/Peter Cheyney/Peter Cheyney - Ultimul Pahar [v 1.0].docx 388.1 KB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/06. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - V5 Adevărul asupra lui Rocambole [6.ULTIMUL CUVÂNT...][V1.0].doc 388.0 KB
- T/Teru Miyamoto - Brocart de toamna v1.0.docx 385.8 KB
- P/Paulo Coelho/Paulo Coelho - Manuscrisul gasit la Accra V2.0.doc 385.5 KB
- P/Paul Henricks - Musuroiul de furnici 1975 [v.1.0] Dyo.docx 382.4 KB
- P/Platon/Platon - Gorgias v.1.0.doc 380.9 KB
- T/Tony Parsons/Tony Parsons - Copil si barbat.docx 380.2 KB
- S/Stendhal/Stendhal - Manastirea din Parma - vol.2.docx 374.5 KB
- S/Stefan Zaides - Misiune de taina in cetatea eterna 1.0k.docx 374.0 KB
- S/Sara Shepard/Sara Shepard - Micutele mincinoase -1 Micutele Mincinoase v1.0.docx 373.6 KB
- O/Ovidiu Zotta/Ovidiu Zotta - Spadasinul de serviciu.docx 371.4 KB
- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Apel din necunoscut.docx 370.1 KB
- P/Paolo Bacigalupi/Paolo Bacigalupi - Omul calorie v1.0.docx 369.9 KB
- T/Tatiana de Rosnay - Anotimpul ploilor v1.0.docx 369.1 KB
- S/Stefan Luca - Nu e senina dimineata v1.0.docx 368.4 KB
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- R/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu/Rodica Ojog-Brasoveanu - Violeta din safe.docx 367.2 KB
- P/Per Wahloo - Crima de la etajul 31 1969 [v.2.0] Dyo.docx 363.9 KB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Se ingroase gluma (v.3.0).docx 363.6 KB
- S/Susanna Tamaro - Mergi unde te poarta inima v1.0.docx 363.2 KB
- S/Stefania Piazzino - Barbatul care se credea Riemann.pdf 362.4 KB
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- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - Ferma Cotofana vesela si Porcul mizantrop 1.0.docx 361.7 KB
- O/Ovidiu Zotta/Ovidiu Zotta - O șansă pentru fiecare.docx 361.2 KB
- P/Pompiliu Tudoran/Pompiliu Tudoran - In slujba domniei vol.1 2.0k.docx 360.9 KB
- S/Stendhal/Stendhal - Manastirea din Parma - vol.1.docx 357.8 KB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/03. Panait Istrati - Familia Perlmutter (v.1.0)/Panait Istrati - Familia Perlmutter v.1.0.docx 357.3 KB
- P/Peter Mayle/Peter Mayle - Din nou in Provence v 1.0.docx 354.3 KB
- S/Sara Shepard/Sara Shepard - Micutele mincinoase -3 Perfect v 1.0.docx 352.7 KB
- T/Tudor Negoita/Tudor Negoita - Verificati ipoteza Nessus.docx 352.2 KB
- S/Stanislaw Lem/Stanislaw Lem - Golem XIV.rtf 351.4 KB
- P/Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Biroul de plasare v.1.0.docx 350.7 KB
- R/Roger Zelazny/Roger Zelazny - Drumul Iadului.djvu 347.7 KB
- P/Paul B. Thompson - In inima rece a soarelui.docx 345.9 KB
- T/Theodore Sturgeon/Theodore Sturgeon - Mai mult decât oameni.jpg 344.3 KB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Daca tanti le avea [30] (v2.1) hy.docx 343.8 KB
- R/Ross MacDonald/Ross MacDonald – Noaptea razbunarii [v.1.0].docx 342.8 KB
- R/Romulus Barbulescu/Romulus Barbulescu & George Anania - Captiv în inima Galaxiei [CPSF_226].rtf 339.5 KB
- R/Ray Bradbury/Ray Bradburry - Cronici martiene.docx 337.6 KB
- R/Robert Louis Stevenson/Robert Louis Stevenson - Seniorul de Ballantrae 1.0.docx 336.0 KB
- P/Paul Constant - Stalpi de foc 1.0.docx 335.4 KB
- O/Olga Tokarczuk - Ultimele povestiri v1.0.docx 334.1 KB
- O/O. Goga & M. Stan - Cazul Spada (v1.1) hy.docx 333.6 KB
- R/R. L. Stine/R.L. Stine[Goosebumps] - Bun venit in casa mortilor.docx 333.0 KB
- R/Ruth Rendell - Cotloane intunecate v1.0.docx 333.0 KB
- S/Stephen King/Stephen King - Lumea Plajei v.1.0.doc 333.0 KB
- R/Ryu Murakami - 69 v1.0 bl.docx 331.8 KB
- S/Sara Shepard/Sara Shepard - Micutele mincinoase si se - 1. Secretul Hannei v1.0.docx 331.7 KB
- T/Tom Rait - Vrăjile junglei [v.1.0].doc 331.5 KB
- T/Tudor Negoita/Tudor Negoita - Cind zeii conspira.docx 330.6 KB
- P/Peter Chambers/Peter Chambers - Recviem pentru o roscata [v.1.0].docx 330.2 KB
- T/Tami Hoag/Tami Hoag - Iubire fermecata.v.1.0.docx 327.0 KB
- R/Radu Paraschivescu/Radu Paraschivescu - Cum gandesc politicienii (v1.0).docx 326.8 KB
- R/Romulus Cojocaru - Aparatorul se apara (V 1.0).docx 326.7 KB
- R/Raymond L. Weil - Primul Contact.docx 326.2 KB
- S/Salla Simukka/Salla Simukka - Alb ca zapada [V1.0].docx 324.6 KB
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- O/Octavian Georgescu - Ora epavelor .docx 322.7 KB
- P/Petre Salcudeanu/Petre Salcudeanu - Bunicul și o lacrimă de fată.docx 322.3 KB
- S/Sara Shepard/Sara Shepard - Micutele mincinoase si se - 4. Secretul lui Spencer v1.0.docx 321.8 KB
- P/Primo Levi - Mai este oare acesta un om v1.0 bl.docx 321.2 KB
- P/Paolo Giordano - In vremea contaminarii v1.0.docx 320.7 KB
- R/Romulus Barbulescu/Romulus Barbulescu & George Anania - Ochii ei albastri [CPSF_307].djvu 320.4 KB
- T/Teodor Parapiru/Teodor Parapiru - Medalionul [v2.0].docx 320.3 KB
- P/Philippe Curval/Philippe Curval - Resacul spatiului.docx 317.5 KB
- P/Pascal Bruckner/Bruckner Pascal - Pazea, se-ntoarce Mos Craciun!(v2.0).doc 317.0 KB
- S/Seanan McGuire - Orice inima e o poarta.docx 315.9 KB
- R/Remus Boldea - A ras si tata 2022.djvu 314.2 KB
- P/Patricia Nan - Ochi de sarpe v1.0.docx 313.5 KB
- R/Romulus Barbulescu/Romulus Barbulescu & George Anania - Fântânile [CPSF_278].djvu 305.1 KB
- S/Sara Shepard/Sara Shepard - Micutele mincinoase si se - 2. Secretul lui Emily v1.0.docx 304.9 KB
- R/Romain Rolland/Romain Rolland - Inima vrăjită 3. Mamă și fiu.docx 304.6 KB
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- S/Sergiu Tofan - De la arhaic la liturgic v.1.0 [X].docx 303.0 KB
- R/Robert Louis Stevenson/Robert Louis Stevenson - Sageata neagra 1.0.docx 302.4 KB
- S/Sara Shepard/Sara Shepard - Micutele mincinoase si se - 3. Secretul Ariei v1.0.docx 300.2 KB
- R/Romain Rolland/Romain Rolland - Inima vrăjită 4. Moartea unei lumi.docx 300.0 KB
- S/Stephane Arfi - Trei zile la Ierusalim v1.0.docx 299.1 KB
- P/Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Casa Thuringer v.1.0.docx 298.8 KB
- P/Paul Feval/Paul Feval - Ultimele Zane V1.0.docx 297.6 KB
- T/Teodora Matei/Teodora Matei - Povesti la castel 1 - Stapanul castelului v1.0.docx 296.8 KB
- T/Tami Hoag/Tami Hoag - Inalt, brunet, indragostit.v.1.0.docx 295.4 KB
- S/Spencer Johnson - Cine mi-a luat cascavalul (v1.0).doc 293.5 KB
- P/Philip Jose Farmer/Philip Jose Farmer - Venus iesind din valuri.docx 293.2 KB
- S/Sergio Pitol - Imblinzirea divinei egrete [V 1.0].docx 290.5 KB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Da buna ziua la doamna [31] v1.0 hy.docx 289.4 KB
- P/Pascal Bruckner/Pascal Bruckner - Un an si o zi v1.0.docx 288.8 KB
- O/Ovidiu Zotta/Ovidiu Zotta - Alexandru cel argintiu.docx 288.7 KB
- P/Pauline Reage - Povestea lui O.docx 288.4 KB
- R/Robert Silverberg/Robert Silverberg - Joc crud v.0.9.docx 287.7 KB
- R/Romulus Barbulescu/Romulus Barbulescu & George Anania - Aventura pe fluviul de hidrogen [CPSF_410-411].djvu 287.6 KB
- P/Pompiliu Tudoran/Pompiliu Tudoran - Domnii trecatoare, domnitori uitati 1.0.docx 286.6 KB
- P/Paula Hawkins/Paula Hawkins - Unghiul mort v1.0.docx 284.3 KB
- R/Romain Rolland/Romain Rolland - Inima vrăjită 2. Vara.docx 283.8 KB
- S/Sylvie Germain - Zile de mânie.docx 282.7 KB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Jos labele (v2.0) [28] hy.docx 281.6 KB
- R/Radu Tudoran/Radu Tudoran - Orasul cu fete sarace 1.0.docx 280.4 KB
- P/Patrick Modiano - Strada Dughenelor Intunecoase.docx 273.5 KB
- R/Rachel Lee - Admiratorul secret v1.0.docx 272.5 KB
- R/Robert Louis Stevenson/Robert Louis Stevenson & Lloyd Osbourne - Un colet cu bucluc 1.0.docx 272.0 KB
- O/Olga Tokarczuk - Calatoria oamenilor cartii (v1.0) bl.docx 270.4 KB
- P/Platon/Platon - Philebos.rtf 266.8 KB
- S/Stefan Zweig/Stefan Zweig - Jucatorul de sah v.2.0.docx 262.8 KB
- R/Ralph Edward Woodrow - Religia tainica a Babilonului.docx 258.9 KB
- R/R. N. Güntekin/R. N. Güntekin - Povestiri v.1.0.doc 258.5 KB
- S/Susanna Tamaro - Pe o singura voce v1.0.docx 257.7 KB
- P/Paulo Coelho/Paulo Coelho - Al cincilea munte [v 1.0].docx 255.1 KB
- P/Paul Constant - Iancu Jianu 2.0.docx 254.0 KB
- T/Tom Holt - Asteptau pe cineva mai inalt V1.0.docx 253.8 KB
- P/Paulo Coelho/Paulo Coelho - Fii ca raul care curge v1.0.docx 251.9 KB
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- T/Truman Capote - Mic dejun la Tiffany v1.0.docx 245.6 KB
- R/Romulus Barbulescu/Romulus Barbulescu & George Ananaia - Cat de mic poate fi infernul [v1.0].docx 245.5 KB
- R/Robert Hichens - Fantomele Pustiului [v.1.0].doc 245.5 KB
- R/Romulus Barbulescu/Romulus Barbulescu - Salciile nu plang decat seara.rtf 244.7 KB
- P/Philip Roth - Animal pe moarte v.1.0.docx 244.6 KB
- T/Teodora Matei/Teodora Matei - Povesti la castel 2 - O noapte la castel v1.0.docx 241.7 KB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Si dama credea ca... [36] v1.0 hy.docx 239.2 KB
- R/Raymond F. Jones/Raymond F. Jones - Extraterestrul.docx 236.7 KB
- R/Richard McKenna - Vânatorule, intoarce-te acasa.doc 236.5 KB
- R/Raymond F. Jones/Raymond F. Jones - Creierele cibernetice.docx 234.3 KB
- S/Stendhal/Stendhal - Armance v.1.0.docx 230.7 KB
- T/Teodora Matei/Teodora Matei - Povesti la castel 3 - Inima castelului v1.0 (1).docx 230.1 KB
- T/Teodora Matei/Teodora Matei - Povesti la castel 3 - Inima castelului v1.0.docx 230.1 KB
- S/Stanley G. Weinbaum/Stanley G. Weinbaum - Insula Proteus.doc 229.5 KB
- S/San-Antonio/San-Antonio - Tombola pungasilor [32] v1.0 hy.docx 223.0 KB
- R/Robert A. Heinlein/Robert Heinlein - ...Şi el construi o casă în dungă, o casă în dungă... v.1.0.doc 222.0 KB
- P/Pierre Barbet/Pierre Barbet - Ciclul Baphomet 1 - Imperiul lui Baphomet.docx 218.0 KB
- P/Pierre Barbet/Pierre Barbet - Ciclul Baphomet 2 - Cruciada stelara.docx 216.1 KB
- T/Tarjei Vesaas - Palatul de gheata.docx 215.3 KB
- P/Paul Auster - In tara ultimelor lucruri v.2.0.docx 214.0 KB
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- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/P.I. Colectia Digitala.jpg 211.7 KB
- S/Staton Rabin - Betsy si Napoleon.djvu 204.0 KB
- S/Siegfried Lenz - Un moment de reculegere v 1.0.docx 199.9 KB
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- P/Paul Constant - Râia 1.0.docx 197.2 KB
- P/Petre Bellu/Petre Bellu - Apararea are cuvantul v.0.1.docx 196.7 KB
- R/Roger Zelazny/Roger Zelazny - Un trandafir pentru Ecleziast.doc 194.5 KB
- P/Petre Salcudeanu/Petre Salcudeanu - Bunicul și doi delicvenți minori.docx 194.2 KB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/Juneţea regelui Henric/Anexe Junete P1/CUPRINSUL SERIEI - Junetea regelui Henri.doc 190.5 KB
- S/Sever Noran/Sever Noran - Comoara care poate ucide.docx 190.3 KB
- R/Romulus Barbulescu/Romulus Barbulescu & George Anania - Astronava lui OLM [CPSF_259-260].djvu 190.2 KB
- P/Platon/Platon - Alcibiade v.1.0.doc 189.2 KB
- T/Takashi Hiraide - Pisica musafir.docx 185.3 KB
- P/Platon/Platon - Euthydemos.rtf 183.8 KB
- P/Platon/Platon - Charmides v.1.0.doc 183.5 KB
- P/Pascal Bruckner/Pascal Bruckner - Căpcăunii anonimi v.2.0.docx 179.6 KB
- P/Platon/Platon - Menon v.1.0.doc 177.5 KB
- R/Robert A. Heinlein/Robert A. Heinlein - Voi, Zombilor v.1.0.doc 177.0 KB
- R/Romulus Barbulescu/Romulus Barbulescu & George Anania - Fântânile [CPSF_278].rtf 174.4 KB
- P/Platon/Platon - Hippias Maior v.1.0.doc 173.7 KB
- P/Platon/Platon - Menexenos v.1.0.doc 172.2 KB
- P/Patrick Modiano - Calatorie de nunta.docx 171.0 KB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/09. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Coperta 1 S9 FS V1.jpg 170.0 KB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/09. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Coperta 1 S9 FS V2.jpg 169.4 KB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/07. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/S7ML_Cop1 V2.jpg 168.7 KB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/07. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/S7ML_Cop1 V1.jpg 168.7 KB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/07. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/S7ML_Cop1 V4.jpg 168.6 KB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/07. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/S7ML_Cop1 V3.jpg 168.6 KB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/08. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Cop.1 S8 RP V2.jpg 167.7 KB
- R/Robert Silverberg/Robert Silverberg - Cer arzator.doc 167.0 KB
- S/Stanley G. Weinbaum/Stanley G. Weinbaum - Valea viselor.doc 167.0 KB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/08. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Cop.1 S8 RP V1.jpg 166.5 KB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/09. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Coperta 4 S9 FS V2.jpg 165.9 KB
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- P/Patricia Highsmith - Va rog, nu trageti in pomi.doc 135.5 KB
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- P/Philip K. Dick/Philip K. Dick - FOSTER EŞTI MORT! v.2.0.doc 132.5 KB
- R/Richard Matheson/Richard Matheson - Scamatorie.doc 132.5 KB
- P/Philip K. Dick/Philip K. Dick - Jocul de-a razboiul v5.0.doc 131.0 KB
- R/Robert Sheckley/Robert Sheckley - Pasarea de paza v.1.0.doc 126.0 KB
- R/Romulus Barbulescu/Romulus Barbulescu & George Anania - Aventura pe fluviul de hidrogen [CPSF_410-411].rtf 122.5 KB
- P/Platon/Platon - Lysis v.1.0.doc 121.5 KB
- S/Stephen Baxter/Stephen Baxter - Planck zero.doc 120.0 KB
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- P/Paul-Ludwig Landsberg - Eseu despre experiența morții v.0.1.docx 115.8 KB
- R/Robert Sheckley/Robert Sheckley - Potential.doc 114.5 KB
- S/Stephen Baxter/Stephen Baxter - Columbiadul.doc 113.5 KB
- P/Platon/Platon - Lahes v.1.0.doc 109.0 KB
- R/Robert A. Heinlein/Robert A. Heinlein - Veghe Indelungata v.2.0.doc 107.5 KB
- S/Spider Robinson - Melancolia elefantilor.doc 107.0 KB
- O/Octavia E. Butler - Sunetele vorbirii.doc 106.5 KB
- R/Ray Bradbury/Ray Bradbury - Cosmaruri in Armageddon.doc 106.5 KB
- R/Robert Sheckley/Robert Sheckley - Nugent Miller si fetele.doc 105.5 KB
- R/Richard Kadrey - Modificat pentru a ucide.doc 104.5 KB
- R/Robert Silverberg/Robert Silverberg - Afacerea relicvelor.doc 102.0 KB
- R/Robert Franklin Young - Septembrie avea 30 de zile v.1.0.doc 99.5 KB
- P/Philip K. Dick/Philip K. Dick - Navetistul.doc 99.0 KB
- T/Theodore Sturgeon/Theodore Sturgeon - Un Ozn De Singuratate v.0.9.9.doc 96.5 KB
- R/Robert Sheckley/Robert Sheckley - Planeta ieftina.doc 94.5 KB
- S/Sun Bin-Nobila arta a razboiului.docx 93.1 KB
- P/Platon/Platon- Apararea lui Socrate v.1.0.doc 92.4 KB
- P/Philip Jose Farmer/Philip Jose Farmer - Fiica.doc 91.5 KB
- R/Roger Zelazny/Roger Zelazny - Inger, inger intunecat.doc 91.5 KB
- T/Thomas Mann/Thomas Mann - Tristan.docx 91.5 KB
- P/Panait Istrati/Proiect Panait Istrati/09. Panait Istrati - Cum am devenit scriitor vol.1 (v.0.1)/Cum am devenit scriitor vol.1_NoteSubsol.txt 89.0 KB
- R/Robert Silverberg/Robert Silverberg - Vântul si ploaia.doc 85.5 KB
- P/Platon/Platon - Ion v.1.0.doc 83.2 KB
- R/Robert Sheckley/Robert Sheckley - Poveste Cu Spioni.doc 81.0 KB
- P/Platon/Platon - Euthyphron v.1.0.doc 80.7 KB
- R/Richard Matheson/Richard Matheson - Sorry, right number.doc 80.0 KB
- T/Terry Bisson/Terry Bisson - macsii.doc 78.5 KB
- R/Ramsey Campbell - Copyright depasit.doc 78.0 KB
- R/Romulus Barbulescu/Romulus Barbulescu & George Anania - Astronava lui OLM [CPSF_259-260].rtf 71.5 KB
- P/Paul J. McAuley - Razboaiele genetice.doc 71.0 KB
- P/Philip K. Dick/Philip K. Dick - Wub.doc 71.0 KB
- S/Spider Robinson - Urechea de tinichea.doc 65.5 KB
- P/Panait Istrati/Panait Istrati - Musa v.1.0.docx 64.9 KB
- P/Platon/Platon - Criton v.1.0.doc 60.3 KB
- R/Robert Sheckley/Robert Sheckley - Lipitoarea.rtf 59.7 KB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/Juneţea regelui Henric/Anexe Junete P1/INDEX Junetea - P1.doc 56.5 KB
- R/Richard Kadrey - Natura moarta cu apocalipsa.doc 55.0 KB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/07. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/S7ML_Cop2.jpg 53.6 KB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/08. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/Subcop 2 S8 RP.jpg 53.6 KB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Interviu (imaginar) in exclusivitate cu Serge Brussolo v.2.0.docx 53.5 KB
- R/Robert Sheckley/Robert Sheckley - Lumea pe care ti-o doreste inima v.1.0.doc 53.5 KB
- T/Terry Bisson/Terry Bisson - Sunt facuti din carne.doc 53.5 KB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/Juneţea regelui Henric/Anexe Junete P1/MODIFICĂRI CUVINTE Junetea - P1.doc 52.0 KB
- T/Taku Mayumura - Invierea.doc 52.0 KB
- T/Taku Mayumura - Robotul atotstiutor.doc 52.0 KB
- R/Ralph Peters - Contraatac.docx 51.6 KB
- P/Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail/07. Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail - Rocambole/INDEX - Sr.7 Mizeriile Londrei.doc 51.0 KB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Copiii lui Proteu v.2.0.docx 47.3 KB
- P/Philip Jose Farmer/Philip Jose Farmer - Nu Spalati Caratele v.2.0.doc 47.0 KB
- S/Serge Brussolo/Serge Brussolo - Un Ianus al imaginarului V.1.0.doc 39.5 KB
- S/Snowdon King - Jocul lui Lucifer.doc 38.0 KB
- R/Robert Sheckley/Robert Sheckley - Femeia perfecta v.1.0.doc 36.0 KB
- T/Truman Capote - Miriam.docx 35.6 KB
- P/Philip Jose Farmer/Philip Jose Farmer - Regele animalelor.doc 34.0 KB
- Romanian Ebook Collection Part 4.jpg 29.9 KB
- T/Terry Pratchett/Terry Pratchet - Teatrul cruzimii.docx 19.5 KB
- T/Terry Pratchett/Terry Pratchet - Moartea si ce vine dupa.docx 18.0 KB
- S/Selma Lagerlöf/Niils.txt 4.1 KB
- [TGx]Downloaded from .txt 468 bytes
- Romanian Ebook Collection Part 4.nfo 220 bytes
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